rfKs- fer ,1 4 IS? u V 5 tSSscr L Xirfl? . , V J "47 .ar1' ' B F 3 Bn r. mnW mam -w BBTSerV nmnf -. -4 m i - - ..XJM-1 Z. 'anBKee 'eI- . 1 ' 3?v , l-S-T"" BED CLODD CHIE1 A. O. HOlMEIt, Pfrifr . RED CLOUD. - - - NEBRASKA CURRENT COMMENT. In the new River and Harbor bill the Missouri river gets $600,000. A chukcii for the exclusive use of the deaf and dumb was recently conse crated in Philadelphia. Emterok William has renewed his .grandfather" h order that none of the imperial teche. servants shall wear a mus- A female lion tamer was frightfully 'lacerated while in the brute's cage at a show at ilohenmuth, Bohemia, re cently. .- TnE Western Union and Manhattan Elevated Railway Companies have de clared their usual dividends for the current quarter. A great mortality is reported among the horses at Lorcna, Kan., supposed to be caused by the dry black ergot of the corn fields in which they have been grazing. -. The House Committee on Military Affairs has reported frvorably the bill to4 place GcncralJohnC. Fremont on the retired list with the rank of Major General. It is announced that Italy will con struct a railroad on the Italian side of the Simplon tunnel and will grant a subvention of several million francs in connection with that work. Mayor Hewitt, of New York, has refused to vote for a proposition to set aside ,$250,000 for a soldiers1 monu ment, because he docs not believe in "compulsory" patriotism. The New York Press h:is the best authority for stating that General Harrison has invited James G. Rlaino to the chief place in his CaVinet and that Mr. Itlainc has accepted." Two medical students named Illuhm and Elchler fought a duel at Berlin re cently with pistols. Illuhm was mor tally wounded. The duel was the re sult of a quarrel over the merits of Dr. Mackenzie. Jcnr.E Sage has signed the petition to President Cleveland for the pardon of Benjamin F. Hopkins, ex-assistant cashier of the defunct Fidelity Hank of Cincinnati, on the ground that Hopkins is a physical wreck. Majok Spauldixr, Fourth cavalry, commanding at Fort McDowell, was killed recently by tho accidental dis charge of his gun while hunting. His remains were taken to Kalamazoo, Mich., for interment. The East African slave trado sup pression matter was up at tho German Reichstag a short tirao ago when Count Herbert Itismnrck announced that Germany and England were work in harmony and that all possible would be done. The athletic committee of Harvard University has granted the petition of the base-ball team to be permitted to plav with professionals. The petition was indorsed by tcvcral former cap tains of tho team and other men prom inent in athletics. Mapamk Houlanceu in an inter view recently denied that she had re fused to live with her husband. She complained that he was trying to play Napoleon and make her his Josephine. Sho thon burst into tears nnd beeged to be excused from answering further questions. The corridors of tho Interior and Tost-office buildings arc to bo used by troops attending Harrison's inaugura tion for sleeping purposes. Tho ap plications for places in the parade are from scventy-fivo organizations, ag gregating 15.000 men 2,000 moro than were in the parade in 18S4. A bill has been introduced into the rtmte authorizing the Secretary of War to have constructed 250 pneumatic torpedo throwers of the highest power, capable of throwing steel torpedoes charged -with 500 pounds of dynamite a distance ef -.five 'miles. These pneu matieTgunsare'to be used as harbor defenses. ' Street Superintendent Wallace, of Albany. N. Y., who discharged an old soldier from the department and was convicted of violating the G. A. R. law, was fined $700 and to stand com mitted until the ine should be paid. This ssdft jjojjbe the first case of the natare in-'the State. An appeal was taken. John Brodekick, the New York man who received the two thousand dollars offered by Chairman Quay for the ar rest and conviction of illegal voters, has been ruined by his gooi fortune, jneikns turned his wife and children sftipf doors, aad, upon her complaint, Deea sent to prison for one month for intoxication and general disorderly behavior. The Society of Medical Jurispru dence discussed the Whitechapei mur ders teeeitly- with the result of con cluding that Jack the Ripper, was of sound mind. Lawyer Austin Abbott read a paper which set forth that there barbarious instincts in man, pre ed with remarkable persistence by the laws of heredity, from uncivilized trv. oocrxE of Pittsburgh. Pa... tahe ;i ri workmen havo been engaged to go to H England to teach the employes of ) auue wuru unn bow the maaarfactmreotuWaf. a contract at Ire Jetton Longmore, one of of the Englisk pis. in Pittsburgh, amid UBtt s, laumn r day. . thpropriJ who was! NEWS OF THE WEEK. OOXG Tn Seaate oh the 11th panted Senator Frye's resolution sUrectiac tbe Committee oe Foresga Relations to Inquire iato the state of affairs is tke Bemoan Islands asd then took op sad considered the Tariff bill until adjourn- neat Tbe House. iBimeniately after tke reading ef tbe jo rnaL went iato Committee of tke Whole en tke Direct Tax Mil. peadia; de bate on which the coamitiee roat aad tke Houae adjourned. Soon after assembling oa the 12th the Senate resumed coatideratl n of the Tariff bill and debate continued until adjournment... In the Houae tbe Hirer and Harbor bill aa re ported and referred. The Election! Committee reported in the California contested caw of Sullivan against Felton, finding in favor of Sullivan. A minority report Tavorea reiton the sitting memeer. In Committee of the Whole the Direct Tax b 11 was taken op and after a long debate the commit tee rote and re ported tke bill to the House and It passej by a rote of ITS jcaa to K nays. The Honae then adjourned. lie tbe Senate on tbe 12th Mr. Dawes of fered a resolution, which was agreed to, calling for information aa to report of outrages in Alaska. The Tariff bill was then tnken up and pending the discussion Senator Kiddleberjrer succeeded in creating a cene by rising to po nta of order and inteirupting the debate. When he declined to take his seat he was "sat down on" by the presiding officer (Senator Ingall). After executive business the Senate ad journed until Monday.. ..In tbe House tke bill retiring Jokn C. Fremont as a Major General was favorably reported, and the House went iato Committee of the Whole on the Oklahoma bill. Amendments were offered to cripple tbe hill, but tke fnends of the measure were vigorous in their fight against them. Pending a vote on tbe amendment by Mr. Pay son (111.) to give old soldiers their lands free, which was strongly opposed by Mr. Warner (Mo.) and others, the House adjourned. The Senate wns not in session on the lttb....In th House Mr. Hooker Introduced a resolution for a holiday recess which was re ferred. A motion that the House go into Com mittee of the Whole for the consider ation of the Nicaragua Canal bill brought out some sharp remarks from Messrs Wilson (Iowa), Wand (Mo.) and SpinolaiN Y.) severely criticizing certain comment in New York papers as to the inothe. of those "who offered amendments to the bill. The bill wii then considered until recess. No business was transacted at the evening session and the House aejourned until Monday. PKKSONAI. AND POLITICAL. Tna President has received the resigna tion of United Slates District Attorney Emery B. Sellers, of tbe Indiana district, but has not yet accepted it and does not wish to do so. The Attorney-General lias telegraphed to Mr. Belters that tbe Presi dent joins with him in requesting him to withdraw bis resignation. Colobow, chief of tbo Southern Utes. died recently, aged seventy. He will be succeeded by the chief of tbo Uncom pahgres. He was the leader in the Meeker massacre and in the Colorovv war of IbhU. UENEnaL James C Lane died at mid night on tbe 12th at New York. It. has been officially stated that tbe Pope does not intend to leave Rome, nor had be thought of taking Kucb a step. It was rumored at Indon recently that Stanley, the great explorer, was a prisoner of the Mndhi, together with Etuin Pasha, and that tngland must give up Suakim to secure their release. The public reception at Indianapolis, Ind., tendered to tbo Vice-President-elect and Mrs. Morton on tbe 14th, was tbe most brilliant affair of the kind ever witnessed in that city. It was reported recently that the Can adians were not at all pleased with Con gressman Hutterwortli's bill for Ibe an nexation of Canada and that tbey re garded it as tbe greatest rot ever pro pounded by a Rtatesman. Mayob Hewitt, in bis testimony on the 11th before the State Senate Committee investigating city affairs, expressed his opinion that Colonel Cockerill, of tho Now York W'oWcf, was a liar. Colonel Cockerill has addressed a letter tn Hewitt declaring that the latter was a liar, a blackguard and a slanderer, and said ho could prove it by Mr. Hewitt's public record. The South Carolina Senate bas passed a bill making valid township bands amount ing to .f 1,000,030, issued in aid of the con struction of railroads, which bad been de clared invalid by tbo State Supreme Court. The Xorth German Gazette says that all tho German embassies and consulates pos sessing copies of tbe cryptograph lost af ter tbe Emperor Frederick's death have burned them by order of the Government. Hon. Charles Boyle, who was recently appointed Chief Justice of Wyoming by President Cleveland, died from a compli cation of diseases caused by overwork. Senator Deck, who bas been resting at tho homo of bis son-in-law near Washing ton, expects to leave for an extended Southern trip for the benefit of his health. Prince Alrxanoer of Hesse, uncle of the Grand Duke of Saxe-Coburg, is dead. .Most of the papers of Paris consider the rejection of the Panama Canal bill a mis take. Some describe the vote in the Cham ber of Deputies as pusillanimous, while others declare it will prove fatal to tbo Republic BUSCaXLAXftXMTS, Telemaqce T. TiMAYEXsis, formerly professor of Greek at Harvard University and a noted author, was recently arrested on the alleged charge of having committed extensive embezzlement of money belong ing to the Minerva Publishing Company. Outbaoes by Whitecaps were still being perpetrated in tbe vicinity of Toledo, O., amaa being half hanged and then cat down aad nnmercifully lashed. The Maryland 8ute aavy recently bad a serious encounter with oyster dredgers in the mouth of the Chester river. Canaoa was used aad the dredgers rammed aad aak. 8erioas loss of life was reported. uWrEY', Ryan, of Brooklyn, who fought such a desperate ring battle with Jack Murray, oa Berian's Island, last September, was agaia seen in ring cos tume oa the 13th, his opponent being Jim Farrell, of Philadelphia. He sneceeded ia kaockiasx Farrell oat ia aiae rounds. A parse of JI.Y) was awarded the winner. K. L. Habteb, Tice-prealdeat of the late Fidelity Bank, of Ciaciaaati. now ia the peatteatiary, has become saddenly iasaae, aad has been removed to the prison asylam aad locked ap. REraassNTATrrB William H. Xaktih, of Texas, recently charged with aseaaltea George H. Harris, a reporter oa the Even i Msr at Washington, pleaded gailty aadwastaedlia. Tmt Chicago Opera Honae caacat ire shortly after the aadieace left oa the sight of the 12th. The fire was eoaaaed to the aaditorium aad caaaed damage amoaat iag to 130.000. A detctattos representing the Canada Pork Packers Association waited oa the Miaieter of Casteme at Ottawa, Oat, oa the 19th. They wanted the Government to adept measares to prevent the importa tion U American adalterated lard. They also seagat te have the daty on American pork axed at two cents per poaa tor barrel perk. R. G. Dcsr At Cas review of trade fsr the week ended the let stated thai the very aright ecesd.nmt-stisnbei UatsstSMa, aim tains ana Iff aa new, wit very usw Jambs Mb ib. one ef the eviemdlms Koines river land settlers, a meats smagahsmnesnas 8nsU. ef CTmaea,to BL F. Hows. Uv arreemi at Peatoa, Tex., ror ree- htag the Fadhc Kspress Cempaay of , mat September. Tna cottoa gia ia O. W. Taraer's place at Hoatgomery. AIs., reoeatly exploded, kilting F. O. Taraer sad twe Begroes oat right, aad weaadiag several others. iTisaeaertodat St. Petersbarg that ma American ayadlcat with a capital of . 000,000, aas beea formod to coastructa railway in Siberia, and that several former aad present American diplomatic and con filar areata are interested iatheander- taklag. E. L. HARrEB. the ex-tanker aad ooa vlct, who became deranged recently at the penitentiary at Columbus. O.. waa re ported better oa the 14th aad talked ra tionallyoaalmostallsBbjecta. Hethought be was ia a trance which caused his pe culiar action. He claima to be well, but it was noticed that he was at times flighty. The Chicago speculative markets wrre captured by the bears on tbe 14th ana at the close wheat, corn, oats and provisions were found sharply lower than on the pre vious day. Assistant Postmaster Michael A. Sheldon, of Hudson, N. Y., who was re cently convicted of robbing the mails, has been sentenced to three years' imprison ment at hard labor in tbe Erie County pen itentiary. During the six weeks he bas in prison bis hair, which was auburn, bad turned almost white. ALL the Ottawa, Out., lumbermen op pose tbe increase in tbe duty on American pork asked for by the Canadian packers. Tbey import 30,000 barrels from Chicago annually. Clearino house returns for the week ended December l.' showed an average in crease of 6.C compared with the corre sponding week of last year. In New York the increase was 6 0. Henry Meredith, who shot Phil Daly, the gambler, in New York City recently while trying to rob buu, has been Identi fied as Lewi Carleton, an escaped Ohio convict. American railroad securities were de pressed on the Iondon Exchange during the week ended December l"i. General business was also limited. The German bourses were reported firm and quiet. Iu Parts financial matters vre unsettled lie cause of Panama canal utT.tlr. DlPHTnKtciA was reported raging ia the vicinity of Albuquerque, N. M. Physicians stato that since tbe disenso broko out sev eral weeks ago no less than U00 Mexican children bnve died. Thk total amount of bonds purchased undortho circular of April 1" is jl("0,CG. 200, of which J1.:EM.UV) arero 4 per cents and $I9,'2jO..W) were J'.s. The cost of these londs was $11! '-'47,t. of which :j;O.O10.S77 was paid for tho 4s and $M, iKCTUl forthe4,.'s. Teruiiilk storms were raging for three days recently In the department of Lyon-esse-Orientalos, France, flooding villages and causing wrecks and much lost of life. It is announced in Chicago that the whisky trust has decided on a campaign of extermination against the distillers who have refused to come Into the com bination. This is to be iunugurated' Jan uary IS, with a decided reduction in the prico of whisky. Four street railways of St. Louis the Union, the Citizens', Cass avenue aad Northern Central have been aold to a Chicago syndicate for J3,GOO,000 cash. A company of soldiers bas been aentU tho Turtle mountain reservation in Dakota because of threatened trouble by the half breeds. The region about SL Joseph, La., is threatened with an overflow, the river bank having caved in beyond tbe line of the Government protection levee. Two white men robbed a train oa the Illinois Central, at Duck Hill, near Gren ada, Miss., on the night of the loth, ob taining .:!, 000 from tbe express car. The robbers killed Chnrlos Hughes, a passen ger, who, with a Winchester rifle, bravely attempted to drive them away. Tbe rob bers disappeared in a swamp. THE body of little Irene Hawes, tbe third victim, has been found in tbe lake near Birmingham, Ala. It was weighted down with railroad iron. Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, has respited James H. Jacobs, sentenced to be hanged January '., until March 13 to allow an investigation as to his sanity. The Cnosarian operation was success fully performed in Bellevue Hospital. Now York, the other day by Prof. C. V. Lusk on Ellen Murphy. Both mother and child wero doing well. William O'Connor, of Canada, has challenged Henry Searle. of Australia, to row a three-mile raco for the champion ship of the world and 1,00) a side, the race to take placo on neutral waters. F. II. Thompson, a merchant of Messina, Ga., bas been warned olf for organizing a strike of negro laborers in retaliation for being boycotted by the Farmers' Alli ance. ADDITIONAL DISPATCllB Tnx President has nominated Leon O. Bailey to be district attorney of Indiana. Bailey is tbe man who collected the affida vit that General Harrison said a dollar a day was enough for a working man, and his nomination was somewhat of a testa tion. Cniir." the big elephant, was killed by strangling at Forepaugu's circus, Phila delphia, on tbe 16th. The animal had grown exceedingly vicioas and bad killed three men in recent years. The Liberal Committee (anti-Mormon) of Utah has issued a circular protesting against tbe admission of the Territory as a Btate under present circumstances. At New York recently a passenger who landed from the steamer Etruria tried to smuggle in 2.000 worth of diamonds. They were discovered and seized. The man wsa said to be a Southern laerchanL The officials would not give his name. General Charles G. Dahloben, a fa mous Southern brigadier during tbe war, was reported dying ia Brooklyn, N. Y. He is a brother or tbe late Admiral Deal grcn, of the Union navy, aad bis was a case where two brothers fought oa differ ent sides during the late war. Tax subcommittee of tbe Hoase Com mittee oa Private Lead Claima baa agreed to report favorably to the fall committee tbe joiat resolution lookiag to tbe relief of tbe settlers oa tbe Maxwell laad grant. James C Moaroao. aged ainety-threa, the last of the Old Defenders" of Balti more, M(L, died oath 17th. The steamer Jasper, from WokiagtoB fer Glasgow, bat feaadsred eel the Wig ton coast, Scotland. Her crew, number ing eleven persons, were drowsed. Da. James Scott, aatbor of tbe f amove 8cott Honor law, died at bis borne at O reoeatly, aged seventy- ree He bad been a member ef tbe Ohio Legialatare eighteen years. Two sbiftiag engines ea the Concord (9. H.) railroad collided tbe ether day, aad Kagiaeer Jesses Williams was killed. Kagiaeer Frank Flanders badly iajared. aad Firemaa Qvlmby law severely hart. Tnx President baa approved tbe act mating a dencieacy appropriatiea fer con tingeat expenses fer tbe Heaee of Kepre tnatativet. JonxO. Wnrmnn. lbs pest, ealebenSed bweiahty-secmdberttday at OakKaatl. nth. swaUea by the heavy rain aadmilletedto lags in asysssnr. BatM Ixlbeflisitiea nbelTnb Klillibavger Img, ITssff Inmns. ibmn Is muni sf fcssBK.Bi sasii at III ii tarty ii m i Mags. -r --- -r Tat tnrlef NEBRASKA STATE NEWSL Ttri ettablUaascat of a eeaalng factory at Ulysses is now said to he a certainty. Tax sheriff cf Dawson County recently lock to the insane asylum at Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Jamet Lnoa, a farmer aad bit wife, from the vicinity of Coaad. The man was not violently iasaae, but the woman was a raving maniac. Several moa:hs ao a murder was committed In the vicinity. No one supcted that Lera mons as connected with the tuurdrr In any way until the murdered niabore were found on h's farm. Ea this ctr cumstaniM did not convince his lat-mate friends that be had been implicated In the murder; but goMpplng tor.guoi got to j work in the neighborhood about the very i suspicious circumstance of finding tb ' bones at LrmoaS barn. The matter wor- J ried him so that hl mind ga? way, and the wife also bscamo a raving maniac ROBrxits recently carted away about ( 0 worth of goods from John Curry's , ...-., Ki'tmvlr without ttnz dvtocte-l by tbe police. The door of the tor had , been Itf i unlocked by mlstaV.v , Turn ir-mi. took rwvenco on a Hnmllton county farmer, who bad f a.led to pay them for n half day's work, by knocking to nieces a harreter and binder, jtuUiu i boards off his crib and letting tbe cor run out and turning his boss loose. Tact; hey un- repented their action in thecountv ja dersentenceof twenty-nine days and ns nf 10fv T., i,...v.ii!nf th dt-uientrd brnaher of Prof. G. D. 8weezy wan lered frotfctbe professor's home at Crete, where ho "11 of late been living, and dlligeut seaxchthad failed to find him at last accounts. tt A Fremont horse-doctor by the nan of Barnes recently deserted bis wifefand children and ran avay wit!; amllher woman, a young gras widow. L THE Nebtatka ilelegation in Confress were recently in consultation ujotbe revUiun of the laudja uey Grand Island ilistrlcts, tho western orA tc be called tho Alliance laud d.-trtct and the eastern, the lSroken Bow land district. Under the terms of th bill tho land-ojsc are located at the towns nauit d. A max named Sner, llvhiR k0uthea-4)f Madrid, left home the other evening ! tho intention of lain tine but failed tore turn. A search was instituted nnd his body was found in a bole he had dujj a mde lull, with a bullet hole through fce hoad. He is Mippoed to have cjtiiin.ard suicide during a lit of temporary insanty. He leaves a larjje family. While a young man by the namejwf McC.iirn was recently driving a wngoryn which was his nelce, Miss LJulnliu, aid twenty, he attempted to cross the railnid track near Dawson when a train itrsrJt the wagon and Iwtb were killed. "Jkt horses were unlnjureiL Hoiieut Kinc, one of tho substanSnl farmers near Beukeluian. shiptwd fsu". car loads of bay to Dener. and on Noirni. ber 25 went to mak . seltlrmenL Mince, drawing tln money, sotno ii), ami leav. . . ., . t & i .... inc th hotel, nothing h.s been beard frotc him. Messengers were sent, but no trac could be obtained. The six-year-old son of James Lowden, of Hastings, was kicked by a horse the other evening. Ills skull was ni.nshod.and a niece of tho Ikuio was removed by tbu attending surgeon.. The boy was lying j in a critical condition. j The lesidenceof Mr K A. Lnmbeth, at j Nebraska City, was enteretl by a burglar I the other night who tn hi ramuie aiioui ( the house awaaeneii tne owner, who greeted the robber with tlvw shots from a , revolver. lli tutel escaped, oui icu ; trail of blool for several rquares from the house. I The Sutireme Court will be appealed to by tha City Council of Kremoul to corned tbe State Auditor to legUter tbo water works nnd Intersection paving bonds. A.BROKr.sj Bw younamnii lppk,blsj;irl to ndance in the country tho other nlghL He fell asleep on tho way borne and tbo young lady took the reins, resulting in an overturned luggy and a runaway. The youth forsook his swecthonrt to cbasi. tht flying horses, and tho girl was ob!igcl tc walk into town and carry the laprolic. At tho recent session of the State Orange at Hastings a resolution was adopted urging the appointment of a farm secre tary to the Stato Hoard of Transportation. O. K. Hall, l'nwne-i C'liy. contiuus nt the head of the Orange, and L. C. Koot, In-j diaiiola, is secretary. J It has been discovered that G. P. Web ster. formerly citv clerk of Harvard. old ' a number of cemetery lots and faded to turn tho money over to the city. His bondsxen ill be asked to make'good the loss. The post-ofllce at Harrisbtirg. Scott's 1 Bluffs County, nnd the building in which it wa located have ben carted away ny Centro polls. The forthcoming report of the State Auditor will show that Jr.t.s1,.10 have been paid cut Indifferent part of the Stat during tho past two years for horse tha! had been killed because of having the glanders. The State Veterinarian's report will show that S15 horses in all have been killed during the time stated, and the re port of the department will r!so show th nuralier killed in each county of the State and the number of dollars disbursed ia each for the killing. The Auditor's report includes the amount paid out by tbe State for the disposition of the carcasses, while the Veterinarian's will only refer to the amount paid out for the horses destroyed, which will average about 10 per bad, ot 42.T., includ.ng the disposition of the car cass. During the two years there hare been sixty-one head of glandcred horses killed ia Douglas County, ami the owners have received $2,671. Buffalo County comet next with forty-four bead killed, nnd the county received U.1C2. Custernnd Phelps Counties rank nexL in the order named, tbe former having forty -one bead killed aad received $1W. nnd the latter thirty-two head aad received H.3H20. Coast in Box Butte County will average about forty-five bu satis to tbe acre. A stbam roller mill, with a capacity ot Afty barrels a day, bas commenced opera tions at Dodge. BcncLana are troublesome at Fremont Kb Dsnaairr. a dwarf, shot aad In stantly killed Edmoaa King nt Broken Bow tbe other morning. Deanerritt was baatiag chickens in bis com field, when be foaad a number of King's cattle bad broken through bia fence. He started tc drive them to tbe poaad and was met oa tbe road try King. Hot words ensued. wbea Demerritt raised bia gnn and firesL iaetaaUy kiiliag King aad hit bertss. Demerritt wna jailed aad heavily gnarded tonteteat lynching. Tnxax is camplalnt at Beakeimaa tbnt tbeebnrebet do aot bald tbeir evening services aatil time far nimanna eocet en to bed. Tnx nardsmre store ef D. Ceaaell t Csv, aftootia,wna recently destreyed by Ire. ; lasmraaen, . af V.Gordea,al nugbtarM- aBim tun tenia, tJtttnUsias, rf nbm Us syknsrw notniagef itnatil wbea tbey srere amabsnst ay a atmtbengntnbavtet .m.timnftlfl rVlkiOIl uf the lallUtt- trlcta in Western Nebraska. A bill drred th. mldd.e of th. roa.L as thouKh dab-r-by Senator Paddock hasten Intrcaltjcrd "" to dne th. N.y out. th in the Senate, calhng for tho creatldjl of "7,"' "R the yonib ssjea two additional land district. The'fwo .cboNon apiarcl and InterfrnNl in h. new districts, ns pronod. w 111 1- caff ed boy', behalf. Thenar,, theri,n dr-r .....,. n.. ' fi-.i- iiv.iian.l a revolver, but m.trad of ttnn: cb-l I imr ni iiiii niunrt. iiiriiiiui;, . -e - . babW barn an day, limsisnt mVsnfi IsnjslssnsnsnasnrMnn, fTJMt ssssnssnr amd BIBS) atameVlllsni Bnin0b5i)femmlB4Bnmf WHITES KILLEa KsMtrooa iMolt of tta Att Of Regulators) to CnOt ml Negro, Tbe Latter' Friends Fir Ilomse and Kill K'git r Tea) AtMilaxts. Grtat Exdientsst aa4 Expmsssd ts Hv 7 Trsuble Feaisi. VentotAN, Mlss IVc !, Yestcriay morning a aumW of ttrgrats Tt r-O-lvrU her stating that a nt Kd oc curretl at Wabalak, Ketuprr C oanty. fifty ilea north of here, and that Holly jor- ton.of this place, had been killed. A f twenty mea we at once orj;anl left for the crne oti the regular ji party sed and paU2r train. SulrjurRtr anotbrr rty C forty mils rilf(! and lft onax-ctl afiin. a .., r .J . 'A ..... .r4 r . dilation, ou t- the rffect that the paa from thl city had bad a ficht vith the ngri- and that several of them bai br-n wounded. Theav ru mors were set aside by the- arrtvof the two pot on thi rrju ar mail tain last nlgtt, w ho rrortird that every tllng wn juiet aud that thdir prtxvace wamSfl nedrL They told tha following storf of tbe riot: Last Thursday tbe son of U F. NlchoUon, a prominent farmer of Ksn r County, wa driving a wa;on along tha ruad lendait; to Khuiua'aV wticn he mt a nero desperado dr.vitijj a tam n theop jK:t direction. Young N.cbot.on cilentally t.riictit hi vchicln into ceJli sion with th.nl of the tifsro, who kej't in with :cho1un and brought the wralfn down with bu full trnigthoti tbo former's face. lc!i'Nort foil seturles to leo ground, and when be rrrovtird tb urjfo bnd left. Th" ftulowiug day Ncbulsei toM his frleiiils of the nt-gro' aau!l, r4ht on Hntuidar It was dteruitnHl to oiga Ire a Jm-is.o nnd arrest Maury. InfoniiBtmn o! this determination of tea whites K'nehe! th tirgros in wsir way, nnd it is h.nd that two whtt men gathered aaityof negrvs' together at a cbure) Situdny night, and slur harnngu.tig Uieni organized a ImiV of I'-tt negr- U rr.lej any attempt to arrest Maury or nn attacbj on his tioiikf. Tlipw hil.'s are Vnown bt the iteople of Wtthnlnt, but thrir ni can not l leaind. It is their settled il terminal u to lynch thm w hen fiKiud al the teodn nrgun tha. when they Hanged It will tj trio pioper tutir i k tui their name known. Tbe negro form rnlsrsl bv the to w M nuJsMii-XM- Ujuuen's. ! -ssiien tl. i i n,J.J,llnr.,t all(l cotrsle,i thf.,uelvr. In c stiMk. bouse aud cotton nouses. Very soon a posse of w h ts came up tbe road and halt 1 In front of Maury' pine. A few of them walked up to Ms rrtdenc but found It d-srrtod. From the reidiii J thy went to the stuokr bou lie tbey found three negroes. Tli" iiogrM were akel the wherea!Kut f Maurv. but they pmtended thijy coutd not tell lif b cuu'd ! found. While the whites wero trying t rstrai t some Information from them a man on tlm t,tHj( ,houtl -Hern l Maury, riup- 1 tMIS vhu come and arrest nun " in wnitr; niheil in a Iwdy from the building and ns they otaerged were ievlTrd tv a xotY r ", right r tu uiustets and fthotcunx, William Vaughau was eri- ottslv wounded bv !urkhtit in t" left arm, neck and shou'der. ami another iiuin whoae name th whlts w ill nOt rr- I it ceiviil n slight wound in the brnd. ThSa olI- cam from the cotton htuse and was promptly returned bv t.e white, but the negro. l"tng behind Uit plahk walls rrceivetl no injury. The white soon ! ,n,covi'rel that Ui-y were fighting at a , Kront disndsnutnge and tmiv-l to the north . ,j0 0f n,,, .tructure. Her they received I another toiler, resulting in the lnsUint i dc.h of Henn Maury and th wounding of his brother. J 1. Maury, in the arm wne tbe elbow. Tbo while now drew tr nad tbe firing ceased temporarily. Kotwlthitand'ng their losses, boss er, tbe jiosse ileterruirel to make am.trier at tack on th" cotton boue, apprartiiiig mis time from the south side A ij " Up to the bulldog they ri"ll a third volley, the negrx-- apparently awaiting tho order to tire as they had done to the two previous instances At this thrd volley Seth Cobb received tweBty-to liuckshot In the breast and stomach, tear ing thr.tirr front uf bit UriJ'. from neck to navel, away. Jobn Ie. aaothe; f tba whites, wa alo wounded", perhaps mor tally, by a pistol bill In the groin. The whites agatn draw oft for consulta tion, when it was determined that another attack on the building with their reduced fere would 1- ue!ee and tby dtr mined to welt for daylight and reinforce ments. While tbey were consulting tbe negroea rushed from th cotton bouse to Maury's retldeno In a tody aad proceeded to fortify tbnt building. The whites went back to Wahatak nett morning and another force of fifty men ot mor was- raises! and proceeded to llaurj't residence- Tbe pi ace was found en tirely deserted, even tn nesting an furniture having b-n rensoeed. The whites burned the three beddings on the tbe plac together with those on a near farm adjoining and scoured th wrwls Cor tbe negroes la vain. So tree cf tnm could be found, and it was impoiM tn const across a negro within Art miles ti tbe scene of the trouble. nislartrnl Asaarlnli Wasshsgtov. Dc- 1"- On ttvMlcssof Mr. Pbelaa, cf Tesneatesv. n bill u pasted by tbe Boas to-lay for th bacon-ora"0 f the American Historical As.atn. An 4rvw D. Whit, of 5w Tork: freorge Bsn eroft. ef th District of Ctlsat'a, nasi Jnttm Windsor, of tbe lacorporatort We aave ever !. mllee of rai try m tbe UaHasJ Mate, aad tbie year tbnll twild H.SSS mils more. Tiae are re amUit. axl tBe life of n tit It a-ven yre, nnd to rplnc tbe Us VfKm new est art rreaiei. Tbe dtmaasl fer Mm ttr'.ket at tbe tery aossree ef tbe T&7 Ceaern! Brisbsa eathaaSss b vnlno ef wooden fnce in tbe Camtd MsUSets timber co.t of ,S,(,S, msd tbet it takae bait aa maeb neatr every yanrbs sss tbem ia rtMlr. Atnmfcart meeloaginiiii tone sritf. lambr fevaytar. Urn year timber star eat -jo ssUenf ef bs Cbieago Is It tbe fsrswta. R sseaae Mssbsw amsv IfabedeaadsMtm be easrbtd to Ms asm ant Imtmtattbear OimetV tboefee aad jnnlttTsnyasy dlmislsbeJ. iirnsi i s mlgnl 1 1 1 1 in i sea 7mafnl Btjtba tmmmmniaimil to II "l",tr'SS SBSsbsBmstsn. sftstn asm s ba aFf aBBMBBbssaT m maasv WAlwWQTOW WAITS. WaaaHsuiTan. bVr. IX Il den Ukly tbattb lUtls wui tmmeYmtm the e.Umtio mt ! Tatisf fcSI oU tfte niof Jaanary. If It is net e ssf af by taat tim. It U eaes ftv mn ta ta Astrsirtniej imu. a4 4a may stU frtr dm a4 veea lL Ta Mttten at ! rnan Ce4aaiS Um. fe r eiadt ! sk Bat thv ewaSd dxfMMe ef H ate Christmas bsrfl lay. bv lm J a ho(asis tt U( snWM January TT delay W charged in jsart lh acvswnt tf sin f tb lUfsstitonn f'esators w8m e4 wh le iVnato t n4js-ur3 or rMa s4iWJf teae) kmL It may t tat taKssaaw sIH b a Wo ta carry lb rssaUn Nrabotvtay rsscsxstiiat theltiaa stlU ssM4ssr, atxrwpt will t aud T F.raWi.si !4rs to e4fr this rolatis U It abosi 4 prvr d fee b thaa Un 4aj o ivhi Tbetvwas a)rbUr aa Jr la&Jtag la tfc frasU at th tte fc C- affress a4smst ibst n-1 I'Ul'ii at am:iat UfclMi lb TaT L..waosit ef tb ) Ult lb d StaodtOg Mil titely Late 2m; wlBL TL ttUn oi th latetKrf fcs e&rui.! tbo dviet f tb Cma5 r.f l. :., 1 I .iv.l HSra M lk - triiuasii.U-svUiea-4- Ates-d AUcn U Ar n pj-l at Aitred tivo th.m .1 ..1.. .if IllrUll Kt. XXRlila his bt-iu-I-ad en Us fr ltt ad 4 aad the rs.l ba.f f 4tt44 1. VUntP '. rang II s,-u.h la( , Weal WtBta. Kan, .and dlU-i, aud teiaslattlig ! tsira's l,mtr cullur- utr fr U w tract. Judg itigmas. rha.rmsa of lha Jiwu Commute oa PaUio L-aada, aald lr day tfcst the pnsct of any land taut forfeiture Ufi.lat.oti at thts eats s-l C" Ujtress was eV gUejtUT a Mil Is for feit all uaearni and grants ia frrctiif ttsin tbe It eje atd Jlle, l-Ut ti m n re a U rpl ttl the dlfTet elites kU I ! esur,l4 VAlltNurs, D- IT -THIS l IHe Ul week til I'vHgrrst prs4" to Ue tdst l-Crnnli.i-liH.li prvUably begin ith t!a adjournment nett Friday, la a-idss with the telUis of tbe telito awaiting twj-wt fi.tm the lieu. CMtuunt tee on Way and irsn. Itltbe hu.iiat" the T-r.g bill balds the right f way Vr all other tteUI, an I s. ii U 0a Jdered frvtn da) tdav linuiedtateir aUf tbe mua imrutnc L.-ur lfuihr. Durtng the Oit se of this wii.DH tti(ty -igtat pi: f the bit Wero dtH)e4 of In two day Imt the pstJics itw purtue. by the ml titKltv of t'ileliUg and dlCUlng amend rurnt t almost every paragraph !ll--td prtigfe Its Ibe fur te;islal-e da) f last rserk to fmir HSge. Il It therefor apparent that tt.e remainder uf th U!l ran not, as sas bopt and jx-cted br -Ue tjieiutfs of III la)Hlty. ls dlsM(Ml if (ifore tha bolklay Ikk Tbo urnng Iur will jwtbshiy lis ene. by further rTrtts on the part sf flenatfr Hid llel-rrger l 'r esfasiilera tlon of bis retnlut.cu to d.cu Ihu lliilish Ktttadil.'O trealy in OJn rsliu. CHICKASAWS AND NCGHOCS. Tlie siaH ( tlie I alter In Ike I'lilrlSM Littlk Ibn'a. Ark.. Dec I An Indian Territory st.rTlal J that the thlekaast Legislature which is esjtd to oonvene in sjrial sessum shelly ami formally o-iifliiii the elvclliHi of William ligjr as (lover nor. will prolably enact aoui kind of egi!attn ilking the statu uf th n. gne In th Natin. The l"h (tatnwi abma. of the fir els- Ireii Ult-e. have tlnid the right of cituenshlp to frev.ltun living In their Country lt.H'entlj the Uelltrlt Ha leeU raised whether under lb t'Miatl'ntttm f the United Stat th nero ssnltd b de. prised uf the right guarantee.! by that instrument, and iti'i 1 a probability I n bill biug ied ttr th IgleltUr svtl ferring suffrage uxm then. Very many I'b.ekasaw fatr nni. ing the nej;rie in Oklahoma and paying them for the piQprtr and .tbr riht arijUTeil a aiiuptmlritlrensof tbet,'hlcL' aw Nation. The neit mitnumlwr lb ChlrLasaw and U. latter fr that Klvnir them Ihe right t sole w, be Mnl-d With daugvmu conUnce. ,lmsl m ftsr li. WAuistit", ! IT It la asserted by tb'xe ssb'ir.aitn to know tbat graat pr sure Is blng towgM to T iu fvrs rellentelet lUrrtson ia rotiiM Con gres In ejtra session, with th ntor purpo "f lflJeing ajrelnrint and dictating an aggr v H9Utbrn Jvlicr, lut th various leadieg J'.jrnlMlatt b have recent y rturn,l from lndlandi trak nf th n'xrmtnlltal sir in ssltUh Osmeral Harrison rec-it"-! adl rwn cernlng bi licy It is said that a certain class td Cvess--vativ Kpaldcen Insist un wb-t rs. Intrferte itb la rwtkn n'lrttjst, relieving that It i I aa !! fbng f.r ths cwiatry to unntl th doritf affairs f 1b futhem hfate, Th gentlRea leev that th I'res i-J'to t-Jfl Is prwlitp'ee'I In tb sart direetiot, a4 this it making trouble nn tbvs a resp-cts an eita sesbo of Congreet 1-ri t! contest for th Hf tsership. tV Apt ellis)l. Watatscro,. Itj. IT It U esaerta-l it arwiT clrc! tfcal the ttaif ape4ataU r"etjUv nt to tie HeaU are rm MaUnto .a. offW recaa.a tkef fnr e t t known U.at v(ffUvr a s. ncmiottiont be tlesvly dvT4 tef urt tb Snt Military Cotnasltiea One of U urrnt raSKrt It inu t ysnse making o".irt wna tblak tar era ttHl I to IL fevtiUssM trtfl rtmoentrai tk'r Bgfct nsteinet th cx Sr mat ton cf Captain frsglas M, Volt, rtrtt tafaatry. fa tbo ef tal'tlstene. Oo ef tbo aplkatt e4 yetorloyi VteWsw things to s-eh aa ti tbnt Ibtss sxaat oatlo will eitler t 4fot or wwb draws, tit t thy ssgt Am a noser eJ dsstth aXUr Merc a at fr went of nLvo by u Henate C nmlttn on S Itory Agairs." Licsiti- MoawoTTa. Jit, IX. Ii A gang tti Ilghtaig-rrd hor?ra nova Jnet 4 of J""T ,T-t rK -M7ti , necafslcnarsia esgWee-rCsw-t'! M1 fvaas5y rTi ty faravsr. 5o rnarg woe msife lm rtsit. toy feirsst only sbo snloleswratl gmagsWt atga tttS. t-otefy&Bsx norms' anturty of ttwsnaoe onst or. JUj wtstfbf farmtve I tboeaJ n4 In rttorn tjsod. a o r fiat. tai nest far bo4m4o of 4otiom.! Altar o f doyt Ibe ibewt rsonratef UUif demosviosl -vftt ft" to omastofaol tboneasM. wfciea la many ioeta ivssa tn ;: to ttJsav tJst 4 at mo aaent r o rvs4 vw f m BisniiiBin, AJPtrntstTkobsseysf Imss Mowoa. ibo easnMldnoSsrof fmm nUtsaa. woo letmd tn tbo lea Labe new issf Isy marsltg by IetsaieeiutV Msa Tbo wasar bast beea trails musm ins sstr .- amsHji m, f TMtt POUWA VOTC -vts-a lsasHanf ! v nta rsassesni nts, . -SswsS)s WwsCm.-- 5w Xtmx, t lV TS flJsriis- br U eeH frb vtl r n. ftsa n t u. ft si " mrl. "tn- r "- --"- ' M-i '- tVtvat. B4 ff 3i. r.HJ ' few TV fntfli wUr Kk U&4-, -l sll vrj is-.tt3 wril sf tozrf -1rtsl Se frv V 1-it, W V& ieriar t (tU a.t tb . UJ i f4 i V vsaratv a s t J't'rp.srea U t It.' TSk W-!e st i"4 i a ' siajsvr v TSSC 'rffis. tts Xrr- w ... . 0 KJtt llt- 4AS etS- t i t M AlkStASV..,, rVstr3tt tstsi u &s.ti evs Is. t.lv ki , seynn rv" s-i 1 C", avl rv. - SS.SM S S. s c ti X s : tessa u K Kls- ' M - UlHI M-t Mara ft a4Ssk. kSi SttT rtk SJ s. tur x- Jkwj i Ns Ini. N i-rsHU I t- lre-sMI : tvsi i. It 1st 4 rv f-r!i TeSS Ts .... rrsSnMKt s'irfls.1. x W nrvia YMt! T irss (h .1 l tyH. Te Uti lsAfc Tbt UW rM ht . ss rsotr ' b l ltt ass! I -sV MANircsVoirrttiNv. . II om. l, Ml-H t .-. is l'll. -h tx.rill-s 4 l ., IimmM Mm-mI lttl ! !'!- WU1S.JT'S, Ve II - lMT-t' taUiduwl la tb Ilea r-l5"r V.,lt rsvnlntsxH SjIorssg 1V !' I"-' lis Oegwtisle U? fsftes ts OSi l a,iHiiUua Mb tb tas mio . t Stuiai.n t f abada, r u r n.fw p Th rltit, r fs,tW W , T .3s mt ta t'msrTD (Vlvsi at esre - IV a I r Weet se. k4 r,tlr t WsttMCS T.eev He--siS ., lnw.sl H. t l -H1l)lt. 1-Mb .1 i4 k'ttst s talvlcssWt wl nliJr .t4ai )' fcVr t la; ws1!! esUe S sjsteos. Vis W Sre J JaseJJS'-sH "L hih,1V waif rNuM Ms . ta failed Mlote &d IV !. el 4 ... Sfs J tt Les tf'4 4 ass.. erwf4. vs-t la a .ee tJ-lf-J s-i e IMSHI) ef ia l (f-refes-fcH V tlsb sHh sjslrrt f aflil,st ! rtne tfversi flisa s is .- .! aveel II. reineal el Use losline - Wntakss, TV w,dl -l ! fr.e ftl'r-1 Us a ia c.ff -e u tMHrtr. ff h Vw siij , Nsl A-4 twriaast eil ? rs sf,i f.flla im 3r s. " cm) lrtteilfti lfs.1, p4 f (h xf S -! e fc4 ' nn I si eH. 4 p a lnttJf lfc1 esltj a4 pewtksltlr - if -l lileen t t aWa 1 r nnnll 4 H'nnru, TVe Ia4 f ssli - trim k'Sisalfi fe i tr-li4.. sulwtsaUist Meal af imsissmsIsI w lslh I lj - tr ef iaeS sn0J oj esKtaere 4 lis a-4 -1 mfv bfc rlrel Jl ieV siUs 4 ' i0 Mta l Win 4i4et 4 'i . tt-i tjr 1 Vsss ! Un iilii -ii II U tst last It Ml e-i- Mttml 14 V ff r! -sAVe r I Us '' a4 svtfpkets ff la l .j t pyfU. efcjs Irf I Is "- e emsleat alia '! IK tesssnr 4 J- J tfc.e t?aed ltle v4 llr- IUSH. iMI'. tiomesoa of t.t Tf'e. - Isjtl t Kl r.iJ rl I a,m a-sattf J ks . ttSVs?- i j.vM wtatt ae . Jft-t lK s mu t-Va a M ,mt . s -- txrst; lSs. ttae k S,V sj e.v ts.e J sftS. , MS w,rv rv. n4. ' t s,j .? nm - s, j mm,t . rc- . j .-, airs w isr. i4 fstta t - ? t .s Ks l' t, 411 ' IIH " tSSs tt.fb, i fc'skHVt V1 . jvr u .- rsj i - r nv e A r Vs s iKI ... s:at e Ti i t ' W t I K ., , j .vl .?l. n -as e lJs)es lMt lss, tat' Vf t,fi. H t mt. t . tv- i r J.. I &.& H4.HT I S, st ) t t . - 4. ha uss r . l k if 4 it 1 la ia eoiie4atii ef lkl ! trrU It if.o'iW, It; V Hil -! rUtM-'sisI es f m t.'j,.i-i attvl ft 05V-t. tkl te re -i bt , Is fcrL a1ti1v.t .J -(. 4 in tat'te -tfsFtiaies HtHf Ij 'jhI . aari nt t s-V ef im. ntWrs f na4 kI IV I'sflH .- si - tsvst. ! sjal'f i4 a.eSk a t j se4 tfc a4MS' of ww J.fTiW f l t(tiU, isT . 0 hi la L'rj e Wesv up l - la sssd e-fai If IUs Is mhI ftlsl r'Hlsf IH L'Vi. as4 M Hnstrlias r t''tl ats ! la lwls-l mt la. " misaft? C'wbat. v J.i yMS ! tsvt eiSvraS lav !- ssvl . aa!?. u, tt M1s e-alr-ssi' . OxnaeMl a4 tl'mlv-t, Stfc m is a - l - lasline. ia tei4si t b v r;. f ftas44s by M -eas i i tVM2t xi iV tn34 f ($ V - turier la sVn ys4 tjtie. Jt lt t svt 4s!!If ail fwatevf iuH ttt fclr. -e e;i ttv I.V 1 9 SM-efa-v, - OS'r wt ef Ii 6ie w 4k f ISIS SSMl'S -J 4l44Mt kHattsf VfTL Hfcf e sy e,rfe. ysj se!fe sM lsstada, twk urmts. a ij srit TCrl W !- aeeAt f t- ! jVti eviei fi'i fUH M e Ust'-ed 4ls. ai4 t UJ lasy TSw rntttUm wf rfm4 v v owmmHse on ffzftr5j aJr. br Weinn.,sttf a- MavVMMAA, Uet. lex-, LlteVet T tkKHl'Atrsy Hr wa m a srrba aertrt to fJgJng at v tbie Um, AIJ W shM M- ,! i wae a yt1j V !-. jf tlr t ir' a 4eirmlftjt rrtTe4 eedUs-ly aiter Us Jsvn. 1 aesd b Jujd JA niU,'$ wools! k e$fe4j(te4 W ei k s bad Mfaot I4 4M a-t bfVr Heil7 wo tftr rt y4 m. ! nvUrVt tkmt Mr ! Jka viv avw fnt tovs bis U m. fc m) M dbSVnsH fr sono bt t& tw Wraknete VWratV. rrU Bb KtoetaeT a In frUt a Hwi drUi k- rtihjnnMV a. sortra r usswHi avsraiaav. T vrX3 5 Jre r at ryl by tUj2n Miie5 rr s1yo4oy, KU Ve-iS. esf u. Mi- far nr ssAHsbo at W L4 o Mftfy n4 4kT 5-j t T9 ndalaiat-aJVa sraASl nana ba u t, wt '", tr fnrsw msW- fi i Oa 4MnVrfcbaa tisinsan Hffi 3ul If.- weat W s,t Oor. Mu To tt3-tiaf mnsrsinx faJsts.1 Jneii?. MSB It roast O. kite bo .-ii Osnl tfti' n rsr'' fMraMMssi Iro , so t VoS sf y sns nasmMns. nta r - 'i mm . ' '0 i . i Be' oon sagnnwr at e V ?, A Tntns7 IcA ..- J9T -Via? - b K "& p5f .f- !MbW; ' J "Vs