".-""-' J) "7 : l""i -- "w"'f-t- r BALTIMORE'S DISASTER. j A TrrIM- Conflagration in Which Stmi i'tr'mra r-rrish Lo of 91.50O.U0O in j 1 rtjiwrry. . Ba-T!h -ke. ild Sept. 3. Earlv veter- i d k mss fire brot out in the toy -s.ar c ;u-e or' E. A. Prior & Co 107 South ' -s;ii--T -rr--et.. Before th Srn:en couM u t wort s.n explosion of fireworks v - e-l the bail-Im; and cats.-! th 'jv - spread mtb. alarming rap.dity I -r-- .iru.: Li- of J. A. 1Viatlnian & C - - the north and the hat houst of II. , S. !--' y S Co.. on ths south. Scarcely s had !. "rra-ii entered th- edifice occu- j p - l rhe irii;r house when the inside of J t,- 'a'.lJf -t:nrd to tiIIen1y lrop in. ; a - " expi'-ion follow ed and the ini '. - tmctart? col!ap?ed. The ent.re fire 1- .iT:."nt had by this tuar reached the - -:-. aul ss the attention of the men was . tm--i on th building: under which -z : iir-wle- trre buried, the fiatues had & - t .pr-ad. and spread they did v : f fctial rapsd.ty. In an incredibly - - as- the -nt-re block, mnninr from '. i.-i t. Pratt street, .va- a seethin ,:-- : ilaia-1-. 7 fi-ms of Tabb Bro--. & Dominiefc and I - ri( i. had l&rje -nppht-- of jran? and --- '.-r cartndjres in stock. About G:i't b. -u Tny bcran to explode, and for a i-c f an hour k-pt up a fu-ilaie. th . Nts -:nz through tin? window.-cs all i Lut fortunately nob-j-iy was phot wr fc the exception of one man, who was jh'Iv wouad-d near the left -y-. rt'.v fcrfore -Lv o'clock the njembers N - - -r.:ae company and "o. 2 tmck - -: i TaLb Bro-.' build ac to cut nol-; ar ua t- I'". Those m the -tree: a-.v -a t s.d -wall of VXi wa- beginning; to iv and called to them to coac out. All " r;--n wtre haren.ns o-ut when the r -- rou- al! fell over and em-bins ..- jn the foor- of So. 1'iT. btir.ed the u:.f r-.-3.t- firemen ttndr it- zrest . r - Th-n a'.l efTort- were concentrated ' n th p.ie of rums under whicn n:n .r:.na l-.nrs were irrithin :n torture. Ii . f a d'-zen strong stream? were turned ""-- r.. an i tfa dames within wr in a "- .m'1 a,bdued. .t'drur hou-e tie fireman worked I j.: -'. v. H-nr wt-recutthroegnth-paTe--. r" and trrtry effort wa made to reach -.- ..T)r.'ned men, but they were buried - r a reat ma? of brick and ron and - - t?j.n.es were roann around the -pot. -. T'aas cam irom the pile whioh --!.' make the firemen put forth sn- -' - -..an efforts, and after more than an " w jrk it became ev.dent that some .' n..-a w-rc alive, and that they were i .;:- .at-d to death. afeu. minuu?-John Kelly Tva- rescued. " - f t r 't burned out of it.- -ocket f j. i. - h-a 1 Ledly mashed, but the phv-i-. - iv h will recover. Ki brotner Abe i- al-.' drarz-i from the ruins. Hi ' : rmw-s broken and his -id- b&diy . r ."er-. however, w ere byond hope. . -i'r d-a i boI.e- wre taken out one j ii-a',maar!-d.toni and Itemed. th .- - b-r.c r-covered late la -t night. f "Jn -ev-a dead fir-men luve fjtmi- -t-'U. u.m thir unt.melv end icept i Wa ser. who was a -mrle man. . - name- of the dead are: Tor 1 r Th jma- V."azner. John A. Combv - Hyan. Harry WA'.krrr. f-onre Ker . - H ram iI-Afee. .- r-T four wr of No. 1 hook and ! cumpany. and tht? ctfafr- belongfi I N . T "apa? cfmpiny. It i.- crrtm ' ' -e mn have io-t th-ir hv-. and it - mat f. hers v-r-with them when T "-a.-h o. - :.rm- that were completelv burned - Wvliy. Bru-ter : Co.. wholesale i- al-r-: J. H. WInkl-mn & Co., - Tat,b Bro-. a: Dommicfe. hardware: .- ' .' tovr-; 31. S. Levy t Son-., . - o -r. Mudze it C.. paper; Hol- . r -. Co.. paint- and pla--. -i -f buiidmr a-oHeof thr finsst . none ot the warefaoa.-es bein -- .- nv ?tor;e- h;h. nearly all cf - -a ..rl'eea rcentlv re'-ted. Amonp . i.n- partially burned ws the '. " - ''U Lomberti .-trrt and it- m- r . re r'-moved only with reat difS- 1 - -ta'i !v- will probably reach fl..'V,- ar L .' i- pretty will covered by inar- i -, rr. -t f wh.ch i- m ma!l policie- in - :-t -wn c.jmpanic-. T - r iz.n of the fire will probably nver - n. a no fire wa? uf-d in the r - tarii-nmnt and it :. sup- -t-I f.at jontanoU'5 comltc-ticn as u-'. titit it.- known that a" system -- tr hghtintr a introduced in :;' re"nt!y wa- only tried '. ;zi. and it may be that d T -u.ation -ta-t-d the fiamer. BATTLE WITH OUTLAWS. ri m rh utral trip in Winch -ii I p-mrt-- and Thr Vipi- .r.' Killel. .: ka. Public Land Strip. I. T.. F r -ome t.m past quite a num- ' - and cuttle had mysteriously r- I '":oai th:- and rtherneizhbor- . tr tr:p. i.nz taken from ve - ar.d picket une- of th- srttlt-rp -i-m-n. Suspicion pointed to a " -ampers m the brake- of Der ii) wefsj? there ostensibly for the - f cutchia wild h-jrses and a it a was kpt over th-ir camp. .:nT follow.nz th-lr di-covery th i- -arroiinded by forty well armed .nt-i vizilantes. who -ent in a " - of six to demand the -urreader -t i-- and submis-.on to an inves- Ti- reply of th de-peradoes v . which iv oended on aian and -. Thi- wa- til- -iznsl for .a- k end from -ach pro- ak around the ravine whr- uas locatod. as fa-t a- the Wm- jid be work-d, vuiley.- were -"a the wretched oatla-.v with- . When thy discover"--! they . .ndrd and retreat cut o:T they . -a de-spcratioc. bet no hvmsr l .oaz exist m -nch a firs and no -a zivea. - - minute- the firiuz c-a d and --:: awe-s men lay Weedinz corp-es . i-Z .n the azTnie- oi dath. The had three men kdieI and ten Two horse.- were killed and -n iel and sixteen horses were . at.d returned to their owners. fi-rs nar the camp ere k-iled .ndf-i. The settler- think that at - canz of outlaw- has l)e--a ab- I)prado Killed. - i.CK. Ark.. Sept. H. Tize Yates m r.y lived in this Stat--. here he -.liber of relative- and wh-r he ni-n -oa- tmv szo and for a locz .: the oiScialf of Lozaa County "a1."- troul)l. made an attack - . on a cfturch la the Cherokee i . i..ch prayer nir-t.nz wa- beia - fir-jd -everal time- at random - m-i and j(s-n who compnHi -at on. The bul'-t.-. fortaaate- -.-rv other than to break K't ' the aadisnoe ieavmz in a '- - Vate- started to ride away he . oa by sonoe one ho was com- t choxch. n ball entered -. i be iU Iron; bis horj and t - X 1 - "A. GOT INTO DEEP WATER. ITe Denver Cnurntioa Gets Into AVranel. bet th DUtarbd Water ar I"tnr.I!y Caimed-The Slajority Report Adopted. Denver. Col.. Aar. 31. The committe on reso.ution of the Deepwater conven tion was in .-esicn until 10:30 o'clock yes terday, when Governor Tnayer called the convention to order. After some routine wort a resolution was adopted that after the final adjournment of thi convention it may be called lojther by a majority of the vice-pre.-ide::ts ivin:r thirty days' no tice, and that when the convention next mets it shall le at Topeka, Kan. The committ.-c on re-olution-; be.n called tor. Jud; Hancock of Texas, read the major ity report which demanded th establish ment of one deep water harbor on the northwest coast of the Gulf of Mexico: that a.l the Senator and Representative and delegates to Conrres- b reque-tel to prrx?ure the n-;essary appropriation- to complete the work: and that a committee from each Suite and Territory be apjnnt I to vi-it Va-hintonad a-sist in -ecur-in the pa-sae of th" necei-ary law., ami reque-tinz th President to recommend this in the next message to Conzre--. Senator Houston, of Texas. preentei the minority re'wrt. which in -ul-i.ncr urred Congress to appoint a board of engineers to locate a harbor at the mo-t .-aitable point and the adoption of all nece--ary means to secure Titjropriations and com IIete the vork. The report indorsed the vfforti cf the private entrjrise to -ecure deep water on the Texa- coa-t. and pledri its influence to induce the Gov ernment to reimburse the person- enzacred in th" enterprise. It further approved the idea of -ecuricj; deep water at Aran sas Pass by private capita!, and a-ked Cmzre-s for protect on m the prosecution of the work, and to reimbur-e the citizens enzaz'-d in it. Ex-Govemor Giibs. of Texas, intro duced a resolution, which he moved -houkl b- adojjti as a .-ubstitute for both. After a short preamble it urzs upon Conzre-s the nece-sity of deep water harbors, one on the ea-t and one on-the we.-t c3a-t of the Gulf, and asks Conzress to locat both anI make the neces-ary appropriations for 1 th"ir speedy completion. All were earnestly supported by the zn- ; tl-men :ntroIucinz them. The merit1- of f-ach zreiv so '.varm that it ran into per sooalit e- and fur a few minutes .t -eemed a- thourh the cc'nvention wouM br-ak up in a row. Governor Thayer fina'.ly -e-cured ord-r and the conx-ention took a re-ce-- unt.I -.X o"cl(.ek. A SUE5T1TUTE BILL. T!:r ifn CintiiitS-f on l"or'i"rn .'.2UIr .cr-- ljou a ul-:jtutefnrMr. Wil-oii" i:r:iIi.itory Hill, ami th- If ;;-- Mill 1'roraptJ Art I'pon it Full T-xt or the Hill. "Vr.HixGTor;. Auz. y'- The Committee oa Foreizn AfTair-. lir. B-luiont presid mz. r-Hreneti the report of the -ub-com-mtt-e on the Retaliation bill yesteniay. lh" follow mz is the text of the stib-ti-tat- bill : A bill to empower the Pre-ident to carry out th- purpo- of an act to aath jr-i- the Presl-de-t of the Umt-d States to protect and de'ecd the nrhts of American fi-herm-n. Ant-ncan radmr and )ther ve el- m certam ca-e-and f'r other purpj---- approved Mar;h 3. ;- . Be it enacted, etc . that when-ver th Prs.-d-nt may deem it hi- duty to exerci-e any of th- powers given to him by an act enticed -An act to authorize the Pre.-ident of the United Sm:-- to defend the rights of Amen? in fishinr ve.---l-. American fisherm-n. Amerce tradmz and ''ther ve el- in certain i-.w- and for oiher purpose-." apr roved March 3. -T. it shall S iawtul for me Pre-id-nt m hi- di-cretion. by proclamation to that ezc to -usp--nd m whole cr m part the tran-portation cro-- the t-m-torv of the United States m bond and without it- payment of duty of rixyl-. war- and mr chan -i-e. imported or exported from any ror f m country or to the British dominion; m North America. r-ee i. That whenever the Pr-ident shall t- sati-tied that there is any discrimination w haterer m the u-e of the tVeiland caaal the St Lawrence river canal-, the Ch mbly canal, or either of them, whether by tolls, drawbacks. rfun i cf toll- or otbrwie. which i- or m y be aetnmental to the nterests ot th United State- or any of its citizens, it shal b lawiul for th- Pre-id-nt in hi- di-cretion to is-"e a proclamation to that eTect. whereupon thert--ha"d be collected a toll of M cent- a ton upon every foreim: ve---el and her car.o pas tnz throucc either th Sauit S-e. Mane ranal or the St. Ca r Flats canaL and the Secretary of the Tr-a-urv may acthor-.ze aad direct any of the custom- oilers to collect th- tolls levied under thi- act. or the 1're-ident may in hi- di-cretion. when he is -atisfid there i- any such di-cnmination. prohibit the u-e of said canui- to any -nch foreizn re el. The I're-iJent . when -ati-fied that such cl cr'minatKin ha a ceased, may is-ue his procla mation to that elfect m hi- di-cretion. where upon the toll authorized by thi- act snail no Ioa;r fce coJect d and said prohibition. If or derd. shall cea-e -c. t That the Secretary of tn; Trea-ury is authorized to mar nv regulations needful to carry this act into ezect. RUIN AND WRECK. flot -priiis-. Arlv.. iitd by a Tt-rriM- tonn. Whi-h I.ratr Ic-trurtjiu and I'rath in it- I'atli. Hot Sprix..-. Ark. Spt- I. Ruin and vvTck m-et th- vjs-on everywhere and iiothmz has f-een known to compare w,ta the re-ults of Thur-day nszht's -torm. which occnrrel too late to be telezraphed. Without wammz people wer awak-ned from -lumber to find them-elves threat ened with destruction by the mad wave, but stranze to relate people were uneon-sciu- of the disaster until they awoke to look upon the de-o!ate scenes next mom inz and crazzed the drowsed from ths dr.fts. The storm -truck the town about eleven o'clock from a north we-terly direction. It was accoaiianied by -tiff, coo! winds thouzh not -tronz enouzn to produce daiuaze. The ram fell in torrent- trom eleven to one o'clock without intermiss:on. I At the cio-e of the .-torm zreat and oa- inous sounds, minzl xvith the shouts of people and cries of di-tress went up from , the valley, and such citizens a-- were ia i the vicinity of the crek and ravines went I forth to render as-i-taace. Th fiool on Central aveaue. th prin cipal thorouzhfare. was like an anzry ' river, who-e rasbinz tide swept every ! thinz movable on it- iKKom. Up to last mzbt six per-ons are known ' to be mi---inz. five of whom have been found in the wrecked buildinz1-. The damaze to projerty ia estimated at . , 1G0M). m I-t-rtHc "arlj Killed. Cirmnr. Ar'- 1"1. Van Antw m. j viin.jwv-t ..-e- --T- C.ncinnati detective, was found lyinz a. the corner of Lake and Franklin street- at one o'clock this mominz with his skull eru-hed in. He had been followmz Frank Kline, alia- Julius Hut-tone, a aoto- , nous tram robber, for several months , and found him last nizht at the ' corner of Lake and Fran-tLa. When ; Van Antwerp attempted, to arre-t Kiu. th latter struck him ivith soma biuat m-trument, fracturinz hi skull, and rnride zooi nis escape. On he lrth of July las; Van Antwerp attempted to arr-t Kline in iionticelii. III-, and wis badly wowHded by a pistol shot. Van Aaverc ras taken tc the couzty hospital. i PENSION REPORT. AaRTial Iteport of the Co:n2i!ionr ! FeaIoa. VVASHiycroy, Aur 30. The annual report of the Comraiisieaer of Pension shows that tiers trere duncg the fiscal year ended June 3, ist. added to tie peasion rolls m). "c: ct cimes the larzest annual increase in the history of the bureau saViau a total of CiVCT pensioners oa the rolls at the close of the ye r, a follow,: aitS.'tS invalids. OiSSs widow-, m'nor chi dren and df renient relatives; XT revolutionary v d owl minor children and deetident relatives; Pfliirvivors of the war of It and 1.T" ir,d o f those xrho served in that -xar; 11v its of the 'war with 3Ienoo aad ",! A of tho-e vrlio ser ed in that war. Tha nae of tfiSi previou-lv dropped 'crere r--;ort J to the roils. nakis? aa azzresate cf Ci.: aJdeil durlas: the year. Dune? the sane pnod 1 ts cere dropped on accocnt of death and van.-tn other caase-. leavings net increase to the rj.l of -iCCjO names. Since 1SU. LlSCtnM pen-;ou claim- have been filed and T-.T.-w cisim- '. ail classe have been allowed -ince 7li. date. The amount paid for pensions since 151 has been iU1.o-lSi. Ir crease cf pension wa- zranted in -J'.TS cases. The azrg-itc annual vaiae of peasiw. is 0,TuT,t!1. aa increase of t"! -s ". T.ie amount cf pensions paid during tht- year1.-J7-,TTJ.s6i an increase over the previous 7"-.r cf lj.:a.i-0. The v.tal amount disturbed b r'nsioa arents ;or all parpc-s was f73.f44V!-"i. The cost attending -uch dLshar-omnt- eras .n the azjreate 43 ini.'l. it lmc a f rasiion le s thin -I per cent, of the total expenditure- of tl-e bcreaii. The total amoni-t expecd"l for z. rmrpo-es vra- $-iii6- Z,. tein el , percent, o' the total estunjtei qro-s mcome of the Un.tr 1 Stares Government for the period. The tot-i expenditures of 'he Gc-rmnest for the a--1 year ls. were fi-rf.&IU.- !. -o that the aimuct -xpeaded for and on account of pensions was nearly 31 percent, of the entire outlay of th- Government. There svre filed duncz the year ?7.-4- applications for onnnal pea- on. iUTs'J widows. 2.U6 d'pendnt p oth-rs and 1 -,i depend-at fatht r-. makmsr a total of i". rot. The highest number of ciiims on account of the late war was received from Ohfo. Indiana following n rt. then New York and Pennsyl vania. From Montana. Utah nd South Caro lina none w-re received Up to xmc 3 last 26 1 claims have ben fil-d under the Mexican Pension -ct. 10. t V me. survivors and ,.&3 w.do-vs AHcmpl teJ cases of this class 16.i.t) -crnvors and 5.!C-"i wido'Vs' case imve bea allowed. Th- ruc tions nere 2.S21 survivors and 001 widow," claims. mam!y because th" app.ieant- had net arrived at the required ace of year-. Of these Mexican claims but 1 -if.' were unsettled Jui.i CU. the evidence filed bemir ia-uSlcient. The spirit of the la." tiin-ion of the bnreaa, says the report. L-: "Xo compromis? with tho-e who wilfully violate th Pen-ion law. anil no proseruron ol those who sinned ihrvmu irr.rr ante and who are wCliaz to make rest-tutiui w hen the -ame is d manded ol tVm." Over : per cent olall pn-irn- are paid by the pen-ion aent- within tea days after the q lanerly pav ment is due. and pavment- can not b- made more rapidly without muitipiym the ar"nc.e. One hundred thou-uni ca-es of mcrease : pen-ton under recnt leri-lat.on hive ben -ettled without expense or delay to the pea sicners. Tne Commis-ioter state- that ce sent copies er his annual report for to the command ers of the vanous al.itary departments of iue United St-ites with a reque-t that after exami nation thy would submit -uzrestion- looUir. to improvement- mexi-tinz las. which actiuu as eame-tly approved by the Pre-idat A majority of the-e omcer- expre ed th- opinion that the pre-ent Pen ion la "s were amply surfi cient for every emerzenc . and nearly all er- of the opinion that a nzid phy-:c! examination -houid be conducted z.i discharge, hich shou.l b c-rtmed to by a counv.il convened for ih-s purple and mad- a part ot th military historr of each -oidier The total number of -pecal pen-ua act- which hav- become aws :rom 11 to -) t- .":. und from 1-j to Is durmz ih present admlm-tration. 1 iV). a t.tnl of f.7 Of the tatT' iil wer- vetoed for r-a-nns :u.ly t forth m Pr-ident - m- ae- maiipub!ia from tin., to time Inthfi-ca year- from J -i.. 3. :-i to Jar.- . i .. there were l uel 131. "! certiic :ii s o? aJ cla----. and dr-jir lhr-e followm- "-c-'l v ur- trm J a;y 1. Isso. tu Juie j. 1-x-. :: iC ma-i.m: an ir.c-ase for the hist thrtre years of !-. 11 cert ficatts. DENVER DEEPWATER. Th Arans-is Ia . --h-me rao--i! I5r T -t Vote oil l'erniuiieiit huirm.tli. Dexter. Col- Auz- '. The D-epwater conveation was xl". d to order by ex-Gov-emor Eans yesterday. wh-nJudz- Brady, of Texas, presented th" r-port of the com mittee oa permanent orzanization a- follow-; Permanent chairman. Hon. P. D. "N'ovl. of Kansas; vice-pres.dent-. Gover- or Adams, of Colorado; John Hancock. 3f Texas; D. H. Arm-tronz. of M.-soan: J. L. Hul. of Kansas; a. D. Y-jcuni. cf Nebraska: Y. A. Culp. of Iowa: T. F. Povell. of Arkaa-as; J. Rt-ynoli-. of 'ew ilexici?: F. D. Kelly, of Wyeuiinz. and Lewis '.Vol ev. of Arizona: secretary. F. A. Dana. Tcis report wa--somewhat un expected a- Tuesday's various caucu-ea had azreed to support Governor Thay-r. of 'ebra-ka. for permanent chairman, and the announcement of Noel's name fi-r a few minutes threw the convention into confusion. Ex-Lieutennat-Govemor Gibb-. of Tex as, was -oon on his f-et and zav- as a sub stitute for the report "f the committee that the convention provide its own chairman and then nominat-d Governor Thayer tc that jK-iti n. This brouzht the battle le tween Galveston aad Araa-a- Pas- square ly to the front, and for over tvro hours tha ubstitute wa- warmly debated between the friends of these two cities, it b-inz under- tood that Governor Thayer wits favoring- Aransas Pas-, whde Mr. Xocl wa- f 3r Galveston. Gibbs' substitute was finahy car:i-d. the roll call resulting Thayer. 217: Noel, lie. The announcement of the vote created a pandemonium which lasted several minutes. Oa rea-semb'nz in the afternoon Gov ernor Thayer toju the chair and was pre sented with a hand-ome silver-mounted gavel by isenaror Houston, of Texas, tn behalf of the president of the Saa Antoiio & Aran--a- Pass railway. After a I rief address from him the convention made :he election of the remainder of the otlicers reported by th committee unan.mous. The convent! 'R then appointed a commit tee on re-oiutiin.- and adjourned. m Tiir Ti -I!ow sconrsi. J.CK5r)XviLC F .a.. Auz. !. The fevpr situatt a i- aot only no better, bat w,rse. The zreat jump in the number of new cases caused dismay ami az the people left ia towa end the train- out w-ere crowdeL Healt'i certificates are now issued daily by the Board of Health. It has been decided here Ly the auxiliary a-sociation to try to zct people to move out to the camps --q a to depopulate the place and by this means endeavor to check the fever's course. The poor who are unable to zo will be assisted and -very effort made tc pt rid of a lsrze number of people. New cases yesterday spranz up right and left "ilmii ot:i Hich Licence. St. PaCU ilinn-, Auz. &). The Piwr Press publishes a revi-w of the operation of the fir-t year of the hizh license in Min nesota and finds the system has prov-a all its friends claimed for it. Th-rr -ire m th State only 1,507 saloons now. az-iin-t 2,-nVj when the law went into effect. A decrease ia the coasumpt "n of liquor is shown in nearly evirv county. Low zrozzerie- have Ien clo-e-i up aul the liquor bus:mss Ls una r b-tter police supervi-.on. Under the o i sv-tt-m the averaze c-t of a liCeiis? waj sVoufft; and ihe tottl approximate it come wa- about sCO,'..-0. " Under hizh Lcense the av-razs coat of perm!ion to :e:i .-alK)..t SiiTfl. and tin; total ar.proxj isaldipccaiair boat l.IW.C'vJ. How to Overcome the Dangers of Exposure. Francis O'Reilly, the well-kno'xn livery man of "o. IS Priace atreet, JTe-w YGrk, says of Aixcocr's Poeocs Plaster3: "For the last forty-two years I have been enzaged in the livery and haclcins busi ness, I an. greatly aided by niy four boys. We are much, exposed to the weather, and we have found Axlcocs's Plasties of very great service. We use them as chest protectors, placing one oa the chest and cno on the pit cf the stomach. They not cn!y ward off the cold, but act as a tonic We axe f requeatiy affected with, rheuma tism, kinks in the back, aad pains in the side; but oaaor two of Atlcock's Pias ters quickly cure us. My wife and daugh ter have been usimr Aixcocs's Pla-ters for weak back and think the wcrld of them. I have now been using them for twenty years, and always haveaboxinthe house." . Paste diamonds ?re so called because I eople zet stue oa them so of tea. Sar. ancico Es'innner. A Twister. Rheumctim is a remorseless twister. It twists the joints out of shape; it produces angular projections where tuere sacnld be curves, and worse thaa alh makes us wnthe and twist with paia oa couches thai sleep refuses to visit. Conquer this truly demonf teal disease m its mfaacy with Hbstetter's Stomach Bitters, which also overcomes kid ney comr-iamts. Eervousness, dyspepsia, chilis and" fever. Tes ice-dealer's motto As we journey throuzh life let us live by the weiza. Merchant Trailer. m Is PiticKLT Asa Bittees g-cd for any thmz? Read what Frank Gnzgsbv. of Dodze City, ,-v-is.. says : For three years I suffered from a disease that my physicians pronounced ianrable. My fnenas had sr.vea me up to die. when I was induced to try your remedy I took it for three months aad'have rained J2 pounds in weizht. Am a well man and Prickly Ash B.tters saved znv life. I am under life-loac obliziitions to this medicine, aad wLl never cease to rec ommend it." It is net always the most sensitive base ball player wh ' .s the most easily put out. iriirtinvton Critic. Fair fashionables na-ronbe that si beautifier. Glenn's isulnhur Soap. Hill'- Hair and T.rhil:er Dve. 50c. :dard Oxe thinz can be ?aid in favor oi Cbi- nese drum. the actor- never f--ret their c.jeues. t'eic Hdten yz. VCur are bakers Tery self-denyinz r pie i Secausc they sell what they knead themselves, Jliehtcn Farmer. - - - I l III I i I -! Ill ' -I TH GEN ERA MARiCtTS. KANsAS ffTY. Sept. 4 CATTLE Shtiptnz --er- .. 1 T ti 4f Ki"." -!--'- . . . -d '.' & ; -"3 N.itive cox, .. . r! i 4"s i " HOGS Good to ehoioe heirjr. ;fi t: u 3" V.--IE.VT No. 1 rel TT - 7- - No. .' -f: d:S I" i C-DliN No.-'red 3J .n r: 0rc -0 -j) - 1 KVK No.d -Jti '3 S FfJUU Patents, per -acS... 2 1. .ll HAV Baled 6(1) f: C ' I5CTTEU Cuoicecre-.nnery. il i; 15 CHEE-E Full crram. . .. 9 -':. -' EG'i Ctimce ittU ; li BACON II.ua II s 1 I'd r"i"iiile.-s fa -fs ' CiU.) . ..... ...... J Laud ..'. - c POTATOES !) S 6 ?T. I.OCIa. CATTLE ?hippinz -Uer- r. 10 Q, j 0 llotcners' steer- ... .' ii -5 SOGS Pac.'nz C ? Q. 0 41 SHEEP Fa.rto choice 3 '- -n 4 :t FLOCIf-Chuice . ' -Tl WHEAT 9: S". CO-.'"-'-"O. -.... -. .. -i. -Ii 3 OATS No - : ". I'i'i EYE No. J W O -- BUTTUU Crea-nery 11 ci 1 POK1C :$ iX) 4i ;: i cfiicaco. CATTLE Shipping s-r5. ... C to C r. HOGS Pacfe:)': inJ-hlppm.. c -j g o t SHEEP F.irta cace ." ii 3 li FLOUE Winter wncai i ' s'l '.;' WHEAT No -Tel '.'- s G. COEN No : J: '. 44. OATS No 1 -t tZ. . - EYE X 3.-d "- C Z. . BCTTEE Cre.imorv .. .. 1". -. i- POEM '-I i-i 14 S- NEW YOrill CATTLE Connor, to jn.ne . .T oi ? o " EOOS 'Jvvl to .--13102 t. -'1 -. 1 FLOUR G. toM.i.s' -"i 1 1 WHEAT No .I rod . .. - T: U COEN-No : . - i '. OATS '.V-.v-r. r, cd 3 "; -1 BUTrEE-- re im rv ... :- ' 13 yjACOBS O JPor Rheumatisiu. BRAND NEW. STRONG PROOFS Vr. Strarsn. la.. Kit . 1II. J"rt- 1193 to II J J c3t "rt r-tuB r Mbr4 W.ti ranskUss rf Ot tip. Z ni ec4 St tk tut a! it. J-walN 01". j. c. 3QS3. ItTekTt. K-.eZm7l.e-...lfaT3, ua Mr 30SS J BXrrH. EiI7 Xicilos. ni kJLr-t! wit rirsa.rljD 13 ja iU cam raa fmatBctd tanrftilt tj t-ro TiitiAsa, tn ia rtol y It. Stmt Oil a& au'rts-da-xl w xw fMrc . MaCa-CtST. Sranlrt. Since IMS. K. Bra-tea. ICch.. naif II. int. Van tf IMS -u tatus r.i Iai-juaaV-ry XT ttan msA nlirwi. trws t-tu; wu -37,-tl Srj a-u feeuU of at- JaCTlwOU. 3C-1 J. X. Tumtrn az aasGiiTB ass oxaizu. THE CHARLES . VOGELER CO.. Saltltasre. M. P URIFY YOUR BLOOD. But do not use the dangerous Alkali and Mercurial preparations which destroy your nervous system ani ruin the digestive pow er of the stomach. The Vegetable King dom gives us the test and safest remedial agencies. Dr. Sherman devoted the grea'er part of his life to the discovery of this relia ble and safe remedy, and ail its ingredients are vegetable. He gave it the name of Prickly Ash Bitters ! a name every one can remember, and is the present day nothing has been discovered that is so beneficial for the Blocd. for the Liver, for theKidneysand for the Stomach. This remedy is now so well and favorably known by all who have used it that argument as ti its merits is useless, and if ethers whs require a corrective to the system wouM but give it a trial the health cf this ceun try would be vastly improved, rtemember the name-PRlCKLY ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it PRICKLY ASM BITTERS CO.. tole Proprietars, ST. LOUIS, MO. 5-TON WAEON SCALES, Tar Una uit Baa fcu. udJOXCSk. -t IW- f-st fr k nP . atryuwa uri pifr lu'itK.JOKiSOFJINC. lyiyTrw mtrmisii . r3i3H.EZitlSZ2.rmj cajaia '" To introduce it into A MlUJOMm FAMILIES me offer th LADIES' HOME JOURNAL AXS PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPER from NOW to JAM, 1889 Four months balance of this year, C sccrr or Silver or Stamps. i Srcaictast and Dinner Parties Hcne Cccicr;, Dainaes and Pesv-rt-i. T2:, p i. LcjCi-om aad K-crptlccs. Gires ei stiriily all thi Istle detas wem-ra raat to know. Tells bo-w to eatertrs jrscsts, hrv u serv-i jeileshzi-ratj. what to hate aad hew tc iaii:it. Everethiz'- c-ra zzxi cr--.cal, pracd- alazli"!l t-sied by e.T-3er:3. AcLCTpanyinj ise recipes -xd te r-sar.s upes pmav jsileafrj aacta, instiods ct se-.r; art. wa.t.Tir;, gsr Children's Pags-niustritsci Stcriss. Flawers and Kcuie Flantr Onzlr Cr-a rat-d anj-isj. edited by Eeev E Rzxrtss, rira "Asa-wcr-i to CorrsipoadentJ " Mother's Ccrser .V pa;- devct-si to tie r cl runts aid voua; ci ren. lsKres Wlsiirs tea abcai"-crs c-vinr v r-5 aad mi lodict manareniert. Or-."-::.! articles iica tael o-atiTTtTs. IHtistratsd r Jr en Games andj rlocss-mais Tcvs. Amcsiraestnfor Sickl :andr. ns-ra:--d. K-ndsrzartea. Il-I risamtsd artclsbv Av v Hv-oiahd. CURTIS PUBLISHES CO.. FhJlzdsbkia. RHEU9ATISM. Afcte u j. - ,-. -w v f. , z -r rev 3V ,!cd KearaJgia, Headache. Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Burrs, rcurJs, Lane Back, And All Pains Of An IsfiunvnaJarj Nature cld Xty Dr-as-rUt. SOc -ksd SX.OO. SOXG SOOH. VtTT.-rTt FliHE. Address WIZARD OIL CO. elys catarrh CREAM BALM Ifuzdcctvrlita b-ii thert tr-rer -ezt tone t-i my ncse, on: place iccu tai.tr. thrash. Tiro lo'iZes of Elf Cncrr. Balm, di-i thi rrorl. Jly nozt end ktzd ere tcell. C. S. JL'cJKG-n, SKy. 2Io. HAjf"EYFt Frtlrl-i- ipp!j--d iito -sch ac-tnl aad U u-r-- aiiic. i'n-Sl'rt-i adr-:;m-?-. & ma. r-t-retl, WsPi SLalaria, Dumb Chills. Fever and Ague, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, They prod arc recalar. natural evac-astioa-t. never -ripe or interfere with daily basiae-w. Ah a fumily mediclac, they Rbvald be in every bceboltl. SOLD in-ERYWHEiai. FARGO'S Thi ?ho- t t: : jnt-nl First Qmalltr In ttt r-Trt. V-.ryStrlt'h.Ptfrf tFl. P!airtT- asTirr! H-a s. P-jTi1 and To.-Jl ro.RN BnTOUXDUtJ. iV v,'cr deiIrrorFaBi.O'Sf:.aosUOE. lrhdo--not tr-ptt-ra nd to cs. and w- will f ar?uh too a pair. Fxp-ss- t.id. cnrs-ipto; . C. IL r.VKI.O A. CV Itlrafi. ONLYQCENTS bi ' mn i i 1T' mi -s gir,, r""" iiiij"T SHOEyp4 TO MAKE A DELICIOUS BISCUIT -5SIi VOUR GROCER FOR VDWICHT DWIGHTS " ASH UflCC AXLE Iff IOC CREASE Xerer Oaat, lsjrerTreze in TO-uer or Melts ia summer. Erer? fox -rarmtc-?d. ?anjn! nn!ir 90lM3U?d. Vn:e n for Pric-(. We make the bMt AxJ--t,rt-s known and !!eht.pr rutin othe-do thetr tiimo-a cood-. CLaKK rf: WlkF. CO., OOee. a Kltrer Strret, Clilcaco. illLaoltu -ar'AXX THIS ?1PCS mp am ea tow I PATENTS froenred or ro OH.WiflE. A!lK Trade Jtarks. -tc. Lone ex- !Wunfa ITtW - "" i-K?n--". -'-; OI l"A 1 tis, S LAW hTlES. Addre.4 W.T. riTZOIJULB. ATTORNrr at LAtv. 111 k S:r-t. Wasuvsczo. a. C. v.tui: raa Tit a. tj c --. - . i. : . TT . TT -. -il" - -'" SfOO fa 1300 MOSTH --- -orxi3 ," ?rM' fr C-- Ar-U prcfzrr-ed who yxn ra-jd-li their own torses and sir- their whole lira o-n-Jja..Do. Epareaora--ti-jia3jbpro2-i!Te-ii- plcjx al-o. A fer -raen .-S in t-.w-u aad citi-w. ' B.r.JI)H.n-,iCfl. leu Mas tr-t, EXiaai. V. -W.VUC: TILS ?Af IS. trj t- -. - SALESMEN ' nc in tn-i Wet WANTED by the oldest. lanest and be't kn wa Nnrs- " ""arww- rcn-anen: pcslilona. i-xl ! F2T-Outfit :rte.-TAKKNrU.-EIIEa.Loc.'t-irr!L-i'n 1 N3 UU SU ;iU no; b, -c r:a s o"a CAUTION Beware at Fr-uui. as b; name and tbe rr.c ax tircp-Kl on the bottom cr all mi adrertl-il -ho Deicre leartotf tbe factxrT. whicti protect the er erain-ithi'ipncesjindliteriorsX)i5. IT a deal er oTr W. Do-aarlaa 9Ho-) U a rettacetf price cr ar ae hw tbem iUo:t ay name and pric tXMmii on tne honors, put his d jc as a fraaa. .-s?; es-y 3lMF A W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. CENTLEMEM Tteon'j-ral: SUJ SdMLESS --hi- moots In !de. -iOT.VCK-lwWX1TnBE.lU: tiart h-- fe-"t.-i 3-hs,cd--w--'elai(i Wilt -NOT K1I- W. 1- U(il't;l..-.-MlBOE. Th-3fr:a. iai nly hand--.ied r!tf4 tioe. Equals cut-;ns--2ad hcs cottc f mm Jt to FJ. V. L. UOVGUS 9a-oO POLICESHOE. iailroad Mea and 1-etter Camr- aL wir tne-c -".ith inside a a Htad-Sewed --hoe. Nu Tacts or Vox Thrfa3 rr hn rt the !.:. W. "U IXJl CI-a-4--e.."HOElj-iiiexc8!Ie "r htavy ar !St Ciir boe for ra pn. W. I liOCG-LAJi Std.S.. WOKKI.IC-HJkA'-s SHOE i the t: in the wo Id tor cociti tr rfi pi ncttt wearacnnaTcsr w.'u iorciaiH2"noEFoE botsis Ji best ?ch( rho- in ttie wnrid. IV. I K'JtGI.A SI.TS TOnH' School tor sive th. sma.i Bors :-. ci3Jice tJ r ax the &-! sho- In the world. A '1 made in On-Tre-1. Buuua and Lies. If nc ill St year dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. 'JJW'' V FOR CONSUMPf' It hxs permacentlvcuretl THor.OtDS of CU-H.-S pronounee-1 by doctors- hope less. If you have premonitory symptom.-, sncli as Cou;h. Difficulty of Breathinir. stc, don't delav. hut iLe PISO'S CURE for CONSUMPTION" immediate! v. Bv Dru-r-riati 25 cents. LATEST STYLES zx L-'Art De La Mods. & COLOKEI PL.VTF-. Ail. the litest rts: su sr ')KK PtK!0S. Xy"0-:- it ' jo!irT-dal. er or -'r.d &S ctsiw r.riiicsl cnmb-?rti W. J. MORE. rM!b--r, 1aP2 rwiLB-M -rns-fc OThs BTJTEES' GTjTDE is issued Starch and &2pr each year. It is on ency clopedia of tiaefal iafsr ciation tor ail who p-ir-ch-ise tha lusmriea cr tha necessities of iifs. "73 can clothe you aad furnish you -Kith all the necessary and uatdecesrary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, so to church, or stay at hotso, and is various atzes styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required !x do all tcci things CSXFORTkBLT. and you can sxaksa rarr estiT-ifite of the value of tha BOTTEKS GUTDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 centa to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD 4 CO. Ul-114 itichisan Avenue, Caicaco.IH. TKrt Till- P(lIm-TC .. EDUCATIONAL. UAUP STT3T. Boot--cpiaj-,Pts-ia!i-,. Arit HVlC -cetic. Shortaani. 'tc. tdicroc jhl-tac?i Sj-DAII. Ctrvalxr-!rw. ZZ7ASTS "' BaJkU.S.Z. La wreu.ee BnIn-a-i Coll ec- ami Aradrmy. Larks', chcapr-. anil bt. A Z-sir SiUi". csla-lotra-itres. E-I MollraTj. sas'uLawrtsce. Canjaa. t'5I05 COLtr REof LAW.C-h!-a:-r. Fall T-rm D-s-dns s-ir D. For circular t..M. U-Ilooti. Cn!cajo- YnilllftllPIII-'rn TelecraphT a-m Bailrcad IHIinil INaH.cnV Bain--hre.izd sfsrera zotxi. sitcitions. N nw J. D. BROWN, t-edalla. Mo. G6W BRAND" SODA TAKE ISO OTHEB , SECQIO-HAID TYliS35S-jgSSS&S2g& . Pro-jf Ftps. Card Cstter. lrap.iinir s-oie. Btcts. ' Ca-j. and a variety of otTn-r pr.nrlnz ica -raL fo- -!- rh-ap for cah by A. N. KELLO-jG 'Etf'I,J.- CTOS8AOAY. Samples worth $I.5 aTri FEKK. Ur.- not cnd.r th cnra 1 -t wnie i mT3iln'OU&trirtJnmmjtmrmwemm. " m.1. LT- .1 &c anj aaXeTEc raca-rta--&T fsam. c-srt-is-!a-iaT-. worid Fithrr -x CMtI.oc-at Tana nix. XlxnaL TUlk Coa:n-a.aajL XUU THIS tASlZ. w-n -aa- warn. TEXAS LAID Addr"e..GODI.ir I . acre. bit asricnli- re5niSatSW?gBe-Jf?L- -.Ti3tTH;3ri?XI-----Tti.-,-m. 1 SOLDKBS:,ireApl:?'-i:o5i,-'t'I,'as, pj-- I 1. W ?inTfe,in!-rt',.rre''T -" "'-- I -a 1. arlOEjUCBV A 0 ria. f --. at. aar- u.. r- KrCSPAPiaT-a-j-w a. FARMS i?L 9&l-CteaP-L5oJ. Send fordpscrtptdon J AliMO aaa price. IL r. Ba jtcroft. Jceraoa. O- . " - O- o. 1203. .--.... . "-s win. 12, a TO ADVKKTISEKS. nl?n. (n-rvny, ... .- a j,--rJm i Tin WP' P r --i-SBsZiiir Mtri Sr-a o- ciTtC -rXtiJ-.lu.j- til papr. ' -mm-Jm.- 'r "'i -i Mgk '-l '! r fjmcago -trjUnU9t we meh4FNJ II It Hliilttet. 3 T IftMwia