The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1888, Image 5

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    w ta 1 1 ! nMMHatiQNr ( p -ma
Klawvt pets f allkindi tl Iltsi)
C W K)yVvt vBiy wertvvet
ruj o.t. tVi, IUV. HV j
lS (fR- br4t IIv
iM i fat. KJj 4 Iff
( lit f'7M4 ll . f j
Kt ' V 0m tl Aim. t k
f ia it) tai will sJdtv ik V H C
ttery atkt 1V1. a I
Hr. Jfl K. Wits a i3 fek
J fl
tuind c-f wlatet
I Ye By Vftk. U U U9.ff
a uk i iv4Mt
R J 0 Tet bI i t H-4
HmJ Si M vk ilnttl
uum 4 tVr it) Vi T it
J4 tfVJk4 ss-4 tf r.i
Mr Ti l H Jin l.4-4
jail aJiit (V m -... ! PH. H4I
i a .StititUt Kik
0 ll Cbj ti l ij-i-mVi.
Tkere i no strike
Cloud street railrcsi
A ! MtMl esd T.
in lie 1U4, Li f'M tea D J Jb4.n
ittu. v tk vi puist tit
J Vri ft jl Wa tl it ikl e
in Mine Hill Wedsd) Vtl 1U- f Mb Hill k.s
Al Cutumlop csl l. -r tBd Uv iiijki4 lj tke 4.wtMe
up et chattel taetti; . pMty fee 8ei irjyrMuuw
, .Mi. Nbvur b. ju.i teeetird ' 0 IH'Uci iJ J (uWi, 4
'latge lav titer o( See 4rni Jri4 ik imlin l ill Clk
la. e . . . t .
Tb foaadalMi f tkf J 4) lr.MliMUMI M,WJ uWvi
iirMt V
bssk In been Mamcutcd Tk l'e u.lw) ew.pBj 1 f9 );Uw
Kdiui numb, of iUC..I. Hrlu" V.ih U'ltvad ... .ern ikl. k Mi
l.J J IV1.4H
I ) k4 VA llrt
.Id w., i it. t, thu .. ,'m Tv " "" '" '-.
UUi tk M4tUitl
1 W4A" ihIHm lit
I Imnmff
Absolutely Pure
Ilin i..i,t utt iiiit Muiri ui in''0,"'J '"r On.kllf i;f k
Hun .r ,.,Olu, l,b4 UM wSZuu Um Ul' JMJ ",l "',f4 ",
iiHMkn hIIIiIIk taulll.uitr i Km lrl it t'fk (lom ll rttrntlnl lllli Ul ikr )
Umalum m hniluLF iiloi MJmli
i:tiAi. iukimi rvti.j mo.
. W all rl N , t)
(' f Xlrd .( .. (TiiV.
ft ..
V. IIHNrR. . . Ir.prlr.i
alB)rr4 I k 1 Mr Mrirlif. M
AB)4 Akm Ihr nir 'ual.
Ucr 1'itiuor is ourIn a felon on
f of hi fiarm.
J. Ij. Kilty hat returned home
from hi trip eiat
II. K. nford' new brick dwelling
ii going up rapidly.
"Jedpe" Weot ha added a coal
ihed to l.ia prrniitr a.
Hot. F. A. Cae will preach at the
Ilaptiit church next Sabbath.
0. A. Miller haa been appointed
night watch by the mtrchanta of thin
Frank Cowdan, of Wymorr, wa in
the city thii week viaitinr; with
Charley Gunny iacnaprd it. grad
ing the public highway leading to
Red Cloud.
J. O. Chanbcrlin, formerly ft
ilantinga, waa in the city Monday
and called on Tur. Cinr.i'.
Mra. (.'unhnun and Mn Trull, of
I'hillipa county, Kama, couain of
M. W, niekeron, are in the city.
Frank Spaaogle, who La been it.
California for the pait year or two,
ii now home on a viait to hi parrnta.
I. F. Uocachaar ia daddy of a baby
gill whijh arrived a welcome gueat al
the Windior hotel on Monday morn
ing. Andrew Jackion Mean and Tboa.
W. Ilatleld have gone to Omtha to
attend the grand Iodide of Odd Fel
Iowa. Iter. Teitaworth, who ha been
trying to rejuvenate the t'rrbytcrian
church, haa f niahed hi work and re
turned to Hardy.
Krnat WeUch came very near draw,
ing $1250 from the l.ouuana Lottery
thia week. He juat lacked one num
ber of getting it.
V. Joaalyn and wife, of McCook,
for any yeara Ii. 4 M. train agent
at thia point, were in the city tbi
week. They were the gueot of Miaa
1. P. Veiicr.
I). II. Caldwell, Deputy Head Couo
nut of the Modern Woodmen, waa in
Ike city the fore part of the week
looking after the intercata of the or
der in thia place.
I. 8. Beal akowed the agricultural
editor of the Cillir ootue f ne corn
raited on hi farm northeast of the
city thia aeaaon . It ia going about
45 buaheli to the acre.
Judge Sweeiy ha gone to Denver
to be gone a week on butinea. Judge
Trmnkcy will pretide during hi ab
acace over the deatiaicaof the county
court. People desiring to be ''jined"
is aaatrimoBy are raxiseatcd to call on
Jwdge Truakay.
The Ire laddiea are going to get a
hook and ladder truck, the city coun
cil having left the Matter in the
hand of the traatcea of the company.
The trueke are absolutely needed in
thia eity, and aa they can be aecmred
for a amall amount it ia unwire to
delaj tke purchase longer,
Jobs Toalinion haa aeeeptcd a
contract to grade the Ambeyroad
between Dr, Tulley'a farms to Red
Cloud. This is a commendable en
terprise. The town board of Red
Cloud township have appropriated
1250 to ft up the roads leading to
Red Cloud. The board is to be rcm-
aeaded for thia aetion.
Pap. Barkley's bora went through
town on Monday "juat a fanning" as
the boja would aay, dropping Pap by
the wajaldv. After Pap had picked
kiaself up, he went in carck of kia
laotM, feud kia over at Jake
MUUff'a calmly fanning himself with
what waa reft of kia narrative. Tkere
bj bug a tiil or did.
(ioit ilin aUnl kuAtb; fliTf t I
UlTjC (llulll tt Ktlll (It) CKt.
I lr h.l Mi. M It. ItrMli-i Irfv
,.11,.. i
A npo tain (ell on
ill be of UiralruUklr
.suoJ) kirk
brnrfil lo llr
jt -
ic I.ilnl.r)
tl I'JIU'
Mill nrtu
duia ihr
In lcBil
rail. (Joorpi;
critic fallh,
Mrs. F. Newhouie ) added a toe
portico lo her pirntlsr oulh of ihr
tth Aenue Hotel.
Mr. I. N. Taylor, foiwetly of this
city, and uiorr recently of Colorado,
i visiting in the city
Mr. F. V Taylor ban returned
home fmm her in Mli.outi and
of eoure Frank t haj-py
(So to Mr. Newhoure't (or drr.t
ood, cori'ti, tannel. ladies under
wear, etc. Pricef ery low
Fiank Taylor ha Uid a new brick
walk on the inaide of hi yard which
add materially to hi premitea.
Ml Minnie PouUoo, of St. Joe,
niece of Mr W. U. Chaplin, of lhi
city, i viHiog friend in Red Cloud.
The htnnway, Chickering, Knabe
and other equally reliable piano.
Sold for cash or on unnlhly payment
by Sada J. Hailey.
Thurman, ice presidential candi
date on the democratic ticket, ha
filially written hi letterof acceptance.
It U on the imldr of Tur. Cum'.
New nloek of plu.h eloak, clothing
boot a and shoes direct (mm the man
ufacturer at p?icr that wilt astoniah
ynuatThc Wettern and Southern
Merchantile association
The ladie of the Congregational
church will cive a wctal and literary
entertainment at tho rciJcnce of
Mr. Dauchy, Tuesday evening. Oct.
23. All are cordially invited.
Howard Cthcr,the genial aiUnt
cashier of the First Falinnal bank,
and hit wife and baby are home from
the east where they have Iwen 01. a
pleasure jaunt for several month.
We wi.h to ay to our friend that
now is the tunc to brine in their corn
display for Tur. Cmrr priie We
want a half bu.hcl of corn in each
sack. C. C.Coonwa the first to
bring in his exhibition.
Hon. Jamra MeXcny addrrtaed the
peopla of Rladen last Saturday ni;nt.
A large crowd was present and Mr.
MeXcny gave them one of l.ia Ust
effort!. He is a pleasant speaker and
handles his subjecte with ease.
Services at the M K, chureh con
ducted by the pastor, at 10 30 a. to.,
Sunday achool at 12 an., evening er
vicca at 7.30. Morning subject, "The
elimai of Omnipitance." The pub
lie is cordially invited to attend
Dr. P. Jams, the eelebratrd (Jer.
man physician, will be in Red Cloud,
at the Holland House, Saturday, No
vember 3d. If you are suffering with
a chronic disease you should not fail
to consult him. Consultation free,
"Little Bonnie, ' son of laaae Lud
low, died on Saturday night and was
hurried Hunday afternoon. The lit
tle fellow'a discaae wat meningitia.
The parent and friends have tke
sympathy of the entire community ia
their aad affliction.
Geo. Holland has been appointed
by the district court u receiver of
tha Red Cloud atreet railway com
pany. n e rappote now iaat inc com
pany will be compelled lo go tkroagh
considerable litigation. It certainly
eaa be made to pay if properly man
aged. An old gag revived ia to claim that
certain articles ia the clothing line
are made for Mr. to and so aad for
tome reaaoa did not call for them
aad will tell them to YOU l re
dacted prices. All war saita aad or
coata are specially made for the man
tket bays tkem. We might tell yoa
that the Priace af VValta or Mr. Ifar
riaoa, the neit president to be, or
dered a toil of u', bat did via fit
kirn, thia voald be aa aatmtk. We
imply tell vew vt will eeli yu the
tail at tack aad fweb a price aad jn
- aaay rest aseurtd
it will be at the
j bottom price.
C. Wuxxc
., , '
51 1 Vlu. UUt k.. x ) i
J!(i, llrfl lf rtlrinlr4'
hil. aj Klin I
. , . . t
iii III VW;
U.I (ittntl ktj lc(l klta.
F Sr.l tlin knr ll f
HulrlilBkOB A KJRrll Nice lfTvl
torat tml Cl.t 1 "V ! ipfUl
(rtluir n( iki. riUU.littl
JuJ Halle), out ffte.enl t4l
.lrik, ha. ttlailird flvm Kaniai Clt),
here he ha. bn en trip cvrak-ia
rd lth butlneta and plea.utei
Married, Oct llh, S5. .1 fUJ
Cloud. Neb, Daalcl l.lndea aJ Miaa
Cordelia Sharp, all of WeUler eou.
ty, Judge Trunkey omelatlBg
A car Kvid of that (atuou Gl.den
barb wire al A Morhart a, Don I
(all to get my ptieet as I am golBg lo
sell the wire at trry low prirr.. Sea
me al once It-1 2
Samuel Kali, traveling salesman
(or Henry Kalt V Co, wholesale
clothiers of Chiesgo an IJ time
friend of our, paid a plesssnl villi
on Saturday.
If you are going l buy barb wiie
get the (amous Glide ti A ear load
just received at tke hrdar store ef
A MorharL t'osn and see ras and
get my figure. tl-l-
P. Jant, M I) , late of lleilia.
president of ike Nvbraika State Mrd
i;al and Surgical Institato, will visit
Red Cloud, at the Holland House,
Saturday, Nov. 3.
Glldenbarb wire, Is the hot made,
A car load has just been receded al
A. Morhart 1
See me bsfore
buy, aa it tail! pay you lo get my tg
urea on thetiliden. tl-12
The Klectrlo Light oompany have
commenced tha erection of a Wick
building for their atw electric light
plant They will havn the new build
ing large enough to enclose the two
dynamos, engine and machinery gea
erally. The work will xt cosauituccd
at once putting in the new lints,
lights, etc,
The teachers meeting of last Fri
day wight, presided over by Paof.
Cur ran, waa a grand sicerss and will
redound to the credit of the profesa-ir
as well a being of much Itenefll to
the palions and pupils, Tbe hint
dropped by the profrssor on this oc
casion were timely and if followed
out will aid the eehool in doiag bet
ter wo.k duiing the Utm, Speech
made by Prof. Funk and lloo. A. J.
Kenney. Both gentlemen alluded to
school matter in a way that showed
their familiarity with achool subject.
The meeting wat a success.
John II. Brown, agtd 1H, aad Mia
Miaaic MtClarea, aged 15, both el
Blue Hill, wr-ose heart weald beat aa
one were it not for the intcpoitlon of
the law made aad pravided, applied lo
Ilia Honor, the County Judge for the
little piece of paper that would make
them happy, oa Iaat Thursday, The
Judge arose from off tke judicial pin
arte aad in a aolema voiee remarked
"While 1 am willing the edicU of our
late lamented legialathe body must
be maiataiacd, therefore, go thoa back
to thy home aad await a more ooaveu
lent teaeon, or ia other phraaewtegy,
the time haa not arrived." The young
man taraed aorrowfally away, aad
will anxioatty loag for tbe tim whta
his sweetheart will become tweet eii
teen, aa ike law strictly forbids the
marriage, wita er withoal tbe consent,
of a girl under !! year
Clothing for the farmer, laborer,
meehaaic or mcrchaat at lb Wawtera
aad Hobthera Mereaatili Aasociatioa.
Having recieved an elegant liae of
seal plash, brocade and woraud cloaks
wraps and jack eta ia .attat atylea aad
dVelgat, we respewtfally invite tke
laiice to call aad ace thaws.
MliriK Hftoe.
Hpecial atWatiea to aaderukiag
aad embalmiag by P. V. Taylar. Reel
dtaee 3 bloekt went Carriaa- Feetory
New lice cf lowtr pwls, i" tut
decora tioa a&d ataUoaery just recUr -
ed at Heavy Oak'a.
If jn can't
aaywkcrt clae
Iltiij Cook'f.
.- l. .... -
ia town, avhygou
II. a. It
.l 0 l nV i tit
.,., Tk, M...U ..tit tl
. . , . ,. , i i . ,.
laics ! 111111 - i "
litis ally IB ll r " taul
r-j ike ! iv!-4 M(is M nV
J lakes vkaiv lk Mk i( SiHIuUl
al wkiek ! Ml T J .("JtiMw
aflejt a ikiMl trvld I lk f-(l
("ilfer Jt1; kek I.H. .t ksi
.t,Mnn ickJ
1UI1I1 m tke .if
mrBl aa4 rMBlivd tif lt IIiImiI i
Tmb C.iltr will b Mi kai kit j
Mtllr fl Ik etpprfl rU TV ;
. 1. .1..1 is.. .1 ,.. a s . s
lllirl ITH ll VI lr IHImwi
will k p4lrIU0B cb a4 afl'i Ik
tk Tke new rJlli-f b III ! kit
(Vales efte lo Next CW4 !(
taatc maMSB.
Ob Ike fvealnjr rf Ik IMk (hit
al tkr rriUtatt- ( G It Cksatr ef
ikl. tit) ol(saBIISi r-n ( lk
me.l ill ji noiakl Bn.itla s tkal !
vr (Hcntte-I In Ikl elly Tb Bi(B
cBlftetlng partirs tlng Hob J M
Cbsmo, o( GulJs Uek, ear a( WW
lr coaBly's imtlasal lawyr, a4
Mr. Abb J Ranks, of Clsv.Uad,
Okie, a memWr of ( ik aid!
aad mast pmmlBBl faaili f (")
akitga rouBl), Tke paftis w klk
I-kin la Ohio saJ ware U r(ia!t
aae. and haw bran eorsrij for
two yeara OasveaisgoMr C l'
lo Vlevelssa lnlB4lBg va MIBf an
bride hom wllh kirn but wat piv.
vented bv tbe sad and rli Ilia,
of bar sged mutker Mis C ka4
ben visiting a brother si Aaruts,
Iowa and wa. on her tit ! Kansas
City to a siaur tkne, and stp j
ped of! iatendlag that Mr C kld
aeeompany her lkie, bul If IbJbi--!
hf In pnalpea that visit, - lhJ
csm up here aad wrr uitlly sbsi
rird, Javtge Trunk) effieiallBg
alrvliBg aljr
We know of son
woitky ef paUonajCv
it Dr. P Jaats, prtsldrnl nf our Ml
ioal and Hargiesl Institute Sues
in his spreiall) Ib trraling ekmnl
dies hre. aa well a all owl ik
atate, giving klwt an Valletta fil
lloa Tb dolor began praelieUg ib
Hall eouBt) (welt )r ago, at Ibal
time a gra-Iual n( two of In li
universities wllh rlialeal alatag
at Brllu, Vlear.a, aad Kll, sad aot
of the KurBrsB ualvtrsltie My kls
ewergy he haa tatd-i B?l ubI; la
hit prof!, bat iBaaeialty wll,
and (a at prnl th ownr of 5 IMX)
acre of land and tight bo) la
Hall eeiualy, beeide a tk of drags
valued al 112,000. la kia walk ke ia
eeficieUd with a staff of able si--laliste,
Dr Jaaa i Ib svrry rgaid
boaesl aad reliable, and kesrlilj
recommead blm in lb lrtmal of
ebroale efwlctloa Patieal who la
trust ti-ir caset t Dr, Jsaa ran feat
asaured that tky will be treated la
tke mott akillfal aad rfal maar.
CUtlag we will say the Dr ha. al ki
rommaad the Inest aad largest Ut
of iaslrameaU la tke UU,Oie.d
Island Herald.
d iSB-r
Uttra remalBtag ia tke potoaai4
at Red Cloud, W.Uur loaaly Ne
braka, for the wk adiag, Oct.
15th, 1WH
A Haa CarpenUr, H. II. Davlv,at II.
II. He, Aaa II. MtFaaa, II Ititb-
ardaoa, L. II. IWd, lltrmaa Trlkl,
Moatiear Ial Verret,
Mrs. Davtd Keitkly, Mrt F M
Thae Uturt will b wat to tke
deal lttter eaVce Nvv. I5tk, if U'A
eelUd toi before A. H. MaaeH,
Poet Matr
I will tesd to aay persoa ia the
city reaetiag it OM) IIU.VDftKD
choice cop We f kt maelc far aa
lewtiaa aad trial, the ara agrviag
to retarw maak a Uo4 wHkia
three daye Wa make thia ftr gvd
tw aaly thirty day a. Prlca I't aU
per copy L If. Wallaci,
Yl-'l Jeweler,
Dr Jaa, tk IbraUd German
lpbjsielab, baa kaadreda .( UatiaHav
I isls f pvraotit ke kaa cared f chraw-
. 'ic dlaeaaet.
Ha will U at tbe Hal
fUd Oad. PaleHty,
' J
" 1,' m. -
' lk mW V )ti 4V
fc . fe
ta Mt
l tfni ))iMM ti(
j4afn, t.,r4i4tC is.ft
lbr llr-k v ttS4tYl
Vt 14 On tV if it..i-i
Irl) inf-4(il .J r m,i tlj
vl Vt )! Mi.tSlf. vi t
rVK4 i 4 -W4 ISS-4.44II.I
A II knit, An,
Mvaa ,Nfvis
M tSfl
t. ll Tns.ii,
J 1. FaaBS
On skMI ik. sK
Ves Uti. TV4i, itIU
Kal), )'4m. I'snUt. U 4
Ci Hue. Gsiv! 4
On lotOe 11
Pr.ili 1 '
Gtd tik VrtV
vUim 4 It
In tiMj( Iki
wa JpB4 sb4
wartsBl tdtid Jisbb lk Vit4a
lvy il Ivh'J k 4a4lB
llsftl. Itti'S!, lBUB4'lt,!
FlSSBf '4l, ,SU 4S.4
iVs. Hi, ( a4
Oa saeU sai-4ll s4)vurai4
J II llatiii.tV (la
atB) aai astwM
W Sa a I !. l U Itm
Ma !. Ini rV" ' 4-44 ti.
B bS.Vi 14m- r miMim! l
fcl4 4s
Mix (SU Iv4 il.4l I4t4 W. m
! a. ! Ul li L f-Ml -
r- 1 . 4 4 4.1 UVm ysw
MlM lMl Wll. 1,4. Mw4 lit
l4 ! Itlr a4 i44 44.4 Ml
IS- s4ia 441 Imi4h ii Ln ioal
! giai.iiiix Mtwwl i4 ! nx'nl
I; ssekB4 B 4;k" i.UJ n4ll
In HSllllt4 W VI.K t lll
! iksab ii vi
IV .M4 4il4
imiJ t U.1 44.4 ia. 4i
liiSlkk fl tV-4 44
14 r"r !
mkM-m .l.u & '
f lk 4l4 " 4.- IM
bl4 4W.t44M, Ml HIWI J
Ml M H M.BIM .l4ll4 M-W4
1Vmi4l V !, mm tl I4 -l.l. '
v.14 in lk4. 4 4.4 inllll lk.,1
tlMW aa . ! Ik.i .ll
t la l.S4 4 SSU '
Mi 11 n. rSiMs. mhi . k44ia 1
IVImI HIM!!, M4 fii4 S-r 1
I. Ia lkia tL mLhuI Uu4.4 I IaB 4 I
Ml l IUIwIm ll 41 V Ui 44 V- -4
(4i .).. i- . . vs. mi. ..
4k4 -f !, I
f lfc 4l S.fc-f; S4Ma4 4
llti Kmait. ifium vlM lMtll 4l
M.4WI4 M4Sx4 l 44.f iMVw.U .4
l4MptM II 4-1 Ifc4 t '4l
a yi. tnutf iM44 Bill i
tV Aftigt-tM tat !! It f il
W(i.4l 11-Ml.lM I. al.4! 4U !
aii4 Bill, tm (4tli att
ata; H isvi 4 ria4k4 Vf rt
Cmi l !. 4l a lw r4
la bImA.4, 4mI UI I i.44v r 4; i44.4
IK44 imrtl
1b4 wf iBifc ta ta 4'44 ItvBt
ll fair Ub it Ms Wv
fwi i4lIU4. lv-4.4 iswaa a 4
tr-14 I Ilk 4a 4 tl4 U
fwu4 wwit Vl ! Wf MhUala lt4t
IMMlft wlltj IM IUiVi ImVibs l
rrr Cbmb.
Ht fiMiai aui4WH4 trfi a
gfMl HMM. 4ttSUa4lB4 Ilk
a a Uig bbsbW o l .
?.( ' r.fM44i a tf i4-.:-fMjV4
(jahu'4 wif4,- .u ati r 4
MiW m IK tJajM It .
at!, Tvaat. Maia t4
tal ilag VW himBii
y v tt4 iK miiai !
Uif tf alt 44 a4 w t i.(ak
B a-' s4 fiSaaktV l"- - l4i4V
lUl 444414 yia 44is f4at
Wlli ! la MB4. 1V- MM
N'tlM tH4 Us aa la llla4
Ii, yV r-SU sJIImw4jV. i;Vil a
.., 4U a8 aavi k4at4 li Umv
4 14 f4 4 1l44 Bk-4 af IsnV
lt 4IU l4) itMiUUMM tt-U .i
44ibs4I ia MsaaU, a4 a aH
Itmsik. iai4 bMhbI.i h
esllb 4 ! ir W a,aitl a (
IkWtMl M wfc4,
K4iM. i ,tu '',w
"" J awt4' i;
Maa4Va r!!..
Ob 4j Uf m, ' v4,
ly a, tata4 la ilU l tl lax
f (Va 44m,
W . rHrB
Tkaahs to the ikillfal lstml af
Dr. Jae, tb German iM(aJiit. ah
wred aae af aaiksaaafUf Mkr pkjt-
eiaas ail faiUd. r4K Wttitaw.
0 fall gsda are tw ail ia !
try liae vnliW. la sklHrta
tUtbiag ws aceell irjk t;
Mtavitb GaKaaia-
For Sale tO Feeders
.. ,.
tMftwi Hlfaf.
1. 2 eevd 3 ye
Kastat, ealtabie f
lag, Alaa, tiMk ealu4 T pan
avkiag amueee Mfir will Vt
partly aa time. Add,
H. M. OatlMM, KUwa. Km,
I Or, W. K. (iUintH, IU4CU7,,.
"" ' mamamamma
' 'waWawawawawawam
Do Not be
y ot!
Is :is well in.ulc .is ,u put on live market, ami
our price, .ire (,is every one &y lun
cNininctl them) nuwli lower ilun
others a:M (or Mine fpuilily o(
Ii you want cheap truck (unci you need not cry
lor it cither) we will ncll you
Mcmis SuitM an
AiulivhouM ymi w;int
jet them for you
w, ftf a trfirnafrtrlm teW
Iii child rciiH OverfoatM we mm
iihjimm; at priMH far below $2.
Soils at an remarkable LiW Price..
In Our Boot and Shoo Stock f
vr kesrp lhi mMsv trTaYJt, laUt ttftVay fftfalfl m tlaaait 4 ytatt
ft Mil !.
Our Prices arc ;u Lfiw ;i the IjowcmL Rc
mcnilcr we never fol Sow always Lead
CicxxU at Honcit Prices
Our Merchant Tailoring Depart-
tneiit npuokn for itmlf.
i4aaBvv'vaw haste eJwet a
wa Use tia ta-e sfcy U atstM
alaaeat- sjaasd U tha) aJ4Jiw ha-e,
rrsvtw4g ftMtaaai a httt that
, i w. w w" wn "ja war wtwwt
ML A AMt MA .itt .... b. ,
In our Hat ami
'-batw a teyUraaaviwwaal
I (A ea Mta aW.alaMawwMivMaawa9
.vTi ' r"7 Hbt
vM, aetr Kkw,ewrf f fltaarr Hvw tj a caat wa arJI
f fdlt if rrrrJs vj fee 'iOI.OWl fJUtl
taltla T awrtite!
to keep
Ijiiw um 92.AO
rhciicr, wilt try ;troJ
t tsawy mMm ! U !!
. a
ktai narw
ai-(. fcawaaajmag
af tayajs Mhw
Ww wwafawf
km taV
.I I UawjrTjal iu
;vi i
Cap Department
am lay
ajmjj yway vt m twal w4j isjafi aamtw