POWDER Absolutely Pure Tbltwwilrr Bi-lrr r1r Mnrl ol -ul lrfrthBit holr..miirs morr moBlt mmiwtlan tltilh4 raullttihlM of lv t hti lnr. JtDVAI. HAKIMI ruWIirUCO. .'7r r:! T:-j::d JTUitf. IKIHMI.S. I'rylrti SPLINTERS iiktr4 l hf t'kir mprtf la ami in riir rMMir. Flower pcU of all kiadi tt llenrj Cook'i. Joan I'tltnon hut motti to Cowle. Mn. NcDride is reccltiog n poodi diilj. A. J. Keaary hu relarnrtl hoat froa Uatlu. M. Stern, f Haitian, " city Saturday. Mr. 0. W. Hougktoa ia th city ibia wtek. Mr. H. W. Drtwrr it riihlaz br dauajhter at Alkia. W. 8. GtrWr tad wife hare re tra hoae froa the weit Qo to Mr. MeBride' for tkr lttt atyle in illiaarygoodi). She keep CTerythin;. We neglected to aeation the Jath fcofMra. Thoauwho died Uit week, ear the depot. Coadaetor Baird, who wt on the ick Hit, ha recovered and i run ning hi train agaia. A. J. Meaa returned from Omaha thi week. Andy wa taking in the grand lodge, being a aeaber of that body. Ira Sleeper i briakiag ap hi ear riageork aad will pluter and It np the latemr, He will aake a nice bwinei rooa of it. The plate rIim front for K. F. Higkland'a new reaidenee arrived on Menday. Kd. i going to have on of theJae it homaa in the city. Ilenderaon Broi., propnetor of the depot livery alable, are filing up their barn aad rearranging it for winter. The boya are doing a good bnaineaa. T. W. Hatleld, of Ked Clmid lodge q. (4, arrived hoae froa Omaha laat Saturday after having acted ae n representative of the lodge in the grand body. Mr. Fannie Tnrkington, of Hebron, vu in the city en lant Saturday. She haa been viiitiag her parenU, Mr. aad Mra. G. W. Knight, of lnnvale, for a few daya. W. T. Bohrer, who ha been living in Arkanaaa far a few aenth put, hu retnraed to Red Clond utiiled that Nebnuka hold over the Math fully 100 per cent. The trunk of M. R. Bentley, while atanding on the platfora at the depot a few eveniaga ago wu breken into aad part of the eontente taken. No cine te the perpetrator. Little Johnny Fiiher, who had one of hi lege torn nearly out by a wagon daring fair week, Is getting along nieely ond in a few week a ore be will be aronad. We are glad to hear of hi nltiaate recovery. G. W. Dow, who hu been in Oaa- ha tor a week, arrived hoae Saturday. He represented the Kebckah Lodge I. (). O. F. of thi city at the aeet ing of the Grand Lodge of I. O. 0. F. which act there latt week. Unele J. Pot whe left thi city oae two ar three moath aco for the " tarpoM of elin oae milder clt aate, which would beneSt hit atthaa, returned thie wrek fully in the belief that there i ao better lead than thi to live ie. He hu decided to Uy in Red Cloud anlil furthat notice. Tb W. K-IC loelal he'd at Harry Peada ridn on laM Thurrday crcairif wlile not u largely atteaiee) a eapecud, owiag to the iacleuMUt ' weather, wu a decided uecca aad quite a little fold wu raiaed for the G.A.K'r. Tkr Ud? ef the W. R. ( ivs lute a good tiae at their Jtk M. Yeug ke a taat kaaiueen. R. V. ?K)ry was eat wt Week SI CaitU. tk.i' Mm. Will 5aith, of .Waee, ., vr .''i ! la the eits Ut.rJ.. JroadieedjfM hi later netl; '' Kcr trst dm tawarrrisl iair !( rail oi JFill 4 St (tost tkln tDl kuikinc gle at Herg a (islhs's al il; ifij tests. A. .' Mrh snd wife rlffU.iJ!,,M """" " ' v A ..-. ..!. I... I- I uni mini iiitnu. cm u.i rrw.11 etiintf Itott Kum i Imtr U; In lv r rr ;U1 U ko. il vbicb tils tbr 0U (Voir.il ',v Will I t tbr o( Lctor. I'rvf. Cufrm It sfitinc tkt rallx chirol under much W(tr Ircili& thin err tfore ia th fatetoty of ihr Mr. SbxkrKord. tf Tarki. U. to the city on Suad; lie ktd two train loJ of otllr, mllnp tttiut SOO hrid The inrinJoct ul flrttne lltt tun Urial l trcintiinp lo arrnr and In a frw ureka the city will tr (rkhna: with it Lrilliaurj. Col lltHurr, ranJidale for itatr atntr waa in thr city on Tueadaj roroute fer Nuckoll couotr. Tht Colonel feeli aanguioe tt aucceu tkia (all. It ia to be hoped that the board of trad will aake ao effort to get oae kiad of manufacturing in thi city If it i not anything more than a cream ery. The 11. & M pay ear arrived ia the eily on the 20th and diipenaed about 6000 to our reilreea boya. The pa; ear i a aource of aucb benelt to Red Cloud. The Piatt A Free company have a large tub and the water aain tapped by which they lupply th farmer team with watei. Thi ii a draerved eaterfrit. Now that winter ii eoaing and your properly i more eadaagered by fire, iaiure it with Sill A Stowe. Only the moot reliable eeapaaiei re preiontcd. M. H. Bentley and wife Lave te turaed froa Oaaba. Mi. R. wu in Omaha attending the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellow, u a reprenealaliv of Red Cloud No. 04. The other day a lady foil through one of the disjointed aide walk aad prained her ankle. The city ahould traigbtca up all walk aad get them in ahape before thej have a liwtuit. A large dog receatly owned by Mr. Curtis' wit oa of Hilly Gilbert children on Tuesday aad Mr. Gilbert took tiae by the forelock and made the dog bite the dint with a t. That waa right. Alvin Old, an old time fricad of county Trenurer MrNitt, both of whoa soldiered togelhct in the arae company during the late war, waa in the city thi week, It wu the lrt tiae they had act for twentylvo yeara. Till Cnur it under obligation U Will Barber far the Portlaad(Oregoo) Oregenian. The paper had a Uag ar ticle on a big republican rally thee, and froa reading iU tentent one would preiuao that the whole itate wu alive fer Harriion aad Morion. It 0. Wilion, juit living aerou the Kanau line, received a nice little um froa the governaent th other day. He hu been working hard for it for never! year and hu juit iue ceeded in getting it The taoual wu 11200. TnnCnircoBgrtuJaUi hia on hi aueceee. Th old reliable Smith Bros. Lean and Trait Company, of Beatrice, i represented in Webder, Smith aad Jewell eouatie, solely by R, K. Stowe, of Red Cloud. If you want eheap farm loan, aad quickly and without trouble call on hia. Interest payable annually at hi office ia Red Cloud. Olee over Ieyo'i Drug Store. That popular inn of I)ikrnno A Smith, eomaission aerehanti of thti city are beating the world on shipping egg. Daring the lait fc days they have shinned from this and other rointa t the west oter eleten thou SiaaUOien ini I a nanan'iin , . ii j amount of 'g;re to he lilpj-etj n !. - .l lbl tlOit 01 tcsr ni wc air pitwo , . la not their Ucet. TTi.tlr. n.l (AH.I. -- ..IllllffllJ HMtH S. LindMui.t, o.eol the old iub ' "' J . U',' r-M.r.te4 (iuwsr,, ... .. ti j .l phjtielsn, b hundred, of UtUwru. senber ef T Caiir called on these , Y (( fcf hw cnre,, cf ehnu beadejaarter Saturday aad left na two e Jie. II will be at the Mob abiaiag shekel foe the benelt ef ibeUnd House. Id nd ?ttrdiy p. K,r ditor. Mr L. bia IKI seret Noew4r H.. ' .- of rorn whieb will atersre about .ti L.A.I. m it. u .akiar SM..I olsl of :- 31M bushel foe him this year informal ui that he would feed X L lttmal tVwt lt a"ili4 n.t ..reaoyctofitthst waT a..,. GLOTHIM: CL0THIN6: d.grnfol tt Tetter .weenwrer bshU. lie is a thriilj urmcr i est I Hetti Jip ?! j ke retur4 fcttk frta tMrn nee Mm rsk Pstkss, el Uditsel is I. i t t xi ptiai 1ST inn ivii, .at.. V.. ..... ik.. t..l.. 1... l '" r,tJ lift M t' Hatler t i rVatri evaieaue. ,M.m Uurt NrllHitt k. rtut.fj kisf frn lfi .t kt k l ' (r ! jtt MLr ttataal Ufr U.ft. tV, . . Tkc jpfei ckild rt Mr litiue Cti ej taalk. Jt-J T!iJ uotnlng atwi kntf H. AUoJauf I. Kef M t Hal let elemplstet rrl;lK t f-lf ate of the tVagrt slJe-asI Kfh It 1' Usilei aad lfe, aad Ml Harlan of VV'icttU K, aiv ts IVIBjc lib NV II Ladle, el tkia elty. Alvut HO of our V N 0 A vent lo Heattlc ni TbfJj l trad llie lal ceBlUn nf tbat clelt tin WtslneMlat au-U Mr M l I. Wheal fe lecUr la ihe utt liouw itudtr lite auiprei f the Kniabt of Lal-or. It iu' n aMe effort llsrrv Msikell, Itessurtr of the Y . M. (' A. of thi rity I la Iteatrtt this week attending lb laie ccfaeea lion of the Voung Men Chrtitisn Aoeition L II Ruil reluraed Wednesday mornlae from Otbora rounly tknt he ha been na a tusinrss lour II eeyt crop are fair to that eouniy, tut beyoad that crop are a failure There wa a wreck on the II, M ro at Hartwell on Tuesday y hwh ! aen were killed and foar iajuttd Th aecideat wa eaaird by a liai running inU the rear ead ef aaolhcr The aen killed were slock men of Colorado. Diekerson A Satlh old elrten thouasnd doieu of eg lltli the the lt few dsys. If rsch ecg two inches long they would msk s string four and oar litb of a mil in length if laid end to end or a little oer half the distance to loatslr. Ill a little fiturinj: il will sho how pslient a he ' i n is We wish la call the (.articular at trallon of our friend to Tun Waa l.T Cmnr Th paper is much Isrg. er than aav other published la thr eounty, cuntaiaing W rolumas week ly, or .',. 12 during the jear, or aUjl 800 eolamaa more thsa say other psper in the county publishes, or ihr equivalent of what il would Ulr lo Itrint seventeen edition, after the tad Iniahed their volume. We do ant wish to blow our own horn, bal adviso our friends lo put their mone where they ran t th mot for it A to th matter of new, Tun Cnur dees not allow aay of its rontempnr sriea lo eteel It in any panlruisr Wr publish the new, and more, of it than say paper ia the twenty, for the aall sum of 1 per year. Met fames Nm, Tltn Cllltr ha several limes called the attention of the people lo the fad that wr needed a nrw court houa very badly. To back thi asaerlioa w with to say that tb trent Tern- tie of Justice I not f or II lo eep lh records in, and sgsin w ar about U build a Jail, rostieg IIO.OOw, whv not take fZO.OOO snore and build the two together and lave aoaelhiar worth tonkin: at A eourt hauso is an absolute neerssitv and now Is ibe lime to wet read for it. For 150, 000 a goad aabstaatial bouse eeuld be built that would be re proof and pro tect the county records for year to ecme. We hope enm one will peli tiou the board soon for this iurpor. If there is anything needed bsdlj in thi county it Is a rourt bnuse Hiktseaw , The republican voter of the First and Second ward of Red Cloud, are requested to meet in jo'nl caucus al theoBceofthe emintv luda. Oct., 27th, at " 30 p. ia. for ihe purpose of noainaliag an ueeeor and oae sup ervisor for each ward. Hy order of If tt MrMlrr l.t ar I - R. I). Jo-it, 2nd w ) Our fill grads are row all ia Kr ery line complete In rhildrcns clothing we eaeell evrr)bdy litatia itai.rNA. I will send to snjr peroa in tkr eily requeuing il ONKIIUNDKF.lt choice copies of heei mutir for i lection sod trial, the person s;rr!ng la return muio nrt seleeted within three day W aske thi offer good for onlv thirtr dv. Pur 10 renU per ropy l. II ai.i.aci, jt 12-: eweitr, - iMliiu. S-ar mU. - I Irn i-a.y tertti., four r Iism t.f , M- jKte4 In llrM t.aryi t-nj , immrvifiw, . W, CM'ltsltMt, " - . ! ae. !. t.4 Mr. l K. Hufrusn an'a lhl. Mr. Jl h. lluffnsriaanvuatoihsi hal " 2&&zFfNE W E RESSGOODS CUaiius f,, ,1, '... lU.rtr. to mt,,tKt an.rthiat the tttiri i rein emJ awwthtr Tsh ,. . . , . . NMiM uM W kV4 u il4 h ah uJ ' ,i,.4 a t-tiUa it rtilM ttesi ita k',,' t ?kk it 7 .$U ikN, fc niW tbt w-twl, ,WiUl f Iksi . il)5 ttrv 4 y-aWw nsrraHy m ai UtV , MtWtK tv i vriial, Umw4. A tU 4iVI i Jf, w nl wy a t am V ISlt IWi. aftee wWh lke ' , ' , ., v . i . ess si It IS (wrMtl eftUrs j Uirtf 4 rh ti.iUe. at kii auk I wake e i' ,er KtVWt ,W JH i t 1.1. .. mm n" 'i' I A Is -f- tX tesrJUtt l ftr4ttV- 4 U4 .-( el .ie U4 MMiisf attr m lV r!sr4 i i-elui tVtt ti4r ami y nr-iAtj CMBtkearv4 )tK wtl. ! ta Is iti at I" 4 a imiU J .! er b-tl at a kitV u4si,4 -l t iciittt) U Ike m4 !( At tvat i i tie Ski-etirft Ii U t r ff.iM l ltJk iktt 11 tmlk tktl iHiU MM IiUhi tltal asd tsekr s lLt tie wn ef lk lallet na; ! iHjl U ml Us rr)alrMifcU v-t Ikeil tltes Wken rfl ((! fll j rl( the Int rhiueUr ef Ue ftiilti.) U(hl !M kit Ife (vvlUlt Sbd lU diaySkxleU lit) !! lit V-Klule fevtll; l in I . I Mtiuiitl s. I 4rlTf ulw far each ti rittf UJtle iffe-ri 4 It ike vs renllc-it Itaelwe i- trvturU tke k.mI aftJUlellerlasI uelfat (f K rktvirra la kit ekaisr Tie lescbrtt of the 1U4 0aJ rLvvlt Jut) t' rrvUI V. Jr- m Urtl uianlfelr4 tf out ntlliM al ! SVtretlDf, aad kor lo 1 ilrrlrvl V taie an audience thi I'riilaj e.iaf bun due effiMl will le J In hate lb meellna Utlh -leKl and evltahle to all Wc were fleaeed to m- ! rf our school ("oatd rrat en the ion aid lake such sa aetlte it la Ik elerciee a uch la iadiealita of a ke airievtalloa of lb dulie of iLrll rronthle ikltio l(ejy-nfullr, JVv F. Ciana.SaH-C Nhimiak .Slorrr, al lb l.eatef ki dauahtrr. Ml. G W. lUkrt neat Ass U7 on Tar4r the 'ixl of Oelelrr ll I'alher Stoevj' ha l-eea a eM tant lufferrr for setenlrea feat ef feral) l in the laitr ajt of the Ul) and llnU, he ha 1jio ki alllcllch with .Lrlitiao fortitude ut Ufore the rertiuli with lki life be a bolire of ti rraioftltloa of the afioarii if the toootUt, death The rema.Hs wtr inti-mi We.loewtlaf al Ihe I lsM Hill cealrr al II a eloek a. m. Il Hummel dirouri( the last 4 rtit o er lb rrinaln of a reud rlliicn MIiMI.jas Kerybn4j huklag fn Will lleaard hu teturntd kB fr om in Mriac where fc la teen a xi)oumiag for his health. A rag sewing bee Frid si llartei Merriir. ' Km l.iehlfoot baaawff hand caused hy being Jammed sgalatl Ike taachlou whil dekernlng. Protiaeled milinr l Wind Point list week A santxr Thatsds nlrki al Plea sal Grate for Ihe bsnell of the M K. Sunday school, Phlsa Leggett wss seen going t" rd Dr. Hhetden's lal Sslaiday evening seemingly In ! Iiasle hul a ihe voting wan turned up all right at Ihe lyreuu wrronrluded last netli ing serious vu the matter The republican rally al Heltm well atlendeil, tkousaad or mote fr on being present The torch light nroeeiaa wss smstl. but Ihe iMf-eh ef Allorney Me Hrid wa listened lo with a grt deal of i,ntrtet it M.. L. i .-....! . bis formr rireuil, l Ak (', I a a n . 1 If P1MI 1OT1 P.HH'V . I lenaey wresa aai iieattni ioe Gen, lvell, who ha tidel ia thi vieially for a numli of 'ri died ery auddcaly en leM Tuetday morning. II at l bed ia good hrsllh a uusl Ihe night bfete la the mnrning wbtti Ihe Uuv suited for Ihe family to arise Mr ltell In Iryiag Ui'aaake hr hubnd fad thai he a dtad No eae h been assign H a jet for hia udd dr-alh F.urirw Ho Difference it sjtii.i. ntwainn a racr, Tiot 8. F- SPOKESFIELD, KKKm (IN IUKU DllV GOODS, (ilCOCKKIIvS. Wl.(rS t. U Mlllnf si raws -f to'l msk a gtl tW i OI.II iTAM, krt Clifti, MO ill At Mr.F. NKWIIOLSKS I.ntitifiil arvtrtite-iit nf Vani rpliyrw. Havrnf .Sit!au'., fintl f.rrinan Knlttinw Vwriw In all Oiw nnw nnM UtrIr SurliAi HtMr..-tt.-. (Tlrtii. Hntilt "I'rtli.Hr. mh Trlfiimlip tnMt.tr?. WliUs hhp. Itinlnry. VIiH IriwtnliiKa, Jo'V.i'ty nisei Jfif.r?. : mm t .it Up r'eiM t JU 11. ! .W -, " V " rt J ' ft iki f tiK4is A W4 J inm. t l rtn IKU 4 A MAhI ! k4 i4 i fl M) IftK i V Jm. M It. t. l R t. ri .- if V Ntit Hu til iJ rt lsilitste. U a K.4 1V.J i ii. tUMssI ., lt4.J Nh X A t.t ee4 kit Jul V'M IM4 si VVt t l m V-tf v i-). tl allt f.) jo I $ tf t Iki lllldtt It i tit I 'in ,SV.rki- f 4l fye.4 cmU. tsssili l4t. ssilie- fsf, iW I'llm i.tj ! Tk M.iau.j, ClkVetttHf . KV aad elket ftf i.tltU. - Na)4 trt etik n .iVI) .)W4li V H.4t J Ittlttf Ne iil f f 4V (iMi, Mlii U-i. 4 tke 4lte fr il fftniH tl f (- lkl sit aileai.V j tl TV W.tleta J ektk Mtlehaatile atrf-lJU li I' Jami. lb e.brl4 Get .ta sh.t , wilt W l IU4 lV, al U IMIaad !!, .Ut4at N-eV-l ,14 If JUI isffillsf wilk k Lia.te 4kMa va ke14 Bel fall ltatll hint (VnsalWIto tt . 'N As e-t-l gag teiited l !' ktl etla( sttl.Ut U ik elethlm lias t msd for Mt m and sad fe trm ! 4i4 l ail fM lke and will sell Ik. I- VOU ' ' 4re4 ftiee Alt ar call aad et evt.U ate specially ma4 ft ike s Ikel Uj. Ikm W wlgkl tell ) iksl ik Prises tf Walts t Mr list tiaee, Iks oll ttl4enl I . t detsd a sail ef n, kl 4l4 fcvt tl him, Iklt tsrald ke sa eattnlk, W. tltaplt I'll )t- we Will telt th tult t ueh tad tk s lire tad J may tsl at-4 It ill I si lis Ulla ftlee ' Wieaaa lllilkg ttlt.4 sn eUgsi.1 lias el eal llatk, btSHsd. sod a.-!! 4 Usks i- sad Jacket In latot ljU a4 draigas, sje feelfllj lull ite Isiles lo rail and tkssa Ml llec.s. fivlal sltsalioa I .4.ttsla .ad embalmlac lif V Tstl-t H Jim a bleks ! t'attlsgs FseUy Net Hii of fl"Wf t-ie. ' ' domtalloa sh4 lslley il tslet .4 al lliary Ck If ywtj ( I U4 U M ! asvabste l i ! "hy t U llaty Crk e He ks. il I'utftllat of all kinds s, it sa .t si F ' Taylit's- The K.lei Orssn Is ihe l hut II itts less, I U.lsful, sab tstlist, will baill, I ttot la la In say olhet Call s4 lk Ksi't il th rid' f 4s J Hsllst, Ibsaks U lbs tklllfal Ittatment af lie Jak. Ik G.tataa .slsllit. wb -ir4 m t aHhskssfut Mkir fbysWl eiaas all failed Fnaaa WMJsjs, afl Aurst. Fr Sale lo l;c?icrs ' UMKtA Nlfw)r. 1. 1 ad 3 y fid, r KUw, K , sallekM fr ferdiag w rs-sfb-ia A I, l'ek eslil Tj peril wsklog btsliU.s tr aill U'sejd partly llt. Addrte C. (B iru'lirilKlMF'KUwV. Ksn.J lOr W II nitlMF.N. KaCily,M. How You Vote A AMV. MM: (r KlCea '. Is tMft- ll !) ' e 4i e4. say asm, Me New GNB! aaaaaBnnnnaBm I aanaam awaaaaawl annnnnnnn. B BBBBBBBBBBBa t3mmmma. Do Not be Deceived Hv trihcn cliumin lo keep MADKCIothu.it. OUR CLOTHING In as well malc as any put on the markcl, awl our prices air. (;u. every one tciyik that ha cxininctl ihcm) much hnvcr thai. others .uk for Mine tpiality ol KxmU II you want cheap truck (am! you nci:l noi ery for il cither) wc will cll you Mens Suit um Ii4w um WtMl And .should you want chcajwr, will try -uul kjet them ftr you OVERCOATS tt tintr al aII ir(ra frtam lW lltaswl Iii e)iihlrnH OvurcMMit we mm nu!iH'4; at prin far liolow $2. Suits al an rcmarkahtc Low VrUxx. S In Our Boot and Shoo Stock ! rkrjlt smitser trfaiV taaftl liiw ffiftrti w iMalHy sf '-J fuorl rejr. Our I Vices ;u: as lw as the Lowest l(f memlMT we ncwr foltou, niiy& Lend on LA !(; ST Si CK;K. I-Ioiicm GmkJs at Honest IVico. Our Merchant Tailoring ih.irt- IIH'Ilt HJMMlkH for ilH4ll. . .i hia always ste ie. v mvs siaaaew nail lft " tt IMItt4MeW i innkii M ; WW asnM IA fv iil a4 9 Hi bk p eieer In our Hat and ' Wa t U w4 .meewi ba ( (! 4 estM we . k'.tr t.f. tf IfvM't lUtf ksMl t VteMA Ut tm Ih4 k .,, m ,,. on t !m, it m ti.iir. Mii.e. "vasmamj.- amwt'1 sanuia naaan BjBBaPBBBunLp 3wbJbbubbW UKTIIvK rlii MlUH fit Ur h 4lk pwmtv t ked iwv easW .h ! .' sr it r t4n .1 r Wa e6 .a . ., Ur it mm r-v . yt Mttf ,a yt aetii as4 Cap DcMrtment 4i' f mm wtarfeye ) sew aw tew wtkn.w 9M ii y e ia4 yi tK? m -f Os (;. WBB, PHpP. Ml deed. isod 2?'u btro ltrutUl. imuu. '0 L y.lf l .V "P iH A. iKji-rsW' Hmfamiwmi4tmk iocial.