The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 23, 1888, Image 6

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Ht.s --r-r-r .'in- j"''
i- n HKMX J,,Jr , - ;
A. O. HOsfMEft, Wnmrftor.
Tiie estate of Tom King, the de
ceased English pugilist, is valued at
54.472. ssss
Quakaxtine of all kinds and from
all points against Decatur, Ala., has
been raised.
TnE cotton firms of Memphis esti
nate the yield this year at about G,
954,888 bales.
Rains have fallen throughout India
nnd the crop prospects have conse
quently improved.
W. P. Corp, collector or Saugus
town, Mass., has disappeared with a
shortage of $23,000.
The Canadian Government has let
the contract for the construction of a
canal at Sault Ste. Marie for 1 ,'.'00,000.
The notables of Hamburg, Ger
many, gave Hon. Carl Schurz a grand
farewell when he sailed for the United
The Adams Express Company has
paid for the $1,500 in silver stolen on a
recent shipment of coin from New Or
leans to Washington.
An' epidemic of bcarlct fever was
reported raging in Jamestown, Dak.,
and the churches and schools were
closed in consequence.
The British Cabinet has approved
the proposal to build eight flrat-clas
men-of-war, a score of swift cruisers
and many torpedo boate.
Two women have recently been
regularly licensed as captains of ves
bels; one in New York harbor, the
other on the Mississippi.
It is believed in London that the
British Government will cancel the
appointment of Sir Henry A. iilake to
be Governor of Queensland.
The charge against Premier Green
wfcy and Minister Martin, of Manitoba,
have fizzled out, the editors making'
the charges failing to nppcar.
A m:roirr was in circulation in
Vienna on llio Kith that an attempt
had been made to as-:i--inate Prince
Ferdinand, the ruler of Bulgaria.
ThE First Pennsylvania and .Seventh
New York regiments have announced
their intention of attending General
Harrison's inauguration March 4.
A wac.xifickxt album containing
the resolutions passed by the Nine
teenth army corps on the death of
General Sheridan has lieen presented
to Mrs. Sheridan.
Tn Adjutant-General of the Grand
Army of the Republic, department of
Dakota officially denies that the veter
ans in that Territory are in need us
Las been reported.
A band of thirty armed Turks mado
a raid recently on the Servian town of
Rcska. Tho peasants offered a de
termined resistance to the invaders and
during the struggle many were killed.
The New York physical ns who ox
amined James M. Dougherty, tho per
secutor of Mary Anderson, pronounced
him insane and ho was taken to an
asylum. Ho wrote a long statement,
betting forth his love for the actress.
The health officer of the District of
Columbia has declared the Medical
College of Georgetown University a
public nuisance and ordered its abate
ment. This action was occasioned by
the odors emanating from the dissect
ing room.
The Southern Utes and the Commis
sion, who were recently in council near
Ignacio. Col., have agreed upon the
terms of a treaty for the removal of
tho Indians to Utah. The Utes ajv
peared to bo well pleased with the
terms agreed upon.
TnE Inter-State Trust Company, of
x uiitiucipiiia. an organization with a
paid-up capital of $1,000,000. cUvcd up
recently after having lost manv thou
sands of dollars in unfortunate invest
ing in Missouri. Illinois and other
Western real estate.
Pltor. Macosx and party, who had
been exploring the far-off Mackenzie
river district since last May. arrived
at West Selkirk November 16. They
came by way of Fort Churchill, on
Hudson Bay and Cumberland House,
and had a very rough and tedious trip.
This is how the little mountain
county of Craig in Southwestern Vir
ginia Toted: Marshall's Store. Cleve
land. 74; Harrison, 1; John's Creek.
Cleveland. 48; Harrison. 2: Healing
Springs, Cleveland. 26; Harrison. 4:
IfcGuire't Store, Cleveland. 82: Har
rison, 0; Walker's Store. Cleveland.
148; Harrison. 1.
In his annual report to the Secre
tary of the Navy, Commander W. J.
Sampson, superintendent of the United
States Naval Academy, says that at
tho close of the academic year in June,
1888, there were 191 cadets at the
academy, as against 232 at the open
ing in 18S7 a percentage loss of 17.
The total number of cadets now in the
academy is 237.
Chacscev Goodrich, aged sixty
five, formerly a State Senator from
Connecticut and at one time a wealthy
clock manufacturer in that State, was
arraigned recently in Brooklyn. N. Y.,
as a vagrant. He lost his fortune in
stock speculations and became a day
laborer. He finally lost even this po
sition, and on October 22 he cut his
throat, but did not succeed in killing
himself. He was arrested on the charge
of attempting suicide, but as- no one
saw the deed the charge could not be
proven, and vagrancy was substituted.
To this Goodrich plead not guilty and
im mnnnded for n hearing,
y Ttagnph
JAsrna Docglas Pyx, ssambtr ef
Parlisment Cor Wnt Waterf ord. fell over
board Um other night from oae of the
teasers raanlng between Holyhead sad
Dublin sad was drowned,
Tns French committee of revision of the
Constitution of that conntry has adopted
a resolution favoring the abolition of the
Senate aad Presidency.
MisBiscras who have arrived at Wady
Half report that the mysterious White
Pasha in the Bear el Gaze district bad
fought a great battle and killed many
A Zanzibar correspondent ssys the
Southern Basil brings sews that the ports
are filled with insurgents and that the
anti-German feeling is anabated. The
bunting of Mineagani Tunghi is con
firmed. The Governor of Mozambique (s
prevented from returning to his capital by
a hostile chief of the Zambesi.
The official count of New York gives
Harrison a plurality of 13, W0.
CoKrucnso claims to control of the
House were still being made at Washing
ton on the 15th by leading Republicans
and Democrats.
Miss Fraxces E. Willard denies that
the National Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union requires its members to favor
the Prohibition party. The members are
left free as to political affiliations.
Dckk Maximilian, of Bavaria, was
stricken with apoplexy a few days ago
and is dead. He was eighty years of age.
Hox. Joseph Chamberlain, tho well
known English politician, was married to
Miss Mar Endicott at Washington on the
15th. The President and Mrs. Cleveland
were present at the ceremony.
Tub Vermont House bns defeated the
Woman Suffrage Mil y 112 to 37.
Ekkokts to unite the federal and pro
gressive Republican of Spain have failed.
Jehkkkson Davis bait declined to visit
Richmond, Va., because of fee bleu ens and
fear that travel would prove fatal.
The plurality of Francis for Governor
of Missouri wan 13,2.'U; for Cleveland.
Rhode Island adopted the Constitu
tional amendment in thu recent election
abolishing property tmnlillcetiou for suf
frage. The troublo in the Chickasaw Nation
was settled by Guy and llyrd mutually
foregoing their claims to the Governor
ship and agreeing upon Chief Wolf for
the position. Tho atfair wound up with a
love f exist.
The case against Congressman Glover,
who was m rested on the charge of jier
jury, spitefully preferred by his ex
private secretary, James II. Graham, of
St. Louis, was dismissed at Washington
on thu 17th.
Da. 11. II. Sands, tho eminent surgeon,
died of apoplexy at New York on the 18th
while in his carriage returning from a visit
to patient. Ho was fifty-nine years old.
Among his most noted recent cases were
those of General Grant, Hoscoe Conkliug
and Dr. Agnew.
Admiral Baldwin died at New York on
the 17th.
John Vaskohkk was arrested for setting
liro to the steam gaugn and lantern works
near Rochester, N. Y., by which about
thirty-five persons lost their lives. In
vestigation developed thu fact that Van
kortl hail a mania for setting lire to place-).
He was engineer at thu factory ut the time
it was destroyed.
Incendiaries destroyed .1,000. 0 feet of
lumber in Weed & Co.' yard at Black
River Fulls, Wis., the other night. Loss,
Eric Laiisex, a prominent farmer living
near Fergus Fulls, Minn., has left for Can
ada with over .',000 in debt and no as
sets. Charles Johnson was hanged at Water
loo, N. Y.. on tho Kith for tho murder of
John Walter, a guard in the jail in which
Johnson was confined for horso stealing.
The President has directed the return to
their reservation in Dakota of three Crow
Indians arrested at the time of tho Sword
Rearer outbreak und sent to Carlisle, l'a.
The third annual conventiou of Christian
Workers of tho United States and Canada
begi n in Detroit on tho l.'ith.
Six of tho largest business firms in Dur
ham, N. C, failed on the 15th, causing a
serious financial crisis in Ruleigh and
other cities of the State.
The people of Denmark celebrated the
tweiity-lifth anniversary of the accession
of King Christian on the 15th.
It wasicKrted at New York on the !.th
that tho weaker trunk lines bad with
drawn from through west bound business
and would not take any freights at the
cut rates.
Claims for over $20,000,000 against the
Mexican Government and in fuvor of the
estate of the late Charles Rutterlield have
been presented by ex-United States
Minister John Foster.
About forty manufacturers of straw
wrapping paper from various parts of the
country were in secret session iu Chicago
recently endeavoring to arrange a pool or
There is a theory- at Elgin, III., that tho
Whitecnpul murderer is an escaped lu
natic from tho insano asylum there named
Hutchinson, who had a mania for slaught
ering and had murdered a woman of the
town in Chicago.
The chief or the Bureau of Statistics re
ports that the total values of the eXorts
of domestic breadstuff during the ten
months ended October 31, as compared
with similar exports during the corre
sponding period of the preceding year,
were: 1S8S, $tt,912.S31; 1SS7. $i:W.515,lttfi
The statue of William H. Seward, Lin
cola's Secretary of State, was unveiled at
Auburn. N. Y., oa the 15th in the presence
of a huge crowd.
The body of the late Bishop Seghera, of
Alaska, has been brought to Victoria, B.
C by the United States maa-of-war
These young girls were caught oa a
bridge by a train at Circleville, O., the
other day. Two were killed. The third
escaped by clinging to the stringers.
Tns strike of the brakemen on the Louis
ville, New Albany & Chicago railway has
been compromised, the men getting in
creased wages.
It is positively denied ia Washington
that ex-Minister Foster presented claims
for $20,000,000 against Mexico oa his re
cent visit to the City of Mexico.
A recent letter from Port an Prince
says that seven American vessels are un
der detention there. Anarchy prevailed
all over Hayti. and the necessity for men-of-warto
protect the foreign residents was
Con ley, a brakeman, left a switch open
recently on the B. & O., ninty-threc miles
west of Wheeling, W. Va., causing the
wreck of a freight train and tae killing of '
seven men. five belonging to the train and ,
two being tramps. j
A heavy hock of earthquake was erpe-
rienced at Guayaquil on the 16th. Thou- ",
sands fled front their houses.
The coasting steamer Vonvairo. which
left Cutch. India, November C with !MJ na
tives on board, was reported overdue and
it was feared she had foundered' in a re
cent storm.
Ed McDonald, the most famous of the
Chicago boodlers, has secured a reversal
of bis case by the Illinois Supreme Court
and it ts thought that he will aever go to
the penitentiary. """
Two young sons of Joan Marvin, a
young sons
farsser living near St Cloati. Miaa, were
drowned recently while seating over thin
The men from Live Oak, FIav, claiming
to represent the relief committee of that
place and asxiag for aid are deaoaaced as
.Craads as the place messissklat
Auorr Rsvonu hmr of Bur
Deaatd, a aetaex-, witkatt kaewa
Pobtcoal has decided te seat Tassels to
aid Great Britain aad Gerssaay to break
up the Sast African slave trade.
ViotJUT gales oa the 14th caased aasaer
oas wrecks on the west coast of Great
Britain. Among the vessels which met
with disaster was the Norwegiaa bark
Hypatia, but no live were lost.
The Public Ledger blames the Inter
State Commerce law for the demoraliza
tion existing in railroad rates. It says
th prohibition of pooling forces the
weaker lines to cut rate as they are not
allowed to make amicable arrangements
with their stronger competitors.
Louisville, Ky., has been chosen for the
next meeting of the National Board of
Trade, to be not later than October, 1M.
Business failures (Dun's report) for the
seven days ended November 15 numbered
237. compared with 220 the previous week
and 2?5 the corresponding week last year.
C D. Bikdsall, editor of the Hartford
(Cone.) TeUgram, was com hided the other
night by Allen Wyley and L. P. Smith of
the Sunday Globe, as the result of a long
article in the Telegram accusing the Globe
of blackmailing operations.
The public school building at Carroll
ton, 111., was destroyed bv fire recently.
Loss, $40,000; insurance, 1H,U0Q.
A case of leprosy exists at Harrold.
Hughes County, Dak. The subject is the
child of a Mrs. Bausum. who was a mis
sionary in China when the child was born.
The case was examined a year ago in New
York and pronounced to be one of leprosy.
The afflicted family are allowed no com
munication with their neighbors.
A company to construct a tunnel under
the Detroit river at Detroit, Mich., has
been incorporated with a capital of $1,500,
000. Private advices from Tishomingo, the
capital of the Chickasaw Nation, are in
effect that a conflict between tho followers
of Guy nnd Bj rl is inevitable. In a per
sonal encounter between two of the bellig
erents the Byrd follower was killed nnd
his friends swear they will bate ven
geance. The lake steamer Starucca, laden with
general merchandise, was driven ashoro
east of Grand Marais. Mich., recently in a
stoini. Several other vessels were more or
less injured nnd two lives lost.
The Indians at the Standing Roc
Agency, Dak., were much intetistd at a
reiiort that their reservation will be
thrown open to the whites without their
consent, and were reported ready to resist.
It is reported that the Burlington Com
pany is about to revive its plan of build
ing extension. Whan the strike camu on,
all civil engineers were discharged. They
have now been called back to work, und
the lino headed toward Wyoming is to be
extended .'WO miles next year. This will
bring it nearly to tho National Park. Stockslaucr has re
ported the adjustment of thu grant to tho
Cedar Rnpids A; Missouri River Railroad
Company to the Secretary of the Interior,
wherein it is shown that the company has
received 4,!Cl!.(s acres more than said com
pany is entitled to under said giant.
Another attachment for contempt has
been issued by the Philadelphia Court of
Common Pleas ugainst John W. Keely of
motor fame liecause he refused to produce
a working model of his alleged machine.
Keely appeared in court and was at once
sent to jail.
Dcrino an attempt of soven convicts in
tho penitentiary nt Nashville, Tenn., to
escape thu other night, one wf them, a sec
ond term man, was shot dead by a guard
and another wounded. None, of the men
Clearing houso returns for week ended
November 17 showed an averagu decrease of
0.5 compared with tho corresponding week
of lat year. In Now York tho ducreaso
was 14.1.
TrIe was reported active and railway
trallic'good in Loudon during thu week
ended November 17. There was a slight
fall in stocks, but thu outlook was favora
ble. Tho Paris Bourse was uietnnd firm.
At Berlin and Frankfort the money mar
ket was depressed.
The boiler nt Crawford's lumber yard,
Cincinnati, exploded tho other dav, dan
gerously scalding two drunken employes,
who were responsible for tho accident.
The steamer Maud M. Fik sunk at
Gould's landing, nenr New Orleans, re
cently. The mate was drowned.
An alarming shock of earthquake was
felt nt San Francisco on thu afternoon of
the ISth.
A panic occurred nt the Woman's Hospi
tal, Rhodes avenue, Cluca
caused by the bursting of a
No one was hurt.
;o, recently,
steam pije.
Miss Mattie Woolskv and her cousin,
Henry Love, were drowned recently near
Chattanooga, Tenn., while crossing a
stiaaui in a buggy.
Thomas J. (looni.v, defaulting ox-tress-urer
ot Itau-lin County, Kan., has been
arrested at Portland, Ore.
Very Key. Arthur J. of St
Michael's Church, New York, -icnr gen
eral of the diocese, has been raised by the
Pope to the dignity of domestic prelate in
recognition of his services to religion.
The liver coal operators, recently at
Pittsburgh, resolved to shut down all
mines nlong the Monongahela river for an
indefinite period. Seven thousand miners
were thrown out of work.
The report of a collision between the
Aurania and the Servia proved to have
bten uufouuded. t
The Umbria made an unparalleled trip
from New York to Queenstown after her
collision with the Iberia, her time being
six days, two hours and twenty-two
The Transcontinental Association con
tinued its work of revising tariffs at St.
Louis on the 19th. The utmost harmony
The three Chinamen, Ah Quong. Lo
How and Chong Lee, and the two Ameri
cans, Edward Mellinger aad William
Lund, arrested at Buffalo. N. Y.. recently
for being concerned' ia smuggling opium
from Canada, were brought before a
United States commissioaer on the 19th.
Lund and Mellinger pleaded guilty and
the Chinamen not guilty.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has made arrangements for tts supply of
steel rails for next year. It has agreed to
take 45.000 tons from the Cambria Iron
Company at Johnstown, the Pennsylvania
Steel Company near Harris burg, and the
Carnegie works at Pittsburgh. The price
to be $.55 per ton.
A freight train on the Mexican railroad
was thrown from the track at Soledad re
cently. The encineer. fireman and one
brakeman were killed.
The executive committee of the National
Electric Association met at Pittsburgh,
Pa., on the 19:h and decided to bold the
next annual convention at Chicazo oa
February 19, ISS.
It has been announced ia Minneapolis,
Milwaukee and St. Louis that the flour
mills are to shut down by December I. and
It is said that tUere is a gigantic flour trust.
the purpose of which is to force up the
price of bread..
General Gorr. Republican candidate
for Governor of West Virginia telegraphs
that his majority in McDowell County is
1 .4 and ia yomiag Couatv 12. General
OoS also telegraphs that he U elected
Mississipm (oScial) gives Cleveland
S5.47S votes; Harrison, 30,096, aadPiakS29L
Ir is aanosneed that the Vatican
authorities intend to proceed with the al
most sternness agaiaf t Bhcp Logae, of
Ireland, for presiding at the dinner givea
in celebratioa of the release of Father
McFaddea from prison aad also for per
mitting McFaddVa to bo absent from his
parish for the pbtbom of a Dolitical tosur
jot Fwclaad, 1
-ggy-)mpistjf tj
A carefully cosBpUed statesasat of the
rate coat ia the State at Um late electioa
gives the following rssuilt, by cowaties
also a comparison with th vote cat for
President in 14- The estimated total
vote of the State is P7,W0, an increase of
about 4AWU in four years:
r- , -
Uox llott
Iboce , .
Hutler . .
Hurt .
Cas . . .
Ouse. .
Chrrrv ...
CUr . .
I'olUx .
t)i e
IKulse . ..
Uuulaa ...
Hanson ....
Dumlr .
"ilt3ore . ..
Kurna ....
Franklin .
trontler. ..
(Jrrclcv ....
liamilton. .
Huvr ...
Holt . ..
JeSTon.. .
K'-arr.i'v .
lev.i I'jlia
Knox .
Lincoln.. .
'Koran... .
Iut . ..
M nii.oii
Merrick ..
NuricD . .. ,
Ni-in.ilu .
I Nuckolls. ,
j Oto
i Pawnee
j I'hvlps.
1'ierre ..
Il.'il WiIIoa
s.alin- . ...
Sarjiv . .,
Haurulers ..
Swaril . .,
Slicriilan ..
Slotiv . ..
Valley. .
Wi-usKt . ..
Unorganized or no otc In KM
At tho recent election tho Republicans
gamed niout i",f and the Democrats
nbiiut "1.0J0 oer tho vote of four ear
At Bennett the other day W. Ii. Dukes,
fourteen years old, was buried nliw while
digging in a sand bank. Ho was dead
when taken out.
Five candidates hnvo already nppeared
for the Fremont post-otllce.
A d.vnceiuu's counterfeit ten-dollar bill
was lately in en dilation nt Kearney.
It is stated that n rattlesnake den con
taining IH) reptiles has Imwii discovered ui
D.iwes County and airnngenien' have
been made for a grand snake kilfing bee.
A house hospital is the latest enterprise
nt Chndron.
The Hoard of K I'jcational Linds and
Funds mot nt Lincoln recuiitly ami ap
proved th renpprnisvnipnt of the school
lauds of Tlinyer County. Under the old
npprnist'iuiMit they wore valued at ?1 .VI to
$ jir acre, and now at z to l'J. It was
tho sense of the board that there shall be
n t eapprnisi'tnent of the school lands of
Antelope, Adams-. Colfax, Fillmore, Frank
lin, Furnas. Hull. Harlan, .leirersoti.
Plntte and York Counties, and it was so
ItETrnxs from Sheridan County gave
Harrison. 1,01)?; Cleveland. iV: Tha er,
I.eoO; McShane. 71t- Knrney County,
complete, gavo Harrison -VI.: I; Cleveland.
1.37S; Thayer. tl'J; Methane. l.!
Cherry County. Hairison. 7.V); Cleveland,
M0; Thayer. "7.: McShane. Wk Cass
Countv's vote on Governor was, Thayer,
2,il: "McShane. :t,10i
The II. & M.. has put on a daily stock
train between Nebraska City and Lincoln.
Pexsionh lately granted Nebraska vet
erans: Original invalid, Augustus F.
Schrawger, Clarks; Willmm it Sherninn,
Royal. Incrense, (Jottfrieil Stezel; Pale-
tine: Marshall I), iiadzell. loliias; Julius
H. Divi, Polnnder; fSeorgn S. Kendal,
Dewitt; William S. Motter, (enoa.
UiriiAitn Jexeway, a telegraph operator
who is wanted by tho L'nited States
authorities at Spjcer. Ore., for robbing the
mails, wns recently arrested nt Omaha.
The City Council of Norfolk has imposed
an occupation tax on the business men of
tho place, to me-t the expense of strett
Mns. D. I AnisnTitosn. win had ben
married only a few months, recently com
mitted suicide at Norfolk by shootinc her
self with n reolver. No cause for thu act
could be given.
celebrate the fiit anniversary of the for- I
, ...!.. i i ., .it .i I
raation of their lodgo by a grand ball nnd
banqnet December
The granary and warehouse of J.
I0U Of J. H.
t t V r
!l.eih.e .1?-
early hour the
. -ria-nriv-
Austin, a large hardware dea
was dedroyed by nre at an
other morning. The fire
tho act of an incendiary. Los, :!.; in
sured for !.(
It is said tbat the striking engineer of
the B, &. M.. at Lincoln, have been waiting
in vain for their last three months' stipend
from the National Brotherhood.
Candidates for Speaker of the House
are bobbing up from every part of the
York's schools have 727 scholar.
Dennis T. iVasdujto. an old and
highly respected cititen of Bertrand. rut
his throat the other morning while under
a temporary dt of insanity. He ha i tn
sick for a frw days with typhoid fever.
and when left alon for a moment, got up
from his bed, went to the next loom, took
hu razor from the clock shelf and cut bis
throat, severing the wind pipe and jugular
eetn. He d!d in a few hour.
David BCRSE.ayoung msn about thirty
years ol age. was uei wnue at wore in
the brick and til wcrks in Wt Lmrxdn j
the other day. .,.!
The gravel piU near Spnng3-!d have.
shut down for the season. j
It is suggested that the election Ui!
amended to provide for the counting of tb
ballot extry three hour.
The Legislative cotnzaitie- of the .State
Pharmaceutical Association met at Lincoln
recently to prepare axajdment to the
Stat- Pharmacy law of two years ago.
The results of the coamitUs-'s work w;Il
be presented to the Lrgislatnr' this win
ter. J. F.Hc!"CrKT. aa Osaha editor, nearly
lost his eye sight the ether day tsroaga
the carelessness of a physician, who pet
ap his own prescription. By mtstaJte he
pat ap a strong solution of carbolic acid
instead of cocalae. asd the result was a
badly bamed face and a palaf a! iajsry to
the eyes.
Tez vif e cf Charles Andersen, aa 0&at
carpenter, recestrr shaa dosed sir Bssbsirs
aast chUdrea aad ed to Bweiea.
2" i ? 2- r
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M taTs..
TorSsKA, Ksa, Nor. 13. Ta t
cosiiS annual meeting of the NatiosiaJ
Grange Patroas of Husbandry sevt ia
Repceeeatative Hall yraterday". with a
fair BuabK of dlgste present. The
forvaoost work conUt4 in the appoint
meat of committov thrw tint nlnrU-m.
i In the afUrsoon Master Jimn D:;-r. ot
! u...,.. ... .. ,i. ...! ..i
dress. Thers are Hftr-on d!-s;str -si-
tat, reprenun; tsmtr-hlito iHAt-s.
The session ill Ut thrw Osvs
I the drlrgate sivjnc HaturdAV to tb
i vcricuuursi Coiig at Maiir)t:n. There
i Mill be a nubile rrnUna tmJnnl tbe
I rtsllor to-day at to . m , tJovrrnor '
Martin artj Mayor Mtirr dclirrrtn tb i
. adurve of welcome. Th NAtlon! Con-
ilj'T, ' K'e f Karmrrs, It. K. Kollk of Mont-l-ii
, Komrry, Ala., president, sndS. F Oat ton. i
"ca j of Macivlonia, la., s:rctrv. ijrnl its
cion also, with dplfetMi prrut (rota ;
j Indiana. Ioms, rCna, KentucVy. lult
! nua, Maine. M.nj'p Mtouri ami
I ithvl IaUnd. Owing to d!apl trai&s '
1,Ihlng w donr excrpt tho tormst ijti-
I The Drincittal frsturc of tb dav in th
Irrang m tho addrrx of Acting i!trr
Janirs I)riT. In Ur-flnntni; hi dd-,
Uv paid a tribute to lh late mt-r of thn
National (Sranse. Putnam Dardrr- Ho
jKie of the tlourithitti; condition of tho
oidrr and said that during tftptt)rar
UC1 ulo; d;n ate Kran;r had tf-u or:n-ix-1
tho sreat"t Increase tinK in
North Car oil na. Pat oisxrienc-"
khownl that the organization nesnlrd
V't'in in the ujet iiiii of it .
legislative interrstft. and hr nvotutneniWsl
that some person with authority t,t act for
tho rane Ik tat !! sl Hi VAhlngtou
during sesion of C):igre. After ctiU
cisiii the action of the Piute! States
S't:at Iu rejecting the bill to enlar;;
the poser nnd dutie of the !epnitiuent
of Agriculture, he turnet bin attention
to trusts, which he denounced as Injurious
to the producer and consumer aiiWe to
an i-Jent unparalleled in the world's
histir. Tin- a the onlv
Ntitionnt orgnnif ittou ot ngricult
urnl Pitei,t' sttould taVe the tlrst
ggresstr steps in defending that in
dustry which undcrlax all other industries
jtj, j nnd ulTet'ts o mriouiv lh Nntionnl pro
is 1 peritv. lie siKiLeof th alsrining lnoian I
in iHi aiiuiieratiiin, wnicii ii.-ni as.uuie.1 t
pfojMirtion s. gigantic thst it threatene.1
the henlthfulue.s of nenrSv eerv nrtu in
f diet. tn the tariir juetin he said;
"The iSrclarntmn ot the purpose, of our
order demands nrotectiou for the went.
' restraint upon the strong. Ivpiitntile
tnr K legislation i ai loii" ef.
ond to none, in this dlreotiou
and to accomplish iti thug wemusiue
our iudiviilunl iu'.liieren and orgauijed
i power In tl-iiifiiiiliug n reduction or tlm
ilighlv protected ..Itillstrie to oorresittnid
j with tho irotection ngrit-tilturu i now r-
i-eiviriK. or else an tturease of protection
to r.riculturu hn!l b eipittnble and
just to all coiicorneil." He also poi.n of
l!l State illilveisit o fsablished bi the
(oerniut-nt for the benetit of nous of
tanners and urtUaus mid of other matters
p rtaiiiiug to the worl. of the grange.
Siefoml Hltr.
TorEKs, Kan., Nov. It, - The .NV.mnil
congress of fanners held Its cA-ond ntoii
yesterday forenoon, when i'resldent KoHi,
of Alabama, deli cjcl hi annual nddtos.
A 1'rlrinl of the Pre.
f'nliliirt Wilt lie
iilelll-Cleet , m
i oioorl ol lireiit
.Me a.
I.MI..Vm)l.ts Ind.. Nov. V Colonel
jonii .. iiriogi'lanu, ol KieniuotKl, Intl.,
one of General llntr ioii'nlde. friend. In
an interview yesterday touching Cabinet
poas.bilities, aid: "There I no doubt m J
niv mind lut that President Hrurtsou's i
.t. isss
Cabinet will 1.., compos.,1 of gleat -
who w, lb.. , full hnimonv with hi v,,.
.etiernl ilarr.ann is a man who will have
his own wav and tol, rate no content on.
It is uecessniv that thev should !- fullv in
harmony with htm. I believe that John
Kherman entertains view a that nre tn hnr
inonx with tho.e of (Ji"i-tnl IIariion, nnd
1 lelievy tliat he w ih ( a mender of th
Cabinet. Mr Frye, of Milne, would malc
a very good SevrJnrv of the Navy. H
comes from a State t hut build more ship
than nuy other State in the I mon; he I
tnuiilinr with naval affair, and as ntii"i '
I IT of tho Fihelle Couillli4loU he nc- j of fortt two Hie t
ipiired touch information that would be j UU.r)jr .t.. Sad (Ml the .14 ai eais
very vnlu ible to the AdininUtratuin " I Ut their d'atl, bx ac mIiihk i,rf !
"If he should I mi mud" n member of tha ' r l-elnf hc main lrtors IU ) t-rw,r ,
Cabinet it would also oiwn the wav for I tht the ritrmie 4 itr mnsttUoa ml Ue I
Mr. lilainoto Ucome a S-nator again)" i
w ,u..rtiHl I I" oi" i ii i .,
ltlalne will ! .it abroad.
He ha .pent some tune In Luro and hi. j
I.imiiy are well iilea-Hi with hip over
there. He would probably I very vr
pleased to go to lU'rlm or Paris a the rep-resi-ntntlve
of the Fnitd States."
"Do you bllev that IndinllA will !
repreented in the"
'Certain I v."
"Hy whom"
"An. that's another quetli. I do not
lciev that you exjioct an nurr."
Hflrll Kllle.I.
WiirEl.pto, U". Va , Nov. 16 Limited
xirri train No.." cimng wet on thai
Ililtiraor A' Ohio rad at "-.111 oVIcx'V; !
Wilnedav night, ran Into an ojwn Itch I
at Val.ev Fall, nlnety-three miiei rat of I
i here, and collide.1 vitli the mgine of an '
east-lund freight on the siding. Itoth j
ig-nes left the track and th tnall anil
i baggige cars of th pasenger train tle
tected b
but the other ran imtrm tiro-
v their veatilKile connections
and suffered no
damage. fl
I - , ' I
man of the paenzT train. I otat Clerk ,
I H:l- Kncins-r W Uliam Olntoa ut the
;, ... . ii j. !
I flight train and a brakeman naraad Coa- I
lastve -. lrllisws ma.I f aa-c. lit Vrar fsaena I
Dvrr. engineer, and
John Shay, fir--
ley were killed and two unknown tramps
were found dd in the srrk. Th
freight bad received orders lo Idatrac
and Conley, tb tsrakeman. otamed the
vrttcb, but forgot to close It aftar the
freight ran oa the siding.
rcrrzES oi's sillsd.
Par:. Nov. 1C Fifteen workman In
quarry at Segree war buriad yeaterdsy
in a landslide aad killed.
Kept Jaa.
CmCAfXn. Nov. IX A wrcT oecnrred on
th pan Handle railrvad nar KToata. lad .
Monday evening, which was accfuHy
uspresel by the otScer of the cnapany
until today. wbi ons-of tha bi lwl
was in tha wrect toM tt tory la tAi
city. Monday evralng letweTi f.T r4 '
six o'clock, a wort train was crbaii:g I
Sute road about on- asd a half tnils frn
KouU wba a dr&ra of catt atfrpted In
q,, tb- track. Os of th- i streck
L th ,agtne. which r-ae,i over It la
safetv. bet the followisg rrr cars d
aLMf eoataiatng thsrtr UUirtag no
daud, Host of tfc- rs att-rrr--J
M,h,?B . M . 4-,., ,, ,-
sutte-i ia til death of cr. aia.
a T. , v - t a ' rw SJ J'r e -
A fjsatt it Ioia!rtU.
CkjcawxNot. IS Th oosrt of laae
lEqalrv yesterday r;ad to tssa aa or-
der corsmittiaz Jtr Drrts. aa isasa 1
ecaa, to the raws aT'eai. mm lit
grwscd ;at h is a Erttis-a rabj-ct d
crdered his taraaI orrr to ttt BfiUt
CoassL but ttm latiar to take
charge cf Dargin. as.1 tie latter rnsvais
at the dateeUcs hospitaL Dsrria a a
aoesbr tf th IrUh costtablarj. frca he was removed oa accossx h-e
last si ty, aad was at U- AJBric ty ht
frsiis fer his health, arrrsisg hara titraa
weeks ago, whea he Lecaat vioIsUyia
saasv As it is taw wlU Le referred V
seen awiesraSMi tnse
. TW Cat us Tri
Cu.uit, L T Nav, 17. JUriv la Jly
two Uaiwl ;Ut muifctl kit!4 ie
tt Rd Fur UutrKt Ut litres!,
tttesttturtutt fft tlMiMfaJo, . e
Uw h hat twn t lrt, t.-rofifi3S t&
I dt-n. of VVr.atcs Ihirlnc "
n ,a' tuaeol b 4 un:r t fti
, fisdn.ri r-l Into t& crtljst futt xXlrf
, ,urk. u-ol po....Hm uf ike hk b. t
tb Council tiuUJttc 4 rr.t. nam.
" ftfl'tl M ulin. ! Upfnl to
l lbrv t In tirov TtT r, Kl.
lac fir turrubvr C U UrlstU fmr.
on of wbcun bad trs-a vita tit un
warn they r ki '-L Faitisg t ft.t
th'tu they drs? vit their firxe a.t C-e-l
tntv-MX sbots mt. th eupI t tt
tuUd r;, itt tb- Upr tirv of ahicti tfc
chaplaia a he dine rvir-e N.' Cti
were tut. i- at tb Ua to e(lun lba.
lut the nxt day lr: fars nTr jrst
in and around th ln.dng a lUrnrtt
had lhrrateno.i to Lit M tt !4rt
ll Curt, t.tu!)OD jiarlv. n awa gtr ut
of the lat Crei mil n tr, ! it a hm
"Sple-be. war." a t uo.Uile.J tl. v It j
rf n ta or of a regular cTiutunt.
ilatnett iM'smte a ofM-a and bs4 1 in hi
de"Samtloa and hi ebaracter r , 5J
known that it t cn- ti,-rv in ,f.
defen.e to raptar or dr,titt hluv A.-
rordlncl the vaptatn o( .ight fcorc n
otOv'cr noe duttr ate irull to
thie of a h"rlj .unimonod a p.e h1
tarte.1 to Harnett' bum .Nntv, .
When Ujer tber (nun. I thie uu
ateil Mtthiii butt tlUtanre ot efa .ttr.
ami Dl tliuwiiij iu utiH'h bue b
they eirale.l thrlr nira nt thr
iiuad. ten to rac-h irt . and mirhsl up.
on the SOUe. itb tbe,ti,l tllrb rnl
to the h'-use in hK'li Ustnrtt aad ti
fo'lorr had tstrrtradrd tir-ru!. a
Moie IK a brother to the ii tntU
wbo wa Wilb the m-rlisl nhni lUrr
were lllurdereL U'uwji tilt- Alt. .,n,g
pirtv were m eaV lange ltftrtt rw-t
Hied on them, Moe IT Intosti aad
nouiioiiiK i- iiiau.n, cafiiaia a: IMe Isgei
Itorve. mn w ele tirtteli ImcL ttli.l SHmII
nail to leive liartirtt n lull .iiun ut
his fortitled cam iv.
Htilllier were sent ont la breatb:e,
hate to notif tho eblef of Uwa and
juilges ttf the district a If. I arMU Hn
""" - "-".
Harnett on hi de urruuad4 btnlf
l...... .. .1. .l
i.. ..,. .... ,.. . . . ..
' .li 11111 riiini.v
lnpe-n aMt until
that he wou! I maintain huusx.f l tbn la.U
itaruett mniltate egnias again, t
thewhit to.,. nvitig ttn.t ..: uae Cm
Ctlh.ienL ii g human t tag sil nMr4
him. .Mllind.of turiv arn aitat bait ,t
IllnV lm slAtrsl Us,)ti t nluil'l) aMtiix it that wf (nt.,l M.W
he has a roll idem Ne f u)k Itic nad th 1 tlrrli uu t..
ludicntion nie tliat hewitl not bntatHrMl
without nui-b dillleutu .
till. IIK'K MW isTtrtliA--Sn
Mi'm.ih.1, . T.. N.. JT -T-dH-
beru et n Hie da on hloh le lrrlkt
dispute III the 'IlK-kn.nV' N.AttUM w n, t
hnve U.H1 settled b 11 nl' iMsarnabla sur
render or n! ttflttle ltnen tba
woitld-lx. lo.iiii'ir and the fin f (tas
ernor (niv, and seveml butidrwt aunMev
nruod tif'l bad gatheml lit him I ntnut
I TittMlliliigii. the Tali-lcnMk oitpilul. rndr
to llgllt Ileus.! v for their lndrr.
Th I'tcitelfirlit .1 llitUeaHl Mood.
he-l wa th'iiKht crrlnln. Lsl night,
however, tufoiiunt on iisr-bel ttmai that
all had been nlliienblT Titled tnl lht tbo
nruied f..ree. of lt rl und tlui had wnitil
lu n grand celebrating f the jvre(al eed
of What etlied I knlv to ! rt in 1 War
It seem that xntrdit nfterMMH (!(
ernor Ju etit n trulst miUtarr t U rl
III '1 I'lX'linngo. Mini repre4ittst to Ike
latter that th two leadvr hail lnen mmhi
i ,,1JV
triemi l-.f..n- tn, Jd.t elnetton and that
very iiiui'Ii i-t;rett"l tb i.iHt
I strain ntld he therefor" pro; ed that tb
two choiild rettgu b favor of fcf llii
second l hief. Itrrd aNt bat k wnnlthat
hewnsw.llmg to Ci'(il thu prpMMli.Mi
liioi ui is -ii'rii kinr- nil- its-i savs Hiiiuu-ni
,m.t nd decid.-l .,. Chief UV f a tiov-
r,r ,r , ll r.M1 ar, Tll. cnrfw.t
Uf, , nni, (tt
nrU s,al,t,H ,vMirM, th. j,,.,u4
anil In a tiort time it, t-i t opjwn-Hl
olutlnn of the troslMn
Ver.ll. I ..f tlir
.lor OiiinHm
Hie I
I oltl.l,t.
PlTTnt lllill. Kan.. Nov 17 The f.4l.e.
Ing i the rest of Ilia s,rosvei' )ury
wliH-hhn ben tnv e,Uj;aUtg t terrtW
dlaternt Frontenac n Lir!i aut th )o.
n,",r atnev.ii t the ,Mh. "..,-.
paMHI. Ill the le-Hrte.' tl- hirr ! hS Th-.l, all. I tv,. IK. ait S..U.I
iommi intaie4 ie l mirth aoslh -nlrr et ' ""'"'"
rm 1-f. of ,b:i N. , , , Wa.Hin.iTn. ia l Ih-,,,..1
,Dl, n.lHirb ,al a.l Ma fm-ufmrnj at , -eift rt..T Ih. f J.,,, l
FreBtroa1 Kan. by Ifte igntUmgHt fiev
the saw .jtnlti- n rsmtart llh athr ei J:i
prrjirti" III t.U fank'r th l4ef a.' -Jsri
that If the e-T;iar b4 iefit t si
ll ir.iiitletfcasSpi4 mnr kioiie ui te i
the i!4 etykxicn "m;4iMit l4- lesi a ttit.
TbrrrtMtr. we U jifT. ! (M mpJ
renerWe la the toUnxar heeeaf hl
)amr hit h'iefla ttlr bsa4 th 1
aod jer aiurr-lS
We.t tlrc'nla IIk-IHs.
WnHrtlXtl. W VA., N-iV K. Il(teSe
r-Hil lt ernng tr the Urn
State (.rtnmit lee lrid hairrnan Ce-di
hfr. hi ncnr rnd jner-a OafT
ronjritr fr (Jnor from 7t Ut 3tn Tb
rerrruut in Kayett- CVcntv jrava him an
ineraeof pi, and th auth-nt t-torn
from McDoii tuk IU-U-rd flrrn.
Ciwinr lo tlbs rs-ojunt th- Suii
ubjort to rei.o. Th lai-r ttufu j
gi McJmnis. teejbliean. tvr Cntf j
in th Thrl dtret majority Th
Democratic Stat- Omtn tt till claims
K.'rnlnc e,wti liovmut
SO. but furmh no flgnr.
by 5; or
Slaeh Ilaav4 aeaiansl
Caif"ari. Nov. !- -Krtntir tsi Wii
day. NoTrsolr J", th Chleagb, K'erh j
Island At Pactr.e railway til ran 4.f .
fata hs!-l vastthstl train, ova-t -f t
cars casting H,&f. tnr it o a Ua h-
twn Chlreco aid Cojra.l rtprlftj.
Dar aad PsUo folr tram 11
also b ran c aod aftr data bia
Chicago and OwjxiI JUaS end ChK-
aad Kansa City
rawfclac Hm Rate.
Cairawx Nrr. 16-At -stifig.f tie
HMtrji Frj:ht Aiat -trdy !
tha Chlcar" t 5oflh-atra r4rr4 i
aTI to arpod ato for rtA ej '
in J1 to tZvr rat ?s r-air
booaa prwtocu aad ll Vk la ti tia
of 1 (: tsiiffi ywii fre-a (sua Vs.
toChlcagr. Tha etca wat 4 w jh-iraa
jt will xhX b Jot tnl . wsuf fch .
x: svti: r asUr ef tk a Utt'.- r
oTe-.i It I diKyvrd Ofcat tharmvls rs . a ii fg , ,t
csttlacras, TI rrnt rls llteat -steter Urrsfi, fcrw im. iu
e paccisg bsa jrdrt, ari: S it j .f w a neJarg ir ha uA4 h
rnU ea lita ioc ! C.-1 frarti a H- im' sil M 1 1 aita km iwhl
tt frws : C?uar frgA.t l-sr - r, i ijvtr t i-Tftr
tv:b; 9i ii 'iT.jiKaio!s r uhu
Ce ctaaa tf isp-r a;iitl v&A3rt,
Sr;ti4 aar
BArtsrits. Ml Nv. II. iJg.l
tars iruis. a-rrry prs"al ia
tv rfl
Co.jr. iIUWK. ti
. ... . v .. . . ae' . -. m,
iroas v i aa- a -
Srt of CiarJ- 'Jity, fc 1
esi isrriZMrr irt
.Vs&aOia. TS-r rftra Oawji. t "f
orvsajt at
D4v9crat, lI j.4ajlty Tte 9sugfs
arfUil. P-rjnlfets. te rire
Qesapto'a j-faiity t T. Ti- Jt-s- f
as ciaiee that rrsr ia CsWswt wta w
est tats piaraLsy t-rr!y. AS say rsa
IX 4ulssi hattalsl-aa: asT eeaerad tt4ts
la Asa Arai tty srlS k-
s a sal asfare tta
nasi sSm ream ST
a l I mt Wav-.Kif.
Iattarst.ta. J1. 1. -I fc rf-r
TeWTJaT irat Mar ",,?
IVA(' tl flCTtg rw f
! 4ctb ia 1& assttri of ta
Kslcat of twatri
I Xay x9 rot"- v r.l 3
' mulr of 1Vm rlf sur ateC U
tba jis-Sj z ii- JCsickt l-f.
r&lr 3ittaa f f! tlri-4
rwg t& trAt& at a trtt de-
' T m1T t&Maa4 Kw fifdt
, at tr a twg utrMtf m !
,11V t tl-J t4 lW fK -
i tr -f lalf Wijt, Vt Uft
IMBMf et SM'tii tfWAt ! . )
, trs tat t ! 4riu); -
tie, Wl-f !i f-ol t MVifi fSy
'fctlby 4.ii4.! d- tS.fa-J -AfSPflt-1
Sit A.M. t inn th tftorii r4 mwalnx
Utfn , fnf! v&w- k-jkv -sf-
a.dsl tiT-std"! 11 lv w , i
:tJat. tfcro tir ni a t-lw.t
' tt-t auMag li C-r iitl t
dotug tblr itnty tn waiting MM I t&r
Mil 4 tvpta th- eU lfl vIiVmT,
i .tlv-tr- Uvm tW lfi tufnr ty
) Tfc BaiM if(X- v!tH trm w-l
. gata; fe aM, ,l piMvt.pkr- W
tb Kitigat vf ltsr I . ad, f
r ttrrtill-4t ti.W JsoYTtt y i.t l ?
frMu!bkd r Add ta all of taM -
tUf enitn ba b Jt
N) aba u4i- Atad
fiuk.r, r ttcst agint S !'
U,ln kti nr( , in.ii Mft
-l li it. Ifat. k u .-j4s, aiwl m
xtM hUrn-u.llri 1 (TaKM tw dif
fer tlt,tit 4-Sfl'ng t an MMwil Im S
' ru of liva d. and -ii$
, iMt tbt b- Ka ! tltis ?, l
j tbat i h jMt l&wsch N ssil
tt with tb Itt-U alMUi C
tbrtn tf lal
Mr INtilii ant t!vt iiiMtii
"ll r1" as1. b: H '-. f fJM
that p. tli. .! wjS W I ssl4.
lt at tb ti ji m Xmtu th. Sl4t
l4 t jmiwHia
U 1
UIMtmijriM,! .,
t- -
tabt M i ilwni
tew 4s
r M. eaval tS
alt up t
, f
Una ml lata 4 4m W 1
s ts4 taajt l W tt. I t-
I from U cirri U
i -
swt lb
A.aar l
ltaj WstUtsri
j is it unset ia. i, tffct .
lk.uj .a. . a. i.. ,
- .
i .. - -
ea tstt)aa 4 f't.a; 4.-
raMl. aj-t t iiMi.i tt iai .j
lMMAra4ta IkVl .w 1
refill . b.n . n. i
of U iCM ut !ahn U-t
tit) vtktril huta 1 g .
Uiskaa ? '
I ,
iSeeintat l.ifcrtaM
I ''
IlillMliH, T eraiMwtii ntASSeW .. t v ,
I t'jeari na a .! MAte'MS - -,e i
SNiI-Im 1 .tw nf . lb
def retMMt hs tw or4i
t ii.- rti -i ..MM.tM u
',.t.l..l lll.4,
UAllts.4tis ,N, '. tla. J I ISSti
I luiMUi.n and 1U. Mt lbs Jiasstt,
dan;bef mt the Hvtti -4
S marilwl ut lw uVlel U a.rtstfSts h
M. John' ltMitat Itiiixh T0 P.
; dewt ed Ur laalait He4
dHiccj..t li(wv ! M'4a aMt
i ei tl Ih 4L Im sif tho $ I
1 t!rt rov Masmblae tha Ki"at tsn
ly aal rsMat it n ...l . m4ii- i
i in the tear, hii a tiMHI mI II h
a eMtkt Ond r-tu In tU lit t
litle.1 th pallet)' xml hail- ara.
Mr I '1miiI--1iii lrsl tfc fcmjt
1 '-hwl HlMl naltast at till
III J' ara4iv , Up tHl Ut kSH S
eltt. nh., itHMsitvv tfM w VJ' tUt
etdlllK lrt t f,(. litirM." s lfk
lif ide. ImntHfuu hr fattr' al i, ats o
a patsiil a tiatwfintf di. awl wwaTMsi
a dark Unmet aae u, tl ffiit9 .
1 tnl J .a H th- M.iojrwwi tal 4
th" altar. llr lr t.,1d -,SHkat f
llei- Mr Fran 4 f rwUin. Ha.. Ks
I fMinl the )tHtHl ttttr )
IWth iMitfa ad cismih ( Uit lUi.
H,ttM IH a firm and H-liM- tajew ,
larar a t iailil as4 J.a
Chauil-eftaiis d M-tiy tlnJirmat si
nan and if".
Te iTIni i aftrt ;rn ( mfm aat
bail Un lr m,.1m1 M. MM, K
itikei J.afltiM ha .ne diai l(- I (
liin pUtMali. and a t4iexil Iu
th nU-tj ii'.!it.rti t Udaifion
U.t s.lntrr. ! h nr.l rnt Ml, tlaull
Orahain. harcd l Jtpr.,itU ?lo-
or ut Jliiwtfi, Ui hH'lxeali4 fpi
t,.rolr J a trf Ih- fwnr
honv. that Ofham efwirw
srtarjr hr that t ie
elJ !trnr vi txsrd (,r h'M, It
r tliwfc.f s J tofnl a ,fr,t j4m.
ter iw t atU-l t rirrx th tsttr
tMwi arid ti Tral 4fi -rr,f.Mi
ith .e- ! in b,et Vr ptu,, 0OT
'tbm af b dfcl nt t-ak tv
hna and th r;f f hWb h had -iMI
f h"t-l lr I.INI Kii: Ufw im
dl f wa oeMI fcf UdTlq tla
Th- raa a ,ltttt ilset ,,(n.
mit. th ?ft ItMtrmrUat th rr Ut
if thy h4tri ifhan -ntllll i
i th- lrHtlr h-hi.l
AtUr dhlUjf tbtry a nisai . d
evW nat sx', -i II dthar44.
rUnt N,v et -Tha Atfti. Mj.
UJr, In a ;h Ufor th i,Um(
t UUfr bV5 voatarday,, ! tfcat 4
h ia Ifc tBil1tMi tt .
lirmt Jtrlla.a eK ir4Uat ta vt aa! alfartva raivr ), whvth la
lew s-t-.t Hi tf af i,w-i.
lft kT ha tln.t. w. t,, mtlmi.
I-aJ4i th t I a - tri tk iti
isfJ-esn In 'if eat Km a;j6rs.
calr asas?t. t-t tiv. hV-ivdu. r I,.m
or-Ut -cVd ?! , AseW 4 tv
via. as4 tK-jt-l r aity ,
Jt tititMiu,
Motives, Ms, K-tlbs T.
Jrf. aa Kx'ai.B ,rtrr jmrt sAJ,
pwi-r by trvt- t-t for ya rawej
.. e-evi- 4a ilttr 't" .
". . mt. am -, -i
UrsBtj tii. hf1ff i itM
i Krat, tt Ut faja a y 4 t
'sJr As "rtnXrj mrrlJ Allr,
d tx4 u -a fc, tlHj. .!
la V ia-w Tas-i,, XVi, , f9.
- r--t. s-vrT9 j.j j, jj
t - Ura ht t-aJ
a 4.
a4 t- tarcM.
p,-rr vtt. pa., &rr UeW7a .!,
"7 '- T. a-4sy
arsif "m VJK. - W-.wJS ., m ..
-- --- . a-rj )u.i; sr.
yIsy .! -i ,
- - - wut , 4svv
f r scA.-.
-l--i 3rf i
Sftar: ta attsvil.
atvy..t 1 lU, k
-" - - trwy , i, tvMel
y U Mu f apyjtvy,
- lWt sv 4al
Sst fsr hi fcnt as VS
aawwa wsm ta L aj 44
j .
a "