. - rV Mr jAi r , w c n H BSD CLOUD CHIEF j 1 b A. . MMMIft, Prrf. m cuacD. NXBSA8KA oumumT COMM1NT. All American company him loused touklr Bay from the KftyfiUtui llov naMat to grow oysters. THtimr prisoners In tho reform Mkool at Pontine, III.. escaped recent ly by cutting holo throuKh tlio flour. Captain Gleahm.!,, of tho note White 8Ur steamship (iermiinlo, tiled of apoplexy during tho vessol'a Inst trip to New York. A BILL has been reported to tho Sen ate for tho purchase of (?. W. V. Truv !' life slr.o oil painting of Abraham Lincoln for 116,000. Ax engineer and a captain hnvo been arretted at Portsmouth, England, for showing an American over secret part of Bplthcad forts. A Pahis Arm ha produced pormiN glass for window pane. Tho pore arc too fine to admit a draught, but they aaalat In ventilation. Picek nro fast lielnc exterminated In tho mountain of Oregon, and tho lcg islaturo will lw asked to adopt mens Mm for their preservation. TlIK Czar and Czarina of Kusslii were recently In tho capital of tho province of Koohan In C'iuicumIii. Tho Cossack received them well. ATTOttNKi-tiKNKIIsl. OAKLAND r- turned to Washington on tho '-M from Hominy Hill, Ark. Ills general health Was snld to have liven improved. It seems to lw now nettled tliatthu authorized life of l'oter Cooor 1m to be written by Mr. Susan N. ('ooiur, prlnclial of tho Cooper Instltuto ait ohoole. A MOVKMKNT for tho appolntmonl of Engllith worklncinen as jtistlcos of tho peace ban resulted la tho solta-liou of several with satisfactory results, and and it in being pushed hIIII further. "Tlir. Fntnl Illncnn of Frederick tho Noble" l to bo the title of Sir Moroll Mackenzie's new book, which 1h ex poctod to bo ready for publication about the end of the present month. Tlir. Atchison dlreetorit have tlr clarod it dividend of ono-hnlf of one percent. Tho dividend Inst quarter waa one and a half per cent. Thin action saves tho road's record us a dividend payer. Two students of Vienna being hopo lcasly embarrassed tlnancially shot themselves dead recently by mutual agrooHJcnt In thn suburbs of tho city. Neither of them hnd available assets and resolved to die rather than face their creditors. Tiif.hr was a largo mooting of single tax supporters of Cleveland and Thtir man at tho Cooper Union, Now York, on tho oth. Henry (Seorgo prodded, and YY. (J. Sherman, tho well-known lawyer, was the principal sjKjakor. Mr. Sherman Is a recent convert to tho George doctrine. Tub Senate Committee on Epidemic Diseases has prepared a favorable re port on Mr. Call's bill authorizing tho President to appoint a commission of scientific experts to InveHtigate tho causes and uncertain, if possible, a means of preventing tho introduction of yellow fever Into thu United States. sntatMMMwww-i Title examination of Prof. (JolTcckon closed at Berlin on tho '.'d. The case waa remitted to tho Supremo Court at Isiipslc. Ball' was refused. It was stated that in tho search of Prof, (iof fecken's house at Hamburg, letters from Mr. Gladstone, Dr. Moroll Mac kenzie and several prominent French men were found. A sknsation has been created In Vienna owing to tho fact that Kmpcror William neglected to confer decora tions upon Hungarian Premier Tisa, while several minor olllclals were un expectedly decorated. Tho cause of tho Kaiser's snubbing Tlszu Is u mys tery, unless It bo the recollection of his old speeches In sympathy with tho young man's father, the late Kmperor Frederick. The City Council of Council Bluffs has been enjoined by tho courts from Issuing any more intersection sower age and paving bonds. Under the charter they aro allowed to issue 9225,000 in bond for city Improve ments. They havo Issued $160,000 In excess of that amount already. Tho troots of tho city are badly torn up, aad work Is practically atopped on ac count of tho injunction. The lato Prof. Klchnrd A. Proctor will bo greatly mourned In England. Of him Edmund Yates says that he waa perhaps moro widely known than any other scientific man of tho day. Aa a lecturer ho was unsurpassed. Ills fuglt'vo articles, conversations aad letters havo familiarized outsiders with tho deepest thoughts of oxperts. A very potent force and atlraulatlng factor la extinguished." THE twenty Mormon children, wbn arrived in New York recently from Liverpool, were sent on their way to fait Lake City, Utah, after detention far a few daya. They were to have baea returned to England.but Collector Magone ordered their release after in vestigation and securing from the the ateamship company a bond guar anteeing that the children should not become a public charge. 111,1 .. Tns lato M. Duclore, who was u Sen ator and for a time Prime Minister of France, waa in boyhood a printer's devUinanewapaperonico. Ho worked bia way up until he beenmo one of tho leading edltorUlwriters In Franco. "..The' stored; political life undor '- patronage ef M. Gamier Pages, the elder. During tbv second omplro m retired to private life and amassed s fa fortune by "promoting" com- KEWS Otf THE WEEK. QImc4 by Tatetraab art 1U1L CONaBBMlOMAU Tn Renate on the 3d considered ths resolution offered by Mr, Call providing tnr ad ditional legislation In mlstlnn to yellow fevar and other contanlnut diseases. It was referred to tho Committee nn Kpldende Diseases. Thn conference rrpnrton the tJeneral Deficiency I'll I provoked much rtlscutilon regarding aflnlrs In Utah, when the report m sgreod Us tbe Hen sir Intltttng an It tUtsgreemenl to certain Items., ...The lloute patted with amendments the .Senate hill tn allow pertont mho had aban doned or relinquished their bntaciiend mini to make other entrlea. The yellow fetcr joint rtxiliillon approprlitlnif ll(.(Oi wai twloptfil, l! tho Honste on the itl Mr. Allison In troduced tha nulMtltutetothn Mllli Tariff hill prepared by ths majority of th- Klnanrn C'otnmlttee, and Mr. flbwnan otitulnrd learn to addrcaa tho Henate on lha auhjert. The llcuct circular waa mraln under illculm without notion, Mr. Cockrell takltijt thniircnalini todn fend the AdmlnUtratlnn ..In the llnutn Mr. Ilurnet, of MIourl, pretented the conference report of (he Pendency Approprlatlotklilll, hut thn llouio adjourned without laklnir action on It. Arran ths tranaactlon of rout Inn tul nom on the 4th the Henate took up Mr. Ilaln'a retolutlon on General llenet'a circular na to dl charxea fmm ancnaU, etc , whkh, after debate, waa nxreed to. Tho Henaln bill rilntln to duplication of iioat-oOtcei a pnated. A further conference waa ordered on the IteU clency hill and the Henate adjourned nntll Mint, day,.,. The llouno patted the Henale bill pro Tldlsa 'or thn uie of petroleum sa fuel on teamer not carrying paKnenirera, rejected the conference report on the Deficiency bill and then adjourned. THE Henate waa not In seaalon on ths Mh....Thu Home waa In ncmlon for thn conild derutlon of prlmte hllla, n number of which were conlilrri'il In Committee of tho Whole. On all objectionable bills tho point of noijuo rtmi win aijcceMfully miwle, and coniejiintly but little lmliir traniincted. At the rvenlna aeaalon twenty neyen peuMon bill puaacd, nml tho Home sdkiurned until Munduy. rrttSONAI, ANI fOMTICAt. 1'. J. WloillNToN,uf Callfornlu, linn been tlUBtilmouaty aeteuteil by thn eiecutlvn committee of tho Amerlenn parly to till tho vacancy occnsloiioil by .liiili!" (Iroer'a declination of tho Vlfo-t'renlcUntlnl notiil nntlon. Tub Kmperor of Onrmnny met tho Kmperor or Atiatrln nt Vienna on the 'M. The city m nit doenratod nml the Kmperor met with nn eatlillalaatlo reception. TllKliK being no opponltloa tho elec tion for Governor nail Htnto nDlcer pasapil off quietly In OeorKln on th) Mil, (lovernor Uonlon ntut tlio others ol'lelnU wero re-elected. Tho nmendmeat to tho C'onatltutloti llicreailng tho aiitiilier of Supreme Court Judges from threo tn live was adopteil. Am tocent meeting of thn Philadelphia llaptUt Amioolntloii somn llttlu Hutler waa cauaed by a letter from tlio church nt Lower Merlon, which announced Hint Hubert J. Ilurdetto, the well known humor Ut, hail been licensed to preach. THB reoeptlon to Mr. Illnlne at Adrian, Mich., on the 4th, waa a hounura for pick pockets and robberies ranging, aa high as His) woro reirtoil. The pollen by inla take arreated John Hltchle, of tho Chicago bureau of tho AiaiK-lateil I'rem, and Krauk Crawford, ofthe New York H'urfi, on sua plcion, Mns. Foi.sou, ths mother-in-law of tho President, Is back In Washington from a visit to Mrs. Idimoat In Maine. The Trtiitlihilt snya It lenrna Hint Km peror William dlaaiirood with Prince llh limrck n to the nilvlnablllty of orliiilimlly proaecutltiic Prof. (lelTeckun nud that ho waa also illaplenaed with Hlniiinri'k'H re port on tho affair, Tho Chancellor, the Ji(irhlatt any a, threatenml to tealKii If tho eourmi augKeated by hint were not fol lowed. TlIK funernl of ex-Aaalatnnt I'ootmnater tletiornl Itlchnrd A. Klmer occuiied In New Yotk City on the 4th. Only four votes went rnat In tleorcla agalnat Oenernl (lordoa for tluveraor la the recent election. Ubi.kiiations from tirand llnpld nml MuakeKon, Midi., from Tilllii, ()., unit fioui Jay County, lad., were recelveil en mnai bytlencrnl Harrison at luillniiiipolla on ths 4th. C04UBMN aad Mine. Jane Hading, the ramoua Kronen actors, arrlveii nt .Sow York on tho Tith from Itlo .Tiiiielrn. Tou Kinii. tho noted Kni:llli piistlllst who defeated .loin Mnco In Mi, died In lioadou recently. (iKoitUK lttiiin, a New York artist, la IuIumIiik la Italy nail I believed to Imve been lost III tho Alps. Hknatoii Hiikuman, la a recent letter to Krnatus Wlmau, adviK'nted a political union with Canada. Ho did not think tlio present tlmo approprlnto for commurulnl union. Tub monument to tlonernl 1'lckett wus unvalled at lllchinoinl, Vn., 011 tho .Mil. Juihik HltKWBR has appointed Henry C. Cross, of Kmporin, Kan., and Hcoik" A, Kililv, of Leavenwoith, Kan., lecelvoia for tho Missouri, Knnsns & Texas railway. Tito bond has been placed at 'Jixi.ooo. Tin, real control of tho road will bo entirely under Judge llrowti. Nativks havo Infoi med tho Urltlsh aKouta at .anslbar that tlinipimrcl with tho (leriuaus Is duo to noodles luterfer onco with untivo customs and that the hostility kIiowii la entirely personal and la directed aKalnst tho (ierninu Hunt Africa Compaay, the Ueiiiinu tloveramenl IioIiik held ill tho highest respect. Hcnatou IIkl'k roturuoit to Washington on tho llth. Ilia health Is cousldeiably Im proved, but ho will not resume Henatorlat duties for thu present. JuihibThuuman visited President Cleve land on tho litli. His presence In Wash ington was for tho purpose of arguliiK tho telephone cnues. Kowauu Maktix, editor of tho Timr I'nUm, of Jnt'ksouvllli Kin., died 011 tho 7th. Now cases for the ilnv, iUI; deaths, tl. Total cases to date, :i,lil; deaths, '.W. Mas. J, II. C1111.11, wife of tho United Ktates Minister to Hlnm, died October 4 on board the liuimii Una steamer, City of Chicago. Tlio liody wni landoil at Now York. MIBUICIXANKOOa. Tub following formal notice has been Is sued by Collector of Customs llagcr at Haa Krauclsco; "No Chtnesii return cer tificates will hereafter be Issued nnd thn Chinese bureau will remain closed to the putillu from this date." Natb Hamsiiiihy, the noted actor and umunger, is ro-iospoudont In n divorce suit in New York City, brought by Krauk II. Kly against his wife May, 1'oi.icb Inspector HoNriai.o, of Chicago, has beeu aw arded fouu damages for libel against Dr. (Jeorge 11. Cunningham In con nection with tho shooting of l)r. Thomas augli In Hepteralier, INO. Tub schooner.Albatroas, for whose safe ty considerable fear had been felt, was re ported safest I.uilington, Mich. Tub steamboat pilots who rrccentty jolneil the Knights of Labor at Pittsburgh, I'a., have presented a scale of wages to the river coal men, Ths seals provides for a yearly salary of $1,1100, with $l,'. far captain and pilot combined, Kduv & KTitKKT, dealers Incottonyarus, Providence, H. I., have failed with liabili ties estimated at 1100,000. Jauf.s II. CuHTis, aged flftv-llvo years of Salamanca, N. Y shot himself through the head recently In a New York hotel. He left a note stating that he was cresy. Fihb broke out the other night In ths J. 1'. Quinn dry goods storo at Llttlo Kock, Ark., and the entire stock ami building wero burned. The stock was vulued at , 130,000 and Insured for 1,000. Tho fire was the work of au Incendiary, Bi.Nctc oyster-planting and the leasing of oyster bods has been regulatsd by the Uoreruwent the industry has grown rapidly in Importance, until now, In New York Htate, atwut 7,000 men aud ,000,000 capital are employ d In it. Mias Km. Rakkr, an Knglish wnaoaa, ths author of ssvsral Mccassful stories for yooag psopla, was raesntly stung under ths ays by a bias and applied some simple remedy. Ths swelling did not go down, and In a short time she awnks from sleep In a convulaiva fit and ditil witbla a minute. At ths Roman chariot races at the fair grounds, Kutctnwn, I'a., nn the ,'ith, the horses became unmanageable and dashed among the spectators. Quito a number of persons wero seriously Injured, two fa tally. Thksb wero M new cases of yellow fever and sli deaths at Jacksonville 011 the Mil. The weather was warm but the cases were generally mild. Tiioman rmi.urs, a wealthy landowner of Mississippi County, Ark., was killed recently by one of his tenants In a busi ness difficulty. J. M. Haksiiai.b, hardware and Imple ment dealer of (Ireeiivllle, Ten., has been closed up by his creditors. Ills liabilities are V'm.isX), nnd his nsoils tfltymo. Tub Washington monument la ready for the public. Hmam.-i-ox was reported spreading nt Toronto, Out. Tub twelfth annual congress of thn American Hooular Association opened at Pittsburgh, l'av, on the nth. A hood authority of the crops In the Northwest soys that the Minnesota ami Dakota yield wilt be Iwlwocn 40,0w,oooawl 4A,00ii,WKi bushels, and that nine. tenths of it will lie delivered out of the farmers' hands by Novemtmr .'). IIUSIftBKK failures (l)uti'a reinirt) for thn seven days ended (Kitolxo- 4 numbered 'ill, as compared with ) thn previous week and '1V1 thn corresHinding week of last year. MlTH datnngs to Ashing vessels and con aeipient loaa of life hove occurred In thn North sea as a rnault of violent storms. llv a collision between a wild train and a passenger train In a deep cut Hear Han iiIImiI, N. Y., the other morning, an engin eer was killed and llto train men hurt. Moth engines were completely wrecked nml much other damage was done, AT m wiikn at Hiirluo, Wis., thn oilier night three persons dinuk embalming l!u!d by mlstnkn for Ihit. Oiiii will die. V. H. KlMl, ljikkeiier for llin llriius. wluk-llnlko lllllliiiil Conimiiy, Clilivigo, hits lieen arivsted fur emborrlliig S'l.'"'. James Hilger, thn firm's collector, Is also wauled, but has Med. Tub Theater Itoynl, of Dinnlee, Scot land, was burned the other night. No olio was In Itnt the time. TlIB deainessof money checked business on thn London Htock Kxcliiiugn during the wisk elided October II, unit fuithvr rise In the bank rate of discount was feared, Tho I'm Is I lour so was depressed, Tho Herman bouises wero dull mid weak. Koilll hundred kegs of powder and 'J,'1"0 pounds of dyunmltn In n inagarino near Koanoke, Va., exploded thn other day. No una was hurt, but considerable daiuago waa done. TlIB cruiser llaltlmnro was launched suc cessfully nt Philadelphia on tho llth. Mrs. Theodore Wilson, wife of thn thief of thn bureau of construction, christened tho Vessel. TlIK employes of the Yerkes street cai aysleni nn the North Hide, Chicago, struck 011 the lllh. The strikers were peaceable the llrst day of ths strike, but a row the nest day followed nn attempt of Police Captain Hbaack to Introduce "scabs" Into the yards In tliogiiUoof special policemen. Ci.kaiiinii house returns for ths week ended October II showed nn average In crease of tH.ll compared with tho corre sKiinllng week of last year. In New York the increase was '.llll. The Increase re ported was laigely due to wheat specula tion. In tho American section of thn Inter national Inhibition at HiiikooIn there hnvo Iteeu awarded llfteou diplomas d'lionneiir, twenty-six gold medals, six silver medal and threo bronze medals of progress. Pilres hnvo boon nwaided to MncCoy of llrodklyu for pneumatic tools mid thn In durated Klbro Company of Mechitulesvllle for paper pipes. Tub disagreement between members of the MiisMichusnit rltntn Hoard of Lunacy and Charity and I". Kaiilorii, liispevtor of charities of tho hoard, legnidlag tho cnie and treatment of insano poor, lias cul- mluatoil in the iKinnl'a removal of riau born. A TBliitliit.B accident ikhmiiiciI In the laying of tho foundation stone of the Polish Catholic Church at Itcadiiig, Pa., on the 7lh. Just as tlio pastor commenced his address thn flooring gave wny, the mass of people being precipitated 'to the luiM'iuciit. About toil persons were in jured, some fatally. llv a collision on the It. it (., on tho morning of tlio 7th, near Dlckeismi, W. thico tialnmeii wein killed and six In Jiired, Tho pnssengeis of the Cincinnati Afrit. Louis express had 11 uiliaculuiia es cape. ADIMTIMNAI. tllSfATrtlKS. At a point two miles east of Wnnhlng- ton, lint., the other night a freight train on the Ohio & Mississippi railway struck a cow, ditching the engine ami ciiuslug a bud wreck. The engineer was killed. 1IIK whole of the new embankment of tho Yellow river at Chan Chou, China, that cost over $1,000,0110, has been swept away by tho recent Hoods, K111111 NM) to l,IM laborers, who went on thu bank, wero swept away aud drowned, AtutAH I Ik WITT has accepted hU lenoin (nation by tho County Democracy for mayor of Now York. Ho declined his In tention to support tho National ticket. llv nil error in preparing for publication tho additions In the free list contained in the substitute Tariff bill repotted by tho SemttelCommltteo on I'ilianco it was made to appear that opium for smoking had been freed fiom duty. As a mutter of fact tho substitute bill expressly piohlblts tlio Importation of such opium. Tlio Item add ing eggs to thn fieo list was alsoamlatako. Kgga aro at present on the free list and tho committee Is considering uhout placing a duty uwu them. An attempt waa made to nssassinate W. II. Kdmonds, ths editor u( the Hot Wart, In bis oltlce. Tho trouble grew out of thn enmity aroused by thn Hot ItUut't war In favor of a rigid enforcement of the Prohi bition laws. Ths editor was shot in ths ami and two of tho employes in tho neck and aide. Tlio parties who did the shoot ing escaped, but wero subsequently cap tured. Tub Hupreme Court of Utah has entered Altai Judgment In tha case of the United Htataa against the Mormon Church which was pending to dissolve the church cor poration and have Its property declared escheated to the Oovernmeut, Tho decis ion was in favor of the tlovernment, aud the case wilt now he contested in tho Hu preme Court of ths United Btates. Koh llfty-ltve days almost ateady rain has poured uown in coiietan County, H. C, and the people have been unablo to make crops. Prior to the rain there was four months' drought. Mas. Chi.ob La,MiroHi, mother-in-law of ex-Governor Mat-shall, of Minnesota, died in r)t. Paul recently, aged ninety live. Dbleuatk Cainb has been renominate,! to Congress by the Mormons of Utah. Tub Henate 011 tho Hth passed tho House Joint resolution for an Inquiry into tho aiiueauct scanaai, the nenate then ills cussed ths Tariff bill. The House passed tlio Henate bill tor tho disposal of ths Fort Wallace military reservation iu Kansas: also a bill to constitute Lincoln, Nek, a port or delivery, ami a bill to reimburse J. W. Patterson, late postmaster at Hum boldt. Kan., for mouev stolen. AT a conference of several Democratic msmbors of the Committee ou Wuys and Means on the 8th It was decided that It would not be Klitlo under tho present conditions for the House to send any resolution of adjournment to the Scnsts. NEBRASKA BTATB NEWS. A CIinman at Van Court K Lemltt's quarry at Wreping Watr waa terribly burned ths other morning by the explosion of half a keg of powder, which stood near him, -nil Into which it Is supposed he threw the match he had Just used In lighting a blast Omama pays $?O,4Q0 per annum for light. A Sknioi's case of scarlet fever has de veloped at Nelson. A ilAMm.KIt at flrnut recently succeeded In intt-iesllfig the sheriff In a bunco gamp. Tho official took both the tools nnd the opi tutor, A II. Ac M. srr.t.'IAI. eatt bound train carrying tho company bridge Inspectors left f,otip City tho other looming nnd hnd gone nlctlt four miles when the sldii-iod on Hut engine drive-whepls broke and crashed through the enh, barely missing the engineer, who reversed tho engine utnl with thn llreinaii Jumped out. The Haiti was running at a rapid smei, but all e caed with n few had bruises. The heavy rod nearly demolished Hm cab, betides knocking a holo In ths holler, which dis abled the engine. Tub I'lilou Paclflcand Chicago, Milwau kee fc Hi. Paul roads propose to run one solid train each way dally between Chi cago and Denver via Omnhn. The Union Pacific overland tl)er will I resumed 011 October I.', with about Its former time. Vaniiai.s at Ashland have been ro.iblng the graves In the cemetery of their plants. Pi. att It Copntt'm siMiooIs have fin nislied employment the past year to thirty-live male and sixty-one female teachers, His aggregate salaries amounting to t.i,t0,Ufi. Thn entire cost of the schools was tlUO, !' M. An old Herman woman known as Teenlo," w ho had lived at Coliimbiia for a number of years In the most abject pov erty, was recently evicted from the slianty where she made her home. It wim then discovered that the plate was lllleil with ((iinntltles of good clothes, nud n bug wns found containing it lurge amount of money. Tiikiik are only n few building left 011 thn old town situ of LluiNiiy, mid tliey will bo iiiiimmI noiiii. W, II, Hail, n prominent cltlen nml o-ie of Hie oldest settlers, was run ow r b ll n uorlh-lioiiud .Missouri Pacific pushenger tiiln nt Nebinxkn City the olhcrntlcinooii ami liiitantly killed. Ho win neventy eight )fnrH old, '1 UK other day when Hie Ht. Paul hoe cart lenm wits running n wet lent In the firemen's tournament at Out, John Phil lips, sou of tlio piopiletor of tin Commercial Hotel, Ht. Paul, fell nml the wheel of the hime cait inn ihit Ms head, Indicting what it wns fenied weie fatal InJuilcH. P. M. Pbtkiibon, a farmer living near llrewster, attempted suicide iu Ills loom nt a hotel In (iiand Island the other owning by shooting lilmnelf In the buck of the neck. The bullet lodged III the brain nud nil attempts to locale It failed. He snld Hint he lecnnlly proved Up on his claim and got a loan, giving thn mit of the money to a married woman living in llrewster, who was to havo met him nt (irnud Island and lliey worn going to Kan sas together. Ho had Ih-cii drinking heavily and spent all his motley, which, added tothnuoii-nppoiiranco of thewoman, cauaed his attempt nt suicide. Fiiank lloi.i.iNHMWOimi, a prominent merchant of Hastings, raceiilly caused Hie arrest of W. II. Crahh, of Curtis, ou tho charge of obtaining ,! woith of mer chandise under faNo pieteiice. Ciabb gave Holllngsworth a section of laud to which he had no title. Jamkm Tutti.k, nn Omaha mall carrier and who hnd for some years been uu em ploye of Her ,V Co., mum hi rested the oilier morning for stealing nearly a thousand dollnis woilli of llipior willed ho had stored away, being afraid to ill'pnio of It. Iu his loom two bundle of letters, which ho had opened ami robbed, went ills coveied. Till: actual cost of nil the mllwnys In Nchinskn, excluding their slocks, "w'atoi ed" or otherwise, Is placed bv tlioHtntn Hoard at .liai,l!i'.i,ll7l, but their nggiegate net earuliigH Inst jenr were only t", lii",IHl, or a finclloa ucr four per cent. 011 thu cnpltil Invested. TlIK other day Mrs. Lulu PolTenberger, or llliie Springs, killed her two chlldnii, aged one nud four joins, by lying a conl HghtlvHioiiinl their necks and then shot hersolf, Kho left a bote slitting Hint hn fell heiself going cnuy and saw no bright futuio for her chllilieu nud would tnko them with her. Her husband was absent nt the time. Atiixiii ninny lead dollars were olicu lated In t'relghton dm lug the county fair. Tub hosplt.il at the tleiiu i Indian school Is almost icinlv for occupant', but thorn am 110 patient to use It. Anumr, or the Knights or tho Hidden Kngle was instituted nt Cedar Uiipiils to cently with twenty. six charter members. A rr.w days ago uu attempt was made to poison tho family of J111I.-0 Allen, at Mad I. on. During the night some mis ci cunt placed n lot of "Itouuli 011 lints" In tho bulb of the fmco pump. In the niorn lug Hin glil pump'id a pail of water, but not liking Hie looks or ll tliunv tho water nmity uiulpuuipcilii second pailful, which alio took Into tho hoitko. Judge Allen nud all tho members of his household who par took of tho water soon showed the effects of the poUon, but niodlcat aid relieved them. A haiin containing threo horses, 0110 nuilonnd two buggies, with other in tides, was burned at Hampton tlio other day. There was n di ilnkon man sleeping in the burn the night heroic, but ho had not been seen or lieaid I mm since, and It Is tup posed he perished iu Hie lire. I'KNuniM recently granted Nclirahknus: Original invalid, Chi Minn Ottoman, Hid neyj Philander (1. Woodworth, Wahoo; Amos Thurlow, Houtli Omaha; J, Christy (lolson, Moullou; Julius KIseninnu, Cot tonwood Hpilngs. Iteissue, Daniel II. Hen nett, Columbus. (loniiiiN has been troubled with burglars recently. Halt a dotnn business places have been raided by tlio thieves, N. TlHHKiTH, a Sheridan County farmer, clipped off one of his big too w tillo chop ping wood the other day. CiKouoB Wanuimitiin la a deserter from the ranks of tho Ninth cavalry at Port itoiunson. Dksiii.kh Is to havo a new hank TlIK other night at nine o'clock, whllo Dr. Kdgar, wife and two children, were driving uome to Kdgnrrrom the Clay Cen ter fair, tho team becsmo frightened and ran awaj. Dr. Kdgar was thrown out ami considerably Injured. Tho others Jumped out, Mrs. Owen Kdgar striking uu her iiesn sun dislocating iter neck. She died uext day. Hahhv L. Hknnktt, a fixitaore and hungry tramp, waa taken iu and cared for by W. (. Wllloughby, of Harvard, several weeks ago. After being fed for ten days aud allow ed to recuperate, he paid his benefactor by stealing a watch and skip ping out. O0AI.AI.1.A will soon vote on theiiuestlon 01 issuing nouns ior ins purpose of con structing a system of water works. II. V. KllK.NCll. proprietor of the Driven port Hotel of Kiemont, Is misting. He left home the other motnlng, telling hit wife he was going to Omaha to collect a bill or $70 which was due him on a hay ac count, aud was last heard of in that city. He owed considerable money, and when he left lie took about $12.' In cash from ths house, leaving his wife only shout three dollars to run the hotel. His creditors havo attached his property, A I.ATB incendiary lire at Wood Itlver dsstroyvd the lumber yard of Douglass cV Cast, together with two teams, wagous and harness, Lots shout $,000. TiiKcltUens of Crete are busily engsged in an effort to raise ,14,000 for the biie-l of Doaue College, A LONO DUMP. A Huge) Pile) of December Whtat Thrown Into tha Chicago Market. Kellef Thit "lbs, Hoys" Have KeenO iDg a Little Too r'ast-rallare at ML Iials, A Hrw York Binr Otut-ht in the Eqaseji CotnuiiU Ea!c!tls-Ths British Oraln Tata. Chii'aiki, Oct. P. There was a huge pita of long wlimt dumped Into the pit yester day morning and li-'icmber was generally counted a sal The market opened at tl.'.i and grndunlly ran down during the first hour to tl 10. Hutchinson st-f m-d to anticipate tho temper of the market, for ho bad his broker in the pit selling heavi ly fiom the llrst lap of the Ix-ll and the crowd followed suit, and the result was the depression. No one seemed to know Just what the situation Iu December wheat was, Thn Fairbanks cnmd Is said to he r-.iisl.ouo long, but It Is too early to run a corner and instead of having people set tling with them they aro too apt to have Hit wheat delivered to them, and Just what they will do with it no one seems to know. Hutchinson Is said to be short of December and a seller of May, but his largo sains of tho former mouth would haiilly bear this statcim-nt out. A largely Increased stock In New York and '.'.OHO cms 011 the track at Minneapolis bud more or less to do with the depression. The day was oii of rapid fluctuations be tween tl.IT'. nud $l.l!i'. tjultu n numln'r ot people b.'lleMil on geueinl principles that the price had been boomed ton (ast r.udtoii high mid they wi in piepared to sell a little. Ill com them was what Hm boys call a "rnrle 1I11.I0," nnd the suspicion that thorn wns uu eiroit being iiuolo to sliaks out the longs nud Increase the shorts was continued, llahlwin went Iu 4 ml pounded Niictnl'r down to It', cents without selling much, and then under liistiucttous from "Hutch" bought all there wus fur sain, hllliglng the pi It n up to I.V. cents in 11 few minutes, The crowd was not slow to sen Hull the old man was trying to catch them short on ,oveinler. mid then have fun Willi llirtii, nud they refused lo boioaxeil, Thn iiuirl.it remained unset, tied nil da J. Notemlxr coin c lined ut 43 cents. There wns n moderate tnuli In piovl sIoiih and ss'llers of pmk were scattering nud the pilliclpnl buyers wein Kiikwood, Itnlosou nml Hlnger. The impression pre vailed In thn pit Hint I'nlrhiinks had been secretly trying to unload his hud during the Inst few days. St'lT AUMNST 1 UK SIH1AII TIlt'MT. Nbw Yoiik, Oct. !. Judge O'Hib-n yes terday granted permission to Attorney (lenernl Charles 1. Tabor to bring an ac tion against the Havemejer A; KlderHugar Itellulug Company to annul its charter This company, with thirteen others, Is a member of thn sugar trust combination. The Attoruey-Ocncral has appointed Hen em! linger A. Pry or in cou n so I to repre sent him iu this matter. Kilniund II. Senteutin makes the princi pal itlUdnvIl In tho case. Ho n cites that tli sugnr trust wns formed iu August, l7, for thn puipusK of arbitrarily con trolling Hiomiiiiufncturnnnd sale of sugar, increasing Its price ami controlling thn management ot nil rellueiii'i, In October Inst the tiust deed wns executed nnd Hiiveiiiojei's icllnerj under thn trust passed under tlio control of tlio tiustecs. 'I he combination MMpeuded mid closed si'M'ial rellneiles colilios'teil with the trust mid tlnew out of i uiploymi'iit nnd reduced townuta largo number or woiLlngmeii. Tho combination is alleged to bo illegal monopoly and a cilmlual coiispliacy under tho laws of Hin State of Now Yoikiiudto hooppicsoUn to Its people and detrimental to tlni welfare of the State of New Yolk nnd ot thn United Stales, lly becoming a paily to this combination It Is alleged the defendants have lolated tho law, tiau sceuded Its powers, fut felted Its chatter mid became liable lo be dissolved. lUtlTIHll IIIIAIM TIt.MIK. LiiMioN, Oct. tl. The .VnrJl ,iir . picss, In its levlew of thn Urltlsh glaiu Undo during tho past week, says: "l) ciiased dellvis-ies of nntle whents, com bined with the bad condition or samples, lias caused un nihnuce in Loudon or 'J shillings Tor the llncst white wheats and 1 shilling ror red wheat. Piovluclal values nm also strong. Tim Miles ot llngllsh wheat dm iug the week weiet'O.MI iuniteis at 'M shillings 7 pence, ugalnst 70,,Vr.l ipiailersut 'Jt Hhllllngs 7 penco dining the correspoiiitlng period Inst j ear. Country lloiir lias ad winced fiom it penco to I shilling. Porelgu wheals nm Incgulnr at an average ise of!' penco Iu Loiulon. Spot wheat In Ll, eipool has udvoncinl 1 pence per centiil. Corn Is tpiiot. rorcigu oats am!) pence better. Linseed, cx-shlp, has lisen I .hilling." CINAM'IAI.I.V rVIKiUllASeKli. St. I.uitw, Oct, ii. i,)ultoii sunsatloii was Cleatedoii 'Change j esterdaj iiu'ruing by thu miiHillliceiiieiit tliat .lake IIiMild.olm of tho best known opeintors ou the tloor, had Ix'cu caught iu tho wheat dcalxipiccu ami was lliuilu lully enibiiirasscd. He had bes'it a lending bull on wheat until he thought It had i cached tlio maximum price, it hen ho sold heavily and the result is serious em barrassment, ll Is claimed Hint lie will coniu out all right, Mug temporarily tum ble to renllte. Humors are rlfo of other serious embarrassments ou tho ttoor. WKKXtCP TO IIKATII. Nbw Yoiik, Oct. P. Francis W. Wil liams, senior member of the well known banking house of Williams, lllack & Cm, committed suicide at the (Irand Union Hotel yesterday. The rlriii was sipieee.l in the Hutchinson deal In Chicago and suspended September ."., but rallied and opened for business October 1, It is snld to have lost heavily although still solvent. CAIItttAIIB WllllkKIIS AII.. Hacink, Wis., Oct. U. James T. Clark . Co., carriage manufacturers, failed yes. tvrday. The liabilities am about V-VO.OOO. lug d"lnltn It know it as to the asseta. It waa aa evil day for China when her tea merchants began to tamper with the quality of the commodity which has long fmuied her principal article of export to the Western world. The progressive de terioration III Chinese teas has encouraged the production of that article elsewhere to such an extent that India and Csv ton havs svsrj year been grow lug more formidable rivals of the Celcttlslti and If the con sumption of Assam aud Ceylonete teas goes on Increasing in future aa it has done In late years the tea trade ot China will ere long tie only ot secondary Importance, so far as foreign tea drlukers are con cerned. In addition to the Katt ladles, a new rival hat appeared In the coiouy of Natal, In South Africa. It Is only sis oi seven years ago that an English settler there planted a few acres with tea. His first crop, produced In 1"-M, amounted tc only ,VW pounds weight. Last year tht production had so Increased that Natal tent about t(X),000 ounds weight of tea tc market. The new Industry Is, In fact, proving so protl table thst It It fast spread ing in the colon v, and ere long we ma, expect to rind Natal teat competing wltlt those of India, Ceylon and China tn thi London market. The tea trade ot Chlm it. however, far from twine vet irretrieva. Lbly ruined; but unless the native authori ties entorve wun rigor tae recent ordi nances agalnit adulteration, the exporta tion of Chinese leaf to the Anglo. Saxor nations will tie lusvltably doomed. Lon don sVfdmiuni SENATC TARIFf MILL. ra Nt-hMltata rtr lhmnt Tariff IHtt aa tU-rna-meaaltMl Hy (he MajaHlf of l Aenala t'nmmllts na rtaaaee. WAsntsiiTos, Oct. S. Mr. Allison, from ths Committee on Flasher, repotted lark tn 'he Senate to-day tbe limit- Tariff bill with an anieinJuisnt In the naturs of a sub stitute. It waa placed on the calendar and ordered to be printed. Ha said that the majority aad minority reorfs, to ac company tha bill, would I- riled to-morrow or Krlday, and rs'e notice that he would call up Hie bill fur consideration on Monday next TL-avlbttilute for the Mills' Tsrlff bill tuilselles an ent.rn revision of the tariff schedules and the administrative features of the present law proKlng the re-enactment f all such frnt-iret as, In th onl'ilon of the majority of llin commutes-, ucght not to 1- changed. According to the estimates mad ti ths committee, the bill provide for a total re duction of nUmt seventy-lite million dol lars, ma tn up approximately as follows; Sugar, sVTMl.OW: frte list. vl.,i.oij; to bacco. Internal revenue, Jit f'.iij alco hol In the art, ",.UW, other reductions In customs, Jf.osi.tOi. The majority nnd minor It rrK,rts will les u bruit ted formally to-morrow and will lie then made public, Thn following synopsis contains all the changes as compared with the present law, the rates by the present law being glveu In parenthesis with each item (except when the article Is not enumerated In ex isting law). Km following are tbe additions to the free list! Acorns, ilrle,l,ruret or iimtrleit. lUijt.i, sub filial uf, or tarjUs utiiu.-u,ufctured. Ilces win ll.iks and pamphlets printed e ictudrely In Isniruuk'i t otlirr tlisn Kndlih. Ilrjlils, jilult. Huts, lacs, etc., for ornament Incluts. MMstles, rutt or lUirtitnufarttirt-J, teillis and IiuIIkjus risits nut edltile l.'tilcoi) root, rw, dried or umlrtrd, but un V round. Coal, slack nr culm, roal tur. crude; curling tone Int-lillcs, Cuiriiiits, seante or other ilrteil. dandelion roots, dried or utiurled, but uiurroiiii I Kcirs and elks. f. utters and ilunu nt ull kinds, i ruile ntid uiim-in'iUrttired Julr, iiiteteitls, nunllU rumlii, ilssil -.-riis, sunn All other teitde ,r niiruus tutistunces iiiiirianiifacturtd or undressed floor laultlng, knonii us Ctilnesu nnttintf. fin use ir oils silch as am rniiiniunly used la soup ma leir nr mine druwnr, ete Hiiiii.ui h.ilr iiir, iinc'iancd and liotdrnnn. Mlm nil waters net i dally -niin.ertte,. Molasses tested not above V, itegre, s Olive nil for niatiiibicturiiigur inecli.itiiral iurie Nut oil or oil of nut., Opi'i'ii, irudeorunm-iiiuf ftured for smoking. I'oliisli. crude iiirlionite, I'.itu-li, cnustle or litdriite. Potusli, ultrvtnef.nr i4lt(H'tr. Pot ash, sulpliate nf I'otasti, rhiorntn of ItaKS nlliiottniliuernted. ilenip snxl. U.im see.l. Hpiuis. Sitlid. Tar and pit. h of wood. Turpentine. Srhedtiln lf-les with wool und irunufuc lines of wool, tlio rlassinV-itlnii of wools 1 f,k ttuit of the present law, wwls nr the llrst nnl ttiond class ami all hair ol the nlpiw-a t "it and ether like uMmu's, cents a iund, (ll to il eenls.) Wools of tbe third class, exceeding In taluolJrriitkaiHiiind, (ft cents a pound,) Top tlutitilng and nil olhrr Hastes coiuiHised wholly or In pari of wool or wursti d. .11 renin a nuiih1. All wuelt unit hair of the ulpua, goat or oilier animals which have been advanced by nny pro cs of manufacture beyoii.l the washed or scoured condition, not otherwise enumerated, er provided fur In this au, sh.ill Imi subject to the same duties Imposed upon manufactures of wool not specially eiuunerjled or pr it Mod for in this act. Woolen ileitis, shawls and all mnniifiictuies of wn-d not viiiimcmted, tallied nt not exrei ding M crnts n pound. (') tents it l-onritl.) and Iu uiMlttnn tliereto .1, ver rent nd tnlorem (ItArenlaand.Tiuiid HI per rent.) Atmtu 40 cents and nut rsreeillng I'.l cents a poutnl, .It cents it pound nnd m pr cent ad valorem Tl and Ot t-iils Kint.'l. end i percent) Ahotcu) i cuts ii pound, 4iientsnp.siinit and siliMTrent, ad valorem. Flannels, blankets, huts. ele.. tallied at Uih ki tints n tn-init, lo cents a pound nml 40 per cent, ad tnlortl.i f.'l cents and Vt per tent, und ai cents and H pi r icut . Wuiiien's ami ihlliltcn's dress cimkIs, Hallin rloths, etc, itiaile part of wool nnd v.ilu.ulut not exceeding l"i cents a Mll.ire yard, tiirnts .1 muuie jnrd. per lent, ml valorem, p csnts unit It perieut ) ('onlitlnlng aa ailmltluri' of silk, nnd In which silk It not the. component liiati rial of chief value, ui it not otlierlsi, ,irn tided, II cents u siiuiiro jard, and In leliltt.on' thereto 41 per cent ml vuinrciii ,, cents un I U sr cent, unit Tients nnd 4 1 h r rent- ucconl. Ing to viiluu ) Pro vlilc, I tint all gools of lha ch iiiictcr eiiiuiiernled er ilesf ritM-d III this par.i iirsph wrlghhiKciter four oiiniis a snuum tunt. sti.nl pay a duty of I'l cents n uind and H 'r rent ml valorem (.tt rents und el per cent I Woiiii n's und children's dress mo.!. Italian ( lot lis, und roturosril wlmll) of kihiI. II irnts.t sipiuro jard nnd 4U p, r cent, nil tulormi (hi rents iiiid'. tn-r c nti All siuh itishIs, with telvai-e made wtiollt.er In part of otlirr muti rl.ils. mid ull such w'ihkI, in which thn mis ni.nlii wholly or In Pail of ether materials Ii vvu l,een intpdiHed for t!o pcrcosu of ihiuiglng llierLitsini'atlon for duty, II cents n sipian- jard, nml 1 1 per centum nd talnrem ('i rents and prrient I I'rotliled that nil such I.imhU welxl.tng over foiiroiinres a sipii,rn ytrd, sluill puj a doty of I ) rents n oii!id and in jier cut. uil minimi, ("otliin,- r.aily inmle, ia,t enuu eraied ull isuls nuiile on l.nlitln frames and nil pile fatulcs roinrHisrd nho'lvor In pnrt of wool nisd- up or tnanufactiued wholly or In putt, in rents per l nuinl nnd 4", i er cent, ud valorem (in cents nnd 11 pi r cent ) Cloaks, ilolinutis, J icLrts, etc , except Unit riHi.lt (composed wholly nr In p-irl ef ttisit, made up wholly or In part ) 4"i ieiit n pound nt.il U r is-nt. ml talnrem ( cents and ft per cent) Ulidlcss bells or felts (or piper or Jhiit ma chines, vo cents a iKnind nrd SI prr cent, ud valorem (ai i cuts mid .TV per cent,) Sidie.lulii K, Sugar All sugars not alsive thirteen Iliiti hst.vndiinl In color T(.nk bottoms, sjrupsuf etine Juli-) or ot lieet lulce, im Miln. concrete und roi.rctrnled nuilasses testing by (Hiluriscope, not jvtwte TO degrees, ;.- cents :i poiinil (now 1 4Viti cents und etcry atitltirsal degree showr. by po'.arltcou i Ml cents addi tional rutw I IM cents ) All silvan above numln'r thirteen nnd not nt'oto number sixteen, t, cents (now 'JITJ-lnl scuts ) All sugar uNirc numlicr sixteen si.il not utsite n n in Nr twenty, l, cents (now i cents.) All sugars above number twenty i cents (now '.'I, crr.ts.) Molasses testing ulmvi W degrees, 4 .crnts a gallon (now s rents ) Sugar candy and all coiirccllourry, Including c hocolitto confrctlonrry inurte wholly er In purt of sugar v.vlue.1 at W rents or b-,s a p.nin.1 und on sugars ufter being rvllned when tlrictureil. roiored or Iu un) way adulterated, !V tentt a pound (now .1 and !l rents.) Illiirose or frups sugar It cent (W percent, ad valitreiu.) rloods In hwltirrUnd. llaii-tK, tVt. 3. Owing to heavy rnln It.vods have occurred through'iut Kwltter land ami a number of railways have been -lamaged to such an extent at to cause U. Wrruptloat in trattic. Mttlo men aro Invariably pood story toUs-m. They aro heaity' laugh, ers, they iim quick to si-o tho " humor ous sldo of any ijue-itloti, nnd thoy rollsh a jokit, even If It Is at their own oxjtenso. Thoy make the firmest friends, and iidhero to those w horn they like through thick ami thin. They tnro soldom ijuarrelsomo and never con ocltiil. They nro often onltiyo, but quickwitted pooplo generally aro. Al together, they art) tho Inist folks in tho world to gvt tslontr with. 'Would you advise mo to tnko the lecttim platform?" asked an ambitious youth of M.ijor Pond, tho well-known livturo raanagor, after boring him half an hour with hi conversation oa how to plotieu tho public. ' I would." replied tlio M.tjor.' "I would advNoi you to take tho platform w ay out Into tho depths of the forct, far romoied from tho habitations of matt, and there, timid tho.vj dim. unpeopled soli tudes, sjHttk your llttlo piece," lie loft at once. iTcr-M .ViIinis. s" Tho war times of long and forcoj marches were the llraos that trleJ bum's iwle..V. A iV-ju-K. THC MINORITY RtfORT. MpJti mt b Mia.tly mt the Seaala 11- saise CoatMiilUa mi the "Sew TartAT Hill. WAtaiSllto-, Oct 1. The report of tte rsl BMMy etlhe -vr.sie Hms ooisnitter 0.1 tr.e t'jbstltute Tartff tU! tr,s a dos-nment ef A isrrlre pristrd r-sarrt. ft beiriat ltJj Mr stale tuent that In the erearsuob ef toe sutMtitai tor the HiKite Uil no tnr-nbrr ef Ike u-'norty ef t! tornmttlee ait rur-altni or lafo-ne , si lol't (ruvtilont USUI It wts rrirle4 U. the full meomlltte rW(jt'tnt-r 1i It rentes the woes of the utoeonitnltue tn heart-it i,e ttateiretitJ, ar-rnmeritt and appeals of atrm f-!urrrs aidultiert who demard thst the -r s rnt high rate uf tariff Uialloti shall tx ma 1 lalr.nl. and la most lt,stanret prwripted not by any retenu tec sslltst but aune h. r t J jh I,i of Inrrratiiiit their owj profits a' Uc n -,tofei"iu,ifiiti iKtiers." J Contlc-i.n; It tajs tl It safe in say thsl all Ike Inter-. u U-nertte.1 tiy a hither piiter l tarit b. Uea ful.y hranl and bttehat much InnuMtie In sbsptr.g this sal-t 'ule, hie the great ta-sfy of the i-uplr -'.lie tat pa)ers und the Mctlrat of this siict hate n.,t tn-eared and have not l-o h, inl II it ' said that the st.irt lime u,i the t, ili'utn has b-eo In the hafult of the lii.j.tttr ttiry bate found It dirflrutt to icrtin I'a rt feet, h-il the dlrVrenre r-lcen the House bi.J an I the Seiuts- substitute Is tppar rntaod rtdiral at the outset la Uic nattrr nt rrteiiue Tbeonels fram-d In the inter, stt ef the public treasury tbe utber In the 'Merest nf btltate (smarts The one It framed In the In terest ,f ih whule triple Hie other In Hie In terett of o,i)ii nun'ifartuiers Tlie one is designed lo rtdure both Dotrrt,inent rrvenuo 0 and tatailoii the taiallon esperlallt wblch tars beatiestun Ibe nrressarlcs of lite tlio other Is Intenilfil to raise imiilic retrnue In deed, but tn maintain prtfate rerrhurs. Inrt-ss-Int- and retalnlns taxation on all tin ncirsi. nesof life Tbe minority tay the substitute, bill is frame.) at tbe rtptnseinaiuly of Ibe farming class, hd the 1,111 1, un iricv,, ty wblih this Is c (omplisbrj. though not apparently so In stalires are rrclte.l and the rrifl says I a'l Itigeninly go further That Uvgers iron should be ralsid from. t per cent. too. per rent thl table rutlery for the pair slinulit be raised by p-cltlr rates a Med to a.1 tal-rein Hut knives should be In atlfr tatrd and made cbetper for the e.iirailound desrir for the HJ gta by mailing each par tli.tid I -p.rrenl a I va,or in nil them and n.ure are no longer start' ng -a and nrrpare the mind for 11 thousand oibrr in roisistencirs and disirlrnii.iitiuns hbt i 11 by nett unit c,t ,cure rluvsiilc ttums tint only time uu I iillent latest atlun win r ,,-. The miiicrily cr'l.sise the lumU'r salt and provisions 11brdu.es. und Ihiu ibsress tbe sub )tls of 'trusts.' as follows '1 hr pie.rnt U.iRlithi nursing inolhrr of trusts Itisti.e wall UI1I1.U which these (oinbiriitioi s tr forme,!, by which the iieople lire pmt'-it,L Tlie tiritt ke, ps out the farelun co 1 p iiiiini and thoiiiiiiblnallon suppresses the domislis und tbe whole i-opln am nt tluir merry and par whateter Is demanded I. tnguairi' Is n, ,0 eijua'.e tiideaciltv tin- Inlipilly of Ibese rortbl. 11 slIi n against the right of tie people, or lode pirt their disastrous eC'uls iimiii ttiu genital welfare. As the tariffs, wblih rrtider trusts imssilile, arc established and lualntultieil ut the tpeial Instance of those who form lliein, it would serin but simple pisllce .is well us rund illcy to tear down us mm h us ihhii,o of tl ,r con rand refuse lo longer aid liiem In v.ion t'olrm. "They tre not prtv He affairs as has hern as terteil, but public rtiltiif the rrutestchartrtrr, utlertliig the prso of etery article wbichcon trlbulrs to the comfort and support of tbe pro pie. The provisions i.f the substitute fatur them urt ally and will terte to rnrourmc thrir formation In still other hranehct ot manufac tun'. Many of those Udonglng to trusts up ln'iired ln'foro tho Klnanie Coininlttre, clamor oils for such le-lsl-.tlon at would promote their Interests They a-e all o.,i-il in the Mouse bill, which should .-nmmrlid It to those who condemn their melhot's. ll It bad enough to penult those who are cios', Interested (niuuu. fsr Hirers I to appear lefornour coinmlttees und f tuggetl llin legislation they wish, but surely we should not listen to tho trusts and uld them to rub with both harnls." Tbe minority .ten) lh.it the House Tariff bill It 11 fiee trade measure ami tn that no one ctii ptnpusc the reduction ef Intstlon without (ly ing subjected to the charge of being a frto trader by the opposition. The minority den) tint tariff revision will " reduce wages, und conclude their report with the following remarks coneertilnif free wo.it! 'The inlnorll) nre hrnily coiittricrd thit lie sites the Incalculable udvaiit.ig-1 to llirwbola country which would result frmn the placing of wool iili.ii the ii,.,, It.t, u easily iti-inon ttrtted that uu ilvsswlll suffer, but that e ich will reup hit slisri' of the tienr'll. With 11 lonsiimptliin of ui,(isini iHiundsiilr-iw ,. In I"? nnd n impuliitlon of ai.01 a", lbs tversge iM'rrapltit coniumptlon It easily rerk A ned ut rUhteen iiinds. or llfty (xmnds to the aterttge. family of Mm pettunt, and Hie North ern farmer, const inlly eMisr, to the rlgur ol uur wltiti'rt, consumes sniiivtnlug icore thuti the avir.igr. It ri'ipilrcs fn.iu ibrve lo four isiunds tn nitltc a (siund of cloths, so that twelve lo tlitein pounds of wml In rlntldiu fortlie f midy will be srru to tw n low uvrracj. This Is huh turd from fit, to neiv-iv U) per cent. Tlie manufacturer Is not l-en. Bled, lierause his finished product comes into com lvtttlon with the foreign produrt mvde not only from untaied wikiI but cheaper wooL If the lux 1-e taken i.fl wool we will Import more wool, id course, nnd In no other way can our en it factories pros'ier, twciiiuo their ruparli) Is ! jond our own wont production. When the factories nro turning out mare product the cmplntct have stoadler work mid better wnp s and Indirectly, of courie, -he whulu conntry ik benetltii!. Umlor the House bill the manufacturers with free wool secure even a higher competitive ndvanlags over the fonJgn than under the present law of the substitute. The iraiiuftc turepi wtlletiHirt woolen kixkIs as we now ex port cotton nnd leather, nud ihe demand for the wool w better the wool market and , nccura! nn liirn-tscd producllon. while the average wool gniwir linn. clt will reap ftem chea. ned ilothliigmoreliencflls thnri hu cter did fn m a tu "I lift produrt, whirl- he must pn) hlm-cf Tho inlnont), th'n'forv. itltsentlng from the re irl of the mnoritr. comnn nd to the Senulf und thn country the hill of the Haute 0: Urpn--tentative. No,tl,(VS. as u mrs.age for there ilurltonc! lines based utlku Umo lusthearul (n.1.1 policy." Tlie minority report Is slcned by Harris, Viiiici and Voorhrrt, Mcl'Iirrsen ro. curs . a. respect to the nrtllles mmn thu frte list, hut wants si n.e modltlriltois in the dutiable list. Il cs has 11 supplemental nnd ln.1lrlilu.il n port, 1 n which he Indoikc the Jlilli bill uml culcgticj the I'rr.Uleut, Dakolant In Ulstrrss. ST. I'avi, Minn., Oct, .V-Msyor Smltb t"-da received an spwal fur aid from tli. cltlieusof Itniutay County, I)al which conveys the Intelligence that the whoU population of thst county is 011 the vergt of starvation. It is signed by the county olMclals and prominent citizens. Accord ing to it frosts destioyed hundreds of thousands of tiushels of wheat ami left I entire townships almnst dettltuto, lh iMUtity treasury it empty and unlets at. tistttuce is toon received It it feared many will die. ' s ConUltlunwl Juilgmvnl. rillCACKi, Oct. 4. A conditional Judg. ment wns rendered against the rullniun Palace Car Company as garnishee for tlXI,!.V) in Judge Dawn's court yesierdsy morning. Tho Pullman Csr Coiuinv It tuppotesl toowa a large aunt nt monev tq I'owlltbaw, Mcol Co., a Uvtrpied l'lru against whom the Manchester and l.lvrr kx.' racking Com-Mtuy brought suit In at tachment on a Judgment for rlM.i's', re cotsrislrtr itsgslntt t'owllthaw, Mcol it Cti., iu Manchester, Kngland, July itv. te At gsmitbes the Pullman Comanv nsver i mads any antwrr, and unless it does so the attorney for th at.tnchctUr and l.iv erjiool Company will more to "male the conditional judgment absolute. The Mlsslua; Itoads. Jtrrrasox Citr, Jlu, Oct a. So news hat Nrii received here yet concerning tha .M.ti) of Pist'Cojuty iKJt wut'li 10 .nysterliuty dlstp-calj (r,tm th, ,MM. sassiiin ef J W, Ccstes, the prosevutlng attorney of Platte County, Monday. Mr. LVteshs.;fli;j,oiof i,u County . Jer cent, funding Utndi regt,tcre. by Uis Auditor. Tie tsiqiU went counted nnd rurne.1 over to blui aud reveipted for. He placed thein in a vallte and procetxted to Ht. Utnl to make tbe exchange In that city. II discovered lh lost of a package containing jJ0,w.Jl Mr. Cootet It greatly worried over the lost. Ha Ml fsc PUtW Cvanty yittsrday aftaraovMa, ij ICt it.'. pw ffi.lrt.