i3t1.3'- V f -.,-- wi-S :C- s- wPf -t '-f Sf 1 "" BBaawHamBBwawaaat as BBBswaakswA? aaav BLV? bbsS SBS2 B Our Platform ! Hir fc rf (Tfcjrrf 0mf. i. isovira. Proprietor. Pabi:hl very Friday nomine fivra tht in tb Moon Block. l.'rJ Cloud. Vb. tCc rVsceedings nf tHn Board nf Super visors. Nov 13th and 14th. The board of countr supcrrUor rest Tureday November 13th and was called night as if to order by chairman (J. W. ilotnmell. We pledge Ourselves IN FAVOR OF PROTECTION, of customers from overcharge and misstatements. FREE TRADE, for everyone. PROHIBITION, of rings, inflated values, and op pressive high prices . REDUCTION, ot the people's bur dens and buyers bugbear taxprofits The Mai w the Vette. As nearly as can be estimated from tbc returns, Nebraska cast 187,000 vote in the last election, la the Garfield campaign oar vote was S7, 356. Four year lat.r it was 134, 204. The present vote therefore shows a gain of 100,000 voters over 1880, and of 53,000 over 1884. The comparison of the votes with the inhabitant at the time the votes were ca.it is interesting as indicating the probable present papulation of Nebraska and its past and future rate of increase. By the national census taken in the spring of 1880, Nebraska had 452,402 inhabitant;. Six months later on the basis of 5 citizens to the voter our population had reached 480,452, a conservative estimate of increase. Taking the same ratio of increase and applying it to the vote of 1834, which was 134,204, we ob tain 749,127 as the population of the state, which falls nearly two thous and below the figures given by the state cen&ud of 1S85. The ratio of 5J inhabitants to the VDter may there fore be taken as a conservative basis upon which to found estimates of population in years when a full vote is oiled out in this state. Applying this ratio to the figures of the late election we have at the present time. 1,023.500 inhabitants in the state. This is an increase of very nearly 300,000 iu four years, an in crement of 40 per cent, or nearly ten per cent annually during that period. At this ratio the population of the state considerably more than doubles every ten years, and in 1S90, the next census year, we shall have fully 1,150,000 inhabitants. Nebraska's congressional represen tation in the Fifty-second congress will be based upsn her population as shown by the population of 1890. Under the present congressional ap portionment of 151,912 inhabitants to each representative as applied to the census of 1S80, wc arc only en titled to three congressmen. Two years hence, even with the basis of representation raised to 175,000 in habitants to the voter, we hhall double our congressional delegation and pro portionately increase our importance as a factor in national legislation. It is interesting to note that Oma ha has maintained her position rela tive to the state at large. At the late election she cast one-tenth of the en tire vote. Douglas county polled nearly one-ninth of all the ballots de posited in Nebraska. If the state doubles in the next ten years, as may be reasonably expected, Omaha will have more than 200,000 population befcre 1900 strikes the death knell to the present century. Omaha Bee. cwl New very scarce this week. Election excitement about subsided and everything quiet on the Patotaae It looked Ut Monday Cowls was goinr to moved to lUd j the following member being prr:ot: Cloud. Barcun. GroTe. Kiley. Tbotna. Cat, -Joic" Wilson BUY AS YOU VOTE-Intelligently---As candidates for your patronage we invite an examinations of our record in regard to low prices since we commenced business six months ago. We promise you in the future as in the past, the best in quality, the most in quanity. and the lowest prices to all, and behind our promises stands theNicest selected stock of Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods and the BEST fitting clothing ever shown. -,. Remember this that we are the only merchants handling the PATENT SHOULDER SUITS in the city. Berg & Galusha, Uncle George Wells and are erecting a residence for Wells. David Francis says he will run Petk a foot race to decide whieh shall as sess Elm Creek I'recinn. Johnny Scbeack and A. A. i'eak put in last Thursday to good advan tage in Red Cloud hurrahing for Har rison. Qaite a number of drouth stricken people from Kansas are settling amonr us. CapU John Blaine says there has not been occasion for so much joy and rcjoising since Lee surrendered. On Saturday evening a goodly lum ber of our people assembled at the residence ot C. W. Fuller to celebrate Mrs. Fuller's birthday. Music, myth and feasting was the order of the eve ning. Mrs. Fuller reeeived tokens of esteem in the way of presents, a description of which we have not at our command. Winfield Scott made a business trip to Hastings last Monday night. Dr. Johnson acts very strangely of late. Think he must have something on his mind. What is it Doc? Republican. With tneir usual good judgment the people of their various townships have returned nearly to a man the old board of supervisors. That was right as there will be much basiness of importance to transact daring the coming year that will need the eare- ful scrutiny of practical men. wn e . nat is the matter witn running the street cars every thirty minutes? If they are to be for the accommoda tion of the people, why not give the people services. People who go to and from the depot would like to oc casionally use them. We hope re ceiver Holland will give us good ser vice now, they really demand it. Nebraska with her usual good judgment gave the republican party magmificent majority on the Cth. Every state oficer was elected not withstanding to efforts to defeat tome portions of the state ticket. Gov. Thayer, the soldier statesman was re elected by aa overwhelming majority. This was right. General Thayer has made the best governor the state has ever had and the people appreciate the faet. The Red Cioud Helmet established in this eity about four years ago by W. N. Kiag and afterwards carried on by Grant Ludlow, is now in posses sion of Geo. M. Plumb, wlio will, commencing this week, make a pro hibition paper of it. Mr. Plamb is a talented writer and we presume will turn his entire attention towards making the Helmet a spicy organ. We wish him sacccese. COWLBl G. M. Stevens, who has been B. & M. agent here for some time, has been changed to some other place. Bert Conrad, of Blue Hill, is now filing that position. A preacher of Franklin preached in the Congregational church last Sunday: Rev. Stecley, of Kansas, is moving to Cowles. He will occupy the house owned by G. A. Harris. Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Hayes have moved their millinery goods across the street to the residence of Mrs. Hiycs. They reeeived a good supply of winter goods last week. Mrs. . Keeney, who has been in poor health for n long time, died on the 14th. U. C. Probasco spent last Saturday and Sunday in Red Cloud. S. L. Gangbin lost three head of young cattle by feeding on stalks. Last Saturday being the 41st an niversary of Mrs. C. W. Fuller's birth; a number of the married folks met at her residence in the evening and gave her a surprise. From all reports a very enjoyable time was the result. A large number of our town people attended the rally at Red Cloud Mon day night and report a good time. American. Coon. Garbcr, Berg. Kalcr. Kramr. Fasslcr. Well. Gather, Iron and No ble. The appraisal ot S. K. I II. I. 10. school land was approved. Treasurer was ordered to refund to Frank Broom 95.11 Uses oa aa illegal assessment. Official bond of A. Arnrson. treas urer of Walnut Crrek township was approved. Report of committee oa bridge in VYalaat Creek township was approved. Appraisal of S. W. J 11, 1. 10. school land was approved. Mark Noble was allowed two dollars per day and mileage for attending con vention at Columbus, November 25th. called for the purpose of drafting amendments and perfecting the town ship organization law. Claim ol N. PhelDs for a refund of 5.00. taxes on an illegal assessment was rejected. Supervisor of Inavalo township was instructed to repair the In aval c bridge, and f'2.50 was appropriated therelor. 125 was granted to Line township to repair bridges in said township. Adjourned to Wednesday. November '24. at 9 a. m. Board met pcrsuant to adjournment, G. W. Hummel chairman, and sixteen members being present. Motion to reconsi'Jcr claim of Nelson Phelps, for a relund of taxes on illegal assessment, lost by the following vote: Yeas, Hummel. Garber. Kaloy Berg and Frame. Nays. Kiley. Thomas. Coi. Coon, Fasslcr. Wells. Cathcr and Noble. On motion county treasurer was or dered to pay to Geo. J. Warren for publishing the delinquent tax list of 1888, the fees for samu as paid in by taxpayers. On motion it was ordered that bids be received by the county board until their next meeting for the use of the oounty pile driver. Same to be let to the lowest competent bidder, bid to be by the day and bond for $500 gtvn the eonnty for faithful performance of con tract and care of pile driver, bidder to keep the same in repair. County clerk was ordered to make proper record of result of the recent election on the proposition for couiity jail and bounty for the destruction of wild animals; county attorney to in struct clerk aa to the proper record. The following official bonds were ap proved: John R. Willcox. county at torney; Frank Keuhn, constable. Line township; Frank Keuhn, assessor. Line township. The appraisal of the following school lands was approved: s 4 no and so nw , also oo 1 dw j and waw and e ) sw i and n $ no J. all of section T). town 2, range 10, west. The following claim were allowed: 3 . C. Warner, terrier cmi of diseased aalmait - 2 a) NStlAN CBSBBK. Mr. Brown will move to the McKee by farm soon. Mi. Moody has a daughter here vis iting from Fairfield. Ed. Metcalf has finished gathering bis corn, also Messrs. Bennett and Bradshaw. Mrs. Lizzie Rownds has closed her fall term of school in district 18, giving good satisfaction to its patrons. Wc are sorry to learn that Mr. Brad shaw will soon move from these parts. We were pleased to hear A. J. Means was elected justice and Win. Crabill assessor. Mrs. G. Lee is on the sick list. Emma Starks ban returned from Orleans. PSMNY CMUUWL. Cattle are dying off quite rapidly. Uncle Levi Moere has lost two ine steers. L A. Haskias lost a f ne heifer. Will Kenhn is building a new house on his farm. Mr. Esty is d ing the job. It a credit to the val ley. Lost, strayed r stolen, a man er part of a man from some party. Was found Nov. 6th aft Kenhn school house and voted Union Labor ticket. Only one in this township. Uncle Tomie Lee has paiated the interior of his hense, and wii aeon paint the outside, making it look new and attractive. Unele Levi Moore has a new water elevate? going on km farm. Jack Robinson rmns it. Oeo J. Warren, rrlatinjt for eoanty F. V Toylor. Ublo for ttsrrfff U. IL Deyo, applies for eoanty L, It. Fort. post; and pre. II. HolJrefP. balMiog bride WaJnst Creek township. ... O. It. Downs, ea&rastlxic election retarcs J.ILItelley. JL K. Foe J. Bf.H.sfcMU. posts. T. i. Ward, prlntinc tor eonnty Willi Iroas , supervisors sr. A aal!f S.B,W.U. - A. H. Kay. - W.H. Barest. M ai-k KoMr. - " Jos. Oartwr. Oao. K. Can. C. FawaUr. O.P CaJfear. " " A. WW. " J. I. rrasM. L.D. Thomas. " A.O.BC ' - Jaasea Grows. O.W.BaasaMl, C.CCa. a. a eioo 1 ITS 4 1J ISO 73 eso 7 IS 93B 15 SO Q 11 so 3 SO SO 11 S3 1 n c ts T SO Iff IS so US 0 12 SB as tsc The Chicago Store Clothiers. The democratic party for the last four years have kept Dakota from coming into the anion for fear that it would be means ef defeating that party this year. Now that, their defeat is ccrtaia aad the reaahliean lectien sow, Daketa will he admitied witkomt eerejneay. It aai always keen the palicy af the repaUicaa party to admit wheatkeirim aetia whether STILLWA The election is over aad everytkiax is glidiag along as ssnetary as sf eW. Everybody hanking com. The yield is nsi so Urge as aaueipatod. Qaite a aamher ef new ksasas as Uiag rnilt this falL W. Finae?, S. Crejier,P. W. Carswell. E. rf. Weill and L. P. n eiis have aaea a kowse. A. Hsward Ms hmilt a Sim. J. S. Allea has hew a tie sick list hat is imaaniag. Mr. Sf sfgaa's little key is alsw sick hat is totter at this writing aajaeecwrt. A. a Basasar. ! r. a B. Itssrassyar. astasias w aoeaty -Jos. Baaaati, fcaart lar Dalaaey . U U. FatS, U ass Stasia!. -Oaa. U ttwn. prisma tar eewsty. -TraJan Lsasar Co.. Samba U aaaty . Man a GaJwaa. tspcasas far awes Tne following claims for services as judges of electKJB were allawed. Abc Buartow, a 3S. Mass WI!a. 4 so. fYaaces Borrkk. 4 so. L. It. TbotBM, rss; SefeMiUn WIl.J TAmaH. faake. . C A. Jflee. So. iota rxintr. , Jae T. Walt, t . foca Kwsa. a : S B. beaaar. SB. C. . : i- w Joajes. st: vr. a. , w Jo.Nbl.a- Wss.nrsasj.SSS,C K. Jtirfcardsoa, 4 J. W. WrtSam.4 St. B. ZJfc. 4 . JaasM Aa4r K4U7SB. lis4Hl. 4 SS; . MeCailsas. I B.S. Wktse.4S;i. BL esar. 4 , O. B. lis y.7S:I. H. Vaaatar.!. 4 flt. B. K. Ortftsrt. : W.H. Bates. 0: Jrt -rrr.9.J. A.Bflry.'.A-KfT.4.''1- Carry.sae. A. W. Cboat. 4 as. C C.C.4e.T. . wuaVtr. OS. 3. I. Sehek. 4 : A . J. ataav. 4 a; BaM Sax9ari.M;L.D.WaaB. : W. BL CwMb ( OS: BL B. Baaras. 4 , saw Great. 4 . J. W. Batiste. 4 St: J.W. BTyw.Sasja Ba.a: BiBiirl-r -- '- T.J.BaaJl 4:E.Blaar4ai:J. A. Lataiarl7S;A.J. IXaT4aS.C.M.aWS4:8.r atarte.ss: QlafBiaiM4S6. The foUwwiac etaisas tor servisas as clerks e clsatioa ween allowew: RLD. sBacmsas, J. Saiiiie 4se.ias.aVi '-r - n n to 'r c S - 9 - 2- 7Z i s n n n Ct JL JL n a-, ' C. , r: "T3 z, r. w V5 ft !S a n r. o c in in r, ZJ C-. ? r. zz ZZ -. . -r -s o K S v ' - I I d o -.- - j a o a m r. v; n tSi O in ? - C5 5 V: a -z m - , u r O m a 3 a g o w Q O ft c. en 8 ti 3 n c VI fi ZZ. 3S n 7? ft w O -rr m ft a Q o -a f r-tr. e ft c o . u & CO in in a -t V) 3- EL 5" 2S io ft n C3 CD Hacker & Parker, Teas THKGROCIiRS. Keep the finest line of and Coffees In the City. Morgan terriers O II. K. I). 70. C M. McMillan, rrnt of room 3M K 1). Jones piling for county 67 '. Hoard now adjourned to sarct Dec 13th. !. J. H. IUit.tr. County Clrrk. k av -m m 4 aiaYAr ramf lwa.b. Intrtt Straight 8 Pr Cent, Can pay part or all of principal at any jrcar and stop interest. YVtll r curcd note bought Invaraaec m gooi companies. C. K. Cathbb, Krd Cletld, Neb. Offcc over pott oKce The Stetaway, Chickcriac, Kaabe and other "Billy rrliabU p:aa4. Sold for cash or on BBcnlhlj pajmeats by Ssda J. HaI-y. When ia want of parlor or kite liti farniture call on r V. Taylor. He keeps the finot lines m the citj, t4 cll it at the very lowest j ncrs. Faraitare of all kinds cheaper thaa cvrat P. V. Taylor's. Flower pets of all kiade at Henry Coat's. Caaoa City coal at Rdltmsa't aly W.0O. lly virlo of an vtvy-atton M. fort, elafS of IK UUtrMt . lajhth J ml tela) UUlriei, in t t aai1y, iUU if Slfn, dettvr4 in favor uf TrSr I aa4 aaleal Hvnry W rU, t. npnn !h tiA'fmrni r -( (.VtaBnJolj m) f a) nt at mrumf f l,Uk Tfl f ftfoora mdiiHUju to IU -. CVJ. WvMtar MMjEi7. N4itt kidST lhttrm wt 419 7 ft it, tV)fHh.bn..ft, to ;rMn... !Sfelto Miat ut Utnv Itsnca ti on kf r ttr -i t will en tU Jtl7 ot IMmw I o'eiorh. ;. m at ihm fr( i-- Coars Hws cf rhsi,j j in iu , ll sl.J nl mUU at ;ult Uit a(Ut ,iJ4T tut , ,n MtUff uU stemlirs tlL 4 U seas wf ftR.hvHlMf wim aassl fUrawi ikmtmm tmn 1M7 a4 aHa asxl mstlt t4 4x1 r ass aaaMl UU 79th Jy tt - 21 firrr h Caaar a McXewv. r-istaUff .. WIBaaa 4 SB. O, B. Xvm S Mi W. G . SaaSaa a r.D.BsssssBSlSSS.. L. LawsassMSa. A. B. assawaSSS. J.U. Mraf4. Oa er1if aJ ts 'frit irtf ttm tk farsa of Um s4wJriat. J9 1st. , oa tart tea . town a, raftf 1 1 vt, W4 ster ecaatj, B6rka. A rwrd wjfi w rivea fr thir f.. or lfottk Itmmrn rVrusra,, araBwai atS. State of JfekraaA, Viieer rdlf. $t taee U ltJtij atss u Q ftim ttrig aUlxa a4 desmasMte sia4 A4ss Sjai. 4ea lata of Wefceier etsaff, amaW, tat tLe tiase St4 fr SSaftf eaatee aais-1 saM miim. I eis ai the trvs taar4 eUj f Uemltr, Issss, awrtssve am raajaarwi ts yrasaisn tWt eUims Wits tSte ecwes sa SBa Caty iwAjre f eaai farztrt at W wSkee tWrete. sm or before tVe ij 4j atltmm. I mm, a4 i aa aisles SU4 wM W iri WCvte the atial e iHe 4tk dey ef . !, al JO Petoek. a. as. Das Ort. IJiV. . faAsa A. S arts, Jt 4 Ceat, ittita. CBMMel BJerSaAs U WWre 4Uil t Uo , s ffmil ot Mw U eketUl JMfVree 4m4 Jrp snaWt eieevteti a4 dU..ri , Hasee W aawvee Mfm-tl.f f UXi Hftc tea r-' ' iftt- 1 Tke puiiytal teJ J 4 saaavl! mn aM t , away aaaejtjasa to tfce f f jr SjasTe Sae flee ' M. r npnij lo-vt. brvw ara. yea st, ft- tifct U . enta wkise ssg kte4 ffK a. - Mt key aar. iwt, ,ju &(Aj yeajre fe, , SSt 44; li Wij .. S4W4e4 , gj., jjjj ., s44H.vtE njr . ! sivw, 4s- 1 a jjt , raBe; Mt k4; d-u JUr-. aerefe li jt,. MeiasaUet,. Ue. t w'rf, . BTSJsrsaj areas t UUe is te. sua...k. ,-. uU . . . . awjlbe-i bilr ff $, ji. We eejerlUKt fa n.u(j . Ba44 ftrv Jot Js. t a w hw. f f-rea . Omtej., M . 4ta,B.AVasJ 4SS.O. M. Tyler 4 SB. A. & iSVCLSni sss.T.Oaaw 4) laswa 1 SS. Was Jawaii 4 SB. B . . SSS.Ca.TaslTia Grand Dispersion Sale AT TOBB jrit. TocBdmy, Not. 2, lSi, aa ov-tle . ii efSeWaSeAf Lt a-. ..j - . trie f -rtraeia atx. t- i .. . Uil 1 w... . . - - 4t Blf4a u isii i. ,- ac Aet ff !!,--: .. fvefiesau -6 . . t ' . " F " b. -. M asswias twisty t-- W4 11 awrttii. . .,.. . .. eeasss a asW -. . '' -:ry f 5 aaeew y Vw. fW t , irl4X4r w f S-Si IA sersts jpetr fav e fcrt - eAa v V. jj 44 4 r, Bsaaa,W, ,. mwunHKan wvraBB. mm-wm mm lajiw1"1 " WBBBBa) . w. aiBHB ewaw aiHeBiBj 'wr rv awajtj w w w iw aBBBSasar .'.w.awav swan etttsass t reeaaterease, sfSjaa. "ssw ssas aaeasss F.A. asssaaaaaf as.. . essaereea. .m asiy.aa ease JL IJ,BH; a S s - Aatfaggatw ssialsaai aaassuak m -" SI as SBSB saWSBM -- . m - .. .- -- mi '. . 1 1 we w .... 1 ..i, 1 iiaaia AB aVWWIBK OHav -.w 1 - - - - aayaadall territaries M M ZJZTT .J aaa Gsmaat. Jwawaal t. sw4 jfae.aaaatasawaaaawA saw awtw, IsUlsawK OiTlall. mtaaeedemsadedaach .x i, mtm9mtmm to --a essmaA.a awsaBsrsawsWlswssawiw.saw " - - a- .. . tmwastalkwritasAli. sj aaaasta. Leave assist wstfC WaweBwasjljm -nTjiMriflr " 'fT' ' I lZT "'. Tlhaffssff. il WsssTi'l sH swaajj Iff lawJB atilawl ami Bjlasltf Hal' BE F A wawTsBssT ajj ByATawaaaaalZZSaf ywi?ff? ""w waVasjsawB) yajtaesna - "T WWjMi J! "aw. Batau. - wewtsve. ju. -t.' "XiLf aseawfawee