The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 07, 1888, Image 5

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    gfa gcd ffjand Ititf.
j -bed ever; 1 r'tiav rsomir; :rr-ai the oSiee
i Jj? Motts BIc-.. Ked Cloud. Neb.
Absolutely Pure.
. . .. ?. tarle-
Mar el of care
ttJiasa v;hv,-c-c-i-ncs. mare economical
t aa :!: cril.rarjk-n1 aadcanr.ot beolii in
i rticn twthtlsircUtdes ot low tet -liort
-;ht ilurt or ; b-r-hase powdor. Sold only
;.: 'VTall street. ". Y cSry
F-r President.
. Iduna.
Fcr Yi;c-Pre-ident. p. :iouto.
o. t lor..
For Congre-s, 2d D;tri--;
For Grvernor.
F-Jr I..c-"itonant Governor.
Fr ferretrtry of State
;. L LV1V
t r ;reaurer.
J. E. IliLl..
F- r Auditor.
Tiion ik ro.
For Attcrr.ey General.
Fr Cfmmis-icn-r i'tibli' Land.- and
.1 1 .
For Scperinttsdenf public Instruc
tion. nnoKJiE b. lam:.
c.j LMV T I "K r-rr.
F:r C' r.nt . Attorne;.
Ft: llert.-entativc.
. it. IIAI?TOrV.
Si. OOO I)nr.u;c.
The Barlisgt ar i Mi-ocri raii-
roai company r a; settled with Mr-.
Charks Hewitt - -s: iit her 54.'0f
".ii aci unt of her hu-bsiid beia kill
er-, m the Almi-. .cn. wrec ix-t '
ivon!. Lee- -t ;
.. --
In:it al'.
(o Monday. -si l'5-st 1,J o'clock
j. . -h.. -r.f.-.i-nM -?;! cll ntl... Ir rriM 1 btiilt near tne mul.
VL . - & .vv.tvK -- ..- I
auciioa on the M U. 3L-Sia rani,.!
L-Ilouiag K;tr7 ?0 head of
wa. w -ii. -- .-..wc. - i.-". .
-steer- clres. heifer raivt-.
J'riro? steer-. -2 :.wrlii heifer.-, t
cokaie- -f beef. 1 dUe wawfts. 1
i'(ui uw..n. h.j " -'
K - K Am .m k . fc Im .BbC 4A.iA4ft ft -
rte. x h
iai& tnu. 1 wee' '
e: art
TERX F"3;.Or S5- oisii. -jV.
that aureus; a v-dit .f 8 moftth? wiil ;
-'tr --! .;r 3Tra4c-
-ta. .. .. . .:. i .
irv v- .- .- . x-'-zau ucii. i
"erafc ir -
Vioj'fity iu t
iVliM. IT Iteau
.ore fr
f utte
t ar"
ot -t.i?K. a
whole r it J rt t. -uit jnr-lir-
lnveti, y..rc asr gmajr note ad J y ,. "'. ' ,- -n- of ransimrtAtin Jv-twi-oi.
. . ,.k 4 -.a alt tiu- late-t comedies snucramas,
approved -em :. wth 1 per ct ' . !u.-.i,.ts iu KaHa nJ the eru f C!r-
;., M ( Tt-M, Ciiaftpe of Bih mstitly. Genera! d-;- ..-.,.
mieresx. .i. i..jlih. , -o.caeo. !.t aecorr.rnoaations n this
I im.i.i A.. i-iar- reserve! eat .el
tpkadid for soate out: aBd Uiev have ni:sied i)r. Ii.-o.r
who wants i."... ;..M m. Ll.,!.' ch-iac. the uvrr.n i
Kearw a esieu-a . r.-. In jt
rM? .iL ! ,n.-J tffcii a?
ft 31
tei'en .
l'- c ijrri . i-h
girtni -M-I. ! z vaX r, :'- to lilt
f r;;Iroad BuwUKboik. M:il -it
f plac.
-. -, i .-utt.
i i
Tfce Opera Houm. i
The p-rand opening of the the- trical
season will be inaugerated on Mondav
evenine. and continue during the week 1
with a change of nlay nightlv. Man-
ager Fulton deserves much credit 'n
securinfr tor the occasion the celebrat
ed "AH Star Theatre Co." This com
pany is under the manaaement of the
well known Mitchell Ladisb. which is
the outset a sufficient cuarantee of it
rnarit, but xeare assured that the ser
ies of entertainments to be given dur
ing the week will surpass amthin:
ever presented in this city, and whet,
their gentlemanly agent told u-tfm
the advertised corps of artists would
positively appear in this city we were
at once assured that Red Cloud a t
be honor-d with a series of entertai -merit-by
one of the strongest dr. in tic
organizations traveling. Dran at e
critics and the press of all the we-teru
cities are unanimous in classing M;-s
d:th Dirstine with the best iea'tmu
ladies in the country. The name- ot
Charles Ellis. Frank Coy. Mae Harri
andDudlev Farnswurth sire wnn ur t
all readers of firs: cias theatre pro
crams, while Misses Anna Dewej ar.o
Nettle D.Itn bear flattering n nc -from
tne eastern press. Messrs T-nu
McDono'ih, Harry -Schmidli: - n5
Blanehard Freeman, have been cot.
nected wi h first class companies a,
pearhuatne best opera hou s i
the west. With a cast Hk? the a1' -v.
a poor perJormacce of any bill in thei
repertoire would be an itupossibi iy
'My Partner.""Caprice'"Esnierat'ia. '
"Fearl of S.tvoy," "Meg's Diver-ion. '
and "Ti e Banker- Daugnter."
presented during the we-k. with j-uhc
dance.- and nedleys introdnc.-d m ;ij(
propriare p'ace?. Paulme De-ta,
idatti-t. n is ben entuiied as m"-i-i
direeioress of the company. J. Ion
day ni'-'ht. -eit. 10th. they will i - t
'M I'anner." with Mr. "a .- Ei.s
the -jreat character "Jo Saut-dets."
fTucidaV- Daily-
Latest in fall millinery at Mrs. Mc
LriGe S.
Miss Cordie Sherer is visiting in
Miss Clara Dickerson we-st to Or
leans his morning.
The chicken law is now out and
tre hoys are improving the opportun
ity. Go and see C. E. Webb if you
want pure kerosene or gasoline. He
keep? the best.
The sceeiai train leaves at S o'clock
for Hastings instead of 10 o'clock.
Don't forget it.
The street ear.- run to the d-ptt
every ten minutes until the excur-ion
train leave- for Hastings.
C. W. Kalev and wife have retiirn-
ed to Red r' loud fiom their pleasu-ej
jaunt in the e. stern states.
A man in New York say us- the t -aso inc in the market. C. E.
VVtt deal- in no other kin3.
S'iioe -neik thief
broke into Mrs
t .
llt-4.i. - r.rf. list n'fhr ana rOiT!r-l
..... . . .-.r
, . c . t. !
en .- eral Hats, leatnots. etc.. tne!
n.lni of several dollars. !
In rcer u rach Itastinjr in tiheiby Sada -I- Ba'lfy
.. t!
t'j -e tne araie it ha neeu dtc:.i
bet to start the special train :t
jrt"d.-k instesdof ll' o'elcck.
tl, i'.:n.,; M;n;nn. Pn..1r..n--
I I 1 llVa V-I.'UU .-X.AA4&I.. j-v.tyxJ...
are ' nildins: a nevr elevator which
v ill i.ave a capacitv "f 10H bush-
-,;,! nr Gnh-e R,.ek la-t ni-ht.
j cim. oSciuicg. Mr. II Y. Foster, of
, neiieviu. ivtisa ajj-. ui .vss.v.- . . ;
! L-,.. ,.f Guide Rock. ;
Tb..-e who wi-h ;.- attend th- G.
j, reunlon at Cflumbus -houldi
bear in tamd that tnev must c ;n
1 L..!aibus rr. or
iefore Sept. ;ith.
J Ticket- A.e on .-a'e S-pt
7:h to f)tb.
Enrefcx Ail Star Theatre Co. at the
femt.- rhildren cents. ?r--or tick-
i-sre.-iTTc-ds ."retire var f3t?
crJ at l I -voface-
Th- KTrlkatJ Sphc rui cwveo-
. tr rhi ai-ri:-t will be held at
Srd CJud. S. r UMi. As : - an -
didie ".- i.oeeed t. Web-pr -.-.u.iv
ewlj for r i5ea:wn y.-r
Wi wwtnter when .he f".i id'ani'i
hb: hawBe to "Dr?"
Gnitie iJock ciiist i-i
v Wi;
t''1 r"Ir-- ! ' !
"rie - i- anv crite;
reier to an cagcrat -a rt j
b; if j .i
o r
kV kv
- i."
-u I t". I
. a;
the street.-
c- r t.ter with -.
n-'w. there"-
'lic'lL'g , of
w iter.
Ed. IK-i .ud contemplat.
i rir hi- i 4 Jit
landHe:l.rt. "
to the eitv "Kiali
The un: - nime that cansitted
suicide i -j"i'i! ock was IV Cuma
:ord in-t-.:: ! Cumsev.
There a
.-ter count;,
y from r'i
There ' :
at the M. t
1-7 pensiontr? .u Web--i
aw .').lSn ,uar:er-
t temperaiK concert
'.-irch n !ie' Fridav
.nodv tuviteu
C. W '." i r returi.ed tss mora
ic to I .i ... -. tie thinks ! return
mz to el- -ka n the dim rutcre.
He n r xtena uur
the friend- no were with
our sad r- i veinent for z)
kind act-. . .u especially -
ar..s to
r uiauy
o :ho.-e
Lidies wt
urubhed titistr- Their
tl never b era -ed from
our memory.
0. TlTl A.VI VT1TL
The II: uois Itaii id ".rill
-ell cheaj. exenr-ion r.tkeL- i. Jack--on.
Tntt'-s-ee. UMIv itnt: - . Al-er-
j i i i- ' r- am Jackson 3Ii.--.-3Jp i. ham-
mouJ. Jeiining- and Lake '"harle-, I
Louisiana. Tuesday-. Sep:.mLer 11
and '2b, tjdtober 0 and -'',. 2i vcmcer
u' anc 2l. :iud Dedeuler r a: i 15 j r.if"t tr-u- -Agents
west of IMairsbur. to iioux j
City. Sioux Fails and Onw. . wtl: sell j
for the evening train on Mo ddVs rce-1
viou to dates "iven abuvc
i1..:-, .:.,.
;c t
moruiuz tram from 'uhu-tu :na Chi-
cugo. Tuedav J i - -tl. and .-tich -uc-
ceeomg luesn. uunngttn: month- ". ; r4:jf..r ltt K.n ..f G-n-umpti..n,
August. Septets e.r. October. Xovem ' Asthtna. IV t - ti-'h- an.! 'rup
ber and Decern-, r. For ilome-scek- k.:- jkhIv. . Ti-p!-as-ers'
Guides and printed matter. i::ving in,' t tit- t .- -n ! :-th to th- al-'ie
rates, dates an. !nli iuformatiot.. ad-
ply to nearest a o ticket auet:t.
addres- the ui. r-ititd at Man
ter. .'iA. -I. -"- Mr.P.r.'.
G. W. P. A
Piatt 5c Fi i-e-- Co. have for -tie
one sma-' m -- with one iot :r ?'"
to be paid iii in-tallinent-v : M."i
per month - ri tr H percent ver
iest. A -z- . nauc r-r ji.'1 !
who is th.owiiiu aw av monev by pjy
icg rent to s .-tire a home.
One crooc ia--j iiuuse, nicelr locat
ed, S2.000 t.. b. paid 5500 ..!-;
ance in paviumt- "f S2." per month,
!U per c-nt mtrt-s:.
One 'i-O": farm lfjO acres u; -r
wirc f-n.-e.' .b-.ut KlO acre
! cultivation, ab mt l!5 iere in ? -z
pasture feneea with b.ard-. A
farm house, of., and only :);
from Red Clond
"ViJi :dloc
any time a pun-h i-j i-f.i:l Tnt.
tl. c. .!.:. : r-
" "
an(j other ejt:aliv reliable p-aufs
!.? t. ,,, ... " w, ..."..
Notice 1- herebv .riven tvs; I Il!
1 e.tainiiieall oer-.n vho in.i. it-sir-
1 toou-r the:n-e!ve- 1- candid ttec
HMcher- of ti.- jijitsji.- -chl ! th -
at ilt-
cm- ;! thrii
- . ... r.n. -
1 W . f T-r.-.-n
fc . ." i" L
Cuntv ?b.Y
Everv afterr.o.-,n ..r :i oj oV.ocs.
npou arrival n: tr.utis rrom t:te -:. i
a ni.ignine.-nt LV.ilman Sleeping Car!
Ieai"- Topek. fW l'hi-9-.. vi. the '
Great Rock I-:.i., i Route, m.;:'
; cio.. eiiBec:i o
with the f.siiieu-
( -Iimlteii lyer" runnii'g throigsi with -
; o: chin-.e. arrivit z at Chitac-. the
following uwriiiiig. This i c rtainlv
. .-..v nt..9 ..v..... . ..... ?n. I . .
.' ..,..". c
...incac wi.i tw- trttttj . wk--ufli
re-fcrrat'Hi- a? roti ionv rn' by
tei-sra ,
Dow f.r.ret tha lirnrv C'ik ,ia-
' jp.v-, j ?nj0 the Cuv l'hnrsnrr. hn
., --.: t. :.,t.,.i -.- -s: f . - --. .
" ".' " "
hano.-.w rnd emp,
ii. . -i .-. (.. ..bwc m I. I 4
K(.. 1. I J
et iio r nnt
- omia' ,.c r.i -r-rie
t " tin ii-iii -. v ttii-i
i.i.: u.rge tnp;o.ut!iSi Amokih- Uu.tmtij;.
-J lb ttr. Cok i '2,'t ee- t.- per
T lac
i wtf
"o sa-.
i ts .f iine F.iiin larof.
chti: li'sr.
ir?. .
Gro. Wintox
prizjJ Ton coitx.
j. c:4 . 4 .or
tli best disp'ry cf Scid CO.ii raised
in "wr j - un' 7 v. o-
Sr.-.irli ccunt z, Hens, , :'ji1o's
ik...o a
LOOK HtlciE.
'o7;i"n trav-litii: nrth, east, south or
v.e- make ioursef conifot table by
. : niiiu a -trn-ilv first cla--s line,
' . hicag . Kans & Nebraska Rail-
, P.. c I.-land Ko'itn"
I is rhorougbtar. i- tl.e people'3 fa-
- r.. becHiise it is reliable, sife and
; i-'-nt and with it- limit d flyer to
' . ign. and cnnpi'tmn witn all the
i - tram. to St. L- - mak it univer-.-
popular, am' route which all
v..- i pirsted travel' r-ta'e.
it- i, ts-enger t . - were built ex-
t --- iy f.-r tni
' .t! Car Co.. v
they are :is
. --t-r' detai'
i .-t thorough
lt-.1 l-o ctnvcr
- d-ervice"f'
.jen iverlo'
-:; passen.'
o service a l"
hat' car-; no i '
tic-en spi're.t t
m-t resit"!
icl-s of tl-"
Ht.Mer- ! 11:-.
its :ti t: i -
t rjer aecotn i
.. r to tiip '!
totikrs tl-o-t.
:ali and "h. "
pott. Iu':
Gr;t Frer- 11
by the Pullman
.eh i- a guarantee
t a:.d romplete
"he best taste and
leoce can suggest,
fur the comfort
'.'-ling puJ.'ie has
In addition to it
equipment, th-re is
-upero r-c"ndna
- or exnev-e n iving
ke theso car- the
ttilort i--nr,n ve-
c'ass in America.
.t hets can occupy
- trr. cMired
sich r-rf S:nin-
he patron-, which
tily tU-irable for
rsvelinsr uhout
- C. K. & N. is the
. C'-.,ir s' r Line
' :ver- When you
,:elv conifnrtable.
n-a- & N-bra-'ka
n.l Runt. PuJI
i;ic: C".' "n all
west "I the lt--
I t. ill
take the C
Railav. TLf
man s
Xol A
alii'ornia Bcr.
e t .- cu'd th;- kind
I ..." -7 -
'i w"mii r.
i- - c.Me i.- to ;-t go,
. . .-.:, ght t - l ear
! . r-Jo purchase of
: .: -ant Abie, the
ik- t'n
' . '
,y ,.,..,
Iie'irv ' o-'iv
c"r,,j' "'"," "' 9
or 3 ii i -:'l .i" i'aii
' irive- i 'Jn ' - 'iit-i
. ..; 0iU.rn.-..
St.- lieliuj
:ii v. it a
t l-0
and p- in . t :-
trial "" X r itc- T-rfm-mi
l 1 -
Cure of Cancer and Ulcers.
Juilgo T. c JJcLontloa wrstca to tat
Swsit SpcctSc Co. : "About tarce year
&ZQ, Jerry BraJIer, had a caacerou
sere on tis face, aear the r:ght eye. Is
citisctl a great deal or pa.r, aad he
lost tne siht c'the eye. hut was Caally
rured fay the uss of "Swift's Specific
This cav? n wall Itaowa in Viikea Co.,
Ca., tva3re ha IiveJ."
Mr. L. Cor. of Arkabntla, Tate Co..
Hiss., wr.tis- "I u2ered a rreat deal
frost oli uljers for years. Your cseiii
ciaa was racotntnecded, atsd fter ussn
ix bottles I was completely cured.
Your raeixiue does even more'thaa voa
clastn (tl I have knowa it to cura
caw whi'h. wra thouzht borIesa.M
Sirs. A. M. Goldsiith. No. 4 Warrea
St., Brooklyn, X. Y., writes: ,4I com
neucei usia S S S. about three years
aire. Ihal sufrjre-'. with a sore throat
f ur ever a yar. lusel a ceat 122117
other rTiCil.f "T.m no pcot results,
ilylittiecrtrl. aIof had sor;firrs; it
cca.rn .. .-1 from the quick, aral then
then- 1. .3-j.i cc -e iT. V.'e doctored
her fo.-GVcrt-vro, and when I cotu S. S.I tnouchtl would
see wat it would do for "her. lam
vhaaitiul to zj it eatirelv cured
ber. It the test reatedv'l know
f'i" :,l. .-I.,r.fccifJB I
It vras tho ra iai Of savinsr mv lif.
The doctor to.d ms I had a throat dis
ease 3 a:Irir to General Grant's. I
cheerfu. y recomirend it to all sufferitrg
Xrora d rierrji blood.
Tre.n 50 on E'.ood and Skin Diseases
trailed f.-co. Tns Swut tirEcinc o.
L.-aw , tlaata. Ga,
Iajtt Kr.tes of later-
! - ' .-r ..".n-iif. : 11 ak
ly " " '" " " "" "tl '' "
j Ai,..U l..- o,..Jn
-i;r. .;are rt
a.rrc Lo&ns.
L.V.? ot nt:i.ek i. ;-. ; in lantis at
, . Si. J m u 10 ; r edit iu-
Ull--k- -,,r -1- " . : 'J- -'- " year-.
. l"a ",tfi: I -- ann:al!j, oisetm-ati-
.. !'. ... j . . .. ..l ..... - .. ..! - ..
' . uv j-..i .. . .k -'c i "
ii.sis. ..ents ai an iiitcre.-t j.t ldy.
'i - terms r ht to .-nit Hiost,
aaitd . ' r: . r address :iie at
iit ilo.".'. Ni fc. USee .ii boith .-ml
i m b - i;k. i. . iJARUiK.
.111 Aloousir Cij.c
lneUri".I i. ;:h (i ui t-u, .si
iMiy j.m tin , , ; i . . tin
hot--. nI -an .-t..i;i- -ir- f-r ild
st.-e. en-. w - il.-. i htiw.l hands,
. jt ,i .- .. - .
tiiimuis i.iu or-pi.jui:s. ii. u.J.-niv-i
tur .t kivti
..-s ftr th'
. : SO fu.
. . AUCUOli!
I ara realy r;.j willins ti atten? ail
-r.!c 5a '-.uter. Smith and Jerell
c.uutie. a Rccliotiefcr. Tesrm? very
. -oul.j.
... i'. V. jirEr.
Wenfern &
KHim A IX-
Dry Goods and Notions,
and Leaders of Low Prices !
.'all and -ee our stok of Dry
from 25c t3
ll-NVool Henrietta 50c pr yd. Dress Flannels from 25c to
75c ?r yd. English and French Suitings from 10 to 25c
per yd. "600 yds fine Satteens 12 l-2cpryard.
YQVffl Up
Iulllo DO
.-t r...,i. t V.'arp. uhit-. "!-.
ii.1 !!' for uk. viclsso l-s.-u !-.r -
i. il,--':
".VorViPt "
1 fcr ".
-.l(.f,!:il .li-!ii fr -jstc. and a e"''r r.u firsts-. '.orth.aianJ '-ih-.
.t il I" t.-.i.-N .; Jiaif j r.ce. Ibices a :d 1 :-it ..Mf-K atat 4 iii"t r-:.
fti-.t !.' ?ri.e..
1 1 '
ni'U ooits O;
. .
..e-Mir Ltiihe-" Kid (;ines in :.12totnr- at -I
.11. u. te'" a-"! 'iawl. 1 lieap. -e our
oiueainl -ceai'il eunaie-'wl..
t :t
Wr-steni wi Wn rafi1 MM
' MA.S VS )L !) STAND.
St -; f"
7 lit r
t t 1
v r:.
. 1 vjl :. i -N v -'
. . v I ;'
.. -1
,-'lff -V
-. . ?. . .
.i t,:
r -LK'- - -Vt.iei--' 1
-- ' f. .
I;-r,. '
. (
. V ' r
it--' t..e ci.'uit '
t :.i- r ir t'-. . -ii -f -- i
ui.' .r ' 1
r a b -.
r riiiiims ivill be Paid in Full !
vr:: urns ' lvu"c ;n ii '.Ciplirit:nt5 !
0. xt' f X- i; p.p.. 7;:. Ml I jr. H-j R u:.;ori
s Fc:.;urcs arranged Kr Every Day.
A. L. FUNK, ec'y.
beautiful Portraits !
Lifaize or smaller at
I 7-1 ,.-.
.fl any
V I k UII'.
i w t
Goods, black and colored Cashmeres
sue per yard.
si Punts for 5c
U: lX O I " t'V N"-kt"
Table I.iSicli Si to ZiV p-
1 -t-J' .. jt 1 lli
. :
- .-i-n
n- (.
- 1 ' ' :
:i .-t!i:i-'i-to r.i ::i.ui;c-t-. 1 oai-
th:i-'i-1" hi.-
jr.-.nin ;"- tfNet.. T:i . ;at -i.-icnou.
His' j'rite-jil for .r'. :-. V piy- to
;-vviaazr-:i'tl ..-.x.triJV;:.rr?
. -.
Vr - v.. rr-i. -t-. ;
. J T ..,-i--
A ii- -I .--' L
. a . . . -.x..
25-28, 1888.
Z M- t .1 - lOStl.. tl I i.
; i i.t -t t -' i
r - i i the i o i.t.
of those fine cabinets,
County Mr
han pleased with them,
I- .-,- ea