The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 07, 1888, Image 4

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    gr ttfeaMfe-Maag
rfasii. - iis. ks-Jx
.-. TjarV
Are looking: for Bargains in
Suits, Overcoats,
Underwear, Caps,
Hastings is in 3 hard row of stump?
Her Street Car Co. is 'busted' and
so is the Gazette-Journal, and tht
"great third city" is afraid she will
have to take a hack seat-
The president's massage, while very
long is a very good document consid
ering it from an unbiased standpoint.
However he still stands by hi free
trade theories presented to congress
one year ago.
IJro. Williamson preached at Orio
on Saturday cveuing and Sunday and
organize a c!a- of 13 member?
Mr. Ooblu i feeding qnite a lot ot
steers ani hojis which makes .1 market
for our I'ora He s pa) ing - cents
J. M. lirown say-s he has 130 ac;e?
of corn to gather eL
Mot of the farmers are having
their cattle dehorned, they are iv
ing ten eents a head for it.
' C Humbert means buino&?. ho has
A correspondent of Het's JfjxHfM
says: Kvcry ont hould know thai ft
little calomel mixed with flour or a.he.
sprinkled on cucumber or pquosh Tine
will keep them entirely clear of tk
yellow bug
According to a correspondent of
the Iluml -V tr JVrlcr the cot of rear .
la? a thro-yenr-old colt Is !. Such
a colt will s-ll for ordinary farra pur- '
poso. ho Kiya, for M. this giving a
net profit to the breeder of 6G.
Pure butter-fat dos- not readily j
undergo decomposition or lormenta- 1
merly editor of The Chikf has be-1 s lo tl tj,0 corn t0 holl
come a candidate for register of the! -
Our old friend M. L. Thomas, fur- j houi'ht 1 corn sheller, the next thine tlon of any kind -in common wiih all
c:jj, otljer Iat.- ami oil but the other in
gredients of milk do rapidly change.
T,lJril(.rfc Tlrtiln'. prouucin"- raiicumv mm urui'-s.
e. .Mr. iHOinaa i -Farmort who can not make nllv.
an old and substantial republican of '"' "W emi-monwm earner i of
the true blue kind, and it would be meeting wil! be held 111 the lush ( tjr V.H QjT flfty ftCr, aml HjK,nd tho
hchool room this rridy evening at ! proceeds in Improving tins tvtn.umn;:
7-:'.( 0 Hnek to winch the nublic n- fifty. In nine mva out of ten fifty
, w ,. - .- J -
MeCook land office. Mr. Thomas i
x pleasure to inform our reader.-? that . cn
. . . , . , . , . . -t-:.
lie had succeeded, as i.e i amy uaii
fied to fill the rcsj onible po.-ilion.
For Men or Boys,
Gloves or Mittens,
Neckwear, either in Neck Scaris or Ties.
Berg & Galusha's
The Chicago Store Clothcrs.
All this month. they will do you
- good in the Avay of iLOW
They have got a man over in Indi
ana who is just like John M. Kilmer
Ily, too, N mad because the democrat
ic ticket was not elected, and he
blames the defeat of hi- party to the
Grand Army of the Republic. Xow
he wants all the (I rand Army men
who are democrat:: to withdraw from
the older and set up a political or
ganization for themselves. He will
have but a small following as the old
soldiers think too much of the organ
ization to give it up because some
blooming idiot would like to make it
a political lever to get himself into
office. Ueforo the end of twelve
months J ohm M Kilmer will regret
hi foolHiucss and wish he was back
ngain in his old I'ost.
Here we are again in just the same condition
(only worse) that we were a year ago, and
I'eo. I'rakc now sing "Uy-baby
lly-O" to a little girl which armed
011 Thanksgiving. iMr.-. 1). is vcrj
Herbert .McKiin took unto himself
a wife on the 23th inst. We have
not the pleasure of the young lady's
acquaintance but if Herb made as
good a choice as his wife did. we be
speak for them a happy future.
A. J. Hawley and family have
moved to Ited Cloud.
Mi.-s Alice McCartney is preparing
herself for a schoolmarm; she thinks
01 taking a spring school.
Dr. Sheldon, of Kansas, who has
been here nearly three years, has
sold his property here and will locate
in Shell Hock, Iowa, in the near fu
ture. We are sorry to lose the IV.
and his family, but wish them suc
cess in their new home. V. 8. 1.
Quite a number of cattle are ding
among the people of this vicinity.
K. Harrison's hou.-e is receiving a
new coat of paint the work being
done by our carpenter Win Lcdoetter.
"People are notified by the new
sign that Julius Uuiden conducts a
cheap cash store.
Jerry Howard icturiied from III.,
last Friday where he was cahed to
attend the funeral !' his aunt.
C. . Hick.s has opened a line line
of Holiday goods.. He knows what
will please the children as wcl! as
the older ones".
I . II. bailor has moved from his
residence in IJladen to his residence
on his farm hoping he will be benefit
ed hj the change.
erally ere most cordially invited. A
elass drill 111 prinriry work will b.
conducted by .Miss L. Letson after
which criticism and such suggestions
as may be considered calculated to
promote he best interests of our
schools .Music in-triiuiental and
vocal rtadihg and declamation will
constitute the program for the ee
niip'. The large attendance each
evening since these meetmus have
commenced prove the deep interest
which our school patrons tale in
these exercises. Hope the interest
will continue. J. V. Ct'itHA.v,
.Mrs. M. W. Dickcrsou is in Lin
Miss Uurtie Hall who was isit
ing at Mr. T. C. Hacker's expects to
return to Akron, Colorado this week.
The W. C. T. lT. convention of
Webster county will meet in Ited
Cloud Haptist church opening at '2 p.
in.. December 11th and closing le
cembcr 12th. Kvcrybody invited to
This is an exceptionably fine fall.
The weather has been as mild as sum
mcr almost the entire fall, and for
mud, the roads have been as hard and
nice for driving as if it were in mid
summer. Miss llurlbutr, assistant principal
of the high schools has resigned her
position and will not return as stated
in another item in this paper. We
understand her place will not be filled
the board believing that the school
can be conducted with the present
lied Cloud ought to have one or
two more newspapers. l'ivo i-s-careely
enough to keep up the local
department of a city of '.000. Xow.
then, we don't nerd railroads, 1101
an) thing like that, bub newspaper-,
that is what is wanted i' lied Cloud.
Give us more by all means.
Interest Straight 8 Per Cent.
Can pay part or all of principal a!
any year and stop interest. Well se
cured not"1- bought. Insurance in
good companies.
C. I. Catiiki:,
Ked Cloud, Neb.
Office over post office
acrv well improved will return twlca
as much protit to the owner a ono hun
dred acre-, of half-tilled iiuid.
It U 11 fact, eomlrmed by e.iorienco
the world over, that clover used In
rotation where other crops aro well
manured will return to the surface
soil, through it deaying root, a
much plant food otherwl-o lo-t to
vegetation ax i- removed w hen the top
I is cured for hay.
i A eorre-iKmdent of the Ma-nchu-
sctts Plowman -ays that when tho be
starts out to gather iifciar or pollen, it
always viitsthesnmegenuof tlowors.
It make- no mistake. If the apple
blossom i first visited, all siib-equent
visit.- till u load i n.-oiuvd aro made to
apple-blo-oni-. liy thi.- mean- fer
tilization is seeured. and all ehanco of
hybridisation done away with.
A fact generally conceded that
cream should 1- kept eool and swoct
until there i- enough for churning,
and then all -oursl or riponed alike
by putting in a warm room, and stir
ring from bottom to top once an hour.
Expert- claim that by this moans one
tenth more butter will be made than
by a premi-euou- mixing of the cream
In all stages of ripening.
Do not u-e a blinder bridle in train
ing your horo; it i- not a sensible
thing. A horse especially If ho U
nervous is much more likely to bo
tlarmod by the sounds of things ho
can not see than by the sight of thing
10 can not understand. In fact, it is a
'oollsh thing to make a horso wear
llinders under any eireumstancos with
jut the bad habit of them has been
forced upon him. I'roj'. (ileuton.
When butter I- -alted and worked
until it is quite dry or free from moisture
the salt will form in minuto crystals on
tho outside of the packnge. Butter Is
not so good worked too dry. There
should bo enough moUturo in it to
make it pliable. Wa-h tho butter
milk out, but do not be so awful par
ticular about a little wat-r, and then
It will. not h" erupted with salt on tho
outsido of the roll. inii Journal.
Dry GOods
l5mI H yw
Not teeing anything in the last is
sue of your valuable paper, from
'Cjtizens' 1 send a few this wcek
from this neck the woods.
Corn husking about over. mi lots
- - - j --- - - w
ol the golden grain :s coming to this
H. C. Cutter and others are keeping
the Jog market lively here. Jiring
we our hogs fanners, while the strike
is on.
Prof. II. C. Probasco and Miss
Hessie Wright have just closed a cr;.
successful and we are informed the;
are engaged for the winter term whi-h
no doubt will please most of the pa
Cha?. Tcel, who had the misfortune
to break oac of his legs, some two
weeks ago, is seen on our streets
again but is compelled to go on
Mrs. Geo. Hagei and Mrs. John
Waller returned Sunday from Frank
lin, whither they went a few davs
since to attend the wedding of their
younger -ister. Miss Fannie liu-tcr.
lTt, .,-... ..t 1 .. .
I.u.iuiuui iae groom we i.u n.i j
I lnr , '
So low that they are bound to sell. Some of j The aiding which we warned y.B
some iwo weeks since to look out for.
wis consumated on Thakngmng ev
at Judge Sweezy's oficc in Ked
Cloud, the contracting parties being
Mr. John (1. Peak and Misa C-
Wells both well ami fav-A. J 1-
in this lacality.
ai;ui. anercaucn between two nf
our business men took pae in onr
city last.Sunday nioraing occasioned
' fr- 1 -! -
. j -"v.- tUJfSc ot ine prematcre ship
iaentto.theOjiiaaarketof a cer-
tain hog. Bovs tht i . ...
doH t let it occur again.
So we have dropped prices on ail
our specialties are Plush Albums, Toilet Sets,
Cut Glass Perfume Bottles, Books of all kinds
Work Stands and Baskets, Toys in endless
variety, in fact anything and everything you!
want tor a present
Leads them all.
All Atrnitit- Curr
The Original Aluetiio Ointment -only
put up in Iarj;e two ounce tit'
boxes, and is an absolute cure for o(.
sores, bum5, wounds, dripped hand,
and all skin eruptions. Will oositively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for tlu
Original Abietine Ointment. ?old bj
Henry Cook at '23 cent- per bo.x b;
mail 30 cf.
t - -
Out of tho Breastworks.
Tat-. Springs, Tenn., Julv. iS55.
The Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta. Ga.:
Gcntlcaicn Seven years ao I contracted
an cscecd.acly bad case of blood poison. I
tried a physician, the best at command, bat
secure 1 r.o benefit. .My throat btrxi to
Ret wrc, and my body covered tnth sores
anu uccrs. to;ng irom Lad to-arorse. I
fcl: that my grave must be reached in the
near future. I gave up the doctors treat
ment, and with a despair j; hope I com
menced taking your mediate. I began to
improve fron. the first bottle, and in a short
time the ulcers healed, and my iHn cleared
oft and ras entirely well.
One year ao a case of catarrh developed
in my system. The pbysKnaa did his best,
bat cc'i'd not cere me"; bet rx boules of
Swift's pcc!3C gave so permanent relkf.
J. 11. Kosinsox.
KactmA-V, Tex.. Jtrnc 23. i3S3.
The Swift Specific Co., Atbata. Ga.:
Gentlemen I have been afSkted with a
sTdn divasc for about twelve years, and the
best medical treatment failed to grre me re
lief. I am now usin? Swift's Specic, and
have received the greatest benefit fron it
use. Yccrs truly, Wu. Joms.
For sale by all drsggists.
TiiE Swirr Srtanc Co..
Dra-wer 3. Atlanta. Go.
Nc-r Vrk. 756, Broadwar
Lcmdca, Ea., 35 boo H2L
11 m 1 11
"otlre I herrby pirn ta t bj- vlrtne ol a r
tain cha'tel tnortsce riwted 1t Una
Maeto.ojh nxir tatctl Jc!r. tUu I
ta w?rnr- ! pa- ant rf a pfnxl or d !.
KHirrl-fct lo!Un iS(0)an! tMd.a-l tlt
mai bj tie a5d Hcnvr aje o tfc vitro
'fTh J-ire. nsratV -ertfi r IUt. t-"
ntth JO prr cr faterot trvsa tite as4 wht
m ba not t-a p id I ba;i -r t& rvojrr
diiNd l vild mnrizize vir-idaik rrd eo
aut ra t. o-se wc3 asrrr sod outfit ifwik. es
oaercoiic cah'aa. cae brtakJ-cploMr.ot-cora
caltn-ator. r a. asrt; ol I
iiosas .- I- foasi. atrence xartvn
fes SatiirCTthsw!ot Ittcl-er tss$ at 1 o
eicca p. n:
mtec utcsza cay ovfrnstr iv
jet UKAvi.j4jn;syee.
by All "llllrr t ! ''
In th inattor oC lUjjrant violation of
sanitary lawn thTf hu lHn much
general iinpro;cuu-nt within tho past
few year-. TIh writer .itlnctlv ro
raemberd vchvn tho rcupfr wont to tho
field ns tho lir-'l niy of tho morning
sun fell upon tho yellow grain, and
two hours later returned to brcakfait,
with their clothe-' :i wet with dour ax
water could ninku thorn Now, it In
prett- generally known that health de
mands that no hanl labor should b at
tempted on a fasting ntotnadi. It tho
morning bo gion ti tho ouro of the
team, to tho examination of tho ma
chinery to be ii-tcd. to heo that it
Joint- an well oilod and vcry
icrcw-nut U tlghtimwl. and that ail
tho convrnicnf'- of th kttdinn. ar
In good working onlor. otc. Between
ix and K'vcn o'clock tak: n breakfast
of plain. Mib?laitinl food, and by thin
time tho xv.n will hnv; drunk up tho
dew, and tho grain, or tho gnvM, or
whatever mlU for work. In rvady for
the work to lKgin. ljt thodav't work
be begun mod'nitoly. till tho t"am and
hands warm up ro tho work- Four
hours will bring tho noon rcco?. which
should contmuutillnt Icvt one o'clock.
Perhaps eomo will consider thb a. w.-wte
of time In a busy -oan. but it i actu
illy necessary to a preservation of the
3t health.
There s-hould nevor Ihj a ruh of !a
3or In hot wenthor. I-ot- th labor be
jioderato and uniform, and do not
luffer thf appmraicc of a cloud or tho
lL-taiit muttering? of thunder, to be
tray you into an impctuau nuh of
Ork that w ill cahau-t th ability to
rork. and jorhap on tail tnon v;noua
The mmaof clothing of tho fans
laborer should bo light- and hould b
w loo-j n-s no: to impede raoscular
motion in any direction: and at th
noon recc. if tho clothes ar' wet with
per.piratIon. a-- they probably will be.
put on a light woolen coat to prcTcnt a
cudden chilln from tho rapid vap
oration from wet clothing, and .to4 s
draft of air. however plaw.t it may
feel at the tim. When th? day work
Is done, let the wet clothing b- ex
changed for a dry suit of night cloth.
A cool pongs bath before retiring' will
be a good preparation for a ractlul
aight'n repoo on a firm matr la a
arcll-vcnuiatcd rx-om. We hardly ced
to ay that this ne-t shocM occupy the
whole of the short uxsnar Btgat; the
cidoight dlpatios of Cskieable
life should rwvr reach tJw farra.
Italian farmer.
examining Hor Efa.
We have on hand a larger assortment of
Silk Mufflers,
Silk Handkerchiefs
Silk Tics and
Linen Handkerchiefs
Than all the rest of Webster County.
Ranging from the very cheapest to the very
best the maikct affords.
It will do you good to see them.
If you don't want to buy, it
will be no trouble to
show them as
they are strung up all around the
store marked in large plain
Our store is hill of them.
Come and see the
il 1 aesctA; circ usee t-jtwite rirtt
OHosoiUTHic rinsrciA-v. r. s.
CiTOtlJcIJLStlVftJ ItTMlAtl,
C W. Kauri-. J. I- Saxjrr.
A TTOKNETS AT LA. Ar-tn fr a
CM.R-JLlB;t QecaVtttT jrtt
Ke3 Ckrxi, JTftextka.
A xaajoritv of people, in exazs&laf
tho eye of a h6r lorn thaci to th
light- Very littlt caa l tsii byjcjch
view tmks the cyt? i rcrj 4f.ietSlre.
First look at tht- y la a ftaile sd
tctt light. Then brieg th brc ost
cf doors, aad if the papli of tie y
Is xsveh contracted it iadkxte rj
sascttzc la ilm acd ia ariga ilkt, r
lae eye i poead tic Jse totSn I
WuM tehatk rr,seriftt.jKeCI lOUO.
Tkey thoukl be so siTUKfil Mi
tkrww c GsJat Mtk J WfM. j
elegant display.
J. J. Dncker.