..Z" . , i .., bMBsMMMbMbWBBBbWbWBWWbbWBb 4fr i aSIS) aaar aaaaVLfaaaa -h POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ilih ponder never varies. A! art el of pure 4t!eiiKt!i;nil wholcvmienev. more economical tli:m the onlluary kind and cannot be wild in compi-Uoii ultlillioimi'tltiiclcs of low test short llit :ilmn or phosphate poudors. Sold only Hi cms. KOYAI. ISA KINK IOWI)EKCO. lno Wall strwt. :. Y. ;lty. jhc ?r 7uii !. a. :. iiosnt.K. Iropritot rub'ivlu il ii'i I lidaj incinliip Iioiii the offir in tin Moon I'dork, !! d I'lmid. Nidi. I'u rm Iioaiin. Intcrot from ( to 10 per cent. Time from 1 to 7 years. Call and investigate. G. W. Baiikkk. SPLINTERS ftatherrd Up by :iiler lfrport-r In And About thr :ily and :unt)'. Hulk oysters at .Joe Ilerburger'.s. Yarn, Yarns, at Mrs. Newhou.sc'o. Hoods and toboggans at Mrs. New house's. Gus Lautcrbaclt was in the city this week. Kxtra select oysters at City IJakcry served in every style: There was a a musicalc at Mrs Bel lows on Saturday evening. For farm loans see K. K. Stowe, office over Deyo's drug store. The Chautauqua circle met at Mrs. K. Skccn's Monday evening. There wag a tea party at Prof. Curran's on Saturday evening. A nephew of District Clerk Fort's 1in the city this week from Beatrice. The Y. M. C. A. will hold a service at, the Methodist chapel Sunday at 1:30. Jim. Pickering, formerly operator at the depot was viewing the metrop olis Sunday. Mufflers in over one hundred styles from 2.ric a piece to $4, at the Golden Eagle. F. A. Swcezy, judge of the county ourt went to Denver Monday on a little business jaunt. Our rates on farm loans and option of payment will suit jou. Office over Deyo's drug store. R. K. Stowe. The Bed Cloud Democrat, by Jeff Ward is on our table. It is a spright ly paper and TliE Chief wishes it success. Married, by Bcv. Falkenburg at the Methodist parsonage, Dec 12, Mr. Geo. Barton and Miss Ida Serl, all of Webster county. Overcoats or suits if you arc look ing for either you can save 25 per cent on the dollar by going to C. Wiener's Golden Eagle. I can make you farm loans quieter and with less trouble to yourself, than through any other agency. Office over Deyo's drug store. U.K. Stowe. The only failing we may mention of Dr. P. Janss, is that he can't cure every ailment but whenever he meets such cases he is honest and frank enough to admit his inability. On last Friday night was the bi weekly school entertainment. As usual it was successful all through and was attended by more people than could occupy the great audience room. Regular services next Sunday con ducted by the pastor, in the 31. E. church. 3Iorning services at 19:30. Subject, Is there a Heaven, or The survival of the fitest" Evening services at 7 p. m. Mrs. S. T. Yan Hern, who was brought to Red Cloud last week from Orleans died on Thursday and was buried Friday. It was a sad death and The Cuief extends its sympathy to the bereaved husband and mourn in" friends in the hour of affliction. Ttrnnv YanDke, the 15 vcai old son of Mr. VanDyke of Line town ship, met with a bad accident the other day. He was standing about thir ty teet from the wagon where the boys bad been chopping wood. He wasted an ax and one of the men threw it unobserved by him, the blade striking him on the head and cutting an ugly though not serious wound. He is get ting along nicely however, altkeigh tore heai fer Mae J. F. Winters bas returned borne frost Dakota. Money to loan at a living rate of interest by D. M. Piatt Look Here. Only one more week at cost at Markell & Son. Novel jackets and jerseys for Men's wear at C. Wiener. Deyo's prices on holiday goods are lower than any one. A fine line of fancy bankets just . arrived at Cotting's. Men's fine suits worth $25 for $18 and $20 at the Golden Eagle. A good eafe for Hale. Call on Sill & Stowe, over city drug store. If you want holiday gods you will save money by buying of Deyo. Palmer's Frangipanni the beet per fumes made in the world at Deyo's. Eleven pupita from Superior were the guests of the Red Cloud schools last Friday. Frank Sleeper's little baby has been quite sick foi a few days, but id getting better. The Chief is now comfortably situated in it new quarters tight across from the Moon block. C. L. Funck received a thorough bred P tlaud China pig from Iowa this week. Mr. Funck believed in liuvmg the finest stock when ho buys. A good idea. The firm of Park es Bros., probably the oldest firm in Bed Cloud, have dissolved partnership, John Parkcs withdrawing from the firm and Win. Parkcs continuing the business. Jake Nye has taker, a job of sweep ing Webster street and 4th Avenue. It is a good scheme and should be kept up. If there is anything that makes a city look nice it is nice clean streets. J. J. Duckcr contemplates moving his dry goods store to the room lately occupied by the post office. This will be an excellent situation for our enterprising friend. It is one of the best in the city. Richard Barrett, the aged fattier of our Kansas friend, Wm. Barrett, of East Canton, England, 77 years old, died a few days ago. The sad intelli gence was conveyed to Mr. Barrett by mail. Mr. Barrett has the sym pathy of his many friends in this vi cinity. For dressmaking call on Mrs. Mal pocr in W. Houghton's old tailor stand. Artistic dress and coat making done in all its branches. Evening, dinner and street costumes and tailor made suits, also cutting fitting and designing without making Patterns cut to measure. "In purching a turkey," says Ta hie Talk'choose a fat hen not weigh ing over thirteen pounds."Tbo tnrkcy should roast at least three hours in au oven, hot for the first hour moderate for the remaining two. The turkey should bn basted with its own fat every fifteen minutes while roasting;a tcasponful of salt should be added at the end of the first hour and the tur key should be well dusted with pep per." The following is a little girls essay on a cow: "A cow is an animal with four legs on the under side. The tail isO longer than the legs but is not used to stand on. The cow has cars that wriggles on hinges, so docs her tail. The cow is bigger than the calf, but is not so big as the elephant She is made so smill tbat she can go into the barn when nobody is looking. Some cows are black and sosc hook. A dog was once tossed. She tossed the dog tbat killed the cat tbat wor ried the rat Black cows give white milk; so do other cows. Milkmea sell milk to buy their little girls dresse s, which tbey put water ia and chalk. Cows chew cuds, and each finds its own chew. That's all there is about a cow. " Do figures lie? Let us see. Two women had thirty chickens each, which they took to market Tbey aggreed to divide equally tho pro ceeds of this sale. One sold her chick ens two for $1, getting for her thirty chickens $15. The other sold hers three for $1, getting for ber thirty chickens $10. This made $25 realiz ed on the sixty chickens. The mer chant called on to divide the money said:" You sold your thirty chickens two for $1, and you sold yours thirty three for $l.Thatmakes sixty chick ens at the rate of five for $2. Well, five into sixty goes twelve times twice twelve is twenty four. That makes $24 your chickens brought" But, as shown above, tie women actually bad $25 ia their pockets, and were rightfully eatUIed to it, although seemingly the Bjafcbsit's figures are correct Caa aj ptptf of the sahool tell s wherein they are wrong? Ex. At Markell 8o',We4May and TkwmniayPecBber 19 aa 20 of die faew aUc ef Jewelry ever Wtvgkl te RfV. Sbirej is in York this week. This is exceedingly fine weather. JYfl. Ihh. .!.. c..,,U. Wagons and sleds for the boys at F I V. Taylor's. j Rocking chairs in endless variety -t ( F. V. Taylor's. A little boot black was sent to re form school thin week. Doll cradels and carnages for the ' girls at F. V. Taylor'b. The largest lino of juvenile is to be found at DcyV. Mrs. Holcomb has returned book- from her visit to Indiana. Next week will bean extraordinary brifk one for holid.iv trade. N. W. Flaisig ha.H left Rod Cloud and moved to Kansas City, Hobby Horses and Shoo Fly's for the small folks at F. V. Taylor's. Buy your wife a White sewing ma chine for a present at F. V. Taylor. Fresh ovfeiera received three times per week at E. Welsch's, Dickerson's f old stand. Deyo is overstocked on albums and you can buy cheaper of him than any one else. '1 he Congregational church give a social and fair tonight at the Y. 31. C. A. hall. Always in the lead in sire of stock as in lowest prices for the bet goodn is the motto of C. Wiener. I have one Queen organ which I will sell at cost for a present. F. V. Taylor Great bargains in Toys, Christmas gifts, yams, Dress goods, etc. at Mrs. Newhouse's. Grand Chancellor Lane will visit Calauthe Lodge K. P. tonight in special session. What's the matter with a tine par lor suit for an Xmas present. F. V. Taylor has them. See the nice lounges I have and they will make an elegant Xmas pres ent. F. V. Taylor. G. R. Chancy has moved his law office into the room lately occupied by N, W. Flaisig. It is a nice one. Mis3 Mollic Cook entertained her friends with a tea party at Mr. M. B. Bentlcy's residence on Thursday night. As soon as tho engine is placed in position, we understand the electric lights (incandescent) will he ready to fire off. Remember the opening at Markell &Son. There will he a $40,000 display of Diamonds, Watches. Jew elry, etc. The Christmas trade of our mer chants is much in excess of last year. We are glad to note the revival of business. Don't waste your money foolishly but buy a useful Xmas present for your wife, mother sister or best girl, F. V. Taylor has them . - The F. & 31. bank building is fast approaching completion. The con tractors will have to hurry up in or der to ''get in out of the wet." 3Irs A. O. Berg left Thursday morning for an extended visit in Lansing, Iowa, after which she will go to Illinois on a visit. Andy al ready looks sick. Stein Jones, an old time friend of The Chief was in the city this week. He was figuring to get the Cowlcs Herald. He would make a live paper of it if he had succeeded. Young's C. O. D. laperiua ia building up quite s tiftaati far bargains aid people are flocking there daily to secure first choice as new goods arrive every day. Our wholesale bouse one of the largest in Chicago will have their travelling man here December 19 and 20. with a $40,000 display of goods. Call and see the display whether you want to buy or not New arrivals at Young's C. O. D. Emporium, dress goods, fancy silk velvets, shawls, ladies and Misses hose and notions. The above arc bar gains picked up by our New York buyer and the best values received yet. Come in and see them before tbey are gone. Santa Clans bas taken up his head quarters at the Fair, with a largo as sortment of Christmas goods at prices to suit the times. Dr. P. Janss is no stranger but an old aad rssponaiWe r ia t el No fcratka He kw beta at Gnat Is land for the last 12 yean, that is the place to get your information in re gard to his responsibility as a physi cian. .B9ai aim in nn vioua at the Hellaad Ilaase, Saturday, Deeea MOVED. m Chhf mc- Taien A Change of Base. sew LOCATED ofpositk jioos ULOCK. To our friends arid patrons you will take notice that The Cllir.Kha-. found it necessar" to move ofFic to more commodious quarters and con sequently can now h found Imjwn riTAllis, just opposite J . .J. UncLer . Ino. I'arke' i building, where we shall be glad to see all of our frWid? and patron-. Don't furfci-t the place, rast side U'eb-.-tfr atrert. otloite Moon block. U'b) Cun'l ftrd Cluutt ;-! Tilt re. From the itivcrtoji paper we oe I that the woolen mills of that place are going to pull up and move. Now, there is a chance lor lied Cloud and we would advise o ir citizens to jump on to that enterprise with both feet as h -s one of ;:reat ln0IIieilt to tin: in tcrcsts of this citv if we can only get it to locate here. Wake up gentle men. and see about it at once. "What Foul Wr .Gloria l Hi- " On Saturday morning while the average brave of Bed Cloud pulled on his trowser, svallowci his morning rcpat and if paired to thecoinmcccial et'ntre of the city in quest of Uncle Sam's headquarters, for the purpose of pcru.Miig some swnet scented odori ferious missive fron- his best girl or the morning papers, he was dum fouuded to find that the s.tiih 'Uncle Sam" had folded his tent like the Arab and silently stolen away to other pastures greca, or something like that but he'd be gol darned if the thin; was where it used to be, but upon inquiry it was learned that Uucle Sam's deputy, A, S. Marsh our worthy P. M. had moved the po.-t-office to the Outhwaite building on 4th avenue, decidedly the bet and most centrally locate 1 position for the post office in the city. There was scarcely an early riser but what went marching down to the old place for the mail never discovering that uit was not where it used to be" un til he had gone to the icar end of the building. It is a good move and should be appreciated by the general public. Bl'NTLF.S .Ht7T C. In the early days of Methodism it was the custom in church for saint and sinner to humbly kneel during prayers, and in those days it was con sidered wicked and worldly for a sister to dress except in the plainest manner Feathers, sealskin sacqucs and jewelry were an abomination, and there was not much hope that a woman dressed in the fashions of the day wou'd ever even get within sight of the pearly pates. But what a change has come of late years; the si.-tcr dre in the highth of fashion, the brothers port Sold watch chain.-, diamond shirt studs and other jewelry, and even the ministers in the pulpit look as though they had just stepped out of the fash ion plates of some elaborate merchant tailoring establishment. Well Tiik Ciukf is not going to quarrel or cavil about the change, for we believe well tlresscu men ami women can enjoy re ligion as well as the good old Chris tians of homespun days, and it i a pleasure to go to church and sec such congregations. But a great change has come into the form of worship, the humble position -f kneeling in prayer has been abandoned, and both saint and sinner now sit bolt upright, and while the minister is interceding in their bchall ootn men anu women are gazing around taking an inventory of each other's dress and appearance. This fact worried one of our eminent divines living not more than a thous and miles from this city, and recently he saw fit to rebuke the members for not kneeling in prayer, as they used to do, and deplored the evil days into which 3Icthodism had fallen. He in sisted that at least in the social pray er meeticg every devout worshipper should get down to business and pray in the gcod old fashioned way. He thought perhaps the architectural con struction of the pews ought have a little to do with it, and made that at an excuse in general service, but thought that at prayer meetings the members ought to conform to the old usages and kneel. A lady on the wav home was discussing the words of reoroof of the castor, and inczest- M iht instead of blamine t!e con- . ;. r !.. m.. -. . - 314UWUUU V uw Ky.0 - u VW?V whv the sisters did not kneel in prmv- eratthe Sunday services he aight ore appropriately huv attributed it tatha archiu-Jtaral coastxactkMi ,f the bastlea the, wore. The baatlea1 ' Me rrt n amp T&f nra niftct m-A . -f ... . , - J knees imeiuea 01 genng iuc prauruu on ; See those fine bed room salts at F. I T iir rrlcad and r I txr. After Sanuarrl, I?-9 the -scription price of The Chief w.'l probably be pat back to $1 50 per j annum, mteau o! ?l, a uaa len cr j price for the U."t two years. Oei dollar is too low for ubcnptiou to a country newspaper the Ate of Tut; j Chief, and cannot be rati without Iosj. We have decided however, to till give our subsciibe: a chance to renew at 1.00, if the .iatf i paMa by .January 1, lrvt, after that lxta wr -hall t;o back to the ld jjritt J il 50 per ear. Ceme nub: m if Tu want to get the papar at oaedclbr far the ensuing year. If back nbrip ttn U not paid by .January 1, 1SSS, we -hull collect 1.."0 per jear frt!J sub-criptiou that remain unpaid at that time. A. C. Ho?:KX. tf Propriei?. J. Winter- ha ovinia ! the; ertciwiu of a nr barn. TheOake.- Coined? sketch Cleb will appear at th opera hou-c Mon day night, Drcembcr 17, at which time they will dispense to the theatre goers of Bed Cloud a program con sisting of mu.-ic, mirth and mtmiey. The company i.- composed of the be-t taleut in the profe-sion and those who attend will jms-.i plea-ant even ing. The Waukesha. Wis., l're- says ; It has a most select, amusing and de lightful entertainment. The com pany is entirely composed of legiti mate and talented srti.-t-. The Winterset, Iowa, Pre-.-, say.- : This tiptop company paid their first vi-it to our city Tuesday. Each one of the company did Mich noble work that it seem- out of plicc to -peak of one and not of the rot. Go to Earnc.-t iVclch'.i for frcih bulk or can oyster. Why pay J.'i for an over coat that Berg A: Galu.ha .-ell f.r i'.'.-Q". We hate been moiug tliia week and consequently our new is slight ly lacking. C. Wiener will tell you the best shoe or boot for lea money thnn any j house in the county. Fred Barber who recently loll from a scaffold while working on Mr. Finketibinders barn is slowly recover ing. The Ciller is pleased to note his ultimate recovery. Berg & Galusha will sell you a suit of underwear $1.00 less than any one asks for same quality The farmers eating house is the place to get a fine lunvh or a warm meal. Earnest Welch Prop. Taylor's is the place to purchase! furniture. He keeps only the best goods and sells o lew that all can buy. Just bear in mind this one little item that Berg & Galusha have a bct- tcr assortment of neck scarfs than any one. When in Bed Cloud call at the furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo site the po.it office, ami pick you out a line kitchen or parlor suit. Gloves lined cr unlined that other ask you $1 .00, $1 .L $1 ..0 for. We seiiVor$rc, ji.oo, $i. :. BfBG & G.MHA. Do not fail to consult Dr. Jan", the celebrated German specialist, late of Berlin, will be inBcu Cloud, at the Holland House, on Saturday. Dec. 15th. i Consultation with Dr. 1'. J.m?S president of the Nebraska stjtc Medi cal fc Surgical institute i.- free, at Holland I If use Saturday. December, 15th. 1SSS. The highest market prie paid for butter and eggs, live turkeys and chickens at the Western fc Southern Mercantile Association. Bed Cloud. Nebraska. The great slaughtering sale is t-ill going on- Tiles of goods are sold. at an onarmous reduction at the Western it Southern Mercantile .?-ociat:n. Ladies rubber boots at $1.50 per pair, alo wool lined shoes and lip pers in great variety at Wiener's. Cmrpet Wravln:. Mrs. M. E. Huffman announces that she is prepared to weave carpets of all classea. Leave order? with C. Schaffnit, at Hason's old stand tf Special rates civen on H-inos and : organs antilJan. 1st. Tiano sold for cash or on monthly payment cotiac le5 than $1 per day. Onr-ms sold at rate to suit customers. Sada J. Sah.kv, Act. r P. Jacs of the Nebraska Sute ) partnership htrtust cal and Surgical InstituU docsftwccn j0'ta c. px Medical mot penena to oe a care au w.paric3. neder the 3.- nasc 0 I eUi8 to fcaTC b"r "CCC5 - tfce gl aracticioncr i 0B cco,lt ef in chronic di- c voting his total ' I.i. a b br kt tte,fc He ka ntk fcia I.aa ft-nacaaf) 3nTlar arnvfli a ism. r .tnnintt for all kiad, of cxiBisi. k aiaiv .vtm w w . M s BH ion, anions thca is ion ,oae ea u 0 . VT. tions ana OTerwoa. i microscope, cst ! Consultation free at the Hallaad iwni inAV A M f Msmss& JL Jtey A &. EL &t. v ,& T"" ik ! f 7i M i 1 bVx . SicJK & 'if' , 3 - ' ' : ' . .. re LJiTtsinia.s v- .K4iv-.-s W2 KdT&VS&-S:.. t Cvf r- if" 1 1 f M MI'llV I i I ll -iWl nw :ld ? u ' X tj J 4m fa iJ JtFIi'VJ While out looking !r ur ( "hnscmrts Present- Call and sec the numlxrr ot Klegant and Useful presents displayed by us. Over 200 Stales of Mufflers Silk Handkerchief, . - Linen Hemstitched HandkerchieU Fine Seal Ski n and Plush Caps, Children's Suits Bovs ,.'-& our usual C WIENER. Red Cloud and Wymore. We have just received a line, hue of Geiu's and Ladies Silk Muffler Silk, Linen and To) I Iandkcrchiefs, All shades and qualities of Yarns Honit'-inadf Hoods and Tefooitn.. Wohaw a n'n'e Hue of Hair Ornament!. Tiiiinu Rti htng. Miilenf, HUry. Drerft (Jood- with WlvH as d Gimp Triiwnmip fa ifiatuh. I heat bargain.- m Toy . All to In Hold at !!' vtT iii"ft I'fuiv. New line f fc'Vrr pot- . l"X decorution and tftUonrr j't r 'v- cd at Hcnrv Cool t. The .Mothers Fticnd" fcay' ! ncl shirt waist. No hUjM 10 w on. At the Gotew Kairl. Giovci and aiittca u all pvie at tho Golden Kagle Don i lt prjti4iee kp fa tt consulting the clha4 Owdba specialiit in Bed Chwrf at H1 land Hoane Sitcrday Deihar 15ili. If you ar af2icted with a efcrwie discaic. Yoar pbyjician iiMttlM ae to inquire boat him. wnta 10 ay r sponsible party u. Gran liUa-etri he has been for tJve ys 11 w a graduate of thrc l4i; e!! and through ht cceff) a4 iarf practice baa becooc da f Gra4 Ulaods largest prcperty ho6cit. Bf Motvr4 rartaenbip. Notice is hereby gives that the c- hertteforc cxhtisg tc- rkej and Wtllixsa r I Prkc Bro'. lh dJ&UcZ iy BQtuai cooitat. s j If vob coat S4 "ihit jw.iSt a' "jafaerc U a fcJ & to a fU . - Flacr siM 41 && llaaij IV J J ZLJriJ vi. .- 'j?? &&32S- I.jcr"' is Comma! t i lr Ml I M f a I fi3 Silk and Shtin. Saspenders, and Overcoats Suits and Overcoats, Mens Suits and Overcoat, LOW prices. . -ut hK ;? g jh Tm iOtievj flml tit; . TTl. tf- m mrtsA X. z x4 ttV tf iWy hm nmmt i"mck4 m WrtbK ft MtfK W wm&L ikhtbm iA- lit . hf zb&k H&tmr . v ft & )irfiar etjgtb Wr .'' mx& ai4 "tm rJ am ii teHf. ' mt gVi' ; w.dth m tmmifhmmA. Vi 34 a r -xotfaMi t & q jl aat pimiuaa memfA a3Mr if tib YkXif wbm. I'b gJPU crpmhilkrflr dm t Qm Tows" "this hv .vl a 4irci2uiJ imttou. I vrjfoefrMKt . mivii kesmm In 4Mb m 1, hoc jri It mpmU'r orf afl 9hr ($$& t. Tim mm. 1 n4Mt -sat. vmt& i m wHtti!. imR sa u Li 1 y i Uw rifjbC4 o 4 2. &mIT. kc-l tmimn ijirra uattt hnutrf lr line Umj uc U hey. ltr-U4-ax rrmmU. On. ij Ursi., Stisr ?wsa is, c - This x ia Ti.tAs.iy mr oil (ze&k a4 to hay 3t, t-i I h7e cc&?4 a rst aurlct OfpHHc vhs Cikre ' J.ajfcbrr Yri hre I wjU Jm fU0e4 T1 ' J baieaena 515 f istaib sad reutsu I will tit&tU rnruc IVirzsA tc,sJr reUHjiie; &- FJa I gie Jae a ealL he will have a time to cone. bar, IIOk jY. Tayhyri far ea iHi ii i Cast'. i J.C. Cavaiu.