The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1888, Image 4

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i' 'nPtmrmm..,
r; - - -
r--- t
X.yisgtalas sad weary
Witt a thrsBclaf brata
Stan's a oloe to cheery,
b roots adjacent
Tfs ay precious wife;
uOTlsrt tender, patient,
Jewel ot my life.
Whistling as she stitches;
Singing as she sews;
Like a dream ot witches
How the music grows;
And the heart strings tingle
As it mores along
In the merry jingle
Of some chiUhood'a sons:
Now some deeper feeling.
Or some subtle whim.
Better Unds revealing
In an "old-t m: " hvmn;
And the sprightly measure
Finds a ra nor tone
To express her pleasure
Pure and all her own.
Then like wooJlund brcczc3
In the month of June
Conic a strain that pleases
And ti sweet, glad tunc
rrajrant with completeness
Uear.ns oa its ir nss.
To my oul, such sweetness,
As she bcw, and sings:
' In Thy Care a:id Kcfplnj."
And I pray that still
Walnnz; LorJ. orslicpins
Walk in clad tomiumoa
Till tlisa life is o o..
Have eternal us oa
In Tlice. CYcrm-ro.
A. A. Jlorr toiu ii -V. Y. Graphic.
Dr. Talmago DiECri:rcos on Faxnil
iar and Eomoly Themes.
o'clock in the evening; punctually; never
theless parents should cot imagine that all
islct because their sons arc sometimes a
lit..e f.-iiky, and public oCiciala ought to
be lenient in their chastisement These
young men do not need a cell In the peni
tentiary, as I hare seen it hinted, but they
need a private talk by some kind old man.
J judge or professor, or college president,
who will put his spectacles up on his
forehead and take the young man by the
hand and tell him of the great possibilities
that are open before industry and sobriety.
and of the grief that hit ill behavior xr 11 J
onug 10 parental neans so anxious ior
his welfare, and then say: "That is
all, my son.'' But this throwing our-J
selves bad: en frigid dignity and in merci
less condemnation of tho present, as
though the past had ail tho virtue and all
the honor and all the propriety, is an as
sumption hypocritical and unjust iliablc.
Nov. I am resolved, and will you, kind
reader, join me ia tho resolution, to be in
pood humor with men and women, boys
and "ir!,. :.utl sweeten our judgments. If
people want to whistle let us join in the ex
ereise, and if boys will bo boys, let u. not
conclude they ai r goini: to ru.n.
We know people so genial that their face
is always full of sunsii no and there is no
night there. "When they hare trouble we can
I scarcely tell whether they are crying or
laughing. The v.-.ive of tears dashing
i against a bank of smile.". But there are
others who ni e explosive and runpowdery
under slight provocation. There is such n
thing (who would have thought it J) a3 a
snappy editor, n hen you enter his edi
torial rccLis he :..e. n t look up for a long
while. Yras:...iJ wi'iyour hat in hand,
thinking wV.t . 1 :r- y it would be to ho
rsked to sit is Y ie ymi nro meditat
ing the best way of atraclin his atten
tion he suddenly ! "cka ov r his shoulder
and spits out: "Tr..j:t ib t:"' There is a
flabh in the eye and a vr.v ::: in tho tcno
that you feel yrirc'f a .-.i'?in, though
previously rem h d ui p.- ' yo rself hon
est. Before y.ti M t lit on.;.: U'.Iing hra
what you want lie to at . '.! r editorial,
and he ii::a!ly v.'.z yo 7 1 v I'eli'.ng you
he can not attend 1 1": mow. You back
out with apo!" e.", f r lit r. . non. but in-,r ;:... m-.y it never nsli
$1,500 in Cash Prizes
The Chicago Daily News has reduced its price from two cents to One Cent per copy.
For a year psst its sties hire beea over ' a-million-a-week," sad it believes it aow sees the way to safely lead ia placing an ideal
Aaerican daily paper upon the basis of the lowest unit of American coinage owl ccrr.
To successfully accomplish this end two things are-essential:
First To make as good a newspaper as the best, if not a little better; second to let every man, woaua and child in the
Northwest know it's being done, and done at one cent a day. The Daily News believes that it is competent to take care of
the first named condition, and knows of so better way of meeting the second than by general newspaper advertising. To do the
latter most effectively it here solicits the co-operation of all who believe themselves competent to write an effective newspaper
advertisement. To induce the best effort in its service in this matter THE Daily News will reward the writers of the three best
advertisements submitted, with three cash prizes, aggregating Fifteen Hundred Dollars, divided as follows :
First Cash Prize For best advertisement, ...
Second Cash Prize For second best advertisement,
Third Cash Prize For third best advertisement, -
Total, -------- ... $1,500.00.,
The advertisement may be a single announcement, or a scries cf announcements sot exceeding six in number. The spact
tecuired must not exceed that occupied by this advertisement eight inches deep, six and one-quarter inches wide.
For the general guidance of all who enter the competition, the following ten points arc briefly stated as being those which THE
DAILY News will require to be most prominently brought out The advertisement must emphasize :
S.-e th-it cur tr.ib mark. SANTA A 11
IE. i (): piv ry b'tf !e i is on every
bottle of tint pit asAtit California rem"
i"5v. tfif i"t;u uu.trantPed'i
t". refm5el hv Henrv Cok
It ib u prevalent notii m that a propensity
to whistle indicate; an indolent or trivial
nature, writes Kev. Dr. Tlm.".ge in the CIi.
cago Timet. When we . re indulging in it by
soliloquy and s-onre :ie meets ns we s: p
short, snapping the whistle 1:1 tw.i, a vour ,ifo -.,.: i:i :r, Ci..r r.1 .inetnm
though we had bee:: du.iir somei's a : Tlicroisst: :ir.rt.n-a.,i Mr -t-railroad
disreputable. There is nothing mure conductor. A7Lc:.l ..-,:.. the namoof
healthful than t!.::, tsoreAC. Ihe a depot he b'.tc, oS t': letter anil the
ulty ha been gra:rcd to tho, e or u, list syllable. Itisal ;.v :r p-ril you ask
who can not sin-.' u.iifli Tiuui'jh wo :n:,;ht hinithonaiaeofth-ne.tilr.ce. AVhilo
lose our way in si t i.e if .c atter.jied you are deiMkiir i.t v.-l-ic'i or your eight
the customary soprano t.r has. wo packets you put v vrt.-k t, ' - "e.pc3 upon
revel in the ouudi which, without j-cti dcvourinjly, a; nu h : to nay: "1
any skill, rush with the breath through the b:vc yon net": ycr. e::j-ee.l tit get
contracted lips. ;rumuiers reldom if ever, a ride wiihir.t "p"!-"'""" fr it, eh?'
whistle. The art is le t only for the blithe If you venture to eil hini that tho
and cheerful. Voucher it i3 the whistle ;ar is very eo'.d. he will f.-ejze you
that makes the good cheer, er the good Btlll worse with v. won oring stara
cheer that makes the wh stle. we have now Ifyju nrk h'n v.-hy there i no water
no time to analyze. This kind of aubiei;. on tho tra n. he v-.l'tanw over vou tho
an inspiring accompaniment of work. Let wet blanket of a ;::t reply, and that is
two masons be busy on the wafToIding, water enough, lie 2, .snappy to tho o'd
their strength niike, their hods and trowels lady who is too loa m cff. and the
alike, the one who whistles will better set oid centlcman who is too leng getting en;
the bricks and rear the truest wall. Do not snappy about wh-ro you may set your feet,
rob us of any of our helps. What the snappy about wnere you set your valise,
world wants is an augmentation of diver- Bcforo many miles all tho passengers feel
aions and entertainments; not less tkip tho contagion from having boon bitten by
and romp and curveting, but more, God such a snappy disposition, and so they get
has no objections to it or lie would not till snappy, too.
the kitten with play and the lamb with You h ivc noticed, furthermore, tba
frisk and tnc dog with facetious bark, and snappy mcrciant. After you have asked
send the night wind around the gable with for a certain kind of goods ho halts bcforo
mouth full of whistle. showing them, as much as to say : " Do you
We know not why women with all their really want to buy? or are you among thoso
cares should be denied the exercise, and who do nothing but go a-shopping, and aro
yet an ungallant rhyme has fer ages for- you point? to take up my time for noth-
bidden it. Do tell us something that ingl" lie talks over the counter in cxas-
women may do! You do not want theci to pemting monosyllables. When you pont
skate or lecture or preach or walk too fast out a defect in the fabric, ho asks : "Do you
or laugh very loua, and you finish your expect to find any thing perfect under tho
long list of prohibitions by baying: sun!" While you are meditating whether
"wmsuirg e:ris ana crowng nens . or not you had better take tho goods, he
Always come to sumo DaU end." says: 4. You need not have it if you don't
There rro times in a woman's life when wantit" As you quietly suggest that you
a psalm-tune docs notsecm particularly aj- ,aw soiacth;n!; a littic cuc?pcr at the next
propnatc and a carol seems too formidablo storc? he howls at you: "Go there and
to attaek-thc former is too grave and the it As ym g0 ou. ho 8lams tho door
latter too jubilant and nothing on earth is ,.,. .,,i ,.n . nam th et-
. .:.u .v ..:...........-.... 1... . v-. um, ... .w t,v V..M Mw .........
CUUsUUilUl nuu iuu tjiicutuakuiivcs uut
f That Tub Daily Nrws is first, last and all the time, a irftrr-paper.
Because that should be the first and controlling consideration in the
production of an American Daily paper, and it isn't always to. It
costs money, enterprise and hard work ia unstinted measure to
maVe a genuine Kau-paper.
S That The Daily News is a daily paper for busy people. Because this is
a country of busy people, and the North-west is the busiest part of
it. Most people haven't the time or patience to read a "blanket
sheet," they absolutely haven't anyuse forit. Newspaper reading,
after all, is but an incident of life, not its chief business. Therefore
Tub Daily News is a shon-and-to-the-point-paper
f That Tux Daily News is an independent, truth.tellicg newspaper.
Because the Amm'can people are intelligent enough to prefer honest.
impartial journalism to tne misleading, trutn-aucoionnj aisscnesty
of the regulation political "organ." Everybody really wants to
know the truth in political matters ; the most violent partisan doesn't
want misinformation for a daily diet. And as to editorial expression,
even the most unreasonable partisan will rarelv take las tire cfience
at an adverse opinion, so Ions as he is confident of the kimtsifcf,
furpost oacic ot tne opinion, its not tne mere tact 01 disagreement
that makes trouble, it's the suspicion of insincerity. Make this
f tint very strong and clear. It's because The Daily News&u
men ifs way to the confidence efits readers ef every fcliiical faith
that it has a circulation cfacer " a-miUionaMek."
That Tub Daily News is a family paper. Because this is the age of
ue newspaper, a time wnen every ooay reaas it. ana it is ainmpor
tant that the newspaper should be made with direct reference to the
needs of all the members of the family. Woman and her interests
sever occupied so large a share ofthe world's thought as to-day a
fact not to be overlooked. The moral tone and influence of a daily
faper must also be constantly watched, for children read it. The
)aily News is for the home, and therefore it follows
9 That The Daily Netvs is against the saloon. Because "the liquor
interest " arrogantly assumes to dominate ia American politics, and
The Daily News believes that it is not for the country's good that
any one interest should thus over-ride all others, muchless one which
stands as the representative of aQ that is most un-American among us.
The Daily News is not the organ of prohibition. It is not sure that
prohibition is the best thing. Good people who have made this sub
ject alife-longstudydonotagreeastotheremedv. Thb Daily News
has no eutopian hope that it is possible to legislate ascaiato good
ness, but i: has a very positive conviction that it is entirely practica
ble, and altogether desirable, to legislate saloon-keepers into their
proper place, as being engaged in a trafficwhich here, as everywhere
else in the civilized world, is only tolerated as, apparently, a neces
sary evil. There must he r.o uncertain senxdon this faint. .
6 That Titb Daily Netvs is a happy paper. Because it believes in the
practical wisdom of bein good natured : of being generally satisfied
rather than everlastingly dissatisfied. The chrcnlc fault-finder is a
nuisance, and The Daily Nmvs will have the least possible cf bint.
The world is better than it nsed to be, and is getting better eery day.
It's a good plzcc to lis e in let's make the best of it.
7 That T:ie Daily News costs a great deal ef money to make. Because
there is sometimes no way of demonstrating the value of a thing, ta
some people, so conclusively as by snowing, even in part, wnat 11
-?m .. , 1. 41 .U1IS U.fcS UJU1
another $300,000 a year. The aggregate expenditures 01 The Dailv
News for iSSS will vary but a mile either way from $900,000. And
8 That Thb Daily News row costs the reader only One Cent a Day.
Because this is the mest wonderful thing ia modern journalism, and
deserves telling o'er and o'er. There is little danger cf mating
too rruci ef this feint.
9 That The Daily News is now literally everybody's paper. Because
heretofore metropolitan daily papers have been too expensive, bota
in price and in time required to read them, to make it practicable (ok
the farmer or the mechanic to take them. Now this is changed. The
farmer particularly should take a daily paper now that it costs but
little more than the old-time weekly, ana is condensed so that he can
also afford the time to read it. He'll save its yearly cost over and
ever again by knowing the market prices every day, instead of weekly
a heretofore.
10 That Thb Daily News now nangnrates a new spapei revolution. Be
cause such a combination of values as it now offers the reader is
absolutely without paral'd among American newspapers, and it is
bound to make the dry-bones rattle. The result of this revolution is
that every Englisrj reading person living within daily newspaper dis
tance of Chicago can cow afford, both as to price and time, to have
his dry daily.
ST X5Z Fi.
Hn. UjrUJJCJ),rlv,iCs
LCINGS r-Satf .n GlS
'Scud for cicuhr.$ rtrltttlt3trC)2.
Other points will suggest themselves to the regular reader of the paper itself, and may be introduced according to the judgment cf
the advertisement writer. Outline illustrations and poetry may be introduced if desired, but they are not necessarily essential to success vr
the competition. The prizes will be awarded to the three most successful advertisements, the publisher of The Daily News beia
the sole judge, whatever may be the absolute grade of their merit All advertisements must be received before September 1st aenk:
and the awards will be made at the earliest date practicable thereafter. Intending competitors must apply for the paper's complete pcti
fecfta, tad advertisements must be submitted ander the conditions therein named in detail.
VICTOR F. UttYSON, Pablisher The Daily News, Chicago.
whistle. That privilege shall not be denied
if we have any thing to say ubout it.
Soon after going on board a steamer wo
noticed a little icwtcr instrument that hung
to the boatswain's jacket On such a sim
ple thing you would not suppose a man
could make more than one or two sounds,
but that little instrument can 1 lay a hun
dred tunes, and at its call cables, cordage,
rigging, sails, colors, boats and anchor re
spond, and the crew fly swifty from
hammock to capstan and from capstan
to ratlin. After eight days of head
with ir itations all over you just because
you came in contact with a snappy mer
Suavity Is an art that we all need to cul
tivate. It pays to be a gentleman or a
lady. Forcupines arc lit for nothing but
museums. Most of us need to have n
smoothing-iron run over our temples.
Many people get up a red heat at a mo
ment's notice and do not always cool off so
quickly. Some aro like hot journal"., on
the railway cars a little friction, and lol
thoy are on fire, and it takes ice and salt
and waste an.l t:mo to get things running
W 1 1. ,. 1 A. SI .
wiau we ucuru tuu uoiiuwam-a long, smoothlv; nnd then thero ia n0 sayins
keen, resounding whistla It meant that when tIl wilI b(J oa firc If wo
the wind had changed and the sails must had morc rf thc spirit of Him concerning
go up. There was in that pewter whistle whom it is 8ai(1. Craco i9 poured into
more music than in coy harp we have since Thy Ups Wd ,Touia CCilsc bcingsnappy.
heard, and when it fell down again from
the boatswain's lijr. we re-tsamined it WOMAN'S ADAPTABILITY
to see where all that chirrup an.l glee of t wuivimim i mjhc i isiii 1 v.
sound and shrillness of blast could hide . ,..,., ,, .. ,
Vnm.-j,. ri,a -, o;i n:ni:rn .... 1 How a Number of2env York Girls Moke a
themselves. Thus wo sail on in life anil Comfortable Uvinr.
sometimes in the teeth of a head . " ""
v-ind, and it is tough navigation. Tho woman barber is not unknown m
Our whistle, dangling to our neck. I cw York, and has conspicuously failed, as
seems of n use. Every thing ia ' "b 'deserves to, but, says the New York
apainst us, but after awhile there i, a j 6"w' tbe woman hair-dresser of the
change in thc moon, and thc wind that was man s hasr ,sno,1 f m.uch of
advereowhccL; around and into our favor. I and yet does a successful business Thero
n..VAtoir.nn...v.:eiiA.n.i -ii,o- . are several women m this town who make
m ai. , M;i. -,.?., r.A !. ,L t, a good Uving by washing, shampooing.
minili(liat9nM if at rh a time o cleaning, oiling, combing and caring for
.i .-. ; -?t, .,- m.,k s- . the beads and hair of their fellow women.
ought to charge it to the boatswain's
So, also, wc would be less bard on all
kinds of f rolicsomcncss. For instance, haz
ing at college is to be reprehended, but it is
no worso now than it has always been.
It seems that some time ago thc students
of a college disarranged tho store signs, in
jured street lamps, sang discordant songs,
and disturbed thc village until a commit
tee of the citizenj waited uven thc mayor,
and a large group of thc young men were
arrested, taken bcforo the authorities,
threatened with the penitentiary, and
their names telegraphed throughout
the land. People say: "What aro
our colleges coming to!" and "What
a generation of wayward young
men arc marching on to take possession of
our institutions! If staid, orthodox, solid
colleges do so, what may wc expect of insti
tutions reckless and unti-Calvinistic!"
My friends, 1 hero is no causoof alarm;
the boys aro doing just what their
fathers and grandfathers did before them.
As long as 1 can remember I was shown
the place oa the roof cf the college
building where one bright morning
there were found a load of wood
and a mule attached to tho load, all
raised to that bad eminence by the
aaohomorc class during thc night some
of the men engaged in tho achievement i
afterward (Senators of the United States j
and doctors ef divinity. I reprehend the
voasff men who m Princeton put an under
taker's sign oa as apothecary store, and I
abide thsta be more careful, while at the
assne tat I gl U as my oeiajea, that they
luaiTHam have overheard the recital is
esse ssuMar's Italy, or lawyer's efflce, of
nam - fat whLh their fathers
aadtTSstarspstidptl. Beys will be
w!lLtha is. bays that ton out good far
sTaUel set myself afatastiD
jgaaajBttaasssm amesmMmsvMv Va) GVAVy WmW asmmav Bassss) j
aBsmmmmasae mmsasw Wewai VaassawV yHea emPmi NmsjJ awm j
Women who know thc discomfort of having
to wash their own hair, unassisted, appre
ciate thc services of a skillful hair-dresser
of this kind, and those who can afford it
and yet can not keep a ladies' maid do not
grudge paying well for it. Especially is
her practised hand in demand in rear
ranging the sometimes inextricably tangled
locks of women who ore recovering from
long illness, when thc whole scalp is sore
from tossing to and fro on the pillow, and
the nerves are too unstrung to bear the
awkwardness of well-meaning but un
skillful attendants or friends. Then it is
that thc professional hair-dresser is wel
comed and her gentle stroking and deft
fingers aro more soothing than irritating to
the patient"
Then there is another large class of young
women whose parents prefer to keep them
at home, rather than bare tbcm accept any
regular salaried position outside, and yet
are not unwilling that they should earn
enough money to clotho themselves. These
are the people who take in sewing ot vari
ous kinds at such cut-rates as to make the
life of the regular sewing girl ono long
fight for bare life. But in turn they have
given rise to another trade for women that
of teacher of thc different kinds of work the
big shops give out For instance, teachers
of tho art of necktie making go from boose
to house instructing young girls how to
make this ornamental male attire in suck
styles as the factories that give out the
work require. After the art is learned it is
poor pay enough, but the teaching of itcom
mands a fair price.
All these Instances, of course, are only
indifalto" of bow woman's wit and adapts
bility is proving of practical beaettte her.
Few of these pursuits enamerated admit of
much crowding. Not many could make
living in any one ef them. Yet they are
painters, shewing that so loag as the fleld
be epea at all, woman la Inventing and was
coatsBoe te invent new methods, pesaUarty
kteewaaad soiled te he cspatrititieB, ef
sad eewiag tawwia.
For the (J. A. K minion at k- 1
noy, Sej.t. 17th to ifisrli i!io l. Sz !.
vvi.l make rate of oik f;ir for rouml
ri. and fur Xhco!.. i-t.m:i Fair at
XrVoii, S pi. !!)' to I'uiL one lot!
ont-thiitl fan foi KiiiicI trip ltat
of :iiie and ii-thinl l.iif will a"-- v Sept 1 1 : h to 115 h for (J A. 11.
r union at I.:i: i-i;ti:l. Kansas
4'Ii' I.'-!:-oi;i Mtinh.
TIm Illinois CVr.ti .! ..;!rul will
-el! ,liii excursion in-L-t- to SacK
.son, Tennessee, IIolU .-irnis, ,hc-r-tleen
and Jaeksos Mt issippi, (lani
1110111I. Jcntiinir am! Lake I'h.-uic.-,
Louisiana. Tues-'ila . -. Srptt moer 1 1
and 27i. Odtolcr ! :.;m S.'.. N-vi-meer
;:!..' 20. I-.l.-:nI..r l.-n-i 16.
Auents i!l.iirhiit.. to Si i.:c
(it, Sioux K::i! :i:.ii Oiiaira, w i u
for the cvt"fi:i;r !i.i!:i on loinlsiy- ;:
vious to dates ui; imi .ii ;. T tt.
moriiini: train fr.ini f)uomju'-; 1 '
c:ili, TlH?.da Jlj ii. and . n
cceitiiij: Tuesd i 'Urinjrtix.- inoi.f j - 1
Auun-t. Sejiii'inlt, (K'foii.--. No',
her :.nd leri':::hrr i'or H01.0
ers' Guides and -rMiti"! ln.ilti::. :!
rate.--, dates and FuM nifonii tion
ply to lu-arest foiinon tieki-t .i.eii.
aildn-s- the ii!iiler.siaii"il at 3Ltiii' 11
ter. Ton a. .1 -- Mkkhv.
G. W !'
. I!l.i
1.M-.. .
1 I.
:. simper t. chieage. rhb ?ed Coud Street Railway Co.
noon at .-. . o'cu-ck,
J" train- from the w t,
1 Pullman Sleeping Car
ka for Chicago via thc ,
-. Islairl i'out'-, making (
..-non with the famous
r" runnirijr thong!i with-
arrivir.u a' ri:i-ajin the
This is certainly
ij"i--.rst and most convenient
ot transportation hi tv-cn
s Karis;:. aiol tin- tv. of Chi
i'of aecuimuodatioii-, t,, t his
e notify your hie 1" tioi.t,
i! bo triad t. rn i, -uch
" - a? 3-o'i n.jf, ' 'mi by
Cars run every twenty minutes leav-
iuc the Holland liouse at 7:tl0 a.m.
ami liiakini: regular tri; until 10:U0
. 111 . aftvr that iimo lravn the Hol
land HoTise at 11 :.' p.m. and make)
.niuniirht tram. Cars make all tnuns.
tr tltr lied VI'Hi'1 N itional Bank and
I. .1- Pucker.
Iv ir-jio In 1: tK Miipt'oi"- s' f'f:i
mi-t.-i-k .1 ior c "1 1111 ti'" " VX T.
VIJIK In-irnn 'tit gi oln- ftunanv
!i n-l.i:Itl :;inl hv pronip' In-iUit
i;i fl- fOj; -ui, cnltl t ' '00 ulSt-rt
Icvt ' i- i tit that -iii'-o v.i
' v' ii t! 1 1..'- fp ni -u: Ui ti::'- .
r VKi ni'i'.o i inK-'ki y
kf'-pitiir i h'tftV 0" thi- : Icas.tiit :t
i iitv- in th hou-i.
Vt- uac SaBV
. uac
Curn-ns CiVCiicA
e'-Estey Organ" is the one to I x "vHr ivo a p.izejfor
- Tt costs less, is tasteful, sub' thebeBtdisplay of field co.n raised
, , ; . ' , m Webster counts, Neb:, Jewell or
f.jitii.1, ivcdl huilt, is Hiiptrior in tone 1 mith couatie3, Kansas, a follows
1st prize, oco year's subscription
to the CHIEF; 2d prize, six. months
3d priio, o..t -, .ontha. .Siring'
your beet com.
ti ti
.: ti
oi'-r. Uall ami ? eilie hstcy
-:Itiue of Sada ... Hi. lev.
' " S
' Nolii
' l ITN
The Steinway, Chickerini: iCnabe
u-'J . equally reli..hl t anos.
' . f'i er on un iitf j. ents
a '. lUilcy.
Wht-si travi-lir.j: ;i"S'li, on-r, rfo'rh "f
wes, iiinke iiiii-c!: - msi f 1 t-l '.. '' h -trn Jii-st fi;i in
Tin Chi-aso. Kaiist- A: Xi'lu.-ik.! 'i-.n)- 'call on me. Rpasonabhi prices
way, l.uid Ho'ito"' work that wili please ou.
;p Fiirmorf nn:i l'r-perCj 4ivn
1. IVedsSrr imtl ".jrft.initJIiyc
rouBtlt m.
I i.'il -iid my a-si-iint to nuke
views .f ;our hou-es stork .,
thr.-uj!'"uf W.-bstcr an s. . iirro'u :n
ciunt..o'J. If my nun f.nis to c.ili oa
,0'i and ou should want o sr prop
crU photo r.iphcdjdr -p me a postal or
Tus thoroiiit,iute i- tt.- pvopoV l- i
vorite, lieiMii it is r-liulle. s iff and '
p asnt and uiti :t- liinitid Hyer toi
Chicago, Hnd coiiiicrtio'i witii all the
fast trniii- io St. i.'-ui- nmkv it niiivpr- j
snllv popular, aiol tlie route wliii-i' nil i
well postnl tr:ivelr lakf '
The Moon Block Photographer.
Its. fHne(ngT tiaio i-iv tiuill ox- YZWWW TSwifmW
irtNly lor thii 1110- ly the I'uiluiuu
I'm luce On 1 .. whit-li 1- : I'lmrmiW't? :
fcijv.j .-.- .1.-- i'. it 1. ..iiii iiiij'ivit:
invri t-il a- i!.e l.-t t-istn nnd
mrt lhoioii:h -Xfii-riciKc ran ii;i:e!t.
g:;d 1 O i!iveiiicine fur the coin'ort
aud Heryn-e of the trnwlinj; oiit-lir liio
been overlonKed. !n addition to its
regular passeneer cqiiipnient, there is
in serviee a hue of -unorh reclining
chair cure; n piiinn or -mi'i.. Imvii s
been spared to make :l:eie cars the
motel restful aim t.riift:rt-H-'-iiri:i ve
hicles ot their elaps in America.
Holders ot Jirst chu tiekeM ran oceu,iy
oeats iu
porter awouipanie enoli car tt ndinin
isier to the hiiU ofthe patron?, which
makes them especially desirable for
ladies and children traveling tviihout
eeort- Tn fact, the O. K. it N. is the
Great Free liecliniint CLair Car Line
writ ef the Missouri river. When you
travel, to he absolutely couifortalile,
take the Chic i K.tni & Nebraska
Bailway, "Rock Island Ronti?." Pull
Tif.n's Pa!ac iltei inf (ncs na m
n...i s i-ra-.
First door north of City Bakery, re
fitted Htid thoioughly equipped We
n-.ppctfuliy solicit your pntronage
o:tr;inteeiuir svtisfa'ion in every case.
CnMoTT": Will be to plenve all
.tin rttia tia ltaiv tptffla All 1Vllk
tnese eiirn !re-. A colored ! , .- , , ,
, . . ! dutie in a tirft-clntiS Banner ami in thp
Htei fntl of the profession.
liiTTHisn . Ki-;km
TaJtcai Cat.
Tblslsto eertirj tnatlaavetadten op at my
plact-7 mllM Birtnwet of BeU cloud, t-ae Jack,
white and bas a near on kit hind If g
ran have same by eaulas; aad variuic rbary
aad fer this aorlee. Date4 mis ad day of rp.
mater, isfft c'bas. v-x flssjb.
One dollar buys .1 uumber one
screen door at the Chicago Lumber
Fall hats, i:r-!. ot the :.on. at
Berg & (i.ilu?ha'..
C-t!tiKi s'eepfi" at Taylor's, Red
Clomi. 40
ohh styles in soft and stiff hats
at Iorg &
For :i new style nat ;r to tlie Golden
EnIe 7lolhin St'ire.
Furniture of all kinds cheaper than
ever at F. v. Taylor's.
Special attention to undertaking
and embalming by F. V. Taylor. Resi
dense .1 blocks west Carriaye Factory
For sale. A first class family
horse and carriage, very cheap for
cash. Address or applv to
Rkv. O. S. Davis,
The latest in .stiff hats at the Golden
Eagle. Just received, enough Tor four
Trie odI cti irait.tfi i euro for nitarrn.
""ld in tin lieoi. .1 y .-ever, Roseconl
catarrhal .'f:ii" '-- n.d -ur cies, r'
.sitires the -eiie ta-te and smeil
reniovetl tt !:i-t nnd urip!ei-aut
hrr.'ith, r-:ihiiiL' trii:i catarrh. Follow
directtoih and a -or- 12 wtteanitd by
sail drurtr-t-. r-t t il for eireuliir to
5?'X mt-n !' tr-tt;nf-nt for
$i sent r. 1.. in .SI 0
-alo by . a
K nrv Cook. Airent. r
WholesaleApent Lincoln. N
Iicai Ntf re.
To J. JJ. Mall i.on n-bident defendant yon
wU Uke notice that 011 the lath day of July IMS
"erg &G4.uaha brought thrir action u In the
Justice court ef Wehster county. Kebraska be
fore W. (.Smith a Juttlce of tha peace of said
county to recover from ou the mm or iin
and sereaty-ave one-bundredtbs dollars illezed ?.
w wkw uinK mem ior K'eus, wares ami .
merchandise pur-h.we.tUv you from them and in
that certain nunlM htiiimvimr m n ,n h. u
hai'dsof the rhicato l'urlnrton & OuInccyTW
Kail Koad Co. have bej'i attached. . .,
iu suu cause nan oeen continued to the 19th
day of September lSs.
Detwerto Chicago
Denver to Kansas Cs.tyr
Denver to Cmahrt,
Omaha to Chicago?
Kans?3 City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Louis,
Through tickets over the Burling
ton Route aro for ale by the Union
Pacific, Denver at Rio Crande and
n'l other principal railways, and
uy ali agent of the "Burlington
For further InfcmatloR, apply t
ny agent, or to
P. 9. EUSr.S.ttcn'frvtAa-t,
lerisl's Sale.
fp anil liv
tueor an or r ol sale Itsaed out of the district
court of ihe eighth district in and for
W ebstf r county Nebratk ur on a il-cree ia aa
action waereta the i'ho?hiz Mutu.n'. 'Me Iasur
auceCoatpaaylsplaluUlfaadM.:. a Alexander
ike east
said roaaty .that belli the place where the la
tern otafd court was aoldeniou the ist dm
nfOctobet MM at 2 o'clock p. hi. the fazlowtaa
described property to wit: the northeast ouar
terCi) of section thirteen 1 in) township four (
north ranse twelve tiaj west 6tli P. M. In Web
ster cosaty Nebraska. "
Given under my hand this 14th day ef taa
?,tL v,, mw 1'. W&M
uil liUlCtT -Stttrot tor iittaicaiaiv..
nioi nin. The General left the Cummins
residence about nine o'clock ncconipanie
br tho Hon. William Cuiumin's. Judg
Cummiujgs and tlattj;Iiter anl 3J1
John Knlen- A corrunlttee of tif
teen from Fort AVaviie. headed b;
Lieutenant-Governor Robertson and Col
oael W. H. Smith, arrived thU morning t'
escort the General to that city, where b
was to arrive at 1 :.".0 p. ra. He will speii
three hours in Fort W avne and mafie
speech. The party will then proceed tl
.Indianapolis by special train.
Charg-rd With Forgery.
8t. Louis, Sept. ". Warranty . wer.
. 'ZT " .""iniiir iftiiiiigt'jaiiijiiilig
O. C. C.9l
K, Ja. XfrSaxv.
t Will practice in all courts or this stale
collections as well as litixated business caret ul
y aad efficiently attended to. Abstrarts f nrsisfe-
orFxra. Over First National Bank. Md
Cloud. Neb.
C. W. Kai.kv. J. L.
A TTORNKI3 AT LA . Aifenfci tor the .
r C.M.K. K.IaDit oaoaWel.iter strOK
led Clond. Nebnwka.
I. W. TULT.HYS. M. D f
JTT, antnlet: rinrxcoa. Ofllee opposite Kirt
XafloaalBaet, Ked a.nvl. 5enka.
rhrubtdie4tmreti al.
- J " .'