I b 'i I 4 -Stf ?! .? h IU ! W7 ' 'I l?i 13 & li S rt REDO A. O. HOSMEft, Proprietor. BED CtXHID. - NFWRAKA r THE PILGRIMAGE. Lone year ago tbe heart of a king Wa carried in tte. like a royal tains. To tbe Holy Land, where be longed to g. Did Hrinjf desires round his dead heart ellaf ; And could they be satisfied so? (Tow strange it seems that kings in their nrM Have lived thwarted lire like ours, and hare died With tbe thin that they loafed to do undone. rill, unconquered, soma from the grsvs have cried For their hearts to be carried oa: Vet never a king had such a stake s I. in the journey I long to make To a land, alas, where 1 may not go: But my heart mutt be carried there or break. Whether living or dead. I know. Pome, yellow hatred little bor of mine : Let me see your face, where your young hopes shine. You're loving, my darllag, abd strong aai trae; you'll Journey, while I vainly long and pine, So my heart I will send with you. For I yearn to follow your life, my sweet; Th a long hard way for your eager feet. And I can go only a little part; But, dear, till your pilgrimage is complete. Will you carry your mother's heart? l!nU CIuukIIt, m Ifarprr't Jiazar. ONE OF THE 3IANY. Patbotic Story of a Terrible Strug gle with Poverty. They had been married for rather more than aycjir-Jim Carrol and his pretty little wifo and their baby daughter was two months old. He was a fine fellow, was Jim well set up, and pood to look at; chivalrous, upright, and honest as tho day. Hut though lie came of a pood old stock of which he was tbe last ho was only a clerk in a London architect's office, with a miserable salary of 100 a year, which, of course, he might loso with his situation auy day. It will be clear, I hope, to tho meanest understanding that under these circumstances ho had not the smallest right to think of matrimony, ao when ho had the audacity to propose for Marjory Linton niece and ward of the Ionious and wealthy old Joseph Linton, of Manchester that gentleman gave him a very short shrift, and promptly snowed him the door. And when, a month later, pretty independent Marjory ran away with this same handsome, itniteciinlout Jim Carrol, her irate uncle to use his own expression "washed his hands of her and closed his door against her and her husband forerer." At this terrible sentence Marjory did not trouble herself very much, nor did her husband suffer it to affect his peace of mind Ho was too happy to care whether all the u for the city. neglected ae jpportanlty, left amines, mi tarsia, wife; tat la reality aotaisg paaaed Ma lip f rem tbe time be west oat ia tbe moraiag aatll he retaraei, unsuccessful, hopeless ia the evssdag. Maiery tf aid witaeat absolute aeroosarlss, silently. wlttaacewplaming cheerfulness. It terrible time for them both; pet-baas it aardestoa Jim, for be bad aot Marjory's elastic baneful aatare, her happy, almost childlike faith aad trust that things weald be better by and by. He felt, too, that he bad brought her to this life of poverty- aad privation, which he seemed so powerless to avert; aad as he thought of tbe future grim aad black, and uncbeered by any gleam of hope his heart sickened aal died withia him. Ia September they moved out of their pretty borne to a very small and dingy cot tage which stood alone, a little way back from a side street, behind a timber yard. It was aot an attractive dwelling, but it was very cheap, and tbe rent of their former bouse was now out of the question. To de fray the various inevitable expenses con nected with the removal, and one or two other necessary outlays, they sold some of their furniture and a few ether things be sides. Marjory's jewelry had all gone long ago. One day, in walking westward along Fleet street, Carrol met an old fellow-clerk. by name Archie Lyle. "Hollo, Carrol!" Lylo exclaimed, grasp ing tbe former's hand heartily and turning to walk alongside. "Howareyoul Haven't seen you for a month of Sundays. Why, you look down In the mouth, old man, What's up, eh!" "Nothing particular," replied the other coldly enough, "except that I have been out of a situation since I left Dornton St Cox. Insjecting public buildings when you have a wife and child to keep on nothing is not a particularly exhilarating or lively occupa tion," he continued bitterly. "By Jove, no!" iaid the other in serious tones. He was a cood-naturcd. easv-iroin? fellow, who had rarely known the want of a tlve-pound note, and who, as a rule, bad only to sit still and let things come to him. I'm awfully sorry, old tellow." be went on, awkwardly. "You know I'll never for get tho lift you gave me two yours' ago. I'm awfully aorry," he continued, with less tact than good aature; "upon my soul, I don't know when I was so hard up as I am this month. Until I get ray next " "Confound you ! What are you talking about I" interrupted Carrol haughtily. "Do you take me for a beggar!" Lylo murmured some confused apology. "I don't want your money," Carrol went on In brusque tones. "Can you tell me of auy thing I can get to do! Anything. lam not proud," with a short laugh. Tbe other cogitated, then shook his head. "By the way," he said suddenly, when they had crossed several atreeU in compara tive silence, "you are a good draughtsman. are you not ( You havo a good idea of plans and that!" "I llllirllt tsi hivo " rnliirn,.! fMo dryly, "seeing that I have been a clerk in arcuuecis omce xor tne last throe eiU outside, the wiad shook the !?JWTheawithlhlsarm round her, aad trying to snek jwielbsMVCarrartet am wife &mt stead Dy. aad they mingled their tears together. A few more davs passed aad the baby was buried. Krea that waa a straggle to the poverty-stricken father aad mother. It waa wonderful how they missed tbe tiny thlag .theirs for so short aUms berfaaay, wmalag baby ways, aad even her fretful, ssvlii cries. To Marjory, dartag tbe long hears whea her husband was absent, tbe house seemed horribly, unnaturally still aad desolate. The weather was wet aad chilly, and Jim caught a cold which eaded la a sharp at tack of bronchitis aad left aim more spirit less aad haggard-loekiag than ever. He the autumn dragged on. At last one dreadful day whea area Marjory broke down, aad when Jim looked so weak aad ill as beset off on bis weary aad fruitless quest for work that it almost broke his wife's heart to see him at last, privately, aad with many pangs of humbled pride, Mrs. Carrol wrote to her uncle. She did aot tell her husband, for she knew that if she did nothing would Induce him to let the letter go. The answer came soon enough; and it so chanced that Carrol met tbe postman at tbe door and took the letter from him. He gave it to his wife and waited while she read it; then, seeing h;r face blanch, took it from her trembling hands and with compressed lips glanced at tbe few words it contained. It was short irerersucd. candle," he sii, patting rich old men in Europe closed their doors -against him or othorwise. They lived inatinyhouso in a red-bricked, poiiitui-gatilod terrace at Camborivell; and they had enough to do to pay tho rent and to matte end moot generally, especially after the baby came. But they loved each other passionately, and that made things easior. 3Iarjory was tho most sunny-hearted and hoeful of little women; and sho was quite nun; that somo day Dornton & Cox awak- oiling to a sense or Jim's abilities would tako him into urtiiership and make his for tune. But alas! for Marjory's dreams on the Turticular evening on which this story HKJtis Carrol was wending his way home Ward dejectedly enough, for Dornton & Cox. iiaving hud heavy losses lately, were reduc ing their Muff of clerks, and among those dismissed today was Jutnes Carrol. Jim felt stunned und bewildered: for situations were not as plentiful as blackberries in I.on dou in 1SS, any more than they are now. "O Jim, how late you are!" cried little Mrs. Carroll, as she Hew to tho door to meet her husband. "I thought you were never if. coming! I had to put baby to bed at last." "Had you, dear" ho answered, absently, ns he followed her into the small but cosy sit ting room. Ho looked depressed and out of sorts, Marjory thought. 1'erhaps he has one of his bad headaches. But like a wise little woman asked no ucstinns; only toured out his tea, and gave him his Mip;crs. Ho did i.tVeit any thing, she noticed: but sent up his t-up lobe filled again and again. draining itc.ich time feverishly. Ho was very silent, too. -Is any thing the matter, dear!" his wife said at last, in anxious tones. "Yes, Marjory," he answered, with an effort. Then, after a jiauso he told hor. For a moment her sunny face was clnudnri this was a contingency which they never v-umciniiiaicu. i nen alio said, bravely: "Never mind, Jim. It will not bo difficult for you to get another situation. I see scores of advertisements in tho panerseverv day!" But Carrol was not so sanguine. He was or a more gloomy tenicranient than Mar jory, and would not bo cheered, not even when baby woke up and smiled and cooed in his face as was her wont. "You see, Jim," said Marjory, cheerily we still have a good part left of your last salary. It is not quarter-day yet for a good while, and we can economize in little things. Wo might let Ann g" (Ann was the small maul-of-all-work.) "sho is really getting very careless; she broke three plates yes- ii.-.uu.. ii i nave a cnairwoman to come in Saturdays 1 can easily manage the work myself. Baby is so good, aud requires so little attention." H Jim put his arm aronnd her as she knelt bcoide him. "Dear little woman." he said, "I couldn't let you do that. Not yet, at least," They studied the papcrdiligently day after day. Carrol answered innumerable adver tisements, both by post and personally but in vain, though he spent an alarming subTib postage stamps, and returned night after night weary, heartsick and footsore. The days went on ; quarter-day drew near and passed, and theCarrols' little store of money melted away. For tho baby had been .... ... Kinw imuesmcns bills, small but imperative, had had to bo paid. The weather was oppressively hot and enervating and Marjory's little face began to look pinched and worn, for the baby was peevish and fretful, requiring constant nursing and at tention, and the servant had been dismissed some time ago. ui Another week passed. Jim felt .,., desperate for he could obtain no empK- baby fell ill again, it .ecmed a kmd of wasting, nmele, illness She cried aid wailed night and dav and grew myZ hourly more shadowy looking?! dirznr whom Carrol at last called i k ?f' head. asked a few quesSisS of air, aad ordered the young 1nothM?E take "plenty of nourishing food." tK view to furthering the latter object-czinw. of air being out of th ..-I.11?. pawned his watch and chain pZ , If lta ho felt shamefaced and mk, -feUow XJtoSSZ over money bisnowchalnles. waistcoat But tte SO kctlt th.m : . some little time; and CarrolL mewhSe! did not for a day relax his .irL. . !TUe' employment. He searched with ,!. m diligence in cachevening's L, Sj devoted to "vacant .it.i?.r.t.he.,Iu" swered various advertiser.. -" ." seemed singularly suiubfe. But Th2 who have studied that column- amusement or cariosity, but for h JLr know that of those adrertwL,?Car ,ht many are simply swindle.?.. .,nljr ,simp!yswindles,andthatthe com. pailysccuibxtJiosewhah!:. SEssra-'tsaa-aS years." "Ah, yos, to be sure. Well, I know de signs are wanted for a new hospital some where near Manchester. The premium is a hundred pounds. Now " "or God's sake, tell m," Interrupted the other eagerly aud hoarsely, "do you think I havo any chance" "Well," said Lylo, "I was going to havo a try. My father has an idea I ought to dis tinguish myself in that line; but I'm au aw ful duffer on plans always was. 80, if you caro to go in for it it', a goodish premium it might bo worth your while. And, by the way, Carrol, don't sign yourown name; ior 1 uciiove old Lintou, your wire's uncle, is to be one of tho judges. Ho it still no ond down on you; and it might make a differ ence. See Sign it oh, auy thing you like, and send it under cover to mo. You can trust me not to father it," he added, laughing. "I'll send you all the particulars to-morrow, and let you know whenever the thing's decidod." "Lyle, I can not thank you sufficiently," saia carroi, unsteadily, "though I fear there is very little chance for me." "Pooh !" replied the other, in airy tones, "you've as good a chance as any of the rest." "How soon must it go in I" asked Carrol feverishly. "Ah, let's see I think in a fortnight but I'll let you know." They were iu tho Strand by this time, and Lyle stopied at tho nearest restaurant, for it was past two o'clock. Carrol declined hU companion's invita tion to accompany him, and with a grasp of the hand tho two men parted. Jim turned down a sido streot, and thence through the Embankment Gardens to the river. He did not feel very hopeful, for when tho body is woak, tho spirit is apt to bo weak too; and big. stalwart-looking follow as ho was Cur- rolhadbut littlo stamina; and the past 1MUU1113 in cuascicss anxiety and lately, of almost starvation had told on him terribly. Ho walked slowly along the Embankment, and across Westminster bridge, aad so home. Majorymet him with her usual cheery suiiio; buthofauciod her sweet face was paler and more worn-looking than ever: and (tin I...1..-.. . ,. . ...v, uau.i n ius uunaiuraiiy largo and bright seemed to follow him reproachfully. His wifo clapped her little hauds Joyfully when ho told her of Lyle's proposal; and sho was so merry and hopeful all oveniug that Jim felt his spirits rise. She prepared a nice little supper for him, too; aud Jim did notuotice for a wonder that ono or two of their cherished books had disappeared. Baby was very good tonight, she did aot cry at all; and the evening was the most cheerful they had passed for somo time. in tne evening of the following dav m the promised letter from Lyle, and as soon as it was light next morning Carrol began his task. Ho worked hard and patiently, but he suffered terribly from nervous head' aches; he took oven less food than usual, and the baby's constant monotonous wall made him sometimes half crazy. At last tho drawing was laished. Carrel signed it "'Isola, care of A. Lyle, Esa..," Tashls friend had suggested. Marjory thought it beautiful and had no doubt of lta being successful. But Carrol was aot ao sanguine, uowever. be sent it off at once and Marjory already began tocalculate how long a time must elapse before its fate would be decided. It was weary waiting though; aad to Jim aye, and to Marjory too the once-dreaded pawashop became sadly and painfully famil iar. Meanwhile their baby was slowly but surely fading away from them. One afternoon Carrol returned somewhe earlier than usual from the city, whither he bad been ia answer to some luring will-o'-the-wisp advertisement. It was a dull, wet day; and as be turned up the narrow street which led to his home, his heart sank with a curious undefined dread. They had been up with the baby alt night; but she had seemed better and brighter whea Jim left in the morning. Marjory met him, as she always did. at ie door. At a alanos hU t. -L h..Zi J WMW HuivKcaca. it!" he "i astiiy. The ch ild is she worse I" "Jim," she answered, looklag up at him, with dry, grief-strickea eyes; "Jim babv is dead!' He followed her silently to tbe room where the tiny creature, with waxea feat ores so like his own, lay cold, and still, aad smiling. When!" he asked In a choked vokse. "jusi iarea,aoars ago," she replied. Botoaously. ' Carrol stood loking down on all that fc w nun 01 ms babv daughter aad smoothed the short, fluffy hair with a trange wistful look ia his dark sunken vjva, ftiAjjaMljfcBBBBnittie BBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB vsBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBTaBr rtaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWt) laBBBBBBBBV fo.fafMimimimimimimim )laaaaaV tOBBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhBvhY VaBBBBBBBBBBBW daBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVMB deMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai uH ,Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai clBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa liaMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMaard BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB10 7BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV l IsaMBVMBBBBBBBBBBBVrTbt V. my dear. I caa't help It," she sobbed. There was a long pause; taea Marjory said, almost cheerily: "Perhaps if yon went to Mr. Lyle, he coilld tell yon. Jim " I did go, Marjory, yesterday, he iater ropted her quietly, "bathe has gone from home for a fortnight. If my drawing had beea successful be would have writtea be fore be left. Try aot to grieve, darllag; It caa't ha helped," Jim weat oa. with a sickly mile. "We matt try something else. I by bear of something Wday. "Perhaps there will be a letter te-alght." said Marjory with renewed hope, as she bid her husband good-bye at the door. Jim came borne about six. lookisg terri bly weary aad depressed. Be had beea un successful once more. "No letters jet, dear," said his wife, hastening to answer tbe unspoken question in his eyes. As she spoke they heard tbe postman's knock in the distance; it came nearer and died away. "Perhaps there will be one In the morn ing," Marjory went on; but her voice fal tered. In the morning I Another long, awful, sleepless night of hoping against hope, of maddening, steadily-growing despair! Jim shuddered. He was worn out, physically and mentally; and he felt as though he could not stand the sickening suspense longer. As he looked at his wife, her wan, changed face, with iu pale ghost of a smile, ed to pierce bis heart. strange, terrible, determined look set round bis mouth, but Marjory was ing her curly head against his arm, and not sec his face. e room was quite dark now, but they still standing at tbe window. For a Carrol was very still. Then he said : am very tired, Marjory, darling. I will own for a while. Don't disturb me. I I tkloep last night," (nor formany nights, ight have added.) ut won't you have a cup of tea first. SHOULD WOMErt PftOPOSE. her against his breast. She clung to him. sobbing passionately, for a long time. "Marjory," he said, suddenly, have you had any thing to eat to-day I For you ate nothing this morning." "Yes, dear, of course I have." she an swered, sitting up and drying her tears. "What had you f" noting with a pang how wan and weak sho looked, and what heavy shadows lay under hsr sweot brown eyes. "u, an 1 wanteu." "I know what that means," he said, in low, agitated tones. "Child, you are starv ing yourseir to death! I am killing you you, my littlo Marjory, who are dearer to mo than my own soul! You are dying bo foro my eyes as our baby did and I can do nothing nothing! O. my God this is torture!" Aud laying his head down on his arms on tho table, he, too, sobbed a man's heavy, heart-rending sobs, tearless and bit ter. In an instant Majory's arms were aronnd his neck, her lips raiting on his dark bent head. "Hush, dear boy, hush." she said, in her quaint little motherly way. "You are talk ing nonsense, dear. I haven't tho slightest thought or dying, you foolish Jim. Don't, my dear, don't!" sho wont on, imploringly. But Carrol's self-control seemed to have deserted him utterly; aad for a time his agitation was terrible. Then there was a long silence, broken at last by Marjory's voice, in anxious tones: "You have eaten nothing to-day. Jim, I am quite sure; and you are quite faint and worn out" "My darling, I could not eat." he answered wearily, raising his head and leaning back in his chair. (There were onlv two chairs in the room bow. and vory little else.) Marjory's soft brown eyes fl.led again with tears; but she resolutely winked them away, and said, trying to smile: "We will make up for lost time and have some sup per. Then things will look brighter. I havo an Idea, do you know,, that our luck Is going to take a turn." Jim smiled faintly; his Ideas pointed in a diametrically opposite direction. "And therefore," Marjory weat ea. with a gayety the more tonchlag to Jim, because be knew It was assumed for his sake, "we will go out aad buy something for sapper, my dear Jim. A great feUow like you oaa not possibly live oa bread and tea aai aot mucn oi-tbat-as yoa have beea doing. Now I woBder." looking round the room meditatively, "if there is nothing mora wa can put away!" (They always called it 'putting away.") Carrol did aot speak. Be could aot, just then. Marjory stole softly aa stairs to he bedroom, aad slowly opened a small box which stood there. Iteoahaiaed aothiagof much valuer seemlnslv. Onlv a tmm Wkv clothes aaMaTa tarnishad all rtti mt the whi-fMmmBBaMmMBJBBIImBaMw STBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBWL r.v- KBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm. AisTMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBW mt T'BVaMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMfrot VVaMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB UflBBBBBBBBBBHa sll)lBfflBVafflBBsBffaBffaBfafflBfcr iBenexioay uarroi n imssir wrntn tn nil T eni His letter was returned day. 0, I don't caro for any." long sleep will do you good, dear." she , anxiously and caressingly. ''You look iadfuu" Yes," ho answered, in a strangely quiet a long sleep will do me good." Then deuly: "Kiss me, Marjory!" Ah, ray own dear disappointed boy!" cried, throwing her arms round him. e held bor to him tightly, and kissed her n and again. My darlinjj!" ho said, hoarsely. "My darling!" en ho let her go, and went away. 'She him go up stairs and his footsteps in the room above. arjory sat at the window for along, time; and watched the stars grow lighter and clearer in the soft dark sky. mewhere In the distance a street organ wailing outan old hackneyod waltz tune. stirred her heart strangely. She remem red dancing that waltz with Jim, so very, ry long ago it seemed long ago, like ery thing else that was bright and honc 1. Even Marjory's brave little heart was avy to-night. What would becotno of em, she wondered! God only knew. Tho clock in a neighboring church tower omed out on tho night air, and as tho las; oko died away there was a sharp knock the door. It was tho postman. Marjory k the one letter ho held out to her, and closing tho door again she went back to the sitting room. With trembling fingers she lighted the candle nnd examined the en velope cngerly. Yes, It was Mr. Lyto's hand writing! Marjory recognized it without difficulty, for it was a peculiar hand. With a boating heart sho stole soUly up stairs she did not take the candle, for fear of wukitig Jim, should ho be asleep and peeped Into the bedroom. All was still. In the pale starlight she could just make out the dim outline of his figure on the bed. "Jim!" she whispered. No answer. He was evidently asleep. Ah ! It seemed a pity to wako him, she thought ; and rhaps. after all, the letter held bad now. She softly laid a shawl over him In the semi-darkness, and crept down stairs again. After looking at the fateful envelope for some time she slowly opened it. She could not wuit,and sho knew Jim would not mind. In another moment she uttered a littlo glad involuntary cry, and her lipj parted In a joyful, half-incredulous smile. Could it bo possible! Yes Jim's design had been selected us the best; tho premium would be his! And this was not tiie only good news the letter contained; for Lvle went onto say that ho had heard of a vacant appoint ment, which be thought h. could through his father's influence secure for Carrol. Majory hid her race In her hands; for a momeut the revulsion of feeling was almost too much. Then, in a passion of tears sud thankfulness, she fell upon her knoes. But she could ouly say: "Thank God! Thank God!" An hour passed. The moon was drifting among tho stars and streaming in through the uncurtained window on Marjory's face wet with happy tears. Tho candle had burned itself nut. Ah, what a joyous waking Jim's would be! Bhould she lay the letter on his pillow to surprise him when he awoke! Or should she rouse him! Perhaps he was already awake. Sho lit a fresh bit of candle, and, still holding the precious letter, went up stairs. She laid tho candle down just outside the bedroom door and entered very gently. How deadly still the room was I "Jim!" sho said. soHy. But Jim did not answer. How soundly ha slept! Marjory came nearer and bent over him in the throbbing darkness. The moon had bidden herself behind ono solitary cloud. "Jim!" a little louder. 8U11 that strange weird hush. A vague fear stirred her heart. 8he did not even hear him breathe. What if be had fainted ! The moon sailed out again, illuminating part of the room, but leaving tbe bed ia deep shadow. "Jim, darling." leaning over him aad lay lag her arm across his neck, "a letter has come! His " With a suddea sickesing terror she stepped aad raised herself, for felt that her sleeve was wett btng ap tbe candle she held it over bed, and by its flickering light she aaw dear Heaven what did she seel her Jim, surely! white, dead face a dark, red stale ea coverlet a ghastly wound aad cold lens fingers, still holding-what! h, cruel Jim! loag. shuddering cry raag oat on the a alghv-wild-agoBuwd-desaairiag. a aad agaia u echoed. Thea all Why sot" Ia tk area) pawt men kave married their preferences; woanea. their aportuoitiea. Tbe man asay choose, the woman refuse, but aha refuses at her peril, as her - eissoa may coadema her to a life of celibacy, especially ia our thickly pop ulated New Eaglaae! or Middle State, where the womea outnumber tho men. Tha maa she accepts may be in no wiee the maa of her choice;" but it may be a marriage of complaisance, of con venieace or of necessity under our present system, while the woman looks oaJmy on to see aaother fill the place that she has coveted, without any inti mation in the mala breast of her dcsiiv. when a little more frankness on the part of the woman might have added to the happiness of both. A wom.in would be slow to make application for divorce from the man who had married her on her own calm deliberation and request; while the positive privilege of making- another selection should he refuse and the man should have tho same rijjht of refusal as tbe woman would tfive her confidence to approach the man whom she deemed best suited to her condition and happiness. Matched would be more carefully made when considered from both etnnd point. and the glamour nnd indefinite nesa thut usually hedged around a pro posal would be wiped away in the cool consideration of a mutual business con tract. And why should the woman not havo a voice and a choice in the man who Is to bo her life partner tho father of her children, and who i most likely to give tho tone und color to all of her lifter life? The majority ot women never rise abovo the character given to them by the man whom thev chance to wed. for chance In tho past has usually had more to do with marriage than reason. The Catholics make marriage a canon of the church ami indissoluble, but it is considered in most of tho States as a civil contract- It should undoubtedly b a civil contract with the utmost mutuality, with both of the contracting parties at liberty to propose and to re ject proposals without offense and with out any violation of any of the ordinary rules of propriety. This contract should also be construed to contain equal property rights for tho man and tho woman, and au equal control over tho children of the marriage. Why should the woman havo more diffidence in selecting tho man who is to wd her than in the selection of the house sho is to live in and its intricate furnish ings, when tha former has infinitely so much more to do with her hnppinc.i and prosperity? To propose has always been consid ered tho prerogative of queens, but iu mis respect every American woman should consider herself a queen. It was not until Queen Victoria had ig-nifled-to Prince Albert that a proposal Irorn him would be favorably received that ho ventured to make advances to that honored lady. Queen Elizabeth. yean before, had claimed the right of proposal as England's sovereign Queen. Tho incident recited in Scripture be tween Ruth and Hoaz, after the day of gleaning in the field, was virtually a propositi by Ruth. After the formulating of tho Gre gorian Calendar in lM'J, giving to every fourth year 366 days, it waa ac counted proper for women to prnpo-e every fourth or leap year, but so much fncctioiisiicts and ridicule has attached to it, that the custom has been more honored in the breach than in the ob servance. At this time, when wo eon cede to women equal educational facil ities; havo arrived at a proilrnate equality in property rights; havo given to her to a limited extent the ballot and the privilege of holding office; when the trades and the professions are so far thrown open to her thut she may compete with man in money making and money-getting. I can see no good reason why sho may not un der suitable circumstances propose; but the proposal on hor part would al ways carry with it tho tacit agreement to perform her part in tho domestic economy of the household. Tho right of proposal vouchsafed to woman would undoubtedly have a moral tendency. Bella A. Lockicood, in S. Y. World. U1LIC CHUNK). t rr u toewr It an, iw ; -hi A proper regard for tho opi&ioa af the world is a irrrmi aj.,...i woraas should strive to appear so wU " to be biamrics. Hut la minor things, in which 00 question of princi ple is involved, it is pcMeible to ask one's self too often, What will poople say?" v To place an exaggerated value oa the remarks of strangers la a very In discreet thing We should bate inde pendence enough to do what is ri;ht and best for ourrlvo without asking our neighbor's advice We .hotud re- SCICNCt ANO tNOUSTMV. Over a Ukss4 sb 4 ift ia rUteVurga wvrk in tfe Wa as-itU, priacijndly asaking SrSJ mir. A ttd rVadt Ka lau4 A soUdl4d ga. which cjs So4iasly volatilized fur th special c f hw kwwUta. Uthlusa is ths UM: jfcttl knows, aad it l worth tO fw ouaxvw Gallium is th raHlit aai ko, aad ie worth tZX r uxm. A pateftt ha W gr-aated in H gtaad for a aw proc o jKrlljvs alcohol by axnaa of hydrwrlfcv It Is claimed by this a- is&m t&.i pure spirit can b really Miftd by member that our own ideas siv U quite as good as those of others, and I rcaorlng froai the mds aUx,e4 that we know our own nerds and th ful oils aad etW aostous lcjriWit. depth of our own purse. Utter thaa -China crap, as U. na i d i other poP! can. dlcat. was original., esanBfsrfturvl There are hundreds of woro-a now ' la China. whr the prM -, t. wearing hard, stiff collars about their , scrt aad for a lot Has- buBw''! 1T1 ' bout ' alteapu at lalUlioa. I tVjg. w mcr wkjh, neavv emu ties that hurt ! at last suecwesfui la dtsooteeitij; it a 4 u-els. ' Introducing tho asaaa.'wturo tav the spine, tight gloves and high hl simply in deference to what thev ut- Franc. JK "the people will sr " In fact. .Wood-reosrta oil I. rvmto. d this form of compliance with tho die- br Captain W H Huby. la th- ) ,r tates of other woplo i. universal Vou estrv R-p.vUacaf. -fteport oa th- Ho fl and I say: "How fooll-h' Ho. mou- Utioa of lUilroaJs to Kor.i. ,a r trou' How Injurious"' Bm we wear estry."a posepsdnc'alaabv wh. r the things all the Minn properties. It 1. n ofiteient j '1 u. Mrs. B has a prrlty ro.tum left ' animal and vetablo lite itUur , from Irj.1 winter, but "what would peo- . rvfxd. raoWlur. aad us tr m pie say" to her In church In the - the power of cioUttnsC a. sa same things? So she geU now attlrw nou.and oth.rf-nnUhl tn.U r on credit, employs a drwmaker h:n die does not jwy. Is tortiicd bv dun. overwhelmed with mortification, and much more unhappy than if he had hoard jK-ople say; -Why. there is Mrs. B. in last ear's suit and tho nmo bon net!" Arabella goes to a ball. Keryonoj wears a dro without sleeves to a ball ' in these days. Aratclla knows that . that means a cold In her cae, but "what would people nay" If she woro sleeves? People say vury little when she lies at the point of death with pneumonia. In fact, many of her friends have to be told afterwards how I 111 she has been They did not know, j or rare, wh.it her (nU m!i)i iv )...., I Matilda 15 mice N happy nnd comfort uble. nnd can provide herself with what she needs in this world. rill say In a year or two that she Is ' zlno at thlm-K-M tn. A now proee h Ix-n tn --' ! la Chicago by which euld - i am readily contejed to building aiv -, ea.ll controlled lr sI . With anhydrou ammonia attlj : below zero can be maintained, l'..uis vars ao a ehemUt nam. (. .' c covered the jteeullar cold jilu . j properties of ammonia. 1U c-.i solidly frozen after hating !h ! In refrigerator cars for trar!ui-M Ial In tho form of SHtnrv mu1c a protsuro of ,tL.) aUiop.Me thirteen ton to the jusm tneJx, o comes oomprnvsed Into u till 1 b! ; In which It U lmpoihlo to deUvi t slightest vrstign of tile original i.'r.i, . It liquifies. Tin, when comprint a , jHiwder. beeomes solid under p... ton on the squar 1h 1. AttUm wij ,a 1 But xoI sure of let ,.. .. .1 . .1.1 ! "V j .... .. .. f gelling to oe an old maid, so he mar- thirtv-eleht tons, aluminum t tfc ho offeni. get- a bad j eight ton., bismuth at thtrtj -4vbl Uki.. and tHipor st thlrtyt)inw tiww. Qulcktand l cimjH.l o' 0 small particle of mica mtted Iimj: , with water. The to tea l tn that tho fragments slip upwi eoeft oUr with the groatesl facilitT. i UuUir heavy body which dlipLwt t ie 1 will sink and continue u . . until a solid lmtU)in l nw. i When particles of sand ar jneed -l angular, any weight preing .i a will crowd them together until tlie v compacted Into a n)Hd int. A vt I "OmjHed of mica or mj.suUmi w 1 -ti sufficiently mixed with water -.-u;. lo ries the first man husband, and -oon envies all independ ent spinsters who do not caro what peo ple say about their state of single blc.-ed iicus. In all such matters vou should no! care for what Kople will say "B "sure you're right and then go ahead." f CANES IssBwrtanl Infi IN HISTORY. 1 at 8. there is a fair, slender solemn child-like eyes aroicealy. God knows what she In mit. ft Waa a sUeaoa. far wriA ij The raia driswii an taa wiaaewl Joseph Lintoa. unopened. a "Post these letters far me, sling-will yea!" said Archie L yle, oae Octeber fore aoon. -rm off la a teartac harrv to teh a trala. Dotfi fo ,, H t., ,, rllnw " -All right,"nsid theyeuagmaa addressed andhepat the letters cnrelesaly laU the breast pocket of his overcast. HangitauV'Kiag aahl to himself tha at day, Tveforgotteata post Uyle'a let ienL T!?' ldoK "PPone it matters much. He'll he aeaa tae wiser." Hedrepaei them iato tbe first nfllar box he came to! MSBtjS ltahiSl.. . . . u(iusg a wuar, saaatered oa aw way. Oathemoraingofthia same day Carrel aad his wife were staadiag, pale aaaVsileat. at tbe window of their tmhig; iaomTluu were watching for the aostmaa. Thar had watched for him aaspokealy. fevarishlv. deaaairiagly, fer maay day. 8eaa they heard the sharp rat-tat ea the woera ia tha distance. He came aearer. Hekaeekedat laeaooroiueBeaaa Bearcat theirs. ha Baassd ant aaas mwanaaanaaBi vnw, O, Jim!" said the little wife WmwaJwhishta s tbe asylui with hair. ash!" she says to the doctors every with lowered voice, and uplifted flager. Hush! Jim is asleep. I must set wake him. He is ae tired, poor Jim! He dees at know that the letter has come. Yoa will take me to him. will yoa aot! Not bow but whea he awakes V'CurtU rrr, m Tests .Ber. Tom (a borrower; "I say. Dick, I've made a bet with Harry aad you are the only one who can keep it. Oaee upoa a time, you know, Douglas Jerrld was asked by an acquaintance u nenaa tne courage to lead him a guinea, and Jerrold replied that he had the courage but he hada't the guiaea. Now. I have always believed thai you would give me a differaat swer if 1 should ask you the question, wouraVt your Dick 'Yea, I would." Tosa "So, Tve worn the hei. Caa you accommodate me with the kma "of a fiver Dick "My dear hey, rve got the moaey, hut Ikavea't tha eearage, O yea, Jarrali ami I raaseas Jfeacv tUa Osihsrs far th at of Daass. That canes have been put to nobler uses than thatof affording nourish ment to the abysmal mouths of dudes is proved by history. In fact, the cane is surrounded by historical memories of surpassing interest. The Mexicans first used canes in America. When the Spanish conquered the country a queer custom was introduced. The chief executive of the town carried a tick with a gold or silver head. It was a kind of scepter. The people, of course, rarely knew how to read or write, and when any one waa wanted for a crime one of the mayor's sub ordinates would take the cane, find the culprit, and place it horizontally upoa the latter'a chest. The proceediiijr was equivalent to a summons, aad the man hadappearhefere the mayor ttader t he penalty of beiag cast into priaoa The custom waa borrowed from Hpaia where it still prevails in the more la portent sectioas. The cane of early American history, like that of Biblical time, was part of the repertory of the leaders of the church. It waa the orincioal hadm of the deacon. Ibecaae waa about Ave feet loag. Oae ead waa embellished with a big kaob. the other with feathers. Whea the small boy rebelled agaiast the straight-hacked pew he get a rap oa the head with the uncharitable ead of the caae. If tha head of the family got to dreaming about his old Eagluh home aad the coxy little Beat ia oae of the shires the turkey's pluas. age em the deacon's caae feathered the sleeper iato life agaia. The Irish have always beea a rand ated with a Mackthora stick of short thick aimeasioaa. They ueed qaeerumeswearasela the lava. teas of the Eaglioh kings and la tho religious ware. Evee ia it unaoliius4 tho blaakthsra stick U oae of tha J SERVICEABLE FENCES. Morn Thlsgs LNniMl by rrwr Thirty Years Kspsrivnr. A farmer who has had trouble with jumping fences." n- he terms It. says ho stopped It by nailing n horMsho on each front fxl of the cow or -tejr. But he should have boon mom explicit. Jumping fences are a great nuianco on a farm, and it seems to me that a-well-set post and rail fene won't jump very high. When tho earthquake hap pened about two yean ago all of my fences running ea-t aud wot jumped so as to throw tho corners all awry and leave most of tho top rails on th tops of the stakes, and many were thrown off. But this was not an ordi nary kind of jumping fence. T1hmm who are troubled with tho common kind might try the horseshtx: plan. What is the be-t fence? I have long sought to find this out and have triel the old-fashioned worm fence, staked or double-staked and ridered; the post-and-honnl fence and the po-t-nud-rnil fence, with morticed post and rails flattened and pointed at the end. I have somo miles of fence oti my farm and have constant trouble with tho fences, nil but about half a mllo of solid po-t-and-rall fence made of chest nut posts and five rails to each panel. The rails am ten feet long. 'Hiis fenco stands firmly; the heaviest winds do not move it: no cattle or horses try to jump It. It being five feet high: nnd from former experience, dating back thirty years. I know such a fence will last as long as this, if properly made. It Is cheap. The post am spilt sap lings about ten years old and eight inches on the split fare. The holes are bored with a boring machine and two inch nugcr. two holes being made five inches apart from outer edges and the wood between them Is cut out with a post axe having a blade two Inches wide. Two men will hoeone hundred posts a day and will set ap the oae hundred panels of fence In three days. costing thus sercn cent a panel for setting the fence. And when It Is net, it is set for years without aeed for re pair or almost dally watching and put ting up as with the common rail fence. The best thing to do with jumping aad breachy animal is to have good fences, so that when they are young the animals will not learn to jump or throw down the fences. Bad fencea make breachy aad unruly stock. .V. T. Timet. capable of such consolidation-. It Is claimed that cotton of n brr grade 1 a jkorfect substltutioa f.- 1 1 .. In bagging cotton ldo. Th J. Or!otui ttnet-Ifetnocrfi sayt "f.. bagging l a elastic as Jt;t. a :ni ;. as well adapted to covering e; i. 1 will stand hooks, compreM4r and h J ling of every kind. It wU prt-sH I cotton better from dirt and tnu ate . and affords It ample ventilntio. Ii tho matter of price It can eumpsi'it4 jute, and as It can be ued agnln. St -! 1 actually prove cheaper to lh p.iir than tho Indian product." Increase of Noxious Insects. Noxious iasecta are more aumereus aad destructive now than they were ifty years ago. Where aature ha a esaace to work out her laws, all ani mals, from tbe highest to the lowest, do not increase beyond proper limits. Evea maa himself is ao exception to this great law; hot let a break occur la this great aataral eaaia. aad it ie felt all atoag tho Iiao. Somo emeries will increase eaormouelj, while others al most entirely disappear. Now as in sects are far more numerous than all the higher animal, it follows that If i soase uaforeaeen eveat taken place thai favors a great inn-sane of some boxUtjo podoa, maa is sure to be a gr&x tef ferer. Aad this state of things is exactly what is taking place to-day. The reader will naturally inquire why the beneficial oaee do aot iscreae ao fast as the destructive oaee. The an swer is. the feed plsatef the iattrr has Increased enormously, ana ail an? stir, roundfn g have favored lie rapid ia- waue the other, living upoa. (iasago) food, is entirely oot by the vegetable eatisg Fiefc Poverty is geed joke after like a it is lore affair SHE IS A TERROR. Ths Wen an Who fcM rr,r,r Matr Hay ssr Tlir. They are forever shopping but -purchasing. The ejerk recoti.,. toe "shopper" tho minute she U't m tho door -111. She wander- abei;: e ta an air that shows she has Un ih"l 1 shopping but not buying exp-diin The first counter she rn,e to i handkerchief winter; she suddenly b. comes very much Interested In tb latest handkerchiefs, looks thoo a over, and ask the clerk, who i rti. to attend to thr' or four custom t once, the price of no ! than a doi then oooly tells him sh U only b'tiar around. She passes on to th un'-"I. counter, and picks up a go!d-hnsJIM umbrella and asks the clerk th pri -On being told the price she iddi-y discovers that it Is ju-l Ilk on f-e bought there lat yrar. bit a Hit cheaper. Thea she begin to rmml-t what she has (net by aot waiting It she seems to smooth hr rufl5ei fe-Ux by trying in every way possible u ru.f fle the feelings of the trufh-rnilurinz aalesmnn. She peases on u the -Ilk counter and asks for sample of all lb aew shades without the faintest Idea 0 ever purchasing n yard. Th clerk. trt wardly calm, aaswers hr qtst!tw and treat her courteously, while in wardly he invokes n blelng tm ler head. After dnwdling nrrmnd Jh- small-ware counter for about aa liour. she takes the elevator to tb- suit de partment, where she proc! U ls sptsrt leisurely all the Ute-i gown and wraps. The old clerk are all familiar with her marwqrrr. aad when she steps up with a otorMH "What have you got aw to-day. girlr they feel like tr-Uig her as she deserves, but what caa they d? The fioor-walhers' or suawrfateas'sata eyes are upoa them aad they mtt mx hibit their stock, try oa. butte as garmeat alWr garmsmtaad tara so that the shews er earn get ae view of H, saaod off me sho oaa the general saTset, aad after they tired out soul aad awdy the. walks off demurely toward the m akin departmeat. aayiag by wee af plasatiee. 'Ta eoly ImiklMg Ia tho meantime tho cirrk several good cuevamu. hwt she lo sa rejoiced te see the nrtreatiag the "aaoapee' that the lost i. a .v v ssai mrw mu 3 m , i inn a m fc aBBBt. veaaaa that drifts iato a store wnaagT vague idea ia her head thai she seeaethiag is aet fjite so hast "shopper."' After akiag ahewt' keadnd qaeatiisas aad laopsctlog taira of the stack the store she discovers what H Ss she arUahiaaiaooaeea aat e tatSsSP aahaUarticlo that she eeead asL othmmala five mW-Jha J& SWWi sj t 1? V. & 18. -i - 5?!-. iS.T wisWiScSs .t tf j" itfi .ZZ-L, ?.'.s y jT5? frv-i -.j; t .. avf t--i.. j,- jf f.