7' y IN i I ft r U.V - M4E I H i. l- i I-V- . w "i . . I5.&XS 3,-- S VEA9t.. ., UM.,?- lt. - CtlWN ft teSSSU IaSTSS! V Mi BSVS M srsrsw the call stoats' aae;el whisper wa sasck ef aer pse es ts ssr- msyssr: loWT WSO IsWed atssva cheated lis year! laay eiote frteastalst ss trsta?. Affections ws ssar teaed as dear: Aft t sew dltereatly all tblsis appear la a rear 1 Oh tes asart ts M lot be natnM la a year? Ones I taouf at myself efterlifted by yos. Yoa soeaed wispy whese'er I wu near; Caa It be yew re grows cold, m I tear, la a year f My lore kaa become bat more strong la a year; Walla yours eoald endure not that long. All were welt could I tee my way clear la Bay kesrt set to bold yoa o dear. la a year. GSOHGK BlBDSSTS. am nauu KntliUlll' 4&& wbaVB.ilm.as. ilVUVVa 8tmaa to a P. this paper. AN'T you bear up Just a little longer, father!" The ioakcr was a small, trimly built woman, with a bright, intelligent face, and though she I tried to speak cheer fully, there wa a wailing undertone of grief, apnost of despair, i tho tone of her ve'eo. "I'msf oared I can't, Nell 'Pears like I'm s slmost conn." and the oswcr came huski ly from the lip of a fck man stretched in the bottom of a long emigrant wagon drawn by a pair ol patient mules, who wet driven orer tfta trail by the womaa. "If ftere was only a parson to say ft bit of a prayer, Nell, aoems like I could go more eomrortable, fur I're boen a rough man, ot like the quiet bum body I was when I left yon, wife. But you seo ther's nobody bat me at Camp Nogood; bamt soon a petticut ia nigh two year, jest think o' that. NelU and you'll never know how per fectly lovely you an the kids looked to Mwheayou stepped off the train, an' lowl'ragottflr go an leave ye," and a sharp spasm af paia convulsed the white ssoe. 4 Oh I father, don't talk of dying," and afte wife turned her head away as the hot tears trickled down nor cheeks. " We'll aooa fte at the camp, and then, may be, omctbiag caa be done for you." Say, poppy, poppy, I see a house away osTyeader," aad a little boy of eight eager ly strained his eyes over tho long stretch f road before them to the snot where tho faiat c&tllae of a rude shanty was visible in the distaace. "That's Tim Conway's cabin, half a mile from the camp," eald the sick man, fee bly, "but I ahaa't live to git there, fur it's five mile away aa' night a comin' on." "No, no, Bradly, it's real light yet If yoa caa stand it to rido so far may be we caa make It. Don't give up, father, don't, aow," and a gleam of bopo mingled with bar tears at the welcome thought that a human habitation waa in sight; and better till, that the camp, the objective point f their jouraev, waa almost in eight also. " Drive oa, Nell, I'll try an' bear it." A array shadow was stealing over tho sick nan's face already, but he did not know it; be oaly knew that a cold hand waa touch ing at his heart, chilling him through and through. Ho thought it was the wind which blew down the trail with a shivering sug jrostioa of' winter, but it was a stronger breath than that of Boreas which was freezing his life-blood and stopping its free current through his veins. The mules plodded along their way and the children watched the little speck in tho distance aa It came steadily nearer with childish interest Besides tho boy of eight, there waa a little girl of fire, and tho baby, Nell, aged three, so wrapped in shawls that sho looked more like a mummy than a living child, and tho mother's toars chilled on her cheeks as she drove the mules for ward with the hope that succor might be noar. It was not an onviablo situation. The husband two years before had started away from a comfortable home in Illinois, imbuod with the spirit of advent tire aad with a longing for wealth which tM plodding farm life did not satisfy. A aeighbor had come home from the mount sins with marvelous tales of wealth to bo aoaairedin the mines, and after selling the farm aad dividing the proceeds with tils wife for her support while he was rose, he had taken kisshare aad gone back witb his comrade. Hta claim bad not panned out aa ha had hoped, but not feeling willing to abandon bis enterprise, he had seat for his wife aad children to come out to him, promising to meet them at Denver. Qjaito unknown to him aa insidious dis ease had been creeping upoa hiss for tho past year, wcakeatag him slowly but surely, aad hta wife was shocked when aha aaw his drawn and altered face whea be met her at the train, and when they ware aboat tea miles from the city he bad beea taken with aa acute attack of bis disease, and the affrighted wife had pursued the journey which had beea com menced so hopefully, for she was a cheer fal little body, aad aad formed many wifely plans for the new mountain home, which was ee ling wltr heart-sickaess aad Oread. There had beea quite aa ezcltemeat ia the camp w'tea the letter had caaseaa Bouncing that the little woman aad her children were oa the way. "Yer .ter quit yer swearla'. Bill Nerlnt, wheathere'aawomlnt'round," said Dick Oowdy. "Bakes, i hain't seea awomlat la ao loag I meat forgot bow they look." "Berne o yea fellers 'd better shave up a Mt r she'll be sheered at the slgkt ef such Botteatots." Burt Macomber waa the dandy of the camp, aad rudeaa the be leagiags ef the aUaers were, they would bave beea mare ae had it aot beea for his nAaJeg taste. Be bad eace ventured te carry a cane, bat bis cemradea peremptorily drew the llae ef prehibttiea at caaes, aad he waa f oread te discard the obnoxious article. A iMgb bat kiad-hearted set of men, they bad tmade quite a bustle af prepara tlea taraagb the day ea wklck they had taihsilatad the traveler would return. Tsetbeea bad scrubbed bis shaaty. i Colllae, who kept the loag. board wbleb aaswered fer a hotel, had artttieaedaa! aaapartmeat for the tired aaaabar aam aer eauarea win a certain oi amUacreagblj eewa together, aad la aa frees: SC taste aaa maamtanurea far a wiadew cartala from the iaC am aid white shirt which had packed away ia ais traak rabbisb. i like alcb track, ae explained salsarnlirsllT asaoeairadestarea lasur Zaeattheaawoated lazary haagiag ever aWllltlewiBdow. . am this tiase the wales wera tailing wearily P the trail toward the speck of a iSia They had almost reached It whea vnt her cried eut: 4"Oh, mammal XiTleesTse queerl" aad the wife with fZm.t2-trflibed erertheseat r ef the wagoa, waere ber baa. &0aMctoavfe aim waaeaav- mperea: -xxay, . IN A BR bP v' bT w" aamaUas&jM'rrsiifr wn fcdnsammsV'Te. ""- m HfiW ? - : ru&D rrnam ntafv r imbI iy v pafwity- X . Xftor vale face aadaceldswsst broke out ea ftia istbbssm. .m The poor woaua kaa prsyea w " Mia borne, prayed forth hutbsad lssviag bet- ao atterly aad aacietedly aloae, bat be could not pray sew. BtUJ, aha tried her best aad her whole k0,' herdespairiag laToeatioa: "Oa, God! Oh. God, draw aearr' end thee word died oa her league " great soba choked her. Good-bye, NrlU tell the boya to be kind to you aa' "and the fluttering- breath ceased, and the wife was a widow aad bia children fatherless. "Mamma, I'll run to the shanty aa' toll tba man bow sick PoppyiV'dtbelitti boy. and cHmbinic down overt a- w . .h ao. ke sied away aa fast as his ut- tne wagon he sred away tie legs WOUia crrjr - , ..otfcer .. . . kltn a legs would carry i He naa never B"w , .--uin to was too absorbed in her rie' -TaBy aesio. --r. ,. r . r -" 7i. ,,. be aica nlmtnai papa wuu -- more. back sooa with wide open He came eyes and a quiveris " m the .ayoae there '"ttJJEaS window. n' holler Bto ,, Tim Conway aakH lower sUllat and the wdSe loagT lonely ride with tkatatt u cvcn in hi5 WoK- b'dJ?Slettorclth of life lasted, but .e waVdesolate indeed, and ae took nThereinwitbaaenwof borWble lone rfSeVs. which sue had ncrer before ox- --- . . ti- nnezw f wMlAnnf HTuh Jackson, the bis cook at the Collins house, was preparing to fry grid .i, i o tavnrite- dish with the men. when tbe'rumblo of wheels was heard. "That's Brad, r net ye," cnea uicx Oowdy, throwing down the cards with which ho was iIayng, aud rising hastily. "Hello, pard. yc'ro jost in time for flaj) jacks," wd Kam Collins threw open tho door and strode out with a welcome. A stfled sob was the only reply, and he sterped bar,fc. "Beg pardiog, who ever 'tis." It vvas quito dark and the mules and the one white covered wagon were alone visible. "We're expect n' Brad Hevclf, an' I'll be dratted cf this ere don't watch, his team to a dot" "Ifoppy's sick." said the little boy's small voice; the widow's sobs still choked her. ,'And who's pop?" asked the miner, kindly. . "I'm Willie Newell, and mamma's here." "'Tis Brad's team arter all. I thought I couldo't be mistook, llello, old feller 1 "row's sick," sum toe littlb hot. Cheer up, man, we'll soon havo you well again," and the minor walked around to tho rear of the wagon. "He'll never be w-ll any more. He's dead, friends," said the widow In a choked voice. "Dead! Well, now, that's rough, ma'am. Blest cf 'taint," and ono of tho byttande went into tho house to carry tho news. "Sho, now. yer don't sayJ" and Wash Jncksoa turned a griddle cake over onto the floor Instead of upon the griddlo in his surprise, "an' his widdcr an' de little chil len am at do do' wid do corpse. Sho, sho, now, dat am awful 'scouraging." "Shet up, yer black yawp, an' eet 'em something to eat," said ono of tho raon, roughly; "they muat bo clean tuckered out" Tho rough, toil-worn hands of the minors helped the widow from the wagon as reverentially as if she had been a prin cess, and tho children were taken to warm hearts and tenderly cared for, while tho father's cold form was prepared for burial in another shanty the ono which Dan Voorhccs has so recently scrubbed, little thiukiug for whose reception ho was mak ing it clean. Three davs aftor the funeral the widow was waited on by a deputation from the camp. "Wu wanted to ask yo. ma'am, what yo was goin' ter do," said the spokesman, toucbiug his bearskin cap re spectfully. "Indeed, sirs, I do aot know, replied the widow. Sho had shed all her tears and could speak of her troublo with dry eyes. "All I have is here, and winter is coming on." "Thets what we was a thinkin', ma'am," said Dan Voorhees, eagerly, "an a hopin' you would consent to stay at tho camp. We're a rough set o' men, ma'am, but you can feel jest as aafe wcth us aa ef yer own mother was a rockin' ye. Kf ary man says a word o' sass to ye we'll run him out o camp at the pint of a shot gun." "But what can I do for support" fal tered the widow. Sho had been tenderly brought up. and the idea of spending the winter witb these rough men was appall ing, deprived of the protecting presence of her husband. "We've wrestled it all eat for ye," re plied Sam Collins. "Yo see. we'd all on us calkylated a pile on hovin' Brad's womaa aa' kids among us, an' wo'ro aU aort o' rattled like at bcin' disappointed, an' we're willia' te do the square thing by ye. " Brad's claim alat a paaaia' out no great, but It's enough to make ye comfortable, an we'll all chip ia aad do our share toward werkia' it, aad pay over the proceeds to ye jest as regular as if he war here. Dan'U give up his shaaty, an' we want ter make ye jest ex happy an' comfortable as wo caa, for we sot a heap o' store by Brad." The widow's lip quivered; the kindness of these strangers touched her deeply, and she replied in a trembling voice: "And what am I going to do to repay you gentle mea for all this unexpected kindness 1" Sheased the word advisably, for in her estimation they ware geatlemea of the truest aort "That'a all right Doa't you worrit about payia', ma'am. We're a sorter rough set an' we eeed a womaa aroaad to kiader pareasdewa, aa'ef you'll slag as a song oact la awhile Brad said yoa waa a mas ter band teeing ea' let aa her the kids ter lore aad caddie a little. we'U call It aquar. we're all oa us bad homes aa' It roagbea ua.taia kiad ?o life year la aa' year out, aa' if you'll live amoag ua aa' make a home far as ter kiader look at, aa 'twere, we shell feel weU paid." Shecouldat refuse such a request com lag ae it did from those who had beea ber husbaad's friends aad compealoas for the two years past, aad ao It was settled, aad the few thlags ahe had brought with her were moved lateDaa Veerhees' shaaty. aad with her wemaa'a skill she made sack a homelike place of It that Bradley would have thoagkt it aa earthly pared lee could he hare lived to aee it Thechlldreatookto the kfadlymiaers wonderfully, aad Willie aad golden-haired Katie were aa ceateated aa kittens whea Sam CeUias or Dick Gowdy entertained them with stories or "yams," as they called them, of their earlier days, or whit tled eat the carious woedea toys whisb they were experts ia fashioning. Baby Nell's arefereace waa tot Black Wash, aad Rwaa ao aacommoa might te see her little plak heod peepiag up over his battered eld bat, aa she perched ea hU abeaUer. ber caahhy arms clmgiar ais aeek as he wast te tab .1... Haktf taf spriag for water ar est w rz.T f wu fer hUmIlaaryjr"l'to sg iMMiiM'Bai aa wn v -Bart Jtaeomssr saw - -! hcoartt aaaacea it --,-. ?ttlte ?t!eaid otherwise bare beea CTCWd?kST- Vlrft It in drlalUBg Ue f- ? arSae wisewSreelly las oicV ddleaad ! ,,, Go- hich had beea suag ia iiels EST fteTwr. old aad thr-dh JSwaSh were eatlrely new la tbd ateaaW uU Toa.hoyt.that air te" aU br J said Dick Gowdy., a Mrs. Newell frTixh- Nlaetr aad ftfae " to her audl- !-ce- M ther halnt ao sepherd a gola' ter do very much hentla' ferasef we doa't Uke better keer of ourselves," aad it was noticeable that ae left off swearing for nearly a week, aad in many ways the pres ence of the Uttle family, so helpless ia their bereavement, was a refining aad soft ening laduence. so, now, fellahs, Christmaa am comin in about fo' weeks,' said Wash Jackson, he was lighting the evening lamps. I'd clean done fo'got till dat ar little Katie war atellin' wbatter fine Christmas tree dey had las' yeah. Tell yuu it mus' be mighty dull fo' dem chiliens up heah, wid noltin' but us growa folkses ter 'mue em." "That's so," and Dick Gowdy drummed on the table thoughtfully. "Taint one wom an in a thousand that'd come up here an' be as pleased an' chipper as that little widder is with her trouble to bear, an' 1 move that-" and the peakcr's voice was lowered, andaconsulUtioa followed which m,m Btil1i iMihtiilunliBl There vero nonn of the men who did not have a memory of innocent pleasures at Christmas time in their childhood, yet the sweeten and best of holidays had cnvS;" "Jffi PbJi?.tt7h1 neareit approach to a rough aud tumbls tiKht that the camp had ever known. There was something in the presence or the widow, the touch of the innocent childish hands which had met theirs with I confidiiur trust, which made such a cele bration of the day repugnant to them, and Sam Coll us brought bis list down on the table with a whack as he said: "1 tell you, boys, money's no objlc, aa' ef the thing's did at all it's sot to be did up brown, an' tr-cm littlo kids an ther ma shell hcv a Christmas worth hovin'. ef they air up in the mounting!" slapping flfty dollars' worth of gold dust upon the table as he spoko. A stingy miner is an anomaly seldom seen, and the pile rapidly increased as each added his contribution. There were sounds of hammering and sawing going on in a spot far enough from the camp to be sheltered from Its rudeness, yet near enough for purposes of protec tion, and somo one was evidently going to have a new cabin, and built la a style no ticeably superior to the rest of the shan ties in size and convenience. Nelly Newell stitched away at her scanty preparations for the fast-coming winter with scarcely a thought oZ the matter, and if she had speculated uron the subject at all she would have thought that Dan Voor hees was replacing tho one be bad so gen erously given up to her. As the miners had said, she had borne her troubles with patience and sweetness, and sho fully appreciated tho kindness, rough aud uncouth though It waa, which these men had hhown her, but she would prob ably never know what her presence and that of her Innocent children was doing toward making the camp as quiet and or derly as it was. There was a town twenty miles away, and a week before Christmas Ham Collins and Burt Macomber drove off in a b'.g wagon drawn by four mules In its direc tion. Burt had been chosen for this ex cursion because, as they all agreed, he " knew more about wlmmin's chicken fix ins' than ary man In the camp." " Don't ye spar tho money," was Dirk Gowdy's parting admonition. " Ef that pile don't hold out, run yer face, an' the rest kin foller arterward." The wagon came back tho next even ing heavily laden, and the men unluadel it at the door of the new cabin, whiou was now completed, and there wore busy bands at work putting it In order for occupancy. Nellie Newell waa putting away tho re mains of her littlo supper on Christmas Eve when a smart rap sounded at her door. She had been unusually despondent all tiny, as thc contrasted this Christmas with previous ones spent in the Illinois home. Dan Voorhees was at the door as she went to open it, and his honest faco wore a curious expression as he said: "The boys wantcJ yo to step ovr 'n nee the new house we've becu puttin' up. I'll take the liabhy an' the kids kin foltcr." Glad of any chango in her monotonous life Nelly put on her hood, wrapped up the little onos and went out with him. The house was lighted, sad the sound ot Burt's violin sawing away on "Homo, Sweet Homa" greeted her ear aa aha stepped in at the door. "Wish ye merry Christmas, ma'am, called out Sam Collins as she was ushered into tho room which answered for a par lor. There was a real "store carpet" upon tho floor, a sot of cano-seat chairs, a tablo and couch, and through Burt's taste tho windows had been curtained with white lace, all cheap, but absolutely luxurious for that region, and giving the room a really home-like appearance, with possi bilities for future improvement from her woman's touch. They had decorated the walls with ever greens an.1 In one corner a small Christ mat tree bora acceptable fruit for the children, wooden toys, cheap picture books, such aa the primitive mountain store afforded, and a bag of real candy, which had been distributed so as to aiake all tho show possible. lira Newell looked about her ia the most perfect astonishment as Bam Collins, who had appointed himself spokesman for the occasion, called out heartily: 'This Is a Christmas present fer ye, ma'am, from Camp NogooJ, an' we hopes yell uke as much comfort a llvla' tn't as we her In a ttxfB'itforye." It was a most surprising state of affairs, sad Mrs. NeweU could hardly Bad her voice to thank them, aad especially whea Burt threw open the lid of a small melo deon and invited her to aecompaay him with his violin upon it True, it waa ricketty la the joiatt aad oat strnr boms a sq-esky ia toaa. bat it was still offiTiartiacerest alssaara as the misers crowded around it walla Mrs. XeweU played ber simale airs apea it, net daring to trust her roles to slag. The chUdraa took the oaportaaltr to exatore taa rest sf the aocse while sis was plajria. aatl came back rcocUkiag: "Ok, mamma, Uere's a caTbsardla the other ream witt lctse Titties ia it a aaaatbigtarkey; aad so it casts asxit tbat, at sattssf ia merry CHATHAM ISLPS- KINO. PrasV Lee. of Bowdoia Coil, whw accecnpauiied the Albatross expeditioa sr'a naturalist, baa returned East. The) i professor left the ship at San Francisco. Ha ia engaged at Washington ia ar ranging the specimens collected on the voyage for exhibition in the National lfuseuat. The professor thus describes tome of the experiences of the Alba tross party in the South Pacific: On the largest of the Galapagos Islands they found a curious colony. "The island is between six and seven hundred miles from the mainland of Ecuador," said Prof. Lee, "almost un der the equator." It is walled in with high volcanic rocks, and very difficult of access. Years ago the Ecuador Gov ernment planted a convict colony on one of the islands, but the convicts re volted, killed the Governor, and mado their escape on a schooner. For a long time afterwards the Wands were unin habited, and all of them are so to-day except Chatham, where we landed. Be hind the wails of rock we found a fertile country in a high state of cultivation. "Alwut ono hundred and fifty per- sons make their home there and aro 1 governed by a shrewd and progressive man of the Spanish race, named Cohos. -H.. ,,,.,1 nn,,.,!m frt ,v,5nf hoc ..v. ......- a .. ... v.... . ,.ft..... - ! tlt control seem xvs ubiolute as that of the Czar. Ills subjects are convicts from Ecuador. Years ago. it appear. j ho waH .niraged in gathering orchilla, ;' -Jf l- ;" '- the manufacture of dye.-. Ho got rich at this busineM. but lo-t hN fortune i through .-orne tnm-a:tion with tho ,ov- eminent of Ecuador. Possibly asing this jis an argument, he tuAed for and wa.s granted this iMland of rhntham. tne condition ooing nun ne sniiutu re- j ccivo and care for the convicts ent I thither from the mainland. This was perhaps ten or twelve years ago. The colony has now a little world of its own, cut off from civilization by hundreds of mile of ocean. Only now and then, at long intervals, has any vessel landed there, oxcopt thu schooners owned by Governor Cobos, and the inhabitants have, therefore, no means of escape. Those people do not share their ruler's progrensiveiies. They aro an odd and rather unpre possessing lot. Most of them are na tives of Ecuador, and some probably half Indian. The Governor told me ha had ono full-blooded British subject, and aked if we would like to see him. He gratified our curiosity with a glimpse of the blackest negro I ever saw. The fellow spoke English, aud insisted that ho was an Englishman; hut when I asked him where he was born, he answered. 'At St. Helena.' "The Governor is tho only jierMm on the island who knows any thing of tho world. He has traveled somewhat, can speak English after a fashion, and contrives to keep up within about six months of the times. In conversation he showed a pretty clear knowledge of affairs in Europe and America. Ho was especially interested in politics of tho Old World, and seemed to under stand the relations of tho great powers, thoconditions which might briiignbout a war, and tho result to bo expected if one came. Although a monarch In all essential respects, thi man acknowl edges his dependence upon the Govern ment of Ecuador: but he rules his sub jects as he pleases, aud perhaps some what tyrannically, for there are con spiracies constantly on iooi ugiunsi ms life, and ho has to maintain :i miniaturo j standing army. The currency of the island is mado of shoot lead, with tho value, the niimu of the Governor, and the name of the island stamped on each coin. Seven prisoners of Stato were in durance while wo were on tho island, under charge of having'plotted to take the Governor's life during a recent festival, and to set up a new govern ment. What punishment they were to receive waa not very definitely settled ... . . . -. . . .... but (Jobos intimated that nosnouiii nan- ish them to ono oi incomer ami uesert islands at a distance, where they would be furnished with a little food for temporary use and a few tools and left to shift for themselves. . - Ihelandin 1 tiatham is unucr rtu- tivation. Sugar-cane is raised, and mm mado of it. Emits, hides mats. orchilla, and other products are shipped in considerable quantities to Guayaquil, i Another curious experience oi ours , was when we visited Charles Island. " Tho island was well stocked with pigs. cattle, donkeys and horses, but we were informed that no human being lived there. Imagine our astonishment therefore, when, on proceeding inland, we suddenly came upon a man with a pig on his back! Both parties. Indeed, were startled the man as well as our- selves. Neither had expected to meet the other. This Crusoe was nearly naked; his beard and hair had grown to a great length, and his eye had a fe rocious gleam in it. 4 fti-at tin wnruetrwvl afraid of US but afterwards we got him to talk, and dis- j covered that he was ono of an expedl- tion which came from Chatham Island some years ueiore m svarvn ui unmna. He had deserted his companions, and his absence from their ranks bad passed unnoticed. His entire outS t of world ly goods at that time consisted of tho clothing on his back and a knife; but he had lived on fruits and herbs, and had captured wild cattle by setting traps for them, and killed them with a spear made of his knife fastened to a He bad built a but of ineniaes os,-, ...Mnnttiiii wh.thr h had I k. n k. i.i.,. - rmmw e r flat sWU SS SSSSSV ' sj sxwsy m i - was elad to see his kind again. aa4 begged to be taken back to Chatham a request which was fnn ted. of cswrsa.' Cr. Utrision (M.) Journal. CarraMing Tratte. Jake "Mrs. Xeverpay is oat tbers) bad wants to know if you'll trust her for " Dealer "So. Tell her we're doing a strictly cash business, that we don't I trust anybody. Jake " ell. but you re alwaya trusted her. doa7t you kaow. She's the one that owes that old aoconat bast's beea running so loag?" Dealer 'O. yes I remember aow. Old Mrs. Xererpey. Well, we'd better trust ber thes. for If we dism't tbed ,asjj fo across tbe road aad amy smj waj.isrwil JVst rYear- srs """r-rs.rs - . FAMILY FASHIONS. samab aTaaasb Tatter aVswat aad aw Tatey Are WaS The plain styles of the English tailor prevail in the stre-t dress. They are more pronounced ia their severity aa4 simplicity than la any ea,oa pa.U The plain smoothly-fitting bodices which have been a pact of the street gown for several season are retaiaed aad are furnished with plain rt of heavy corded silk with revert of braiding or velvet at the sides. The bodice is still short on the hips and is finished with a slight point or square tabs at the back. Such bodices as these form the house waist for tho majority of tailor cos tumes, though in some instance tailors are using the short jacket reaching nearly to tho waist line with a closely- fitted vest which nds at the waist line under a garnered rlrst Kmplre gtrtflc. ints jacitei clovJly resembles the Zouave jackeU wom twenty years ago. but tho iroraer aru squ.ire and not rounding, and they are attfd to the figure and extend below Jje waist at tne DacK. A ntgn collar, as high , the throat of the woarer will bear, and , a close coat sleevo. are stt'.I de rvjeur. With either style of house waist given It worn the plain draped IhrccUtrc skirt previouslvdcacriUtl and which fahlon-i ve 1 jko llkt'lr WeU lhin'" able talkjrs aro ad.p:Inj; generally. wltne., iw thl. stand" now vho will t...-i , i .wt .";... . .... ... . .. luimyiiuii i tut uvn iUi, nv will bo a relief to the homo dre-.smaker. ...... . . . who. if she l iK-e".ed of any talent In tho art. can ea-dlv mode", a atvlUh . gowti 0f cloth and finish it as dalntitv -d deftly a, a tailor's wurkwonW 'Ilio greatest dravhac Is in lh fitting If jo Js skillful In this vr.ty. It t far wt-or ftr hor U he the hJIc of j her gown cut. fitted and bailed for her. t Inay 1h. a r,.llcr u women wao arc Htniggling with home ilres-makers t. j know lhj t om f ,, w tailor. make mUtlts. owing in some case to carelessness induced by tho rush of business. Tho Dtrectotre poloitnUe with it wide rovers and flaring collar I a popular model for tailor dresv:. En t jjlUh women do not wear an outside i wrap with tho Bltvjljl j.WI, j,,,. n,i,i UIMierm.ath their Ixxlleo or jM.loual. I Vesl of ,.jianii,t, to give additional warmth. The milder and raoro oquublo climate of England, together with th fact that English women habitual.' themselves to an In-door atmosphere colder than an American woman would consider tolerable, render heay outside wrap Kupertluotts. Lining of furs, the softest and warmest wnilen wrap must In? resorted to in our coun try to counteract the dangers of taking colli In stepping from the dry atmos phere of a furnace-heated house lute tho chill air of a winter's m-tilng (Oixi IIotttkffiiH'j. SHORT FASHION NOTES. Illat aal Mg(stlon rtarrnlaa lh l.t st ?(olll la trM. There Is an endless variety of tev gowns. Itlnck hat and bonnets will be wor by every one. Hrblal toilets are trimmed w lth putv white flowers. The latest brides' dresses are made up in arm u re silk. I'ink. green, moss. nbinthc. and claret are tho colors of tho hour. I,acn holds Its own ns the favorit trimming for evening dresses. English walking dresses are matin quite hort. but retain the bustle. Triple cajws are a feature on long rcdingotes worn a capes this -a-on. There U quite a revival of the fashion of wearing morning or breakfast enp. Dross bonnets are made quite flat to the head, with light aigrettes st in lace on top. One of the novelties this season Is i the decoration of seal caps lth bunches i f violets. Drones for little girln are mnde up of bright plnided stuff in combinntloo with plain ones. A new hat made for the daughter of Queen Isabella Is of black velvet and i "- n heavily embroidered lth gold and . Teivt. n. t-.,,.. i ToM.n lick, h,vc I cviu- jn the top. In which a en. Ink. ! . ..n n.l Mrll mil nf ,-,,,... .... rr-.... ...... .- ....... ..... ... ,...,--. . may lo carried. The utonslls are held i in pi, br lhc wna 0f the stick. whlch screws on. Au tynng jr,, for a debutanto Is rajule of voikn jM,tto! pink silk, with nk crvp, bordered with green velvet pnt edged with small gold !ads. jt js k novel Idea, yet v;ry pretty, and gives a youthful effect. Chicago -Vfw. QUEER LOVE MAKING. A Dswrrlatiaa ssT Cwartsfclw Ssawtts: Kasls Tribes ' ! ttaarstas. A Kafir, having fixed his affections upon some female, acquaints his par- eats with his intentions. Thfy apply to the girl's parent, and if the latter do not content to the union a Sght is iaevitable. If the parties agree the next proceeding Is to appoint two ex pert female ac&otiator. who obtain by strategem to the house with the object of broaching the subject to u,e young lady. They carefully amid M ,mjdcn OP abrupt mention of the awful subject of their mission, but launch out la praises of the man who seeks ber hand. They speak of his possessions, his courage aad accom plishment. The girl, pretending to be affroatstl evca at these remote hint. growa refractory and runt away, tear ing the ringlet of ber hair aa the re- , tires. The female etahastadors. baring ber fromjfcjr co-mlawt aad carry her by amasl U the house of ber des- s. tiaed husssTpt. aad there leave her. UsPt. She Is compelled to lire here several days, silent asd dejectad. refusing food. till at last, if kiad tatreatUts do aot prevail, she is made to submit by blows to tbe unltm. Tbe Kaftr who has tb reputation of hat-lag committed a aaav her murders of Mohammedan eajoys exceptiosal privileges; he Is respected by aU the aeighhoTBood. aad t ejcperieeces little or ao dlfScsities ia proeuriag a wife. Tie KaSr woman !s dssoated to a life of toil aad drudgery, aad tbe basbaad caa f fctcard her when ever ha feels so d itponsl CscaiXs Git- editor is called "acraakr bttt the, jma Scao. bis paswr ia aa bow eoald aa AN OSSTINATC WITNESS. ywPisgiry,WB Lawyers aad jodgr bar a good !! to endure from wlvpt of a (vrtala class, wb sltaply wi-'ltalkia their amn way. aad who as to bva so coaoef lion of tho mesjalag of the word brevity M Such witaers) af or4 a go axnuxmcnl to the spectators. If they d fret aad rt the lawyer. Now. ploMo toll alt you know as Aitlllw k.t sw.lutM aa vim risas yV? m Uwyor to a wonun of ahoyt Uty naitvabti m lVMVvti J V a yoarv whha.ltkrn lac lih-vat. All right." aha rspllol;-rU do that. It ain't much I know about the caf. anyhow, for I don't cu-ddl myaclf with other folks' afairt aiho. I don t. AXni It's my opinion i ..vc don't want your op. Inter- niptnd the lawyer. i ii. doa't ou? Well. I sm not. If yiu aid. I could giro It to yoa mighty j quick I'm ono of thrra prons lJwt m, hal they're got U sr right out. , and no beating round thy bah. or . heramlnf and hawing orr lU and it's t mv honet opinion that - -" j "Hut I jH vou wr don't wit yvmr I onlnion tV want fact," i- r()ll i-, na rjOUliniT OUl C.V I-".' If theprt any thine I de rmJeHy do pie. lt' a liar. I never told a llo In all my born da s. and what' mom, I never oAjurol to; and lis my ujlnkn "Will you kindly keep yor opinions ti yourself, and tell u what yvnt iut ally tnotr about thl eae" H. crtalnty. t-be.urw Why. that's what I'm here for. ain't it It's mighty littlo 1 know aUmt it. and I earn a goil deal lc. I'm a jvrsou that minds her own luSne and let Other's alone, and It's iuy init-And-oul bpiiilon -" Now top jul where you are," "11 the lawyer, hnrply. "HaTen't I tohl jou again and again that your opinion cuts no figure In the ease? ' "Well, my gmwl land who atd It tli'lT" erbnl the old IjwIv. iniioMntly. I simply ialil that It ai mjr uptn lun -" "Iloaso le.iv.? the stand"' And, a she did so, the old lady i turned and snld. harplyr "Well. I've got my opinion of svts, any how'"" oV'ifrn Aiys. THE WOMAN TO MARHV. Mab t1r,,v Tak HshH Im Um ! nmlua f lh starrls il, "Vou ay you demand a domet)o. urfiil Homnn as "4ur wife If that is so. marry .ora .uuuigaii. your laun- .. ..... . ores iiawiiier. .-sue wear ws nma shin. i guiltless f eorel. nucer ttiWes In washing. g"e out boun eleanlng. and rok for a family of seven children, her mother and three eetion men lxanl with her I d4n't think she would marry jim, lan I'on Reagan, the traW walker. ! her style of a m.m. !t us et.itnlne Into your qunlluVntions a a model ltuland after jour matrimonial Idea, tny ltr. t an you sboiildcr a barrel of flour and rnrry It down cellar 'tn yiei aw and plit ten eord of hlrUorj tl In the fall as to have ready fuel all winter? (.'an you pale up a half aere of gnunl for n kitchen garde , you know what wJil taVe the lime tato j out of tho now cistern, nnd can yoa pseh the Uttle leak in tho kltehwn :( t'nn you bring home pane f gl and a wad of putty and repair damages In the little sitting rtxon window' n you hang some ohii iiper on the kitchen' Can you fit the front cato soil will not swsg' Cn jrou do any thing about thn house that Con lleagan ran My dear, denr ly. you e, Nora MulHtrnti wants a higher typ, of true manhood You expect to hire men to do all the man' work ahwil lh house, but you want your wife to do any thing any woman can do. llellern me. my win. that nine-tenth of the J girls w ho play the piano and sing j charmingly, whom you In your llmStod j knowledge set down as mere bettor- "'" "' fo'blon. are bettor fitted for wives than you nr for a hMlnd If 7u wnl rrf Orst-da.. k . ani etrerienreJ notisexerjter uojoor courting In the IntolUgenee offji-w. Hut If you want a wife, marry the girl you love, with dimplud hands and faee Uk th stmllght. and her lore will toaeh her all these things, my bor. ong - 'or,! ?ou n!r"' 'carne.J one-half of your rn lesja. D'irdtitt, it flrvtlly , Kaylt. AROUND THE PIO-PCN. st t Ma aiassitfcr sis TwtS ls a lwstals faasrssa. Carefully abstain from aSriag f mllcine whatover. Keep largw aad small separate aad j not morts than ton la a lot- i Feed regularly aad liberally a sari- ety of wboleo food, always some bulky food. and;let erh feed b eatoa up clean !wfr nvrr i giTen. CJIve wallowUg plao?. ashes, rhar- coal and salt, a-id plenty of trd . in Umber pasture yield ir.gthadw, root. BUU. acorns, etc But ao doubly soured slops. Provide ventilated h!tora from wlad. ' rain asd snow. bJt ao llltor Ifor with litter get too warm. If jtr wish dis ease, pot your hogs to the straw piU. Male lain cleaallae la all thiags. fsrred osly ataturw ailssis. aad sercr from a show hrd. The ospriag of immatare or pampered ashaals Is prs dlp'ssd te dlswssa. GiTe pure water, from dsp wl. tarotoctsd from urfsce water W41 water Is &otfrxig ooJd Is wlator asw lukewarm la suxater vTstor Xreea s-bsriag l- r-ahw U tb Uzx h Vsf. creeks (cle- fid In epri ,) poads or ik- rswUiu srser srf JtosW ssl kdt pool, t dis-svsbrssedlsg ar-- sstaU Ws? yir 1 tiaa to Pigs should le frwar4rd la early jaai J h?.zh tJU. T -'s J spring asd kept tm ly grovlmt ten4 , ree2s4 swwK rr whlrfiag sawMg " milk. bra, alesv smx. grm rj. Wlsgaad I ties tssht l ae grasses, ciorer. twee- cora atil lata &e .-rr.J r 4i w J. fall; thea fattrs rspWly ea o?e-s mostly,, f ,A x wtsavRr . ?s, av2 Is d--but siso grains rye, hiss graasv, pms d. ij-tiag aw ntirrr vi kiss, bollrd smtatoes asd torslps witb absiv 4Um U ikmm js4 f Lkij bran, stosuaed eWver bay. stt--aVa TWy tvr aser prfN Usijp- tad ur d Fmnn. I essjaly W.vtci t. Tb asatfii-j- ajX wwswsswsssaassawaswisssws fro, t fjsj asuabrr ?f lrs rf"7 sra ca $mf-riei, 4 i a dkraaldrH hy rr-rj fi!- Is h hmml f tss-sft-a-r calcalstved that as IUUa slWara tbsm a sisVisv It U m sy aaAur tlm If oaaa average as !lera. mt j "Js- r mt r tm dan MtM bis Vtatrr; a rrwesssv! Ibe itatt ramlt t or? w i - - 2 aaasv tKTs suvs; a Twsssa. swriaswsBss i assdaaWsrUa.SIswa. WOODEN OOT.WEAR. Its ewassawHs twist a r. . -i Jstaw i any. May (JsjrawMi a4 SosjtdlftATlaa Sate ra.lt who ha &! ia Ulce T cotnrsu.nUs af tir or In tl North tsUf jtf aad Tprruwi, har brought with lm th ru n ol wnsrinjf tus!?sj ahtvi $: i?r ) www In User hosaa la thaold ,- 1 ,v . m f 00 ,lc- xhf Ha4xi h prartk. or a -Ml they lant : t eUier; that thor k$ svjt tfe- ml darapocsvs Nttr tha luthr. -J cheaper la Rrt cvwt. b4 -- much longer. After a little tin? lus-K-w-er. i UXg. of tho JKW world sfs?eMH t Us strvjag for th old wrW skvt4' htw which ar3 tJvm thrown f Th wrarvrv fiftd. t4s.. that la tnjr wfpfr wotT hif h kthvr ssts and h-xt ar fw prelrttoa. aad sp ' r no 1-x.tWsr than swsira xw. wawvf. sr v?rj Ukw llpws is bag . at lh hssl. though they rt high a ' p."lnt'd t tho t1 TH- -r ' North i torn ctweia'ualUe a , thi ;m.s Mtttitr sbAli.s St i. mn or ndisa'la. " wr In (mx-sIo 5mm rti oftoa saw! at h day. As IS? ar" esttt k they ar ulwra- brf St t tsjn.. ami. tr as tvj ttss "" -all. ar ns4rt tr had. ot MSiA.' ltcvwcsJ. th the Korj-Jut cswtUtsma hif. aro vry senrsai's AAtawc -)stvAtttj of la Nwii. a : a j?, tf. greater p"rt rf KwafA l'nss l -hAj enttUssd to W svUd tb Us k Ol th W4dsMt hOsV nhsi-b It hr x'xllnl tho UsW It U Vswy illlf ' and ctnit graif.i'lv Ktadav nmJt inrtst uf Airsvnr, la tsi KnVar. it I itisry to 4mri t KtkjttnK ho' wttb 4sdalrt mrui ' oer a4 with Uitw4li A pair of s.la Um 1 a fs fift f lovrt" U th4r Sssnl V - or 1 galMatx who Vh to tn -- heart. Tliei qsoor hrw.r" fitin dtxrftt,st with Vr e.1 rs)Kssis tia ti grlafl uf fsxrgot m Mil ' nivlt or wtth i jAi'- ' 4t wtUi tw heart totsj tgwtbr 1 , tHittmu Ha given no to th prs In Aax. uttervl of .m f-" ttnattreUe gtrl lw h hh . hsrt. "ll mMi sr wMfnrtaastx. Skillful sArr f wv4a sx"wt ds'srito tteui with fvrtst mi jcrMi they wUH to- prwt Utom or. If tby arw m, UlU tawr.js4 - tiNirown. If 1mki rw s.t ' a wielding pMfit. is oflw b - uxin them im eartt tJte nataww of t.' --,- .tt,rU & dste f tbe we44g I'SKT uch othtr faeu a tbro l tos ' And on Ibw ihs of miiho mi U. talwrt jAait ticr ) rtn f goi dent Those gt as' my lw haAgtamt. r asti to "knKk arstintd" ta l-rts ' lnrt-)arl with. Th r feH ' Utte K-saa4oMa. and isael'iap plt lT ft pnw4Hi MMOnnift, J- K-!anl hate noileof Kg j,tif i f tblr m'-oi, k.m tle liwisi nfe, ' gront In iMir N4rlhwt !u lw.f And the nnt, !ndxi r u 'Juett Mario Antotntto wsv-st w plr ft wo,l,fj hM ( ta paia. the TrUNftH It ! awl probslst. , mrrr. that anj qotven or nwtt I as a liA'tt, ur tor nay ir than Ur et the j - iii a ofisast frugality lnnsa thwy w iuM fort-We eiii , Msitpto whs -lhm n ernul dr! kh hu iiwih a- . lone,j to them. The w.aats f TfonJ ttrfwx etHitrlt hate mn- &ri(ri, - , with mwU nirihrK Meh toll ''I mrtmu K-jr n aetfr j - wiiii r wMn tsiMt. itt) w- g 1 l"geadrT. and toll Vhst .." inaldnM. on jwveifit i' ar --4--Jii. w vntrnnl "k-j piaMt all orU of ple Hat t U i' - sa.Ski a. a a Wtbg hlraeU emn hr wy, r.J J. f In lo wftJj hr lspl grssx -King "ojhto. toUh4 hU ler bj making hf his ien !- ong h entil rtrfa "XVHh ry. xlw shrs."'l Ualstit tUiU ru'. i sumtlng like this I 4 VM fcs- J4'S. p sf wKt tv. n 1H fross Ms V tn ! s V s's. Wl$s Swiff ,W- Tt Js siil that a nvain VM itmri )nrntod wwton h sad U Is (osirsx t.t under t lSufww, th rsU- .n wilt gl'e tip crtftg tb mW Hr U4 tad iysjtiatly i&i ail & i. r,'4 sld of a prt!y lrr lota will h- JoU - yeA' ('s)ti)tin MOW OlCt Aflt WAOC- trai awrts Saw tm a as tsts rsk , Is a d(gy tiHs bp n o-- oi ii uppr aVrs of as old hvlidtng Is Ass 'ri. n old KmchMsaa sr J titer day tsvtkiag dk il i lory r h-4, srrlia hasvito damaged billiard Wf vl 'yrh W, oi I ory :ll h bujm for m sg. It -ot aromad hi wsfh'fcsw3 a4 Ullu-t U Uttorssi with Um 4ys, cJ;t vs. frsaTsv-sU rs' lry i wslrt V s work. Hfww S-c saw. wty- erpwsnttsd by a towadi. a tor;l4rlviiv a bnSList at iUhiag avachla .J a sb-e td kharj b!is a4 drills, Tk Yrrvbmtn kss tins a a to- a4 wnrt f ivory all u lli 1U works trvm 4jg watll da irj 4 j. tvs4 frfti sssrw a 4ilssdUti lamp to light hist at hi -' Ui l algbt. H tii wet Q IIUms nrs.rsN Jr-r ruy jtd m,rrtiT TUs SaaaaSMW t. sabA mt' mmf i, f zZZ --r- - . J. I fcj:i-5i.t:-22lJv J-Kfi? SSs : Mrt ,?-. ?ij5r: -.? fie? .. y f- 1 s V' H-i-fta av --. c-i jiia saayg Jja :? ' ,-i. -?? ; . -5S-:r4 ?v . .- -;K: