The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 09, 1888, Image 2

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atfe , sir
JL C fsstktf PropriaHmt.
The Suez canal convention ha been
rignod at Constantinople by
notentiarifcfe of all tie
the I'letiJ
Europtau) powers.
TK canj of General Adam B&denu
ajjaintt the widow of General U. is.
irant for HO) for alleged hervicet
cm C;meral Grant'it rnexnoim ha been
discontinued on eonwrnt of both par-
TliK Amalgamate Society of Rail
way Servant-! of Great liritain and
Ireland met at VrUm recently. Their
condition .va Jlourithin', the mem
bership Tjein' 11.030 and the income
for 1W having own s2,h&i and the
expenditures 10,405.
TK other nlyht H. I- Wood, a pro
fessional gambler, got drunk and ter
rorized Ardmore. I. T., with hi re
volver. Next morning he was found
on the Santa Fe railroad tnwk fatally
mangled. He ha1 evidently fallen
there in a drunken ettipor.
Qi'KKS Natamk hah unt a formal against the divorce granted to
King- Milan by the Metropolitan of
Belgrade to the Greek Orthodox Sy
nods of JJucharei-.t and Athens, to the
Holy Synod of St- J'eterhbsirg and to
the Ecumenical i'atriarch of Conutan
tinople. Ho.v. Mi'haki. Husky HKKBKirrbai.
)eeu ap(ointod Hritiih charge d'af
faires at Wahhington. J-ord Hawkvilly
-will go to England on leave of ab
hwau It wai) underbtooJ that the
JJrJtihli (Government would allow his
iu-o to rewt until after the J'ressidential
Information having 1.-en received
at the ICavy Department that the uteel
-ruiher Morton had arrived at King
ston, Jamaica, Acting Sxrrelary Har
mony decided to revoke the order
sending the Keararge, now lying in
dock at Portsmouth, N. H.. to protect
Arwrrican intercut, in Hayti and to or
der the Kohton there in her tttestd.
vViiairnw J. Gickkn. ex-Congrenh-mun
from the Third North Carolina
district, and Mnt Addle K. Davis.
widow of the late Vi-"Preident David
IhtvK were married at r'ayetteville,
3. C, recently. The bride, whose
maiden name wax Uurr. wuta relative
f CongreHHrnan i reen'H first wife and
wa Biarried to Mr. 1 ravin at the Green
nanfcion early in the spring of 1883.
At a r.nt meetingof the New York
Hoard of Estimate and Apportionment
JMslrict Attorney Fellows stated that
within two years int his office and
the police authorities had established
a fccret nervice sy-tetu for the pur
fiosc of watching the opionentH of
law and order all over the civilized
world. Anarchiht and Soeialiutt were
timong thoe who were leing watched.
.VIm;k D. It. ErKiJ-i died at hib
boitie at GreencaMtle, Ind.. on the 30th
iifWr a sickners of revcral utonthH.
He wjih Ixirn in Kentucky in 1800
nd nettled at in lk',8. He
tut the llrt mayor of the city, it Cap
tain in the Mexican war, a Circuit
Judge for iJxtccn yearn and Chief
Justico of Utah under President Hu
chiiiinn. He was a leading politician
and was highly reelected.
Tub Java i7oc myb that the in
juirien made into the outbreak in Han
lam and the resulting innMinrres oint
to religioiiH fanaticirim :ih the moving
hprlng. One of the leaders and many
itherh implicated In-long to a Moham
medan het-t Ktyled NukHhitiendiyiih,'1
which has taken deep root in Went
lava. It regularly receiven orders
from Mecca, where the Grand Master,
a native of Bantam, reside.
TllK extension of railways in Chinli
and Shantung provinces has now the
earnest attention of the Chinese Gov
ernment. The Governor of Shantung,
Chang, is in corresjwndencc with the
Viceroy Li iiung-chang on the sub
ject, and it is contemplated to set to
work as soon as possible to build aline
from Tehchow to Tsi-nan Fu, the pro
vincial capital of Shantung. The
country is already being surveyed
along the route.
Tub will of John Guy Vassar. of
Foughkeeiic. X. Y., makes public
bequests to the amount of $590,000.
Legacies are left to cousins and other
relatives at the rate of $1,000 each.
The Vassar brewery property is di
vided equally between O. II. Booth
and Vassar Hartottle. The residuary
legatees are Vassar College, the Vas
sar Brothers' Hospital and the Vassar
Orphan Home. Mr. Vassar is esti
mated to have been worth $1,500,000.
Wolves are reported playing havoc
with sheep and colts in Northern and
Eastern Montana. Chouteau County
is the greatest sufferer. It might po
aibly stand oft its own wolves, but
with the whole Northwest Territory
across the line full of them and con
utantly breeding them, it can make
little headway in their destruction.
Unless the next Legislative Assembly
takes some measure to destroy these
fast-multiplying jkm- the stock In
dustry in Northern Montana will be
seriously crippled. If not altogether
At the opening of urt in Montreal
the other day Judge Church, in his
charge to the jury, advooated the es
tablishment of a prmincial ditcctive j
system under the sole contrxd of the
executive, and denounced in the most
scathing te.tns the private detective
agencies, lie said: "Tr. ere is to my
uind something outrageous in men ns
umtng lor considenition to become
paid spies over their fellow citizens in
the. interest of any one asking their
services .Jo shadow and track them
down, etc, to report without responsi
bility on the private lives of those
whom they shadow, or to report re
proaching their families, this too often
st for the most laudable purpose,'
Avlax V. Baow will coisjsaad tb
Ecarsarse, detailed f&r datj- in Ilsytiaa
Thi IotTaatial Pesc ArbitratJoa Bo-
city BMrt at Pan on tb 21t- Xmaj dep
uties from let Kug'.hb Houa of Oocataua
wre present. It m retolred1 to wua
tk aa SaVfraaUoo&l cngrc to movt in
!. repreatJDj; Auenca. Kigtatd,
IKaace aod otbrcountri fsrorabl: to it.
ArTZK lb TWA'um of the uetr tfcst tb
preecc of Ixrd Hackvilie sbi diUct4r(ul
, to the yfudtrul, it wa tonouticl In
i Lsjtid'jti that urgrnt private butint"
neeelUitd Ird SactvjDt' departure
from WatblnzUjn.
Thk Dublin Krjtrtzf. tb leading Irib
ConMTvatire paj:r. ha coaj out tor
ptBt xrropriUrf bip lor Inh -fctat-
particularly tbo now m control of iLi
K'tVVKZTAZ. tj attacict-d Buakiai re
cently and buruird tbe zartrba about tbi
wat-r fort, but wer reputted by a beavy
file from the kbips and fort.
A- C. IJKH&YMA5, Kirt Lieutenant United
KtaU-ti navy. attacb:d U tb Ectrprir,
ba been rnt hoir from Europe under
sentence of a court martial.
The CbioeM: Eic)u:od bill in cauting
rnucb uffertng to Cfcinee who are le
tained at the BritUb Columbia ljurJry
line wbtle on tbeir way back to tbe UuJtfl
KUt after vltitin China.
The condition of tbe Kins of tbj N-lher-land
ba grown worke, aud it declared to
be critical.
The Manitoba Legislature bat. be-n called
to meet to conk.der tbe railroad kituation
MCMCii'AL electioiik iere held in IJir
niinbaiu. Eng., on tbe Int. Returns from
nine ward bow tbe election of keven
UnioniiU and two (Jadxtoniaui.
It i cUtel tbat tbe noble in tbe Cau
cakU contemplate an emeute at tbe Jirt
oppjrtuiiityf aud tbat tbe oSiclal accounts
of tbe Crar' reception on bu tour ere
not true.
The Prsideiit' tbankkgiving proclama
tion wu itnued on tbe t, appoaitmg No
vember ') tor the purpo-
The detnonatration of univerkity ktu
dentk at Ilerhn in honor of lr. Iiergmann
and Gerhardt wat held on tbj 2L Tbe
tneiical ktudent aiiented themselves.
and only W) of tbe other out of a total of
f,W took part in tbe procegklon.
KWs ba been received lately of
tbe Htanley ezedition in Africa. The
exjedition bad uffered considerably while
croiaing a moras. forty twn were
drowned while croing a great river,
flowing eat and we.t- One white man
bad died.
The Fr'wkxihUttL, of Vienna, say tbe
Vatican fully approve tbe Emperor'
censure of Hisbop Htrossmayer. whose
letters Slgr. Kampolla, Papal KecreUry
of Ktate, baa not reasoned tbe painful im
preiB Kperieaced by tbe Vatican re
gard tag tbe paa-Klavitt snessage wblcb
tbe Bisbop sent to Kieff.
Bsaua journals deny tbe existence of a
concerted plaa to misrepresent Emperor
William, aad declare tbat tbe muaicipal
astaarities bave bo influeaoe over tbe
press. They express regret tbat tbe
Kaiser did not distinctly specify tbe offea
sive articles in bis remark to tbe munici
pal delegation.
Rev. John K. Foley wa consecrated
Catholic Bisbop of Detroit at Baltimore,
Md, witb imposing ceremonie on tbe 4th.
A 'BIXK book" oa tbe Minister Hack
ville affair in being prepared for tbe Brit
ish Parliament.
Mb. McMechav. United Ktates Consul
at Portsmouth, England, died at tbat place
A RIOT occurred at Twenty-sixth street
and Hixtb avenue, Xew York, on tbe .'lit,
between a colored Republican procession
and a Democratic mob. Several teron
were seriously injured, one man hat ing
both eye destroyed.
Jiy the burning of tbe old wooden jail at
Cireensburg, La., recently, a negro boy
beld for theft lost hi life.
The seventh annual convention of tbe
Womsn'sMihhionary Society wan ojsjrieij at
ItoNton on the Jut, with a large attendance
of delegates from all part of the country.
Mrs. Hutberford B. Hayes, of Ohio, occu
pied tbe chair.
Fbei I. MakcvA Co., jeweler, of Prov
idence, H. I., have assigned with rJ
asset and $K,Wf) liabilities.
II. I. Stose ha leen appointed aecond
vice-president of tbe Chicago. Burlington
&. Quincy system. E. P. Kipley succeeds
Mr. Stoue a general manager of tbe Chi
cago. Burlington &Quincyesstof the Mis
souri river. Tbe changes took effect on
tbe 1st.
A uihaktroch prairie Are swept tbe
country east of Gary, Dak., on tbe 1st. de
stroying thousand of dollars worth of
property, including boraes, barns, grain
and hay.
There were fifty-six new cases of fever
at Jacksonville on tbe lit. sixteen white
and forty colored aad two deaths Mrs.
George tVetmore and James Harris.
Home time since tbe rectifiers of HL
Louis rebelled against tbe manipulators
of tbe whisky trust aad formed a company
for tbe purpose of establishing; an inde
pendent distillery there. One hundred
thousand dollars was subscribed aad paid
ia. Now the project has been abandoaed.
WaiLE Amanda Moatgomery sal Gas
Wlnemaa were out for aa ereaiag stroll
at Oreeaabttrg, Pa., ia stepping off one
track to avoid a traia they were ma down
by aaotaer traia comiag ia the opposite
directioa aad killed.
AlX search for the three roSbers who
held up tha Mezieaa Central traia aear
Haa Jos prove futile. It was thought
the robbers got about 140,000.
Kbamk Hates, formerly manager of
John P. Clew, the pugilist, was shot la the
stomach receatly bv Fisky BaraeM, are
srietor of Us Duluth Taaatar at Wast Supe
rior, Mian. The shooumg was the rasult
of a quarrel over a woman.
Pans Ahbchlao, aow uader seateuce ot
death far a wuhw murder near Los Aa
gelsa, CaL, has coafeseed a third murder
aad implicated OuorgsHtsager aad Heary
Burdar. MUagsr has basa arrested.
M. LB Obabo, Minister of Commerce,
has iaformed the Freach Cabiaet that the
expeases of exhibitor in the Exposition
of ! will be less than they were ia the
Exposition of 1"TH. The Eiffel tower, built
ia connection with the Exposition will be
finished in January.
The steam barge Sampson and the
schooner Zacb Chandler have not been
heard from since the recent storm ia
Saginaw bay.
The presideat and the secretary of the
Georgia Board of Health positively deny
tbat there has been any yellow fever in
any portion of Georgia.
Five thousand dollars reward has been
offered for the arrest of William R. Foster,
Jr., late counsel of tbe gratuity fund of
the New York Produce Exchange, who
disappeared recently witb a huge short
age. The decrease of the public debt dnrisg
the mouth of October amounted to Jt.-Vvi,-Cli.
DCRisr. n torchlight procession at Bel
grade recently stone were thrown at tbe
Austrian legation and several windows
were broken. A number of arrest were
made. Tbe authorities made apologies to
the Austrian Minister for tbe outrage.
Busikesh failures (Dun's report) for tbe
seven days ended Xovemtwr 1 numbered
275, as compared with 24 tbe previous
week aad 245 the correspeadiag wsss last
A acvriso party has returned tram the
moaatalas north of the Oraad river In
Colorado aad reported the discovery of a
wonderful waterfall hitherto unknown.
by the wrecking of a
well. P the ether day.
HEaacET L. CarrcnTSTT, aged thirty
three, of tbe arm Daatels it CritchrM.
real estate aad auctioneers. Boston, has
disappeared, leaving a larg deficit ia bis
accoasu with tbe firm amouauag. it is
said, to &,).
The imprisoned whaler in tbe Arctic
sea are repcrV-d all afe, a tioely gale
Laving dlpered tbe-ice.
The boiler of a steam thresher exp'oded
on tije farm of Jowpb Spayd. ores ltad
iiiff. Pa tbe otber da v. Five peroa were
instantly Jr-lli aad two
or tbre cer.
hockinelv inittred-
1 A VJKfxtxj struck Irrle. p-ws. tae
other njbt. di3vlisb:os Union Hall aad
' other buildiugk. lxs, T5.1
; lioataT D. Fowixn. tbe H known
Cbicaro pork packer, has bea held on a !
1 charge of perjury. He bad msde contra- .
dictory rtatemenl with referesce to tb- ;
ownership of bit property is to tcparale j
suits. !
CLXAK25C boas returss for week -aded '
November Z showed a at erase d-cree
ui 'i-1, compared wjtb tbe corre-poudrsjr
s.efc of lat y-ar. in .New York tbe de-
creake was I 'J.
The Santa Fe officials
notice that tb-
have received
the Cal.fornis
.'southern bed ended.
The affairs ol the American Exchange
in Pun have been ordered wwiid xiy
under the supervision cf tbe court.
'.-.. t -.i.i t t.....-i. -.
India have nt tb- I'opeil,ti,Wia pres-
eat. in the past ve.r.
Five Inn were lost in th- recent prairie
fire i Sioux Vallev toAnship, near Jack-
vjn Minn "
Thkek children of Dr. F. 8. S. Keid were
..i..i . .-.... f ..- r.,,A .,.
piuf uil, vii imv sysBVAsa1 5-r "- aaa- -. f
at Gait, Oat., recently when one of ta:n j
fell into tb-water. Tbe others in trvinr
to rescue their couipanlon lIki fell in, and
before ait&nce could r-sch them two of
them, sirls. vere drownel.
HevkhaI. car on the Santa Fe read wer.
demolished and three person badly in
jured in a fre ht wreck necr Sanger,
T-x.. th- oth-r Riht.
Till: Tnite! Stat-s expr-s on th-?Cer
Oiltau A: 2crthvk-t-rn ia robL'i oa
th-S-i fifty- lining from ew Or lean . V). I
work was done by one man. w bo bot-rdrd I
the car and a't'-r intimidat n two men ;n
charse took l'.0'o" or Uit and e-a;ed.
IJOTH stae, -tv-M Sarita liirbitrn.
Cab, and Lo Oiiv-s wer- robbel th- othei
day. Seieraltuail jiackaKe-t ani Well- I
Faro vxtirfft boxes were broken ojh-ii but
nothing was obtain-"! from the lxxe. Tb I
pasfteu-rs on the tte !kuui! to SauU j
Harbara were robb-d of about &r). I
M"ooicor"g and Hendry, the- Americar i
favorit-i of tbe JCmg of Wurtembur. left .
!Sice saddenlv 071 the Sd- Tbe Kinx loca- I
ted them in a pretty villa opjosite bis ho
tel. Woodstock, who was seen by a re
porter before lis departure, refused to
deny tbe charge against him.
A vekkisle explosion oc urre-1 recently
in tbe Cbatupagiiac coal pit ia tbe depart
ment of Aveyron. France. Eighty miners
were killed The bodies of forty-two have
been recovered.
Tbe German Government proposes to
resume tbe building of large ironclads,
which was stopped after the wreck of tbe
Grosser KurfursL A bill providing a
credit for the building of eight will be
sent Ui tbe Ueicbetag.
A- St. pETEEHBcnu correspondent say
tbat tbe Czar blames himself mainly for
th- recent railroad accident, be having
ordered increased speed to make up for
previous delay.
lx th- Kettle Creek Coal Mining Com
pany's mines, thirty miles west of Lick
Haven. J'a.. tbe other uibt an explosion
occurred in a new drift in which twenty
one person were at work. Seventeen of
the unfortunate men were killed, most of
them being Hungarians or Italian.
The Monticello Seminary at Godfiey.
III., was destroyed bv fire recently. Lo,
A cow derailed strain on the LouNville,
New Orleans & Texas railroad recently
near Yicksburg, Mist. Two train men and
n tramp were killed. Two other were
keriouily injur-d.
The Norwegian bark Nor, Captain
Ujonnes, from New York. October '1, tor
Stettin, collided with and sank th- it-nni-r
Haxmundliam otf Cowes, England, the
other day. Twenty-two erom were
tniskin and kUpposed to have been
While four young men, James Hayes.
Henry Gormley, William Sellan and
Charles Cogau were sailing in Dorcheter
liay, near Itoton, the other day their boat
capsized and the three first named were
Ida Howmax won her suit for divorce
aainkt Frank Bowman, th St. Ijuu
lawyer. The trial came off at Chicago and
turned on the question of a common law
marriage. Bowman bad been through a
similar experience before this.
Samcei. Hat pleaded guilty at New
York on tbe .' th to illegal registration and
got two years and four months in State's
ATToaxEr-Gx5EUAi. Johiso5 has com
menced suit at San Francisco, on behalf
of tbe State of California, against tbe
sugar trust.
A SERioi's fire broke out in tbe paint
tore of T. C. Burke at Macon. Ga., on tbe
Ath. Tbe los amounted to lioU. two
thirds insured. Clxveuawd has signified his
intention of attending with his entire Cab
inet tbe centennial celebration of George
town University. D. C. to be held Febru
ary 2 next. Tbe President will deliver
the honorary degrees to be awarded on
tbe occasion.
Br the explosion of n nitro-glycerine
magazine near Hhamokin. Pa tbe other
mora lag. great damage was doae to sur
rounding property. The magaxiae be
longed to th torpedo compaay ot Dela
ware, aad the explosiea was felt twenty
Is miles away. Aa uakaown trump was
sea arouad the buildiag Jast nrevLaus to
tha exploaioa aad was not visible after
ward. Da David HosTcrrsa, tha acted milliea
aire of Pittsburgh, Pa, died recently in
New York.
Jouetb Paqcetts's sash aad door fac
tory aad plaaiag ailL Moatreal, Can..
burned Us other night. Loss. ,70,000.
Th female seminary at Spring Hill.
Miss., was destroyed by fire receatly. The
girls narrowly escaped with their lives.
An iaceadiary fire ut Gary, Dak., th
other algbt wiped out three of the largest
business blocks ia the towa. The fire was
discovered ia Eaos Bartlett's hardware
store. Several families living ia tbe upper
stories barely escaped la their algbt
clothes. Many poor families were left en
tirely destitute.
TnE manager and tbe artist of La Chary
ot Paris have each been sentenced to w
months' imprisonment and fined .V) francs
for publishing cartoon ridiculing tbe anay
and glorifyiag General Boulanger.
Bt an explosion ia the coal rain at
Starkville. CoL, tbe other morning, two
men were killed and tbe interior badly
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania bat
decided tbat tb Mecbaaic.' Lien law of
tbat State I unconstitutional.
A MJOrtage of between C0.0W and $25.-
GCO is reported In tbe account of Uie late
tax collector J. E. Edmonds, of Hunt .
County, Tex. His estate is ample to
cover the loss.
Bt aa exploaioa ia the stsxch drying
room of tbe Chicago sugar refiaery re
cently, ose man was fatally iajured and
$l.0uo damage doaeT .
It is rumwed ia Ottawa. Oat. that Lord
Sackvilie will sooa visit tha Uoveraor
General of Canada.
A. R. Dfcsrr, member of tha CatsadJaa
Parllameat f or Cumhertand, has resigaed
Decnase oi nneery hy hss
W. F. Frrcn. secml ssaasrer cf tbe
Freasoat. Kikbors G Jiisn'uri Vler ssd
Sioux Oty ti Iat-,acrailnj-iv wta b4
qaarters in Orua-ba. b-s tTttznvi. U r
to te Caoadias la.cic ani w .tl l a-u-axr
of a partaoa f Ltt sTsteai.
A Citrun maa ea i samlet ci
tbe destructioa of -stv twa J lr
larg- ataount of cr-n aud nasr itutum-t
linp'esentf on the lartn f X. J- tVMsi,
n-x liraTr Cttv. tbr oiii-r day.
A OjUi'S.ZZ) lArir-r axiorA Xul-r rmadr
f rtM4 . vxA k ' .W4.v nt f Sml.
bx uBr a Atvr Uadauum.' A .
j jmrap recatl tie wuidle ai4 tras
t&e ji3T,
lit fXziu Omaba aad CaMCki iEufi
wa upod-d oa ih zlltwamm vf dM
Znb aii th Gvreraor U Iteawaams assd
low & fvrraallr ofrte-I the wifsa tsnatce
and motor 1 a etsaaudaag Ur t-est
aad ! Slc'e.
C iL . iLU.ou. a vetr asurr
bo arrived in Oasaha tat July li '
t roa Enioti. a diest "J aa t
t. fe, r(ti,b,.,
... ,
"- - '
ted .r4r.
raete 5"Urata v-
-nn Unmal ihvaiut. Jsta- rr3r
n-;mtauu; 11 chard liunt-r. V.n;ae:
Heutrn Doly. Plain . Iskt--. A
tin Ellsworto. Warn-; ISr.aiacsi Tayler,
lllxi; Enoch If. Iar. Oomsusr,
ilafi-u Deca. York; rraakua M. R.
SU Paal; U ilwani Ho-i-tt. Wvasore. ite-
I loraton. reue and itciea-. WJUasa
i K-U'- butH-rt. inete. . UlUm L
! Kvllh 'rpt-
I -- r'xln li-sbt train fnm the eo.t el
j aiidriht ti.e vtber RiSbt wa. fW
' about a m-le irotn alpaxm.o. tsx ear
w-rt 'w fr-IU '' ' lto" K"
TotriD)if.'t oa !hf Usui U: no wr
a hurt.
At tb- r-c-at vote for costaty
Go;er Count v K3kv1 nw bra
teat ia
vol- ol
763 to JIT for Horner iil.
THE nctKhb'.M'Iiood ot Ora;i. h-t leu
devastat-i n--ettij' by prn:n ar .
NeaH Sct a tbe oth-r day ilr. ai d i!r.
Wbitn-y v.n" in the Ileld -alUft m eora
wh-n Mrs. Wbitn-r. win firiviwj, fei!
back oi er tb- eat il-id. Sujj0t lo U ,
die.te of the h-art.
Ill Hattii eldest daughter sf SHltor t
I'ad:trk, rrceUy titam-ii at lliotrkCe
to ilr. O U Coll ma a. pre deatof tar First
Nat:o:ta 1 J jjit of Hioken ItoM.
AitofT lour uViovk th- other mo-ning
rl:i:!i:t Utrlo, the twentr-me-j rnr-old
daughter of (.. T. llar.f, ex-cunntv tea ,
urer, and a prominent c.tieii of !xun
County, wandeit-l aa fiii borne an 1 ,
h-r d-od b"jly was ub.e i-ntly lound in
a creefe near by, sb- ha in d:wneil h-r--if.
Her continued sjcknet ua thought
to have cau-d lur.uitv.
AT a dance m i'iamfl-M th- other nijrht
W. T. Tate a real etit- asent. esr-l his
young brother. Charlie and taLiti tiim to i
an adjtc-nt barn ptweeilwl tobors-whip j
him. Tb-Lo V pleading form rcy were ,
b-ard two block away. Th- man's wife
finally tnt-rced-d and rescued tbe lad from j
bis ferocious brother. j
Tmeke U a talk of a railway b-ing Ixult
ii-twcen Kearney and Iirok-n Ilow, and
coaimltt-e from lotb lard of trade base
been appoiut-d to confer with regard to
tbe matter.
A HOHHE-THIKr named Mike Chelaaki.
wanted in Illinois, was r-ceutly arrest-d
in Liun f!itv smt r.lru.wl im S.Vl
When tbe Illinois officer arrived to secure
his prisoner It was found that Mik- had ;
jumped his Ujtuls and again run away w Itli
the stolen property.
MkH. OuirKKAKEittan KU.niaux ladr,
recently delivered an mt-i-.tiuif l-:ture i
in tbe Congregational Church at KacI-.
She app-.ii -d in her native costume made
from th- skin of th- polar bear. '
M or vta iv lions are said to l riumeroi
atout Niobrara. i
Chaki.K!, th- Chase Count v
man who shot Charles Field, was con-
victed of assault with intent to wound nm ,
maim, at the term of court just c!-d .it ,
Imperial, and -nt-nced to two years in
th- p-nitentinry. Fi-ld still carries th-bull-t
in his Ixxly and vs. tt I prolably b- a
cripple for life. '.
AiiTICI.i:-. incorjHjrat ng the Nebraska
ami Dakota Ifrid- Company were re- !
cently fll-d with th- Secretary of tate.
The obj-ct of the association is to build a
bridge across the Missouri riv-r at or near :
I'onco, Dixon Cotintv, nnd lav on or over
the bridge railway track for th- rnor- ;
perfect connection of anv and nil roids
that may approach the citv. Wngou or
vehicle routes over th- br.d- w ill alo !
constructed. Capital stoa-k !.ViV).o-'. di- '
vnl-d Into rJ,.Vri shares of l(rl each. I
At Hasting th- other ova-mug Frank
Fansler and David Ctinkalow alias K.d i
Hawkins, gambl-i. juiirri:xi in a ..loon
and after a few words lnjth flrevv I-- !
volver. Kight shot were fir"I, liir
striking Fnnsl-r, killing him instantly.
Crinkalow fl-.i.
A iiei.euatiov of St. Joseph (Mo.) Imsi
ness men w-re recently baru-ttel at
Grand Island and shown the sights in
I.v a 1st- d-cision th- Ktiprem- Court
held that "wher- real estite nas l-en con
demned for public u- and tlnmag-
awarded to the land own-r by a jurv. ami
the only error assign-d in th- Supreme
Court i that the verdict is excs,v-, thi
court onlinarily will not vacate or moalify
the verdict If it I lased on th- testimony
In the case."
The Lincoln pap-r in II employ forty
hands and manufartuiea six tons of p!er .
daily. So the local papers say.
Ida A. MovTOowritr. a sixt-en-year-old
girl of Wheeler County, di-d v-ry sud
denly the other day. A sh- flnish-d play
ing on the piano she remark-d that it was
her farewell piece and in five minutes was
The corner-stone of the new court hmi
was laid at Lincoln, the other day by the
Masonic fraternity after tbe usual rit-a and
The prospect for the establishment of a
canning factory at Columbus are very
bright, and the board of trade ia also work
lag hard to aecure a bridge aero the
Bacaao5ca & Hoa.Et.L. dry goods
and grocery dalrsof Ulyssr.bevefalld
with assets of S,M" and liabilities
or I
Woag has been cotna-aced on the water j
works at Aurora and the mains w.l! all be
a... I. S.wa li. Mvrfinil a..
put ia tiefore the ground freei-s.
PaAiaix fires bar- been num-rous.
Ch.ium Colujis, who myst-riouslv
disappeareal at Omaha a number of we-ks
ago and was suppoa 1 to bave l-n njur
dared. returnel to bis borne in Plattamoutb
tbe other night. Collins expressed aorrow
OTer hi t-mprary desertirm of hi family
and gave s tb- reason for bit act tbat ba
dislik-d living in PI a. t smooth.
A rt-ATaOAT contaiaiag a Blsck HiUs
man and b-s family, six ersoa in ai,
pass-xl thrcujh Scbuyl-r tbe other day,
tound for New Orl-ans,
J. D. VA-MitaaAEK. an od and protai
nent ciUxa of HiUrbcsx-. Coaaty. mtdiag
near Plaad-. dropp-d dead of bar.
disease tbe other rooming.
MIOAELrI.IJVA-v. livisg k'-xt RTa-a-n,
Iot tlr- starks of bay by r tb- xtxr
dav. ! was usp-ct-l.
Javil- Eoa.v. a Piattsssoauife yosag ssac
accidentally shot bitss-Jf is tbe band tbe
other day. tb tH breakiag n bra Uit
Teriagtbe two priacipxl art-ne cf tbs
band. Tbe blood spirted hs a streass fra
the woaad. aad bid a ssrgws cot t-n
promptly isnans-i he woI4 baT- bed
to death.
A tnTXCCTrvx- pralrla tire rereatly
nrm: over tb nikbors valley. 5t ssO-s
soattwert of Stcart. dextroyiag ia its
coarse at least fiftea hundred toss of bsy. I
The fire oriztaated trom a spark frs
passing looTCCtlve oa the Freascat, Eh
horn Jfc MisAoari Valley railread.
Tas promcter of tha aataral gas pra?
t rl.a soAft saaS tkrr kstt ia aa
fats4 Kiwmi t a r - CI
i-e iuvr.9 p y a -i tt icet
Cri .1 H. isic C"Jta . ' m .
iasrty to... v tb wr. te-v r
bet ree-ttf j -tJe4. KtssrttAe turW a
rspiM-kvtu nao4 MB a - strift t
tT!l"MS v "re S "t .V
VU - rw.-k- th SBS Wfc "Ht 4 4
fcfi-ou itesxi Ww xterr errt ens assd
lt ari Wd!f t)mt4 e teejsil.
W fttsg sa frct l.e4. awast uthsr sr
iil ;U The caws T tike risstwa
cniswwa Wax tt m sssfifmiid hi-
I fa as- HT'.Vlet e4 -sr- r " sf
C- Yst'rsT 4w s ta awSgusi!
ssi tsudr mi -a awe - Imm4
itt- ( &rsa tlsa njssath T Us w sassA
tsjaeb Hixs tt had b9. kisra.
Hapsiasi-t e-sx I lluksr ustsss
k-swnsr a hnT tfmz At she aw" J
dr. ft et te the fu cjssl i4 esse? tat
s'josat nxfstessua awsd tAsea js. Ta
ar-e-&r rr rti -er- uj- '
ltf mrr '.on ir :- the f ts the er
m4 imb n4 t aM h Sew what
a4 'c-tcrtfrnL oj a twrtt usa
wUksJ Iwess lir ia taw 4rsrt sasly
kr r toatr ia-l sWt or injur. A
:b-auef i sMswr ha4
iead liit- hai rm rwos 4 (rs tm
4rs!t aad tsia ! lit cakaetfi
abseifsectly tis4. Oa- as a maea:
sad b retasias w lmmd vat ta th
wm!i, b'lt User had I is IssvmW hj
(orre mi tae tjifsstntva mrtasgh Us mt
The totl nsaW of U!:d er fstsj'r a-jar-i
a fsmad to t ve s wa. Ail bast
luaral tirra w r- lluarafa ssr ltaJtaao
vt issxe rintne sr st Ijsmiia, Th (ms?
Karlt& j-atic is- r luaed nisae4
HiU.nztr, I'Atrici. Danaeit Mws. arstn
asm! J L. fa.toa. Tb drir J layii
"m -B!erB- Use 41 U I b-a the i n . sa
ocean csi, bsit w. ihrewa Vsa-4 lt
moath an.l .ctl lit asale a I. let!.
Tac force ut tl- tiploi sra ahnrsva ta
U.f. tact taat bMiir. vir Moo a rtr east
; t th- siKtutb wf tb? drift. ftrs thias
jlW w a ds9 for the u)MS'! tr !he
lain- pbvstcvsns. asmI th- W-'.- is" a
deed strre tjttssn rta; ssf as si-eta
k or ami pre.ri tor lasso w-siL Ta
eoeuM-r uf the omaty wsss uia4 aad
v il; liold na .U4t-
It is thoarttl that ta a fc-sH a
". fedrr" "& .Vrsjc. all as t e&Aas
I r v,tb gas, whxb euu ng ;M nslort
with a n.n.-d lAtap pnlmewt Use rig
Ion. A "ja leedBi" U a tscLt ! 4i
irnlldi in th-cuaJ. As mksi as a X
U struck Jt it tb- gits -.-p, aad it uv
thins Ignite u tin exp' ;. .- It i
C-n-rnllr (Mtirolni that there a E-t
fiitilst.ou. and the m - were fulit p.
piled with a r app tane-s. Tt- su;-rm-tendent
?nvs th-o-i le-tt u'd tut Iras-le-ti
fore4eU anil that 11 blame atlaibr
to any our.
- - e- -
Aulitar; and .lan Ite llnart m Traia ail
llrta.lstt Vtllha t'tttluur.
New UhUt!s, N-. ". Tu- rnli-1
State express messrngrr n the train on
the New OrlrAns A Ndrtbeastern mil
WAV, which ntrlT-d hrre Salurdav morn
ing at seT-n o'cltM k. was robbed at Use A.
m. between Icey aud Ilnby, tltt) iult-s
from this cllv. The rs pleas ottlclAls .!-
j cline to state tbe amount of th- roM ly.
but it is und-rstoal the loss is !teen
mo.OOW and K0,0J.
Between tbe stations the rMr entered
the express iar. Henry McKlrot, th-baggag-master.
was sitting on a rh-st
neAr the middi- of the car aud Kipress
Messrnger C'harl-s Insurer was at th- end
of th-cat chktng off freight. Th- rob- I
l-r went firt to tb- lgKAg-ina't-r, pre- j
e-nt 1 a p.stol anl r-uire-l VJcKUovt'
hold up his hand. Quicklr thr-w ing
sack oser McKiroy's bead th- robber ga
his ntt-ntiou to th- tneeng-r, w ho as
rwjutrl at th- nnt of a p.st4 ta --n ,
the safe. A sack was then p.ACd osrr
the tness-ng-r' h-Ad while th- HiUt-proc-eled
with th- wjrk of savpuMng th-
nion-y. Both MrK.roy and Ijiar-yw-r-rr(miiel.
under threat, to Lola, up th-ir
Aft-r s-curing th- cnt-nts of th- safe, i
th- robber tu"l th- bl. roj-. the tram .
ten l-ins n-ar Ntehadsajn station, fr tr
flve nuN's frim this rity When the train ;
Ftopjel he 1-ft th-car HrHl-rstl Tb
conductor d.d not know whr th- train I
stopp-d and m stArting forward to ac-r- !
tain, found th- r"Ar -nd of th- cteich n-it j
to the hargag- car P kl an.l the i-y i-:
ill the dcr on the outside.
tWi-n the -xtfe car was finally
reach-d ljth 51' Kirov and Ijiur-y wfa
found standing with their hamt upnl
iaa 1 twrnr tha-ir hatl ThpT u r la TAr
th- impression that th- rnbb-r was .till
pr-a-tit. Only on man was seen by
J I-aurry.
lla-rreas- III III- i:rnllta S)l)r,rtr I'resl
, AtlMi.
' I5otov, Nov. 4 Th- gross -aniinj f
th- Cnlon rariflc Itai'isay i"rnpny t-tr
i S-pt-inl-r w-re 'i,',TT,! d. a 5-tee far
f the sani- month last y-ar of 7'i."Tl; sur
! plus. SLOVM.- a d-cr-as- of n?l; in-
cr-a- in ei;-nsas ssa 23J.TSI. For tune
j months to S-ptenil.-r 3 th- gross -arntngs
! r-r- ! :m'&. imrea-. .tll"i: ur-
j ,,ja s-pjl.yrt, aj-cr-a-. t-tiiVT. Inn
, .n vs.ns-s, tXZ). Th- d-crAs- In th
n, earnings of th- t"non raciflc for Kp-
I tembr was consid-rabl- of a surprise.
Pr-sbl-nt Ailanis say h- know s f no r-a-
on for th- larg- increase in tb- oj-f atlng
rxp-ns-s. Uyoutl tb- fart of a larg- !o-
nag-at low rat. nis. n- saj., is w.-
dlsturMng element with all vsest-rn ret- j
road property, and h- kno no r-ason
wbv th- t'nioo I'aclfic shoold 1. -t-mpt.
L:sotox, Vs, Nor. t -Thomas A.
Watt, a trustworthy citUo wbob- ia
Ambarst. Tlsita-J L-Xingtoa Frialay for
tha trtirpoAe of notifying th- Chicago
autboritiea tbat a man answering th- de
scription of Taacwtt. th- moch s anted
Chicaao murd-rer. bsd tn srr-t 1
1 stoat tweaty-five anl trrra lyttngUMt ia j
a wild aad sjaarsly saU3d prtosa rf ta I
country. Watt heJ a ran ai-scrlpt! t
Tascott and a tintTfc of tb prisoner '
i th-v itt. eTArtJr. Th- man uader ar- i
,,., h , Tj0ff ,fond the n-.gbl-r-
bof, for )n, workjn, ,t any tfcag
. .. ... ... aa. S
b- cvuiJ g-t to ao,
id looks Ilka a trsmp.
essslisery Wsfssil.
GonntrT. III-. Not i -Tb ilotit e-i t
lJaa a-joiasry CAugbt fir- t on
irdrBort.iiir and h? daylight was
d-stroyed. Tb- fir- ortg.t 1 ia a fr
bu.ldmg Aijo.nsg tb- oAia tu.Mjsg. a.l
s a kttrb-n ed v-rvaats'irssrt-rs. Ts
tamatrs of tb- bs aia btI4ing fl - arsd
and Mts Hz,kU rdT-t ti yjvs t
dr-ss as-1 secure -bst Cl t--r es.'J
aad tfcea ieare ti kvs. Ti-re
PARK, aad papsls AS-i taefcrs esrfl I Wty I JeVsY as fs4 lk-j-n tA
witbont icjarr. bst pcv- -er fr.gtJ 1 i,!Vf brwr4ag ti Urs. Ta lssii-o-t
negtecti to oi: tbl-s ( j mtt? iial4. ;-ja
cteatJv fr co-cf rt. Ti se-uArT V Hitsnimttsi ta4Jy Wrrj Vnt n
IxiJdsag sadocJ'Sti it rrc t1 I
saraac jTSysx Tt- oa f p
tracST ia it3g a-i ytixy . Sstry.
TN- l"nsrie fif-s- I
JaCCsvw. JTiSSw Nr t-,Vt Ut twr
Iit aigbt e pralr - tt - tit rAgksg j
in ifewt Yal7 tT3.b.p. VsA
cb-srkJ doas of !' J.1 Jsadrtvea '
fmsj tbr-ir ksss- Frr !i- ar akaviy
?pXXa.I at. wJSt- lie eiT5ti5
prep,rty wjil rrart. sxsay li.s.a.
dalsr. B-rs'le X.'
Urtr 3t st i
Sa, wx erTBVtB was j-eys-:-- yes j
ras reftarxaBts veai .
Jterdav. Harr Uy. a lr .!. as
Lnrsed to drata la a barn ne ta Ed ard's
liir sad it is Ai4 tits a S3 a-i clVi-S J
fioas Iowa luag frveadt a S t3T i
prtiaBs e4! th Lawasfcte ars ltl is
dtata tst athtog deiaus ha a hassa
Iitctt. Sr 1 CWr trw T
lr Uwrtf ? se fjwet t- ?ak-'e
2t-Msw. j ' rf 6e
tte4if N-r t. tT At- tcA-i-SX
-r! Lales Vi, .M ot
.- utui tAies- TW ArIU t
,"' r- 4e-t a ri -srt f
AV-W? !lfeAi, JSI'fc- HMCI4. -
t -sta-s-tjssa srtrs t
waaan - h iMbU
ttTMs.-ass - sss4 a s4 sss-r 7V
JbrM 4.4 aw ??- TV sssi--
r nrurr rar
!teaef t irs
ar4. TV shst'eai isvd
" s ih tneswaa . taw hsr
It UUM4kai Ik k"tS
m easarssW Jxw'r,
Ta-v ao.! &to ts5-t4 in
ee Umsii x4 4saiiAi4
T jf" 4'i sd wa ivm a a"t
rrs1 flwsac toasa i '. Us
sws sia4 sts, 1"aa'-T n- m-':t ee
BgM tn thxt rtrskt -rf
txa - pnrrws. The niiSssw SmJ
- iAltsf ia tfc ertAwasSAM
ag ttiai ttas the fssg TTs
rnr zvw, al tV tssa . ssm
a the are Uir s re a aw1 ns
a. 4uta ta ltasrf P5jst a
ceAi tsart U iss mi . fct Ws t-
fcctifi ua !
The Aratrt svsAr th- tsai treta f
the vimt,t4assv knwt, K-k at SMftMm.
Tar aAilB at !! ., ..t.
TU cAr.t. a-h oa-tn4er .!.
UstUr. f l-t tat Hbskv tad
r 44 Usat Uv kl Mi hrn a4 asmv. st
Mavwtri tlttw tm tt ! r-U
tord tt. ssMTta. iysn ia -iit ta
. AMer f-ilee a srfcM .t-askS
aurt tX iaksssdsvj ts tate aa I4ssi l'
t like sns ul asm I p sttatgnt l U'a
dsjia Uer M tMKl-at be nW1 ar
MTehflS i. !V t aSMlt the nstststtwaf
Jaaeary. Jss Taa. V.l,. f, atf lit
Ustaaon tlust ia-. iM.i,tss oa USj
'S'tts a recn Vt'Atfv. s
It S..11 b is us abNsi Hkat tsfStt t la
tsars. s rs-r.t th-1 ts ms
SATsr aawt art.s as! thr v S tso.t U4l tit
usteVM absMit lb- l-timmmmt Assrisit
w a refxa i4 llt.1 Mtila- aad avt arisl
At Waalviut Stl U. t M The
ger ttst that ta Mk- asxeia of Marwh
Rattu !'aba 4h1 rei hsh ragsi asnt
at--lsSr a-ns ft th- rl'sstsr kkfh
tMl aiinfrst ilm.l frasa tt- is. trst-,
tt that ta ipnt si. t.CiettM.
.VMHe atalaisl tkat MahI t .( h.u a
n a:imlr wf a anil a Ur.-e prli f hit
sapp!is . as aestmi-st H bv hotV irttae
ta-Os-en the M.sbeda rwaiitrs ml tha
A.tst .Nsart. wfc.l- ether lunsora
H-e to the attest tfcst l.aa llatt t at
lA' Lal lit thf tfa-s ri the JJ!.fw a
llo dl.trt. I tad. a(t-f anm,n,B3U,
had dlteits-d his txawrsa. l aU KHa.tvn
Th- 1ms nr. faltt.r-4 the Ut tnatar
nuilli-r 3TV as (vlntsrr.1 with
-.4 last vvrrk and 31 th- ssi ptvsious.
Ttir Keaular We-kl; Masl-o -f K Mas
irs's tra.l- , l.'sary VKIa.a l Ma
New Vouk Nov .1 In its rs ow of the
trade situation Jtntiittrr4t't it-ak. as fad
lows An nc-ptionAlls gol tt a. I- )
porteal frattu Kansas I'ltJ. ssh-la. th aJ.
UtD atf tlailr Is r tnta-. at ? -r rnt la
x- of tL- total for telli ts': Th
j NrUlaUnirnr rrfHi -.llmatstt at CtA.Iss)
!',; of tough lh sugar y iar t In that
State is salat tat If dLa ppojutlitf . ltt In-
; teriaaf grtl-fAl tfAala. thlMUChaalOt JJ
, kas-r il Busir).4 salt-y is near
, larlsk sln- th- crtp I can t. tnwsss
Sathrn GrtTiA trade, pattsantlArte
at Sasaanah. has ln r-stittaat
t by th rjMd-'na' tn PiorMla, Th- adsanre
in the pTH ft lts and ata urc-i tay
New Kngiand ltinufs-tstfrrs has twl t-n
tral-IMi r-Jn-taTi orthat hastm
prvsrd and r"!'' ease Is snnoanf-1 In
th-I ntral. l -trrn and KosllfritMstM,
Kands ar- gr .ag str at All r !.. and
--nths- At h ttr- heasist draft
-r- made frwrn th- rat ,rr'sv ! r
gsons naar rpt a rturn.a uirnt f
mM- rsdr faisd tSaa ar tn d-man. at
tb- tniu-nt HUirV ipn-.Ulia.ti at
York i ts(nakl 'tm- tlx-ltn-ii at f.r.t
on ba-Aflsh aaan'polAtfan taut rtrl
strength lat-r iaM-y in Nr" Ywr i s
in slack denaarxl with eai! ltsns frsstn 2 .
Ut 1 p-r r-sit Karign -tehang- is )wll
anI sligbtit stronger
UI rej-ort rf U"-k tit sh-t irut r.f
farm-rs haad' east of tt- Ibx-ky Momt
alns, esTflnx w-ar'r !. j-4s hI awssi
mulAtion. li-- II '.1. tn Ia4hei. and .n
!h" '' f""1 iU I..!.-)-.. .a-
'f" for th- eMjnrT within a rf'l
stirualataxl liy l,ighr ;afews Af t,'i il
sh-l. Th total thilS f Jaf t- 1 Is AtwSJt !
VXf bushels less thsn Was abt A ,ar j
Wh-At Bur sparks ac?-gata 1 -,
U' btiihrls an iri'lrsss faf TJ "-r arsrt, j
sine- rtla-r ) l'.xpfls cf wta at ds n
ing h-asily on the Pae. fje -- t I haa tial
b'p-l AS sht S trtllj- t," U,sfls '
gAinst l.75.'" bosh-is last k Ia. '
Ctuallng fiiHit a as h-At tb- total slfljr t )
I.3I5.M ssih-Is sgsinst I.-lT.isObM.fc:
lat ar-k.
1 ..rsl t,nat's H-r-.. f k- la nl
j tmr.
j Waskjsutos. i,osr . In his annual ra
taort Ui th- k(Ttsry "i War l-osrai ,
r.nt. I blr of L'KJOsJi'., sar Ifcal tha
t-orMtl aatarnria.l tt UfZJI atueiaar IL last
j g y,.r mnti 1hjil iXlUi rt m4 rmr,
( w,f. mnfattMr4 at tha NaUa!
irra"ry. Invtlgattos has $ rw i
t plated jalatira to tha detAfmiaatso. J tha j H a - rs - -chsrg-.
promts!., .tc . aa arm "' fp - - -
I . ,,. .. . . " " ASaK V. fc MtJISll -
I of smalWr alib-r ttan tha Mel sfie .,. mm . ..
I , ,. , .. , . .. . . l ass-saaiwa mt IA- syurws af
pleea. It 1 th- Itslewtkoa W. r.-ai ,,t u -.. . . -. .
prassavi aaJ ;aefoarat4 rartr4ce, tat as
yet the t-7d-r saakaes have a4
Cavlat taturlvketag a aatiafaSasri' far-SS
Jae. tha dasals. velaeity bSg Sfa-ias.
al4 by too great a peer. Oaj -Ja '
tarearh-kaadieg gwa, oae l-ta gas aad
tsety9va2.:(ah stoat Sei4 gaaa a
M( mad at t Waters bet asaaal a4 t
will Us cjrpttad aU wtatar. Ia ttofwe )
lag ta f Acilrti-a of thte p-'a--e MV kmm'
!aen sfMAjei sH tvsO fr(Asf sss ;
els hare L- aaaemUad ti-. ri that tha
praat rataty is aUt f.y tadUl g,e
4 o. .-,f aa-1 & H-uva nm fa
annarn. -
ratal IWWf tlylasliA
EaSar r L trr Z. Ta taw J a
sa tars&ar tvw4 t taka!ag
ta fr. arf Js itj'i. mis svrta-
Pierre. Sf-d K J.. Mar. Afa-I Jl
tb-T v;i-rt rf ha wra-J vr;
Isaac Xsrtrr-r. axs-1 ft J.aV Jt i.
C I bt X. 4 Ir9 JtJJWfx
gad f Tt Ules JB ftsa
rs ir-J frorct ir!r fe Sfty
f . yl trrtUy im tsi, T,
k-s4 as- ra s-nt t"rrf T&ti-
Hsr rfre. --arra. kesk. a4 J4as
IgI as aKtranr lxft-i.
rrsj a...
JJastt- . -r i-Urterntsf
jy,i rlf , I,ed Cl,sa. ,
jd IU. gsaO-r -akMSy ia
j,,, jvtfee ettnw, jvrresr ,
fcv,r 4 f -.r-l k5.i bJ-a r-
.arfiar. Ki inC e
nii rasr. fc25ig
k3A 1
Ajtat a.s Jft
Craslusv- r4 sar
jj j-
rar lta.J s JCsf CUfv.t
--.a a,, - !. Kia MrawUAsA
.j,,. m.erta grg-t rie 1 had mm-t
xsr - trtgysv. SAwsral 4n"5f
,4 yf wtb a aad mr hwafwg
fasar. ft Ja4 mat
.a4 asara Ikai iW & tmm as k
wtrr urr co.
We)kk. k.w- v-it T M
la ! T lh t ...i,.-r -
WJs:tTr t. e I
tt fy""'S. tsve i.ieAa-fr a r .
itk- k.rfa- s-ai m" -. .
jrT ' '. a" i was t nissiaA -tiwat
wOtts. aisi n at r -
r A ; .i mgsainSJi ss -
SSwanst. -4 ! ASW-"' '-
ali " 4 ws
iisn. Tn r- i a
fc lsusa t i a . .t
tv ta "-
U fM4k is
'S .
" n
(aU a
S.! -
to tto 4
lsnA ators tv 'a a. ,
sdat s
xasar-A asa-as
UH ScUsl as V -
twaa Ts MasIm ta
uusattAae Ska se i' . - ,
akamsa nhs a Ta- - '
falsi S aaaSmliama amiairii. m .
t na.faal'aa4 aaf I .
K- raal -V ta ats .'- .
kaWaa W a. W arl.asajs.- A .,... ,
l a athnra M v Uasak- . . . I
aaj is I4n Uto ? -
ttraat'fc aWWI, IS. IS m, aW
r IA S-saSe mi aS s
t ) !'' ta.isa I MSl w.t.
h MS4 .. sst tW I l ,i
' ' "' tssa j-
I ta B-ji las
IUa thraw. taefcAaS inia. ,! -
It- MSau.n ka Va A .,-
arf IV fi fi. J SAS U-tA,i
l-ti4C -.i asut ns-a. .! 4W.d.
tloMiaaA $ tta sa4 s j . k-
a-Ul k(i IVr IV- AS.... .-
rrfaata i bis t.aMMS)., S mm a rf
his ltalteH as -. f-ni.
ais-rsifStaa " SlacA W.a-i mt .
Itea kaa l-r as-- -r -- t - '
sao la sul. Vs tet N
TV ia)'A s !. ' .t,V.
r.vUUa H IW 4fsS .aSS,
tMtrai awscraMrsat) taiS A.. ItVo rt-4 4 Mm f la (fets twasua a-A vst S e
a.wr wttlaratl Uakpral 4 ..
t'IIISS r-'fsaasafc lap. Ma.
txat Va aslaftlM ta a ..
a.l.lHf pT, a st.t i
laa l4 t-aAttlvaJ a
t a-Me.1 Alatav A i4isA SA ,
rr aa4 l.r.l tftA . o.
tnrrt f Wa as4l a-
t' s of aarSft)! Uals.-' f jM
tMaats . f4 . KMat-r.
U) , !- vyiaaaaa Wa.
ia.- i aMHM vt.t ta tm 1
M4 -! h ms.sI. t at Ma
; esf d!l1t- as k aaako a .as a
Isiat-s e , ftmmn .iSaji ia s-
tf IKa aMSll ml la aMSjSwal agaH
Tie taataesila W4 SA aw.
tt- atU-a4asa. 1- fela toa1aaji ta at
-4 M. 'Hal t VvSaft r Van ta
sa- aat )te. am iaaHaS Sa
ft IA tV4 s.-s saVaa osSKaaaa C .
Af Oa fr-esw aMaaA Ska St a isnaaaaa -.
IMvaravt ar a-a m SAfS. .1 as
r-paMSrf vr lasin'iaaiii at ?
assAt, e . ,
llk Ma SA lav! Sa akal SS .
(k taseet W
tA ! laUa -
t.'toUs! A'-s r vsaafc j,
Mat UV- w.a,r K
-f IV- tAi-i AAcSf.
Ifcaa a- la4 aisJSr aaai --
aW Ut- tajia. flUOa as1 SaaSa , .
-c -rusa a . n s. -v.rf . Sa .-faf-sj"..
-San, saaSa T a
TV- Slrif -! (rtmt s SIH i
HAU-s 4 IK Atvr,f 4 '
nii. U rr-"4 lov . nrm a
! a JTS-SS-S4ia .f kw .
ta ertai arf.tW taVas .. m4 v
l4 ta l yi-.A eM- rj tk- a-fiai.
(U.H.itat Mas
Hf rf a4-ataa tA att-SMS J -
i9srAaAt Aa Ja a pn r
rSX m tkv .(rl af live M -
tT A- fit it, 1.I s;sM ,(
i j...iiaj. ,,,, lr tlH. a,.. .
" Vo. a A r"-
f u.
att.4 atavl IA ars-r
stKaitiwav n arsi fas ku.
l ts-M IVssi, tV f-.-m Ur-U W -
tats rat!! tl l U I i.iar.4
.A.t e ,, SHU. A t aM t.
si-T taaa.jaivs tt ta a --.
ui im ta ssHtMavu r -.
wrwaaaa tat a ttt-.e.tfca .J.. -i
, a-rs - tk liMMnaM . i
j .a,.
t; tr . taS.aa4 -. -
aa ass.-s
4 ta far W . f ..-
etre Uas.
a-k-s- c
T r
SI.U. Ma,
O-r. It. TVa .a
mwre aa
stay. as the
V as. U t.
il eiara. Mt ta. .ts-
s s sg. aad Mr labrifatA.tfce a
im tms ess. aa S im sa4 tnaf fiWsi
se ta ahaa a(wu t-
par aw taa ee4V-e el . tl
ae ara4ag tar"
-a4 ti.t tAa
Ser U1 start .!. !t k .A. t
tasat Mr Mf$k Ssss es -a.vt ..'...
j ta UV sS- svave W sr,ri
TVe (AVae a
Mles,r-tJ. Vkaa Cat. SX- TV r
rae ata kata Isss '. at g 'is
lt-aVeaiaAj Jiaa.J ra kA ar -jeU
Mrs. Xarts. - ysag iet.4 iw
kae strfa t TlA. t SA.a. afja-s .
tfcA 4y s aaara tW le!; $" s
frow f. fTafa, t-ra t ..
Tk lv lra- sia?a as ,,- s
" -. ttJ&f Uai a. 4
grs- atjHtat iarM,. A, jb..vaa , .. a'
1-i;a fc Jst, J4a UU - ' t
$. TVs l-Ur a.aa eT s
4 g5r -ilrg se. -. .
Jssk. A f--f u v-w '
ififl tka ;- t-j(jkv. Aiuw
JC t . aiaest tAa i . a A
JMal t& te5S3r a n rV.aiy.r
1"Sart-rt, 04. iH Stai" 5 '
ksAJ rs-rt AJaneJ -..& 4 V, fc
gft ts'ae3 s 3totAt.-Xa,
? jhs rg5r as4 & -., ,
tfcat if seraali ar't fjfa i -arsar
. 5aj5 $at :?-. r 4jv
SWAaSl' m t is J.CtaWJa.; A vsar.iJt
ssw4 a ausy AS ssAawCse
AAt if fcoa.xsas-SWJ' tV etJS Jk W !. t
sa !apss O-tt f fetVe ll. 'vt
hsw-VsasAAays. 9fc tfa Ai kaf ..-.-
ffiaa i-efcagMMoal tjwl atu!!M a
Ta ai-tJ iia4 -Tfva,..
mSsrysisatr mm. m2A srt- Aa. aa
toaaaarwaawk ail a w A-t A-t
" ui t-- v-
. sas wst rss-A,,
! Wsu i U" iisSSW sr st . - w
sSSWeSSAi i m. . .lSs IBbw ! - h.
BsbwsshT A i lSn' - .
m a. -A Ok
sS fVwssW. "& -
as asasaa VMs at SAu --r
a ) ssss4 r "'
m nim aas j . .
aaa - Ck t ssvs.
iaais ) ab wea" s Mk "" "
ta mmrf-'
Vwt vmrntn. m trti"- -"
a . tn i masNt . i .-
t V S i U -w - mm
I lAssSsk ' SiAI'SP ; s.j m .
air w st asS-fc
j asM UiSS tist AS rm . . s
I eA 8 . r-
' iSSW-ASSr S"s issBt r
as i tM . sa i ' s
kaeSSk. Ua !'' 4Sfk-"' ,fc- ""
fiiiaissn rf siJSr SSI f . - -'.
ata nss a --
VS 4 B. lk'SfSSAI - wws .
issSk Sa1 " - isrss s:
th- f i -AI . s .
w-S aasl SA, f MS . .SMSk.
A.I sssi
SXSvsA r -
- I
way abss-iaard the eaterprivs.