r-' "- 4J& at" . -3VS toJfrU . w- : I !-. 1 f i a t WE S014 fte awt lor MMfcatfea, hat m aarrf. f UU the Mrt of tkewrter. Wrtta taaltr m iMA Me ef ue srtlealartveaieral la vtrlac sames and c!ates to have ike letters sad flcsre plain and alfUaet. THOSE STAIRS. Ia polnsr np to bed latB';-5t, I riant! wjtU Jm care. Aed wbea I thought I'd lon Ue CigRt There sTill wjs ose orc stair. Tir laf. the lisau on:, an -. Mriiit grferoctly 1 .tubl". nyr tof- Awl as I linrerd. rabbin? bsrd. There oik- a soaltul afri. Uplifted from tii iosc bie-yard. SsJa I: -I kr.or the i oicc Trs Torn esclaocd halls t tvc ni haste ana let tae poor tat is." On my way to aim it the cat At the dark kitchen toor. Ith'niifht, when I h4 rrarhf-d tS alt That tarre was one talr raorr : My pfore thj dull Kr did block My nerroas stem got snoclt I opened to the dofal crier. And climbing bac: to bed Would you believe strotc to set hijaer Waea I bad reacted the head. Iadeed, upon the tor-3J0st tair I stood with ose foot In the air. Thn I botnouicnt me: "Mr. n. Won't hue the cat a nights:" Anfi I dt!c-nJrd pe Illy To fc-t things bac!i to rights: And "Now Tin safr"" I .vvsttr thought. This step's the !" and it was not i,ttridf all, in Tun'. JIISTAH EZRA JACKSON. How Ho Deluded tho Colored J2rct'-ron of Beach, Ridge. Uncle Mose. Hosier put the jne of sor frijuci molasses and the hickory splint bas ket, with its parcel containing aide meat, brown sugar and coff. into the wasron. then aut down uudcr the awnirur to "argify politics with two or throe udder colored jremmens and a jto' white man.' while his wife. Aunt Bettie. finished her trading in the store. "Kain't you let rae hah dis lawn no loss 'n five cints 'Peer like it' pow'ful hl?!u arid I ain't sho it will wash un how.' she aftL. chewing one corner of it to try the color. 'Couldn't think or -clling it form cent les. It's the most stvlish pice we hare in f ho store, anil you'll never have such an other chase to get a bargain. If you were not such a good customer I wouldn'nt think of letting you have it for !c-. than seven cent. Why, it cot us mx 1" said the clerk, Klibly. Tho gsy.flowcn.il fabric did its own silent pleadinir In Aunt Itcttie'. heart, and after Kotnc hesitation, to keep tho clerk from thinkisg she was too anxious, he ordered ten yards cut off. Then followed a long wrangle over the price of a hat. a coarse white straw, made gorgeoua with rel and ypllow nii and green ribbon. I'atient ItT.sistcnee on her part conquered that tim and the pcrftpiriug and disgusted clerk came down from one dollar and a h ilf to one twenty-Arc. Counting out the atnoun' in dimes and nickels. Aunt Mettle notiAul Uncic Mics that ho was ready. hr fat fac: shining with grease. jjrspiration and liuppiiieaH, the coinbincii results of the bpt Julv day and her good bargains. With much puffing and blowinz Aut.t ISottic climlx-J into U13 wagon, while Uncle Mows carefully held her pakugcs, then clambered in beside her, seating himself on the remaining vacant home made chair. He Cook the reins, and had just given a pre paratory "Git up dar, bovs; timswo'a trab Ijlin'," when a dapjr little darky, dressed In a rat her seedy broadcloth suit, n gorireous necktie, and atovc-pipc hat, came walking up quite briskly, carrying a valise and flourishing a alcnder walkin-cane. hisshoej evidently fresh from tho blacking-brush. Good-evening, aah. Scuse me, but is you MisLih Mmca Bosley!" 'Hat's me fo a f c' ; hut what raout yo" business be!" said Uncle Moses, a trifle js liiciously, somewhat divithsl in his opinion ulo hethor tho strancer was a gamble, or preacher. "I has a lettah of intenluctinn heah from de Guitonor ob do State my fr'en' Dick I alius calls him to his face. I tolc him I was camin down heah, and axed him fur to tell me obsome good, pious, hones' man wht I could trua' to tell de squar' troof out en out cbery time, and hcnaid Mistah Moses Hosley was de man. fur dough he didn't know you liuasunally, he had often hcarn obyou for a (good man an' a gcmblcman. so he writ dis ettah, which I hopes you will do me do tionuhob rcadin'. ah." Uncle Moses took tho letter and eyed it curiously leforo ho opened it. The truth tf ho couM not read at all, so he Jiually refolded the sheet of taper, put it back in the envelope, and thrust it into his jiocket. The fcun'a kinder blinded me ter-day. and I nckon I'll wait till I jits home ter read it," tic said, by way of explanation. "To be sho, nah. the sun do affec' some leop1e dat away; but cf you'll pom it me, I'll road it fo' you." Ko ttie letter was brought forth again, and was read with such wonderful eaM by the ' stranger that Uncle Moses and Aunt Bettic wcro rather awed by his sucnoreducation. The letter was profuse with tho praises of Mr. Kzra Jackson and assured Mr. Bos ley that "any retention showed to him would be a great pussunal fcror to yo' fr'en', Richard Ozlcsby." Mr. Jackson then handed the letter back with such an air of modest seir-conscious- ness and grace as completely captivated Aunt Keltic. "Mout I ask what I kin do for rout" said IJuclc Moses, politely, much Muttered by the familiar and condesceuJin? tons of the Governor's letter, and anxious to extend any courtesies possiblo to the bearer of it. Cortingly. sati. 'ccrtingly. I wantA to go out to Beech Rido with you di3 afternoon, tho'in mo' than willin' of co'se. sah, to pay you lib'ral fnryo' trouble." "Tha' ain't no sprinjrs on de wagon, and siuf.la but a bundlo of oats to sot on. but ef you'a a mind to put up wif soch rough rid in', you'a mo dan welcome to go without no w.v.' raid Moses, cordially. Mr. Jackson d-rlared that ender no cir cumstances would he budge a step without (paying for it. MTell, dea, if you is don 'tarmined to nay, a'poae we nake it a quarter," said Un cle Mosea. reluctantly. "I couldn't think of iraposin' on you that way. Ifa waff flfty c-nts. and" I isn't a-goiag to pay bo less. You see. the cuber aaeat pays rae two hundred dollaha a month, and I is ab'e to pay well fo' all 1 gita." Mr. tfackaoa said, asuaiflorntly. Uncle Moan and Aunt B?ttie were deeply laspreaaed with the majmifleence of the atraarer. It fairly took their breath to think of two hundred dollars a month, and ihey were aitent for a moment while the wagoa atarted oa its way through the hot ad dusty street. Auat Battle thought of her daugtter Alvira. for whoa ahe had bought the dreaa aa4 hat, aad who was the apple of her eye. adawUdaaabitioa took possession or her aaetherly heart. 8he wondered if Mr. Jacksaa was atarried. hut was too wary to akthetiaestioB openly. "Isyywif coae wif yea to Cairo, or is yon done lef her at wdsaer Mr. Jackssa laughed lightly. UI hasat ever foaad any t de fair see dat'a oa aagled aiy coafectioas yet. Xowef I had waowed yea hrf e' yea was Mb Bosley. tha's mm muiv wsatsMat a-aaBTad." tea Uy; aad Auat Bettie caaie as re aer caaiplexioa weald aersmiL 1 Uarte Meaea wan flattered hr tahi it to Ma wife's charms. Hk, twa is jest a-Jekin' aow. Mr. Tea aew yea daaaat saeaa it, H IHMatHsMr. ifortfctf as. ssWsaaaa sssssaaa asssa ass ssssace)B', i rnstt Saaratiea tor taMias4saUa4rirrr, whkl had oesMiato -view aaseoaaa they cresisil the leree. aad upon whoso basks tbs road strctchod eat for asiles. Cottoa-wood, catalaa aad pscaa-trees, vmetlmea earered with wild rrape-riaes. aial sometlaies adorned with scarl;t triimpet-flowers, grew by tho way-side, and 1st-) berries. Waclc and sweetaad Icdoss. drocied from their thorny rlacj almaat be jeatb the wheeb of the warou- Mr. Jackons praies were voluble, bit Uncle Moi assured h!a that the thlaz wcrea nothina oomparetl with the giaat hickory and beech trees upon his haae steaJ. "You dsn't say so. Mistah Bosley! I .vlsn'i ef it wou'da't bea-intrujin too much, that you "J taie me fo" a bj'dah ! You te. 1 pects to b in dese pirti a wecl; c two auyhsw, as my busisc ia ixapohtan aad can't be burriei. I is a pension agent. a-workin' up de claims ob po culled men who vra ia de wah, aai has nebber ben paid yet fo' suff'rin' and dyin fa' dey t)ua try. Ef my rasnibry is corre, Gutenor Oglesby tole me you isdisquailfiisi fo a jn sion. Bnsdlerlios!eyj"saiJ Mr. Jackson in quiringly. Uucle Moses hesitated for a moment, out the lore of money was deep in his juL "V.'elL I kaiu't zctly say as I wounded, but 'pears lik my rheutsatis wouldn't V been so baJ fo the lflrey r ef I badu't a-4lrlv that rnshun wagon in de army." he a!d. the desire for a pSns on stronger than his concience. "ilowlongyou done dr-v that team. Mis; h Bo!ey! 'said Mr. Jackson, with an ofntial air. Bekcerful, now! Remember you Ls jest the same as on yo oaf, and I wants de whole troof an 1 nuftin bat d- troof, 'ca I is one ob de gubrnment officers, and has loos ray oaf to do my duty." Uncle Mose was a littla frightened at this vj'cuin assertion, and aiswered. truth fully: "WV11. you see. I wan't really nejr a soldier at al'. but I was j-st hired to drive .1 lvajon from Villa Kidie to Cairo, when CoL Wallace uasderewjth histhree-month m -n; but it war a axvful rainy day, and I tuk cold that vttle.1 ia all my bone, and I det nearly coughed my inard out " "Ob co'se. dea de g:ibermnt owe you a pension, Mistah Bosly. and 1 is glad I is heah to see dat you gits .t. But IWo' we go, any furder with di business, let me com straight tr le p'int, and ax you ef you won't b'ad mi. I is able to pay well, anil sinci r-ie got "iunintsl with you and Mis Bosley, 'ears like 1 couldn't feel sitiile.l biardm nowhars. e!st-." Uncle Moses lookel at lus wife, and waited until she travo a little afllnuatire nod before he answered : "Ve det fo' folks Mr. Jackson, and has po' livin', but ef you kin put up with our grub, we'll take you." "1 is ever much o bleeped to vou, I'm .sho. Mr. Hosier, hutdereis onething I done forgot to ax about. Does you hold fambly wi:shup reglar, and dos you s.ir grace at de tabic? 'Cast I couldn't bj satisfied letw'n you did." Mo.es assured him that those religious services were never otn.tted, and inwardly set Mr. Jackson still higher in his estfiua tiou. "I b'leeves in l;in' strict in business mat ters so what mout y' c'larges be, Mr. Bosley 1" was the next inquiry. Tne two old people considered together in an undertone for a moment, both deciding that since tho ugent v,is sj wealthy, they might as well chirge u large pri". "We thinks abiut for dolli'.is a week would kivr expeisfs," said .Moses. Again Mr. Jackson's generous spirit re volted against the .mulliie-H of the amount. "I couldn't allow you to rob yo'-elve.s dat myself. 1 only axed j u fo' fear it mout be mo' dan two dollahs a day," he said. Visions of more'livecent lawns and a new hat for her-elf began to dance in Aunt Beltie's brain as she listened, and Uncle Moses thought of "dem shoats he done been wantin' to buy for aeon a long time from Brudder Jake Bowlegs," and whoso posses .ion now seemed almost a certainty with both pension and board money. Then Mr. Jackson entered into elaborate explanations of his plans of procedure in the ension-work.:ir.d engaged Uncle Mojes, at a sa'ary of two dollars a day, to go around the neighborhood and introduce him. dis playing at the same time a voluminous array of documents bearing so many red seals and gilt Mg!es on their surfaces that Uncle Moses was dce;ly impressed with Mr. Jackson's importance. Meantime Aunt Bettie was fussing ami worrying inward! v: she was so afraid Alviry would not le "fixed up" when they gut home, and cudgeling hor brain for a plan to aroid having her daughter npear at a disadvantage before this fascinating stranger. Koaho muttered a few words in her husband's ear, and a.-eordinuly when they reached their corn field, through which there was a short cut home, sh; declared she was too tired to ri le another minute longer, and climbed out of the wagon, de clining the compiny of the gallant pension agent as politely as it was offered. Aunt Bettie came as near running then as her superabundance of tish would allow, and reached the cabin very warm and al most breathless. "Alriry! you Alviry! whar is you I" she called, excite Uy, the moment she got in hearing distance of the house. "Halloa, mammy! hen I is." said a lank, lean girl of about .seventeen years, with big bare fest and straight binv legs that were but sparsely covered with her scanty blue cotton dress. "Land sakes. mammy ! what's the matter! You look all beat out and Where's pappy ! Hid them horses run away and kilt you both!" the girl said excitedly 'No, no. ltun, chile, run. and put on yo" white dress and yo shoes and stockings! Dar a gran' rich man comin' home with yo pappy in the wagon. What Am you been doin' to yo'self to look so onery i" 'Don't look no wuss than usual, I reck on," said the girl, sullenly. "1'a been a-dig-Kin' taters. as pappy to)d me: and you know you'd a scolded me if I'd a-ilxed up to go into tho tater patch." "Well, never mtn. honey, dest run and dress as quick as crer you can. There comos the wagon up the lane now," said the mother, in honeyed accents, anxious to hare Alviry good-humored upon Mr. Jackson's arrival. The young lady walked away slowly, crl. dently much more anxious about the ap pearance of the grand gentleman than her owu: and it was only by dint of threats and persuasions that her mother finally hustled her up the Udder into the loft used as her bedroom before Mr. Jackson's elegant figure appeared at the doorway, and his fluent tongue was expressing hopes that Sister Bosley was not fatigued after her long walk through the "cawn field." Being a devout church-member could not prevent Mrs. Bosley from occasionally doiajr a ;:ttle mild lying, so she said : "No. indeed; she always referred comin' through the cawn field, it was so much more coolin aad resUn'," the perspiration pouring in streams down her face as she talked. Then she went to the well, drew a bucket of cool water, aad carried a gourd full to hor guest, who was comfortably seated ia the ealy rocking-chair oa the parch. All at once, with we', feigned aaziety. she began won deriac where her dauchter could be. AlriiT. Al-ri-ree! I spects the chile is asleep In her bedroom," she said, goistr to the foot of the Udder aad calling affala, whercapon a pair of legs in bright red stock lags appeared oa the flrst round, aad Alriry haoaed slewlr dewa the Udder, aaxieasly raerdiac her stilly starched white dress from daager of beis rampied. Mrs. Bealey looked at her aaareilagly ruTsTthayeLtowrihboaafeuad hsraacfta ore ceqaaltiea tie and astrkaraf lew caiek featsssrs ewt at her hair. Thamaa isrtrasmemea feUewed. hi which AlTkyfssH Ysjrybeeafal ami awkward. h aadssef bar mte liiiaj listhsa, ami Mr. 7 . ,, u . "-..-. ""- "' a.sure' her were awaiting heras his wife, twodolluhs a dav for bo id, and I .s not ...,..,., .. , ,., gr.in to be dishones' enough to pay ;ou Aunt Bettie fairly overllavvJ with pri.h ..!,. f.,- .,.,1! ,,.. .. .......1, ,....i v ..I. i.' and gratillcation as the pns.-cttve mother k m nlin.it Vlt. . l"v.s.av. tArf.e nllAlf.ii tftM 1 nrut KAMttfttf , ,.... a.llia nt.l' ,,. - ad fiatteriaz words, Alriry felt as la- Haataaeo-js aatlpatbr for fciai, expreasiag her dislike La lausuare oaor forcible than elegant to her mother In a private iaicrview afterward. "You nebbcrdid hab ao sense, Alriry Bos ley! You doesn't know a gecamea when yoa se?s him," her mother said, in Jig nastly "I specU yo' head a.ra -y full ob datensry nigger. Ciem Shores, dat ywrs Is plumb blia and df to ebery body else- I kin tell yau ngbi caw. dough. 1,-aL dat cf dat are cooa comiis plaria' d? baaj and smgia' arouaJ h;re ob cbaln likj a vqamchwl whiL; Mr. Jackoa is here, I'll get yj' pappy to run bin off. bo aa tay name is Bettis Boscy." -Idcn't kecrif you is doa- toojj up wif dis tine darky; be dust puts me in de mia' ob a o,e slippery b.ack-saalie," Alvry re lorfsi, spintedlr. ec here. noV gaU I Isn't gwiuo to take noneob yo sass. j-htl!y after do fine dreisaadhatl done buyol you tolay. I ain't so shj' I'll le: jou hab dcrn nohow, thout'a you b-have ye'self like a lady, aad Stta to wear dem." Thb dreadful threat had the desired effect, for Alviry's whoLs s-ul ta.1 roToUed in an ecstacy of p-iJe and delight as she gazad on that Aow red lawn, or look J ia the Vu br twelve mirror, where she saw rcflecteJ Uer own head with iu little wisps of wool braided up on white twins strings, aad sur motzztd by the gorgeous bat bedecked with ruses. Ia her wildest dreams she had esrer as pired to su-h linery, aid the bare thought of giving it up ent an incisiTe tang through her heart, so she made no more critical or disparaging remarks about Mr Jackon. Auat Bettic held a consultation with her h sband out at the corn-crib a little later. "I doa'tkaow what done got in dat fool gal's head dat she's so sot agin sH:h a An. 'I:giou gemmen as Mr. Jackon," she .iid anxiously. "(Jne ting certain I ha made u;t my mia she's got to marry him ef he wants her, so you kin Jest lot dat Clem Shores know dat his room am better dan hi company ne.t time he comes aroin'. An", ole mn. we's got to hab a pullet j supper, and sjtne ob dem roas'en-y ears, and you'll hab to git dem. 'case Alviry kaia't,'thout'n spil!n' her clo'es." Accordingly Uncle Moses meekly obeyed orders, not forgetting to send poor Clem Snores off "wif a 11 a in his year" that uight, as Aunt Bettie baJ instructed him. A week, two wrel:. Trent swift! v by, and the pension b.isiness flourishefk Mr. Jack son'.s glib tongue convincing n.arlv crery colored mau he ait th-tt he was emitted to u big j:isIoii. no effort on their part being re quired t'x ' 'ptitig to pay him for getting tt.e neorssary pajwrs made out and seat to Wash' iugtou. In this way quite an amount of money, varying in sums frra two to ten dol Iiirs. toun 1 its way into M r. Jakson"s pockets, even Uncle Moses contributing two doll rn Mr. Jackson, assured him however, that this would not have been necessary, us he ould have ulloweJ it to go on his board bill, had he not forgotten to draw any money from the bank while in Cairo. Meanwhi'e ho iaid court to Alriry in th most lover-like fashion, and though lh girl cordially hated him in her heart, fear f losing her linery. an 1 drea I of tho un merciful ciw'nding she wa sure to get from hr mammy if s'ie betrayed thisfc'l iru, made her at Icastpasalve in her altitude to; rd her suitor. U len. therefore, he asked her to marry him ,ne evening, sue dared not refuse, though she crioJ all nislit afterward, think ing of i.'leni Shores whom she could not forget, in spite of tho riches Mr. Jackson in-law of the wealthy iiision agent, anil preparations were at once begun for the wedding. The lawn dress was fitted and made, invi tations were v.ut out all orer tho neighbor hood chickens were krllel. aad a big ot nie" made; a sheep was barb-;cu-d. and a oung pig roasted, and its mouth decorated A'ith a big red apple. The siap-kuttle was 'leaned out, and filled with roastlng-ear?, to lie boiled for the occasion, and mashed mta. oes complcteii the nure substintial part of '.tie feast. Then there were apple-pies and 'watermillions." the crowning delicacy b Trig a big "sweet-cako," u h as "ol mis' Used to lnv.1 m ulo down Sjuf when sho giv' a grau' party." A long table, improvised of boards placed upon empt b irrels, was stretched out in the yard and on this the sumptuous repast was laid. When alt was in readiness the guests assembled under the big bjech tree by th door, and the interesting iir stood on the Mrch in full view of the crowil, ready to bo m.sle one. Alviry's eyes were red from crying, but she gave no other sign of discontent, while Mr. Jackson was that contradictory thing, a sunbeam in black. I lev. Kicks Brailcy was to perform the marriage ceremony, but Just as he stepped up in front of the waiting couple a gentle man rode up to the gaU, and dismounting, walked rapidly toward1 tho porch. Mr. Jackon glanced at him, gave a gasp of ter ror, and, with his face suddenly jrrown ashy in hu. "staid not ujion the or ier of bis going." but snatching up his hat, tied through the cibin out inn the corn field, where he was lost sight of in a moment. "Halloa! what's thit rascally darky doing away out hrer inquired tha gentleman, dimly comprehending the situation. Mutual explanations followed, in which it came to light that the gentleman was from Chicago, t hit hchal come to Beech Kidze to buy several iirr-Joads of watermelons, and that Mr. Jackson, the pension agent, was a fraud, a sneak-thief, and a gambler, who bail ecan-J from j.til there a month or two before, ami that ho had a wife and two or three child ren. Aunt Bettic put her apron to hjr ores unJ began to cry. "De giml-for-nuftla noun! Here I's boen persecutin my jio chile on his account, an" now he's done lit out and ler her. 'Side, there's all dem fine pullets killed that would 'a b-:i layln in de fall, and de aigs done et up dat I was 'tendin to buy aprons wif bjfo' dat black rascal come. And whar's dat penshum-moaey. I'd like ter know, and de two dollars de ! man loaned him. and de boVd-money we was gwino to gitt" Hen? Aunt Bettie sobbe-l hysterically thensu Idealy burst out again: And here's de wedding garments mad?, and de parson here, aud de supp-ram read , but whar am de bridegr oo ! We 11 hare to sea out inter de highway, an de br-way. to fin' hlm.de good for-nuffin black nigger!" she walled, haring a raruc notion that she was quoting Scripture, "As to that thar's no trouble 'bout a bride groom. Mis' Boley. here, and I's wlllln if Alviry la." said Clem Hhores, stepping ap beside bis dusky sweetheart. Alviry grinned and hung her head: but It was not hard to tell that the exchange was delightful, eren if she had not said: "I's mo'a willin", Clem. I aebber could help a 'spisla dat ole black snake, ehea if mammy did make me git ready to marry him." Clem had always been a favorite of Aant Settle's before the wily p-nsioa ageat filled her brain with worldly ambition; so this arrangement was quite satisfactory, aad she wiped her eyes, congratulating herself that "dat snake In de grass hada't toted off Alviry's new hat aor nappy's atlrer watch or spectacles." Some one volunteered to go to Cake far a marriage license, aad as a train was dee ia a few miaatea, aad aaotber see weald re turn a short while afterward, hat liuie de lay weald ha accessary. So the saaacr was pat where it weald keep warm, aad Uacle Meses west eat to bis malea patch aad drove a coed hartals withtaeCthicac mesoa leak-, arala Cftma aad Alriry east adssiriarr gtsecas at smch etrer. hmi tfsemiiiiajir rmmnmt with the Miatonrala ea m tMkssi tasks aS IstAswtiralsi m aho taJfeiSL mA ssnsa swsss iJBsssrvass sm sssv sasssv ansa as, aaaas assarrs asanat ea new ssBeeejsmv TsTsaa ssssTsast Casaa asntS AaiBas sas Tsssa. that was rery flaUerlat to Aast Bettie' ccokia; the weet-c.'tcT was dily cut, and naaay of tho young folks carriaU hoae pieces to dream oa. while tho oil b-b U'lgiaesl aisd joiei ea.h ot&er oTcr the eay aiansr in which thy had been da;ci by thetljeatilr Jaii.aa Whea that grntlesiaa was Jm come up wif." shortly afterward, aad brought lot to Cairo ft-r tri!, rec-r;riar a sateew ef three years la tlw peaitentrary. thorc macn good-natared chaSag aatoag the Beech Itvlre m a whea-rer a p'nuoa ngEt wa aatoncl. but the only ones who really enjoy-J it al were CVro aii Alriry '.;ru J. Hi', -htn.i, it lUktyfr' t sor. CHINEsF ECONOMY. l.Sntf Klin Tin Ik. llmfid T. In- lie m -- - .,.. , . g ....-., f M..n.ui il...l..tMu-. The Chinese are pre-eminen'ly eco- "r"!-:3W cat Jo a .hop and tcid . naUd Tar ltvm MU tu 30 d nonucii. whether it bo is limiting the U' w-' "'J!a,-' dru- Hi-redil. A. ho ajj th rs-art-. of life r u 1 hd number of wants, in" preventing j 'Vcr he 'T,',i n"'1-.v "" VUmt sl xito orr j.t rt-, Tho vory waste, or ia :idjt:.tin forces in j I,urvlia'-'. tl -hopSe-jH-r refund to , mulo- uf- klca we at is tasraJ. U such a manner as :o nitk a hujc ' let him have any thlag wiihot pay- J lh Wp,ui, f hkUlmrr ropre-cnl a great deal. The unl- 13':it- II thoro.Vre Kvne very vt- . a uA f 2. i4d. ro htrwd t rersHl diet consists of He. b.-at-. mil K"nU ,on whlch ih0 -""iiwr l j the rate of td. a dr. aad jl frwaa Utl. let, surJen vegetable and fish, with a to npaJn f Oh'aag-haa. , miim .j,,, mi,ttv,r. tf ho W Jorts. little ment on high fetirals. Whole- wh, "al for hlm wyrtwaadtMl him j Alo. wtU ta a o-.l l Th-r-mo fowl ia abundance mar be au-' aad ll,4pn K'; htm v -Noit dav lht t r teU tar- J. pbmUM h.r plied at less than a ixnnv a dar for ' -.vi'T ctm ngata to ., that tha ; U-x-P for the ar-t !lw sUjfs. rd a each adult, and even hi famine "time thousands of p?r-ons have boon Wtpt alive for months on alout a halfjxroay a dar ea h. This impl:- tho cxistumv of a high dojirci of c-jliiiarr -.kill in the rhirie.-o. Their inuJcsuf preparing fiod are thorough and varioit-. Then if no waste; every tiling i-. made to do a. much duty a poosib'c hat i- left i- tho veriest trill' 'Hi pin -teal cn ditlon of tho h:ii,. dog or cat. who has to live on th l.jirinjj f th family, show- thi-.; they ar- clcsirly kept on .starvation allow ain-e-. Th: Chin. are not xtrernelv fastidious : .....i .,. 1. it : .1 t .1 . in regard to food; all is tish that onni" to th"ir not, and most thin;;, come J there sooner or later l th.. ..Mt, tho horse, tho mule. th. donk aro in universal us, and in some district, tho camel also does duty. It must be m .,e,t,,j,il t)t,t tho prariiou i to out all of tl. ?!,., 1 , ., . , .. ;i!ii;;iai.s as .s;un asinoy expire, wuewier fi, etlf,. ,kf i1i if 1 u ii:il,. tktfl in.,. ...V w.. .X '. ....... .- ... . ... ...... " ..W, r dt-soRsc. ihi- t-s uon as a mat:r i ,f iMirsu lmi1 til, ftte? th.r fbi. -inM-vi ' has died of an otudetnic mtiladv does iifit t,tf.r Stw ,,l t ivfi t . i1.,.V I ri'i Irtf, I .- t ' t tin disturbance) of tho human orjraril- t zatioii. duo to itlng" disea.sd me.it. are well recognized atnoni; the people: but it is coiistdoivd better to cat the moat, the cheapness of which is cer tain, and run tho risk of tho cutisc quences, which are not quite certain, than to buy dear m-at oven with tho titsitrnnco of no evil results. Indeed tho meat of animals which have died of ordinary ailrmnts is r.it'sor diari i 1, flii. i.f tl,i.. ,,-!, i,.Y ti ,--,. ,11. tit t,t ..... . au 'piiIomic suca a pl'.iro-pniu:nonia. , '. . , , , , , A ii ,1 liie ,kV?iTTii!. ttl e:irifiil eiii.ii., ' ..'. . .- ... titi"; economy is tho construction of tin CtHjkinv; puts and builers. th bottom, of which aro h-j thin :is pos.siblo that th contents may b il all th s uer. for fuel Is carv and dear, and con.sista jnially of nuthin but tho st-n:ks and rvt- of the crops. ahich mike n rapid blaz anil disaptiear. The busi ness of e-atheriiij; fuel in cottimittl t(i children, for ou who can do itolhin1 else can at least pik up straws anl leaves and woods. In .ititomn and wint r a vast army of fuol gatherers spread over tho land. Hoys as cend tro s and beat them with clubs to shako o'T the loaves; tho very straws get no tim- to show which way thu wind blow- bofotvthoy ananiiexel by some enterprising" collector. Simi larly professional m mure o illootor swar:n ovrall tlioro uNof the country, t'hinco womri carry this minut-M-con-omy into their dress; nothing como amiss to thorn: if it is nr.t used in on pine it is in another whro it appeara a thin-; f beauty. Foreign rc.,iint who jive their oast-olf clothes away to ! wheal was p!nnntly struck b tho Chinese may be assured that the career j jxdito attention of tho landlord of a of usefulness of the." garments is at ' small public hoii- clos. by. win h.'id last about to commence. Chines whI- j placed a chair and bibb at m disposal b-irrow. (quia!t fr tho waut of a lew , for a temporary pulpit, I ntnarkl drops of oil; but ti people ir'io have no on it to one of my hearer. "Why. nerves ihi stjn'ak l chiapr than th ' you -xo." -.iid he. 'h re.kor on oil. Similarly, dirt is cheaper than hot sum of Vm dnpjlng in for a gbt water, and so. ius a rulo. the peopled) , wh!! you'i. done." A ts;ir.it vas not wash; tho motto "Cheaper than trying tomak a religiou- smus of his dirt."' whi'h thi soap-rioaler puts in 1 tb.:k. and a-skd a wurLing man what hLs window, could not be mndo inl- religion h was. "Why. ynt may put ligiblo to the Chinese. To them! rue down as th religion of a wheel tho avenu'o foreigner. aro mr barrow; I go whichever way they soap-wasters. -se.ir,lv any h- got ready maJe; It is tMll can , so inuci. choiper to buy the part and put them together for yourself, and as almost every body tike this view ready-mad tool are not to bj got. Two room aro dimly lightd with a single Jamji ' deftly plactl in n hole in tho dividing ' wall. Chine---, in fact. setn V 1 cssjHiblo of Ioiug almost any thing by moans of almost nothing. Thoy will giveyirt an iron foundry on a minute souleof comi!oteii..s in a back yard. and will make in nn hour a cxiking ; range, of stnng and prfct draff, out of a pile of mud bricks, la-sting indefln- itoly. openttui;: pirff-cth. ani costing! nothing. Tho old woman who in her J lat moments hobbled a nrr as pos sible to tho family graveyard In order to die so a to avoid the expns3of coffin b;arcr for so long n ilbtanc. wa a characUiristic Chinese. -VorfA Chinn Herald. s o A New Oisinfectsnt. A new and powerful disinfectant has lately been dlacovered br a Parisian chemist, and if what he claims for It be true, it will b adoptsi for every conceiraoie purpose tor wnicn aiauv fectanU are generally used. The ba-is , of the preparatioQ has been obtained from coat oil anu is a orua iiquiu 01 not very duasgreeable odor. It L the result of a peculiar aapoaiflcatloa of the oil by a chemical process with a mixture of caustic soda. The value of the dbinfoctant was accidentally dis covered by the author, who, desiring to save a pet tree around which a lot of fuajra aad taoas had grown, sprin kled some of the mixture around the roots. Br repeated use the xcteseaw was shortly afterward soticed to ?-rslefisDmthetreaadfaUtoTJ-tcroBL Horse were also spoafed with a weak aoltitWra of tke mixtare aad it was sMCkssd tha lisM which (eaerally -sertsseulaaisrrv'tasawislebirtk. .V. r. Jesi It ias swawas'hssrd thlacer i ii uwtar ail -Ilia kidstwasaa JUSTICE IN CHINA. Isasarllal WTjTl" WsUrfc rtettssl J4,'(M Mt nl rnl.itit. A x-i -- (bcndilrvry o'Sccr) naia! Ch'iuj" tin. a Maach't Jj'ob; las? 'o the lijrd red Hit- Uaanrr. a onlercd two yjr ao to like his juartor. at n st statioc exiled Su-sra. yen. for th j x-o tf jmt-m4Uar tho otiatrj- Hjciin-t nbh-?r. At the son; time rviii rir giren u hua o kes?p a wru-h upon the .oWlr f j had for a Sv-MMid tvote d a rxiit :he statioa. who wrt rfportfsl to U tn j A tbjcvni;httrrl for ?Jr. wlw s tho luiblt of ojrv-i the iwHjlr In .-riajt nn l- htrrd fc it- nchrhWrho d. .. d;ir when th I aKih ,-ad his ratittfnv. h4 vim t oSletsr In caait;. vt the !.ttlo w j A hor t d a dt la mvhI . Kiria. s mW'4t n.isid an '-. ". " Hi-r n.uwsi .- yWl"r ld '"'vn" hiuii to "T .l"V Knoci ocr ti runt.r ami uuat- ened to kill tho complainant aad id I his family The odkvr ajain cahJ ap he -oldier. ho lHhKel in a rr rw- fmctory ami tn-ubordinnt. tnana-r in ojurt. lie therefore onleresl htat U re.xivy a rfoggin. if tv-enty bUms. which wore tntlc;s:i rlth auhipou the Uio'i. of his lej As svn a. h was rvii-.j.l. the man went loth- kitchen of th tol-sjiik. w hen ho remained for tH-lt dajs. at th oad of hioii ho dted from the injary 1 he had ree.'i'.ed. A oompUtiHt k iAig"i in his irinr, ai a n-mitigii 11. , . i.. 1 1... .i . . 1 . .w . 1:1 ju;ry u. niatit 1,1111 air cn. uy ;nc t """' "i""- "'. s-j- " - r"- orlk- ihis bv lh Meinoralits. Th Mt'im i alist tlniLs that the (81r'r t'h'nng-shin wtsl quit. rightly in t-ikiag m;i of th Mhli.r'.s tnlniehiivior. :nru 1 t-.neo.niir :.s lit uau ihcii inriu-mKriv " .1-1 irei to v l-eu h matters. Also. mvi 1 .. ! .-oldler's condus't. towanls thd I , . ' -. rii.tsL-iAs l.x-. ) i ea. irf laTts .- iituirM --imts aiiii in .siir, vivs .uirn as 4;rx.. ix i sss , .-. . to mrit a Unjrtftn'C. the pii:iishinut ! wa.s in:licts.l on a prr purl tf his ami th uuuiWr ' blw win modcnito. Xevcrth! th Memoc-ali-t condotniis the t:lcr t roootrt-j one huuiirtsJ bio as under a -ialut. xrhich awards thnl penalty for ttosije; a maa' deatii by llo;e;iii; hlm laiprop erly. A- the oflonder la this civ- lr a com. missioned olllcor. lii disiis,n! from the ?orvio will take tho place of corporal punlsh:naul. lie sftl n'ni ls" hi.s hcrodibtry jKxt. to which another mmbir of hU fnmtty i- ap- iMmitcd to ocs4il. In accordancvi i .... . . . , 1 iih a lurth r eia'in of th law h-h t ! I quotd th man bv whs.' hand the fatal tlogglii; hkk actimllv inllii't.Hl li.is l)..ti eondernn! t. rvcelve ninety blow . that li:ng a pnlt one degreo lighter than the -eatene of hi .uim. rior under vshos. orders h nctd. A ho i- a Manchu. tn tU'gglng """-.I bo glvn vsth tho whip iristsail of Uio bambini. 1'iLin ti'izrtU. SENSE OF HUMOR. II Is Trll le.rliiif.l ,tnin 111, latl-r. of i rhalurr. Dr. Hook jM-ss.-d a gift without which he could never have git on in Yorkshire, and that was a -imi-o of humor. Sydney s.nith aid that It n-"dd surgical opratliin to get a joke into a .Scotchman's head an opinion in which no on who has rend Demi lti:ns,iy- Kcinliilsneesif Sii tish Life and ( "hanu-ter ' can jM-Udy agr'. and there I- Miuielhiiiir akt.i In th grin. ialdiniiiri and V.st Riding humor. I was preaching o id .i cour- d wnaons in tho ojen air in .. iHMi-'hurch-g'dng part of a tow u rsirUh. shove rn" r- e . whichever way suitod his inUTest. Another man. with a grin on hi face. boatsi of nl regular .ittnlnni- at church, his Htinradm burst oat laughing the bdbiw liaI ut loft pn-a, whro ntUnilaiK at public wor-hip was. of rour. omj-il')ry. Hut Vorkshireracn men aro civil af:r a fahson. tln day I paid a x iit U a hand-loom wnvr bu tbrwig h.s .shuttle, while lu loom creaked oad groaoed tliat I could not get a tocl in. iv I ajksl him If he mrnnl a jvetiny in rfve mluut. "o. he --xid. how sho'iM P I bu'l down r.nni. Now." I ald. -let u talk for live mlnut. The cvxo topTl. h,kod at th cb--k "Hve iomuts u Un." he -aid at lh- end of th. tiro-. but tako lark your p-nny: joor talk ha lrsjri worth more th:o tb" lra (money ) V:mj m:r l-: in aala If o4jreaHjlnd."" 7'.srfr ll'ir. GRAFTS ON WOUNDS. Ast !. e.i. rreaelr lss4 hf saltlfal wi Ir. !S-dard ha comrauniratd to the Academic de Medicine of i'aris ome oocrratioa regardinyaBlmal grafts oa wounds In human being. In cae of svere burn of the ".lp. of eight raofltby ending, ia a child of two rn f. . ,lai a rad ccatrixAlion hj mtat gft. iro. foL He Srx tried grafu of frogs j kin. but as the- pror-d to be repl- jkire to patient., aad did col gire rery good r!-ult. he abtlt td others from the fowl, aad the wound. whS measured thre baches by two aad a half, had completely healed la le-o soath. He had ba eqaalir Jul ia oth-r aad abss-qo-! c.-a. Ha takes the skia frocs braatj. the wlg of a ehickm- carrfally mriiir tfc adjarsrat cellaL-r tL-ts. but artddls; asHpoae tiasuot. Th tra4aatsl aiecKs Tarted from a sixth to a third of aa lack la size, aad tarjr were saaia tsdaest ia posltiosi by ami ef m, Uula catters-wasi aad lodoferm c-sae. Tms mia f birds aad fewm ef asia wvattsx diicas-. ; it sBfaaB imwlf rwadily to aas dssssvaV TftAVEUNQ Mi WHS1A. A rmtrr vrwr rw rr " tr.t rs f. ptjrtaa jra4i-A counio" iro nxi:ecr t jo4bJ px; W- a d. y. hcrr jjisat cts Id. a poaal. aad broad quarter a asuoh la rllarr Ue; whs.v a fottj saay W rrhA.'l for 5d . a jrtn4ife w ild diw Jr $1.: wHrrea srticsrt: jwor s ! , t th dtw a Jfoivw Wo-eo asv ta . ui haJIui y wl11 KMlwU t,f , .tra j. all thut lk instlfw lu gt j during ii. uthar tidayV ymrucy. -d ' .j, NV. . tsmU wjij raarvn tltr j !o - mtU., and g morrU atwsnr lr I their -:sid kwul. fr tlo rnt ia-6. -,mu ms tot tK-h Ires tisAa A u pounds, wait tb Isrs-ui HhI t -cblosu j !. Uuta ;'--. aud Umt . ill .U4Uy I ran tn mils tboir jwirs at -i-Atfs- af fjtf imiIm. r. WikU .-ktfiM. If. O. mmrnt -si mountttht p. . rm. as-. m4 the Kamsro.ts oot'.rt.43pM lanildrate.! to r,stM-si trnvai. Ph. ntvck-stutdia fc a vorv Imimrtoat prt vt .- aswl' ti:iti)enl. "4s hwft bs t ,niry COIiiIhhI. th lacfc!'- nvrrer sstsv htm by d c sight, it .upfsjr'U tao load mhI h"-- . a. ci-lias. Urn. however .v-r tho sja,!r naa lt. the biirdv rfT'bia asalt. jrsH no n'.lttr. til csur-t. Uttf pnclc -xutdia Is of th tit-.t s4.bi eMtjMr.trUs , tt higli ssuk Uwr at Issn.t Is lasehssi ab- o th llhtfr. at ths- rvalaaixi. ami Uio padding I Hhrs- iaeru. theui tx nchs thls-k. 'l"ht pnddlag t jhs.h! of sut israu. and tkso Hial.ilsi-sr i. nrirustaMSMd. br maawe il a (kiiskianr neodl thrus through lbs liaiag of ths patl, to ehift Uiitttfitng la mm a -y as to riMaoT.i tl.. 4-asur.' frssm aajr irt U the ftAitaul'a hssck wbWsh ajr Ikhsjhb tossder. f etttir, a asul Ub a batl arv brui. b uidts-t and hjM U bst ti:rnol out to gra--. and. .trfjr t My. I hi High Utore ars nioaj isiti4-ts if mules and jvMi Mstl b-snata mt bunion In l'rsl -for. U it rnnpm isrd. tbor- Hre as midway;., a ntsr. no canals, ami unit cm rs4. tsx.t from KnviH to tiie cnu4t; '.4-pi a feu that ha v. ( mnste los the s p.roiiiil i-oarc-utsstHSS- Ul! n with a ssMt back ks vry unsiHun: sight. Thi- sUy n gnmt demJ for Ut car, hit'dllgwtscss and -kiii of Vhs I'er ian tuiilcttarr ih4 ll'onlu ATTENTION TO DETAILS. .1 ) lllti.t r.tl.. ..r 1 1. I !,.. t l.llllx I lil.. Tho entire untrs ia oimH.sl i lltllo things. All MlMtna'. i.il Hial tcr. in whatever birtn r rotiU'tlosi. ). un aggregation sf tom ir nio4-Mbs. Abssitut Mr(Mlioi i i-ars-1 .ott.tlio.s b!r. a a deJft tn a sagli utisu t likol to nt.mt tbo w hotst csirahsftnUon. A bridge is no r-troisg.u than lh vtr-nkovt jKdut- A mrwhlns or imp rnnt uiny l r o jsrfoct. with u single xci'ptbHi. and IIiaI sttrwpUoa tuny pn. "lit the u of all tin lniH, iloiv o.ta do lad It the -. tbnt th iiogluot of e.ie HtUo iwiWsnt. h-s i tiirnsl Uih tld' toward tailunt v.bu ' .iirm. Kit in lght. j l ... ..li.. . .. ... .! l Itlf Uf,V..l 7 " .-r J..'VII-.? ,- sorin-d in -uns iuil prtuaipol. that thV neglect dtftail. litUn lft afo ovroikol. ari who. dejr.uHjt.Djv. J. plnrod on Ui ". th.y fntl. aad tb- "Wtoi s al- ahoitf work o..id.Mi,ooJ rss cm. 'I1""' ' ""v --"" -' -,-. kasui S u,an ia V1T ilsori -. S h.jaa .!- I thu worsiag oJ a na raacriire- diapoiutui"st "lnij.lf Le.v U'J mi iinnufru'turor had ngois5tsd Ut ssmmI a single Indt. and b- ui tin and d nppsdntmont to Um ar.y allng tho utuudiiHc wa tho r-Hlt- An artre for houhdd u", bit litUo Jtabb tv get out of order, but nlrrg a ronaJt h rcnuiK cs-rtaiu pArt wsta It ! r-ikZa't n neeity. w t tbroaoit t cau th arotscA if ti.ilit- la this di.) o.ry i.trt k ar.rfail mir aiMi uui, aM tn s4 i;ii'ni. rUi ,, rerlreI a wiah f .jxtai form to f ! a . .1 . .. . . t - M . .. S .. -m. ;ulit isrUih pruts ia ra- f faliur' ti Bone prw'ri)'. AHlMrtjn ju-U- do tms an -j-r.It ,. lb .rMh wa a comrn-M, .tlta Sr. .aw. L,rI a.vl unftaUll -xpt .'or vri i-rirtis ?pu sriic ab-ca It wn cxt! u, hkl- lu lmp-rfrMn,. It dd Ut, b-n rxi u u - i - inn hiwl it Sttd. a it had tu t ji. cial strength, bijt It ws dimMj Ir. fokicg to Srvl tlat. whit U wa r. tial v iIms jrojsr siorklng of lb arti cle, and iitnctio' vtf aad ahert.lt was n be uvi tlfirlcr UMfL&ln rtnwii -, - --- j :acr anr7Tn-aa-a ii, u va pr i ...... f'-ctty u-'t-ss r- vfvi m-srg?pj oo currd. A pcrfr n.igbt irtc wreoch, arnjld harro'4b4illUisav and bea T"5cctin. b4t U m Uu mall a taatlr t d-ro jstrial at teatWa. apparently, aad th a-gisrt resUi. oly ia a jj1U lo Vo the purchjMT, ) a . iatij ia-ts-sad of a rsrntsvradasioa. which pv-T-ctirJ t- Ut iAhw SaVad f l 2iAiai tbesc- Hr scf llr-Jtrirx. He Has! Had Css'. Appllcaat Tfty-S 4?4Urs a ek pTa a uaaU sfsdary for tht ka.i work of a reporur. air. Editor I'erkaps it toa. b--t th- a4 l wTerrroadL Wts tvj apk-a Uotjo alavctt et-ry &mjr, I thiak yoa said )oq h-ad aad i;jcrvTa- a srvs j r-rr rataa Apfdicaa; (wilh dirx!:;) I was prias-ipaJ rf a Khasat f .jrsaii Urr year. Edkr (oUly)-rsss. mW. W aaT fL a -rd u siara--rnlaat. A "awrfety ar WsfaarUaaMssJc. aLwissstia ha laar-eaai tm tms iaVm f saaissBtsam WArars haafy aVy aa'tMumttsWlaf rAii Aito rtntstot. -.t- x"--r ?jv ss---7 -v-- f-y4 if V ,-(l4 k,t. Jw!sw frs di-sTtssi aj-4 -r-litab''s " r-itsveh -d plwa : iv . CHijf riatsd t t "sswidel - - ok ssvrb tHhssr. TVs frsbsas -atad . Cnbl sf4Mr tSKMS Um fNaSsflt -I-.-. CHl4;a tf isVr - drtaV 1'e j asvstfrSM a -psiet-t Jo-e trxsntas-ttlij1 r-J mjisrl4irs ia ve mate -.- 4 -uai-Bssrss -tsr. A flBsi-4 wsf t. e-snJ, hm.t . U f-st It tUs aasttS-ser '-sj&l- a.si let It sv-ta . bro-sfvi Its ass, hast -.Hi .ssdssr and tK) ledd s i-. e.4issV -It a i Hi-asstd tatot i 'a. . Iuk.s4 )-s v.tdt aaai sest rs4Ur tbry -! VPf 'a - jwrniliv. .javab)- tvj 4-i- b -hs tasv '!. :bss K-r "-oJh-4 am hrsstwihsr-r -- tsWam v.. A kua -tesdMl -- . c4 rsnsn, ud Uhk fltlxd f t- tU. s-il' f f.r 4lsrUHS)Sh lv- SMI ! oil -hri t-t- mKr--nra I"Wt O-. Us t h- - - ts9.bat To adtfM tM. a -' tiw btaap s-tv CaA. lUsU Msol 1-dstb. r of ts-r natA. stsf ew ? - .- oatss tasaa-snsrui mh ' t, s Mkiisl astviw aasl ismus-ss tm Bsas)tts vf s-ifsw ,...' - ' essaaVd of ss44.ess tVss Jsh s!w4;oat rosajrs ulWa - M SSSt l- Ae- tk b S !-' . . S.-1 hsit-Swa- thr -t t!-r hv -.' a. Usstfrsuj s" its .. . i a i , awt'ss u. ,..( .ku ita- '- - sst etl to asssehi to - - ill bss k-.-.-ard ttVal ;- ( -s4w a4d us t . r S-ssrxl rwssittlasav. ;- ..' . C- isssr ittjr briasf taur p- u t b hsaissi as hs BTtosssria. - u- j I I i ( j , la os letlmwle ha U -has last astradiss nf -lag k satrplsss sf csattss witttr 'Iav Isssrl -1 srlOls taw oattls will h. . sssfki at tS hnves-'s mm -1. asiss-4 flpNsr drsfrn - aasl wbootN " O. tSM fir-. A thrtj a.- rssndtlr sMt' Hwa-s - . tt, Wifcrn th rs.tIS l-UM it W lb. bsK-t sSSfffk. nasi It Oi,-h t . (r rlvtavr J-h-ast !- ..a t. a It lwdsas. It i s its. - In " a Utsie piss o' ikl j. tW trarsis-a ry us., , , . s-ssi 'la. -awss gr- . grssat astMiy bsnTsw Uuvl g a Umt! Urns ft-td aiy -- aea U vorj sab .V )' ir-f. TO CUC OYSrtlflA. sr- M kitrn mi ft tMm .1 a ,t !, ,, IhuMT hu k aII dsrti- -' Usr bs saiad v thi- . !-... hrrolUr. xh-'leiasi.. lsimsd . vil Ur ma asst -ii".. )wiav; aissl it l ftss-m tb. ' -si , that asWI l as4- A Uw tit asdli la ma da Imr r- l -IaX-I Ufcrt bsr4t nasi r&s--i l. . th h-Ut AMd sH-Jyda ss-.i that asjr te asmsshI fa ia- MW-b IfOSt. etsf Ovis-n'Uaic' t tio tet t' trwo af lb drt-asUtst tnimrUit t gnflag p-f4 osmt4 wta.fc-oi -to bwibi ap tsvlrfr4.-i)w.rs. .. i witrkor r-tlr. g.l smI . fl; mWI.IIw -t r-tf , rtt hostsi att ist .--orti-g' m a dint .t Ut assisfb ml e-l tax ' till )- to MtwuUa Ui f tnrt -nUrg Hs sin jtMii.. fnt IThu v . . . .- ., . . . I .,,, ,, ww i, wr- inifWI IVVSI T' altoMrS twTu. aod. sw- th It lnirlr.ts wUfi tb !& tj (aIa! ! Ill Kt.fMlf"! not j Jw ft . j JmwJ, tt M Ufssses i . f U vrtan4 fisJv cuwl Usbs s ' ha 1 flobbt and p.-. la -. ..... ittMssinat t of,t.r couM nl ti - - psAilt. ftl rNS!rJr. tr. I 'MirosstafttV I tsix rsr -.--. " tVs Ts tl STfm J ..-. sr"iat M TH4rr. Its ftsv" -' and U U a "1 4tb a tisa - , iMfViHi- Sid ltlu tfcmt t . m mW i iajssrirtsa. A a In, ta&litausr if - t.st.-... - . . fu --,., . imit , rssM- &Mt4rbs ta !4ly ' j i:j n m brt -mrnfn s ' fct,.. , 1WU 4 lfc-, miix iH w m wu .jl. .f- u, -0 tm UtZZ ., !.. H ,r , , j ,u . . . J tm.M UriUi. b mm- If o. tsi still .rtfc- Mrs;. Ji4 ta.'vg ill &!. sn TUts r bsjd in lb J.nfci1fiioi iA . lar.Jid , riiT.t td mi?t s. ' i ssx Lh vtK-r 3t will, & i.,... . i ', t , . .. .(eqwu . "mi Tf Xn 1 fert. dtmrUfr, ld. lhl I rt, prwyred TbU -h- rUrrl U ' v U U vt" IV not Wjsj opr fvfirmtf v. v -valid. Vil r.-i. Vltb ri th ,?.. Ifjc-, r ri,J ,. Wttitr k- rit tvf It Uer a U v . faad tr-ri. or lr,p . i -aaj Ihi toij. y-w , t-m d-rrlxbg tV-Vott ur I A ax ui iirag hrf- ' tvrr-Ua U ft-3itt a 4mxit f-artaktai; HAt we-i U aa - b- If U two 4vMU & VixA-w' If )trt 4 ft! latrt f-jJ-' V. ilr at hem, y tH b- bi -m - asdiy to rs-raUi jtr di-t. .fc , ratity. eivs4s J li j, xA rry. Isa ac -u aVr i ,- I tirssji. tH wyt vl a ttiavfy VW rri: e rlanjaa. btwi ika.asj at for sea w 1 "ryrt, Taa a a -x ""' 1assr -miih Tr . rt"v sB isaaga ase-, rv ba aVEsUrat!n &4 k; aa r3 asaststr or UmM is awS rt- Nr r wsasa amam ssaa mum - """ -Tssss sbw satastta. TT Tm. ftmur cl-- biv ,ife 1 r"r J, ,.- . W.i I.H1 sMj MS -M ".. M.- W sal fits si4- ;JafeSgrJvAa--? - -feb .'. . ataete. . -r.:V :.'&SLdS&t .. '. --.iii"..-! IBwff?lrrTlLUrtiijEKjd,-Ja- - t-.a?.r j&asU3!miiBSM&2i . ,,-r- j&li&m3i'ttmX&&&itt&fW&G&BfdL' ifsotjas'sMcig--.