EED CLOUD CHIE1 A. O. HOIMEtf, Proprietor. BED CMiUD. NKlJKA-KA CUBBENT COMMENT. The English Derby winner.Ormondc, been sold to an American for JL17,- 00. Philadelphia & Reaving employes liavo had their hours and pay cut down. The proposed clearing house plan to govern Western railroads is reported to be dead. It is said that Boyle & Co.. iron brokers of Pittsburgh, Pa., have cor nered tho nail market. John Iuusukn Walker, a Denver capitalist, has purchased the Cosmo politan Magazine, of New York. The leading pl" tobacco manufact urers of the United States held a secret oonferenco in Cincinnati on tho 4th. Coffee was excited at New York on tho 4th. prices going up about ten cents a pound. A short crop in Brazil and diminished holdings caused the advance. General Tom Pouch, a dwarf who has been exhibited in America and Europe, died recently at Cleveland. 0.,of old age. His correct name was Ernest Gcyer. He was three feet tall, nnd for several years past conducted a cigar store in Cleveland, where ho had a six-foot brother. Br the will of Rebecca E. Robertson, which was offered for probate at New York recently, tho residue of her Ch late, after various minor bequests, is given to establish a homo for enabling iwor families to have brief summer outings fre2 of expense, Tho bequest amounts to $T00.(0(). The Itifomia, of Uomo. in speaking jf President Cleveland's message, ap proves of tho suggestion regarding laturalization laws and their revision. Many immigrants abuse their rights In order to escape duties to tho mother land, especially military service. This etato of things causes inconvenience. Senator Reagan has introduced a bill for the free coinage of silver. It provides that all holders of silver bul lion of tho value of $50 or more shall bo entitled to have it coined into stand ard silver dollars, of 4121 grains troy to tho dollar, upon tho same term as gold is now coined for private holders. Tiie Secretary of War has issued a general order directing that when not prevented by active service, all tho available infantry, cavalry and light artillery of the army shall devoto a part of each summor to practice marches, maneuvers and other field operations, simulating the operations of actual war. It is reported in New York thnt a yndiccto of wealthy Now Yorkers has been formed to completo the Pan ama canal. Tho syndicate includes Morton, Bliss & Co., Eugeno Kolly and others, who aro already interested in tho American Dredging Company. It is estimated that it will tako between fftO.OOO.OOOand $75,000,000 to complete tho work. James 1). Leary, of Nova Scotia raft fame, is at tho head of the syndicate and claims that he can com plete tho work in two years. The National Alliance, tho National Wheel and the Co-operative Union of Farmers, which three organizations wero in joint conference recently at Meridian, Miss., havo succeeded in effecting a consolidation under the name of the Alliance Wheel nnd Co operative Union of America, and a con stitution nnd by-laws havo been agreed upon. Evan Jones, of Texas, was choson president; Isaac McCracken, of Arkansas, vice-president; W. E. Gar diner, of Tonnessee, secretary, and Sim Tanner, of Louisville, treasurer. TnE remains of Joel Burlowe, sol dier, poet and ambassador, havo lain in a foreign land since ho succumbed to tho terrific rigors of tho winter in which Napoleon and his army mado their famous retreat from Moscow. Tho other members of his family lio at rest in tho family vault on Kalorama Heights, just beyond tho boundary of Washington. Senator Piatt has pre sented to tho Senate a petition from the Fairfield, Conn., Historical Society urging Congress to tako measures for tho removal of Mr. Barlowos remains, and their interment in the family Tault until a new repository can bo secured. The chairman of tho Harrison In augural Committee has received letters from several of the Governors of the States who wero asked to name a prominent Republican who would act on tho committee. The following havo been named: Kansas: Colonel D. R. Anthony, Leavenworth; Connecti cut, Major J. G. Rathburn, Hartford; Massachusetts, Dr. F. L. Burden. North Attleborough; Michigan, D. A. Blodgett, Grand Rapids; Vermont, Colonel Julius J..Estey, Brattleboro; Pennsylvania, William B. Leeds, Philadelphia; New York, H. B. Phillips, Brooklyn; General H. A. Barnum, New York; Maryland. Gene ral E. W. Ross. Baltimore. President Cleveland, in his mes ago recommended the passago of a bill for the refunding to "certain Ger man steamship lines of the interest apon tonnage dues illegally exacted." It is learned that tho interest claimed amounted to about 80,000 and is due to the Hamburg-American and North German Lloyd Companies. From 1863 and for several years these two com panies paid, without protest, tonnage dues upon their vessels coming into the United States, in all about $100. 000, Later it was discovered that these dues were paid ia coatraventioa of the treaties, and the claims of the compsaies were recognised by this Gorerameat, which, ia 1878, refunded the amouat of dues so paid. Claims were afterward, made far the NEWS OF THE WEEK. aiUMd by Ttfwph and 1UB. CONGRESS. Arm the presentation of department re port In tbe Senate on the 4th a number of bill were Introduced, one being Tor tbe construction of two steel ranss to be armed wIUj heavs- dyna mite sub. Tbe Union Pacific brll went oer and tbe Tariff bill W4 taken up for considera tion, feeding the reading further considers tion wa postponed and the bill went over for the day. Adjourned .... In the llouw, after the presenting of department report and various petition. Mr. Dinirley. of Maine, called up the bill appropriating KO.iMI to erect a monument to Major General Henry Knox at Thotnastos. Mc. On this bill a dead lock ensued and the Iioue adjourned. After several resolutions had ben In troduced In the Senate on the 5th :tj Senate Tariff bill u token up. and Mr Harris moved to Jay th5 Senate substitute for the House bill on the table, which motion was Iot by a strict rarty vote. The .Senate bill was then read for amendment, and pending con sideration the Senate adjourned.... The House adopted a resolution to print SVOO copies of the rreMcni's message Under the call of States many bills were intro duced. Mr. Springer asked for the considera tion of hU bill for the admission of Dakota. Mont na. Washington and New Mexico but it went orer under objection. An or r was adopted setting apart certain day for consider ing the Direct Tax bill, and the bill to quiet the title of certain settlers on the De Moines river lands In Iowa was taken up, discussed and passed. Adjourned. In the Senate on the 6th a communica t'en was received from the Secretary of Stale transmitting a certifled copy of the ilnal ascer tainment of the Presidential Klcctors in Kan sas. A similar communication had also been received a to several other States. This action was the result of the law of l-e7. and being a new proceeding led to Mine discussion. Tho papers were finally referred to the Committee- on Privileges and Elections. The Tariff bill wa then taken up and considered at some length. A joint resolution was ottered by Senator Hut ler extending the Presidential term to six years. A'ljourn-tl. .The House, alter routine busi took up the Direct tax bill and debate continued until adjournment. The Semite was not in -essionon the Tth. ....In tho House the Invalid IVri-ion bill was reported and referred to thn Committee of thy Whole. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the private, dlendar, and the bill to incorporate the Nicaragua Company was the only business considered. At the evening session ten pension bills passed and the House adjourned until Monday. Congi'.i 8S whs not in session on the 8th. I'KRKONAI. AND I'OMTICAU Prinuk Kaiiaueuiiokvitcii. a cluimant to tho throne of Servia, is dying in Aus tria. The President resumed his reception to the puhlic on the .'itli, liut, as it was not generally known, only a small number wtirn present. The Secretary of tho Navy has appoint ed a board to select a site for a navy yard on the northwest coast. The hill leasing "the Strip" to the C. S. L 8. A. has passed Itoth houses of tho Chero kee National Council and is only awaiting the approval of Chief Mayes to lsecomo law. The bill re-leases to tho association tho entire Strip for a pci iol of five years for tbe sum of fcJOWO per annum. Thomas Thompson, of Rockport, Mass., a pensioner ot tbe war of lbl2, died re cently, aged ninety-four. The Russian i ail way officials have been ordered to observe the same ceremony to waid ex-Queen Natalie, of Servia, as is shown a Grand Duebess. Tiik Portuguese Government announces a blockade of tho Portuguese coast in East Africa. The King of Portugal was attacked with a congestive chill recently and was seriously ill. The following is tho official vote of Illi nois: For President Harrison, ;il),47:t; Cleveland, :M".272; Fisk. 'Jl.UK; Streeter, 7,090. Harrison's plurality, 22,201. For Governor Fifer, 367.8V); Palmer, :Vm.313; Harts, lii.915; Jones, 5,V'A. Fifer's plural ity, 12..r47. Tiik funeral ceremonies over the re mains of the late General It. B. Ayres, U. 8. A., were held on the 7th at Trinity Church. "Washington. Secretary Whitney has ordered three more vessels to Iluyti, instructed to de mand tho release of the stoamor Haytien Republic. Geoiic.e W. Seward, a brother of Sec retary of State Seward, died at Florida, N. Y., recently, aged eighty. Artist Wake, of the London Graphic has been killed at Suakim by an Arab be sieger of tho town. Conobessmax N. W. Nuttixo is ro portod suffering at Oswego, N. Y., from cancer of the tongue. The Congressional Directory for tho present Congress contains an unofficial list of the members of the next Congress, showing tbe Republicans in a majority of live. The Ford Immigration Committee is hampered for want of funds to push its in vestigations. . MISCEIXAXEOUS. The Porte has signed a convention with the Seligmans, the American bankers, providing for the junction of tbe Turkish aud Greek railways. It rejected for polit ical reasons the English, German and French tenders to carry out this project. Four Chinese highbinders are dead as the result of their recent factional fight at Portland, Ore. Another was also reported dying. A report was current on the 6th that Jay Gould bad obtained a controlling in terest in the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. The report was discredited at Boston, but considerable speculation prevailed about it in New York and Chicago. Michael Dwter's house, about three miles from Blythe, Ont. was burned the other morning and Mrs. Dwyer, her daughter and three grandchildren were burned to death. The joint session of the National and Southern Forestry congresses began at Atlanta, Ga., on thp fttb, when Governor Gordon delivered the address of welcome. Tbe stage from Mendocino to Ingrnms, CaL, was robbed recently, supposed for a large amount. Incendiaries set fire to Woods, Jenks & Co.' lumber yards in Cleveland, O., re cently and five acres of sawed timber were destroyed, causing a loss of $50,000. Four men and one woman committed suicide in New York City on the 6th. Three of tbe victims were German and one man and the woman were French. The Board of Trade of Great Falls MonU, has taken the first step toward a statehood movement in Montana. E. Grcvbach, a fur dealer of Dulutb, Minn., has disappeared leaving debts running well up into tbe thousands. The front of Henry Diebl's seven-story malt house, corner of Niagara and Mary land streets, Buffalo, N. Y., fell out re cently, burying Anthony Ansa and Fred Meyer. Anse was rescued a few minutes after the disaster unbanned. Meyer was killed. The strike ot the Montana Union road has been settled. Master Mechanic Ross, whose discharge tbe engineers demanded, was laid off and the engineers returned to work. "Old Hcrca," of Chicago, has been robbed of $30,000 by an ex-clerk whoat ha and trusted. Dos Doxrsoo Our a. criminal jadgs for the district of La Cathedral. Havana, Caba, recently received aa infernal ata chiae ia the shape ot a writing dash. Ia trying to opea it his wife was nsrioasry woanded by the explosion which followed. Sr the wrecking of Us British laaaiar Hartlepool at Egerraad. Norway, rataatrjr aaieateea other crew were I BBaXAX, oasef leaecty and awarder C raU Dahr. the sporting sssa, la a Jew Yert amasasaa iuumsj bss aaaiuas si ran j. tanad nasi tAea ahet avseaf V s',"a . sasiig. sa asksssr- w,--.,,!.,, t j. i . ., TnV rMaW Riots have occarraa at K aea. Prance, aatsag the workawa. Troops were seat ta quell the dlstarbancan. Tax droaght still contlane ia Victoria, Australia, bat fne rains aavefallealn Queensland. failures (Dan's report) for the even days ended Deoember 6 nambered 3V, compared with 232 tbe previous week and 2M tbe corresponding week last year. A reward of S10.0CO has been offered by the Calumet and Hecla Copper Mining Company for the arrest of the man who set Hre to tbe Calumet shaft Thanksgiving day. The flro was reported growing won. The Miners' Progressive Union com pleted It organization at Columbus, O, on tho 7lfa by the adoption of a coustiin tion and election of oClccrs. Owing to a dispute at a recent meeting of the Pans Municipal Council, two of the members M. Menorval, n Boulangist, and M.Chautemps. an irreconcilable fought a duel. The weapons used were swords and M. Cbautemps received a wound in tbe arm. By a coll'rsion in the suburbs of Chicago the other morning, between a long Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago freight train, drawn by three engines, and a s w itch engine, all four engines w ere ruined and several box cars demolished. Loss 50.001. After four days of intense suffering without food or drink and lashed to the aftorhouse, four survivors of the crew of tbe schooner Ethel M. Davis were rescued Thanksgiving day anil brought to New York. Three wero drowned iu tbe hurri. cane of November 25. It ia reported that in various district of Ireland, in Limerick especially, tbe de frost among the agricultural laborers U enormous. Many aro usking to be assisted to emigrate to Buenos Ayres. Socialists raided a meeting of Catholics at Amsterdam, Holland, recently, called for the purpose of erecting a statue to the Pope. A pitchod bnttlo follow cd and many arrests wero made. Discoc.vr was lirm with a prospect of money stringency on tho London Ex change during tbe week ended Decetnber 8. Americans were unstendy; Canadians lirm. The German boursos were reported quiet. It was said the German East African Company had bn practically ruined by hostilities with the natives. A iterations are nmdo that crooked woifc was the cutiseof tho bursting of the big gun at Annapolis. Md., recently. It was said the charge wan ptopured by parties interested in making tho gun a failure. At Parerson, N. J., tho other morning an Eriu railroad train .struck a milk usa-on ata streot crosiing and. killed two of the three occupants, John C. Ruff and his brother, B. J. Ruff. Thkee-quahtekk of the large iron sbip building plant of the Globe iron works in Cleveland, O., was destroyed by lire re cently. The burned portiou was 7i0 feet in length and fifty feet in width, and the damage amounted toOO.OuO; insured. Clearing house returns for week ended December 8 showed an average inciease of 18 1 compared with the corresponding week of last year. In New York the in crease was John S. Lewis, receiver of the defunct insurance company of Sioux Falls, Dak., reports it rotten all through. There were no assets except worthless notes and the otlico furniture. The smelter of the copper mining com pany at Anaconda, MouL, has been shut down for an indetlnito time, throwing 1,.V men out of work. Twenty-live hun dred miners are also affected. By an explosion of wood dust In the Northwestern furniture factory, Chicago, the other morning, flvo 11 re men were in jured. The court of inquiry investigating tbe aqueduct tunnel work in Washington has adjourned to January 9, having completed the examination of witnesses. Alarmino reports were current on the night of the th that tbe strikers at Bevier, Mo., had burned the Loom is & Snively block and were rioting. Militia was called out, but it was found that although affairs were critical, no rioting had occurred, nor hail tho Loomis ft Snively block been burned. The buildings destroyed were frame, which had caught fire accidentally. The sensational murders at Birmingham, Ala., led to a deplorable loss of life. The body of the first wife of Engineer House, or Huwes, was found in East lake, a couple of days after tho finding of his daughter's tody. Tho body was weighted down with railroad iron. The find so in censed the mob that an attack was made on the jail where Huwes was confined. Sheriff Smith gave his posse orders to tire, with their Winchesters, which dispersed tho rioters and caused tho death of ten persons and tbe wounding of forty. Among the victims were the postmaster and others who were endeavoring to quell tho disorder. ADDITION AY. DISPATCHES. T. W. Bcsbt, a popular young book keeper in the Norfolk (Va.) National Bank has been arretted for embezzling $3,3). Two Italian Republicans have been ar rested for trying to blow up tbe German consulate at Naples with dynamite bombs which, however, failed to explode. F. K. Fisher, a boot and shoe dealer t Austin. Minn., under bonds for obtaining $20,000 under false pretenses, has disap peared. He had squandered every thing playing poker. Admiral Leroy died nt New York oa the 10th. He was' born in 1S1H, and saw considerable service in tbe late war. The engineers on the New York steam lighterage boats struck recently against a reduction of 10 cents an hour paid for over time and in consequence all the boat have been laid np. Masked men living near Waco, Tex., flogged George Armstrong, white, nearly to death recently for deserting bis sick wife and living with another woman. The switchmen on tbe Vandalia road in the coal fields of Clay County, lnd., strack recently for increased pay and new men were afraid to take their places, The mines were idle in consequence. Tax roof of John IUingsworth's new teel works at Harrison, N. J-, fell tbe other day fatally injuring one and seri ously hurting eight others. The accident was caused by too strong pressure on the guy ropes. Tbe Chicago, St. Paul & Omaha railroad has cut rates from 8t Paul to Chicago to $7 for Brst class passengers. It alleged that several lines were secretly cutting through scalpers. The others met the cut. The Kansas City Ac Southern line, from Kansas City to Osceola, was formally opened oa the 10th. The Senate on tbe 10th further discussed the Tariff bill. Mr. Frye introduced a resolution, which was referred, having reference to the proceedings of the Ger mans at Samoa. Ataoog the new bills in troduced ia the House was one by Mr. Holmaa to punish crimes against the elec toral franchise, having special reference to corruption prevailing at Presidential elections. Tax United State 8npreme Coart has advaxced tbe case of the Mormoa Church to the second Monday in January. Coloxbl R. R. Barasss, president of the North Carolina railroad, died suddenly at Wilmington receatiy of apoplexy. Taa boiler ia Streak Hamaa feast mill at Trowbridge, a, exploded receatiy, hilliag Henry Ramaa and Albert Klein, smiting to gat soane feed g.eand. Wallace Strohl aad oa hoy warn sadly iaJaresf. its si seat has f New York, to as tlila ! mt r-vw -, i. m2t. . mammm a '- -- SSw. taaaASSBSL. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. A oajto of shoplifters recently encceas fally worked the merchants of Graad Island. A SOT at Lincoln receatiy built a boatre nnd succcd4 la burning a beta and a aluable hor. The Armour & Cudahy packing bous at South Omaha, was recently damaged, including buldings and meat, to tbe ex tent or $l(,OM. John Kobcrc, the Madison man who was shot. whil foraging for kts Thanks giving turkey, will lose a leg hv the opera tion. It is stated that tho rifl-j utd In shooting him was the ameon with which Rot-n and Ably were wer murdered at Broken Ilow. The people of Norfolk are fully atlfied that a nter rai.l at that place will pay, A petition was recently circulated and extensively signed, praying that the United States district attorney compro mise tho judgruVnt against tho bondsmen of ex-P.ecelver Lovcjoy. of the Niobrara land-olHctv Some of the bondsmen ar dead, some are imolvent aud only a few m l.ft t bear the burden. CoLUMUUS meicnants want the PiatU of the liVe at the derp,t part, about river bridge completed before the spring JO fret from the shore. A hssty ei trade commences. tnlnatiun was made an 1 ttjerw was fount Slate. for the offices are biug mad by ' the final eUdcnc of double murder, the the wholesale in the new county of llock. back of the head having len laid opsn by It took sixt- turkeys for th Tfaauksglv- j terrible bio," w ilh aa are. bcurely f asi ig dinner at the Kearney reform school, ened around tbe ueck a of rail ing ' A Mormon baptism drew a big crowd at North Platte the other day. Jnux Mkhli.v, who tried to kill Dr. Mor ris near Huruboldt, has been put uudei $1 CO) ImjihIs to appear for trial. TnE stable of I. F. Lea'.s, station agent at Scotia, burned the other day. Three valuablo horses, harness, carnage, hay, oat- anil corn were lost. The State convention of th Y. W. C. A., recently held at Hastings, prnvmi both I tin.tltjihli. and interesting and vs as well at- profitable and interesting and vs as well at- tended. The other dav the elirht-venr-old son of John Coutad, of Hooiie County, rode a horse to a smill lake to I a it was frozen around tho edges, tried to ride In further when the horse fell on htm. break ing one leg and nu arm. Whoit found ho was crushed dovsu through tho ice aud mum drowned in two feet of water. William Nolan, a tireman, was fatally injured and two llurhugtou engines wer domolNlied in u cotlitiun at Hastings tho other morning. ItAhSETT wtis nearly wiped out by a re cent incendiary tire. L Butts, a fanner residing near Ord jumped from a uioviui: tram opposite his homo tho other night aud was found dead beside the trnck next mcrniug AT Kingston, Adams County, the other day a man by the name of Bowing, eighty one years old, committed suicide by flang ing himself to the limb of a tree in the front j-ard. Ho hud been deranged for some time, and, getting away from tho surveillanco of the family, managed to execute the deed and was found dead. At Omaha the other dny a Union Pacific freight train crushed tho life out of Mrs. Andrew Jacobs, n very oor woman, a god sixty-two years, who was picking up coal along the track. Jake'M. n farmer living neat Campbell, tried to burn Dick Stockton's houso the other day because the latter' sister refused to marry him. Before set ting lire to the house Botinum attempted to shoot Mis Stockton, but failing todo so he skipped for parts unknown. Fkom January 1 to November i"i the North Pintto lnnd-oftlee received 2,21 en tries under the homestead, preemption and timber culture laws. During the same period the Sidney oflice received 1,!XI entrios. The farmers in the vicinity of Tobias have suh-crlhed ft.OW to erect an elevator and handle their own grain. There are soveny-fIve men in the new corporation. The new building for the feeble minded institution at Beatrice is nearly rendy for occupancy. Whon completed forty more children will In received as inmate. The verdict in the cose of David Phil lips, convicted at York of forgery, has been set aside by Judge Norval and a new trial granted. The farmers around Burwell are work ing hard to secure tho building of a creamery. Blair his just had a new reservoir con structed at n cost of i'J,.V)0. The other day it was filled with water nnd during th night it nil leaked out. The contractors were not bound to Ruarinte the work. The Fremont Hemp and Twine Com pany, with a capital of ?'2),OX, has tUsd articles of incorporation. The Federal grand jury, lately investi gating election frauds at Omaha, was nd vised by Ju.lgo Dundy that it had like cases nt Lincoln also to investigate. Daniel rorE. a pioneer of Dodge County, died tho other day at tho age of eighty-soveo years. He moved to the county twenty-seven vosxs ngo. Ho leaves a wife and mno children, nil but one of the latter being residents of the county. J. B. Sutholt, a farmer living alxiut eight miles west of Plattsmouth, suffered considerable los by fire tho other after noon. The loss is estimated at about f 1,000. The property was insured for about $VX). Peter Johnson, colored, wanted in Lin coln on the charge of house breaking and grand larceny, was arrested at York the other day. A DOi belonging to the sheriff wont mad nt Plat'smouth the other day and tut sev eral other dogs before he was killed. Tb result has ben a war on the dogs. Mrs. Duplet, the lady whose marvelo recorery under the Christian sclen'"" treatment has be-n the sensation of tbe hour at Atkinson, it is stated continue to improve and there is every reason to be lieve the cure is permanent. Fremont has recently successfully or ganized a Young Men's Christian Assoc -ation. Enos Moter. ninetesn years old. was instantly killed in Hedges' foundry at Lincoln the other day by the burstinz of an emery wheel at which he was working The two-year-old child of Babue Jnn eras recently scalded to death naarCeo tral City by upsetting a kittle of boilug water upon itself. Piattsmocth schools have been tempo rarily closed on account of the prevalence of diphtheria. Union. Cass County, has a new hotel. On Thanksgiving night burglars raa..e a successful haul at Cretv The clothing tore of S. A- Deh. was broken open axd .h,fO,ii rth of fine overcoats, suit. I " . . . , . j caps, etc, taKen. ine iront aoor waa broken open with tool taken from a blacA- wntth shop. This make the fifth time ta J . ..k Ute his mother's metho.i of singeing j ealcken bv buildinr a fire in th floor aad . throwing tb bird in tne name, la family atsvovered the nre bvfore snuch aAnsnge was done. Taa Union Pacific round nonae nt Lin coln wns burned recently. One engine eras bndlv damaged. ALAIN Stolle. a Justice of the pence, died at North Platte the other aoraiai froan tae effect of an overdose of ssorpaJM taken with ssjadal iateat, Mr. Stch, erveai tare years ae cierk of taa conaty ana was for two years cashier of tae 5crtk matte Bank. Of lata he And beam ia very sanlasss circatnetnaoav, waica ia assigns aa taa cans of tae act. Hansom, a Genua gariener of City, tfty-ivn years e&i,rn caatly sssgngvst ia a faasily jnarrei oa ae- af aie wwr canaraa ay a 'swats tsricn la Innicting SHOT DOWN. TscTibla Rawult of taa A aturdor Mjaiary. A Mob Attraft to I.r tk ante CfctlJ Xrlitr w-4MaWn) rwa Vpo aoiU still s4 Ww4 JS-J. BtRMtiaitA. Ala-, Dc 10. Ta-arsday and Krvday searching part. ci.sml eery foot of wood for uIm arvond Ike city n earca for the Uxly of !- 11 , who sa thought to a bn auurvUrl by Engineer Hre, fao i no m jsl here for killing h.s daughter, but unlit Saturday morning no o tin night of dr&gsiug th lW where the g'rl xirr-a was found. A soon a it w si suggested, h nrrcr, a (tarty went to the lak ttlia drag hool aud begu the arch and j about iio-m the body of Mr. Hi e found. It lying on tb buttons road iron weighing bfty pounds. An other piece was tied around Ler walit ant a third around her angles. It was sail that tho Uir wouM be brought to the city to the undertaking rooms, nnd iu ! than two hours the ti streets leading to the room were Oiled f 'r a block each nv with excited iHp. The ofllccrs decided that a s:ght of th woman's tnxly wuuld lnflnitie tho crowd. mil it wa .luietlr slipped out of the citr un.Ier a streM'- -ruirtl and secreted and under a strong guard and secreted ana , guarded. I At niht abut three thouanl uteri gntlirrd iu the icmlty of tho J-1 intent ' on lynch. ng Hawe.. llavor Tbonori land several ofHrers tnlsl to thecrid. I About twetve u'clcH'5: th mob arun! the county Jail lgan slowly pisin bark the outer guaril anil advanced du: ' Tvsenty-tlrst street to the mouth of tie allov trading to the entrniico. Ibis : alley i nbtut lou feet long and twenty i m Me ntid i the cnlv appntaih to the j sit. When the crowd reached the niuth of lh alley Sheriff Smith from th" Jul warned tlit'iu to stand batk tiui" aiul agsin lls yelled to them to keep back, as they would tx tlrrd 011 if thev nilvnlls'ed Up tllo nller. i Finally ho callv! out. "I lil count three, and If it man remains there Hi the a. ley we will tire." The ahenff counted three and (becloud fell back a little nnd the authorities did not gio the order to tire. This pfiuvl to make th" mob Isjlder, and agnlu they pressed up the iflley. Sheriff 'Smith yelled to them J will count Jive, and If von do not fall bnck we will tire." He counted live, while the mob hooted, yelled and continued to advntii up the alley. Then tho otticers oened tire, which nil at once returned by the molt. At r-nt one thousand shots wero ilrl. Then tho mob fell back, bi.nviug thn ground covered with dead or wound, d Bien. Several of the dead were hurriedly carried away by their friendt before being idfiit.fled. Yesterday the m litary took jssesi(t of the city and the mob has leen overawed. The following wcr killed: M. B. Thockuiorton. postmaster, and titv tironilnent mill Kuimlnr citizen. If a leaves a wife and one child, lis was ilout thirty years of nge and was horn in Louisville Kv. He cainn to Il.rmllicham ill 1K) a acent for tho Southern Kisjiress Company, and at-otit eighteen mouth ago was ap)ointed istmaster. An unknown negrrt, shot through the liiiiL-s. and died this mornlnr. J. IU JUCtoy wa-s i ssrnm me ironi oi ins crowil when th llring winimwicwL Hi fell at the first volley. . ,. ..r. . 1... m . -4i. A. B. Tairant wn shot In the luck. ' of a ltnmistiiii to lnUir into the ail After the first volley he lav d wn t:i the I iatilitr of boUdltig iiirsrnnui i-i-ground with th hop-of avoiding fly lug ' (en'tarle. and reformatories bullets. Fnle W ruld not have It u, hots ever, and a bid struck, him a he la) on, his face and ranged up his l.isck- After few mmut"' sultermg he div!. A. 1). Itrjnnt wns shot thrcugh the henrt. He vns standing rather near the : front, and wn doing his lt to r-trisin the crowd from going anv nearer. 11 fell j at th first ulley, and died Instantly J C. C Tate was shot through thn hp. , thigh ami loin. He Is dying. He l j painter, and lived at Kastlafca. Il' is ' al ut fo(tvfe vear oln and has ! fsimly. Frank Childer, h( t through the body, died lat oTening. Colln-rt Smith (cdrnl) shot thrimgh th- r ght 1'ing. die.1 yeterday morning . . . a liwrenre rnznugn. a civu niiii-r, was fatally wounde. H was shot through tho shoulder. H I thirty years oil. Charles Bailey was shot through th hen 1. It j thought rw is fata. ly wounded. A. J. ScbJede, a mechanic, was hot In the left side just undr the right shoulder. 1. 1..1 1.. ..-. i... .11 .It. II. ..... recentlv from Kalamazoo, Mich. Several of hi companions were wounded, out Jas seriously. Charles Jenkins was shot In the havoc or th head, the btll coming out In tbacs-ntr of hi forehead. He live,! until ten oVJ'xk next morning. He wa twenty year old and lived at Smlthfleld with hi pareoU ami three brother. Branden, at th hospital, wounded In tan thigh and abdomen, died at ten o'clock this morning. In addition to the abov- a great tsaay were wounded, som quit riouly. Last evening a duten wnt l-fr Justice of the peace and swor Jt a war rant for the arrest of Smith and bt d-p- uti-s on the charge of mard-r. This e -erveilby the coroner, who found Smith in ( the jail, and th- coron-r hls!f to.k , charge of the Jail aad ia hi. cusUxly that ) institution is at present i Tb-chlf of posice was also arretted ca the ceatge of raurder. w poatrnaster Thrcc mrtoB aad sa-vereJ other of tb kill'd wrs amooc lh avnt povulsrottZ'n of ta p'ac-, and at thn ' time of th flrinr wr attempting to ? the raob and preaarv order I I Inattxsral Csaailltas Washington D -c . Th ctalrasaa of thw Hrrlfln laauifars! CosjmJtia Jtlaw haa the Oov- ? MUJt r. tI t.ii.ri frr.!9 T,rs! of '" .-.....-. -. --.- erncr. of te hut- wbo cam a prorcnBt RJU .. .r . a. rur. Tmmm can ssto soq!4 f rUlai'Ura. iiafl.ovM; jnst4iH ur. P. L. iHrJ-a. .ortb Atrjbrwjgh. Xlchl- gaa. It A Bidgtt, Orarcd P-p.d.; T- . --t I 1,1- I V... U.m.X... Pnaasylvacia. Wilbaa B- Ueik Pada- delphia; -Vew YtTk. H- B. Phillip-, Br-kSya; OavrsJ H. A. aVsrsaaw ys York; Marylasi. icel X- W. v Bnlt.nvsre. Iraa Wsrki Cumtujs, O-, Dec 9 Tsr-jrtfa ss? tne targe ircss s;pbsjil4ing plant of ta Glcbm irca work Wswt fittver tra la tais city was tVoyd by tr t asssra Isg. Tie tvaraed fssosi ta ealp. va:4 svae Dm feet La teagt sss4 ftfrsr nst la wiata, aaa rt neafwesl ,- an) wartfc af veJsaVU ae naop ssU4iags by taw laamte. tate eaVw ne gnt- Vainaase aKae aa4 arasHaan, taa tan erncks sjrittMa a afta sanraiagl AN ALABAMA CHlMC a m rae4 artta m na at Uawaie Tat M War Aa sf arrtess tSsx As Utaatsaasa, AU., ls. AT sysisy surroaai.og ttv 4U t t Jag gUt fostad la the las at KAstUs T4- " atU4 test algkt bv t 4Jrs.T f " lleotltr, Alt day tha ly a to s a- dartaaias etr4isaasnl ia tht itr "-1 Ifcjor tban SsJ rop kvk4 ?. Aa aulorwt-r ti aii aad A fwa4 t t&at Xh ll aad ba ia taa wa f t a Unit tis kcirs warn itd. Tlr I Rt starts of TKJst a)4 It w ctdl i&atta (tri h4 Sa ;H.rtiv.-l aad p ard a U lal. l.ateaiag ttrl jn kl-otl2-t th as that of a dJti,tr t tet llmse. a railroad faf'sr js .! :neJ ta th suboi b of t& est; : a wtfs t-l eral ilUJrrv. KvS 1st a gfct fc ; ter.J at the Foreae llftt? attf tu4a;t aad Ufl i:a at srlj OiMnittg trsa far iiU.tiJ'p ti?lcfs nisi j th bt rtU(U1t lj f.ViOil It Cl-! JUd . o fr l-ea unable lo flod m lr.- i U- mother of the .lr t gtrt "T aur ths f ars ilr. A negru srvt&an att ti vwsr that last tsaturdar Hsjs .ft t&r c.r n her chargs fvr a f Jui, ad Nua.tsS' night aUmt eight cU-l V ..J4 tkl tl htf iir. ;(og h kS pao her it a rnl in Mwjtjror Th nvgru ra tlntJr l ui than sha tell att &. arir,tl t aud pUcsvl lu Jsil iwodlng further sasasti. ' gallon The girl's molhrr it is ncf t!i,e.l has ln murder.! and hr !! em;ed. hh as .t iem aturilar l-tmtit n cotiirans-with hr baslMsnd. 1 1 u .. hr they r at hwnia Mrkh; tbr b.-u. holdrlTrot. Sun las llvue ! .! IU ( in tha (f of the le-r sterfnsu, K n a , Bryant, and tok her it Miv n t t ! The g.rl a. nutrdrrd M.Ut night. Hm f ar the otll ei s have beu Uaabfa to Rtsd anv trace of the niwtht lister It K Itiriite, father of ttm rir due. I g rl. Aine. tr tfi hi, Ur 4m tfusii Columt'U. M ss at l uVliwl U,3 suhl and HAiertf, , In n ilej-titt slter.C itt uiuriieut he ,tefie,t frtKti tle laitt aad its,, mediately Ulrn to the (VMtatv ) Ho n toil that te Mas wctet! tf hating iimKlf-n.l tits fXthl. ) n'' h of twilv stAtMtat a j of the charge. His brVi" "as ' taVeit tonne at the hotels by a tl wad. ' The wnttin II wise lutl.e! itlUr ' Is the daughter f n proimHewt vll'tess f Columtnis. Miss U Urn br busUsn.1 -f a few hours was arie.ted and bo sat"ld i of the charge agiiust lini aba wis tcrnMv I attee'ed, and fruited seserat tiswes Taa ' "ui""-"' """ "R"" "- formerly lived n Atlanta, 0. and n he was there ilcvi.ei fm the e-iMlisu How supHed lo t-o liiuriler'l. GARLAND'S REPORT. tnnuat HmiM f llir lttiirir,.tra! -lie AilturslM .t,r uiueitl tMltM llarla. WaaiilioTOSj. Dec S AMnrny.(Jenrl (iarland hits made lus r!xwt t.t Congress of th bus. lies, tif the Derail ment of JtlstlCn during the last fl.cvtl yer. j together with stntl.tio, of i nie against the Uiilteil Male, and a statement f IU" business .f the Hupreme i,urt and iirt of Claims The petition ftl"! In the .alter court on French simlntlun ae imiiilr U iVM, representing 2,"! vessels aad atxnt J3V,V, The maj.r.iv of these im have !mu dispism! of so for as the cmtt Is concerned atld has le C"ltifie. Ut Congress The r inaiiitr w ill ( fr.rt-i during the presnilt After mskliif; a dtattd statement In r gam louiecnsracier aniresuuut tb.ti In which the t'n.le-t States -. party during h- vr, th Attorrte Uen ral s s that th usta atulnat"i f I penltentiarus hi wlil'h th t'inie-1 Ktslrs I prisoner ate n0iid, mad dur ug the year and showed the institutinrss ! l I In v-xl cond'tioti tin I that the tiismr ' ! , t . ,1 -... I rr wen urii i- sim nurain'T ireaev l He advocates the . ,. of th lll rt-nv j pending " Congress fur lh i.-r,iutnit Thr" "ft l.ii (iiMrmmsfit prstirs hn custody during th ear Th AHr neyl5eneral suggests that tfca lfctiallljetit of Justice lm given ltr rntr4 rr th ' Jail in tae D sfrl.-l .,f ( dimba aa I Ihst a epsrntn lioiMing for the eoifli,aifiit v.'V of femal prisoners!-, added to that iwimng. lie nt,' 1'wnm.iw. insi ir.a sslary of th wid-ii le- itinesss-I to '1.:H per annum. HOGGISH COM MINE. A lf( Tr'isi H-)rleil i . il, !( SrhrMi, nl I h I'srksrs. ST. lACls, D-cfc -I'.'imw ca'al gnwhd yestsnlay In thiscity thai glgantle om- blnenf all th hog packers i.f th Wastssas in ctnirse of formation, that th iUi ot I .m. . a a i ; ,nirco wi in nai. i were arranging ti take ,n aJl pa k n ( tj, li, ,f Ui Jksiest sk mi house, nt Ht. Paul, ! Mlne. risn j amiat ot silv.r 11Nvi rrfi--l Oty. Onsha. Kaesa Illy, Ht. L aed ' W7k as' IO, O. rssl sd f Cincinnati. Tle Mwinss.Utiiaha and ! mhvn pvrrfceed, Tv Utat j-t 4 Carisan City bses ar ir j fl I y xnat-' retWfi aliC if tx- . th Chtrago yn llat- ! U I- wm!i J. ' llfla f ,jJ r.ia,l Ulls in U s-Ingthanegotiations-Th story aasjt.r.g n lav la di-riia.lnrt - ar ' I .1 .11. . 1... &.. f ..Hi. I'..,.... I Curntny, a braucti of th .bkac' ai t ' jg t.omiany, oi th ntir Jaut at lssl St. Isxi s. a capacity ul 2,' bd aay iroasnian v mcs. smi k, p. reent tha;trwsi it is ailgd Tian-' els hltt-r a; ivan, taa my via packing tetJtm't beta, a iitiA-l ! to jHn the cmiWiir, 1j( d-sdisd m lbs ?-.itjnil tnat lkr bi! znl Nhirk t '- - - - ...- koon and that tb-y bad atrthlng Jo gaits by lbs change, Jt Is rarr.orl foitt.r tfcat th urn Hn wfco at la the dra-! bxf pool are ia thi aad 'hat th wtoLirsa ill have an oJeotnafgarna msa'ifarUy ae a id iaraa. a m T IMattlaa afrMt Bslssu I, Xw Yoax. Dec . At Jat tb tm UjBtT rerdlBU. ,(serr HaytUa IU- r pqijic. ra4 ,j u lUyn gai.U( !M..iuee tM ta kmrir .f tM. Msi. m, t u U cUsrd . Cs.s CotAon'm i4e la t.ainr Vr hi imrnmnA ac4 tt aslag to asat ! a tb Asavirae coiors is Vee of th-draada f tM ooJorI giard ia - of ta ta-9 r, will t rwejdf eod t vl rw )1. This wa- taas rawi-! at lyird A; Aaetia', ( ef ttvs tm. . . la this city yeat-viay. '" raear Ovleaee Mca4aea fsesva, l"fisTlIo Or limei. ft. - lLm Llt'a bsH- th Ctise UgU lat "C Hs-t a tWy ras- t Moiy tvr bsv 4t aad tvkr is ,,,r1 " f MM-f4 , a.; fe, 4isv .HoaifcftiKsaTOy-' -t . g U V - ' Bmimmm-m m m -j mm n nmn a:f ef j-sJe t:g pesr.r, ..! -ss ; aaan.ssMly agrl lo brA p all i,c. W.4'lU. 1m fVl. .-.(, -- nava bean paetavl tArsag? Cutw o-. j drteg all Hve JgaUa4re V 4twi j wttata S ilayv ov as4si ta eas.rsav Ts Chinee aJao are tmU,U ta arr t A e BatvrtaK-nst. Mt, Jacaaa 1 si(t . i erfrflSf , lake. In lateg tae a far ta feanarag s a Xaaae a-nsws a aa4 a mimm4me w Mat t-rfw ainv ttmA rnanlngate aar sWa Isaw9 sisstaMBaw safaaap-W spWaaa Inaw aRaV i-MH iaa jaar. - Wmmramty 3 ia r raaa. DssaA-TW fii 1 1 i caaal Caaa iilsaMi naar laamj tneaeWasakenii ArrAtas, wafts Mm 1 a t SSVe ar, Tret . ( j.. fsalMl ssSsf asa I'-f. Waaanctyeti Isw4 t ,! '-s Latest try ar.,y ritr a s , 4 4t4 t tS-a pJeT ( ta sed IV L? stT?tr. IfsrC'ej KipUf r ,evt at r as !'-. MS t ' d lh -, as es . tikfua-tt t ptf 0.Mwls j aad If t Iiaa4 tiaac silala ea-.aei e. UV JI ! tt Us !. t V th IAI -X K -a" . twAirr Vi sariMUnlsr .t tt ;,. .t, tvnas t !tar Adea-.fal . t t -. . at c4 t Ssr Vli " as i .., t s&ia. Ufcw44(, ! . 1 j -arJ fs ss a rr4l j-" w . -m ss aSpS"5"4 la-at t -s-s i srt!si !- !. a,w istuA (am dr s MS s 4t f !tst T ss - i4tft !i" !m ls fSw S s A 4sai !je. eMtsusastdlat-ta-a ? -.IW aUUso. t tissibf t w ,a It. la IliVaiti-o-4 aJ .,., , vi as tt C' 'iv " ! 'r'' -e (.sOietais ef te ?la.t I wimis,-. .. 4., IsUrsst ass ta-a ml--, a- I a.lnut -a li.l i JeM sf fc It s U-(nlt-W IVa, !-, dravatt4i rstf W k-tssf .s Ss U'tmi asked tV a A ss-rtst-! !- -Mtr this -li sfcesl Jfc-s .. t a.ttMt-t fraaktr sl Vs . elrvU ta lira Hasat , oss. t l " Yr t gstle r-tt as -, as f- We Iss Urt tmt llU !( a VJ4 -!& I, iIimsI iills as llw,sill'nlsijipjM4wUi naval tsiHai tr st fcan-d . a iimi. Y"S rsscMSfstVe tKsl Va- Jl aMtaarittat lf-l h s semr ( t s iiissihI w Lsi lhd'fe-S a Js-Slsss sv4 fc sVurt is tfeat (a-,, ha at ksr It isst'taa . . the sl fe to-tfl sol s lt.sls V4i tit" s l INarl , asat SsHHnU( IV.-r W . Itsal (Ual wise tt iwtf-ttt ass skll-l kls a-- t' t is as BK ,.! ,ansMkst Bssta, -sMkM .. avtlimlisrl Wyllsiiiit ItssSk ' ai, 4i rsK ( aayst silf T Ul il Use im rX kaw ur IW sas,s fasssAaas a4 a I sssm trMs4 I Ik I sh a lUs4 Us 41 'a-l . i ua." i l hS tAT't SHIS W,Mntw, 1. a f-a i 4 , ltiU.ts( a In I at.4 aigtaa ! t . i eslalsltsti,! by th tVe.sil t a fTMlitlttiil.u af tie inn)ta- -- " UIsh, thfMglsst tt t a,4 Skt. . X,gtala4Vat setaris UI S. a (MtputatlstM t rnat tess laa I ss R.r than J ,iaUifcSK Ums . nt ta.'ixtiislw)) r-ealia : -. wsniattM, w atil a ss ft l s .a - I I iiSO KailH ..h is lw -sea i i ehlef and l' vl'' f- tie-l satv ttl Carty Mt Ut Jslj ml t it is nia the dull v( tk Wsteeai I. r Li iv asailatU t4ii W a - (dale atld lettable lifwfliei the epls Ida ,i, lbs kW)M ' Kj1umie- fr UipUf rwaot. tfca !. I lnds, lti tlitttl ') s uaaj ll-.n. Iha (ianttta fa ! t C'tirlal. .irtr thllic fetal i Us, - l may nt ln(rl ( - r is, l'r,i,uiii i, iu, fr Hi- I- - at least twirs a niMtS. f a -,! glvirif tha ih(fniUM rkM.e-t I. for lh Xing fl f rthaitf" a I foiruaUufi -rl"alty ll f CI SN of I he Lulled !a!s l j w,. ,bA .Jmj., ( .f U.M , mtu ins.n lt, lkif 4 Hi (IsHr.i ( ltt wstty, k.I ll f ig ilstrsr, sHlilhlt h4!-s j-u- f nam- of jat(s, il l, - i(t i asm to tk a CMlss n tl- ball isaiil uh lfmisi t-W5t C"isr. ith a iMdts,t - Ulrmfr of tilc( as may ,mih 1 k t j witm -M,j ,a,j in ..!. u ' nf trKmu, t lafbrnsatxm tt usaka lnlry iit ilatliit .'.f ei!ti and a - list rf ttmfnmtt k I .k and V imidMh th rjU f iii . gaOun. sliia f tnarmt2 ai( irt ehaittaWaof ttbT -!Tiet d nirinc esBftioy kwrs, 4 and suetl ta fallsf a 4h .. wy !"lllra. Tba Plsel!,t aad kaI Sf ejel- - I .,. raird l g.ia iu)mslMi , rk, wly te A'sifVsn rtll a ' s, ,.,,f,,fe in,u,y m.t t. j !rrMttt In th vttMttty of 1t- k dra. Tb annual st.ry t f i trurus Is ft at 7J' aud tif ; annual i nllurs nf h !. ' pru, r-.sf..t ,r tt.Vta, Wacui-sut. l. -TJ- itisef,!. t(lV Ttsry. n Mt ,. V rW a mean's raaKlivtn f (fc,n,i, fc., u. ; t,,atrj Ur th .! stUs.t f ..... ... fn lb t' H-! ibi " u s,.,,. pu kara (. wndt vt 1i ' .s.u u 1k! linsil Mil. ., J . dV- far aUT mW MstaL. tb market if i( l -r bstipva sj nol!J K4atas as !e'f?'HtMf lHMit t-ri-a-.f str t Jkwtsi f l&m tttri prUm ta Im-lts iliw- u llf, s sseil isws, Uta evffe-t ,'' pfk" ! U Ot paU f Ifca - S fiit(ta 4iffera aa wt ty t 4 trmn ;n tevs .iJiraf Lifc U Ur ari7TO. ;.r- I Pmwmsr Hir Is4g Jt aigt ta'sa 4l.e V V ITifcaTV, 1 irlLilJs aVr .Vli.V A .. nmbs.: - HMiis 4ls Httm . 1, asiae f tmmmi mZ," , ,!? V . . . . . Z '-- im4 Us ae 4t ttaMt-a J rV'rv, nt 1, JCikfaas-a-a. 4 4r-i as m.Jl J .! . te - . . I. ..d ., far rssally 44ri-sd Us. 4Uli' USt dJ t"mlti ; -ait-ri'y Tl rfliSttl! KkkiOil'l kars1 Us tsW we tiw Ut .isvaaJ, U H s. UAM ta 1 p-y lf Ma a4 fs-f-sv. fii; ,V.-e Kf in lv rssnrXSiitXa va. W 4 Vf Sfaasiav. Cnarasva, W7a f D-W.T -VT j r Su . A 4 .HM .A. 0 ....... . ---5. m-w-wm jar mmMhmr m& .. SfUtiiM t s7 . a mtlmrwu is 1. a4-i rw, Lasaa. H . , . , ITIT-lA LTV J" Vr 'f f- " i m va MeW-Sl W.M laasf.Aj.fl, ft Um !2fT " r ZT.'.''.'' T. ?e '- .7Z-Tf JT" "'- . Z7 r !-; J 1A I ! ! f S. M ' -- "e "" W )-'v. a . I."" ' " rsurjw p- grCaaarj-e i Jmtrtf S-asl ta mtmmmr It i a aa4 a eaeaa as? - - i?ii ' J Ujs nUU i.- AatsSjitssna i.ey l a a sfaas fiinfe x.t Saa k aCvt st RU1 spsaltt- asT 4W eavt tAsS Usi aVaaaWf f esmt at sas se f rssk rtasssl a aavl saVX-J NATrONAt. avM frean 1 rr, a the i jr' ' . t ., aifc- "fe $A -li -'-'la.