n '$&vi4 VvaHaVfaMMtieiw H ' ' ' Pll'9P Fa "F PHSKSHI x. .BMiBdilatjy ' 'I 'v . . ?V.-.:.m I rvcmflViHiHkBP3P-T'Ti: -' -" "mj ": w BBBBBWaVaVBBBBBBBYVBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBmrT''Mawaw. WklMKn hm ki' , ttam VaaBCvaPlfcjr.PZiaW""''- -Kr ." tlBiBtey Twa'iamaw- t9Win9RVIMHiwt''la BMMAAHwBmMT a" , B a -kHtWV aW m -l .KMLrr MMBBAvBBmBw .ijjjjjj mBiiihl-a., . r BMr MT BBH iiiwwwitH!Wjw'Wff'WfWmminW T MppfeMIMPfMMMVWM BWMMR4MMMMUMMIM I Vol. 16. Rui Cl.OLM), Wl U.NTKR Coi'STV, Nm., I;khv, (noit K '2 (J, UttiM. Nix 10, MP i p , Is V I. 3T lI'MlerN A Hmnthtrn MRU HI I inn AVMNAI.MBrtB4.H-AM VltftttT, Tat lViil. MAI MAMBIMI. ef 1n4U4. Yet Wf PmUfnt a.i r. )t, Iuit (rM to (ft - TW ff 1 u i ?!. CU l i(t-hIj u U Mtk M r Red Cloud, Nebraska, Have just received their fall stock of Dry Goods, s) it- i J Clothing, BOOTS SHOES CiiliMBlattC AND FLANNELS. rMKMkTIAI. Ll.kcav H tXkirMIICI.U t4ti v1f (IKO. M. HAWTIIKH MtM wr m m. nirn.it , ki. (IUH. r IttlUMtH. Mi mMj Mn ja a.in. TAVTitrr. amun m. tNitmi, Vor tttntttj of Mtr U.I. !. Tor Tr4rtr. J.K Ml 1. 1.. For AuJitnr. tNMtHMIK, I'or Atiomt ; Otnul, MM. t.Mtr.. Kur Ootumtlonrr I'uMlu l.tndr nixl iluilJlRg. JtHS MTKHN. For fupcriBtndiit I'wllie Intiiur. tion ikMK M .!(. KorHiilo, !.. M4lH. For l!f)rrfBUtl- 4tf(h Ditlilcl. I.IUirl. MANM. I('MT TICKRT For CoubI Aumnr), J.B.tlMM. Fur lUkrociiUlhr, I. M. NNfTK, im, JMtVu . U W K.tVl. V.. t ili((U l 1tkW fi tV W.lUM Ml ...l.l. MUA1 nir mUUMtt li rtUt4 u ltk Mi iiu i ftt ,,,4X( flitnJl Ik MWllH IMIMBaMM I MINER BROS THE Ortr iiljf former lovrala Its l)i" Scrnd r4 of Albinjr, .V, V , org Ucil t jiroU-ollon lub lt Friiy re iiIbr, cpUmtcr 'JM, in lh InUfrtt of lUmion anil Morton. Col John II lllf, ei lemur itllc conpn-Jtmin from thr Pirokjil (Nt oun) district. Im f.ubllcljr tnnouito r. that )ii- will vurk for llir rlrcltun of (itu. Ilarntoti ami the icfil of ClcM!n4. OUR CLOAKS, CLOTHING, and BOOTS MID SHOES, Were purchased direct from the manufacturers in the east, and will be sold accordingly. Highest market price paid for Produce. Remember We are the cheapest cash house west of Chicago. Call and see us. Mr U'liilkouf, oar of the oldtt broken in New York, j lLat ran tm cf jhf bifmbf ra of ilia ilock change Iim Ub made and that onlj (Z announrrd (hrir intenlioo U o(o llie tltmoc.'allc lickil l!i( jrar apainat orrr UW Iwt j.ar (Jtnro Miller, frwdUM of Ik Ihffalo Cr Work., kc 110,000 li the dcaoKAiio raMit;i fund four jcari ago, carried a torch and vorktd at tho x)U Thi jrvar nr i drad cl ajftluit C'leTilaml, and ti ) lo Kgropc t itv until after rtti Tie dftifxraU in the houaa rtfiix to ! thr rr.olulion atkln; hr rtUrj of thr trrttur; bo iMuch of the lmrplu'' ai AonU' vllhovt iultical in thr ualional tankt. Tn'rc arc incidf nU of the "rurpfst" in re K(d to which tht dcuocraU are it- Uraincd to remain is ignorance, 9nnM9Banvp "The drmcxralie fry it a runv .eraonie tUmblinK ,'lot'1 'u lto J of American rri:r, nd ha. been for lb paat forty jr. The atafe ordi from the ltr of a man la no at cvunected with txlitir, r a tre eirgin gold .ud their truth hitl4 iadoe. ererj thinking man to ttJj cartfullj the want, of the frewnt and t tot aceordlag to ike ma(1 ment ir.rrd in tic (fvUUi; a bore. Oar lilt) 4it It n lb bm t! W KM4bl AeUvUrtook In lt oirv4u . MMM (mriiMVlUx W U m4i t tki Uf, And ( maklkft jtvl it4. It, K Oibarl bat U atllajc (tb Ui 4.l lM irk a . A A a 11 llM iily Ml k4 ! drlrrmlbe .. kff. rl jai hrrr. TVt ( .11 a4. Our lok man, Ckailet .ir, I, delig a U.d MrbU In bjl( lk, fi.trUj t a intal (-J M lo and)r4t lib t'tlrad milk htm Wlllu Fultn. i dpisr a ) I'dit rt ihrie daji la the turd.ar. tit. r netJr that our nlipiii. Kti.,tei C, W Keiltl It Ut u,on our atrrtt I. N Kdeon ). vitl at traded laet Krdneadt; II ealem pltUeKutUn i Fahala (bu Inter We Wall U rrj in lor him a he It uf osr .laaneb mo Mm Hell Th6.rnm ntll Uk but bof arc ratdUlnrd f h "e'J I'trmikoi rftnnt Max. Our faiAsirr lt bntklnj; r.,i The (aimtle b.i abxil kUW dug. The )4.ii rr' li )t eeri tm4 in thi iocalUj. t, (Jl a he-en votblnf; for John lleaucham The 8 ,S I, I'toffrMlajj 6rlr w der lh mpulnlrolrtic ..f 'm Vn ))kr A medial Imllallon I, tended la 11, Hrr MiMf (feaebr at -nr hol huc cf lo tk Thr jn.ua; ladle nf the I 0 P ? & K" ha4t tuj.er at tie rhrl hnuen. Krery ? vt twk a hatktt (U ftllH, The . eta err aold In ihe hl(kl Llddrr Mlti l,dia llaOmaee lailrt fcf II Or. ihn bibetl (vftred Ukt eM Th.j all th.nkrd Mlu llufman and vented her a Iw j teel at the it atUmpV Tk.H.i' realutd lb neat MM nf , The ynufi ladlet ij lb.; arc (oilKl'i try it tfitln Se do not hniUt ft j tbe ttyfi aa grand eueee Mr. and Mr. J Warner, of lied Cloud, made a bnntntci llij. ihii ilcinlly lael tk Mr. ()r.ee and ton l..l trled Monday, for ft'lla Neb , ff a f day UiU "Bill" lei .j "Wr vill hat . r-trtictilarl larp aollxti of rre on fcr thaoklila)r In tbe te.i hh, and m "Hill ' teamed lather eiclUd, be vae ak4 wbjT Hill mjti w)j ttrauee Haeriaoa ill be our belt pmldeftt. and tAdil b-o-). W didn't Jl U bear M4fr, Fa hah The Western aid Soilkni Mile AssecktiiDn v. MASONS OLD STAND Chas. Schaffnit, Manager. JoLn Jarrett, preildett cf the lro id ftccl workerr be Uen in hi dun, lie tumbled ctcrjhtc with wofklngtoee, and tjt the rrjillicaui . I1 Cut J tbe tair. He abo : WLilc i. Illlnol, I tiilu. tbeitb Chicago rUhaa; mill. A avinlb there in tbe rcifllUibwd of ."iaM demmaat in tbe mill, bvi rb t came ; crcrj man bad folAtrl bold m be oaI j tO for Ilamr. and -rwta-too. Tbe wa.t av fr trade of lo in thcirt, tad are 4 (turned that tbn repblitan ftrt i jtictac ttal will girt tlits tic ftvU:' va. in.., 4 tl jImI bew . 4itifr1 fet tMu ;.Vrea4 M ?, Htwfl.tltii 4 ikf. HM WJIwi t,J Hbee, OaittU, Oii llthf-lt tad Tlikk, IU4i ,bi.4 be.(, V. ftaA. M iealde.ee eft4t an tt e. Uevievaf U Maa Maiiu Ut.l. lAMamn, hiuit, 8. 0 at.- i . ,tUlbd U lb m ab.y. M llatllla atll 4M fe tb M Mil nk Ml ti.r f llatt Mrata Neb), baa bea hire At a "! lie M mw4 MA, FuaxU UUIdaf rt .11. a bl bad Tbti ) tf ll r U frmtth'e W4Ae4. aU A'dt'bi l We-d' TbJi tt t( ' " J T 3Ut. lift Ad Ml ViM If U lH b Tania. k,n It fHl) er 4 f ue,( V(4 tM bead ef U. - l IL P, WlU.it faei aftf Welae Pari Ham tAd bit 4eaalle. flit An ll lad; boi.M A .'!; Ulj rt tnlrd lo ;. l ll htote f V 4; and -lbl, retried 1-lm Wne . ati4 IlklNil blm ' ihini iJlwWlV Mf.didnbl tl 'mi-Ax 'l&'tffl tmUnt Aflef lUrj; . HaclleW ft ()ew, t C. Mv A"f4 tbf df ueld rnebed int. lb U a it 4 a (at ( ;tl aV ' Tbe eld 14; lirthlel U Haired ll IJrtt . J' Omitr ! n4 ..f n; tgA t alted b matd, 'II j iiiM iitiir -'9, td ibt miid.'-tlratt ba ay ve lallUred Ivllter, Uit tltotei b. 1.(4 an a ' T 44 lad) earUlm-4 In dlfae Well iv netei aa lN abat dees eta 1$ tI.K 4u neat -Jeba M Tlnrtl" at CbltAfn .maAwnPjapiim T AiavUi. Ia MaUr ad t-.4 wttt aVaif f, tWt frU a wtt.rrt IIKnaV, b. JI)tr, alrl rAiliaaei Jl ryft . .freUa bn t (!!, end ti fw4a( ! Ue at"! UifitmUc IJiru, at (wad irp r. f af on. Ur.. 1kbt UmH4 U U'lriedar Tr.lrn ltl tta fA-'UaUIi b.is, K-b )Ufis mve1ne'4m 4. p, tat , Cpna a A a CffftaveifaHA 4f A- (Wow CM fr M.a Itfar 1p ra, Qaw4 Hin. at, CWaiVm Cty ejM p. m, W.tefl bW a. m , TbnrWaf, (m Si. WeeUrbyj J a. m Mkhv 4 ii a. , UaAaaM 7 a. mu. ! fV)A M Me4U Ik) , ajj maS 1Ma. . rJi' ITJ r A. HlwwjM A.( 7 ., AM ', 0( I t "fr, ArrfvtAc At iUaf J4 p. ., 1 emUaUUb. Tb f tbe IrH tJA4 mJWkeA tw emtr UU. Wrlat yiwr frU4 H Jet tbi A(ifi(m, a4 riu t. ut4nlaMf At mm ff rcWA wa-tia tr aatan. PIONEER " Dry Owl & Orouery Hoiifie. Keep oi hand a full Iim: ot Dry (jS(nn1h, Moot. SiiiMm, Clothing. OnHeri(mf &c. Ami. sell ihcm at tlw: IowcM living Kket. ii I a . a rail antl ;c (hem. lull line d CArm uhvAVf. on hand. Nrw gcNMls iirrivlitg daily. flacker & Parker, THEGROCIiUS. Kcci) the fine nl line ol Teas and Coffees t ii7 KU.iixU -? JkiJi In l he Ciiv. llJTitlnl,. !! ,jftilMJtw. . XA.n.ttU3i.-ii in1 naAl I w. Mrs. L. F.Markeli MOON HUMJK, kl VUWl), H.i:; returned from St. Lnui with Um mcitl Complete Stock 1 MMMIM. MIAAA. Wc ttill bfr tbe l.u of tb tbreebiAa; mubi.e in vi ml4t Titer bat be, rjvite a dlcAiU oa lb njtjn f Ut4Jm Uulr Oar faetor bat Id be ld raiber bav bl rifbt arm t fl at tbe braider tban bpU. an l.faal ) ipriaklinj;, N'o wr i-mUt b artnliljl M It.atv L.mi. L. ti i . 1 i I Ve ,JRn, B, ... .W., u ,,, ,,. , , . .. .. tic tiidrUdc tbet If b rtt bt , . , . .. -. . . i (. ... . ..I , tt IIU.M ll t'T l W Urkc t' be lmktre. o r,a iL a ak j,eLl tl l-a I ew-ar w- - ,-p,- r tbe till Wat Ursll ettAAf t aV it tbif, lb4i If frlnklia U tA eir.b wvdi.j A-j b tot tvsi eAvaftb teller b), Woald or fvl bftiber ! r tli AMJm (ay ItAt b- Iie it Uf4m Preaaaor Alamol iAne4 a ai.gieag MtVMl at Ml ll'f-e a-a T.4.9 - Tbe tbrte )VS UdJ tl. an Ifcr4 vt of chirr L atOriofMl LI. IIaxcbUT. W. a)i. wr ri(V4 ry.refta Ilea Cvb A ik 4 Mmu Aba, tie CAilitjft.U KiAA ' CV.8A-lUi. A0aa. bWMd.i(e CwrU af Ctnt CBte,afe4 bemtt HJaamd. TTm ia M lr th4 UetA Aeai Aemlfc Vt 1 emeaWeate, U i i AafMM. f I iVar n M mia CeaVaVOw. pre Mfnelfeta f Mf Tt t OMa)fk.l ,lr k 4.?a4 by ,WtaT a4 tfaef . WH tri.L r1uiA4tJU UeVJM( fV bf tAAilli.iy. 1 1. her liirvc ever brought to the city,1 ami hai On inhibition ! AUTUMN ami WINTER illinery! I OI' the Most Correct Sty It ! M h Also, a complete liiW&itff Latest Novefdtie 9tftt IN FANCY GflMim Vli'iiiii A 'J ,M I Hi - 'wf F . ifsPmTal h