? -v t- v. ?" (' T x OSJfER. i'ii rictor. 'ied every Friday morning frr-ts the ofiice .. t-e Moon Block, Eed Cloud, "tb. To "hi-SHber!btrs For the hist twelve months we have waited pat. ntly for the harvest to come again, and during that time , hav caf'ed many of our subscribers. ' ow that tin- harvest has come we uope oar guoacnoers wno are in ar rears will PAY BLPcBLICAN DAT- The Republicans of Web&tcr County Jollify. Jk Bis Crowd and m Gnnd Time Thursday Isbl. One o: the grandest reDdblican Soldiers Uc union. One of the most interesting i turts of th- fair is the soldier's re . ion. ThtcUiih the tiforts of the G R"s of this city the scheme b ought about to inaugurate a nn ment that wind mike a perman I - - T T t. US PRO.MPTLY.,Satnci:C!:i P ieai'iorLaa;Zittnof tae Id soldiers ,-. . ure to witns- in tne srreat state pi Lorn-m at once ana pav up arrear-' , , , .. - i l . " , ebra-ka took place ia this citv agts there bv return the compliment. ,, . , , - . " t. l. i ii . Thursday ni'ht. The agricultural tteha.e h'.std voa now help us. . , w , " . ,- ,rr " - , r societv nad set anart Thursaav for Uuronicei-ui) stair in the Moon' - , . . , repuDiican aav. ana wen it nnzai oe block, north nd. POWDEI Absolutely Pure Cabinet i h-tos 2 per dozen a: Bradbrook"- Ea l'rkr- his had four vhips stol en fren hitr this week. 31 i.- E Bay ha returned to her hcae in t' -:bi. Kansas this morning. Cabinet photos $2 per dozen at Bracbrook"-. Mr?. J. A. Burgess of Wisconsin. , :s the iru- t --f C. L ' wif i Southern Nebra-ka. and to that iuvitatiin we-r- tended to ail th old aulaitRj to coat- to Bed Cloud rinir our fair thi ve.k. About tL hundr d uf th' :ravc boys respor and .vere comf rabh located i:i ' r.unc5 wher- ruey enjoyed i : dav- .it th' r at t e o: old time cj . life. The en.- r-! routine of a -d'er" iif - ? i rd enough at best. the eld id t- like to zo thro re works and Thli powrler sever varirs M.- - -e rtiand wholesotamesi, n - ; j. til ordinary kmd andcUiU-.it soid in i-ireZ03 with tha mu'utudcs 1 t rhort Uutalumor hosphaie powjnr-. iMonly EOTAL U.vEIVG I V. Lt CO. IfCWallsTct. -ty Pc"e!lJradbrot.f. nncal 2 rs. .v-j.ni Saladen was thrown rut "f a vehicle at a meet- calltd sucli as they were thicker than bees all day. Hundreds upon hun dred' wore in the city and the day was one of jreat rejoicing and the enthusiasm was something unusual in Nebraska. At niciit the republican Inr. At,3 .. t nrVtnwx nniMrf rtnfi ' tiuu -uu .u uw...- uw. w thenouif xruawMie in orcer appropriate banners; k frr:.h rh. ajeniorfes of th day? vears ai.'i' l,eu to be a soh. mean: more il.dn t.j dress up in clothe.- Jt-i .-at j. muketfora wiii!':n git.- L fat of the 1m However the i-.u'-"f eamp Iif the fa r :- '.:.- h-ve been few. i r. bov- h.- put t::j tinie in teiling fu storif?. n' .it uk foeeches. eat.:.. It was simply the ' L hardtack, iust for t. outcropping of uch enthusiasm as ' f f - rL a 1Uer cr i r :i- 1.2 .X. . of Ambov. - l"e re?"DIIt--aa tuulu -"-"'has nuK-n-oea for a loan tin.. whn sure of victory. C. L. CO TTING, Curries the largest stock of Wall Paper and Window Shades in Webster county. In order to reduce stock to make room for nevr croods he is making a SPECIAL CUT On banners; i . formed upon Gth avenue, near the ; court Lou-e and marched to Webster street, thtnee ?outh to Geo. Gates" Lo;t:ng and rcs;oaCt. whtelcd there and marched i north. Waen near the oost once the Geo. V." L-.ndsev. our enterpiisini: i the ord-r wa jtven to let co the nr-- j pack-r. a - ast Sunday for J weeks v.s::. i Cab x.i.1 pi.. .to 2 per reverai dozei: ins: at that , jce the other nicht and r -t t i' t anc -ueu a lusnace oi comou-- tibie material has never been witae;- Cloud. L ed :u lit- me siat can never oe iorsouec t ; . . . .. t rtf .,. t bad. y li-ju- .bunt i was in a precarious concition. on ?.. T. Shirey has one of the iine:t trcttirg norf-es in the count; . A. J- Kenney and wif..- h . turned. Ales Beatlev's little boy br ar while playiiig .a the str. TridiT. 3Ir. L. F Markell left toca-. forSt- Loti vbere she z es to be;, her mil lisirj goods. Lsv; P. Mcrton sent $12,000 to the yellcw fever fufurtrs. Cleveland 5.3:: $10,000 to the democratic cam paign tommittee. Eev. W. 5. Faulkner, the new pas I'TT c-f the M E church will be here a-d occupy the pulpit nest Sabbath, bothacrcing and evening. A.l the ladies' equestrian t-a.cc Thursday the premiums were award er i lollops: -la" .xlmer. nrst pre niur:: Pt-an ker.. d: Lulu T-.ttter 2d. There were f-ur contestants. C. E- 'ebb wishes to return tisaks to the people of Bed Cloud. :c? their liberal patronage to him whil encaced in the kero-erie ana "asoline business in this city His been very mi he takes this or-portuni- oue and all. What i the is of paying $40.00 for a suit hen ou can get one oi those "patent shoulder" suits of Berg : Galusha that ft equally as well for $25.00. '.-.,. 'hllJ i,0 i ana cc..p?ec eve iii 't.au u. i - displays of our democratic brethren so far in the shade that thev will be i i r .- it more attest, e organization --- T'r,.-. r. , .,.,,.,. f..;. ; lo.'r .u. fiurti.. LUJULV 11 3 1.1. .it... t . . . . . . . . . unable to r-turn auric:: :ne Daian attendra ana .ir:e crowds have been i . ' , ,. -II-1.-1 t ' -f the campaign. iror fully one ta. ' iiresci;L c.i r- .av. ime luu ituui: ... , r ti i: , " , ! t.a!f hour tne heavens were full I . ; nre bans of everv ciscrintion aim Lhe ; r- lery ceortmt.:.t is comramnveiv wen . . . ,. . , , ni-t, . ' . , .. " , : lustv cheennc: trm fuhv four thou- success uf the display. Aftey thei disnlav of fire works on the street s We have l t the space to give extend. '1 uc-JC" t of the reunion it i.: .u.v iainz. ia iu i-ac , .i. l , c: :v v tiest Week mjd. p-rn. . -lit and nestfall arntti. ce . . -t . ... j , ; v: ..- The bo- t i: aiu-a-.s be welcomed r Red Clo-d. icA viii be enterta - . -i-i. a: iu tbe oe-' un'T possible. -: -. f thfdr ..uri-'Ws a vcr irrow less. orices of manv ch- :ce patterns of these foods. Ii you wish tj pper this fall don't fail to rake advantage of this off r :rt:a liaeof Decorated VinJow Shade? to eelec: fron. Crayons. Paint?. Oils. Drags, a alvsya oa hini. Hacker & Parker, THE GROCERS. Keep the mest line of Teas and Coffees county ana always turn fair. " out to the On Wtd..t-da afternoon Mr. Fish er's boy while trying to jump on to a covere d hat k caught his foot in the wheel and before the team could be stopped haa h.s leg 50 badly injured tha t it had to be taken off above the knee. It i- a serious accident and the famik havc the sympathy of the commumtv Whf1!. :j wesf. ;ti. l:cs hzre. j: ntirth. east, sou:! u'-elf comfoitabitr first clas H ...- - i Xebniska It Cabinet photos $2 per dozen at Bradbrook's huadreas t-t peonle went to tne opera I , ;t-ttron:zin house where rlons. -J as. Mcen. " ji"jjfc qj2, .. 5. Gilham. and ethers made crand re- j wnv , publican speeches that were calccla-j T is ;h tec to make this great republican ! m, rite. I"- love feast a souree of Eauch pleasure i p as ;nt ao as well as solid comfort to the mind, i Chicar". Tl.n r....l, t--.- nVa ;.nlnr!i rind ! ta-l t"xr i , . . 5fiilv fopiilar. ai.d : reroute tvcic! .' full of republican meat such as aemo- - - - r ii r ! woil p.-led tr .'.einr take. ;rats can not refute successfully. It- It? pa-5eBrfr u1, were buill , ,. was certainly grand and the repubii- f,re..iv r . j - ne bv the Pul-r.w cans feel proud of their efforts, aud I psinc C.ir... !ichisa ruara . they have every reason to feel that i that tne- ir tKrf'ct and con : f- hurrah f-r ;ripvrrv '-.-" a- he best tast- " ii tht itV. NEW GOODS AT THE 'are !. tht- peop. -it:.- reliable, saft: .. a-' T limited rive1 i ii .oc pn-ction win: an t .. .-':. L u- make it un biis relations have T r Z.-Ie3fta tv cf :hai.k:ni CI. v.Iand .Shot. On Wo '.taiT evenm? -s-hilt.' the i way. ana wita one grana a.,-.,.- . Jdr',.!.!:,,.. Harrison. -Morton and success the ! mnt thnr,iV'h -zperience can su- - with skv rocstts and Roman candles i meeting adjourned Western A- Southern mam nun, -DELVLEBs IX- ;d r.o c i.viiirnce for the cot Take Xotlc. Ail lauds and town loti on which the tait are not paid before October 1. will be advertised for tx sale. M. B. McKitt, Treasurer. some Bourbon shot ene through a plate lass in the postofnee building, taking tht tp of Cleveland's head off. Th:s wtll be the case also in November. Letters remaining in the postoSce at Red Cloud. Webster county. Ne braska. for the week ending, Sept. 24th, 1SSS. GENTLEMEN. A. Austin. y. C. Boemar. Ora Quigley. S. L. Vlite . LADIES. Rachel Brown, Rosanna Burr, Mrs. John Faried. These letters will be sent to the deal letter ofioe Oct. 24th, if not called for before. A. S. Habsh, Post 3Iister. and service fth" traveling publif been ov.-rlovk-'d In addition v -ecuUr f-ase'Car equipment. thr in servicr- a hue of superb rec.i hair cars: n. p-n? or expense h-ii- -. neen 5rrt" i niosx res.iui uciPS c: thf to make these ca.r .' -i cmfort-assurini: hfir class In Ame- We ask the p'i spect Gur new stock vf fall and win tcz goccc. which are now in shape to c shown. We are proud of our store and stock and think the public will say we have caue to bo when they see them. Come everybody and see the finest ana mest complete assort ment of clothing, hats and caps, boots j and shoes and furnishing ever shown Wednesday was democratie day at the fair and our good friends turned out about 500 strong and did their level best to make a showing for Grover C, and well they did for if the way the wind blows shows the lav of the straws Cleveland is certain ly on his last legs, or in other words . ' Llairison and Morton are sure to be elected, and of course their display Nothing clipped but i r. tnn Trn-n .ii im. .... - t... the amirs, thev have crown acais Remember the Golden Eaule alway leads, never fellows. Always the largest stock,the finest goods and low-j est pnees Once nora v,c say come and see ns. C. WlEXEB. will amount to naught. However thev did well and in the evening gave " ' a crand parade and display of fire works that did them credit as a party. The managing editor was not present to witnesi the affair but have been told of it by many who say that it was all that could be expected. Farm Loans. Lots of money to Loan on farms at 6 7. 7. S. 3-j. 9 and 10 per cent in terest, for I. 2. 0.4,5. C. or 7 years. Interest payable annually or semi-an nually and principal payable all or :n installments at any interest pay . -y ; hj , ,t th--1 t.ckets can ocil. These terms ought to suit r v-t j seat5 :n ttiee crs free. A co!- -. 4 anybody. Call on or address me at por:er accompanies e.ich car to admin- Red Cloud, Neb, Office in north end wter to tne want ot the patrons, wt.ier. Moon block. G. W. Bakkeb. tnases them especially desirable in ladies and cmldren traTeunc without escort. In, fact, the C. K. & N. is tl e Great Free Reclinine Chair Car Ltue west of the Missouri river. When you travel, to be absolutely comfortab e. Uketb Cbic Knnsa3 & Nebraska Railway, "Rock Uland Route." Pull man's Palace Sleeping Cars on all night trains. JEWELL. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Legeett are making a two weeks visit in Norton county. The Rev. Mi. Moore preached his farewell sermon last Sabbath at Pleas ant Grove. The mad dog scare resulted in the death of three dogs. McClellan's dog took the rabies and bit two of E. Lightfoot's and in order to prevent any farther damage all were killed. Mack Howard has returned to High land, which leads U3 to conclude that thincs are more to his taste here, than among the shot gun aristocracy. Art Leggett is the possessor of a wonderful pipe. Hunt Young can vouch for the truth of this. John Merrill has purchased a new wind mill, the Industrious, of A. L. Funk. Enoch. Dry Goods and Notions, and Leaders of Low Prices ! "all and see cur immense stock of Dry Gods, black and colored Cashmeres from 25c to SOo per yard. 11- Wool Henrietta 50c pr yd. Dress Flannels from 25c to 75c pr yd. English and French Suitings from 10 to 25c per yd. 600 yds fine new Satteens 12 l-2cpr yard. in,000 Yait Best Fnots ior 5e. Geo. E. Mitchell, of Kansas, well inR BLOCK.-TBt coLut ; to a number of enr people. Tuesdav evening. -- m T.5n r.n.-. ncfrv hr obtain- trouble fcU "-' " r :"-' ' e ins monev under xaise pretenaes oi tAGLE. ar "Gods are here. No for us to cret them. We have toler able good credit and have filled our store with desirable goods bougnt di rect from the manufacturer importer and other first hands. Come and see than they will please jou. and you will Snd no sand in the pockets. C. WlENEK. JCDSON. Quite a number of our citizens are taking in the fair this week. There was a social at Rev. J. T. Stones on Friday evening: also on Amil" Walner's baby is very sick. L. Messick. principal of the Hayes Kansas and Red Cloud parties by j City schools will lecture at the red riving chattel mortgages on stock already encumbered. He was ar rested here by Sheriff Scott and held for two or three days until his rela- ! tions fixed it up for him. It seems that in this manner he had secured M CLOTHING: GL0THIN6: CI thing for the farmer, laborer. irL-hanic or merchant at the Western and Sou hern Mercantile Association. school house Saturday evening. Sub ject. -'-The Facilities of the Union La bor party." A large audience is expected. Bro. Williamson will preach Oriole next Saturday night. Sid. at . mi.... 1 somethinz like $3,000 fraudulently. Thro gh the efforts of M. R. Bentley, j Qne jomj? horie 2 mule3; 2 cow. the tnends ot .uitnceu were m, fl 2 horse5 f?r sale cheap. 2t Jos. Graves. Direct from the Front. Knoxvtlle, Tew., July 2, xsSS. Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlesea I can cheerfully and tretS fcHysay that S. S. S. is tie greatest blood parmer oa earth. In 1SS4 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen diner eat kinds of blood medicines, but, without receiving anv pennanent relief ! I was in duced to try 3. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so cftea deceived. Eat im provement caxae, and I continued its use until perfectly we!L I have since carried, and have a healmy famuV. No trace of the disease is seen. Swifts Specific did all this for cc, and I am grateful. Yours truly, J. S. Stradsl Il3 Dale Ave. Km?, Texas, June 23, i53S. Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen A siiteen-year-old sou of nine was afHkted with bad blood, and broke cntwita an erupdon on various parts of bis body. I put him to taking S. S. S., and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak, but ny post-ofics is at Kemp. Yours truly, W. S. Rosnfsos. Three books tnailfd free on application. AH druggists seE S. S. S. Tee Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756 Broadway. For Sale. I have 320 acres of fine farm land, near the city, for sale, cheap . It's a bargain to the right party. Geo. Wiicton. Best Carpet Warp, white, Sl.13, colored $1.23. See oar 10c Neckties. Get a dozen pair Geod Hose tor 60c. Gents Linen Collars 10c. Tabte Linen 25 to 35c per yard. See our 30c Suspenders. Working Jten'3 Shirts. Ure stock and good assortment, 3 Me Mc. Get a nice LadW Shawl for :5c. See our stock ot Mosus. bleached and unWeacned. A Splendid Je ua f or 30c. and a better one for 25c, worth 30 and -toe the world oTer. Je njej and Parasols at half priee. Laces and Embroideries tha: you cant rest Velvets and elw eens at onr low Prices . 500 Bolts of Ribbon at COST. See our Ladies' Kid Gloves in all colors at Si. ow is the time to tcy your Blankets. Cao forts. Cloaks, and Shawls, Cheap. See onr 35c ana 65c corsea. Thev win jsveyoa satHjaceon. eoSlaBd see and Samine soeds . Highest prices paid for produce. It pays trade at The Western and Southern Mercantile AssociatioD MASON'S OLD STAND" Chas. Schaffnit, Manager. school-BOOKS -school AT- of the the to help him out of his trouble, a fail ure to do which would have sent him ! nr tTi mad for several Years. Mr. iBentley is certainly deserving of! ow 1 L t;, frt .. n.-.r. the matter was sefc- UCU1..U. . "j Auction! Auction! I am ready and willing to attend all sales in Webster, Smith and Jewell -n ,,- :i, ...!-. !, -Pa;M . , ., .-. t.,11 j--t counties as auctioneer. -lerm very iiepnurec, wm .-ucj4. ji "- " tied, not tna; -nitciicii "a ucstl,1" t reocble. tion rally on Friday at HENEY COOK, The " Red Cloud " Druggist, The Finest Line School Supplies in the city. fa5rjof any leniency but for the sake of J. C. Waesib, led Cloud Keb. An Abolate Care. Tbe Original Abietine Ointment is onlv nut ud in larsre two ounce tin boses, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burnsT wounds, chapped bands, and all skin eruptions. Will nositively cure all kiads of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by Henry Cook at 25 cents per box by mail CO cts. PLATT & FREES CO., LUMBER and GOAL. Established in 1878. Ihe largest retail yard in the RepublicaF Valley. Prices low and grade- good i t r: his friends-