The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 09, 1888, Image 7

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An I.'yc-Va'ltn.-s tli-.rrllN t:tr u r.a:r
'u: Workn.
hye-wlt'i'-es describe t!:c water
spout as pre-eating si most itnpres-ing
.vid beaut: f;.! sj-ca:lc. It formed
zi'ntrt half way botivufcii Point C teir
and I5itl"'js rh.-.rf and proceeded
-lowly toward the thor. 3, ro;ri:g -at
firt wi'h a v..ry loud noie. It lruck
i.iit'.e.V wha'-f iif.;r lhe shore a.e.l cut
i: offa-i iio;.tiy as if it had been aawed
off. 'I'he tspout s-ii-ke.l up a gr.sil lot
f splint-rc-d wood and went dashing
inland, carrying with it a msuvj of
whirling debris, in the midst of which
hundr.-d i of v.v;c mingled. 'J'!:.;
waterspout ded up the Ian::, tore
T the eorn-jr of a b irn an 3 then Ml to
the j,-i-m::s1 with a luiid iio'mj, deposit
ing the load of broken wood and
Captain L. H. ILennorlygrij a graphic
aoeomit of the phenomenon. lie ay
that ho wut'h"2 thy wavrpout from
beaming to the 'id. There wan a
vry heavy black cloud in tin- sky oil
the point, and all the i-lotids in the
neighborhood .re se:n moving toward
Ili eenler or the bh:"!r cloud. He
know then that a wat:r.-p(iit was
forming, and called attention to
the atmospheric disturbance, i'ron
enfly the water of the bay. about
one hundred yards IT the end
of a lonir wharf. began to btil
and whirl around with a loud no Is -.
Tain wiiirl)onl w:is directly beneath
the black cloud. The black cloud the.i
formed in Tunnel .shap- ami let down a
point, revolving inn direction contrary
to the whirlpool bdow. .Soon the two
borUen of water joined in forming a
column about fifty feel in diameter
in tins middle nnd reachinc; up nhoul
a mile in the air. A.i soo.i as
the junction wa.s formed the gr-at'r
part of the rushing water erased.
The column stood apparently motion
less for about fifteen minutes, nnd had
an angle with the horizon of about
sixty decrees. The funnel at the tp
was dead bla-k. but the bod of tins
waterspout was flute color. At the
bottom, where the fpotil .spread out
into a pyramid, the water was green
and white. It was magnificent .sight
Then the whole mass began moving
toward I:ittleV. and came majestically
along, bending more and more a- it
advanced. When it reached the shore,
just where the wharf joins the shore,
the spout bent in the middle, and a re
port of electric discharge and a flash
of lightning announced that the spout
was broken. The. greater part of the
water was sucked up in the heavens :v
the spout parted in the middle, and the
remainder fell with a irrent noise, en
veloping the wharf and breaking it
down for a distance of jicrhapn fifty
feet, reaching from tho shore to a
small house situitt'sl on the wharf.
The effects of the .-pout, were felt on
land slightly. It was only a remnant
of the gyrating wat-r that hit the house
n laud, and tho damage resulting
was small. Mobile He teter.
lfo Frintc Clrrk .M:tntci-il to l.lro
lltli en m siuill S:l try.
When worn out or mutilated notes
are redeemed they are taken t the re
demption department of the Treasury
and counted, cut in two lengthwise,
each half counted in separate room-,
and each lot then separately reduced t,
pulp, some of which reappears in com
merce in the form of toy animals and
other figures which arc sold at thi
souvenir stands of the Capitol :rid at
the various -hops in the city. ).r of
the accountants has held the position
-ince 1S.". and has been all that time
one of the most -killful and trusted em
ployes. She i-. of mature age. and is
fat and well kept, like a woman of
wealth amid leisure. were
simple, and yet required the coohie-s
and skill of an accomplished prc-tidig-;fntenr.
Her accomplishment- we:v
worthy of Hermann in that respect.
Surrounded by her associates in similar
work, she wotdd deftly tear notes in
pieces, paste them togethersoasto form
one more complete note than the pack
ago originally contain-d and then ab
stract a complete note of large denomin
ation. The packages would foot up cor
iss'tlyand seemtobe uutampered with.
I low long lh is has been going on. whet h
er she is the only light-fingered lady in
the business, and how much has been
stolen no one can tell, for each day all
that has been counted is reduced to
pulp. The deficit discovered in the
one lot. when an expose of this
woman's performance was accidentally
made, amounted to within a few dol
lars of $l.t00. and the amount pur
loined may. therefore, foot up to a
largo sum. All the time she has boon
engaged in this work, at least for sev
eral years, it has been a subject of
comment in tho neighlwrhood where
she lived, and still lives, that she put
on remarkable airs for a woman that
received only 7.r dollars a mouth,
slie purchased a fine house years ago.
and furnished it in thu most elegant
style, and not long after purchased tin
other. Recently she has been engaged in
erecting an exjonsivc country mansion
in one of the suburban villages. For
several years .she has kept a fine team
of horses and an elegant carriage, in
which, however, she would not ride to
the treasury. She would not patron
ize the street cars, though, but each
morning and evening had a livery man
come with a coupe and carry her to
andfrom her place of honest toil, by
which she became a capitalist. l :$-
ington Cor. PhUailelph ta Press.
An Oculist's Advice.
Keep a shade on your lamp or gas
burner. Xever read or sew directly in front
of a light, window or door.
It is be?t to let the light fall from
above, obliquely over the loft shoulder.
Xovor sleep so that on first waken
ing the eyo shall open on the light of
a window:
Xever begin to read, write or sew
for several minutes after coining from
darkness to light.
Do not use the eyesight by liglit so
scant that it requires an effort to dis
criminate, whether twilight, moon
light or on cloudy days.
Finally, the moment you are in
ninctively prompted to rub your eyes.
that raomeut stop nsing them. Tivj
Why It f Kulltttd to ro.illrm::o a
f'actnr if tUfrtr.
The lightning-rod has end :rcd non
ridicule than m jslly falls to tho lot of
a novel appli.-nee who-e value c.a not
be incor.leatablv proved. This L parti
owing to the poor quality of the iirlic:
rods, and partly lr the n :cal;ai
methods of the ligh'.ni'ig-rvu m n
themselves, ho in the f.a.t have o'd
tiieir goo Is in the co-infy district by
the as-4iance of Uiemost oxtnv.'ajjnoJ
storied. L'.i warranted and rkU'alou
claim's have had much to do r. iUi tht
direpute into wiisch the lightning-: ou
ha fallen among thi; une biCAiftJ. ! a -
t-dhgent p-orde. however. w'v have
nut hjaa iiwled by igaarant r ; jrt. arc
niincMt unanimous in c ide -lag it as
important factor of &f.y. So g iTisral
is lhi-5 reasonable faith that it i usUia
iehing to in r. journ tl i! ex
clusively U electrical matv.js. JjkI "the
u-seleitneis of the lightuu.-roil is
be'-oiniug so geti'jraliy unJe.UKd
that th- agents find th?: voca-
lion a trying one. Fewer iuA fewer
rods :tre m m if:iet':re.l iieli arid
the d.iy will vii j when a lig-tnii:g-ro 1
on a hou kj will htt r... i-dt:J in the -a.n : i
light a a hor.-e-di-iovcra mvi'.- door."
We are not in pri-iena:i of -t.-.tltic- of
the lightniiig-roi industry. ? er.-i not
limit or dispit-j the -tat-ir.ent that
the 1.1 lutifacture of ii M3tinnte:3 in Hiieal feet,
we would u A be siirjirisii if the .ti
iiiutiou had falli-n ol, this i- no
fair criterion. S ::ie year? aj;o large
pzantttie.-i of small iron
won: sold, and were Jittc 1 and out up
in the eiie:tpet p'i sili'-o nr:nuer. .S.ieh
roudiictor-. when new. were of little,
if any. u-e. :.:i (ft-a h.r! time, when j deed!" sai-J tho IVincj. "V. ell. thal"
the jitjint-. iMaui j r.i-'y and tho a curious coincide. ice, for that happens
broken, were utterly an-1 altogether
valtielo4s. It is no": fair, thcefore. to
:oirlemn the sy.-tem Imk-iuso -o faultily
xemplifie I. It is quite lik-dy that the
wretched imitations of lightning rods
ire mide less than heretofore, on
the oilier ha. id. ri is well constructed
iud fitted are increasingly popular. A
well-made cypper rod with gilded :
points and ample groundings can not
tie bad for a sixpence, and the owners
if houses or moderate cos-t woild r.ith.-r
orave the uncertain thunderbolt than
meet a eerinin expeti.-e. The fa-t that
!eajiand inefficient rods are le-s pop
ular than formerly i- no arguiu ut that
the principle of protection by lightning
conductors is scientifically unsound.
Iron A'jc.
Camn Which Icvour flip Kariiliisa ol
thr- INmit with Krgularlty.
The Italians are natural gamblers.
The iiatioiuil game of lotto, now under
tho patronage and control of the 'lov
ernment. is patronized to an incredi
ble extent. The chances of winning aro
less than few and far between; but
rich and poor, priest and peasant, pat
ronize it with persistent "regularity.
The poor actually go without food and
pawn the very lieds they lie on in order
to buy their weekly ticket-. The gamo
itself is of simple form. Numbers from
I to iM inclusive are placed in a largo
revolving whu'd.und at noon on Satur
day, in the presence of the municipal
officers and (Soverument repre-enta-tives,
Hi numbers are drawn forth bv
live difTorent children gathered at
random from the waiting crowd.
These numbers are then publicly pro
claimed as the winning numbers for
the week and telegraphed far and near.
Previous to the Saturday dr.uving -that
is to say from Sunday morning
till Friday night -ticket- are sold.
The purchaser choo-cs his own num
bers, and he may buy two or thro. or
four or live, ju-t as he phsises. It is
nilloss to say lha't to choose iiv win
ning numbers is akin to a miracle.
Two numbers uot unfrepicntly come
out. and occasionally a lucky investor
hits on three; but these are rare ex
ceptions, aad. as at Monaco and other
public tables, the percentage i- so
heavilv in favor of the bank, that tho
people lo-e their money with delicious
regularity. To prevent cheating and
possible collusion, the oflice- aro
dosed for the .-ale of ticket- on Friday
night and remain unopened till the day
after the drawing takes place. Tho
prizes vary in value in proportion to
the amount paid for the ticket, and aro
tempting enough to keep the poor still
poorer, while the (lovernineut coffers
grow full and overllow. (VimntH n
ltlchtly-IMr-tetl IVraiunloii an
Arcumrnta Will Accomplish.
Kailway station "in the backwotnls
of Kentucky. Old Zeb Trotter and his
wife, who have come out, a distance of
fifteen miles, to sell two' dozen eggs
and three pounds of blue' butter, aro
anxiously awaiting the arrival of tho
train, which, if the weather is good,
makes two trips per week.
Zeb "Mahaly. let go home. That
feteh-takod train ain't comiu'. nohow."
Mahaly "O. now. don't le snatched.
It'll he erlong alter while."
Zeb "Yas. but we've been awaitin
putty nigh ever tense tun-up. an' it
ain't come vit."
Mahaly "Hut it tnout be along al
most any hour. Do you reckon a body
watits ter stay out yandor in tho
hills an' work all the time an' not
eo nuthin ? .lest lecaze you don's
keer nuthin fur the 'joymeuts aa
'citoments o this here life you think
that nobody else do. Hero I've loon
?r layin" off to set these kyars over
-ince last fall was syc year ago. an'
now that tho good Lawd has give mo
the chance, you waater snatch it away
from me. 1 ain't a goin' to move or
peg frutn here till that train comes.'
Zeb "That terbackor ought to bo
Mahaly "Ioat keor if it do."
Zeb "An 1 let the chicken? air
scratohin up the ingons.'
Mahaly "Lei 'cm scratch.'
Zeb Old Miz Buck will git her soap
niade'fo you.'
Mahaly (much excited) "Git tho
hosses. Zeb. an' les hurry on home.'
Arkansaw Traveler.
A New York girl dropped dead tho
other day. two hours after bavin- be
come engaged to be married. It isup
posed her death was caused by aa at
tack of heart disease, brought on bj
npl-i.'x-c declare that the black
Codli-.h -M'h'. nn the jrortiiera I'adlle
roast u.c i-dyivor to thad. an 1 iu'
ficitely belt ; than til" onliaar:. cvJ.
A J."rinu !-tati?Uciaa fibres up
that Ejg'uid has rau-cd the dr::h of
OO.OJ .ft) p-uplf anti haa wrought C 10.-OJ-J.'t
I'tJVi wort.j of dtf-trurtJos.
lig:i--h cict!-;-J de
light in fiV'?t bz.iiT as "!he
Sn-j, of the rh0v,.ils.v Tlje IWwthrca
tf the 'ockhtrice" and "The Koyai
A-.ti:clcriaa Urd-r of BqTcb-M."
Siitfn 11 j11 -ay?: "Soi-a w s-hsj!
not caoagh grojad to .rKrh rar
1 1 -:-s wi ! n Jt on ll;nhs. We -b&U
j nx.o j pay tax ar.J !? QOC and
re??! 111:. he pfttafecci."
j "Tas l'od!e Dog" rcinurarU the
f Francisco Delinonico. was yeiopt
j bv :hj FrnchTnan who staned it "c dor" (The (Joidrn lien). wMch
7- loo much of a jawbreftkv.T for lac
i.aiive: hence the present nsxe.
A white in Coli.tabjM. S. C.
who wn charged with her colored
hubn:.d with vicdntlng the law against
ini.'egenati(n. swore that she had
ttero bloo! in her Vein- and eevured a
di-;.gi-'::ne:it of the jury.
What is termed a "-tartling de
parture in the line of hor-e trading" is
rejiorteiJ from Fall Kiver, where a citi
zen who had a mare for side "-t.nlod
frankly that her di-po-5iion i sour
that she hnto-i herijlf. and ihat be
wouhi rc'oiumend the crewtae to no
bo-iy lutacMistoined to hor-e-."
An Andclu-ian gniadee wa boaM-
ing lo l'riace Ksrhay. the great
Hurinrinii miilior.aire. that he had on
' !.i- e.-,mt.. t in Spain no les-
than fifty thousand Mievp. "Al
to b ju-t ;he number of my .AV. .-if.
r.t.-. Ytttfitj torf.
--A' a n-ccat parschute exhibition
in (uincy aireom.ut Ilildwin fell 1.0 )J
feet lie fore the parachute opened. To
b -Iter appreciate the awful velocity of
s.ich a heart inking drop it should be
Kited that his. hat, wh'ch v. a- knocked
off as he cast loote, was left behind
ViO feet, though itpa-scd him after the
parachute linil'y opened.
Translated from the French: "Tell
me." he said to the doctor, "tell mo
frankly, is there any hop ?" "Ye,
sir; a gnat deal. The statistics show
that one nut of every hundred affected
with your disease recovers." "Well?"
"You are the hundredth I have treated
for the malady, and I did not cure one
of tho ninety-nine others." St. J.01.U
A French chef prided himself on
having an knack of makingau omelette
in which could be noticed, among
other savory things, a most delicate
flavor of onions. It was, however, -ucb
u mere suspicion of a flavor that lib
master lagged one day to lie informed
how the dish was compounded. Said
tlu cook: "O. that, is simple, monsieur:
after I've mix.d the omelette I eat a
small piece of onion and breathe into
the dish."--VfVfr7i t.f '.
The late Kev. William day. of Hath,
and Andrew Fuller were driving
together, when a bird flew ncro the
road and so frightened the horse that he
ran away. Having got home without iu
j.irj they were talking over the matter:
Hrother." said Mr. Fuller, "that was
n very awkward, disagreeable b;rd: it
was like a jai." "Xo." wa- tho re
joinder, "it was;, r in the neck, ful
Ur in the body, and j lifter all over."
The bird in reality, a- they both knew,
wa- an owl.
- He was a married man. and his
wife was the head of the household.
He had a friend who was in the same
case, only hi- friend was apparently
happy and comfortable, while he was
just the reverse. He had long -tudied
this peculiar difference between them,
and finally he mustered up courage to
go to his friend and as',: him: "What
is the way to lie happy." he asked,
"when you are under a woman's
thumb?" "Iou"t squirm." l.etrhton
Farmer (at country school) "He
you the teacher?" "Yes, sir." "So it
was you that thumped the tar onten my
boy Tom last night?" "I did puni-h
an unruly scholar." "Punish! Wal.
I should say so. You stamped 011 him
and slugged him an ended by kickiif
him clear aero the school yard. Is
that correct?" "Pretty near." "Let
me shake hands with you. I have to
admire a man who can knock out inv
son Tom. for I'll be hanged if I can do
it." XcbraAn State Journal.
A woman with a patent button
fastener, has been doing the towns in
Kalern Washington, says the Seattle
iV. Inteltiyenrtr. Walking quickly
up to a staid old gent on the street she
will dexterously clip a button from his
coat before ho lets loose of the idea
that she is going to hug him. and when
he exjHKtulates she produce her but
ton fastener and instantly replaces the
button, tight and solid. Of course he
buys a box of thu fasteners, and the
lady seeks another victim to practice
her arts upon.
When you see a man carrying a
book bearing on the cover the title,
Groat Exeetation?." or "Our Mutual
Friend. don't rush to the conclusion
that he is going to road Iieken. Many
of the dainty volumes so labelled are
hollow, except that they contain a half-
jiuu w iiijsy na-K. ity louomng a
spring the mouth of the flask springs
into view, all ready for a "uip." So
popular are these flanks that a Cham
bers street firm offers them for sale
under the name of Temperance Hook
Flask-." A. 1. Trihune.
"My friend. said a tight-fisted
banker to a young man who had pulled
him out of the water. "I appreciate tbc
fact that you hare saved my life, and
1 am prepared to reward you to re
ward you liberally for your services.
What can I do for you?" "Well. sir.
there was a suit of clothes spoilt." said
the rescuer, who was good-nalureu
though not educated, 'that would be
about $17: then I lost mv hat. that
iculd be fifty cents: then 1 took con
siderable liquor to keep off a cold,
which cost me a quarter. I don't think
of nay thing else, sir. "But you do
ot mention the faet that you have
saved my life. What can I do for you
ou that Score?'" "O. well, call the
whole thing 18 an Til throw the life
avinjj in foM.' Jilcrckami Traaitr.
Tmii and anahlt
trejted In knew th it oap
fre.-! ll-t. Tcis Sithitg.
irtll ?r: In
ij on the
M-wu'iji-s broK-"" o!
r. tn cavj
will tjw mikwJ U3t:i th are fo-
Iras nil wtt v tvuMW. 1 oj
are no m'atch fr ssu. fir." Hasbnad
(weailj): "If I am tt. m.- d:
d-jyoo al"3rty rr: lo y-rat:h
a-, why
!:.&& pvattng csswxviiB. '
tie htHlinz of i!!c i lporiAat Ur-'
wie. it reir tit amount of wu- ;
thitthft'tiepama'l 1t- tK-5 riiiJc,
ea. L9ae;:U C.4.--Jur.viL -
V uufci wHi ii'l-xrf.i hUtrta tryln.'
to hit a bii -br.!!. an ?a-i an onUr.- ,
d-.yln djjilil-ttl-.zeffini U awike m
Uo-as rm bat he ww"t b-su a carpet.
i'XotaiK-h. JitrThati TV.m-.-.
5 .v "i vo:: sn w au pu t; 1 i.JT,mm: "ncn vou go home rernl b
it io -ft a'i int'sreu II i- th? imjriu ;-'
j lion playing up on asupleii thit gie-
, it thj.-r b? ::it;f a ol'r wM-h go--ir
' delight-in. Sit I'r.tKij t'.trntt-l-
, V.'hsn a foneivR p.ka era- o?
t age he generally rceeiv m uttav
! prescat j of jewelry. Thi- i- a- it hou
' be. for abtc.u tli-j oaly thin:
Wat r.
:: r.iis'i
i foreign prince ecer doi U di-t
la earning of n;e. Jrrrc'rr's
J ! ..?,.' :a .Mr. Hx-kln. "that
I there ar-j a million :nrts worn i thi:
mon in Germany. 'to-, -a'd .ur.
Srnarly: "they do ihit to v lu th"
military requirement- of tho Gricia
Gove anient." iri r's itj.zc.
A henlth jo'ina: Iris started the
' queiUoa, -Wii .1 L the b"-t noMlion i
1 which to sleep?" niwl a dozn or mo.-.-I
willing 'oie are prparitt- to sho :.
j "What's the m.itter with :'.. : of a p--'
lieeman?" '.it.Vi tphui L"ltr.
it is a good idon that the wintry
hotels have adopted of furnishing
tneir gue-ls with notti KcroMMie fanip
riiiI cai.dles. The kerosene lamp- are
very ust-ftil in helping you to sen the
light that the candle- give.
vtii J tiiriuil.
A late -o.:g i- entitled "Noboh
knows but mother." Guerallv -pak-
:ing. nobody knows but mother what
kind of a temper a daughter ha-, but
after the honeymoon is over, the
young husband begin- to find out
something of what mother kuev..
fos'on Courier.
She (in great agitn'.ion) .
Gt-orgi;. I heir papa at the front gale.
and he is apt to lie impul-ive when he
comes home lute." He (reassuringly)
'aim vour fear, dear. I'm in
eoal biine-s, you know, and lie ha
owed the firm money for ro;u for over
iiino mouth"." A. 1. Stm.
It was nearly midnight, and he
wa gazing dreamilv into the lire.
penny for your thoughts. Mi.s Clarn '
lie said, airily. "1 wns th'iking. Mr
Samp-on." she replbsl.
how verv
much annovc.l papa wns to-dn ove.
the amount of last month s gns-bt'l. numbers, for Ttianl;: vinjj. ChnstnA.
And then pnmlv he left nhhoiit ' J"01 'r,,,iU,Vi I,'u"tlru,''J
. . , '. Wivkly tMupnleuicniB, and the Annua.
giving her tne penny. j rrvmium List, wuh ami illustrations. lUullv's little olive braneii und ,., I attl5upap;r for only 1 75 a year.
great outerv when his niolhera'temiC" 1 ' . , , ,.
. , . , r. i . .A TMC4TK itoor-kpcjr would in a Wo a
to give him a s. .t hath. Jinks b.-e-t.n. rtsxi fortune teller If ho mut.1 telf Uk fui
jirovoked at the vo.mgster. an-1 at i'-'i "r H he can tho pacd. i'.'dwi.
cxfiaunifi: i oon i vewnv itie o-
trite little fool is fright -!ie J at w.tte
Wheivnpou Mr-, dinks cast a ii:4.
ing g'i'nce at her liege loni' ruil ..
iitMO. an 1 retorted: Inn,r.t,l. I n
jiose. His father obj -et' 1 to v. .ter b--fore
him." .links failed t p-.r-ii- th-colloqut-
further, and fir K 'inl
and retleetiveh from the -ceoe. - .V. "
Ltit'ji r.
J tiMr'ltloit Votlnii Imhi: Trt! Vet
I it, a. . .i.t .t..t I
.Jflllll I lit' i II. "Iilll...! -.1 "
In Loner Canada and the lli-'.e-i
States ehildivn tiro told when a lo if
ctiinej out tliat the new tooth ill Ik i i
gold one if the is kept out of tV '
An "old n omau's" sny'ng. ham:.-, '
down by many a fond mother, lolls
. , . ,i
that to lo-e a tOOtll or an eye Is a'-o t ,
lose pome friend or kinmn. or
', at
leat, attended bv Mime illluelc.
To dream of teeth wa coi-idered r
wnruing of Mimo impending di-a-ter.
unless vou happened to shape vour
dream so that the teeth would
, , . ., ,
when you must gather from that -ort of
nightmnre that vou would soon meet
your lover, who would projwi-c.
There was a tradition that fiorn the
time Chosrees. the Persian, e.irried of!
a piece of the true ero from I'onstnri-.-tinoplo.
the uumber of teeth in the
mouths of mon wa reduced from
thirty-two to twenty-throo. It i ueotl
les to say. however, that mankind is
usually provided with a full comple
ment of thirty-two.
Teeth have lieen worshiped, and. in
fact, are venerated as relics in ome
ndigious shrines. Huddtiu's ttxith i
preserved in a temple in India, and
Cingalese worshiped the tooth of a
monkey, while an elephant's tooth and
a shark's tooth served a similar pur
pose among the Mal.nlwr islander and
the Tonga islanders respectively. The valued a monkev-. tooth o
highlv that thev are rojwrted t- have j
offered the PoV:u.?u.e. into who-e '
bands it had fallen bv the fortune- of
war. 70GO.Cs) croxvns for it.
The period of teething hoin"; an
anxious one in childhood, it is ajx-
tremelv to hat it over I
with. In the wet of Kngland a neck-'
lace of Ivads made from eony nm!. j
was placed on the child's neck to aist j
the operation, and one of amber l.uls
wa- alc thought to be jKiwerful. either '
Njin con.sidarotl n help: acctvrd inj' to
tho complexion of the child. wer '
the diilerent ctdorei l'ad
UeaU It I
xca alo aid that the 5rt teeth mu:
ta.-vt w aasr- mfr. v -a.fn l.n fill n..a ! w. .. u . . a.. .. .. aac; a.4a IAt
wi. it ms ;iuiiii--u jjui sucij a vjiny. tne '
next uoth would b like that of the j
animal Jindin" tho old ar.c.I'ilLAvr.'k !
- - .--
lb".. jcA.
Why He Raised the Price.
IXealcr (to clerk) I'ra goin to raarlc
those boy- diagonal suit? 1 15 to-morrow.
Clerk Fifteen dollars! Why. weve
been !lling thcrn for f 10 all along.
-I know it. but To. coing to give
awar a bae-ball bsit with each on
of iem free o! caarje. Iktrvil Frtt
Cam4 tat.
Dowa herein a beautiful town ou;h
' of u n in'lilel and about lu pood a
on tij ,!!,, t0 rj,- nj,j
f3i(J: ..x,r Jooc j anj an laftflch j
got something that I have no: got. and
I wL-h I had iu I don't know what :t ;
is." I snd "I will pn?-cr:bj for you
and cure you if ou will take mv nitt- j
iclne."' He -aid. "I will do "iu 1
Mlla: -To-night wha I get Uirocgh
lhe pnJ.l(.hiE:r COOMJ up to xha aluvr
and .aVi .God myrclttl lo ra,. a . :
nt, r je. ..Mul t- , iV. ynQr ouih; yiwr trwbL- ha j
bwn your mooth ami If I coubi ktp '
that shut twenty-four hoar I will gxt '
you on the road'toCoi" iure-n.h.
imt nMil . (j,,. ftmj 'Kacjl at ta,.
altar and after the -orvb-j 1 aid t.t
chapter from the IHblo and hare fam
ily prayer-." "Hut I , siy- hn.
Shut your mouth. said I; "your mouth
hits gotten you nearly to hell, and If 1
can keep It shut forty-eight hour I
will cure you." He got his Bible that
night and prayed- The next morning
-he came back. I told him v hen the
door of tho church otionud for him to
go up and join. "I -I ." ho began.
I xniil- "Shut vmir miinth Km itn ,,.
. . .. ......... ..,
I tell vou. I hat afternoon bo aliied
up to the front and joiurd Uic church.
out a padlock on each corner s his
., , , .. , ,, ,, ,
mouiji ami one in me miiniie. unu Kept
his mouth shut forty-eight hour. He
then said: "I believe hi God and the
irtbte, and here is my hand to lead u
Christian life."
Many jveoplu think if ilusir vbw are
no: right they can uot be Christians.
God never said: "Give me your head."
and if vou give God vour heart voor
I1....1I w ill .unna .tt-i..? - rnlMn.1 .
life. An in!idtl Is tin inlldel lniu-
ho will not take the medicine that uih
euro infidelity. Front a .Vi.A't'.. .r
inon ty S. Jon .
From the Ditrict Attorney of West
chester Co., New York.
tVurrr. !i ain .V Y Anrlt 10. is-.
I have received aumy letter in nfer-
: tnw to ffiv te-tim. nlal. Int. iy publUte.!,
coianiendlnjr'- I'oitot I'nTth
I cannot jianr the time to unswer them
in writing, therefore would ajraln ay,
through the Jin's, that I have found All
uhiS I'oiioft I'taTcus invnluuble a
chest protector nnd ihleld ntrwinl couch
and cold. Kurthermtin. I have found Ali
t.ocK' I'L4-Triis uiieualtsl for pain in
ide, buck itd chert.
Ncl-ox H. Dakck.
You can't eiprct a man to rraon when
he' In lovr; and thn objret of hl nffro
tion rrallie that It i better o. Juurnal
f KJutntiun.
Th AfMM-lai OtSVr
I 1.11 JIIK B m 111 .IVIA 1113, ll
' XiM.. which vrr pubbntied last Herk.
i should tie botiiwd by our reader. u the p-
piwtuniiy ronin butourts a year Any new
fuberil"r to Tub 0arn who will cml
1.75 atornt.', nta havi thu ihij-t free t
jaauary I, iw.inu lur a tun ymr troui
thatdale. Inis offer incluilcs four linJUt.iv
L'alrrntllni; a Vrrjr Nrrluua Mallrr.
j People are apt to utnlerrate the ini
portattco f regulating the kUineyn uhu
inactive. Hetuv, tunl fnni the ti,rvrr,
iliintr.ini of ini'iliciil uni, llio prfwulcneo of
1 ibni:enUH renal iliwni' (Jive a healthful
unlive to thene nrt"n when ne"llul with
Ho-tetterH SUimaeti Hitters, utnl uvok! tm
j jMTHhiig dancer. The latter ii1m In., ires
: dlestinii und n'gulunty of the Lxjmc.s. uini
prevents malarial iimipluuiU.
TrLrrnoxc arc n crcat conxen'nre.
and yet jvop!' arc all tho time ta.W.n.;
I aalnut them. VotAri Sustttrnan.
Port. oion that :a-nitnuiule in the blmul
anU nit trie mucninerv oi iuv ijvi'ni, nr'
, ermlniteU and extwilwl by uPtg 'ricUl
A-h Hitters, a nuxiicine that will not irri-
i Late the stomach or UneU It net, m u
gentle manner on tlwc debi'ate urpinv
"n1 re-'"-, heuth in
T., thcmltfortunr of low life to lonr for
eomethln hire.
"Tho N'st thsn rrt ' Tliat is the war a
vouni? man nut it who maiie arnmrri'irnln
to work for It K. Johnson C Co, of lt;ch-
; monu. a. toucan ;vl iurtncr taforua
. tion bv dropping them a card.
I wh"n mc;,,'Pr JUlnff oniW
j -
' fl"0 Cojtrio5c.-ThT is noar-
tide which so neniy crrrvc thr rnttn
confidence of the community a Brown
BaoxcauuTiiorHR. Those uffcrinff frora
Athtnatic and Bronchial L;-. I ouch
and Cold should try thcta. Price, w cr...
Ir jocr face lose color by Jvpcpla
diet TA Sanitary Kro.
A IVk in Time Hares Nine of Hale' Hon
er of Horebonnd and Tar for ooagti.
I'ike'e Touthacbe drop CurelnooctElnut-
- -
Tail Brock Ira biidre ( a enarvfl of a
(iaeeri&g akilL It staad vrittont a peer.
Irambcied wita Sore Ere nc Dr !
Taoigeaa'a Eye Water Lmxiu tell iuac
Trit UclvcRAt. MAKKcTs.
CaTTLB "Mrrisf ur j'i t
lla iv ict:rL. ..
N-iit; ci
MOG ChIu bi.
WatT NvJ r.l
No.r at ,.
CORN No. t. . ....
s .
i s.
j a
I 1
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X u
a t
z o
i ui U
I o Ci
a V"a. . .
RVE No.i ..
f.rJi;,,t"pp'1" pr " 5
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s e
HUTTJuK "rs- trn?7.
CHKKnK-rallcrcx .. ..
1 ki
r e
SJtik!cr ...... ...
aVx . m
u,Ys.-ni"i "
fir. tJOVti
cTn.i: sipptof u...
. ''t' .
5Ufc.Er-K.ijr cwc
in o
t:i Ci-'si
: c -:.4
1 a
-N - rvJ
aVE :"vi
ws a u vo
HOas-rartesraftlvbi ;vts-
in a
SUXEV-rairto tsmte.
KLOCIt Water isl .
TTKKJ.T Na.s r.l ... .
COUX-N-i ...
OaT No. J.... . .... .
urn Nxj
-A 3 i -
: i: & : ':-,
3 1 its
si a rt
POKK. .. ... M S
CATTI.E Cnra t prtasa i
SOG Goal'.) Zx&t . i W
wheat Ntvsr: : a
CORN No. S . ,
OATS Xrurs. srUl. . . a
BCTTES-Crei5ff7. .
FQgg....... . tie
t S3
Stron gytlfci. Nw Prcofa.
lu tznm JIJJ r m r
Mb? !) 4 t a
lmm CU .! ka tvt .4 5. f.,
&. y,.It lnA
Wsm k tWf wt -J 11 li44 C m .
to t U&.S. t wj u k m WMr
f - j. '.. r wt'm3'
yr?f. ;iuja hi rt.
ll;.: .!;.,tu S3 11
i v.-v f in v iJU w-i n m
r a trzznisx.
TK camts t,flttSCCtRM.Cl
Diamond Vcra-Curo
ats lii rr;v t rt'.vvti "rct xs
y.-.f U. li. X..V v iM--l trU M
W O.
w-a-si. -v f ( r k
" " . z.
.IV- i .
.:?V r - ssr$. 1
- w
t i ti i.. h ' t'
' iIi.ii i i..rtlkk. l
fnmttwnt i .- W -.. r lt
o- -fc ' 4 I -! u y . k i t
I '"i '- i- Mr r
tk t ULa A J a. Tm a baslk 1 1 -
l. t -ri. - 1-
- rrww- - t-n i vv im
.' I n fVk4 - . r
r mim. i 'jfi If a " 1 1 .tz
Vs f . r !- -.-. t. ui. 1. . V i
llkt t rt 4. 4 y it ti. yi .
'IJ-H W i . t-V I Mlr' .
Il t. a fM T Ha.M tfc pm' -. I
lHH firtl '. f IIm l If '.S
tftklOMl rivrol k I I T' ' l I.
-4.rt I, IH .l t lUf trftim' - -
t4 llt Mr sit..n l4i. . . ...
i M
I irt4M tn .! IS." tKr . .W' W J1INN " l.s
j IlKVl. tO-Sl I". ,.il -t Sr- ', l. . 1
I ft fllii. - i . I - f .i . ' f
I tv 1 .1 1 n . .. - 1 .1$ ft. .
' '" I - -lit - MH
l ' t
T - u.v t i 4 u ,f ,.., v a ..,0.
Wtkl - .
But do not tilt the danjercui Altili ird
j Mercurial preparation which dettrer jour
ncvous lyv.em ar.J rum ecigeitit po.
cr el the stomach. The Vegetable Etna
dam sires us the eett and safest remeelal
afencies. Dr. Sherman decte thegrra'er
art Ms life te the Htcttn ol this rella.
We aa4 safe reeieey. eae all its Ingre4ieel
are weeeUMe. He fate it the name el
Prickly Ash Bitten !
a Me every en caa reeteeieer. aa4 te te
feteat eay nethinf has keen eiKeef4 taat
it M eeeeacla! fer lhe tlee4. far the Liver.
fertaeKMeers a4fer the fteeieca. This
reaWy it no se vH aa tavtrahly haevn
ey all he hate esee it thai arfuavent at
te its nerits is useless, ene it ethers vrtte
require corrective ta the system eubi
Nt five it a trial the health el this ceue.
try would he vastly Improve1. Remember
your druggitl ter it.
tola rroyrieten, ST. LOUIS. MO.
L'Art Do Lo Morfo.
& miiiii o ri 1 1 .
ix Tm i tit! rzi
turt Hint.
IJr t " 't IIJ
rt ' j aa trti.t t f .i. i
i.u-. f t
m j Mcit:r. f.wn.k.r.
mi ink. s , IUi li:t M.f i ,...
rE.V?.... Catarrh
bnum ORLffl!
rv rii t tm 1 1
titrrS !J yn 7T'
tn jn'i (nt i uV
O.0 My m Urit i!
him! it.- t-.itft
flnt Jly' umr e' . j
Crrtm lUtitr.h, liit
tui UiHrj, -nriuf
U rnilrrbj (,in
ft firi-tMn, wj.
Tun's Pills
T pmeat tma . fssa me i
r tkiaa ahfr. Ta ll le
at ssvai r imi. 4
tftewtl- vm emme
Ooe. 44 Marrmjr HC. X
t imw" otrriJK j,
Ut Xaeca aa4 awt
Lcis yr. Xt U aa esey.
lel??ll cf sfs; later .
'auuicrs tee mil wa-s rcr.
is rsaris er u
cKtaiUM of rrj. "3B-
tea cicti to -&4 fsrs'jA y s -&
alt th. cesry fci4 3-Mcmirr
r5tis to rta. rXk. 4-?. Uarr
e;. SJi. tsist. vr-j-k. jk
la CSttTti.
sri?: ca
cr '7 U hose. esA 4a rri
Mr 4 e7&stv. Jast 2crs ot
w&i U rj!sirt4 to 43 I1 t is.h
CSvFMTlBLT. d 799 cs ! 5 :ir
tt3.ii cf ii nJw f lis Bt7TKa
ODIDE. srhssb wi2 b et -a
ff5t d 10 et t -?r fj-jru.
XU-U4 IT.'ceT . CaVfeo.Za.
mi na imj -.
Vrt ytrcir fer Cafetrr x ti
. EdrtaasS 1 C. IM 0ni.
IzxrvraAnm. P.
" M
Tmta Uw riMm ttSS-s'k. f-v!-.5 " ai
if. ! l r Mi-T,mm - marnV - 1 a mT
bmi , a. mmw'
rmMflaial. rv. . mffmmM- ,- iMMra, . MmJT
Evmerakama BrBtlmMmlmmmam I ;ami r aaaaa
maaaaaamKrvaVllMmle twmaHmafa
ae vsm ea t a .
Bryant I StrattM Chkac Immu IstKtgt !
.J27-A,.ITJTUT, " TtaHtaC Maeou cm- .r7.,..
isTtvt-ri . tw auvxea-aemrr zjm thm woftuot ra --- .n .rwau, maaa aav t t -r-.r. . jt uj-. t-p iq .tin
awtt tfanmtt spy sb:
e. I.T. Miint-n.vrtrs-L yu
MMaTtaV aasv.vwanjl
Almotftss alJnblcsss uiU.
aj t . ..! t s t. !
HU K tTt p"t
Vcutl tsj TiOs.
Xlt l-
r&lL biiTuTi. fy'y'i TJ?
t 'Iiat It srt I I s-1.
J- '4m i:ivT7ii
, .
W9" S t y m f
Ax! AH Palss Of Aa t-Ua.-aa!crr i ;.
WU r trittllv . - ('s.
oxci nuos M, ru i
51.00 PER WEEK
Bf our Imprortd Club $tttm
' h ; tuijti
( .i fUia .t lt pm im r-
r.Ulx. allkaai. f. '" Llt. K
Uil m Ut t ..K4.t tfM t
mw i.mA. ItrtUkl- I.T V TI O m.
k.1. flr Wm tt tF- w-l
rvit 0. Hr" i w vi . Wo
20 Nomtm Otm St Mit,oti,rHU
. l.v4 In tfmt
ylitM nlli.l mIh,
VTk'lr m Ik alft.tM .,
rtrmrt rmn.4 . Hrv -.
tlr la4M.auaiilaMti.iwi4iliiwi
I r f. . - .( t ., ((w.m.
(X. - ll.sH v.(tc. a c .. .MI
....U.r 1 V.,. . .. ;t- .. .t .w J u
aMr. f. . 4 - "k 4
' rl-,Urt 4 'r ir
'? '.!' ilTtt ISftfkj -. .,
tv.i T ti.rn . ..
oiamizem aia. r
-s4 ;r-.r rHBlTi.i.
v -t v.v T9mii"4
. i .i i. r f rHs
Us rt m-i ital ttlt Mmu
,C0M0 MsSt ClTltM CVtf.
BtW. f . IV
W IW t4t - VmU. r m .
rt Mm
A s i ih.S H.U4 . -..
Htavvl rna
rvit.viairf ' utvif if j t t m)
ftflLMOCvC A MA. Zftl trMOaar . T.
! T: ua
Full cal.
4, "t(AO
1 u -
i:. ."7
v.. .TZ.
- '
Ian If
S A I'lftiav mA . a .. . aa a m.
4 o . a.
.i f rr.trmAkAi la.
iaii fwcitv .c.
IHNetellMMaa A.
rw rafaa V
" Sfsa. vwm af ta p. s-
Wl.Vs-rt At Kkr.
a.T....t. v
UB SUIUlltj,
PICTURE "" svtis
ay, K. Witt Am, 3tj -v lii.
JII 11'' T ,,. a -.)a(s. ,
" fT rt ... s.a
ST .-r.-
ctocT ma ?, sm jj -
- 0wm -
Ts -v A-.!-, ra l-vAs
mrwwm afcrnt yJ- ? nmfiiaa
Miaibjafl. tual i ii ..
-rv, rfce . ,. w'w.,-
- iM.miMri
kt Tr-'. rma a
1 t.j
""-"- -"
fi m, a "raw -w - " wa
irsi'.- .m t r tiiij
, cmcaco. -"SiH
mWkama. BmmU
T fc- aV .
-e NOwT-
F S W "'. w "
. .r S w v a r , M
jr y -ir--
Jmk a-rs mat ! A4aammaai