irx - wfyai'iBggiL-.. -'"HaMniiTinwtffiiiMiwwy iffliiiprgiianBtsviiia 4&ZP9WS&mP&!XBaBPSgr- ;:3ff - - f inmWiWiiMi i ,. bi nil - -"i M" "? ! T- - ,.. ! Illl I ' MUMajyj-, i, Viii , r 1 1 Ik 4 '4 f wE- BaaaB BB BBBr BBBBBBA H Win POWDER 9 Absolutely Pure. This ionU.T utrtcr arle. M:irc! of iurc 4truiiKt!i:iU(l wIioIomhiiwion wore economical than tin ordinary km'1 and cannot IwmiM in cimiH-tHMi MtIith3 multitudes ol low test short Ixhtalimi rIi(isih.ilc jcrodirs. Sold only in rans KOVAI. UAKINC I'OWDKKCO. . lor. Wall rfn-rt. V. Y. Oily. 'the fcd Qjzud ii'jnq. .'. HOST! Kit, Srojri'S: yi'iilillhlii'ilcu-i the oftlc in the Moon r.lock. i:-l Cloud, N-t. Farm Loan. Interest from C to 10 per cent. Time from 1 to 7 year-. Call and investigate. G. W, BAttKElt. SPLINTERS ;atli-r-4 Up ljr Chler Hrportern In And About ike City an Coaaty. Bulk oysters at Joe Hcrburgcr's. Extra select oysters at City Bakery served in yvery st)le. ?. T. VsnIIorn of Orleans was in the city this week. EG. Highland's new dwelling will be a beauty when completed. For farm loans sec R. K. Stowc, office over Deyo's drug store. Mufflers in over one hundred styles from 23c a piece to $, at the Golden Eagle. b Mrs. Bosley, of Fremont who has been visiting withu Mrs. A. L. Funk h-JS returned home. 31 rs. F. V. Taylor has returned liojue from the west where she has been visiting relatives. The Chief office does all kinds of job work at hard pan prices, and in the finest style of the art. Head the advertisements in 'iiiE CmjLr freni this week on until after t?liri&tuias if you want h:""Ka5,,s- The uniform rank of the Knights uf 1'vthias will attend the play this oening in a body. Dailyllub. Our rates on farm loans and option of J.avment will suit you. Office over Peo's drug store. R. K. Stowe. Mrs. ?. T. Vanlloni wa brought to this city this week, where she lice ijry sick with little hope of recovery. There was a very plcrsant social at F. E. Coble's last Wednesday night a week ago. It was a pleasant occa sion. Overcoats or suits if you are look ing for either ytm can save 23 per cent on the dollar by going to C. Wiener s Golden Eastfe. 1 can make you farm loans thicker and with less trouble to youre. man through any other agency. Office over Deyo's drug store. U.K. Stowe. The Felix Vincent dramatic com- pan which entertained our people twonights last week war- among the finest t roups that have held the boards lor a good whil--. Miss Culbertson, sister ot Mis L. II. Fort has been engeged to to teach the high school for the month of Dceeni ber during the absence of Mrs. Hurl- butt in New York. , The only failing we may mention of Dr. P. Janss, i that he can't cure every ailment but whenever he meets such cases he is honest and frank cnousxh to admit his inability. TlicKcv. Mr. Cae. who preached to the Y. M. C. A. people in this city recently, has received a call to preach in the baptist church in lied Cloud. Mr. Case has a reputation of beius a VfcTJ r,c ruPlt orator. Miss Lvdia Huffman who has been ' an efficiant and competent teacher in our county sciioois nas acceptea a i 1 . - three months school in district 41 ; -irrnss the line in Kansas, Mis-s J .V '- Huffman is a No. 1 teacher and al ways aives satisfactiou. We omitted to mention the newly elected K. P. officers last week iu our hurry to get out ahead of time. They arc as follows: K. D. Yeiser, P. C. A. J- 'elch C- -C. Wiener, V. C. H. H. Easterday, Pi elate, A. H. Howard. K. B. S. 31. S. Marsh. M. A. V. B. Fulton. M. F. E. Parkes, M. E. Tli lodtre is in a flourishing con- ditioa and the aiembersaip increasing. Charley Ball was in Bed Ckd txer Sunday. Mrs. Prof. Curraa is viiitiiig in Superior. Novel jackets and jerseys for Men's wear at C. Wiener. Deyo's prices on holiday goods are lower than any one. A fine line of fancy baskets just arrived at Cotting's. I-ook Here. Only one more week at cof-t at Markell & Son, The largest line of juvenile books is to he found at Deyo's. Money to loan at a living rate of interest by I). M. Piatt. John Shirey wa out in the ''wild and vooly west" this week. Men's fine suits worth $25 for $18 and $20 at the Golden Eagle. A good safe for sale. Call on Sill & Stowe, over city drug store. If you want holiday goods you will save money by buying of Deyo. For extra select oysters go to E. Welsch's, Dickcrson's old stand. There have been reported a number of cases of diphtheria in the city. Palmer's Frangipanni the best per fumes made in the world at Deyo's. Corn husking is about over and our farmers arc beginning to sec a a dol lar or two in the future. Dr. Larabcc, a homrcopathist phy sician was in the city this week and will probably locate here. Miss Minnie Poulson who has been visiting with W. R, Chaplain and family has returned to St Joseph, Mo. Will ParkcB wishes to announce that he is not a candidate for the post office. We are glad to hear Will's denial. II. B. Simmons received word Sat urday that his mother had died She lived in Pennsylvania and was seven ty three years of age. C. Wiener has taken out his oil lamps from his store room and in ad dition to arch lights will put in a number of incadeeccnt lights Mr. Wiener believes in making his store as light as day. The Chief hopes that the ladies of Bed Cloud will give New Years' calls. If there is one thing that is proper that is the thing. We would be pleas ed to publish the names of all the la dies who will receive calls. Let there be a large number who receive. For dressmaking call mi Mrs. Mal pocr in W, Houghton's old tailor stand. Artistic dress and coat making done in all its branches. Evening, dinner and street costumes and tailor made suits, also cutting fitting and designing without making Patterns cut to measure. Ira Edgcil, concluding that single blessedness as compared with conju gal bliss was a delusion, decided that he would unite his wishes and for tunes in wedlock, and consequently was maried to Miss Ella Emick on Sunday' evening at the residence of Judt;e West, who officiated. TuE Chief wishes I ra and his bride much joy. Our townsman, Kcnyon Skecu, was recently over in Kansas. While there a dog bit him ou the kg, not thiuking anything about the matter, left for St Louis the other night, and arriving there his leg began to swell and he has not been able to walk since, but expects to get around in a few days. He is under the doctor's care for the present. Those who attended the opera last evening were unanimous in saying that Frank Lindon was the best actor that has tdaved here this year. He is well supported, the scnery magnifi cent, and the orchestra ranks among the best that travel. In the exciting drama of "Monte Christo".lasf)cvcn ing, the house was taken bj stohu at tlic close of each act -'The JJVotld is mine!" "One!" "Two!"' "ThreT?!" were all received with applause. Kearney Daily Hub. Miss Hurlbutt, assistant principal af the lied Cloud high schools receiv ed the sad intelligence on Monday, of the death of his mother. She left Monday night for the purpose of bc inc present at the funeral obsequies It was a very severe blow to the lady. Before going a number of her pupils presented her with a few tokens of - . i . i friendship, tuat wnue tne was goiug 1 cn the sad journey she mightjthink of the many near friends that she had made hcr6 during her short acquin tacce in thiis cty. Dr. P. Janss of the Nebraska State Medical and Surgical Institute docs uot pertend to be a cure all but claims to have better success than the general practicioncr in chronic dis eases on accosnt of devoting his total time to smeh diseases and the large n amber he treits. He has with him three thousand dollars worth of in strameats for all kinds of examina tions and operations, among them is a microscope, costing in Europe $350 Consultation free at the Holland J Houc Salardaj Dcccahcr 15. E. A. Stowell liu rctsnei to Cal ifornia. They will gire you close prices at Markell A Son's. Selling gold peas ana pencils at coM at Markell Son's. Why pay 5 for an over coat that Berg & Galnhba sell for $3.00. Public services at the Methodist chapel at 3:30 p. m. next Sabbath. Deyo ig overstocked on albums and you can buy cheaper of him than any one else. Regular services at the Methodist church next Sabbath conducted by the pastor. Arthur Allen, of Tceumsch, is vis itins relations, in the citv. the guest of S. Perkins. C.Wiener mil sell jou the best shoe or boot foi less money than any house in the county. IJer & Galusba will sell you a suit of underwear $1.00 less than any one asks for same quality Do you intend to have any Christ mas prescnts'this year. If so buy them of Markel! & Son. Taylor's is the place to purchase furniture. He keeps only the best goods and sells so lew that all can buy. On Thankscivinir the Y. M. C. A. had a most interesting game of foot ball which was watched by a large crowd. Just bear in mind this one little item that Berg &. Galusba Lave a bet ter assortment of neck scarfs than any one. When in Red Cloud call at the furniture store of F. V. Taylor, oppo site the post office, and fkkijtm oat a fine kitchen or parlor mYC' Gloves lined er unlincd that others ask you $1 .00, $1 .25, $1 .50 for. Wc sell for 83c, $1.00, $1.25. Beru & Gallsiia. Congress is again gathered together and it is to be hoped that body will do something for the bcnct of the people, besides just dnwing their salaries. Do not fail to consult Dr. Janss, the celebrated German specialist, late of Berlin, will be in lied Cloud, at the Holland House, on Saturday, Dec. 15th. Married, by Rev. Falkcnburg at the Methodist parsonage, lied Cloud, Nov 30th, Mt. Herbert II. McKim of Web ster comity, to Miss Jennie Mckim of Smith county Kansas. The Monte Christo Theatrical Co. carry a grand band with them that is one of the most important features. They will parade the streets at noon. They come very highly reccommend cd to our people. One of our merchants is said to have recently be accosted at his res idence by four masked men who wanted Revolvers. The merchant in formed the chaps that he was just out and they skipped out In another column of to-days CniEF appears an account of the sad acci dent which caused our old friend W. B. Thornc to lose his life. Mr. Thome was one of the first citizens of this county and his death will be mourned by many. Dr. P. Janss is no stranger but an old and responsible resident of Ne braska lie has been at Grand Is land for the last 12 years, that is the place to gel your information in re gard to his responsibility as a physi cian. Consult him in Red Cloud at the Holland House, Saturday, Decem ber, 15th. Hank Ross hired a livery team on Thanksgiving to co out to thJ uflll. He arrived in safety and hitched the animal. A little later on an engine went whizzing by aud the horse not waiting further ceremony took French leave tearing things up in general and giving Hank an opportunity to show his qualities as a pedestrian. The Iowa eviction cases arc causing a crcat deal of suffering and privations to those evicted by being compelled to leave the homes they have lived on for many years and suppos ed belong ed to them. This wholesale robVcry of land is a shame and the government should reoumerate the people for the loss. It is only another case of the rich overriding th poor. Don't let prejudice keep you from cousultiug the celebrated German specialist in Red Cloud at the Hol land House Saturday Dcccnibor 15th. Ifvouara afflicted with s chrome disease. Yomr physician is not the one to iuqmrc aboat mm, write to any re- sponsible party in Grand Island where be has been for twelve years He is a gradnatu of three leadiag colleges 3 i.... I. : ..M.fal ami lfrto ... . sua iuiu ,. - rt " , practice has heeoe oae of GraBd Ldaads largest property holdet.s. Fine display of holloware at Nar - kell 4 Sob's. .A Wa asvrcrieTed to eommuieate !tm sars of the death of Mr. Waa B. Thome near Bladen last Tuerdaj afternoon. While Mr. Thorne and a joang man was hauling straw from a straw stack. Mr. Tnorne was on the wagon loading, and some straw fell off the stack on the horses and started them. Mr. Thome sprang to seize the lines and in so doing a part of the load slipped with him and he fell behind the horses, headforcmest and struck bis temple on the end f the device pin on the doubletree, thence the wheel striking him on the back of the head . The young man hurried to where he was lying and f und life almost extinct. The team still running till it got in contact I with a wire fence and stopped with little damage. The man ran to the barn, took a horse and went in haste to town and reported the accident, all that could get a horse or aid, with his son Legrande hastened to the scene of the accident, and there to behold lay the lifeless body of the aged father and neighbor. He was borne to the tiouse to tne surprise of his wife who but short time before saw him strolling about the barn. His wounds were dressed by Dr. Kchler and others. His brother of Macon, Franklia coun ty, and relatives of Juniata, Camp bell and Hastings, were informed of the sad intelligence. Arrangements were perfected for the interment. Toe funeral services were officiated at his tome by Rev. Buzzle, on Wed nesday at 2 o'clock, p. in. and from there followed Ly nearly 50 buggies tad wagons. The Grand Armj men marehed to the grave on foot, located in a beautiful nook in the soatkeast corner of his son Willie's orchard far the present at least. Wm. B. Thome was bom in the state of New York, June 29th, 1815. In 1S38 was mar ried to his present wife, Miss Deborah Bowcrman. After nine years, remov ed to and selected a home in the then wild woods of.Michigan. He marked his pathway by blaizcd trees for 80 miles through dense forests, located near where the city of Jackson .now stands. In 1870 he and his son Wil lie took a four to Nebraska, and was so agreeably surprised with the theu young state that they each took large tracts of land and then returned to Michigan. Thefoilovingseason they removed to their new homes in the .west, at or near wcre iLptarfjinw located, followed by many taorc of Michigan's good people. Later his eldest son Lecrandc removed here and bought several tracts of land, but through sickness in his family he up turned to Michigan and in later years returned to Nebraska his future home. His family consisted of his two sons, Legrande and Wm. and an adopted niece, now Mrs. Dr. ckl. of Juniata. The father and two sons own large farms and attractive resi dences adjoining each other and in cluding a great portion of the tswn bile of Wadcti Unci- ThtrneV motto was '-always do right, tio to others as you would like others to do unto you." His house was always hospitable to all. Himself and his companion were always free givors to the poor, widows and orphans in dis tress. The grief stricken family has lost a kind father and affectionate husband. Let it not be forcottcn that A. K. Burnside Post G. A. 11. on last Memorial Day was presented bv hin, the souvenir of the National Encampment at San Francisco, Cal. The Post recognizes its maintainance through him. was ever ready to aid in its good work as a loyal patriot and friend to the "Boys in Blue." es, we sav. "his loss is our loss." The Post's best friend. The 20th day of bst March Mr. Thorne and wife had the pleasure of being surrounded by their sons and family relatives of th:s vicinity, a few intimate neighbors ana old settlers partook of a bounteous repast and joined iu celebrating the Fiftieth An niversary of their wedded life. Mr. Thorne was over 73 yea's old. hearty, active and strong. Mr. Thorse is about the same age and we trust .-.he mav long survive and eniov the bless - sings of her old age. We syapa- j thizc with her in her sad bereavement! and trust that -All b vdlasGodu; in the right." AFfclEND. .Viaays in tne leau in sue oi iocki is ,a JUv;s4 J'nws "' iuu ucaw .uuus a . 1 jm.j w a m j x A m frv fc Jkj-4 is the motto Fresh oy per week at old stand, K. f P. . -i .- .. t .v special eeunS oi Mem ouj;e Xo. 14. will be held tomorrow it 3:30 j p. m., to meet Bro. Frank Lindon, wbo will exemplify the secret work. l 411 KnTtht kould ttetL Bro. . , t-t-i jj Liadoa coaw highij reewaateadei- bv all the raad lodges and s.nprca.e j lodge, and i casidered the fcrigatest , aid best posted Ksigat teat travel. j Kearney Daily flai. of C. Wiener. . " 1 ,l - . w" -OH "l ( )Ph I A H ) IS ; I P'"; w. hk sters received three tiacs) Henry Cook's. He haa iu I FORTHKEE XlCBTS ' l! 1 I .??' E.Wclsch, IHckcrMin': . , , .... . t H : . 7 . . Wfie S After Saaaarr 1, 1889, the sab seriptioa price of Trk Oxief will probably be pat back to $1.50 per annum, instead of $1, as has been the price for the list two years. One dollar is too low for subscription to a country newspaper the size of Tut Chief, and cannot be run without loss. Wc have decided nowever, to still give our subset ibers a chance to renew at $1.00, if tbc sitae is pud by January 1, 1S89, after that date we shall go back to the old price of $1.50 per year. Come riht in if vou'. want to get thejiapcr at one dr.llar for the ensuing year. If back subscrip tion is not paid by January 1, 1S39, we shall collect $1.50 per year for a!l JllnrriTif innc llist nm,in tininid f ,... .., ..j that time. A. C. Hosmeu. i tf Proprietor. ' mil 11 IVkil Arc We Calas To Bo. The Rock Islaxd officials were re ported browsing around the South Piatt towns last week h search of pointers for a route to the northwest. It is said the company contemplates branching northwest f-om Nelson next season. Hastings is confident of a connection. Superior Headlight. I There could be a tiosible chance I for Bed Cloud's getting the llock Island railway if a proper effort was to be made by our people. The Rock Island is bound to move out of Nelson and why should uot Red Cloud gf t it as well as any Other town in Nebras ka? Last call let the people go to work or give up everything and call it a "gone gosling." Enterprise is what wc need now more than most anything elc in Red Cloud. Oar form Prenalaaa. Remember that the liaic nr corn premium is aearly lor up. Those who want to show what fine corn Nebraska can produce ought to take advantage of this opportunit For the first premium we give The Chief one year free, and for the second picmium air months and third three months. One hr.lf bnsbel of corn in a sack is the required amount. Mr. W. W. Gardner on Tuesday was fixing the railway over the doors ou his bara, when a board nailed to the side of the building, upon which lie was standing, gave way, letting him to the ground, He was consider ably shaken up and has n bad loft hand from catching on the end of a board standing upright. A sliver two inches in length entering the be of the thumb, wliuJi .the doctor had to cut ut, while the little finger was cut in a frightful manner. It is a very painful accident. Orleans Press. A a Iriah Setter Lost. With a nicklc collar without a name on it. Finder will be liberally re warded by calling on Frank Bhoton at the Golden Eagle Clothing store. Santa Claus has taken up his head quarters at the Fair, with a large as sortment of Christnns gools at prices to suit the times. Consultation with Dr. P. Janss, president of the Nebraska state Medi cal A: Surgical institute is free, at Holland Hrue Saturday. December, 15th, 1?SS. The highest n.arket price paid for tuttcr and egirs. live turkeys and chickens at the Western & Southern Mercantile Association, Red Cloud, Nebraska. The great slaughtering sale is still coing on Piles of good are old at an enormous reduction at the Western 6c Southern Mercantile Associativa. I have three houses and ten lot in Guide Rock which I will trade for land or horses or cattle G. R. ClIAXEV. Ladies rubber boot. at $1.50 per pair, also woo! lined shoe and slip j P in great variety st Wiener. ! For nice oyster te. fncs, ..- -. t call st the West Side Restaurant, EkNT WeLsCH. Prwp. When m -ant of parlor or kitchen 'fuxaiture call on F. V. Taylor. He i keeac the finest lines in the city, asdf e.ii. ;. .. ., vrr init nn i " - '-'j ------r--" lani w :!-;. Mf y Ua&LUl iBBoaaoc tht ihe preparc,j lo caTe nrpets of j !n classes. Leave orders with C Schaf aiu ai Mawn's old atand. tf ? i j - j l.vmi.vitJs . fMl.j MlMi(re.- V, - - wo f y m. u A &-i- m.7 A mm -- w w itti i -i in w i nr fr-i rr -IT' wm -M. r. Ji a &- 1 1 . jr . x . T t nr r. inn i a - . t m !lOOS S. S&ecil ratts ci"en m PUnoj and ... Jac Uu pun.o!d fori51 -7 hut v! ' ,nm3nlhlj pJIaeats co-uni , T- Th:s eoatpaay carry thr o. e lhml Onrana &l ai fe5al sceterr for Mosrr Czisza JX,lciA3aU castoBers. 1 Sam. J., Art. HOLIDAY GOODS nS . i s r-ixi ir. i' V?K -C-j irss. 4 . i r i i I I' (;X- 1 a UPi i r.c5-! L T-7 ""m m S-'tSft ?$ Christmas i i l3A While out lookino- for your Christmas Presents Call and see the number of Elcgvir.t and Useful presents displayed by us. Over 200 Styles of Mufflers ' Silk Handkerchiefs, Linen Hemstitched vine peal bkm and rlush Capffr Silk and Satin Suspenders. Children's Suits and Overcoats Boys' Suits and Overcoats, Mens Suits and Overcoat A,t our usual Red Cloud cind Wymorc. . . o i . . n ,.!. nf i'.Mi rinA iA . ; v.. ri ...:r.,: tint tk ..!!. Ml U,UW(J -M. -. ... . " .V6... lieciluL lursuay, weecaon ine r. a .i . Al: ii.iiiihvr.3 art noliupd ibsi Ms nrcs of icijKTtano will be before tbc lode? at ut regular meeting. Tne day decerabcr 11th and your aU ancc is rcqucited Miss Clara liecker. of Liuo4a, is visiting in Rftd Cloud, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mitchell. Special attention to ccerAtic and embalming by F. V. TvJr Iti dence 3 blo"k? : t'arring? Fari-j New hnc of cer $ol. ist for decoration asd Atiuonery jct ;ccrr ed at Henry Cook'. "The Mother Friend" bj an nel shirt waist. No button to jir on . At lh Gftldes Eagie . Oloves icti Ei::teu at ai! pno at the Golden Kagle. ' Hot isc ro!d iaccbci at sH hmm ,at Ernst WeUch rcataarant. j We are hTc to do bouaaa aMd mean boiiaei. Cae and re n. Makxzll t Sor. 1S33 sue oityrsT actoc jBaad wrade at 110. Raerrv imit M je at City Fa mcy. M HO ,' 1a. l, -- ja.T-Ji.z-iA r"i isrF,V' ;;i Ja i --ft' eft U lfcG3fc.--:3 is Coming ! land kerchiefs. LOW prices. C. WrRNFJU. N"vij bB x ctava.j tfc0 Jfy?g "" " ir Jiwt mrmm. &fcb! thrtr ftrt . -7 ' i" - vhrt ntl Aam wriatf m . mlki df .!-. tmJj. .tRlM iii0f )Uc!rt ajKMHw Win wm iilt of ti.w ; mem al w cvatictit it nm ''-wn taMvmi&L Jltetfc am 1 1 wnirs mhmmct: U la iofi th tnrridr mysum. VV a htKf4 aid ',cu . -Jt& Vkf 1m mzvtnvni wkwrit a ers!tnc( and rtasm'.tet 4 hm hizk vwt jKod vomttvn otwpi km hf uw Etr oit&u. Th -m; rMiuuatt HtQoyuG alone l tin; J orri rpr 0t & Tcsn Tbi h h:nr lurnt a fiitnuSf b!i ' fcaiarr. IVrfwtcn ,a ia4tnat. jcr. , foctton iz, 4rii u oat u t&z . -jenorKj vex U . (nxr.t. t car tolt, Hfs.. urtefig vuhtzu Cajramstothej-ai ibo rewJ. rc ,y, Sdx J. lUtiij.fndgt the t'ntVb TJmI -" -. atj jt -c j . -i . jk . $b rwtv YsitUy ' .- mW S Mtf. (izlAt a .j Os y 9Zts u Ur Cit Cs3csc? jk sr4. C h'ltt.zy&i rlr ? JfarVi. Tfci b to wKrfy , 0y frk j m?4 I & sU 4 t-ntu- aladi nl nxmtsm swa. JlxaUt pre se a caiL J. C. COTPC; .- - tjr W,; jfjy X JC.1 . . . . . . a . Iarir4f Mt -rftn p &i setr the &, Carutsaa fpos zi mm I 4 -i- I bic. rt v-rfr maaF-s r-J , - I S-?-i s'vq.Ji, ;.. -t r- -1 jjr, gy-j-.f