nr fr fffc- - V J s-T " - (;? JftS& . s--srt.., .. -a -s. w Sr ,tm 'MfcTi i im JBMBBBI B F ! 'MMmJWeMMi B9HBVPiV A BBvfV3iBpVBvEBxK ,tBBrTBBMt? h w i ibhb ill b iW fc im ft in mk i i m m m mm iiP inn ?nlK!23y3JHBBHHD4 m!llFySsiKflHliHiHttiK lMirPML'r"vE9IIBiBHII ft l MBJJ'TB-li?&iKi-3r j i '- .l .' it i . j - tr TtHl: f k 'vt"':ffl 5 - - Vol. 16. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, December 14, 1888. ZAe Western 4k Smmihern ISA NTIL E ASSOCIATION Red Coud, Nebraska, GREAT No. 20. CHRISTMAS NOTES. CHICAGO v. Slaughtering Sale. Commencing Monday November 19th 1888. rrtf- i - " CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, X Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Cloaks, Shawls, Notions. &c. ' Immense bargains in everything. AH winter goodswill be sold X Regardless of Cost ! f"Ji v.-Hm- &: STORE Headquarters FOB 1 i ' ?t Holiday Goods ! AT HENRY COOK'S RED CLOUD. NEB. i I Boots, Shoes, Arties, Fnncy SUjxand f.ill goocle. - Keduccd 15 per cent For 30 Days In order to reduce the stock, I also will sell you Dress Goods, Notions, and Fancy Goods at prices That YOU all will BUY. Jackets and Cloaks at cost. Will sell all oods le:,s than any house in the county, who sell firt-class goods, come and see rhe. I will pay 26c for cQ-a-s. Butter! 0 to2Gc a lb: I will not be undersold. Trade S2n inside of 60 days and I will present you vith a SI 0 oil painting. K. M. MARTIN. No Difference How You Vote it still; r.r.i: FArr'.mvr S. F- 8P0KES1-IELD, KEKl'ri ON HAND A A1M,V. LINK OF Dry Goods, Gkocewes, Etc., Which he w -Hiu at ri-rasrkabi utv Sgu. m k"png wilh H tio lls:i. U OLD STAND IiLD CI.OL D. Call earlybefore the rush. v ,1V x. - r ' C"t : Western PChas. and Seita. Hmaffle -issoilm iOED staSb: Old woman, old woman, whither so hijjh ? 4'm going my Christmas goods to buy. Old woman, old woman, you'd better come down. Where prices are lower than any in town. The sensation of the season ! Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS. Keep the finest 'inc of Teas and Coffees In the Cite. -r. - - 5' -r So original, So novel, Soimew ! So comple So cheap. So gay . J 3? ?Vtrt GUMP vS: WABXEK. REAL ESTATE&LOAN BROKERS Call and examine our bargain-". Corrcjq ind ent e sohcitcG, GOIP & WARNEB. (Ojra House Block Red Cloud RE AHE xk THEM ALL! r A Large and Varied Assortment of c. sc HENCK to- NOTARY PUBLIC, otoxrr Afimw onxs to Manser. " ffg IS itair MJvdl'i MjT. - 1 3 . 1 t a A .41 T uuumo, mucyuooas ana louet iuneies, j-eriumesx . . r-ur, tv pw NaMaiu, VnraW. , TWJ 1. JJo. ''""". A --.i. xwuxc,,,, iwwesi uraigus ait jOfiSce mm the County" judge, Moon Bkfclc Uie jpiHeSD gOOOS OI toe season. i - Red Cloud. Nebraska. . - j;.- - -bxfi&S &-.XsLtst3Z& i -i "r. j,. t"i 5si ' --- - ,-- ,, E iSdS-i 4 - vl-C v? "o--s'v4&'.3'a2EL'a.iis,-:ri-.!'' l