B k Id & c - .' x V w - m vr?' ik ' V 5K"i tV"4 Tfc M ?5 v " 1ST Kit.-' u P ' Ms ' .-" 'aH IP rc" - 'II ft ;;'.' w Mil '' r ",' 1' " Our Platform ! t,jfiw? r. hmmkh. FrVffvvS9A fitllrtil every W4ar rail treat. Ae lattOMwmlHwfc.BM CIm4, fftk. j w Ducker's Gash Dry Goods House ! , WewttateeMtloa tlia totereof iWeaeter eoaaty aid our reader gen ereiiy, ajraiaai toe numeroaa earn aalta Ilea that are being prepared by tlia acajeerat chief magifltratca to cir ealate just en the ere of olcetlo?,, There ia sot much doubt tbat anoth er attempt aimilar to the Norej let ten will be attempted In order to frm (rate the will of the voter. Our re aablitaa friend abiuld bo prepared for all each atorica and be ready to ail them if they cone. The ntato of Nebraaka ia republican and every re a ablieea eboald aee to it that hid ticket ia etraigbt aid clean and Rot tllew fchaielf to be pulled around by oatiide innea just to pleaae the de aeeraey. Be on your guard. The republican meeting last Fiiday sight wa not aa largely attended nit aeme, but waa noverthelcaa of an in tereatiag nature. Mr. Caldwell apoke about aa hour on the political times. making oia of Li beat efforta, which waa applauded at moat every step. den. Dilwortb, who waa tohavoad droaaedthe maetinc alao. foraome raaeea 4i4 aot doao. Tkeauetiag waaagnad taeeeta aad thaapeeeh tf Mr. Caldwell waa warmly received. e pledge Ourselves IN FAVOR OF ROTECTION,of customers from overcharge and misstatements. SEE TRADE, for everyone. (PROHIBITION, of rings, inflated values, and op pressive high prices. REDUCTION, of the people's bur- : dens and buyers JVX bugbear taxprofits aK'' "S. , xx- The political aitaatioa la bow Bear lag a olof o aad iailde of the aeit two -reeko will bo eolved. The repabli eaaa of thia coaaty ahoald bear ia miad the great aeeeaaity of atayiag by the ticket. Ifyoa waat to aee Aaerieaa iadaitriea dwiadlo aad beoeaio a eiphei tote with the demo cratic party for free trade. If yoa do lot, veto the repabllcaa ticket. Dowa la Memaka eoaaty the probi bltioaiata have oadoraed the demo oratio aomiaee for legialatare. Thia aeema to ua to be a loag way aroaad (get prohibitioa. Demoorata aro aotballt that way at laaat thia year. 'Smother year. Butthoa It'a aaythiag to beat the repablioaa peaty yea kaow. e PREPARE FOR WINTER, BUY AS YOU VOTE-Intelligently-s candidates for your patronage we invite an inations of our record in regard to low since we commenced business six months We promise you in the future as in the the best in quality, the most in quanity. d the lowest prices to all, and behind our onuses stands the Nicest selected stock of In Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods and the BEST fitting clothing ever shown. Remember this that we are the only merchants handling the PATENT SHOULDER . . SUITS in the city. Let every good repablioaa atay by hia ticket aad vote for it oa the Cth. Ia ardor to oloet Harriaoaaad Mortoa the aerthera atatea suit be carried far thorn, aad la vatlag for Ua reaab lioaa ataadari bcarera, yoa caat a vote loraoaou goverameat, aouaa ear- reacy aad for proteetioa of Americaa iadaitriea. aaamaaaaaaaaamaaB 8tai by the eoaaty ticket thia fall Work for the eatlre republieaa ticket from preaideat" down. Remember that upon the aacceao of the ropubli oaa ticket depeada the elect ioa of i repablioaa Uaited SUtea aeaator tiia winter. Don't fool around with aide iaaaea bat atay by your party colon thia year of all yeara. mmmmmaammmmae It la now ramorcd that a 8th paper ia to bo catabliahed ia Red Cloud. The tame to be of democratic politico. That ia right Come oa boyaaadif there iin't eaoagb of yoa, why, wa will import aome aiore. The aewe paper ie a pablle baaafaetor. Baatiago ia ladalgiag ia pampkia p to aeetaic. A maa who oaa ao ao- oial after eatiai a Hutiaga pie ia placed oa aaaibltioa. Haatiaga mea aro ao luy that thoy get ap at 4 o'clock ia the moraiag ao u to have a loager time to loaf. Chaataaqaa Circle mecta with Mrs. Carraa, Taoaday eveaiag, October 30 at 7:S0 a'eloek aharp. rBOOBAM. 1 .Bell call. Quotationa oa Phil aathropyt 2. Table Talk. Carrent eveata. 3. Praetleal pronunciation teat, Nra. Martin. 4. The Leaaoa. 5. Character aketch of Xeaophoa. Miu Harlbort 6. Readier;. "The cry of the ehUdrea." NlaaThomaa. 7, Paper, The life of Aloibia dea." Nra. Carraa. . . . la Igariag up your itema of ex peaae ia makiag farm loaaa don't for get that 8mlth Broa. mortgagee are recorded much cheaper than any other. R. K. Stowk, A a wa l tt . . a Apit iea iiouu e J ust received 250 pieces of Unbleached Muslin containing 84 yds each for 50c a piece. And 250 pieces of same goods containing 17 yds each for $1 a piece. These muslins are a full yard wide and the best value we have ever ' been able to offer at the price. Come soon as they will not last long. We have the best Cotton Striped or checkered Shirting at 10c per yard, that you have ever seen. In a few days we will have the best value, for the money, in Ladies' Vests and Drawers, ever offered in the count). We have a nice line of Cloaks and Short We take eggs. -V' Wraps, and you cannot afford to buy one with out first seeing our stock. And for those who want something a little nicer, or made different from what we have in stock, we will have be fore long a practical cloak man here from one of the largest cloak factories in the United States, with samples of everything new in cloaks and wraps for Children, Mioses and Ladies. Watch this paper and hand bills for the dates. If there is anything in our line you wish to look at, come and see them, we will not try to force you to buy but want you to leel that if we do not have just what you want .we will not get mad because you do not buy some thing else. We don't do business that way. J. J. DUCKER Cloaks, Cloaks. THE CHICAGO STORE, Berg & Galusha, The Chicago Store Clothiers. BON TON BARBER Shop ' ' AND . ., BAl'H ROOM, HUTCHISON 4 TDGIXL. Prop. Fiiat door north of City Bakery, re. filled MdtaereuKhly equipped. We reapaotAilly eolioit your patroaago Kuaranteeinfceatiafation in every caao. Oua Motto: Will bo lo pleaae all wlio give iia their trade. All work dfliinin a flrtt-claM manner and in tlu lateet fad ol the profeaaiou. UUTOUUMON A EUIKU. BaaaaaraaV Psr"r-"'" S -"-v? "i-fe-r-.--..-?ji5i;i nt;- ----"Vii--.v "iiScBi aaaferlt wj vvi : "v., iIb'- "" 'HAJ vi'- - ' - ?' vaaaa?auJSaBaB3 iwSaaaBaMjaaa! T.'liiviDHBP aaaaaaaj l , t i rhC t iaJfiRTCr-'il1; ', il.v4 rBaaBELBMBSvfrTJwKSSaaaBBi l"MTLaaaaB aaaaaaalal lvrilcdBjK2BiCwa'Kv AiMna.iVk3flBaaHaaaapsaBvvvvwiaajKaaMaaaaaaBaBM 1 1 aajaaaT I aBBBBBBBBrff I WaVBaaaaaMrfXigi7Vrt- iESat JB3t v MtkJlFaVBaaKiBaBaSH auai. aBBaBaaaaWaajaiu!BaaEtaaBBllrQBl3tKAA uBaaaBBBn9aasBaaaaaWEBaE aHaLVsBaaaaaaaaBE aaal ItMwBStimtBiSlxBmfSmFvTtBwmKstsSt&SK' t a?BiBBan3BBaiBaaaaaaaiaaaaT BTllk'f iBaaaaaaaaai aaa lBaaaaaTBBBBa-JffnSMff!iiBaTav&riJB; c taQBHBaaBR3aBaBaaaaaaaaaaBH9BBi'4BT JBIBSSBStBuit'KiStBtniRmilt ilaaaaaaaal Bvaaaaas BBaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaoajcBaaaaaaaaaaaaB aavaaafBaaaBjaaaaanaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BBBiBaaaBBaaBBBIPaBaaaaaaa vBaaWBaaHBvHBaaaBWBaVBaaaiBBaaaaBaavBai :f Wehayejust received our MlStwkof Cloakse Blankets, Quilts, Flannels, &c Dress Goods, Notions, and Cotton cloths by the Ten Thousand Yards. Don't let unprincipled dealers "stuff you" but come and see. We also pay highest price for Butter and Eggs. R.M.MAKTIN. i i . i $ KB. ..L rS as. : ;.j:.'- , ;... tv."";.'-. i V'Cll!KUe? SJJJJ.' T3Sf' flUB -4jW. - Mi .. iTvCSS; fmfSsram.Kitssxm : -mk95at2e2i MFrnH 1 1 Jit1 lH IU .MIWIwnMiajMwm