m .r . yio- , - r r- cr-: SK" J-'- -" t mA Jkjz.iSi.r. "JBf. fV- i9S - - i .- llHMUPWI illllNlli Hmh 4h '4 PMSlMiTl'S 1 President Cleveland's Recom mendations to Congress. Tariff Iterorm Apln a Leading Feature The UViit Incident Iterli-w of the IVa- ion I-aws Iu title lainils Kestort-il Other iErrommrDilalloui. ""asiiixgtiw, Dec. H Conprchs opened nt l.'S) to-Iny for its second nooiioii. Trie President's inessngo was presented to both bouse and read. I 'resident Cleveland opens bis message to onf-re-ss by railing htlciition to tne faci that with the expiration ol the present session of tt'prei.s the first rontury of our constitutional feustory Is completed. The time admonishes us to soberly inquire whether in the, past wc have -ilvvavt. close liept in the course of safety, and whether tie have lie-fore us a way plain and dear which leads to liappine-s and perpetuity. tVl.cn the experiniei.t of cur Government was t-n(lTtaU'n the. chart -.dopl d for our guidance was the Constitution. Departure from the lines there- laid down Is failure. It is only by a strict adherence, to the direction they indicate, nnd by restraint within the lirnltatio s they fix. that no can furnish proof to the world of the Miiess of tin- American people for -elf-Kov- ramc-M. The equal and exact justice of which we Uiasl as tin underlying principle of our insti tution should nut 1: cotitlne-d to the relations of our citizen- to each other. The (Joiernniciit it-i II is under bond to the American ieoplc that in the v rci-e of its functions ai.d iiowcn it wi.l deal with lle lody of our citieus in a irantH-r scrupulously honest and fair and alisr ul Ij jtiht. V.'e-ii-iv with pride, aiid satisfac tion the bright pictitn of our country"1 growth nod lirosiH'ratr. whila onlv a closer si-rutim- d vi iojrs a Mrmher shading I'pon more careful ii-ie-i tn n we lind the weallli and luxury of our ties n.ijigled with jrfAcrty and n tchedness. A tied :iideiiistantlj increasing urban pop t.,i.Ti(u suggi sts the itnpoer)s!inieu! of rural ct ii.i.s and dls onteni ivlth agricultural pur-i-.ts. discover that the fortunes waltzed by our a'a'.u'-ctuierers ar no lougi-r t-ole!y the re ward of -turds indiistryamlenlighted f-tn-sight, t .'. ile r suit Irom the disennti atingfaiorof it oeniiiiei)t and are latgely liuittniwn un 4M ij(;i.:i from the tn.s-of our people. 1h" gulf btiween eir.jdoi'' rs and emplojed Is or.siaiitiv widening and rla-se- ar" rajadly forming one compiling the erv rich and on irfil while i:t the other are found the toiling poor jrioratSoriK which should if the carefully re- rallied creutur-. of the lai." und the st;r-ants J "lh ji.iiile are fast beroiuin the people's i..iirs Still congratulating ourseHe, upin TheMealth and prospernj of our country, and fimplaceiitlv contemplating very incident of huagt lii-epanii H- from the conditions, t is our duly as patriotic clti .ns to impure at the present stage of our pro tcss liow the bond of the Government made with the people lia- t'een kept and performed Insiead of limiting the tribute drawn from our lt7ei- in the necessities of its economical ad mi l-tration, the Goxennnent jersis-ts in ex act.ng from the people million- vhuh. utiap idled and useless, lie dormant In its treasury This fl.tgraiit injustice and tins breach of faith nd obligation add to extortion the danger at tending the diversion of the currency M the viuitry from the legitimate channel- of busi ness. Under the same laws bv which the results ar. produced the Government j-nuil- manv million-more to be added to the cost of living of our people and to be taken from our con-t-uimrs, uhuh unrc.iMiiinhy swell the protlts i f a mall but ponerlul minority The jM-ople mu-t be tnxt d for the support of the Govern mem under the operation of tariff law-, llul tf the extent that the mass of our citizens are inordinately burdened beyond any c-iful putillc purio-e. and for tin iKine b' of a favored few, the Government jiiu r pretext of an exercise of its taxing jiow er. enters gratuitously into partn"r-hlp with tliese tuvoiites to their advantage and to the :i;urv tf a vast majority of our people. Tins - not jiuililv In fon-the law. The existing -ituutiou is injurious to the health of our entire ImmIj potilic It stifles, in tho-e lor whose bell- t.t it i- permitted, all jutnotie love of couutry and sub-titutes in its place selll-h greed and grasping nvaicc. When to the m lll-hness of the Irfmetlciancs of unjust discnniinatioii undi-r our laws there hall te iidiled the di-contenl otthc-pwho -ulb r trom such discrimination wo will realize tb- fact that the henctlcciii purpose of our l.ivertiiiiel.t. ilependetit tion the ii.itriotl-m ..nd conlcnttiicnt d our people, is endangered Communism is a hateful thing, and menace to immcc and organized govcmuienl. Iut the commuuiMii of combined wealth and caultat. the oulgro" tli of ovcrsv caning cupidity and ultlshne-s which insidiously undermines the jjstice and integrity of free iublitutioiib. is not le dangerous than the communism of op pressed lmvortv and toil, which, exasperated iiy injustice aim di-contenU attacks with wild di-oider the ctadel f rule. He inecks the ieople vvho prooosi's that the (.oveniuu-ut shall protect thi rich and that they in turn wib tare for the lulHirtng jxMtr J At.y uiteniiediarj- between the peoide and their ;overnment. or the legist delegation of the care and protection the Government owes to the humblest citizen in the land, tnaUe- the txiiist of fn-e institutionsa glittering delusion and the prctt tided IsHin of Auieticati citizenship a shameless iniositiou. A just und sensible revision or our tariff laws should be n.mle for the relief of those of our (ountrjmcu who suffer under present condi tions. SuriWTCvision should receive the sup jsirt of u1l wfcelove that justice and cciuality nu to American citizenship: of all who realize that in this justice and equulity our Govern ment t!niR its sticngtli and power to proict t the citizen and his pntjicrty: d alt who believe that the content ment, competence and comfort of manv accord better with the spirit of our institutions than colos-al fortunes unfairly gnthorod in the hands ota tew; of all who apprecato that the lorlt'uratiee and fraternity among our people, wliu !i recognise the value of every Ameri an iniei"st are the -urest guarunfv or our national progre-s. at.dolnll who do ire to -cc the pro ducts of Amcriraii -J.iil and ingeuully m wery lnarUet of tiie world, with re sulting restoration of American commerce. KMsting evils and injustices should bebouestiy recognized, tsildlv tio-t and effectively remo died. There should be no e-es-ation of the -truggle until a plan Is jierfected, fair and evn--ervattve tovinn'- existing industries but which will ivduce- the co-t to consumers of the nece's--anes of life vihi'.ott provides lor our manufacturer- the advantage of free raw materials mid permits 1:o mjury to the interests of Amen can lalsr. Tlie e.tuse for which the battle is wiice-d i- contimsi within lines clearly und dis ttnctlviiettned. J t should never be compromised. It is the ;x-ople"- cause. It cii not bedruicd that theseltish and pri-i-.te inteiv-ts uhu-ili are -o ierlstently heard xben e-florts are made to de-al in n just and csimprehoiisive manner with our tariff laws, are rotated to. if they an not rcspon-IWe tor, the sentiment largely ji-Viiting among the people that the General Government i- the fountain of individual and Jivate aid; that it may be expected to reUe've with paternal care the J:-trt- citizen- aud communi ties and tht from the fullness or tt- treasury it shonld. upon the -tighte-t jo- ihlc iretext of promoting the general good, apply public fund- to th bcnetlt eif localities and inrtiv iduaK: nor can it lc de nied that thire is s. growing assumption that, a against the Gorcrninent aud in favor of private of private claims und interests, the usual rules and limitation of Itu-rac--' principle and just dealing should he waived. The-eidea- have been unhappily much en couraged by legislative acquiescence. Kelicf trom contract made with the Government is eablly accorded m favor of the cltizer. as the failure to support claans aguiust the fJovern meut by proof is often supplied by no better con-iJeration than the wealth of the Govern ment and the poverty of the claimant. Gratui ties in the form of pensions are granted upon no other real ground than the needy condition of the applicant, or for reasons less valid, aud large sums are expended for public bnildings and other Irsprov emcats upon representations t-carcely claimed to be related to public needs and necessities. The extent to vtich the caa s,ideratioa of such matter subordinate and postpone action upon subjects of great public imjKrtance but involving no special, private or jigrtisas interest should arrest attention Bad led to reformation. A few of the numerous illustrations ot this condition may be stated: The crow ded condition of the calendar of the Supreme Court, and the delay to suitor and de ntal of justice resulting therefrom, have been drongly urged upon the attention ot tac Con gress, w 1th a plan for the relief of the sitaattoa approved by those well ablo to judge of its mer it. Whi e this subject remains without effect ive consideration, many laws have been passed providing f pr lie licldiis ol teres of inferior I B A-W W 1 " r'' ! ... - I ...-W W. f -- """" . - .. .....,,.. .1 l.U A itics or to lay the foundation of an amplication for the erection of u new public building. Itepoated reoommendations have b-en ub-J nutted for the amendment nd ohungc of the " laws relating to our public landi. so that tbeir spoliation ana inversion to o.ner unes iow Lome for honest settlers might be prevented. While a measure to meet this conceded neces sity of reform remains awaiting the action of the Congress many claims to the public land and applications for their donation in favor of States and individuals have been allowed. A plan in aid of Indian management, recom mended by those well Informed as containing valuable features in furtherance of the solution of the Indian problem, has thus far failed of legislative sanction, while grant of doubtful xpediency to railroad coiipantes. permitting them to p.i through Indian rescnatfons, hate greatly multiplied. The propriety and nee ssity of theerfctlon of one or more prisons for the confinement of United States convicts and a post-office build ing in the National capital are not disputed, but tliese needs jet remain unanswered, while scores of public buildings have been erected where their necessity for public purpose, u not apjiarcnt, A revision of our pension laws should le made, which would rest upon just principles aud provide for every worthy applicant. lJut while our general pension lawn remain con fused aud imperfect, hundreds f our private pension laws are annually passed which are the -ourees of unjust discrimination aud pop ular demoralisation. Appropriation bills for the support of the Government are defaced by items and provis ions to meet private ends and it is freely as serted by responsible and experienced parties that a bill apjiropr ating money for public in ternal improvement would fail to meet with favor, unless it contained item- more for local und private advantage than lor putillc benefit. These statements can lie much emphasized by an kscertttinment of the proiortion of Federal legislation, which either bears iinon ' its face, its nrlvate rbjrnrtr or which, ution examination, develop- such a motive iKjwer. And j.ettho jh-oji'o wait and expect from their chosen representatives surh patriotic action as will advance the- welfare of the entire countrv ii'iu tins ex j cctatlon can only be an-v. ered by the performance of public duty with unseltl-h pur pjse Our mission among lb- nation- of the earth and our succ--s in ucrcjiip i-nlng the worl: God has given the American people to do, rerjulre of tho-e intru-ted with the malting and execu tion of our laws, perfect devotion utxtve all other thing-, to the public g od. This devotion will lead us to strongly resist all Impatience of constitutional limitations of Federal power and to persi-tently checl: iIim increasing tendency to extend the scope of Federal legislation into the domain of State and local jurisdiction upon the pica of subserving the jiubiic welfare. The preservation of the partitions lietwecn pnisr subjects of Federal und local care and regulation. Is of such imjrtauee under th Constitution, which is the law of our very ex istence that no consideration of exedieiuc or sentiment should tempi us to enter uiton doubtful ground. We have undertaken to dis cover and proclaim the richest ble Ing- of a free Government with the Constitution as our guide Let us follow- the way it jMitnts out It will not mislead. And surely no one who has taken upon himself the solemn obligation tosujiport and jireserve the Constitution can lind justification or sol.ue for dlslov.dty in the excu-c that he wandered and disobeyed in search of a better way to rearh the public wel fare than the Constitution offers. What has been said is deemed not inappro priate at a time w hen. Irani a eenturj's height we view the way alrcidy trod by the American people ami attempt to discover their future paths. The seventh President of the United States tin; soldier and statesman and at all limes the firm and brave friend of the pe-ople in vindication ot his course us the protector ot the popular rights and championship of true American citizenship, declared: "The umbitioti w hich leads me on is an anxious desire and u fixed determination to restore to thi people, unimpaired, the sacred tru-t they have confided to my charge, to heal the wounds of the Constitution and to prevent its violation. To iicn-nadu my countrymen, so far as 1 ni'y. that it is not in a splendid government sujiported by powerful monop olies and aristocratic establishments that they will ilnd Imppwe or their liberties pro tected, toil in a plain system, void or pomp jirolectmg all and granting favors to none, dis pensing its blessinsjlilte the dew of Heaven, unseen and unfelt afcve in the freshness and beauty tfccv coiitnyttv to produce. It Is -uch a Government the genius of our je-ople requires such an one only tinder which our States mav remain for ages to come united, jiro-perous and tr e." roici.iitX AiTvtt:-, The President announce-that the close of the year lind- the United States in theiiijuymeni of domestic tranquility and at peace with all the Nations. Foreign relations have teen strength ened and improved by performance of individual good ofllce- and by new und renewed treaties id niiiilv,. commerce and rtsciprucity and extradi tion of criminals. The Fisheries question has not been satisfactorily adjusted, but since March -Id, 17, no cases have been re ported to the Itcp.irtinent of State when in complaint has been made of unlawful or unfriendly treatment by Canadian authori ties in which reparation was not promptly nnd satisfactorily obtained bv the United States Consul-General at Hall nx. I continue in the opinion that the treaty of February last, which failed l rvceivc the approval of the Senate, did supply "a satisfartorv, practicable and final adjustment, on a basis honorable und just to iKtlh parties, to the difficult and texed ques tion to which it related." and having subse quently a d unavaillngly recommended either legislation to Congress which I hoped would sufrlte to meet the urgenev created bv the rejection of the twaiy. I now again invoke the earnest and iinmediute attention of the Congress to the con dition of this important question as it now stands before them and the country. nu for the settlement of which I am deeply soil itotis. The West incident is treated us follows: "Near the close of the month of October Inst occurrences of a deeply regrettable nature were brought to my knowledge, which made it my painful but imperative duty to obtain, with as little delay as possible, a new M-rsoiial chan nel of diplomatic tnt-rcoutse in this country with the Government of Great Krita'.n. The correspondence in relation to this incident will In due c ear-e be laid before ou and will di-closc the unpardomiole con tuct of th oCl cinl referred to :n hi- interference by advice and counsel with the sitf.ragcs ,,f American ci: i . .,... . . ... M..( ,. .1... iH,i, I..,. i,.i ..i... izc-ii -..., v. .-,-. ..w --"- "Y" tion then near at hand and alo in hi- -ub-e- quent action, superadding impugnment of the Kxecutivcatiil Senate of the Uaitril State in connection with important nuo-tion now m! nip in conlrorrrsy between thr to eJovem tncnts. The offense thus committcil wa most rrave, involving ilisastrou- po-Mt'illties to the pood relations of the United Suites and Great Hritain. constituting a s-oss breach of diplomatic rriviletw and an inva-loa or the purely dome-tio affairs and s-eutlal sove n'isnty of ibc Government to which the envoy was accredited Harinj: first fulfilled tlie Jiii demands of international comity, hy afford inc full opior:unitr for her Mnjcsty's Government to act in relief of the situation I considered prolongation of the suhjtct to be unwarranted and therefore declined to further reco;misitbe diplomatic character of tae person vrho-e can ttnuanre in such function would detrcy that which is essential to tho Rood undertandine of the two Governments, and was inconsistent with tne weitire and self respect of the Govern ment of the United States. The usual tnter change of communication has since continued throueh her Majs-:y" legation in this city. The Prest'lent call attention to the eed of measures to prevent the destruction of fur seals in Uchrins's sea. for a survey of the Ala-ltan boundary, to prcrent new complica tions witn Kneland: for measures to alleviate loss or lit acd projicrty on the great lakes, especially a concession from Canada allow ing American vessels to go to the assistance of wreck- in Canadian waters, as Canadian ves scls are allowed to come into ours: the prof ee Uon or citirens of French onein from demands for military emcc when they return to France; the return to German steamship lines of inter est npon tonnage illegally exacted The Presi dent calls attention to our relations with Samoa: says the fund to recompense Chine citizens for iryurie received in this country a wait acceptance- by Cfciaa. and the exclusion ot this class will probably prevent repetition of such troubles Japan UU wants oar pood offices in helping Iter establish her right to con trol her own commerce: the establishrrest of consulates in Corca Is recommended: the United States is loolanjt after her citizens in Hayti, bat is endeavoring to team taia proper neutrality: the treaty with Hawaii having been extended calls up the commercial importance of a sub marine telegraph to Honolulu. A commercial treaty should be coaciaded with Mexico and appropriation Hiade for a pre cise relocation of our boundary with that coun try. The Mexican Government shows a very ineadly spirit ta lu co-operattoa s the I - ts.. PntllMt thi ll sib'nilna tn ocr I ue aoaiuouEi ioor wry .i.. - , I . - - . n . . - .,1I.. . inii pyif l iffMiLrTS lif relation with Ontral ana Mourn Amtntan "" " - - -- tt.t r th. ri.im. nf n-rtMin of our rttiaeaa 5 partmeiit for the three jear esdri J against Chill. Ecuador and Venezuela As authorized try the Coo-Tress, preliminary slept have been taken for the assemblage l this capital during the comleg ear of the rep resentative of South and Central Amer'can 1 States, together with thoe of Mexico Hayti 3 and nan Iomrngo. to dlf res tundry important monetary and commercial topics. Excepting in i those cases where from reasons of contiguity of territory and "the existecce of a border line in capable of being guanlcd. reciprocal commer cial treat cay be found expedient, it is believed that commercial policies tsdudng freer mutual exchange ot products can be roost advantageously arranged by independent but co-operative legislation la the mode lat men tioned the control of our taxation for revenue will be always retained in our hand, unre stricted by convention! agreements with other Governments. luwmiiAtiON. With the rapid increase of immigration to our shores and the facilities of modern travel abuses of the trencroas privileges offered by our naturallzati n laws call for their careful revision. The easy and unguarded manner In which certificates of Americas citizenship can cow be obtained has Induced a class, un fortunately large, to avail themselves of the opportunity to become absolved from alleg iance to their native land and jet by a foreign residence to escape any Just duty and contribu tion of service to the i-ountry of their proposed adoption Thus while eva-lin? the duties of citizenship to the United States they mav make tirornin claim for its national protection and demand It intervention in their lie-half. International complications of a seri ous nature nrie and the correspondence of the state iK-pariment di-close the great number and complexity of the questions which have been raise J. Our laws regulating the issue of passports should be carefully revi-ed atnl the institution of a central bureau of registration at the capital is again strongly n-comniendrd. Hy this means full particular- of each ca-e of naiura'tzaiion In th- United States would be secured and prone-ly In iexed and recorded, and thus many case- of spurious citizenship would be detected and unjust re-jionslbilltle-. would Ire avoided. The maritime jsiwers have also lieen invited to confer in Wa-hington In April next regard ing uniform rules for the security of life and projierty at sea. TUB COJffrbAH KEUVirr. The reorganization of the consular service is a matter of serious importance to our National interests. The wumtier of existing principal consular oJtlcef. i- ln-lieved to le greater than is at all necessary for the conduct of the public businc-s. I reiK'ttt the recommendations here tofore; made by me that the appropriation for the maintenance of ntirdiiilomatlcund consular service should t: recast, that the so-called no tanal or unotncial fees which our representa tives abroad are now enabled to treat us per sonal jierquisiies should bo forbidden, that a system of consular inspection should be insti tuted, and that u limited number of secretaries of legation-at large should tie authorized. THE WAsiUMnON CKNTKNNIAU Preparations for the centennial celebration on April 31 1W, of the inauguration of George Washington as I'resulent of the United States at the city of New York have t-en made by a voluntary organization of the citizens of that locality, and believing that an opportunity should tie afforded for the expression of tho in terest felt throughout ihe country in this event, I respectfullv n'comniend titling and co-operative action by ("ingress on behalf of the people of the United States. mi: Titr.APUKT. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury shows that the Wtal ordinary revenues of tbe Government for the fiscal year ended Juno Si. 1-U. amounted to .Cil.:tt6.ir;4 TO, of which J-T.l.tf.ll.lT-l u; was received from customs duties and lJl.-.lrt.iTl Hi from internal taxes The total receipts front all sources exceede-d those foe the fiscal year ended Jane 21. 1HC, by ?7.H-CTUT 111. The ordinary e-xpetidltun-s of the tlscal j ear ending June.t'. lsvc, were iVjA't,-S-V..C7. leaving a surplus of ( m.rt 2,lir..(fJ. The dccrcu-c in the-e expenditures as com pared with the fiscul j ear ended June , l.j7, was t-.-.TS,'.'-.'! 31. notwithstanding the payment of more than fVkU) for pensions in exciss of wh-tt was paid for that purose in the latter mentioned year. The revenue- of i he Government for the year ended June ., I "H, ascertained for the quarter ended Sep tember to, . am'. -sliniard for the re mainder of the time, amount to I77.M. and the uctual und estimated ordinary expends turcs for the same yi'ar- are 1:57.5 o .mm. leaving an e-timatod surplus of IIUI.miO.o o. The estimated receipts for the year ending Juho-'KI. 1-c.n. ure t-'KT.iKH.M'O, and the estimated ordinary expenditures for the same time are .';.i.7iT7.13. showing u surplus of flM.-.'.i.v Ml o The foregoing stateno nts of surplus do not take into account tho sum necessity to lie expended to meet the nquircnie!its of the sink ing fund acl, amounting to more than J7.0l,ttl" annually. The e ost of collecting the customs rev tiue-forthelast tlscidjearwus ..41 jer cent: for the j ear lKi ft was .ITT per rent. The excess of lnterntl revenue taxes colli cteo during the last tiscul veur over thoe collect! d for tin year ended June . 1nC, was .'..jhu. 174..1. and the iiisl of collecting this revenue decreased from S 4 percent, tn I.-TU les- than 3.S ti-r cent, for the last vcar. Itond- of the Government not yet due have be-cn purcha-ed up t and Including the . Tilth day of November. lWv, amounting to!U.7ti.4 ti. the premium paid thereon amounting to l7,.V.rd3.is The premium, added to the principal of tbee bonds, trprvsents an inve-tme-nt yielding about : pec cent, interest for the time they still had to run. and the sav ing to the Government n'prescnted by the dif frrence lietwii-n the amount of interest at s jkt cent, upon the sum paid for principal and pn-mium and what woold hae paid for tnten'-t at the rate specllled in the bond- if they had run to their maturity is about tS7 H"-i.. At tlr-t sight thii wexild -em to he a profitable and sensible transaction on the part of the Govern ment, but as suggtstcd by the Secretary of the Treasury the surplus thus expended for the j pur huso of bonds was moiicv il.-j.wn from the jieople In excess of any actual need of Ihe Gov ernment and was so expended rather than allow it to remain in th- treasury. At the clo-e of the tlscal year ended June 8 . lv7. there had le--n coined under the compul sory Silver Coinage act S.'-'J-.s.iin svor dol lurs. ''.loi.31U of which wereir. the hands of the ieopli on the "Pill dav of Juue Is-s There hid lieen comeil m.T-itt.TH, and of this ',.-ju.. .'act wa-in circulation in coIpand.'e,.tr7'CJ in silver certificate-, for the redemption of which slver dollar- to that amount were held by the, ' , , 1 Govenlruent. Tin Seen farr recommend the titension of the further roinace of silver, and in such recom mendation 1 earnestlv concur. TlIK AKVT. The Secretary of War reports that the army, at the date of the la-t consolidated re turns, con sisted of .'.is. 'officer ard 34.M9 enlisted men. The actual exin-nditures of the War Pepart ment for the Deal year ended June . lKfs amounted to ftl.lft.Vl T."7. of which sum 9 S.. M4 ns was expended for public works, including river and harrxir improvements 1 earnestly requct that the reccanrnda tiocs eontained in the Secretarv's report, all of which tre, in my opinion, calculated to in crease the Usefulness and disci jdtne of the army may receive the consideration ot the Coturrr. among these the proposal that there should be pruviueu a ian j or ic uimimuoa oi omcers to test their fitnes tor promotion is ot the ut- most importance This reform has teen before I recommended in the reports of the Secretary. ana its expediency ts so fully demonstrated by the argument he presents tc. its favor that tt adoption should no lonsrer ts neglected. The death of Genctal Slieriditi in August last was a National aSiction. The armv then lost the grandest of it chiefs. The country lost a brave and experienced soldier, a wie and discreet counselor, and a modest acd seuible man. Thoc who in any manner came within the range of his personal association will never fail to ray deserved and willing homsg? to his KrcattiOs and the flory of his career, nut they will chensh with more tender sensibility the loving memory ot his simple, generous and considerate nature. THE XXXT. The report of the Secretary of the Navy demonstrates very intelligent management :s that important department and disclose the roost satisfactory progress ia the work cf re constructing the navy made during the part year. Of the ships in course of cossircctloo, Ave, nx.: The Charleston, the Baltimore, the York, the Vesuvius and the Petrel have tn that time been launched aad are rapidly approach irg completion. The Philadelphia, the Saa Francisco, the Newark; the Beaaisgtoc. the Concord and the HerreshcB torpedo boats are mZl uader contract for delivery to the depart Beat dunn the next year. The pree-ress already tBadeaad heing asade Cives pood grouad for the expectation that these eleven Teasels will fee iaoarperated as part of the AJftericam aary wtthxa the mext twelve tBouth. The report ahnt thai. artwUhftaadisc ts jaew trmttrzmon. atari tolskl the d- ue ai i-w aw less br more lets 3 vt oral, taan such expeoditare for the three years ended June 3t'. P. The iariou steps whirl have tusrij taken to lmrrore the rntdnrs igthod '. of the Itepa'trnefit are renewed br the Secre- tary. The purchasing o: supplies n mo- aolulaieu ana piaceu uaucr it:j"w rcau brad. This has resulted is the curtail ment of open purchase-, which tt the vers : and IS.-."! amounted to over M per ccgt ci all the purchases of the department, to less tha I per cent,- so tfcst at the present titr.e about f) per cent, of the total departmental purchase are icade by contract and after competition. A the exoendtture on lhl account exceed on ss average of te.W). annuaily. it i endeat that an important Improvemrat on the system has been inaugurated and substantia! economies introduced. tjie PtPT-or rtcz. The rf i-ort of the I'otma--UT General shows a marked increase of business in every branch of the postal service. The number of po-l-o-lcrs on July J. 1-V wa 57 37B. an lncrran- of 6 Ui in , rears und of 5.T10 for the last r.cal yeir Free de.ivcry offices have increased from 'J w the Cscal yer ended June 3. 1T. to -T in the yar ended June J, J-v. is;acri:af kji seriro there has b-en Increase in one ycarcf M routr-, and tn tac numoer o; rn.ie ircvcicu per annum an tccrcs-e oi i ... ji...-. "e.th.tr3 estlmateo increase oi rxuroau ctu .ui iw- jear was Ciri miles nut uie umnni o. pr, radroad tenice actually put oa wa- ti.O-VJ rai.es. Thevjturceof business In the money order division including transactions in postal cote. I reached the sum of upward of HT million for the jcar. I'urirg the past jear parcel pl cou- vcr.tlon- huvc been concluded with liarladiev j the liahatna. Iirtt:h Hondurus and Mexico und are cow under negoti-Mon with all the Central and South American Stall--. The in i reasc for correspondence with forrljn countries during the post thr e years i gn.tit ingund is especially notable and exceptional with tho Central and South American States and Mexico. As the greater part of mall matter exchanged with tin se countries is torn j menial In its character this increase is evl j dence of the increased bulnes relatlcnts with them. The practical o'leratlon of the parcel jcst contention so fru- negotiated ha- served to fulfil the mo-t favorable prediction as to their benefits. In January Inst a ge:.rnd postal co:, veutlon was negotiated with the liou.tiiiou of Canada, which went into operation March 1 and hich practically make one postal terr'tory of the United States and Canada. Under it mer chandise parrels may now le transmitted through the mails at fourth class rales of post age. It i not possible hero to touch even thr lead ing heads of tho great jo-tal establishment to illustrate the enormous and rapid growth of the business and tho needs for legislative p-adju-l meat ot much of Its tuachiuery that It ha- out grown. Fr tlie-e and valuable n-ccommenda-lions of the I'ostma ter General nttenllou is invited to his n-jwirt, A department whose revenues have incn-ased fnm lV.T7i.o In 1-Tb to SVJ.7 II.Mil in lvt. despite rnluction of ;xst age which have euonnously re-'ueed rate of revenue whtlo daily incn-aslcg Its business de mands the careiul consideration of the Congress as to all mutte-i-i suggested by those familiar with Its operations und which are calculated to increase its efllcienevand u-i fulrw-s. Of the total n'Ribcr of poslmaster M.74 are of the fourth class, The-e, of cour- receive no allowances whatever for expenses in thoser vice, rnd their compensation is tlxed by er centages on receipt- ut their resi-ctlve oitUcs. This rate of cotniens-itton may have been and probably was. at one time, just, but the stand ard has rrmained unchanged through the sev eral reductions m the rates of otage. Surh reductions have nccv-sarily cut down the com pensation f thr-e oRlcials while it undoubtedly Increased the business performed by them. Simple justice roqutn-s a mention of this sub ject to the end that fourth-class otmasters may merive at least an equivalent to that which the law Itself tixing the rate intended for them. Another class of postal employes whoe con dit on seems to demand legislation is that of clerks lu iost-omces and I cull e-spect ! atten tion to the rt-tM-uied recommendations of the Fo-tmaster General forlheircIasltlcatlnn. l'ropi-r legislation of this character for the relief of carrier- in the free delivery erv ice has Ix-en frequent. FrovUlon i made tor their promotion for substitute- for them on vaca tiou; for subktiiulcs foUrtuiul lim'tiff their hour of lalmr SAa million dollars hi bi-en appropriated for the current ear to pro vide lor them, though the total number of of fices where they are c-rrrp.o.ied is hut -V.s for the p ist fiscal year, with an etlmateil increase for the current veir of but forty, while the total appropriation for all cWk In offices through out the United States I- V :!. inn.MiTMrvT or Jtjriri. The transattioas of the Iiep.utmcnt of Jut tlce for the tiscal j cur ended June. 5. lsss Mn. cuntalned In the n-iort of the Attorney Gn- rat. as well ns a nun.lr of valuable recom mendations, the most of which .ire r. p tltion of those preiiouslv made ind ought to receive consideration. It Is slated lu this rep.-t that though judgments in civil suits amounting to f -viti.'i.'r were recovered in favor of the Gov eminent during the jear. only the sum of t l.ti. '.Ml was collected thereon, and that though tines, penalties and forfeiture wen imposed umounting to iMl.sii- 41, only H 9.1VS1 of that sum was pal 1 on urcount thereof. These facts mav furnish an tllutratinn of the entimeut which extensively prevail that a debt due the Government should cauc no in covcnlcnceio the citizen. It also appears fmm this rejKirt that though prior to March, lvC there had be-i but six convictions in the Tenttorie of Utah und Idaho under the 1-w of IS and I . punish ing polygamy a d unlawful cohabitation u crimes, there have b.-en since thut date nearly lx hundred conviction under the laws and statutes of 17. and the opinion is expressed thut undersiirb a firm aud vigilant execution of these laws and the advance of ideas oppo-e-d to the forbidden practices, jolvgamy within the Utiited State i virtually at an end. Suit- tn-tltiited by the Government under the provisions of the act of Mai'M 1--7. tor :ne icrts'inuon oi me conoraiions Known ns the penitual Umignting Fund Company and Uf f UJHW k a0(1 ,:n th. ,, a the Church of Jesus Cbnt of letter Day S4lnt i ;j on ulr,.Jtlv , .,, channel of comment, have resulted, la a degre, favorable to the, w,th:o,. ..aon- utnet aod ir.dli.-ct lo.e Gov-nimenu declaring the churter of these ar, a,,y Wxa. n8rit t,r ,v ,v oa,T corporations foifeited and escheating their ,,. ari pnergetk action (wM X ueces-pn.i-rty Such property, amounting in value , fol ,hTt, wrn. , . ,hf, St,l0i at t Ja , to more than s.j.o., m Ja the baud of an- ...,...- .hu ,terrt-sen' to eraw-nte tbe cirtT. jh tJlin? frrther (ircedint. an at-real baviiic Isveri tuen to th' upmue Court of tlie L tilted Jj'ates. ritit.:r ijim matteb In the reprt ot th" S-cretary f the literor. w htrh will re laid l fore you. the condition of the anous brioches of our domestic affairs connected wih that lepartment and lis opera tiotis durln-r the pat vear are fully exhibited, i Hut h brief reference to some of the sub;-f t discussed in :M able and interestmir report J c .n le het- made, but 1 recommend the entire I report th attention of Conerr an t tru-t that the srn-itiM acd valuable recommends-' tion it contains wl! secure careful considera tion. , I can not to strenuously issit on the m- ( paTtance cf proper measure- to inure a m:bt ' disposition of our public lands not onlj as a matter of present justice but tn for-ca-t of the coae;ueocr to future genrrallon. Tae broad, neb acre of our agricnltnrn.1 p ain have j been long prtered by nature to l-rome her mitte.1 aud stall suffer. We have no excuse for the violation cf prir ciple. cocently taucht by reaoc and example, nor for the allowance of pretext which have ometirces.c3:pced our land colossal preed. Laws which opca a door to fraudulent aci;uit Uon or an adminltratjon which permits the rapacious seizure by a favored few of the ex panded areas that mazy should enjoy arc ac cessory tooffcuses aralnst ocr National wrffire and humanity and can not i!iw.i or iwnUS.it i. ..-i - unimmme.K-o nnw, peopi; "';' J " j pa-meat eek . procr-lve -lerelojm-nt. It uLIshO0id res: lB BtMiwi-':'''w' -n - owtiershin. the aoBW homes of ealirhteaed. WBOBS, arlio-aUon of rural j-c eejual and fraternal citrreus. We came to Na- aarrUiOB of the enJowed caper tlonal ooeoc with the warefn eTan-nle ia .. :... "... .... .. . , . tstsUl statloa ytem receaity provioe,. our eyes or theentatlor ineduHie of Sanded, t, ftwetion ot the drpart- a -- 4ii . va4-. .v--. um w - f Itlstrratifytturto know that saaeji;' ba acu nrr i-.- i been don- at list to redress the tniune, to our - a proboMy ts th on y metbcsl emu jyeil people and checS the p-Ocrs tendency of the . " thc " ; v?ar - sac - recklev waste oTNaUona! dc-maia. That over I The CoTercaxst reiaticB with land rra-Jt eighty mUlioa acres have bees wreste-l Xrom . read are taiea upaai the D-trlct ot Csra-t-a tlsal usurpauos. Improvident srants and ' a2oir treaxed at Irafth. The PrrsJt cca trauCjai tatrtes and cJatass aiust afford a efBdes profoend Krati2ratinQ to rich: feellus eftisras The ccacicsaes that I have j-rest-i b as tt is a recompense tor the labors aad an tsperfect state Kit or the coattltiou oi c3r strsrjrie of the reeovery. eouatry airf tu wauts occasions so fear that Owr dear expertecce ouihl sufTcleaUy tonrrol ST thta? oxtrted i cot knows aud the speedr eaaetsest of erasure of kia- arcreciated ir the Cosrres vsa wboa ticm which wiU confise the future dspontioG or ocr remaiaiac acncultural lands to the uses of actual husbandry mad genuine toKes. Nor sheald ocr vast tracts ot so-caQed desert laad be yelde4 a to the aaosopoly of cerporaaoa ori.iiHwiiCiadivl'uals as apeears to e sark the teadetsey u-aler the exstiac statute. ;Tke lands require but the suppiy az water to fertile aad praCcctltx. It a ,-. ot ort:t hc saar wlMfy for th pnMtc ? , tSai factor s&aU be rumUatot I gas sol Xtsi think it prritou so tj3er rtlhr hAr !&& or I the ource of tfcir Irrtj-aUoo to ! lau tt ha&d of nKOoptlt-s wnlch y stcb ra'ass. may exercise krrlhip oTer r dcjrftlrot oc thetr treatmst for prodocUreacss, Alrrady step Issve b-n tiira ta -ae ae rurae it4 sciectlfle tatormitioa of tb rocd- tios wbici t tie? prir-ct&al U-t Jr.ta grnt acton. UaUl ttl shad t gath-rrst. Ue core o' isionj appears c earjj to c is a r;--iJos of further disposal wh'ci osly protrudes to .- create rights aaiarcKusUc to the coa:oa la tercst. No harm as toUow thi e-ictty coed act. Tne land will rem aad the paaou gtxid pretrsti no demand tor hxty dtio ses sion of NsUosU o rcrsh i i4. coatroc I commezrd alo the rreoeBdatMra tait appropriate ra-jiurr l tahrn tewxaflcl tae adpi.tmeot of the ranv: grstst tasmt W t5 States for intersii taprore.-iea aad : sip and crcrflowed land as;;l a te ady 4cate and Cually determine the validity ted eiVeal of tb' Dtatntai private lind eiafn AJ the are cltneEl of rtrat It-JetUre and t--nl t ihr settler upon the JociJiti aSeotct. waft r that their rxlt-sce can jt be avMd t -Salt Is more pressing than to ax a sooc as r4' tfceir louods and tena.ru.ie J :roub.e w alch cne from xixrm th threat aiaty THE XfA?a Thecondiiii of our Iu&Llz. aMitino-i' i tinUe to lmjrove and ptt tcslllpir that ransforrsicg cha.i-e so murtj to be 4-tm, which shall suostitute lor brbsrtsm rnitghtrn- ( t rivtltztng education. 1 1ft faerUe j Iirocn.kV Auoirt.rat ta severalty have tn-n tnade on some reservation, until all the ca ll led to land thi-eoa have tad ILrir shares asi ned. and the work 1 ' til continued. A soon as possible community ia Und shot 14 ccae. by o;cnlrg up such a- remain uts4Jottc to settlemeuL Contact with the waj of industrious and OTeful farrarrs will jK-rhaj add a healthy msslatxis which ill both instruct and illuoili'.r. Hut no agency for the amelioration of this eople appear to te -o promising as the ex tension urged by the '-rcn-tary of such com plete facilities of education as hall at the the e rPe-t oibJ. diy embruce sit tearh able Indian souths ot loth cxc and retain thrin with a kindly and bottencenl hold untd their character .r? iermod aad thetr f:.cait,o traine 1 The Apache Indian at Mecial Vrrao ?ar-rack- Ala-are teing well cared fora4 th lr children core'ullv edcntl. and there is Me good reason whj they bouldlK- turned to the reervatlon. They s!hu1 i bo kept la rostraMt. i,t.ssin-; The number of pension nrtded to the rotl during tho tlscal year ended Jsne ,i j-?r. i t. .. and tnciiaseof ;on:on wusgrantit in f.7lri cae. The name of 11.7X1 KnorM;r v ere dropped from the roll during th" jear for various caue-. and at the cke of l!.e ytar Ihe nuintx-r of j-nsioner- was tliV)7 Of th-p thrr were H. survivor of the war ot l-TRf. 10.787 widows of tho-e who sorvint la that war: ltltv.) soldiers of the Mexican wur and 5.1'ij widow- of said -oMier. One hundred and two il fferent rate- of pen sions are paid to these benrhcianf s, rungtog from t"i to 416.wj ier moroh. The amount paid for pensions during the hcal jear was 7s,77" ':l 91, le-lng an tncn-a-e over the pre ceding jear of F.Sie,.-) . The rxit.e at tending the inaltitenenci and operation of the IVnion Hureau during that penod wa $t,.fsj, Ik'J C, making th enttn i xpcndlturc of the bureau Jciic..tso 7 teing SI', ier cent o tho gross income and nearly SI iercent. ot the i tul c-Xenditure of the .oi eminent during tha year, I am thoroughly convinceit tht our giirral pension laws should n-rlsed und adjust .1 to meet, as far a possible in the light of our e perience nil nil ritoriou case Tlie fact th-t one hundred and twoctderrnt rate of jietilori- are puld can not in my opinio, be made con sitent with Jusv'im to the pensioners or to th Government, and tin- numerous private pet siou bills l at an jmssed. predicated ujei'i tli lmM-rfectlon of gent ral las while they lr crease- in many ca-es cxltini Ine-iuuli: ai.d injustice, lend additional force t the recommend ition for a nilvon i the general law on thi utJect, The lixlty of Ideas prevailing among u la-. numterof our people n'gardtng inlon 1 14 coming every daj more mskcd The princip.. u;oti which thi y should I" granted aio in il .f ger of liewg alteUr tgnorrd, and alrescr pensions an often cjv.tned beraue the apjf t cant ure a much milled a other sur-cf 1 applirnuts. rather "an vjm any diut'tl lty reasor.nb'y pnbuinbi.. to mllllarv rrrlv- tf cl4hllhuint varum- pn-i d.-rf l" cojiti u.i if the granting of ;i tvn be not I'Svorced !ntn partl-an arid othr- yiworthy and irrelev ant c.-i -lilcraslon-, and tl hotiorable ttume of leter&e iintatrh In come tx thi uh an but midtl t term for one wftioni-tantl ciuraors lor thr a t of the Gov ernnnt there -s danger that ltju- ill tn done ij the fame mid pair otlm of ti.ur whom our ir,z,n dedghl u houor. anil t- a pnJudlivwiU W1 uro'fc.l un)ut to mu".i ou apparatus or rrrion. .vl.lttfft.TfttK. The I ejvnrt mentof Agriibltureha eontHued with u ccisl mriisure of ucres in It So, Is t' de-telop the pnc,e. enlarge the result" and augment the pniflis of Amencon husband')'. It has collected an I distributed prai ttril Information, lntnslu-ed ai.d te-ted new plants, checked the spread of contagious di-ea- of farm animal-, resisted tne advance of noxiou lnects and destructive fungu growths and soucht to emre to agricultural lalsir the highest re wan! of effort and the full est Immunity from loss It- rrconl of the year show that the eaon of 1" ha ten one of medium pnilnction. A generous npplv of the demand of consumption h l--en amil nnd n surplus for ex;ortation. moderate In certain product snd touallful in olherv i!l prove a benefaction alike to buyer and grower Four ea-s ago it found that the t:rrx catt'e lndutry of the lountry endangered and hoe engaged in tt wi re slarmr I at the rapid mention of tr-e Kuropcan iung;agu of pleuri-pr.eumoniri. r-enou onttccsk e xl-t-d tn Illinois. Missouri and Keatticky und n Tinaes-ee unitnal- affected wen he)d In quarantine. Five cuntie In New York sod from one to four cs unties each sa the St-tr. f New Jersey, Fenasyivaaii. Iejowan &sd ,, .. . .. ,nM, ,-uutir e-:o.L W-th j rojJaJ r L.u . , ., . MU,n-. . na, .. - - t- " ' .- ing th state oracial jwer to co operate tor tut- purpo i oe epn- j raent even laesed tih th" rerjawte sp- proprtutiitri nl authority. II. ecun g j State ci-opi rslion la coonecUor wth authority from Cinsre.s, thr trorU of era lie. tion lia leen pretend ucceftiHy and to ! drea.let disease ha l-ci extirpate! from tS J U"etem S'ate. III. te exception of a fe- re i stricted arri whk b are ..iu under urx-rv ..ma. Tne ilarir-r has thus tw-n rrmoml and trade and conmirw have lieen free I frnra tb veiatlou State ret'r rtious which ere deetxeJ oecessar)' fr a time An exhaustive iuJy ha a!o within the sa-r-e peri'id te;3 undrral:erj of the subject of toJ ad-.lterat!on and Uj- bri onalTtac-vJ method for drtermintns: it- A r&rt of the rea!ts of this orS ha alf-adr teeu pablishe.1 or j the department, which, with tho matter In coure of prcparatios. will make the tno-t complete trcatie tn that ubet that ' t ha been pubi.shc-1 la any country The il cent and i new ,n op: Dunns the pat four yeir the procs" of d J fu-ion a apheS to the manufacture oi -era: fnvm sorsfcum aac scear case has tes duced tato this coutttry and fully perfect- by the experiment carrW oa ty the Uepartet. Thi proces l row oa.erallycoti!erel to be the so, ecoaomtcxl our, asi tt t throsra it that the scr-paum suar idc.try has been fl established upoc a Irs. bat aii the road to JJ. icwrr- suiVT ni-ijcvi. The a-Vptios hi I CiSasios process l also eitcixiisj ta !osSu:a I -... . .4.... KM.. -Jk ,-..-v Jse repeethlUy cf laKIilrrrt iefislatica is tchar of a area. Nation asd a oscJEias Po9- As Fhic s-rr-Taxts we shall do ssr oa duty weH H w- rco staatly raard the rectttade e eer lateaiic-n. wnita'n t-rscfted our lore ol rowatry. a4 wit TMseTf-sti purpoae stztte ter th jnttix geoA. GaOTZS CLKTaXAJOL WtammrflT, Dec 2, a. She Hzd Hi - "Alxa3t" '""' bri.sfe r- dfrit aun'.. as rUsma - I" juiv cla..tod In ' arm " s y83 mas t-lu . WlUr MT ttb yvrrT in.HIVnn 5neU Jv4 aUHS j jVjJt;. pnwHse-T. ' oa BS "" tMa BHHUl?" j "Nistijloc - - coSe; j f heroic. BH-t rrSii3 ! h t.. u f."I Ut. U -Ma. Mr I MUt W-1 - v,irk y Utr - M Puttfv Tnt r niLaat' ?! frtm: cfcu - vta cay br -Rkarawrst u;-r rttZ listsv tViKlttya- kr. j comptoui'Ji mrctT -"-- ' ho trv.i peautc mJ wtaMf rctr ac r vrt w-", ta! ion tar" ' T--. ." ua;1 :'' icitrllro feaa'V A rSTrl roir t-:TT htrvrnTt Hn .wrr..-ii,.-""i,u.Tr lp,r,, l' -so: -s3,'r -f J " r 'ex'c jagh iTUnmt trfa. nur cle,! awr" -Uut i!e ! U-ar C-ir-tw sT W ftrtdiled t W titri j at le s Hay of Hot'. acme aT Ilk i,twklwl'npOtirit-KttiK"-' . Aw:i: lie WcUfCii uR-. -fzimate r.Ji. Ir u.B- wit Soi I- 3 Jr l Tuna; Kyc V -trr lruKi Hi tti. T: (.;-..i-U'. I.. A He ST. K.s v -n i - CATTl Ht- KtT' slsises- N-e hss K(V;-4io4te .-Ho tf. WHtT Xi i n4 ... . N. t ft COK."0o. OAT!vr, -. im:.'o. : KUt-lei-,. rm ... IIAi tIa CfilllK t'Uma .. KGv-Mr - 1IAC ! ..... .-.. siMoiiltr ...m...... S.SMV .... ..,, I-A IC - ...-- PUHItc . ST IOifK-v I All-li atssppla 0ts... llnMiow' -aw ... I I Or I'aettMts . ..... . j,l"J' F'orio .-j Fl.s It .TwH ivil.iT-:-: i COfNo.' .. .... ...... 0.n Tso i No. I ULf n.lt Croanmry Pfi'.v CMICAtlO t t l (s t 4 l a K t i i a a i i a i- t a v ) m i -. fie, S II i v cfrt.1: Mppi's MO 3 t U III 1 tt il ) ; Fuchiiig ma iptg t i : i SKl-.l.I' airi8iiMi F')UK Winter mu . Wil I. AT No : red OUtN o J ... .... OATn No. .... UVli : i s IJU rri.lt Crr-amu FUltlC Ni:w vomc CTTl.K Cotnioonw pnic t h ,-!. ihhI U) Ctl(e . .. Ft. l'lt tMslUirmW" .... WHr.AT No. Krod COIiN-Sn : OAT-- W. t rn nUed . .. . ii ro U ft 11 r. . t .. i t 3 f- n 4 . 0 uurri:.: eifumrr .. ...- 21 e. LEDGER LIBRARY - ISSUED QUARTEelLY. FUIST BOOK. P:CE. 50 CENTS. HER DOUBLE LIFE. BY MRS. HARRIET LEWIS. FOR SALE BY ALL NL WSDEALEP.S. Or pt pt p'v'tsff preps ,pl I wnli I J tff preps. t. U at? aJCs upoo ri ROIERT I0IREIIS SOIS, ! M'llllam .. f Trts City. s thi itttcTto or A CHOICE CIFT ForIa -. Iar TTir-tfi -4' r s f ccmUutl in a r-. f A 7rs -." " f .-"cfi l lr - Warier t. Lr.iirvia. fUll ! ,- rX.yTt" T l" ' J A Dicticnpj-y r? i: - -. A Gai2tiesr of iho World Us i! .t : ' rfc-e. A Biosrapl.ical Dictionary A Dicticmry ot Fiction f ts I - . It. '''?. A!! in One Book. "ioonn'rst " . ,WflOfir-'i --.,, . t - fnfs a . ln - . Its I - I ' I C. i. C KLltRUa L CO , IWrst ?ne-a. aax. A Noted Divine Says: I have lvci( aslngTnll's I.lser Villa tnr tjrpl. Wav aivaiarli sad CuHy rtirwm. with) ihieh I bsisladg brss aniirl c4. Tiffs Pills ARE A SPECIAL BLESSING. V anrr hist assy Uhlan do snewoanwr hi ,-.mmiZ. I n-reoMMriwI ttim mil m tit Ue-st txsvtfletBtc la lt. Kft. r. K. lumwh.Aea TrV. SOLD E722YWHEIE. Otilc. 44 3Iurray Jjl Xcw Yorl.. CATAnnH Ely's CreaB Bale) QtAi in Hud a,J SIT BTn it tr- t X I Tirt'i Js?-1t tar raivr it tie iS. Fiat-R 3l, a-J CT-rac-wi. vt3-s ?-"w: utiioc Urlsci. Ha Tr. Ax. JC ar-ra. PENSIONS br OIMtK jbs4 tru Z ra fcsrsras s.r pm I.MA tf W etta M3L. 1 cl asejJtr 6liirr--jiKrie Ssw ii. Il3-uy -a trit u. try S j-eje )i g- MiitsetnrUn4C A. K. J-Ss ta cswn. A&trrIT T rrrZitE-StI All tor7 l la 111 yirrsfU''AJti-wTr IXC. . iHJumruui in. -. JfWDSTTrf ? 2W y iv' Pryart , StnHw CMttp Hiiwuj MMrrmrrc ISIIIt.IMW a3 Cm: i ,rtm'ifa.T i i Fur lihofjmntKnu rrrth proof Jot J1CWJ. .t-vr. 4m i" IUUlS) -i-SS 3. U Tes. Ss r z . v m XStZaX. sk - " CrrieJ rt. w-e. r- r. " ,? -t,tiit ?Atxa ixi CKtrti trtca3,t,4i, Diamond Vera Cur - t7J.- -"?- VTl- CSS. e - - .1 " J t "V 4i e es hS jKlCKit.M. t. t-la-S Ct. . SCOTT'S EMULSION fiF PlTRE GOD UTEa OIL nd HvcscTiDsehites if lime & Sida An H! ji i i . Almost ai Pc!aliJ.s3.cs IV-Uk. evn UtiX Oil. Tts rs't j rss - ss (" .Ir - r is . .-i t m i v-4 V,iaj . '.' m ti.i 1 1. .. '1:' v . .T, ,y v-- si Vrrr?rnnrTrVKttnv? Fit tios. . fitiLnkl y ' ".'Jliir tts. !"- !- - t. fcJ n. - g.ua.v" - f '" . . tf ' " fitunicix. Ht4ctie. Sora nuoat. SpriiM. B-'tilsct. iutM. Vet-nit. U Bi. Ard All Faint 01 An hSiKaAtar tw2. i tuMi aftoK. JtAit. rmrK. ACCr WlZAna Wis. " ClliCACt. FOREMEN, TIMEKEEPERS. MACHINISTS. MANAGERS f.4 " ,rr -t-i Mh t ' J . S3 hii truum c:t rr-.ua COLD WATCH PAYAflLE tl.OO PCK WfF b w .!' t Int. le. I !' e- ie,1..'l--t I e .V t 'T7 . -i. r J U .. sf e l f- mKfi .ril -. -f, .Le Mwtl t l". all .uj Ar'l l;iillt'HiiTs d-J " WAECEtE WATCH JlJCWCL YCO . NlWTS. S . PHILtCtM. WEC'JRECftURRH - s J OjrK :o AIR. v.t nuik c , . ,..-.- . TRIAl.. -s4 . -.. k . ,i c v. . m initsi,iiwriis. rf-fi si;r wish tvn. iCal MH C1.I .. Jt NEWEST CRAZE! rri-peijvfri . .. t t i so wt UIsUWni w? i , imp lOMsnu " pucpiClcf " t s. vr (. II bli f k. fl S -in, j.. Ij 'HSe ia-sl trw e. ni iTt.o:! s'"is.hrtfi"ii CUL. I A'HCI'WI.I It- J le i: in vnum roriRAiis u r - .n i c CUf rttmt -i e S S -!; 11 Te -.., , Wr H-e- .- t - ' -Knot . -r n.'.v. isurirbuiii, 4 llra.-, .! mttk Ir . . i s th" tic i i.,t "IA mtca. ar ? ss tvis .rts -j a Full Pcarl -"I.OO Jf, r. its W m - v GODETS UDTS BOOK .T. ar s slf.n. ll !. v sss ;- tfitnl r-ii rn. I . ir ijr t e. li-r i ' " if r .r -i j .- - -. . . .- . Lift ! - tfrmi7-ii Sji'TWI .'S M-'WJ vtM ' evi l -eTf M tl A.4- - t er r .s. i ri. nntit Tnr'i hnlPliliff f m rA-M. 9 rarfc.r f tf A tk S!e f . iin 9 lftffee-r rM 1 lit l .U ililj.siw.rti.., AGENTS WANIEOI- ir r t tO-ir' lit vk KShiv r r-m 1 i- 11 r-tt tcr si-.- -a natraoai Ow -irt matt e r ' V-it st . twtr sarti I -sMrt-K-i r t eee-,ir se- p TAX L7U it. !swrv CIa&a.X. ifcwty -. vu-.w sneBlwe Jt te3t, zzxx. . ti rXX, U;ii. Cs. MYAITiaSTMT73n C. J4 )l'- rA m ? r ''it tt t ilj Jin -, n S-4 I C FREES?:i:S ttplViLrep 3 flhVW m ofism eXs,UslMtsU c3Dit jt s. ti v C-U Ue. Mis X- rmtm Os. SfriAg. At p agjttfessy WWm q?. aac - tae.f? aas-tAwisufsw. MirnaiiaLka A.X. VTHICX VlKITIMi wtmf svay jwm tO Al r: -i .j-v- tl nrttf'- t.-- a . .. . i m L AC - l .r - --, rs t -V S . SW4i!iT&4 A ajgfc- rfBB B i fjt r-1 t " I WL9 C:i- Jtl ItMt EUJ-i V . Iis'it i'.r S "VvS "'4 ' ' ncts -' - -i:"v "vtt. ' fca r "! i i m aMJWTiT mamtir W PS IDR m rrt 3 Brt" ri r- iWMcv-i Vm H ra-as CJaa i 'm?!r' " -"- fc- wwwwBwm -. e-M)rjtfiHll IJjl. IXAVTAI 'M V 2r J x U. . tf id- rt m ! i ic 1 s vi -. M-l Pr a l Ml JIT- i .