The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1888, Image 5

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A. c. i::s-;.
Published every Friday morning from the office
in Hie Moon Block, Red Cloud, Neb.
Absolutely Pure
Thisjo.Jer iiOcr varl3. .M:iri:l of pure
trentaand wholcsonnaes-1, tnn ecot.nuiica'
than the nrdin:tr kind !id cannot be sold m
compttioii wlthihomu'tiiudes of low tet slio-i
weight alum or i hosphnie powdors. Sold only
li Wall stret-t. N. Y. .ity.
AVhen a love woman shift lustlc,
Ifrfore she sits up n :i cl air.
She alwajs h:is an awful tu-.'l',
Itut you ntv r hear her swear.
tre BAitnKtxr:.
Col. JTefve llarprr GlTe. te rnlon
Labor Party a Speech Today.
This is Union L:ibor Party dav
today and that party thnuirh small
made quite a good showing. They
roasted an ox and had a real old fash
i&n barbecue dinner. Col. Jei-se
Harper, of Illinois, made one of his
well known speeches and the Union
Labor Party have mndf quite a record
for themselves. A large number of
our people went down to Riverside
Park to hear Mr. Harper orate.
Mrs. Ezra House, who has lived in
this county for several 3 ears died on
Thursday last. She was almost 50
years of age, and when 17 years old
united with the M. E. church and
has always lived a christian life. She
Was a loving mcth r and a kind and
devoted wife. Her death is aeeply
summed by her many friends.
Net A California Bear.
Anybody can ct-i eo.d this kind
of werttber. The tmuMe i- to let o,
like the man w I o i-H'ubt the lieai
We advise our renders 10 purchase of
Henry Cook n bottle : .-Hiita Abie, the
California Kjul- "f Consumption.
Asthma, Brooehin- Cnn:b and Cnmji
Cures, and kep it bandy. 'T13 pleas
ing to the taste and death to tbealmxe
complaint. Sold at 1 00 a bottle
or 3 for $250. Caiit'ornui Cat-R-Cure
gives immediMte relief TI12 Cattarhal
virus is soon displn b its bealins:
and penetrating n:tie. Give it a
trial, ix otolith- irea'meiit $1.00 by
mail $1 10.
Letters remaining m the postofhee
at lied Cloud, Webster county, Ne
braska, for the week ending, Sept.
10th, 1S83.
Chas. Atwood, S. D. Cleland,
ft. M. Clute, Sherman Conger,
Beach Douglas, William Way,
E. A. Stev ns.
Mrs. C. M. Proctor. Miss N O'Connor
These letters will be sent to the
deal letter office Oct. 10th, if &ot
oalled for before. A. S. Marsh,
Post Master.
Ai AfcMlate Care.
The Original Abietine Ointment is
only put up in large two ounce tin
boxes, and is an absolute cure for old
sores, burns wounds, chapped hands,
and all skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by
Henry Cook at 25 cents per box bj
mail 30 cte.
!( A Muster.
OnThartday evening while the train
from the east was coming in it ran into a
bard of 84 cattle which were being driven
from Smith eonnty, Kansas, to Inland,
and eeptoted eighteen head. Appraisers
were eelsetsd yesterday morning and eet a
axel valaatton of the alaaghtered stock
at $92. Fext week well probably be
able to tell Jest how the sutler tarns ant.
Qae HUt Leader.
The river iB lower thai it has been
for years. The electric light eo-a.
.pBj flod it difiralt to run now.
F l KhiJc .A tl. U .,u Mill
k;iiiviuot in tub .a-1 ul aaf
Leader, id in the city today
One of Mr. J. L. Miner's duh
;cn sprained her arm Friday.
F. K. Hoge is in the city niak ng
preparations to wove to his Kaias
W. H. Ferguson, of Cowles, was a
Ciller at these metropolitan hiid
'uirtera today.
I'?iir Wik -irit lii.ifr nn itomc ir. -n
B arae on, but tliov are no fiioui
t'uis instiiiitt-oir
I lie caiierior i).ulv .Jours'.il h is I
recently discarded jiateiU.i and :. ,
ur iitin ai. at. huie. I
K-ujon Seen uii 1- ave tl.e litsi
of the week i'er A katis:: uuai
mouths lmsiiios trii)
"Pt:te" Oaiber carried water J-r
the eiephuiit to p.r. his pat:j;e intf
the cretin at Hastin.s.
Itanney 3le2sut .eft this uiriiiuji
for L.ncoln wiure In wll attimi xi.v
Utnvsrtity the year.
( oroiier Scliem.k ul nnve to t.'io'
. 1. 'i 111: CniKi' v. 11. 1..
..l...i. ..!.. ..... ...i. 1. tit. .r.l..4i fill'
F'1"11" " ,u ""' '"l,"u"- "-,
one of our citizen:.
We woiiiil :nform tlie jeo I t
this city that it uuuidbc v.eil to Lu-
tneir ehi'uien oil of the :-tn- t o:i:.
before thej .tie bur..
Tonight the An Mar Theatre (."om
pan" huids torth at the opera hmi-e
This company ln.- a splendid ic.j-m.i-tion
and it will behoove our people !
see tli-in.
Found. One dark bay colt, v.ith
white stripe on both sides. O-o
Uack eeand oi white ee. Owu- r
can receive information as to where
abouts of aia ci It by calling ai:n
paying for this notice.
Mrs. J. II. Battles will speak in
the Methodist church on Monday ;
ning, Sept. 10th. Subject: -Evangelistic
work." In the 1J:iji"-i
church on Tuesdaj evening Sub
ject: "Heredity and Hygiene."
The most rediculous predicament
into which the democratic bosses havi
fallen for some time, is into the Chi
nese net. Wonder if they expect to
use it for a fish net to catch Cana
dians in, if they succeed iu getting
their own fish out of it '
What has become of the enormous
surplus in the treasury, about which
we heard so mucu from democrat--
organs some six weeks ago? Wi t
really never there, or did Clevel.wo.
seek to deceive the people by his
message, or was he really so igtmr-int
of the condition of affairs, that he
did uot knov himself? Will soin
good democrat please explain?
In 1864 the country called on 0 ri
ver Cleveland for sevic, and he hired
a substitute. In ISc-l the counir
jailed on him again, and if he had
hired a substitute tlii time, tlie coin,
trv would be better off today It
makes quite a differ?.!!!- who cali:-.
The first time, t!o- commanding gener
al of the union forces called thN
time it was the brigadiers of tht
Tlie tenets of the republiean part,
arc, freedom fo; all men. and protec
tion to all Americans and American
industries; a free ballot and a fair
and honest count. The tenets of the
democratic party are free trade for
all men and protection to such as are
able to protect themselves, but no
protection to American industries.
Mark the difference.
The Followlae U the V. L. Ticket.
For Governor David Butler, of Pawnee Co.
Lieut. Gov. C. W. Potior, of Brown Co.
Treasurer D. C. Nash, of Polk Co.
Auditor Dr. H. S. Alley, of Hall Co.
Secretary J. M. Henthorn, of BuiTalo Co.
Com. Pub. Lands W. F. Wrisht, of Nemaha.
Alt-. Gen. W. T. Knox, of Custor Co.
Supt. Pub. Instruction Mrs. C. M. Wood, of
Cass Co.
Congressman, 1st Dist.-J. W. Edgtrton, of
Doug-las Co.
Second Dist. B. H. Hoar, of Furnas Co.
Third Disk J. O. James, of Nance Co.
Senator 23d Dist. Owens, of NuckoUs Co.
For Float John F. XomU, of Adams Co.
Of stock, on Wednesday, Oct. 3d,
1888, at ten o'clock, the undersigned
administrator of the estate of Henry
McCormal will sell at his late resi
dence, 2 miles west of Guide Bock,
90 head of stock described as follows:
23 head fat steers, 37 cows and year
lings, 20 head of horses. 200 head of
stock hogs, a lot of farm machinery
and household goods.
Teuib: Hogs and fat steers, six
months time, balance on twelve
months time, purchaser giving note
and approved secmrhy with ten per
cent interest from date. Five per
cent off for cash in hand. All sums
under 15 cash.
W. E. Jackso:?, Ad'm.
i rj
en I
ii at
t !:.
.Mfgs-s. )
ua;. d at tlie 111
W. 11. I oflu.
,ffit--e .n
?1 'e
: in-1
- t
. v VJ. Iial,
mis 1!:k- .
Mr. Shew ha?
(j-.ite a number fi-ni
. ijie
. c uine t Cuiiiii''U-. yj. 1
. Xriir.-lutl.
'i'ne f..rui'-'.-
ai Oct
i JU !
rr-. .. nl
I -:t : .-e nt
our ura in d
ah r..
j .ud & Co ..1 i.ut-.i.
t.fctir .,.,.,, the.i evat-i whteii v
a jji . hem to dit ii t "01 .11
wo L !!1 cl',:i:ii:i Ul.ii".
'lr. N springes h.i-g -u w
: .V coat of 55.1 I Will -.i liri
i:r . p.iearaiiee v-t . imi'-ii.
j .tji.
Lo,an. Kan., Seot. 14-11. -;h-cj..i cor
resjMindeace to tlie Chief. i'rig.t.un ii
Mdi 0:1 the war path, l'tii time uici the
fair M"t.uiid ir Aaut Sally could om mg,
r-he would, feel like singing in the "Aiild
Lang Syne." To see the great A, o.-tle
spread himself, particularly when ne is
teiling of th- dark deeds of the people.
The Glee Club h'ld n social .n Geo.
Moumford'fl on the 1st, also at Mr.-.. Gil
las on the 4th. Acnt Silly.
JtDiiO .
Sud.on, Kau Sept. 14 h. Special cor
re-()ondencc to the CniEF There was a
wedding iu our neighbor .oou Sept. d,
the contracting pjirties were Mr. Jauie
Butler, of Hed Clond and Mis Martha
Keese, of W.i.nnt Creek, llev. J. G. Arui-r-tend
We uudersta id our postmaster i- about
to leave ns and try the wilds of the far
There is a great deal of hay being pnt
up this year.
The M. E. quarterly meeting will be
held on the 16th at Miller's school house.
All are invited t. attend. Sid.
"UU-b et Poor
Two of our well known yocng men
hired a rig tne other day and Mart ed for
Guide Rock. When about half way they
met two young ladies of their acquaint
ance coming westward. The two gents
stopped, so did the girls, and d.viued up
i.nd the team.-. v. .0 again headed towards.
G. It. Finally ;fteraG0 minutes drive
thev 1 cached the . ...teru metropolis and
unloaded, the gallant yonug men giving
the girls enough monev to get their din
ners, while they weutinseach of a little
of the ardent. After a while the boys
came back to where they had left the
girl., bnt behold the doves had hitched up
;mdgone and the boys looked a little
foolish and t-oucludel that life was a joke
under such circumstances.
Chas. Buschow is in the city
Fall is here in all its realities.
'1 ho F. & M. bank is excavating for a
A brother of J L. Miller is visiting in
the city.
Peter Hill, of Cowles, was in the city
D. B. Spanogle returned from Lincoln
Thursday evening.
Miss Jessie Docker, sister of J. J., is
visiting in the city.
P. A. Beaehey returned from his visit
east Thursday evening.
A. J. Kenney returned from his trip
through Iowa Thursday evening.
Mrs. D. M. Piatt returned Thursday
evening from her visit in Superior.
Train Master Dancheyand family re
turned from Lincoln Thursday evening.
The theatre last evening was a success.
The celebrated drama, "Caprice" was
well rendered and in a manner that pleas
ed the audience. To-night the "Planter's
Wife will be rendered in a more attrac
tive feature than any bill that has been
put on the boards this week.
Don't forget the county fair. There
should be a general attendance of the
people of Webster comity. At least try
and make one fair a financial rnecess. It
is te the interest of our people at large to
seve the county fair patronized liberally
both in regard to numbers and articles of
The popular firm of Piatt 4 Frees
have been at a large expense this
season in putting np their lumber
yard and now have one of the finest
equipped yards in the city.
Mrs. Ellen A. Blair, national oir
ganizer of jnvenile department of W.
C.T.U., will give an illustrated lec
ture and Chalk Talk, in the Metho-
idist church on Friday evening, Sept.
lit. Admission free.
iJladen. Sep .
re.-j-oiideiice t
is to have a
Ve are h..i.i.
A new stop' i
H:itinus la-t i-'i.
Schi.ol c-. in
uith a full :it
Mis. Xeloi ;
friends in th - ,
N.t L
. -i.iW.
.m-. 1
A I..
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.Ai.t Ll
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K -i L.
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LLyii"ci-.b; yLUlhlsiUi
"o. ih f -11:111 r. i ' orer.
iieich "it ! t- e ''. stem
.Mi- canttlc A-- ct-nioii.
a tlil
L-r. 01 1 iie t- Lo ni on f rsns at
(I 7. 7-. -.',.!) aol IU per iti-
ti-ii'-t. Ii
ll'i . ' !
1. 1'. :?. 4..r (',. or 7 .ear-,
ble aniiua!i ors '.n-an-
111 orn c pal payable :' or in
in-'. ":",i'- at any ii.ture-.t ". day.
T;." s 'erm-J onjiht ro mi t most
an " I . t'al! on or adtlrcs."- me at
Ued '"!..', Neb, Office in noitli end
or a
h, l
G V. Barkxr.
gnat Chalk Talker will
be at the leiholit church on Frida
evit. t.e This is an opportuniu of
.1 1 ' f.m- for the jounj;: people.
Ev-:',b d -nvited
Auction! Auction I
n rcr'.y and willing to attend al
in Webhter, Smith and Jewel
con n - a auctioneer. Torm- verj
reJ -.(Stiile
J. C. Wauneb,
Red Clow' -eb
Care of Canrpr and Ulcers.
JuugeT. C. Alc-Lundon writes 10 the
Bwlf t Specific Co. : "About three years
ao, Jerry Bradley, had a caueerous
sore on bis face, near the right eye. It
caused him a great deal of pain, and he
lost tne stent of the eye, but was finally
cared by the use of Swift's Bjecinx
This cae is well knowa iu Willie Co.,
Oa., whore ho lived."
Air. L. Cox, of Arkabutla, Tate Co..
lllss., writes: "I Miilered a irreat deal
from oil ulcers for years. Tour medi
cine was recommended, and after using
ix bottles I was completely cured.
Your medicine does even more than yoa
claim fir it. I have known it to cure
cass which were thought tioielets."
Mrs. A. M. Goldsmith, No. 67 Warren
BV, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "I com
menced usinir 8. S. S. about three years
ago. lbad suffsrei with a sore throat
for over a year. I used a great many
other remedies wita oa frood reeulte.
My little girl, also, bad sore fingers; it
commence.! from the quick, and thea
the nails would come oft. We doctored
her for over two years, and when I com
menced using a 8. S.I thought I would
what It would do for her. I am
thankful to say that it entirely cured
fear. It is the best remedy I know
ef for the blood. I really believe
It was the means of savin'-- my lire.
The doctor told me I had a throat dis
ease similar to General Grant's. I
cheerfully recommend It to all sufferiajr
from disordered blood. (
Treatise oa Blood and Skis Diseases
saalled free. Tun Bwurr Bnctrtc no, '
Drawei 9, . tlanta,Ga
Real Ectalae Trmanfen
List of transfers for tho week enditur Sep
tembers, ISS8, as furnished by
Fort Abstract Co.
Frank A. Sweezy & wife to A. M. Walt
ters, w d lot l, blk 3, Uuschow's addi
tion to Blue Hill $500 00
Thomas O. Williams & wife to Christian
Koptsch, wd, lo-' 3, blk 1 Sweezy's ad
dition to Bluo H1U "3 0Q
Levi Moore & wife to Bed cloud Milling1
Co., wd, 25 acres of nw4 10-M1 SOD 00
John Levi Lancaster to Arthur J. Ben
jamin, wd,nwJ4 8-H2 1G09 00
C. B.Q.BKCo.,toJ.R VanRuskln,
wu,nc4 13-11 128 00
Lizzie Palmer & husband to Kate Wll
belinsou wd, und .' Int. e nw Si e H
swU 34-3-H 1000 OB
A.M. Walters & wife to Mary J. Mer
chant, wd lot 10, blk 3, Buschow's ad
dition to Bluo Hill S00 08
James Potter to Louisa C. Gross wd lots
9 ft 10, blk 9, BR add to Red Cloud.... 08SW
Mary V.Flynn ft husband to C. Cather,
wdlots7ft8blk7, Bed Coud 360 OS
James Potter to George Beaton wd, nw
Jia-l-12 a-etse
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
eonnty, at Red Good, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva J. Kino.
County 8ap't.
at Tin-:
zresfs'Tit A Sonfltem
LsxlJ ... 'O ill 4 1. 1UU
-!).-: VI.MKS IN-
D.r v
'.Is and
aii'f Leaders a l
'il '"i-e -in'- o 1)
l'i ' 2" to
li-Wi:-l SS.-nr. tt.i 50c sr wi.
7o.-; y' K idisii anfl Frt
pt'i- -'!. Cr.Jt) yds liv.c nc.v
llujoll ldilh flGol 1111115 llii Gli
Jell 'i t i.. I. le, cl.l - eo o -eil -I. .". See our toe Xeektiei. Iet a i.twen ualr
ni'd J.o-e '. (.iiit i iiii-ii r i:. 1. 1 e 'lable Ianen5to'.'iciicryard
t-i . -.ii. n cr-.. Working en"-. Shirts, lurge st"ck and wi assortm-: :, ". 46S
VK-. ii" !i i-!. ill--' Iiuv.l !.:.:. . r ee our ot Jlti !iu, li!eai:!ii-d and uui I elit.d.
S; !- ,li 1 .le -n-4 f r -0c, :iul a letter n. f-ir'c, worth SO and 4."c tlie world over. .Terewi
.mil lir a"- '-: ii half piii- . uu e .nel ini M-.iileries that uinc.tu't re-,t. Velvets and eIfW
eeus iv ( ur Sow I'rkv.
".;)') )i-
Si e -ur S-ulii ' Kul Cl ve- in all colors :it
to: is, ii.i -!..i ii ii.iwi-, Mieaji nursicai
t nine ami m e ana ex tn ne jo
fra cat
li'tsteni and Soolliftra Hi rati Associatioa
Chas. Schaffnii, Manager.
You will find at C. L. Cottings Drug- &
A complete line of School Books, Slate
Pencils, Crayons, &c, also the largest line of
WRITING TABLETS in the city. Call
and see me.
Webster County Mr
September 25-28, 1888.
The people ot the county and adjacent territory should not forget the dates.
This year the managers are doing their utmost to make it a success
and it will be the best fair ever held in the county.
Premiums will be Paid in Full !
The premiums are large in all departments !
On the 26th and 27th will be the
Soldiers1 Reunion.
Attractive Features arranged for Every Day.
A. L. FUNK, SecV.
beautiful Portraits !
Life size or smaller at
Have jou had any
every one is more than pleased with them.
even the tin-types are
Bulkey's Gallery,
of Low Prices!
' ! 1 !-:, 1 1 if
' ; yard.
mid coloied I' mere
Dress Flannels from i!5 ta
- in - h Suitings from 10 to - 'J
S:itteens 12 l-2cpryar '.
St. Now ii the time to buy your Blankets Cm-
(i (ie eorser-. iiiey win mveyou sau-i.inuoa.
inuii- si prices naut
llish' t prlees imid for produce. It ptys to)
of those fine cabinet
meriting praise at
east side Webster street