The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1888, Image 1

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I t"-5- Cja-iSlSjfc-sfEBHBBBMMBfcBBSB-ij. gnmnnnsBelnnSnWEmaagShinwmwmwmSgaWgmmnj nw. nnjmj 9mim ..
r- ISiBaByBfcKERM FofiiMa,awgajBP)gSgxTPlir
Have arrived this week at the
The finest Made Up clothing ever offered at
Red Cloud. The e goods uer-. spec
t ially made up for us and have many
points o- superiority over
Stcck Clothing.
Thci Merchant Tailoring
Department is now running in full force, using
qnlv experienced men
Aui the piece goods
to select
A great advantage to bnyers at
clothing is we have the tailors m tiie Duiiamg
and can make any necessary alterations
fc.aj; once. Tf a large stock, and
Are of any object to you. and rant to buy
goods on -their merit it will certainly
pay you to look us over.
ur assortment of Clothing, Mens Furnishing
oods, Hats, Caps,
Trunks, etc., will be unusually large
this season, and are bought at
prices that will sell them.
C. WEINER, Prop.
Red Cloud and Wymore.
Berg &
Hate thir fall goods nearly all in. Never was there ahown in Bed Cloud
1 Better Selected Stock of Suits
doa't claim to show jon the largest stock, but we not on Ij 1 .
pared to demonstrated the fact that we have
Best Goods!
jficest patterns, and more than
j all the only Patent Shoulders
in the city.
low ooda are all made for as remember. Beeidea tiue nae hue et goodt. wo
eirrTtbeCHEAPlST TECCK in the city, for whem joa get a fill out for tt
'tis only track but the people cry for them, so we keep the.
' Chkclren and Boys Clothing !
We will aave joa dollar a salt from any other clothing oattt in town.
Come and see for yourselves !
that we have aoea doing aU cummer in regard to price. Wo art pre
V pareito do atiU mar turn fan.
tailors, and giving
and pot samples
nur house of ready made
Boots and bhoes,
f'hc ghtf (J '..- f'J.'kV I
. . zsosrus:::.
A nice rain last nicht.
Ales. Bntley left 3IonJay morn" j
mg for .Mexico. 0n the morning of the 27th of Au-
Mrs. L. H. Rust left this morning , nt, the writer boarded the Burling-
for Kana City. ! '"n Hi 3Ii?uuri river train and ran to
. . . . . . I Oxford. Nebraska, where we joined
Sever il of oar citizens are taking' , . . , , , ' ,
about fortv nir mbeH of the Repub
in tli tate lair. - .
In an alley hdiVpnal Association
.Mr. Culberton, faihr of Mrs. L. . who were a-, follows: T.J. Cleaver,
H. Forr, is m the citv. ' president of the association and cd-
ir. J W. iloo.nsou of Guide Kock 'tor of l,,e Orleans Press accompanied
was in toe city Thursday. by hi8 wif,S Col. T. J. Pickett, wfe
''... i.,, ..!.; ; n. nu. .: land daughter of the Bloomington
dow lo.ks like a llarn.-on cabin.
Jo.vun Graves has returned from
' r
fcunau lor Maine. She has gone ;
rej.i.u.i.-a!i bv 20:000 majority. Good
eaol'i?u- j
Several gentlemen from Franklin
and uiKolla counties wre m the pioner: J. R. Kenned, of Orleans;
cay today. j Mrs. M. 31. Armstrong of Omaha; F.
F. V. Taylor has returned from 1 S. Hassler, wife and daughter, of the
CI' u ton, Missouri, where he han been Beaver City Tr:bani- Mrs. W. W.
viuing friends. , Gardnei and daughter Vashti of Oi-
John Murray is building a eaniple Iean" H. T. Femus n aud wife of Or
ro m for George Holland in the rear lni Mb M. J. Valiquet of Omaha;
of the Furst House. F- H- n0 ;iDd "iter, of the Cel a,
Mr NVtt; Vrnr of Pnnavlvan- K:" Enterprise, A. AibuekU, wife
.. .. , ,. ..
ia, sister of Mrs. Ed. Uigbland, is
visiting in the city.
The Webster county republican
central committee is called to meet
on next Saturday eveniug in this city.
A j-etition is to be presented to ;!.e
Board of Supervisors asking then to
offer a bounty en wolves. Th is
D. Yollara, of Guide Rock one of
Webster county's enterprising farmers
was a pleasant caller at these Head
quarters Thursday.
The children of the Band of Hope
are requested to meet at Mrs. G. W.
Dow's on Friday evening, September
14 at 7:30 o'clock
Our citizens who were in Hastings
on Friday see the elephant report
having a grand time. They returned
at 7:30 in the evening.
Col. Hoover was to-day nominated
by acclamation for the senate. We
hope our republican friends will
heartily support the Col.
Ed. Highland has his new bouse
under construction on his "Highland
Heights" addition. It will be a lice
dwelling when completed
Anson Higbj feels bigger than aid
people all because it is a girl. Just
call around at the bank and get yomr
cigars. Ht seta 'em mp freely.
Col. Harper's speech last sight is a
reiteration of his greenback theories
f years ago, though a great speaker,
the Colonel's oration on the great
questions of the day is not logical.
Rer. D. F. Truakey made kin de
but this week in solomnizing nur
riagee. Ho efialatei at the marriage
of Mr. James C. Uber and Miae Anna
E. Whitley. To say that his lorn
were faultless would be patting it
quite feebly.
The able latter oi acceptance of
Gn. Harrison has been made public,
it is one of the brightest payers of
the kind erer given to the American
people and will giro him thomsaada
of totes. Unlike Cleveland's letter
it is Ml of meat that will interest
all American laborers and the people
generally, while dcvoland'n any a Vtt
Kttlo that amounts to anything more
than campaign thnndcr oaleslatod to
j ThRKdlfuraor Ike Valley take a Va
1 ration tu t bo Burkl aad Salt Lake
! Cit aaa liaTo a Pleasant Trip.
'Guard; C. llildrcth and sister of the
! Bloomington Echo; F. A. Watkins of
, the Indianola Times; X. J. Ludi and
. a j-.. -w 1
wite ot tne uepuoiican t ity inaepen-
dent; F. I Co lidne and wife, of the
31,. (Kan ' Rl Lj,ter. ' H. H.
Andergon of the Oxford Standard; W.
C. Lctbrup and wife of Indianola; M.
L. Thomas and wife of the Benkleman
and daughter, of the Alma Times; 0.
C. Sabiu of 0:aha formed the jolly
party bound for the Rookie. At Ox
ford the partv took special chair cars
assigned to them by the B. Ac 31.
road for Denver. It eemed that this
road had the best cars, smoothest
track, made better time, had the most
accommodating employes, etc., of any
other on our trip. On the morning
of the 23th we arrived in the be.iuti
ful mountain city, Denver The par
ty took in the sight of this city to a
great advantage as they were very
courteously treated by the citizens of
of that place. We desire to extend
thanks to 31 r. Hooper the general
passenger agent of th6 Denver and
Rio Grand railway also Mr. Geo. H.
Crosby, general agent of the B. de 31.
to whom we are indebted for the most
of our pleasure. On the 29th through
the courtesy of the Union Paoifio
railway special cars were given us and
we were on our way for a day visit to
Graymount, through the Clear Creek
canon. This was the first sight of the
great Rocky mountain scenery for a
(Treat many of the party, and for as
short a distanoc there is no more fa
vored scenery than is to be seen on
this one days trip. iEhis canon is no
ted for one of the f nest pieces of en
gineering known in railway construc
tion, for instance the groat Loop be
tween Georgetown aad 8ilver Plume,
which space is too scarce to describe.
Clear Creek Canon is also notable
for its mines of both gold and silver.
We took car dinner at Graymonat a
small station at the foot of Gray's
Peak which we did not get to observe
as the weather would not permit, it
rained, snowed and hailed during oar
stay then. Special cars were given
the party over the very popular Den
ver and Bio Grande on the 30th for
for Manitos, the most fashionable re
sort ef Colorado, Pike's Peak, Rain
bow Falls, TJte Pass, Cave of the
Winds, Garden of the Gods, and the
wonderful mineral springs nil being
located near the little oity. Wo had
the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs.
O. H. Mnryatt formerly of Bed Cloud
who showed us the groat sight of
Maniton Leaving Maniton on our
special con over the D. eh B.G. at a
very fast rate of speed we retched
city, but during our stay wis fully
impressed that -Pueblo had srrowu to
I be a very wealthy city, there being
many different manufactories located
there. After dinner we left for the
west, up the Arkansas valley, arnviug
at Canon Citv about .'5 o'clock in the
afternoon. We wero given observa
tion cars through the oal George
of the Arkansas, known as the Grand
Canon. The immagination cn not
conceive of a grander sight than the
magnificent rocks towering like pants
on either for about 4U0O feet
that arc sern in this canon. We ar
rived a Saliue, a bright enter-irising
t city of 4000 inhabitant located in
on- of the most beautiful vallevs of
the west. While Salide is Messed
by nature it is composed of the mot
1 wnoic souiea citizens, wno met the
j the party at the depot with carriages
j furnished by Eddv Br.s. and upc:i's-
leaded ty W. T. PerkuiA who epaicd
no expense to make our shoit visit to
Salide interesting. After our ride
over the beautiful citv was concluded
we were shown to the parlors of the
D. & R. G. railroad eatmi: house,
where a banqet and ball wa prepared
and we were very highly entertained
until the wee hours of moruu-g
I wish to thank the follow v.)i gen
tleman for their liberal courti ! ex
tended during the se.vioii of enter
tainment: Dr. H. C. VunXoruiun, .J.
A. IsreJ. J. F. Erdlen, C. F. Brown,
A. R. Pelton. E. A. Thaver :mdmany
other prominent citizens who d:d the
best in their power to mak our visit
pleasant. The party left Sahda the
next morning to ero.-s the continen
tal divide. It would seem that such
a feat would be impossible but up and
up we co, an altitude of 8000 feet
is reached, some of the party fainted,
but still we go up. We finally reach
the di fide, being almost at the high
est altitude known in railway build
ing. The descent to the Gunnison
Vallij is reached v;ry rapidly, which
was a great relief to get where the air
was of mo.e weight. Arriving at
Gunnison City we partook of a splen-
dinner at the hotel. We then start
on the downward trip again, through
the Blaok Canon of the Gunnison.
The walls of this canon are more
timid than most of the others, bat
the scenery is very fine. One of the
best features of all these canons are
the beautiful clear streams of water.
that pass down each one of them. At
the mouth of the Black canon, nt the
railway station of Cimeron we were
given a half day to fish for the festive
trout that are very numerous in the
Gunnison. Leaving Cimeron we take
the overland fiyer for the Gnat Salt
Lake City, when after leaving the
r craad river we wen toon upon the
bad lands of Utah, which was interest
ing only for its werthlessneta,
About 3 o'clock p. m. on September
2d, wo were landed in Salt Lake City
which we wen pleated to knew that
we wen ent of the desert. Tie crops
raised in this valley are meoUg com
posed ef froit, though most every
kin 1 of vegetables and grain an
grown. Salt Lake City hat many
points of historical interest to the
render ef western civilisation. Its
temples, tabernacles, hemes el Brig-
ham Youag and his wives and ether
Mted Mormons, nil go to make 8alt
Lake City a place of mystery and in
terest. The Gnat Salt Lake ia n
body ef water that it meet impossible
to describe so that the mind ef the
uninitiated ;eam eempnhend h.
The water Js clear as crystal with
nehblT bottom. It
own weight. On 3Ionday September
3d the party went to Gailicld Beach
over the Utah Contial railway where
they have every convenience for en-'
joyment, and those who wish to, float
on tle brine. September 4th we had
an invitation fiom the management
of thcDenver and Rio Grande western
to visit their place of resort, the Lake
Park which uus heartily accepted
and about 2:30 p. u. the party was
aboard for Lake Park. Most of the
party partook of the bathing facilities
which were so grand at this place of
resort. The party as a whole desire
to extend their thanks to freight and
passenger aizent, 31 r. J. V. Parker of
the Union Pacific railway who used
every endeavor to make the trip pleas
ant, also 3Ir. H. J. Curtip, general
agent of the B. & 31. route is deserv
ing ol oue consideration. Ir. W. H.
Murphy the gene: .nt 1 1 .h: Den
ver dc RioGrandt- t rn e. rented to
us every courtes-y m hi- po-.;i The
railroad service over which we passed
to Salt Lake City aud return are
splendid, appointments good, and the
triveller has everything to his hand
that could conduce to his comfort and'
his pleasure. We also wish to men
tion the fact that the 3Ietropolitan
hotel is one of the best in Salt Lake
city, and 3Ir. W. H. Dittmer, mana
ger of the same made it very pleasant
for the party while stopping there.
After a few days stay in Salt Lake
City we started home over the great
Union Pacific railroad from Ogdcn,
Going through Echo canon, by the
Devil's Slide, Devil's Gate, the thou
sand mile tree, and gradually emerge
into the plains of Eastern Utah and
Western Wyoming. By the way ow
this scope of territory wo just passed
over we were highly entertained bj
Tom Cleaver's Editorial Glee Club.
Arriving at Cheyenne we were shows
the sights by the citizens during our
one days visit in that prosperous citj
of 8000 population. Leaving Chey
enne the party took the best of all
the B. & M. road in their palace cars
for the fertile plains of eastern Colo
rado and Nebraska, where it looks
more like homo. While much can be
said of the beautiful mountains and
the richness of her mines, it seemj
much more civilized to reach tha
plains of Nebraska, when corn, oatt,
wheat, etc, an seen as far at the eye
can reach. It wa. the feeling of the
whole party that they had beca
through nice scenery aad nil that
but were pleased to ntnrn to .their
destination the Bepublieen valley.
Hsxsr Ludlow.
Par Sale er TmAe.
640 aow of land in Logan county,
Nebraska, for tale or exchange for
property in southern part ofttate
Also 75 head ef yoanc stock, act
whole or in part to suit purchaser. A
splendid opportunity for tome one
who wants to go into stock basinet
Near to an extensive range. In
good neighborhood. School and
pottofice one half mile. County tent
seven milet. Good impnvssaenev
good toil, living water, close to law
of railroad new being built. Mill site
on the place. 95 tent in eoltrvtv
tien. Call 01 er sddrees,
W. F. rTwiiogg,
Box 156. Nebraska.
It it nportod that Ne. 40 1
train met with a wreek between Wy-
nMnan4rawneeiatt night er twit
morning and at a contoquenee 39 sj
8or 10 hero behind tin. .
At the Chicago Store.
deceive the people on the real
Pueblo i