The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 21, 1888, Image 1

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Have arrived this week at the
The finest Made Up clothing ever offered at
Red Cloud. The e goods were spec
ially made up for us and have many
points o superiority over
Stock Clothing.
The Merchant Tailoring
Department is now running in full force, using
only experienced men tailors, and giving
you the piece goods and not samples
to select from.
A great advantage to buyers at our house of ready made
clothing is we have the tailors in the building
and can make any necessary alterations
at once. If a large stock, and
Are of any object to you, and rant to buy
goods on their merit it will certainly
pay you to look us over.
Our assortment of Clothing, Mens Furnishing
goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Trunks, etc., will be unusual y large
this season, and are bought at
prices that will sell them.
C. WELtfER, Prop.
Red Cloud and Wymore.
Berg &
Ha their fall goods nearly all in.
A Better Selected
We don t claim to bow you the largest stock, but we not only CLAIM, but are pre
pared to demonstrated the fact that Tee have
Best Goods!
Nicest patterns,
all the only Patent Shoulders
in the city.
Thesc'r'00ii5 are all made for ns remember.
carry the CHEAPEST TRUCK in the crty. tor wnen yon get a xu enu xor o
'tis only truck but the people cry for them, so we keep them.
Children and Boys Clothing !
VCt -veil ?ave yen a dollar a suit from any other clothing outfit in town.
Come and see for yourselves
Yox:knK-wi:at v.e have been doing all summer in regard to prices. We are pre
pared to do still more this fall.
1 - -,
Never was there shown in Bed Cloud
Stock of Suits
and more than
Besides this fine line of good?, we
.' kv ? .;; ffiiijr.
Chas Deal spent Sunday in the
J. N. Kickards of Beatrice is in
he city.
Our people are getting back from
H. E. Sanford has returned from
The new time card went into effect
Mrs. 31. W. Dickerson has return
ed home.
Miss Eva Bayha is in the city visit-
in!; friends.
K. R. Pitney of Inavale, was in the
citv Tu.'sdav.
Geo. Dodd is in the city. He looks
very natutal.
Clara Dickerson has returned from
her visit to Orleans.
M. S. Marsh returned from the
State Fair Saturday.
Geo. Warren, of the Argus, has re
turned from Lincoln.
Mrs. M. R. Bentley has returned
fjoui her western trip.
Miss Moliie Cook, sister of Mrs. M.
R. Beutley is in tne city.
I. S. Shirey, father of . V. and J.
R. Shirey is in the city.
Bert Brewer in the role of deputy
dour keeper is a success.
L. H. Wallace returned Saturday
niiiht from the State Fair.
John Marsh and wite, of Guide
Rock, were in the city Tuesday.
Mrs. F. Stokes, of Grand View, la.
is visiting wiith Fred Hummell and
Loyd Richardson left Sunday even
ing for Council Bluffs, where he will
attend school.
Mrs. Heitman, of Indianola, sister
of the Gross boys, is in the city for
an extended visit
0. H. Conner and Wneedon of Lin
coln will be orators of the Republican
rally on tbe 27th.
J. Murray who has been in the
north part of the state fer several
months, has returned.
Mrs. Stubbs of Pcrceville, Iowa,
motaer of Mrs. Louis Hummell is vis
iting with Fred. Hummell and wife.
Robt Shaw was around Tuesday
setting up cigars on account of the
arrival of a little baby at his house
last night
An effort is now being made to put
in an incadescent light system in the
city. Quite a large number have been
By an article in the Omaha Repub
lican we see that Will King formerly
of this place is behind the bars for
alleged forgery.
Rev.F. M. Williams and wife left
Tuesday for Lincoln, where Mr.
W. goes to take charge of one of the
churches of that city. We regret to
loose Mr. and Mrs. W., but what is
our loss is Lincoln's gain.
All members of the 'Ladies' Aid
Society of the Congregational church
are requested to meet at the residence
of Mrs. Reigle, next Friday at 2:30
p. m., as there is business of impor
tance to be transacted which requires
a full attendance.
The republicans held a very enthu
siastic meeting Sat night at republi
can headquarters at which time sever
al gentlemen made interesting speech
es, anda committee was.apopintedtq,
Will N. KIdz Finally Krd Down and
Conlined for III mdecd.
Will X. King, the festvie adver
tising acut and accomplished ?mooth
duck, whose fame extends through
several states and territories, lan
guishes in the central station, where
he was lauded yesterdav on complaint
of M. J. Downing, eit passenger
agent of the iiurliairton r)i , who
allowed himself to be r-'ithercd into
the meshes of the slick ouig fraud.
August (Jth last 31r. Downing cashed
a check amounting to $15 drawn on
the Red Cloud National btok by King
h.mself. who represented that !.e had
money on deposit there. A f-w days
later Mr. Dowliug was informed of
the untruthfulness of King's repre
sentations, as the check wa.- returned
itli the dismal information tiat the
bank knew nothing of die man King
or ever had auv dealings him.
Since that time .Mr Do ling has been
keeping a sharp lookout for King.
ho yesterday had the nerw to walk
into Sir. Dowling's office and extend
a hand of greeting. The latter gen
tleman, however, was not a bit cordial
and cal'ing in officer Hagey handed
King over to him. It is understood
that Mr. Hul. the manager ot the
Paxcon house, has also a score to set
tle with the prisoner, whom it is al
leged passed a forged check on him
some months ago. Omiha Republi
can. School Land Apportionment.
Messrs. J. L. Frame, -V. il. Barcus
L. D. Thomas, the committee appoint
ed by the boird of supervisors tj ap
praise the school Jiid uuivers ty lauds
hate completed their work and make
tbe fo.lowing report.
Acres. Valuation
School Lands 12.120. $43,212
Universitj Lands. . . 10,560, $42,812
The average price per acre of school
lands in $3.50. Increase'100 per cent.
University lands average per acre
$4.05. Increase over old appraisment
117 per cent
The above shows plainly that farm
lands are materially increasing in
DeMraetlve Fire at Cera.
Report comes to us that about 3
o'clock Sunday morning George
Bates' hardware establishment togeth
er with his entire stock of hardware
was destroyed by fire. Also some
damage was done to the buildings oc
cupied by Dr. Dykes and Parker &
How the fire originated we have
not, at this writing learned. The loss
to Mr. Bates will be quite heavy as
we understand he had no insurance on
either the building or the stock. Pi
oneer. Pnfclle Sale.
Of stock, on Wednesday, Oct. 3d,
1888, at ten o'clock, the undersigned
administrator of the estate of Henry
McCormal will sell at his late resi
dence, 2 miles west of Guide Rock,
90 head of stock described as follows:
23 head fat steers, 37 cows and year
lings, 20 head of horses. 200 head of
stock hogs, a lot of farm machinery
and household goods.
Terms: Hogs and fat steers, six
months time, balance on twelve
months time, purchaser giving note
and approved security with ten per
cent interest from date. Five per
cent off for cash in hand. 'All sums
under $5 cash.
W. E. Jacksox. Ad'm.
Auction! Auction!
I am reedy and willing to attend all
sales in Webster, Smith and Jewell
The Chicago store
wir: .-. frrk-
Dry Goods,
As were ever shown in Red Cloud.
Prices the lowest.
Western fc Southern
Dry Goods and Notions,
and Leaders of Low Prices !
Jail and see our immense stock of Dry Goods, black and colored Cashmeres
from.25c to S0c per yard.
ll-Wool Henrietta 50c pr yd. Dress Flannels from 25c to
75c pr yd. English and French Suitingsfrom 10 to 25c
per yd. 600 yds fine new Satteens 12 l-2cpryard.
in.000 Yanls Best Priids lSt
Best Carpet Warp, white, Sifo, colored Si
Hose for 60c. Gents Linen Collars 10c.
See our aoc Suspenders. Working Men's Shirts, large stock and good assortment, 25c, 40e
50c. Get a nice Ladies' Shawl for 2Sc. See our stock ot Muslin, bleached and oaMeached.
A Splendid Jeins for 20c, and a better one for 23c, worth 3t and 4fte the world over. Jerseys
and Parasols at fc priee. Laces and Embroideries that yon can't rest. Velvets and Velvet
eens at our low Prices.
500 Bolts of Ribbon at COST.
See our Ladies' Kid Gloves in an colors at 81. Now is tbe time to buy your Blankets. Coa
forts. Cloaks, aad Shawls, Cheap. See our 33c ana 63c corsets. They will give yoa satigttrtioa.
Come and see and examine goods . Highest prices paid tor produce, ft pays to
trade at
The Western and Mem Mercantile AsMtiGB
srssac -
a display o
boots & shoes,
- SV See our 10c Neckties. Get a dozen pal
Table Linen 23 to 35c per yard.