The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 26, 1888, Image 2

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Tn Bt. Fanl tot s-tMW been
et for the week ( sfaitwix J8 nest.
. Tin lUpaMtouw at 8m Francisco
lavrV aotntnated Chatfea R. Wery, a
promtaeat IsWuraMt'WMi'ttf'Bsayor.
Tm proposal f the Caunty Dwbo
swacy of New York for, traloa upon
krnal Assetnbly Mi Congressional
Democratic mbImUmi aaa boon re
Jeotedby Tmmbmj
Tnts U to be a tae season for game
la Georgia. Rice bird. crabs and
hrimps are the chief Itoras of dlot,
and later will come venison, quail and
duck of. all varieties.
A cottaoe at Morchantvlllo. N. Y.,
li being prepared for Robert Currott.
of Baltimore, who will bo plncod thorn
under tho Immediate oaroiVr. Jonos,
n Insanity specialist. '
TAMMAKTBAtt rtrpfiestfi the County
Democracy's appeal for union on local
and Congressional candidates refusing
such union and denouncing Mayor
Mowltt and tho County jieoplo goner
ally. ,,,,
Miss Cauiue Millkr, of Lexington,
S. 0., diod recently after a year of In
tonso suffering cnuiod by drinking- a
glass of ooadeasod lyo by mistake for
wlno. For four months alio was tin
ablo to swallow.
Negotiations havobcen completed
by which nn Eastern syndicate will, on
tho 1st of December, lunjumo control
of tho Milwaukee (Wis.) City lull
way CompanyV'of which relor Mo
Oooch Is tho principal stockholder.
Indians In tho United States Inst
rear cultivated 227 Ofli acres of land
and rnland 724 IMA hushrda nf whrtnt I
auiu nusoa t.yoo DU-nois oi wntw, i
934.072 bushels of corn, 6HU87 bushel-
of oats and barley, 621,010 bu-hol- of
vegetables and 101,828 tons of hay.
They also ownod 868,834 horse and
mulos, 111,407 head of cattle 40,471
wlno and 4,117.273 snoop.
Recently a paddle-wheel steamer
was changod into tho twin-screw typo,
the result being to iacroaso the carry
ing power of tha vessel by 190 tons,
largo additional cattle-carrying spaco
being gained, whllo the not register Is
mccroasod 347 tons. Tho speed has
been increased considerably and tho
fuel consumption reduced 60 per cent.
The question as to whether or not
excitement shortens Ufa is being agi
tated, and K is held that any thing
which quickens tho action of the heart,
any kind of excitement, taxes and re
duces tho storage of life. Almost
every ono know, this long ago, mid it
is only reoontlyjthat tho .matter has
Dccnconelderedlln,tlte light of pov-
ecntagsyJ -. . ) , x
A recent number of tho Astorian of
Oregon says: "Hlack booby birds by
tho thousand aro reported covurlng
tho mouth of tho river, and vokhcIh
passing through kill thorn by tho
hundred. They have been gorging on
fish and can not fly. They extend nil
tho way outi and off North llouch can
bo seen for a mile; The visitation is
an unusual ono." ..'
A traoio death occurred at tho San
Goronlmo mine at Sonora, Mox., u
short tlmo ago. Tho superintendent,
II. B. Mollc, was In his ofllco rcpnr
j ing to pay off tho men when tho bulid
llaTJKldcnly sunk, Into tho earth and
disappeared ,'fbo olllco stood on
ground yisjBoovp anoia tunnoi., Tito
body'of ;uTr. Molle was recovered after
sovontl hours of hard work.
Gkhman newspapers speak distrust
fully of tho situation In Franco. Tho
Korth German Qatttte, quoting tho
Temp'1 ironical comments on Premier
Floquot's Division bill, Indorso tho
prediction of tho 7Vm;i.i that nn Em
pire is at hand. Tho TwjMatt thinks
that somothlng unexpected will hap
pen in Franco, nud that tho doom of
tho Moderate Republican party is
A couitiEit has arrived lu Hrtmsols
from tho Congo Free State. Ho brings
details of tho death of Major llartol
lot, who was shot and killed with u
revolver by a porter in the Stanley
relief expedition in rovengo for the ill
treatment ho was subjected toby Major
Bartollot. ( Tho murderer was placed
under arrest and' delivered to tho offi
cials at Stanley Falls, where he was
, 8it5jan?AipfFASio, of tho Cleveland
(Ol) driving park, with n l'ontiHylva
ala horseman as partner, propones
taking a shipload of American trotters
to Buenos Ayres, Argentine lteptiblle,
and after a throe or four days trotting
meeting in the groat South American
town to sell tho horses at public auc
tion. The trip will bo enormously ex
pensive, but It is expected that tho
profits will be similarly groat.
Mme. Ilma di MuitsKA, tho onco
fsaous-pvprana, is now living In a
aU'gle l-poim In Washington square,
'Yew Yajrk,"ln oomparatlva poverty.
She became 'one' of tho leading so
pranos of Europe In 183A, and in 1873
he starred In a tour around the world,
her circuit including Australia and
this country, wboro she arrived in
1874.' She 'appeared hero again in
,1879. Her eccentricities huvo had
much to do with hor property.
Attokxky-Gnneral Oakland has
directed the United States attorney for
tha Western district of Texas to as
urne jurisdiction over No-ManVLand
m4 to take official cognisance of all
riatea OMsmltiet ia that Territory.
Tha taaeatloaV- io get these matUrs
Utto the United States courts and have
tfie atteatloa of the Supremo Court thus
breswkt te the ooadUkw of affairs in
tkat Territory u orcar to determine
theUwffPwMUJf uett0B of jurisdio
ky Tilagtwak Mi Ms.
Iff tfce Senate en las lath dleeaestoa et
IM TiM Mil was maraud sad eoaUSMd MM
sdjoawaeet,.. .la the Haws Meters. Cleav
eats (OS.), McMUIfs (Tenn.) ssd Ryan (Kaa.)
were Baastataaoe ths jetst u ia
vstttgote hs Wsthlagloa sqnsdaH a-etta
Mr. Ostss (Ala) tilM ophit adjo-trae-set rese
laltoe, sat sIMr a lengthy talk it m IsM avar
for sees Mr. Ostet Mid haviag tallest to get
Us House te adjourn be would llks to sdjouni
htatsslf sad atked leave of eocenes durtaf the
raswiadsf af the eettlea. watch wm fleetest.
TM Hease tats sojourned.
Tn Senate net oa the 17th with oaly a
few Seastort preMnt Henalor Teller oees.
todaaeedsarUoa of the time wtth-aeesMoh
oa Iks .Tariff bllL flenater Allleea offered s
eoscur-entretoluiloa for a receti frosi Betur
day, Oetotmr to, to November ft, bat
la reselutlen weat over wader
sa objection. Henster Moncsn ipnlin an the
unit end theBnstadJouraid,...Miichof the
time In the House (only few member pret
erit) was devoted to personal et pleasUon by
Mr. B. ft Cox (N. Y.) M to document eent out
under hit forced frank, In which the Houie
vindicated Mr. Cox. A resolution was offered
s-radjourn-test on the SBih, which wat mterrea.
Arrsii the transection of unimportant busi
ness In the Henate on the 18th the concurrent
mtoluUon for a receti from the )th to Nn-m-bar
IS wae taken up sad Renew Brown offrmt
a a lubstllste a reaolotloa for Dnl a.1)nurn
meat oa Maturday to the Bret Monday in Ik)
nambfr, whleh. after aoras debate, im mlnpted.
After tome dlxmtiloa n the Tariff biu th
Benata aJJourned. ...After the reaillns nf the
Journal the Henate reaolutlon far adjournment
was laid before tho Homo and Mr. MrMlllon
(Tenn.) inokn on the rranlutlon. tint ria!l
niado n tariff xecb. Other memtira look
p.irt In the dnbale but the adjournment resolu
tion was Anally concurred In and the House
soon adjourned.
In tho Henate on the IDth the resolution
authorizing tha finance Committee to con
tinue Its hearing on the Tariff Mil was adopted.
The Senalo then took a recess and upon as
emMlne; went Into secret session and then ml
Journed,...In tho House tha attendance was so
small that aothlna; win done except to adjourn.
O.xi.Y seven Henntore wero present when
tho Hcnnto met on the iith. Hercral otluirs ap
peared after tho Journal hail liocn rend Hen
tors Allison and HauUbury wero appointed on
the part of the Mcuate to net with n ootumltten
from the llnuso to wait on tho t'realdent and
ascertain If ho had any commnnlcittlontomakv.
Bonatnr lllaokliom prosented the mlBurity re
port of the committee to Inquire Into the opera
tion of the cHII service The commltteo to
wait on the President reported that hit had
no further communication to make, and
alter adopting a resolution of thanks to the
Presiding officer, Henalor Iom-.I1. offered by
u ,,,,,.. lhl, ., nvi,i.
Senator Haultbury. the Bessie at ono o'clock
wae declared adjourned. ...The House met with
llfteen nmmbors pmsont. Messrs. McMlllln,
(Tenn.), Clements (do.) and Ujsn (Kan.), wnro
apt jlntod on the Jolut eommltteo on the part of
tho Hnaso to wait on the President, which com
mltteo soon returned and reported. Mr. Hyan
offered a resolution of thanks to Hpeaker Car
lisle, whleh was unanimously adopted. Com
plimentary resolutions to the other officers
were adopted, ainl at one o'clock the Hpeaker
dtolarod tho House adjourned sine die.
Russian troops are belnir masteit nn the
Austrian frontier to correapond with the
mnsaini- of Austrian reslruenta.
Hon, J. O. Hlainb was unabl to address
the Republican leathering at I,afayetto,
IniL, on the 17tb, his throat being In
flamed. Chicaoo's reiUtraUoa amounts to let,
000, an luorease of ftO per cent, over tho
regis tint Ion at the last Presidential elec
tion. CAaDtNAbUowAaD, of England, is hope
lessljr Itissno.
Autino on the advlca of Italian and
foreign Clericals, the Pope has decided to
Instruct tho Catholic lllstiops throughout
tba world to continue to asltriln fur tho
I restoration of the temporal Kwera et the
TaaHuprameConrs of Uermany has re
fused to releaso Prof, (lelfookeii, who wns
under arrest for making public extracts
front the Into KntpSrur KrudorU-k's diary.
'PiiBMisn MacbVnam, of Catmitn, Is ex
pectod to loajro shortly for Kngland to
consult vltli1ho llritlsh Ministry regard
ing tho IWtytfrlea dispute.
TlIK Cisstit de Prurulo Heal, Hjmulsh Con-sul-Usmeral
at (JuotMie, accidentally shot
anixVllled himself reoantly "while exniuln-
Mng a rnvolrcr.
ItcUAtu.K reports are Hint tho latest
Afghan iusurioctlnit has Imuiii coiuplvtvty
crusbeil aud Isaak Khan la a rofugeo lu
Da. J. Ik Gunnino, of Amsterilnui. Hoi
land says Hint oi'rmip'menU wilt shortly
be made at Wnslilnntoii with thoUovitrn.
ment, to Indemnify the settler on the
Maxwell grant who bought their propm ty
when Hecratary Cox, of the Interior De
partment, decided that tha Maxwell grant
was uot a valid one.
Boudanksr dervithos aro reported ad
vancing upon Upper Kgypt In force and
aro expooUiil to raid tho village between
Wady Haifa and Assouan.
Thk Pom ha complnlned that the attl
tilde of tho Italian Uovvrnuiont, In tho re
ception of Krujwror William, renders hit
situation morn diuioult-
Tiik Umperor of Ucrmnny went to Pom.
pell on tho lttth and u itnesseil tho uu
covering of several burled houses. He
and tha Ring of Italy havn Issued a Joint
order of approval of tho spiearanco of the
Italian nnvy.
HKV. J. i.kiiiiito colkman, 1). D., was
consecrated at Wilmington, Dot., on tho
IMlb, as lllshoii of the Protestant' Episco
pal Dlooese of Delaware.
E. H. LxnBLANoa, of Woataka, I. T., has
beon eltwted Treasurer of the Creek Nation
by tha National Council. K.-C!ilof. Perry
man wat his principal opponent.
U. W. Hunt, of Kria, hat tn-en elected
president and A.J.Uorr, of New York, sec
retary of the American Institute of Archi
tects. Consolidation with the Wostern As
sociation wat decldod upon.
Tamm am v Halt, at Mow York wat packed
on the night of the tilth with an entbusl
aitlo audience, who ratified tho National
anil mate Democratic tickets ami tha Tam
many local ticket with great fervor and
lliteaed to speeches by Hon. H. H. Cox, W.
C. Breckinridge, Bourka Cochran, Daniel
Dougherty, Roger A. Pryor and Ashbal
P. Fitch,
Thb Republlo of Colombia bat accepted
tha Invitation of tha United Htates to take
part In the conference of independent
American stales in Washington in Ucto
ber, 1MN).
Tub President has approved the act
authorising tha President to apKint
Alfred Pleasanton a Major in tha army
and placing him on tha retired list with
that rank and grade.
The President has approved the General
Deficiency bill.
(IXNiEAt. Halohon, tho noted Haytlen
leader aad ex-Prstldaat who was recently
deposed by a revolution, died In Parts on
tho 10th.
Cou)mki. R. M. Pulsivbr, for many
years one of tba proprietors of tba Boston
Herald, died at his country home recently.
He was found dead alone la bed. There
were rumors that fas bad committed tut
Hiuiit Rev. K. R. Wbixxb, Protestant
Episcopal Bishop of Milwaukee, died tha
other night at Waterloo, N. Y-, while vis
iting bit brother.
Tax statue of General Grant, presented
by the Grant Monument Association, wat
unvalled at Bt, Louis on the 20th. Gen
eral Noble wat tha orator, aud the cere
monies were attended by Grand Army
posts aad many thousands of spectators.
Thb Atlantic cigar factory at Spring-
Bsld, Mass., baa been closed oa attach
meats, with 170,000 liabilities. The pr.
J-..' tirilil--. ft.l, llsi.-rsB--t-Jl
wlth'muck moa'y. H had sunk almost
his satire fortune la the factory.
fJeoMi A, Daasua Co.,
dealers ef Bestoa, have eaas lata la
setvsac- wtth fM,0M assess aa4HTs,M
GBxaaAbBAMAo's salt agslsrt Mrs. U.
fi. Oraat far alleged asrvlees la prtaarlag
Oaaaral Oraat's raesBotrs for ashltoatloa
was agala adjourned before Jetties Pat
tarsoa, ef tha Huprsaie Coartat Hew York,
waMI the Irst Moaday la Korea-bar.
Tub aoa-clttseat of she Chickasaw Ma
Mon will meat at I'uroell, I. T., October SI
to forts aa organisation for tha protection
of tbslr Interests.
If Is aaaeaaesd that no mora subsidies
will be glvsa to railways la Mexico and
that the coloalsstlon laws will bo reformed
la favor of the smaller colonies.
Taa Eleventh Indiana tUglraaatal At
soclatlon, General few Wallace's old regi
ment, held a reunion at Indianapolis aad
ware received by General Harrison, but no
speeches wer mad.
Thb bears made a raid nn the oil market
at Pittsburgh, Pa., on tha loth, and prices
were forced down from VtH to M, coating
wild excitement,
H. C. Itxnrixi, ex'traesurer of Mo
Vlcker'e Theater, Chicago, on tba train
going east from lloaemM, M. T., took an
overdo of morphia with fatal effect
the other night He was somewhat de
ranged. Thb asset of R. A. Allen A Co., Ht Psul,
Minn., dry goods merchants who failed
recently, amount to t)s6M.3l aad tha lia
bilities to vwm
Tnx Itrothnrhood of focemntlva Engin
eer Indorsed the action of Chief Arthur In
all matters pertaining to tha Brotherhood
tlnoa tha last session. This virtually sus
tained hit action la tha Q" strike.
Thk wlr that connects the bookmakers'
rooms at Washington with the Uuttniiherg
race track was taiped during the taces
recently and tha result delayed until some
sharpers Invested enough In Joe Mitchell
tlcknts to realise about Jl.iXW.
Huhinkh failures (Dun's report) for the
seven days elided October IH nnmbnred
rU ns ciiinpared with 2t the corrttoni
lug week of tnsl your.
TllK Hloiix chiefs rejocto-l tho offer tnn.lo
by the President for their Innds and of
fered a counter projioilllou to ncivpt l.'i'i
nn ncro. tho money U m pnld nt onre,
Tl(K ltniid-Avrv priiitlng liouc, of Hus
ton, has assigned, Liabilities, 140,000)
assnts ample. hotisn returns for week ended
October W showed an nverngo ilmrenso of
S.Hooinpniiiit with tliororriispiiiiillng week
of last yenr. In New York tho (Increase
wns to.l.
AMKniOAN rnllrnad securities were wenk
and Ituuluntlng on the limton Kxcliange
during tho 'week ended October !M). Dis
count was easy. Tho Iuroean tioursee
reported financial matters ipilot. The
negotiations for tho conversion of the Hun
garian loan warn reported concluded
with the Rothsvhllds.
A NVHsr.Hof republican rioters mobbed
Honor Canoves del Castelln at Haragossa,
Hpaln, the other night and stoned his
houte. Tha rioting continued for hotirt.
Tha gendarmea woro powortess to quell
tha dlsturlwuce.
Hr a collision between steamships In
Christiana bty, Norway, the other day,
eighteen persons were drowned,
Thb case of the Chinese taken from Cal
ifornia to Alaska aud returned to Tacoina,
Wash. T., where they were refused land
ing, has been taken before the courts. It
It uialmed that they wero never really nut
nf American jurisdiction. ,
Das. Mvxn and llaumann have arrived
at Stniulhar safely from Panganl, where
they wero chalued, stripped and flogged
and made to work ns slaves till British In
dian musomvd them.
Tub Gray don Dy iinmito Projective Com
pany, of Washington, nporntlng tint In
ventions of Lleuteiinut J. W. Graydon,
minting to lUlug dynamite shells fiom
powder gnu, tins sold the right to use the
Invention to tho French Government for
A nisi-ATCll from New York of the 21st
stated that Robert G. Ingersoll ami KiKr
A. Pryor were nbout to liegln suit on be
half of Mrs. Jumes G. Illnltie, Jr., ngnlust
JnmesG, Hlnlne, Hr., nud Mts. Illnltie for
nlienntlng tho affvctloiiM of her hiihmul.
Dnmngos wero to bo Inftl nt $W mhl.
TlIK colored people nf Tinniloonn, A In.,
have been much terrllled lately hy a suc
cession of murdert of men nf their race by
unknown pnrtlos.
Two soldiers at Jefferson llnrrnck, Ht.
Louis, under nrrest for deserllou, recently
fatally wounded tho tun sentries of tho
guard room nud etcuped.
OVKlt one hundred persons wero Lilted
and many others wounded by a Inndtlido
in Italy recently. The fulling earth fell
upon n train returning with excursionist
fiom tho fetes at Naples, crushing ten of
the enrs.
Two miners were killed recently nt Load.
vllle, Col,, by falling HOO feet iIiumi Ihe
shuf t of tlin Wolfeton mine. The accident
was caused by the cable breaking.
junviok L.AWiiK!u'B, of the .New York
Huprwuo Court, hns hnudeil down n decis
ion sustaining the will of Hiinmel J, Til
Tub Berlin correspondent of tho Lon
don AVt- learns on good nuthorlty that
tha Governmeuttof Germany and Kngland
arn negotiating (or Joint action in Uast
A i.i. the twltchuiru and yunlincn In tho
employ nf tho Denver & Rto Ginnde rail
way at Pueblo, Col., stiuck recently. Tho
cause was said to be grievances which the
men have nKnltut D. D. Thompson, super
intendent of train service.
TlIK United Htates Hupreiue Court hns
rondvrcd a declslou upholding the consti
tutionality or the Iowa Prohibition law
forbidding tho manufacture of intoxicat
ing liquor.
Tlia heaviest snow for six years at this
trason felt throughout Northern Minnesota
on tba '.Id.
HtsHor Vladimir, of the Greek Church
of America, preached In Chicago the other
Hundny to tireek Christians. Htept are
being takon to form a paruianeut church
la Chicago,
Thb first National convention of ttvi
British.Amerlcan Attoclatlon began In
Chicago on tha 3rd.
Thk Acting Secretary of tha Treasury
bat telegraphed to the collector of customs
at Kan Kranolscu to refuse to allow Chinese
to land whether for transltto foreign coun
tries or otherwise,
M. DK Lcssxrs, In a spsech at Lyons,
Krance, recently, declared that the Pan
ama canal would be opened for Unfile In
July, !i.
Tub mean strength of the army It stated
by Hurgeou-General Moore to be S8,Htl, of
which m.UUl.were white aad 8,840 werecol
ored. Tho deaths from all causes wero
814 during the year.
Thk Norway Hteel and Iron Company nf
Boston, extensive dealers In ftwvdlsh Iron,
have decided to close their extensive
works and go out of business altogether.
Hoxaxsa Kino Kloou, of California, who
Is now at Heidelberg, Germany, was
slightly better on the 'lid, but bit case was
Tubhk were forty-three new cases of
yellow fever and one death nt Jackson
ville, Fla., on the 82d. Only eight of the
nw case were whites.
Thb Board of Health of Columbus, Uo.,
hat raised the quarantine against all
Thb Buprem Court of ths United States
has rendered a decision In the case of
tba Nashville, Chattanooga & Ht. Louis
Railroad Company vs. the Btata of Ala
bama, commonly known as tha color
blladness cat. The constitutionality of
tba law wat affirmed.
Judok BaiTTON A. Hill, a well known
cltlten of Bt, Louis and ons of ths found
art of tha Greenback party, died recently.
Gbkbbal Jambs Coaio, tha well known
Missouri politician, died at Bt, Jotrpo oa
the ant.
A vooso maa asmed Artfear Lard at
tempted tuleids at Cress the ether alghi
by catting hit throat. II maaltly sev
ered tba windpipe, and hi chasces of re
covery were smalt Cease, III health aad
Tanas little girls, agsd aaoat five years,
were recently playing la a barn at Colam
bus, and concluded to start a "pralrls
Are." A a result tha barn and contents
wer burned and one of tha chlldrta ear
rowty escaped the same fete.
Jamkh W. Cahh, of Oniaha, has been
ebwtad grand commatider of the Ancleat
Order nf United Workmen of Nebraska.
Tub house of J, Foreman, a few mile
north of Oakdale, was set on fir tha other
evening by the explosion of a gasoline
A hor named Bridges was fearfully In
jured recently by a runaway pony near
Juniata. Ills foot caught In the ttlrrup
and his left teg was cut nearly oaT. The
pony ran Into a wire fence and wat killed.
IlKsroxfiKNcr caused Mr. M. D. Pickens,
residing near Kt. Paul, to take twenty
grains nf strychnine the other day with
fatal results.
Tbb prominent bushiest men of Ogalalla
are about tn Incorporate a stock company
with ample meant to aid and enoeerage
Immigration U) Western Nebraska.
WniLK lately trying to shoot a chicken
John Kankat, of Piattsmouta, tost hit left
band by tlm explixlon of the gun.
Whii.k playing with a bonfire at Lincoln
the other day tha little son nf Constable
Iteacles was fatally Imrnc'L
Thk soldiers' reunion at Blnomlngton
was a great suvcass in spite of the Inclem
ent weather.
Tltr. oilier night as a passenger train go
ing south pulled nut nf tba depot nt Weep
ing Water, a man bv the tinui of Michael
Lnffy attempted tn Jump on the front end
nf the IfiKoR" t-nr for the purpo- nf
nti-eliug i ride, lie wns under the Inlltl
encent Honor and fell. Ills left foot was
miKlit and cm-tied Into a hhnieless tuns,
eiiderliiK iiiiipiitiitloii necuMiirv. f.nlfs's
ti imp partnor was left to watch with him
fur a nhot t tlmo. and stole his pockftlxiok
containing JI.I.V). The thief was arrested,
and gave th immn nf Pat .Moor.
WaI.TKH KmVAIilix, nu Oiualin colored
I notlilack, ulio Was jealous nf Ills wife,
stalilxNi her fatally the ulliur morning. He
lift tht iIiikk'!' sticking In tn-t breast and
united for tint police tn cntue and take
him. Tlie wnmiiti lecetitly eI(M.J In Wan
sas C'lly with Jumes Ken ell, it waiter, and
Kdwards Inoiixht her back.
Thk Giaml Kiicumpmrtit I, O. O. V.. re
cently lu session nt Omaha, elected the
following nlllcers: (I. I' ('. I). Avers,
Kenineyt G.H. P., I. P.Gage, Fremont) G.
H. W U J. liver-, Lincoln i G. H t). A.
Clltie, Miuoln: G. T H. McClny, Lli In;
G. J. W N. B.Hiitm.tlmnhni (I. Il..., I'. II.
Bryant, Omaliu; (I. M (I. K. Heed, Cen
tral City; G. I. H.,C. K. Doughty, Norfolk;
G. O. H B. Palmerton. U-utrlce.
T. M. Pktkiikom, the lllaltiu County man
who shot himself nt Grand I-laud seveial
weeks ago, Is dead. Tho wnmati who wnt
In hao eloped with him was still nt Grand
Mux. Makv Htkpam-k committed ttilcldt
ntOmnlia llm utliei morning by cutting
her throat wlthn raior. Herhiisliaud nud
oldest girl went to work as usunl, leaving
four chlldirtint home. Alioutelght o'clock
tho mother sent the latter to a neighbor's
to buy some milk. Hhu said tn the eldest:
"Mary, don't go tn m-hool In-day, I may
dlo this morning." Tim liildreii wero
gone iiImiuI llfteen inlniiti's. On their re
turn they found their mother lying nn tlm
ttoor In a pool nf Mood. Tho deceased hnd
been sick with chills.
Tiiouhiniw of Kntinns cattle will bo
uinteied lu the vicinity nf Mtoikhnm, nud
the tunnels will Inivn nun for all their
Tub biggest squnsh yet reported comes
final Hliermnli County. It had been raised
Oil sod, n lid weighed HI pounds.
At Oiiuitiii the other day a mini applied
fnr niliiil.tliiii tu I ho county poor farm, lint
belli); n non-ieslileiit, it wns refused. Tho
police theiefore niresled It 1 1st ns u viiKrnnt
mill tlio pollen Jti'luo Kn)t til its lllteen days
In Jnll. 'I ho mail was sick ami explnlued
to tho juiIkk that ho hint neither home nor
friemli and could not sleep nut nf doors
this weather.
TlIK Knlect Knights A.O. IT. W. at the
Into m'msIou III Jliiitlimn elected the follow
lilt; nlllcris: (liaad cninm.iiider, Jnseph W.
Cnri.Vf Omnlin; uinuil vlcn-comiiiniiiler,
W. Maiideii,uf McCook; ginnil lieutenant
fommntidcr. Georgo I', Milloiiru, of Mid
den; ginnd lecnnler, V. H, I'lillllps, nf
llidlniinta; giaiul treasurer, V. It. Mc
Allister, nf Giaad Islnnil; grand H. 11.
woikmnii, K. Ilert ItUely, of CtllheilsDii;
grniul wuikiimu, W. !:. (liven, of Ht. Paul;
grnud stiiliilili'd te'iirer, .1, M. Wolfe, of
Crete; gland guard, (leoigo 1-'. Dean, nf
Giniei Isliiiid; grand medical examluur,
Dr. A. It. Van Sickle, nf Hastings; grand
trustee, A, It. 'lliomns, nf Trenton; repro
sentntltes to th Hnpremn Legion, Joseph
W. Can, A. W. Waddingtim nud II. W.
Cole. Tho memliet'sliip d now nbout 40) in
the Slate. All legions me now in guod
working nrdnr nud neai ly out nf debt.
A riVK-VKAll old child that wns MoL-n
fiom Its tiiiclo mid guaidlati nt Decattii,
HI., seveial years ngo, Was lecriitly re
covered at Omaha.
II, V. I'ltrM'ti, nf Krcmont, Is mysteri
ously missing and hW wife Is anxious for
iiifot miitlnu about him.
I:j,-(Ihvkumiu It. W. KtniNAM has been
appointed t'ommlssloncr from Nelnnska to
the gieat Paris Imposition of ISHI,
Mas. S. N. tlaNr, wirof tho llrst Con
gregntloanl mliitstor of l-'iaakllii County,
died suddenly of nuarnlgiu nf tho heart nu
the I.Mh. Nlic. with her husband, went tn
Kiaiiklln in iNT'.'niidorgniilredthochurches
if Kiaiiklm, Kivciloii and Macnn,
tlkomiK KliiDKt.i, a farm baud employed
on the fin in nf Dr. ConVeise, was killed by
thecals at Malcolm tho other day.
A I'Knsion wns recently granted to Ell
Mundorf, nf Fletcher.
ATTim.NKV-GkNKtui, Lkxhk recently be
gun quo warranto proceedings lu tho Hu
premn Court to test tho right of the C, II.
& y. aud the B. ,V M. to hold real estate lu
the State nf Nebraska, on the ground that
these roads are not legally lncorimrated.
The answer to this Information has just
been Hied by the company, together with
u petition for the removal of tho ense to
the United States Circuit Court.
Htockiiam has a new I. O. O. F. lodge.
Tiik other morning afariuernamed U'al
ter West wns shot and instantly killed at
the farm houn of It H. Adam, cightmllcs
east of Plum Creek. The luui dor grew nut
of trouble over the division of w heat grown
on land owned by Adamt and rented by
West. The latter had Just brought a load
to deliver to Adams when a quarrel tie.
tween tha two men arose, which resulted
ill Adams drawing a revolver and shoot
ing West through the heart. Adams sur
rendered. A MTTJ.K boy living near Macon, Frank
lin County, took a drink of whisky the
other day and lu a short time was a
TlIK Presbyterian Church now being
erected at Gaudy Is the only church build
ing In logatt County.
A Tor.NO man named Adams, working
on a form near Pouca, has mlsteriously
disappeared. Beveral weeks ago he wat
tent out to th hay Held alone to work.
Bine that Hum) he hat not bveu seen or
beard of. He left at the house a good suit
of clothes, month' wage and about f8il
la cath.
W, II. Cbabb, of Curtis, charged with
conveying a tract of W0 acres of land in
Froutlsr County, known as the "Warner
Ranch," to which ho could produce no
tltl, In a tradoforthellolllngsworth stock
of merchandise, worth $8,000, wat re
csntly acquitted at Hastings.
Miss Matson, a teacher at Hooper, and
two of her pupils wsre bitten hy a mad
dog th other day.
Dtt WATt.
Vke Denver AJarns eeaafeei Mi
IMIla, Tes.
DALLAS. Tex.. Oct. la Ths Inter -meta
Deep-Water Committee, created by the
Venter Deep-water convention, met ia
thUclty yesWrday In adiotirned sestiea.
Tha following men-bart wer present:
Arkansa-T. V. norrcls, rta Bluffi
William Kishback. Fort Hmlth.
Colorado Governor Alva Adams, ex
Governor Evans, K. U Dana, Denver: C
C Dalrs, Utvlvillat Beaaeor Adair Wil
son, Durango.
Kansas Hnw Jen end J. H. Mai
Bene. Topska; W. K. Hetchston, Wlehrts,
and K. W. Emery and Marsh M. Murdonk,
Nebraska Hon. Champion H. Chase,
Herman Kounts and William N. Nason,
Omaha ( O. K. Gondall, Llnenln.
New Mexico Frank C. Plum, of Tsot,
and O. L. Houghton, of Las Vega.
Iowa A. P. Chamberlain, of Deo
Mlttoarl-Henator D. If. Armstrong.
lesss J. A. Carroll, of Denton,
Utah K. Wilder and Charles T. Toney.
Ths meeting was called to order by Guv
ernor Adams, the chairman, with F. I.
Dana as secretary. Ex-Governor Kvant
stated the object of the meeting, which
wat to visit Texas and transact any butt
nets that might be brought for rnuildera.
tlon. Judge OrrshAtn, nf Galveston, rep
resenting his city, extended the cmumltten
a hiaity invitation to visit it, stating that
free transportation and every thing would
be furnished. Hen a tor Hon, ton then is
tended the hospitality of the Houthw est to
the committee. Mayor Bud Connor then
stepH.d to tlm front and said as Uu-coin-inlttio
hnil business to transact, h would
nut burden them with a long ntidfoitnnl
speech, but in the name ot Dallas he ex
tended a hearty welcome to thncoaiinltlen.
Colonel Nasuu then Had the following
Wiir.ui'.ss, The Gin eminent of tho I'liHrd
Htuti-s. under whoso oii'Pislve control the tmr
hors nt our enuntry hale h-en plnrnl hvnir
Coustltidlon. Iiik tiiiitrllniti'd neatly t.min hi)
of moni-y und nearly vninvincrisnf our Sa
tlnmil Imid to urciit nilUny lines t'lnnlii' to
ptlviile coiMir.'itlunt, und ruuiiliiK utrox tho
Norlliern put of our country:
AMU. Wmkmkas. Th'i Northern sml Kastrni
hnrlmrs IhrmitJli Mil lilt thn.e rnllwnv llm-t
ruiiity tlielr trsRte Into the UUi s und,
hale hml ninny millions of money npproprlnled
fmui lime to tlm.) tiy Cnnxiess to mi et Hie put
demands of the nt,t coiiitnerre thus built up;
WltKltiMrt, There Is nn Imtnente nrcanf iniin
try I) Ing Ix'tsreen tlm Itoeky mountslns and tlm
Mississippi Itlier, cnnsllliiting nisrlv one thin!
of our Nittlonil ilom&ln and hsln neurly nun
foiiithof our National tmpulstlrin, the iiatiiiul
millet of Hhlrh Is the (Inlf of MeTlro, but lur
tlinnpeninK of whese hnitmrs the Congress h is
iipiriiprlitteituinoiinls tntullv lmnlriinti
AMI, WtlVllKAS, It Is not i-ousi.teiit with the
lieuerul welfare, nor can f bellevit that a
Niitliituil sense nf Justice and falrplu) of our
fellow cltlrens who liom soKrcutly tM-tie.
mtcd tiy the appropriations for Nnrthern and
F.nstern hsrlsirs, will Inslil that the traftle vt
this (trust n'Kloti thsll ho forced to ho trims
ported half way across tho crailluciit. thus Im
posing a hurden tixm our commerce, whlrh
aniniints often tn a totsl Interdiction, Hint ul a't
limes to a serious eharve itisin both consuiu r
and producer thereforo
t'inlttil, Hr this convention, that wedemand
of every Henutnr and represeatittlio from this
n-Kliin, geniilne and heaity cooM'rutloii In ait
effort to kecurti Um necessary appropriations
fbropeiiltiKiip such hsrUirs on the r or U. west
ern coast of the Hull of Mexloo, ai may he
m ccsmry to meet tlm dctiiunds of ourttrowin
Hunter. I, That Die ihiilrman of this com
mittee be npHinted a sub coinmlttf-e of one tn
prepare mid subject to the liflsluturesof tha
scleral States of the Union, ul llit-lr nel ses
sion, tut ml.lrr.s, tiiKi'tluT with a copy of llios.i
A fonnty Men! t'niiirsl Leads In More
Trouble -riysses ami Appomattos Ht
(I.muikxCitv, ICnn., Oct. lit. Latest in
polls from (iiaiil County nm that Ulysses
receheil a clear majority nf '.'.l.VI onir all
competitors at tlm county scat elecliou
Tuesday. Tho rival towns w-ero Ulysses,
Appomattox, Golden, Khnckcyt Ills nud
Tho lesiileati of Appnmattnx accusa
Geiteial T. T. Taylor and Colonel J. A.
(Irnysnil, of liutcliliisnii, wlin me iwembers
nf their tuwu coniiany ami wlin maiiagud
tlm cnmpnlcii fni them, nf selling them
out, ntnl a mob nf irnte cltltuus captured
them iiinl threatened them with violence,
lint thu shut I IT and a posse rescin d them,
Colonel G i ay son, wlin was In this city
yesterday, said that tho Appomattox
nud Ulysses town companies entered Into
articles nf iigroemeiit Unit no "boodle"
should bo used, tilts fni felt in caso of vlo
latlun tn lie tli,ll). About threw o'clock
on election day, It Is ullegcd, tho Ulysses
peoplo commcnci d using their money
lavishly tn buy votes. This so etirageil
the Appnmattnx pi oplo that they at mice
seized (Jeneial Tavior and Colonel
(irnyson and put them under gitnid.
Threats of lynching wero fieely
mudu mid they wero futced lu nsslgn
tn thn lendets of tho I noli tins ngree
ment with the Ulsses Town Cnnipnuy,
und tn give warranty deeds tn all the
propel ly they owned In Appomattox or
elsewhere. Not content with litis, checks
aggregating liO.oOO nn every bank In
which the two wero supposed to liawt
munev weie presented, ami the prisoners
signed them without n murmur. They
mndts written acknowledgment nt the sug
gestion nf thu mob that their action was nt
their own free will. At night, c.uiirded
by nine friends, they went to Hnrllnud,
where tlnsy boarded this train.
Payment nf ull tltti checks has Itccn
stopped by telegraph ami proceedings will
las commenced to set aside tin, deeds they
sigued nt the "request" of their captain.
General Taylor Is now at L-irkiu while
Colonel Grayson lias gone to Hutchinson.
They consider themselves lucky to Inv
escaped with sound necks.
It is thought the mob hns gone, on to
Ulysses to make an attempt to collect ths
illi.OOO forfeit and war Is feared.
s a
Infernally llruUI.
HT. Louts, Oct. IK. In Curondelet Titos.
day night a number of vicious street bo
took Freddie Groinan, an liiulfeiislva child
aged six, and after subjecting him In all
manner of malicious indignities, tied him
to a cow, which they chased with dogs.
The result was that the little hoy wat
bruised to Insensibility, and scarcely any
hope of bis recovery exists.
S, I
Canadian Uriel Inns.
Ottawa, OnL, Oct. !!. Hon. J. A. Chap
teau, Secretary nf titnto, was banqueted
last night tiy iliii Workingmen's Conserva
tive As'otilntloti. He ridiculed the lda
ef annexation, nud said that the
Eugltshmm and true French Canadians
would never permit It tn take place.
Canada was destined to build up a great
nationality. He denied that they desired
Io bully the Americans. .Sir John A. Mac
donnld said there Is no danger of war l
tweeu Canada and the United Htates. lis
felt hopeful of a satisfactory settlement
of the fishery question, Canada is in a
critical period nud must Iks coot, if tht
new treaty can not he negotiated Canads
v 111 revert to the treaty ot IMS.
m a ii.
ttlaln at t'lilrago.
ClltCAOO.Oct. I'.i.-llou. James G. Blslns
reraaineil in his rooms at the Grand Pacific
Hotel yesterday and received no callers.
Ha will remain here till rtaturvlay evening,
when he will address a meetlug at Battery
I armory. Ix-al Uepublicans are making
preparations for a great demonstratlou ot
that occasion,
sseas i
Tttarman at I'era.
Paai', lad., OcU 111. The Democrat.
gave a barbecue at thlt place yesterday,
the occasioa being th visit of Judgi
Tburmsn aad party. Despite laid weatbe,
many thousand wer present and listen1
to Tburman't views ct tho tariff and Um
tlo JBarty..
rtof Ah-uh mt the iwree e a Ha fete
ett tha r4Unr! Mlsteey af CMsslt
fssr Nsarly MaMa reslar -Ukxirlr ea4
r.e-'.say the Waiehwera That Meste
Bite Waaliayaed Pnpalar.
CaiOAon, Oct 17. Ftlloeligis a brief
ktch of th eareer of John Wsntworth,
Better ksnwa a "Ling John," whose
death wo announced yeiUirdayt Mr.
Wsntworth. who wat a well knows as
any maa In fie Wsst, was one of Cdlea
go's oldest retldeoK aud la hi day wai
mayor of the city, Oingresimia aad edl
Uir of the prlnripU dally paper n-r.
Atxjut a month ao hit general health M
an to fail and d.ilh reiultsd. M.
Wentwurth was srviinty. three years of
age. fi wo a mau nf wealth, his est tie
being worth nt l-it l,0Q0,W Mr.
Wentworih was a giant tu stature
over six and a half feet in
height, and of very large frame,
'there It no coffin in th shops In
Chicago large enotxfb tn eucasj his re
mains, and It will be ntoMisry t makn
en for the purpose. It Is cuculoled that,
with the relaxation of llii tliiuos, a casket
six feet aud ten Inches or seyeu fett in
length, tntldo measjromi'iit, will be
John Wenteerth wss Mm at Hsn.lw'rb. f,
H., on Msrch , IslJ. Ills mrkname ass sarly
fivrn to him on acoemt of bis arls-iit, wltlsh
was til feet trim Inches. Il was dcsrvuilr t
from ths first s-ttlnrt of Nw llnirlarel, and It
Is ssld that no fnr-lrpi IiIckm! rsn la the vein, nf
hlsfsmllyon rllhsrsldn Ulnr tiisalfn. Ills
pstriisl trranitfathr was one of the iinrrs of
the Articles of (Jonf"1ralMn, sad his Ulster
nal iirsntfatlier wns fsmout officer
In the ltrvnlutlonry wsr. la 11
"fjntr John" left Hsndwlch and Jour
seyeil by u-, eansl, railway and en f.nil to
Chicago, Hu hnd ons hundred dollars In his
picket wbn he ilirted. He fallel In an en
drator tn tret a plse as a sclif I traetier In
Mirlibran whll en route, and nut long all- r his
arrival In (.liicaitn ha took editorial chsru-i nl
the fl'trwtml, with whleh piter he was eon
neclisitfnrlwentytllvn yetrs. N'osuhji-it did he
advueats more pptslstenlly than th ist thllsh
mentsf public schools, an I otm of his llrst ot
fires wta Ih, it of si'liool Inspector lie tit-came
a political tsiwerlit Caiir igo, and from I'll to
lTil he held muuv utneet, bln j rl-'itiil
times tn the l.ststurii and seven times to
Coiiuress. Ibt ssjs hIsii Mayor of Chlenfo fur
lo t'rins. It-sides tlieso unices he
filled sevrral othrrs. stifh ss pollen i-oinnils
sinner und delegate tn National conventions.
While he s,n innyor he sun ceded III
putlug every liiillur of the city's detit nu t dur
ing his last term in ('iingre.s, while Joliiitnn
was I'rrslleut, he was un uiii-onipioitilslinf ml
rncutnof tltc lesuuipilon of tiM'clu ptyincnts.
Ha lutrndiirrd ste-im ilro olivines Int i C'htrnirn,
mid tint first thri n were mimed "fxinir J ilin,"
"Liberty' and "ISconnmy," the latter two ties.
Ignstlons coiniirising his cry when In n m.
Iitlrnlciniitss. He declined more nominations
fiirnfllcr ihun he necepfit Slid It Is not known
tint! he et er suffered Krom e trly man.
hixsl he kept a copious dlaryof hlseip-rleiices,
tmteiirj p.iga was lst in lire. Mr,
Wentwurth was made nn I.I.. I), by Hartmnulh
tn 1-71. I'ulltk-nlly he was a Kepubllcsu. and
one ot his last acts at a practical iolltlcln was
an earnest endeavor to secure tha nouiltiutlon
ef Ueneral (Irani for a third term.
Plrortar llnlme Tells Ihe Whole -story nl
the Famous Minneapolis Wheat Htral.
Ml.i.NKAi-ot.tM, Minn., Oct, 17. Tins famous
wheat steal caso came up lu court bore
to-day and for the first tlmo the whntii
story was told by Director Hulnns, of tha
Union Elevator. The tnothod nf proced
ure by which a lare amount
nf wheat, variously estimated nt
from 3.1,01)0 to AO.OOO bushels, was
stolen from tho elevator It unique. Mr.
Holmes alleged that the grata-broking
firm nt I). C Moak ct Co., which recently
failed, wero the principals. By collusion
with their book-keeper, Win. G. Ilarley,
and tlio foreman of tho olnvator, Charles)
M anon, cars nt wheat wuro overloaded
mid delivered tn tho firm. Tho inouey
realized from tlio surplus thus dlshon
estly put lu tho cars was di
vided ntwmr th conspirators- Tho
eluvntnr company discovered that Mason,
the foreman, und Harry Hnluiimb, the
ex-forniiian, woro implicated In tins ileal,
nud HUffcciled In fort-lug partial rcitlttl
tlnn. Hurley ami Masuii wero arrested,
Itnlcnmb escaped whllo tha cnnipauv was
trying to settle with him, nud Moak V Co.
failed. This disclosures aro likely to io
tult ill further arrests.
I'robililllt.T That Hie Canadians Will He
cede Front llielr Position on I tin I'lsln-r-Irs
Nkw YtiliK, Oct. 17. Tlm ll'irfil this
morning publishes tins following seclal
dispatch fiom Toronto, Oat.: It Is
thought that tho Dominion Government
Intends to back down on the Fishery quut
Hon. Tha Fir? 1'ren of London, Oat.,
which voices tho view of Minister ot?
Agriculture Carting, tales tl ground
Unit Canada hail better yield. After re
viewing tins question of the transhipment
of tlslt In bond, it says: "Would it nut
be well that Canad i should waive her
rights tindisr the treaty of 1W1H, and be
willing, under the altered condition ot
things In respect to carriage by rail, to
permit American fishermen tins privilege
of making use ot our lines fnr the pur
pose nf forwarding their legitimate catch
tn the gt-' market? Wo frankly con
fess that wis would tie In favor of such a
concession." Tips cdttuilal concludes that
In resisting tho American cimtrntlmi
Cnimrla Is htandlog in her own light. Tha
article it clearly inspired from Ottawa.
' St
A l'roinsd New t'oruisetllor for the
American Cup.
Huston, Oct. IS. It nppoirs probable
that a chullengo fur tins Amerluin cup
may coma from a now quarter ot tha
globe. Tha Australians, tint coiitut with
the rowing championship, intend to build
n yucht to coiupotn la th sumumr ot !)
with tli then holder ot lh cup. Mr.
Walter Keeks, naval architect of Hydney,
N. K VY., lias come to llottou
to begin Ids acquaintance with Amor.
Iran yachts aud waters, and proposes
ou hit return to dettgu and build for a
gentleman ot wealth there his Ideal
yacht for the challenge. Mr. Keek
comet uuder the auspices of Messrs.
Heury W. Feabody ft Co. He first railed
tilu Mr. Burgess and was shown th
"Volunteer" and other yachts. Mr,
lteeks will make but a short stay tn
America. He will visit New York aud
other yachting center.
Nad rod or Political Kally.
Ft. Watxs, Ind., Oct. IM Lawrence
Bourse was killed and Bub Hmlth futally
Injured by the explosion of a wugoti load
nf firework at six o'clock Inst night.
The men were standing on the wagon
firing off roman caudles wheu the fire
work, of which thor wer thirty. Dvo
hundred pounds, took Are and explo dcd.
Tli a wagon was crushed Into kindling
wood. Bourse wat mimed nlmust to a
crisp, while Bnlth received what are
thought to be fatal Injuries. Mr. Hmlth
is a well-known sporting mm, t tlio
lessee of thu Academy of Music tu thlt
city, ami was ou the commltteo to look
after fireworks ilurlus ths Thurmau dem
onstration. Convention af Ihe .trasrleau lustllale of
BrrrsLO, N. Y., Oct is. The twenty
second annual convention of the Amer
ican Institute of Architects was called to
order yesterday morning by Iictident H,
M. Hunt, of New York. 7Ue prluctpal
cities of the country are all represented,
Presldsat Hunt delivered th annual ad
dress, aad this wss followed by reports
from ths treasurer end various commit
ts. Keports from special ommltte
wsre received on a number of subjects,
ene of which was the promoting of a
permanent ham for th institute. Th
visiting delegates went to Niagara Fall
f titsrdsy sf tsraoetv
Ta felt colt should b well cared for aa
Ml sis month old, by which tlm the
pastures will he reedy, end h will csm
but little.
A litt! gren food, a few applet, beets.
Isolators or other roots given to th cow
occasionally will hdp to keep her healthy
and maintain Ihe flow of milk.
It It not pcmiomy to k-p a rr animal
through any araton; but Is most extrava
gant to kesp It through the winter. Ills
th bright of folly In stock-raising to soil
the bssl and keep th worst.
Hhcsp like grass as well as other stock,
and will uot kill bushes while ttn-re It
grass enough in the pasture for other stock
to thrive on, Thsrelore, do not put tb-p
In the cow pasture expecting that they
will net ths wtedt and leafs th grast for
th rows.
Heavy hogs do not sell as readily as do
those of uirdlum weight. A 3M.xund
hog It tetter fitted for Ihe lard tub than
for the tsble, Hmall hogs are alwavt pre.
ferrrd, those weighing about t't) ptaindt
! each pro Iticlug a better quality of meat
t ,I..H ,1 !.- .... I....I
fti.isii ,..i,.s IIIBb am ursiivi,
Deprivation of water during cold wrath,
er is a material iause for want of growth
In farm animals, for It is not uncommon to
hrar farmers and hired men maksthe re
mark that stock don't used much water In
c.dd weather. Mtock requite plenty ot
i-nod ttu-M uat.r a,nt It la as ItotMirfant
' that we have a K'l water supplv ns that
I wnhavoplentyof fooL .Vrorusiij Farmer.
The farm journals ar- full of all sorts of
ilevlces-jor kicking mm, A year ago m
publlsheil a stntoiuriit of a simple uirthixl
to prevent a cow from kicking w hlch hat
proved Ihe Uot nf any we bate rier tried.
The method it simply to draw the covv't
brail up so high as to canto a down. arch
II Ing nf this spine at the loins. Hovrra! w he
have tried It report favorably U-on lt.
llutnl't Aifrymiiu.
. Any substniuv nch lu sugar will reidlly
I fatten sttK-k. Hwecl ttitnes, In-ts, sor
ghum I ef use, etc., cut! nlwnisU- used tr.
a'lviinlngH f,ir hugs. The snmll and Info
riorsweei potatoes, cnoki-d, will fatten a
bog sooner (hull corn, mil can lot used tr
advantage for thai purpose. Of thr ronti
inrrots urn Ix-st tor htirsrs Turnips, II
thickened when cooked with coin nii-itl,
mukn t-scolleul fiMid Ini nllrln.sesuf stiK'k
Dairy lows can Im fed too much. It u
Just as possible to err In uivrfrtdliig ns It
Is In iindeif Hug. The capacity of tht If tint fond li
uver-criiwdod In lint llrst suauaih of tht
cow, It paralyzes the system to a certain
extent, and the natural functions of tht
animal ai, for the tlmo being at least. Im
paired. If too much find gn.s into tht
stomach, I lie cow can not properly digest
and assimilate K.Kchnijc.
Whenever an animal shows signs nt
slckntst remove It from this others at onct
without waiting for the disease to tlevel
op. Precaution often saves time and loss
If the sickness Is not contagious no harit
will Im done in removing the animal.
Where tha disease Is contagious tlm In.dli'i
of the animals that have dlrd should I
burned or bur ltd deep, ns Ilia dlseesa may
reappear at some future time unless pre.
cautious are used tn guard against It. Tha
whole premises should atsolw thoroughly
Th Farmers' Union nf Oakland. Neb.,
took lu 27.MI bushels nf grain duilng Hep.
According to Prof. H. C. Fernald, the
borer In the quince Is the same as that In
the apple tree, and should be destroy id lu
tho same innnuur.
If tho market becomes overstocked wltL
poultry, ns is somtlnii's this case nt tlili
season nf the year, the fnrm-r can use the
surplus nt home at less cost than to sell,
Fresh meat can be provided for the tabic
the entire year try hatching chickens fiom
early spring until fall.
Very poor soils can Iks greatly lieiicllted
by i lover. If the land Is ton poor to grow
clover ush a little bone dust, but Ih, sure tc
plow under jour first crop when well In
blossom, nml sow to wheat In the fall with a
flesh application of bone or manure, seed
ing to i loser aicuin lu tins spring.
The farmers of Missouri have almost en
tlroly neglectoil the cheesa Industry. Not
one per cent, of the cheesn consumed In the
Htate Is made In it. There Is food for
thought here. A good article of cheese
will always tlnd a profitable market, but
It Is In ono respect like mutton to sell well
and Ims uivcplnhle It must tx good, lit
tpinllty crcutt-s a demiiud or kills it,
.'iirnf HorM.
President W. I. Chamberlain reports
that he pluitted potato seed (I'esrl ef
Havny), badly sprouted on one plot; nud,
on another, td that was perfectly sound,
having been kept lu a temperature near
the freezing point from the middle nf ();
tobr until planting time. Fiom appear
ances the sprouted seed will not yield hall
as much per row ns that from the perfect,
hard, uiispinuted seed,
Hweet cream ami sour cream when
churned together will not produce good
butter; yet It is safe to say that a large
majority of farmers' wives hold tlm cream
for n week In order tu collect n siittlclrut
iuautily for a churning. This matter o)
saving cream Is what throws so much in
ferior butter on ttiemaiket. When dunn
ing is dons it Is best to hive the whole of
the ci cam of the tame quality.
KJglit thousand two hundred acres nf
land have already Itcen secured fnr the
beet sugar factory, and It is eXMcted that
Ihe retptisltn l,!acict additional will lie
secured this week, making lo,(i acres to
Ids devoted to tilts culillle of beets, flic
analysis has shown that we haven soli
peculiarly adapted to the culture of sugar
Istels, end that the tieets raited In our soil
contain n gTeater percrntagenf sugar Ihun
those raised In Germany. ftraruf hliiiij
(,V-i.) Indtptmltnt.
After winter grain is sown there Is yet
time to remedy defects ot soil and expo,
sure. It there It a knoll in the field It It
probably Ihe oorst part of the lot, and
une or mora loads of manure distributed
over it any time before winter will have a
wonderful effect, not alone Uu Hits grain
crop, but on the equally Inqiortant clover
or grass seeding that should go with It.
If a farmer will do this every time a field
Is town tha poor knoll will soon tcomt at
rleh at any pert of the farm.
rViuflowers sreutod.ln Wyoming Terri
tory for fuel. Tba (talk, when dry, ar
as hard as maple wood, and make a hot
fire, and th teedbeadt with the seed In
are taid to burn better than the Ik-si bard
coal. An acre ef sanflowtra.wUI furnish
furl for one stove for a yetn
It it not necessary to harvest hefts and
carrots until October, as the crop will not
b injured by remaining In th ground. A
root place should be selected for them, but
it is best not to have thcru trees.
The farmer ot Cedar Bluff neighbor
boost, Dodge County, Neti, have organised
an elevator company and are erecting th
neceitary buildings.
Old wells In the fl-ldt thould never to)
boarded over, but filled up. They often
cause injury to Ihe stock when boarded,
as the boardt rot and unexpectedly fall In.
A large nuratwrof aslmaltar annually
lost by old wells or sinks In th fields.
The New York Times says that th farm
wife has bean the draws or watsr, th
hewer of wood In actual fact, vsry often
and the servant of all, evn of th hired
meat to coek, mend and wash for him, to
wait upon him. and to do all thlt at tlm
for several of them.
The celebrated stallion Norman Medium,
swned by Charles E. Waters, of Minne.
spoils Kan , valued at $10M, died r
really with iuflanimtttoa of the tlc-usci.
Be bad a record of 3.3a
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