The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 12, 1888, Image 5

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    Mex j , laiaaa.
tt Hf ).
. ,
tM pri a, a t ? t
--.... .... . . .. .. . I 1 . im
-"t- " kik k.4V'kk
J at. t)k4 Pk ! a . n X.4
t'H i4vi4lk tikl, tt. vtotok.! f
.. .. . l. a kA-1. a.kimal .4 kl.k k....
" Jtrtn Th w. W.ra U
I to the south war.
WdlAtktaat, . GWvia
lk aft. lit. W....A4
, U U4r4il t.tkl
,. . fWM l 4V4 t fV' V hM4V
I vt. uUilwl( HiMJ: Ski..
H tiXI U.( OhtvUM tuwti M
tM M wfc..i liil 1. VSmt tffr.
v., t,,v.t m.! V tl r
'" Lvu4. ftauittili 1ab a Ou J-n
tH iTUVfn M ". i j trf t&tWlt WtcM4l4 vlj
tmwiUlmlu m M4 ' toon M V. MHmM iuih, 4 M-
Xtk.w im raw l H I . .
x k v,' Vm. ( M" H, MiM . M.I W flM
J C W K' j I at j t i 11
Jeka I h it)
dv th r I
H. , 1 , tK aaam
Mt9k ak. ataW
ataV1' bwbwH V-Haw bIbIbIbIbW.
.Mm. 1W1U-. 4.4 U.a fc.v.r .n,,. MTf1 u.atJ rre
turned ifrut, tW it lM ,. fcw Vf UtfJ
J N Itielirdt, f ltntrea m ptaaaaai i4 turue. t-tkM
tW eily tttraatt: cwwil k4t It ilikki. ttV llul eat
I Tlit itt dcpa!tari Mil Vtll ' ft' Wl it t la uirl 4
Oeu ..trot 1 kail, j e-my tla Wit atteai X V.i
Mr. L II lu.tb.tctwa414-B I io4M J,( !-" M '" 51 U
4 V V 4t - f
M II r
ll tUMfl Mk
,tir)tt n .
iHfM t 1,. ! t fWPwfc If
M.) fi, U
'mw.im4.HIii ItM4 IiMm4 "m
Absolutely Pure.
'1M ! clrf iirrr ltt Uuir .( ( ir
Ul'Mliianil lii'l-.'IH'ltf. tmxr rrHxi m
tlun llir t,fUlnr) kluJ ii.Jiai.: I w vi ia
curtlvn nUIilht itiultita.lo cj ,v Irtt ) I
Ull Alum of 1 lm.uti- vtijutt. s,n, onjj
iW Wall tUrrt , H)
(ijic ilcd (fluid gliicf.
V. T. HOim M. . fropririot
lialhrrrtl l bf t'hlrl Hrnrlrfs III
.llil tfcoul Ihc I II) anil i MINI).
itur ) 0. A 1 k ui 111 i M'ltmi; in
the uity,
Clarence Amltrxin was n tin ctty
11. A. Siiunou. of llliic Ihll, ki
111 the city ihif week
C. K. Diyii, of Superior. is in
Hcd Cluud this week.
W. K. llailcy, the utrr't railway
contractor, U in the city.
Mr. Newlicuio iia jnt received a
laigo invoice of fine ,artin.
Mm. Dr. Kiee, of Aurora, llliiioi,
ii visiting her jiarcnt, .Mr. ami Mn.
Thus, Kmigh.
The district court w in e.ion
the foro p.irt of the week, Jud(:e Oa
lin on the bench
("10 to Mrf. Newhouo' for drec
good, corMcl, flannels, hdic' under
wear, etc. l'riceH very loir
Hous. I). I'. Newcomer and A. M
Walter were in the city this week
looking after legal lunincM in the
district court.
"The Headlight" i the name of a
new daily paper in Superior. Tin.
Ciller topci it will !hd it rar over
that community.
riumphrey Smith, of Amclnio,
Neb., it in tho city. .Mr. Smith i
doing fine in that city and wo are
glad to hear of it.
M. B. McNilt, county treasurer,
anc family have returned home from
an extended vinit in Ohio. !c.
thinkn there i no place liko Red
1'lciNi call in and pay up your de
lir.qucnt nubscriptionn. It in now
time to (wUre tho deal a a newFjiv
per need all of the money that i. due
it .it all time.
New tock of plu-h cloakx, clothing
boot and hoe.i direct from the man
ufacturer at price that will antonuh
jou at The Wctern and Southern
Mercantile atociation
There i only one man on Webster
trcct that doc not contribute
toward the city prinklcr and ho
nmJit in In. anhamcd of hiroielf. A
fellow ought to pay for what he gfM.
Tho board of uperviior have au
thorized a proportion to be presented
to the voter of the county for the
purpose of building a jail. Thi U a
dcMrable object and hould be carried
by all mean.
Hail fell abundantly on Tued:.y
afternoon about aix o'clock, and it
cemcil tf tho weather clerk had
knocked out the entire buttom of the
heavenly refrigerator at one blow
from the way tho ictcame down upon
humanity tht plod thi terreitial
ipherc. No damage reported.
. Kldcr W. '.. Smith, .1. V. (which
mean Justice of the Peace) marri.-d
hi first couple on Blonday "Jim
wu a little backward in the marrying
buMncbut think he can tie a con
nubial not a trong a anyone. The
only thing he object to i the large
crowd that great him on ucb ccea
ion. An old gag remed U to claim that
ecrUin article in the clothing line
are made for Mr. o and o and for
'dome reason did not eall for :hera
ml will cll ni to YOU l re
dttced prie. All oir uit and our
coat are pceiallj ade for tb man
thet buy them. We wight tell you
that the Trincc o( Walea or Mr. lUr-
riOD, the next prendent to l, or
derei a auit of tt, hut did aot fit
km, th ltl e ,n nUulh w
litsplj tell Tc e will tell yon the
isit at aeb and ch a price nd you
.. it iMurcd it will U-at the
and the Hid Maa. Lat.r
.... .. , , .
. i.aiki nviiniiik 1 arw ttty
! id frtit In f ri-uH.
tie judicial Unrii tkit mV
, 0. 1' ('( kit purrkl thf liir
Lor and rirture ( I K iw:
'toil Viq ttat l)Vlikf glT at
Her? (iiluikt 1 t valy Iftv xl.
Attorney MlttM, f Hitting'
w in the city lki l Uletidirp
Tltr Ith Afn 1I(I Ut Uen
rauetl and tnl feundttiiMi jit
under it.
Mm. 1 FriUir, went ( Crete ca
WediieJy lo ttnd the f'iil af
her iter
Mi. Dr. Mudler, lUr of th
Slurry lxn and lur n, ar IN the
city viMting.
Mr.. I'. Newhuuie h added a fine
jortico to her prnue Muih f ibr
tth Avenue llati'l.
The llnv. K A. (' Millptfueh t
tho llapiDt church next S'ltiday
morning and cenlus All ihH1
ii. . .-11 11.
J. 1. Stroup, of lVun)Wtiu, a
in the city th ecl tulng friend,
but ha returned to the Keyttone
Mr. L P Matkell, the Mo,.n
block milliner, ha tcturncd from her
trip to St. I.ouin, where he ha been
purehaning uew good
Marned a, lied Cloud. Oct. 10th.
1SS- Mr. Wtu. S William and Mr.
Mary H. lavi, both of Jewell county,
Kansas. Judge Sweet) othclatmg
F. I' HiMincll, leave thl eveinag,
Oct. 10. fur New York city on im
portaut business connected with the
Nebraska Southern. Superior Journ
al A cold wavo i billed for thi
eclion lat Friday. A change of
tlftet'ti to twenty drgrees n notd,
and the) got here with the touil te
locitv The Ited Cloud Martial hand
went up to llloomington tho other
day ho be present at the toldier r
union h:ld in that place For good
muIe the lied Cloud band is hard to
Hov. C. II. I.enfrst, formerly pior
of the M K. church in thi city, ha
been located at tlulde Hock. Mr
l.enfest I an able preacher and will
do the church much good in that
' The republican club did thotniehci
great crrdit Wednesday evening in
their prrade prcvinut to Hon. .lame
Laird' tpeech 'I ho display wa
grand and tho bov deierv mucn
praise for their effort on this occa
Mr. (ieo. Winton, when little
gill four year old, and that w in
1810, she was presented with a Harri
son and Tyler banner, and i still in
iioetion 01 11. 11 on t'liiiijiunn
in Fred Winton' how window in the
Moon block. It it a quaint and cur
ious auair.
On last Frida) morning, Oct Mh,
Mr W. S. Ciarber of the F A M.
bank, wa united in marriag to Mis
Winefrcdc Ilichardin. daughterof W
N. Kichardscr., Her. G O Veiser, of.
ficiaiing Th happy couple left for
Dcnvor on the ' Flyer They havr
cur hot wishes
There was a row at Al dimming'
Cafe the other night that might have
ended seriously, had not a nuinkr uf
bystander interfered. Oeo. Watn
had rained the dislike of Camming
for tome eaue who ordered him out
of the building, and upon a refusal
to go, pounded him seriously with a
chair, 10 the Ury goe. Watson i
reported to be in bad shape.
The Klectrle Light Company have
made all of the ntesary arrange-
ment to put in tne meanoeiccni
light. The dynamo and the balanre
of the punt ha been ordered an4
will be here in a few day when arork
will commence. The Wetinghou5
Incandescent ligl t wtl be ucd. TilK
Cattr i pleated to note the sucecsa
ful culmination of the enterprise
I. H. I'eyo, one popular drugei't.
recently returned from Ohio whither
ho went oae few day ago for the
purp of ending thi life of single
KlkkikJneia for one of batnier itatel titan iBtl s bnilt hr )faiktw 'trat.
raarried life. Ta Cniir Ultl
, ,
this opportunity o
f wiiLinc- the kartv
eouplc a pleasant jouraty over the
matrimonial sea. May their lire
be luppy U'l pltauaU
n I
We, 1. a p. if, i.p .1 (U ,wl
jfMf ( NWV. 4 tii V
In puMie lift fr Mj inti, k W
ei t cy tdtBtll-J Hk tit
wilrft ( ta ftv'4 tliJiitwt
thai ill pattiei ttietv kM it Wu
trlfllfltd. tnll rlt4 U
hit tmtt t Wtur tWtr 4ita
otule la ;fr Jiw it ImMh
re)4k)l, ttwt Wtt Vat Kn k !
4trr in bi LcM lf mankinJ fei
ally. ai J?tct-vtM f Jltt Ji
hit fttl l.t I I felatiwtt tk' tklryli
f lk tfiUt J)4e i tk 4iitrtt
nl etiV( at lrpc, hu W(
tpwrd in eRi ill dualpt Hi
reeh at th ari touir rtini
day ni,'ht a mdtd t llulb J
(rrtU prvelrd t th mJ
ftntii an lianfit and fair UttdpWHt.
In hli artait;ntaettl nf tLr tlfknwitei,
It id nutkttip but tL ttutk ffmeg
fiftj mil datet t tneV b ntUott
aud imihij; thetu whitxeeiullj ft
their itlempt la faree free tt4e t
the rountrj, lnoinjt aflr tfetrl
elicit tliM it l.. uaf thtH unr
leiulol the ewwalry t altmul bjrl
pTettj He liHidly and (eif
eiuutly applauded 'l ihlvuk tbr
peh and wttthl hate held hit aud
truce f.r fur boui nilhvut a mur
mur If all th cHtNlie lirat Jiui
Ilk r Wrlxtrr will he Mill hare tfn
thnuond majarity In the 4ti. t,
and he'll puttie prrttj nor It latv
Hutrah for Jim, the pewplrt
If jU lit mini hlr pwoi eall
at Kuit oitj feed Mm.
-Mr ('. W'ienei ha irturnod Imme
(torn her ruit lo the eait.
It. V Shllrj ii building li
barn far hi thiiiughbtel mtie lit
lui 1U0 putebaed a tine, liucy
We hape our citeiiriiti mil
or nil in tho lie Wr want a giHd
correspondent in ever) eminunil)
.salu'day via a lui; day in Ited
Cloud, there being from I .VI I .100
leatti In the city It male thing
lively to r that numWt if people
in tho cit)
On lait Satutday afletnixHi alxtul
forty of the pupiU of Mim Lillie Let
ton, from the -M, pninary drptrtmrnt
uf the public nehtKil, gair hfr a ur
prie. The dutiful childinn. In !inw
llii'lr appreelatlcm, made thru trcbi'f
ivoral hanjfome preent
The fair aeiatin i entitled ti
much ertdil for the iiearnfj) way
they havo liingtvl the firjnil part
uf that intlllutlon till" fall It la the
Grill time, for mtur jrn that hr
premium have bf n paid Hi full Thr
coming fait will no doubt e maui
iDOl e 1'ihiblloi than the lat one
iug l'i the fact that premium are
to be paid In fall.
We went to pro tm rarlt tail
week to ghe an aeertutil of the
Knight of I'ythla banqint, but
eould hate forethadnwid the fact of
ItapucieM. Thoe ho I now how to
he efiiralanc and coutteiti u ill al
ways, be fcund in the front tank, and
inch is the ewe nth the K. Uysirir""1 """ ,',,tM,,
il.- -..t.t . ...,l ll il .. t ... I kii i t 4iw M Vk.ti.mW
lhowoilJ over "! ell tl.ry kn.. ,.f M ,,4fc4J4
bow to entertain their irirou. me j
occition of last Friday nlilbt no .
.xeeftionto the rule and tteryon.
flfM-tit enjoyid the entertainment
hugely It a grand tuces and
B n
will long be reu.embrd To make
the enleitaiument doublv loiful srv
, , , ,
rai nattte were ii.'ititiu iijroagn
the tnjst'iic if
Grand Orient.
the 6rdrr of the
Wednesday nirht shaitij afUr
juidmgbt the alarm of 6r isnd
ed, and thoit who were awakened
thereby and turned out, tot
the canc to b the burning of the
nuildlnt known as the "Jleehita
what was
Ill IVFkU ! it u.ig
t r..... .l... IL. ta.
slrct nl lb- town, but allien is two
lock (l of the present mam sUeitj
Thf bailding a dry as tinder,
and though thrift wit scarce a breath
of air ttirriog, It w but a few tain -
ut- from the tun the
j sounded till the building
wa a taat
- 'of shouldering ruie. The building
Ma owntd and occupied by .Mr Jtkn
A. IVobinsKin aad a partially lr.iar I j,,.. Slmrstv
ed, Tnn went up in name qs f ,.,.,
, ii.i . , .. , .4 .
the old .and nvarl if tit place It f,o,jMi rtillwcil Kweta
vai the first fra" tailding in th -itu i,.,,.. .j Mst ..
. 1
t.B. i Lr tlm ted fcr a lis-.e ai
. - -- . - --. . - - .
l.iM n4 fir hlM U CuLt
I IWI.,-- ..... . -, .,.... -
Crarr and after tkeaa brnaBMioit.
... ' ' 1 i'u ... . .11 vi. j. .. 11
4 Itti-et birtiri. aa-1 lof rirnai
. .... it ! n I
iii l. k
!VH Mt4.M
K m
.4ft V I
litMM tMWW Ml"-
l.J Wa k tm
M I t4
H. tl AfcT
v V i"ll '
i aa 4 ia
r t. 1 m. . a it uiu l at mil V
1. i... I
. ! H k. ivfh 19 1 nl to ,
.v iki 1 J- m wm
It M M
fmrt f m rmmmf wm
.. .1
Jllt lulKH I'
W !. r i
i 11 ) rV"M-a tiati
a w4rtlM Mrl l.. W a
0 fMw4 -t jf
tMft.H1 11
IM4 Im 4rMiapl h4m l 4 V1 I
4illvt W tt MJ M.l
.TC.T.'w,,IM l
I .. t Jtm .laphrt HN
b4.4 nHt
I i 4 tt t4 IkiI. n4Ml W
,ui kikiikMl ntfi
M I imw hmA 1.. imImi m4 ifm
-4 il - wax iWiiimi ta .
t K M . ' V. l K. taiM )..
I) II .kJli-Wt
kWi ! IIIHM ?; U two l
aMi In 4i.
Vk I KrfullMt m.m
.( fcl M ,&! M MM) -4
tlRXl M ! lUkMM H '
rmmt ! fc4 4l rt-4J
ri.ui. Ii-i lu -i Im4 IW MM
V M mi Ml. l-. atlWW I 4
Il..l1.tll WW "I '.I"" Wl tt
(M4HM M tVttS I . M -4
HlliMI V4tt
llwJ li.fliritlll ( t. M '
lr lu ". Hl.l l4tlt
I 1li tirt. J.w.i-1 l !.,4k
I 4j H IUiw i H4 lt r..4fc hM
ll..l4 .l l ) t 44
I .trf II iNkM ImfU I l4MhM,
tltolll 4IWM M I. lf-ll Ml t
4 ' 1 l I M " ""1 l4 WS ii m !
I M huwIHiMmi ih4. u 1
i t-r.H
tvtiliMt .iIl" ) to. l -4 n
l J4t
I Ui'-lMi iH4 IW IklK
1 I .1 ,uf. 4r I .! I ht 4 MvW U
4tM4 (.
JMr lVlx4 liW 4) MMt4 Imi.
In kt r A.4 Mh p. 44
W W.ltu 1 1 a fn
M4lU' '! I 1t ! I !
Yd iH a Inatln Imm t I
it t i4 i sh a
Irf Ii4 lu
4rtM Ih IA 41. l.f M ifti.-r Ut M 41
II..UI t.lIUIl lixwunlit tJ4,rl
kmhIi tt l, J-i 1l f.(jif-4 ,-w.i4i.
M l.lm il.ii4M x4 Wi
kott4 Ik !
lUht 1 1 -! I lHt" a I It... la
t iuumi jh v ! v nu.ii.
J M Mlrt kl t 1H.I. i-l Hk tM4 M t
.) I. tMlr4 4(lf.w I ,!44i4
ktr-Htf l.tlHI 4 Ilw44 l IWloiVi
l M ! t M IH, H kt . Ir
1 M- rtl-MH wttiU if 4t Sl I 4jmmI m
lik. tw U
II..XII Him t MM 411 in l i4
4lr44 Mull)
I t 1liV llttitM- Ml tVWlM l
IMI1. I' l. hI 1fl ' ,!
rl kt, M m iiS n4 )" 4
,M trl4mll ' II I' ? l Wl. I
cu ixiihhi h idn smn'.w hm taa.
j4t "t .nl V4 VI MllkM4 ll
iv A l, Ji...i"l
II II Ultl fl4l. W.
lit kW M Vk4 In t 4
(Mll lHl.).wflt t M 1MW4 it i
V. I (It tllMH Hi ) 41, t IMil
lii 4,)i
Uii 4 !" (wnft tM-4 IW ll
M tt linJtth A kiniMM !- I
t. 1-
Wtton In 7 4 I (.nil l.lW 14
ullir MM 41 af ll.kH lIHt l-MK
liltll4l f llk lil I i"Hi
i I. t(i Mi4 da. iilMkiM4 l
IrWlhllfll IIMl
)ritk4 ! tn4 Tlv.l M 1 1 It M, tA'fi
I kl Su4(tltit . I.IIK H4 t (
I I. w.l I) lrl.U.4 J
HLW. Il I- f IrflJU I V 441
IU.4t W 1. 1 Ww,i Mil 4(k
i"k a i.s-1 rj4iiiM imisu k a.
i4 (Itnlkl Um u Mtii liM'f J4
uir,! i fcMlt.i 4 4.t 4 h.MM
a I. Mllil t ! kJ )' ll
U r-l .UiltlrtM U 4f, l'l U mm
Ik iUii
A -.Hll MIA. 11 V II IUri M kl k
.-w. .J .J.1.11. fu. . .. ..(JJI.U..I Imm ImIUI
mM' kffMailV. tmitimwtH ...
tlUo-l THkpia ft 4IU1 fcn.ii il
wuilt..ikiilkt"f lk kw I
m. t au rMii fr.jini 1 i i-
kMM fk.4ll. Ik 4lkll kilxl Ik.lil kl rvfl
hni. In AIiki Ik-W. PI IkM.
kl J I
l:Uhi"l M''4k-k I tt.lli i.t,f li
In Kl 4M1HI Ik tltf klaiklf M
I. k4 Hi 4 I
V.,llkT ll.iv. IWne i 11 VI t 4i
kilvif ln4 eMinr i-4 At l I".
hii.liwi u.i rtia Mwii iiliiwll on)
kit. MIS rit-l I 44t !- l k"k1tf 14
I MM. SC MM l" I M4.4L. l-.
.lil wiliM Irt r-l Wk l.tri Ml
Mm u4 iiH uf MMk .4 Iw wM
H Hktnllf iiri tili4n H Im
11 lliuint ir jmt !. u
' . .-.IL . B- h. 1...... .. ... .. 1 I. ..
I rnMiii k 111 - illicit r- .." n i -.
M MIH rWk l 4f
I ftaxtli rk T l4 kM
1 -, RtTiLJ'
ik4iua - m
it a
'i'! swtw" .iikw..j nii-.r ";
I 11.... l-y tk .mt IS. I 4l4kA. . A. I
I fc auti tt j.m m .mv
I.. Ik... i4.lij.ff
I (ikll 4kvl rf Ik
Akoil I Uxtu I. AW ll'-ltl l U. k-
M.f If 44 l 4V4.ll
M III IttttkM A I
4im(Um-4 H'Jf .
.(ykiV Im a tn(m i. imm.I.V ll
k.4 It kl )4bll1 kJto4 tJmt A... Ik 4 Iam.
ivkf '
iwnuiMtiMiimti ii a
'-I al Mtmw 144 kkkkl 4t 4
rlwi j
111 A fl. m... Ma.a. M ikA .. u
tfcifk I tlf I. Im wVnni Ult i).t i.S4
! I B-.kVI UI tMlkM4L ttfUfi
1,, ..-. 4
Mju,r"r ,,,. L ,. Mi ,,
on , .tt4 4 -4. k4i
1 J u in.i it t 14 . .
kvalH l 4
w.1 ,w j;
-. -- . ;:---- r . . T.TT '--4 "'
k a L. -aaa Ilk kk ku. -h A-k.
V w ttkvavtv pre iwt a " F t
Luters lettwnug m tt. iut
.. iu, i 1.1 WiUur i,, S,
It, St
J i,raV, fti tl
c,), j-jj.
ki ..
t'Il6r4 Oft
malt tsiia
H II Cherry. 2, L, U liails, Tl.v
ltiei, M I) ltbinn, J. A
1... 1..... ... . .t i ...
,HJ HIKI kC4 .5T. CIA. Ii fc
a' -ti.-i i. .$..- . a a.
..J: ......
rtiiiii 1 tmw lai 1 n. r . n. 11 1 ssi
,. Crtl7lit4
...! ' kii hiih n ma.i
i Kft n -krv i Fw nfT wmr."'-" ,.r, . T. i-.
v. i-fs a jj
1 -.. 4 .rtw. iMat w
4 V. . 4 v.a.vj .(..,, ;
4.r4 1 . M'.'l
. t tumuli r Im hiU (taw !
- .- ,.. - 4
Im M.
ftn.. mi !. a$fwi
i Af T'm I ) ka M&J ! Vm4 .!
lr (yl M,t4i ttfi
j M ta.)Mm a 14..
! a,aa r to if
lfcia at Ta a .
Wk. M.i I J Ii I ImiIiAmIiI
t Va-4 Mi 4l.lti4rM
I "
IttMt R, li.1 UattKl l .f .
ttJJMAMl . IV.
Vmju ! Id Imi r w -nv'-t
I 1
Ww ll Hit M.ll ! 1 1 t 4f '
1 ,- j
t lHf . .-.4 l . 1
t 1, ; M)
f4 V W 4' I Im
ta M.a. )i4
-4iit tt li i'ta
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ur tikiVi) itytrtu t k,ii. atnt
i.i akt( 4 4 tikkki
I'l.ttU Hi tVi
l:(r Sale l Feeders '
lrt 4k. Niff.
I i vl 'l jrl 114 .! Kl.
Ktks tilU 'l t4.h l Nti
Iht Mm ImV IU. I4 I'tlHv
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add hn Jiuv Mtraui im-I t
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'taitatr n( all kls4 .(- l.t-
tlf tt I' V Tajlaia.
P4Ul atttl I ti(.4iMVln
i.d .u-UUisf bj 1 V T)Ut Katl
lr !i blokt ! t'ltla Vth1f
lis. nt lH !,, ! ff
il-ai.tiHft aid ilirtery (wt tni.
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riahl iti In la, Vii la
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try lia ft.41. la ,"
i Ul9UK e fi4l iryl";
II It4i 4 JaU iM
viiivt i fill es? Hrt
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Firut National Bank.
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Hv n.hctr
Ls ,us well ,u .ins put im tlc nuirkct, ami
tuir pnrcf .us (.t ccty mui Myi : x
cxininc) them) nuuh lower than
others i$k (or mhw iu.ility t(
Ii you want chctin tntel; (uiul you ukc mx ay
for it wc will jkjII you
l n s Stills us l4w us $2aAO
Ami itluittlt! you want rhciiwr, will try ami
ct then, (or you,
mn linVn nt All pldrw Outn the titr asltlHii Ul lKI MlMi 4 III
lli"l iftla.
lii :liililrcnfs OvcnoutH wo tn-
iiu!IM4 at pri:rs far below 2.
Suit), at M rcti.:irk.illc Low Price.
In Our Boot and Shoo Stock!
v-o Juvji 1 tm mij lifAii'lii, Out livi ftfvem m rriauiy rl o
Our I Vices arc ui. I.w an the Lowcit Ko
member wc never fol 1W, ;i 1 way Iail
on LAi(;-srsrcK;K: lUdt
CffKiflj at Honest Prices.
v mar a
'Ilir liatsliI
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. ment smakH for itMell.
N ' ,. alwaf
w a 11- utKf twiv w4e sa
tlUfalVt K4.( t l)U flAh. 4 Ilk.
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In our Hat and
a 4; U aav I rijtA !
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If ! W- it
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h' r M'tav; cms t a 4lt;
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flBasjaltt. lka.aa.
--..war. ...4 a4iii-,-
aa.1 ! 1
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VI 4 AkkAltliM tmt kiyltU.1 l.k... I. .
. .:inf",i"""r" aw
iff tN taHBW paja j
Jaatya fcsy pmf a4H MlaM fsjat
4N4IJ. I
Cap .DcpurtMrcnt
- , 4 H tmf aax aHlt aw aj a a4aa
all a aja Uttj laaf, ' r
fasiitiMis fi)iUi;. . f4 t. Ik.
).( ir4t tM iVa. rata i3l afaaMA - - -
q. WJB.N.E fcno.
, .J-,- i. f?!fH.-,jtl
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