N m ii II t: Ii i i - i tra V ja jig t.-Ssui - tf c -- i m m y - - ii mi w .t.wni' - - i . iap - M - - TL--, 1 -MBaaaai-- . . st . -jcjts-um. ,- , , gM3MiaaManaaaMaaMim ,ariBjiB.'' " - ?iiiBC??SiiiBcJBi5(TJL'' K H H H li L aH?- B i il yfsjr-- - - -' agaSrggMMMBLMi-lllflB5MEIlllliMM B No. 19. Vol. 16. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb 'Friday, December 7, 1888. i - lhe Western Se Southern. t MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION -frV - , Red Coud, Nebraska, GREAT . 'A .?. si - . iruig s V Commencing Monday November 19th 1888. &$&&,.. CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Clothing, CHRISTMAS NOTES. i . .' I'ff- fS v . : mam? j? AmSMl Mr Sis jfZB IPS el5 &'$fj&mH t MW ONLY 3 DAYS. ONLY 3 DAYS. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY' AT THU CHICAGO STORE Headquarters FOR Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Cloaks, r Shawls, Notions. &ei Immense bargains in everything. All winter goodswill be sold Holiday Goods ! AT HENRY COOK'S Commencing Thursday. Nov. 22. And continuing until Saturday the largest line of Cloakb and winter wraps ever dis played in Red Cloud. Wc mean business and intend to slaugh ter prices. A L S O Wednesday, Noveiu 28th ,888, e will offer our entire line of Boot and Shoes at prices that will surprise the public. Special inducements offered in all departments. Highest prices paid ibr .Butter & Eggs. It. M. MARTIN. No Difference How You Vote IT STILL KIIMAI.Sh A FACT, TUAT S. SPOKESFIELD, KL'I.!S ON KAM A IAROI. USE OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc., Which he i fcfHinc t rrizTlLl In Csuxr. m Ij.jcj: tth tfee cU Mai. !! doa't male a Tfat bo lot tiJ rooJ ta cbtp a aj oti. old stm. p.nn CLOUD. Old ;oman. old woman, whither so hih r I'm going my Christmas goods to buv. ' Old woman, old woman, you'd better comedown Where prices are lower than any in iomi. - A The sensation of the season! Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS. Keep the finest 'inc of Teas and Coffees In the City. RGgcirdlGSS Ol OOSt So original, So novel, So new ! iS L ivistcm4 Trf Harkt IGHTNING HAY KNI.E me i tini s'..te.wY 1 w . 70 fSLUlw. vR lltTTf ii nr -'r' tr'-urr .a .B .- . .. " j-iii wi, rfc-lirix. iTVj-j k Call earlybelbre the rush. The Western and Southern fertile )mk .: So complete, So cheap, So gay. WE ARE PLEASING THEM ALL ! .1? WA mw. 4w. In. HI'nTl, mi tkM hTi i ? n.. U n .Un T - - . CVTTIW: U V er ST A CCATt09tfkJUU? TMI EST MATEIIIALS f f 1 1 1". f wi 1t Sato VfrtCt'r rf tzttft&rzs?!! Zt 3z rz. ti. tzv cf M oAm THTmiu-i holt coiHPkY:S5 tiSgnfc-. c. sc HENCK saHa- na-- rl A Large and Varied Assortment 5 NOTARY PUBLIC. - PSOltPT ATTZSTSOy GilXjr.TO MASOFS OLB STAND Books, Fancy Goods and Toilet Artich, Perfumes I Motions. Novelties. &c. Newest dfl?n ml i - ' i rjv -, r-S Chas. Schaffrat, Manager. the Finest goods of the seon. r-A5i..-. ; ' Collections, Taxes Paid &c. jOfficewith the County Judge. Moor Bloclc;. 1 Red Cloud, Nebraska -P- ' i-i- .i .