-" Ji - i J St is Hi I -p BED CLOUD CHIEi A. C. HOSMER, Proprietor. EEDCLOCD. - NEBRASKA TH FRIEND OF AGES AGO. "Should aaid acquaintance be forgotr Yes. it yoc d ;-st as liet as not. Johx Pacl Tier- are evral things tha; trouble one's ae. And -ork lor a man much woe. ansa a- oct :md doubt dents that cCi run. And rS thai will sot Sow Bet Tin a.1 aa Seen said, do we sot most d-cad. 01 th- 37 bcres thnt w taow. That nbt;ai?cs ban. the woman or man. The knew one ares ago" In yrwti! you wir yonng; and ;ooluh perhaps; Yoc f-ine-- with hum and with low. Had on- lort on tne hill and cn dowa by the mil! Yet aevr wpt -x eked, ah. no And thij fn"nd Vcw you in a Jar-away tray. In a w7 that as only o. so Jsst eno-.?h o sit; hn to the cry about you: "O. I knew hinj ages ago Yea ar- mamed now asd quit' circumspect. Your pa.e. !: your speech. i !ow; You lei' :n a bant ke-p ilnt a church Are one it i proper to tr.ow : Bet this vidian; rr.end w-Ji nver consent That your virtue's unchanrsd -hall jo Thocgh -he nv-r demurs, but only avers That it icpi you "a?" ago." And sure I am that if rer I trir To th- piaca:i:re I hope to s To s; anion? a:r.T- porhap the chief In ra:raent as white as -no'v. Bejor" nw a:i! buv among ih West Peratp in th -elf-a:n- row I snail 2nd tsv ban. thi- woman or man. "Who knew me "nr:s ago." And haU hear th voice I o oft have heard Do tou thmti :t ;- wet and low A.- it whimper- -t.i; w-.th accnt shrill TJx" refrain th-ir -o "e!l I 'icnow: "O you aerdn t rw -tung ntieh sto" by lira Thi- ae-' anp. -. much a', a show. Ee soar T.toJ ;r. -,a.nt who :n't acquait 3ct kaew b.nt -ae a" "' d t. i it-nj WtiJ. in. CfiTury. LOB AND ALICE. The Story of llr. Heath's Last Ten PVET I. Oa a wt. rloomy afternoon in the April of 1ST- jir. James Heath -at m a honj in Adam treet. Strand, and in the cur5ocly. foraihed apGrtnvr'. -.v'aicn he call-! hi aSre. The very dirty window curtain of t5e moa were of the ri"het .silk. The ctlyTuev carpet wae covered witn du-t zsd Irttrf with band.e of oid law paoers and a,rparr-. be-ide lotter and other dortta&nz- waich.havin!r been torn un. had evidentlv lam oc the Hoot uitoui'hvi for week.-4 cr months. On tne wal of the room were hua-' a numtr of valuable oil paint iars. "wa'rro'-jr and enr-avinT. iladon as an-I Hiy VamUi" of the early SnanL-h aad Italian -ohooK r-i-5 of tap ballet and die prize rtnr. Dut.-h Ouor. lamLipes. por traits and rai- n -v m:nrled a they vwr wjthont the W: rcard to tyle or sebj- tae renrai ifect wa alt.ither novel aad 5crprt.-inr. About the chamber were a numbbr of chairs and couches, mo-tly f antique pftttem-. bet all of them made of the inu-t cotiy maerial-. and cov ered. lik the carpet, with dat. In the coroer'-of the room wreoile "f well-bound volume? and two massive a;de-board one of tmk. the othr of ebony were piled with mi-c,"-ia.noc- heap of books. zLtS-; and silver plate. Every thimr about the cham ber, in abort, was dirty, costly and incon mcc. Finailv. asa-1 vl) in a thfck cvercoat. and with his be to th Sr-plrice. in which tbre vra no ure. -at ZIt Heath H wa a rather :vut man of about ;rty, with keen. zray eve, white ha:r and a very rubicund complexion. On the tabie before bra tood ansoaca nsnwr of papers, a bottle of braaciv an-i a tumbler, and he was cncaed in reasii'iir a !on letter, which was written in a rather -nrawlinir. boyish hand. "Dear :r." the letter ran. "1 must have TObv Mtiay. and I want at Ieat T besides. Tais. with 'what I owe vou at preeeat. will make 4.X). I promise, in coasidera' ion of that !.&) which I now ask you to advance, to asisrn to you th" whoteof my Lfe interest in the 15 CS) 3 per cent, con-ois. toceth-r w-.th the whole in terest unir the po'acv of a--urance for the 5.00). Th premiums on the Pj:K-y only amount to A per annum, so that the i4ro o4d wh.cn accrue from the crnoLs will leave a balance of about iV) pir cent, in terest on the 4 Ou) uut J the policy fali in. In other word-, for ?.i-) von zz an ab-o-lute rever ion m lJ.t. v. together with ) a .veer until the reversion L- realized. I am aware that I could do baiter than this, but I want the money at ojh-o and I am readv to scbtaitto tfte sarriace for immed. ate pay ment. I -nail ! on you to-morrow after noon at fuur oV.."k. when I hspo ynu will let me Save a check. Your, faithfully. "Ri BE2T 0-w.Ln." ilr. Heiith read the letter very caref ullv tfaroura twi or three times, after which he laid it on the table aad poured out fealfa tcmoier of brandy Having learlv i mixed i this wi;n a very little water, he drank it off and l-aaed bark ia his chair, while he in dalged in a soliioouv which he muttered half aloud. "Yes." he said, "the terms are good e-joturh. The voeng fool i in consumption already tboegh he's bareiv twenty-three. aad this -eason will kill him. Chapman say hi? right lung is nearly gone lucky I got aim V) in-ure for the big sum at once. Wants xte money. I suppose, to meet his ksse on the City aad Suburban. What's he g-ing to do. I wonder, when he has p$rt-d w-.ta hi- interest m the 15.000" Fall back on hs mother, I suppose. She's sup-po-ed to ae wes.thy. but her money is all in American vn:li5. thev say. and if report is true she ks -w- how to keep it The -.ridow of a Scotchman, wao made a fortune m America. tny came bacij to England about fve vears -ince to get into societv and put yoccg hopeful through Oxford The father died three ear ago. and the mother has been leading a rather retired life since, so they -ay. But. nonsense, wnat ha-; all this to do with me' Yocng Mr. Oswald, who has got aimself into consumption through dbsiputaon. i- practically offering me 10. 000 for a farther advance of LOfO. Even if I had to is. ait a few years it's god eaoach. But he hasn't twelve montns' life in him. Three months more, at the rate he is gaingat resent. ought to finish nrm! And tken!" Mr. Hath poured some morp brandy into his tumbier. Having drunk it. he continued almost aloud, and in an excited manner: 7fctn I have made the 100,000 which it has ofen the amaitim of my life to be wortn. T: s i- the last ten ti.DUaad- Witn this I sha. be .vrth a.mt exactly one hun dred and two the jsand pounds in hard cash, besides the gjod wi.1 of this acenrsed busi cess. and all the things connected with it, which I shall dispose of at once. Why. I oqght to have nearly one hundred and ten I cah. 1 snail gtve u. To that I have made up my mind. And then! well. I shad ro en tn- continent for a time. I'd be pretty well fonrotlea in the course of two or three year, and my name is not in particularly eood odor Just now hasn't been for yars past. Never mind that when a man has four or live thousand a year, people are not too particular about his antecedents. I may take a place a little way out of London oe a sort of county magnate for a bit and work my way into a decent club. Let them say what they like behind my back, they'd be bound to be civil to my f ace. and that's all that anv one need care. Half the pers in Eneland would jro crazy if they only kcw what theirservants were saying about the Fools, we're alL more or less tarred with the same brush, thinking vermin as we are, if this new theory of evolution, or whatever it's called be true. No, if I once ?et foot into a ;rood club, they could not ret it out acain. if I can only aftord tree; respectably. Let them whisper hat they like behind my nack. al! that I have to deal with is what is paid or done before my face, antl the hounds would be silent, for they can prove nothing. If the brutes have to lick me what do I care if they would like to bite. 'Heavens, what a contemptible thin:: is human nature!' the ;rreat Napoleon u.-ed to say when &e was a youne man starvinc in Paris. Contemptible is not the word. 'Worthless indifferent unworthy of even contempt poor wretched puppets. You band together, and club your wretched ?elnshnes into what you call re spectability. Respect! V.hy you will have more real reapeci for me, who'll force my way, and walk alone amoasr you. than you t have for the sleekest creature of your pack. Yes. 'Lions walk alone, jackals herd. together. ai Pitt used to say. and one can play the Pitt or the Napoleon in private, a well as in public life, if need be. Yes, I have only to wait now till Mr. Oswald smashes up tae little that's left of his con stitution. Not many months at the further esr Strans-e that "the la-t 10.000 should come altogether in this wav; I murht have befi three or four yars rettins it together. Per laps longer Who can tell4 "We make more bad debt? than people think, and. lie the snail crawling the post, I mizht. now and then, have slipped down at nizht twice as far as I had crawled durin? the day. 'But irere, the whole thins is done. The lst ten thousand made, as the sayinsr is by a stroke o f my pen. And yet it's curious how I have had a suspicion from the nrst mo ment I set eyes upon this bra; that he'd be at once mv makinsr and my ruin. Tush! sucn nonsense . the thinr is perfectly leraL and th" money is perfectly afe. Even if I lot it. I'd be very far from ruined, but it is quite safe. So, Mr. Oswald, yen shall have your thousand pounds, more especially as j you are pretty certain to jrill yourself with it. Still I have a tran;re likinr for the laiL He has sr0'd qualities witn ail his foliy. But oh. humour : what have I to do with these feelinrs! If I had any one to leave mv money to a child of my own to inherit my wea.tn i mura; wisn to leave it a uttie i ' cWnr than it 1. Yes. it's hard tO think ' that the riches for which I have toiled will l-.-l. 1-. ,-.-. , - co to p-xpie who curse my name if I don't leave them to the nation, or turn them into ca-h and ding it into the ea before I die. Come in '" I he last two wo; rds were answer to a knok at the door "Mr Oswald, sir." said a boy who acted ; asartofciersMilr. fcieath. "Show him in." said the latter as he re- sumed his seat at the table. A talL handsome, but very delicate young man entered the room. "We'd, youar sir. what can I do for you " said Heath m a zr-zZ voice, which was in- tended to bo p'easaat and assuring. :e of Mr. neath s peculiarities was that he seemed to take a delight in making his clients state their business as often as pos siole. however well he mignt be acquainted with it, "You can oiler me a chair if you want to be civj. and a srlas of brandy if you're in clined to be friendly."' replied Oswald, in a languidly familiar manner, which just bor dered on boing contemptuous. "O. please be seated, mv dear sir. if you intistcn ceremony." said Heath, pushing the bottle and a g!as toward his visitor as nepoiie. "Ana now. besides offering you a chair aad a little brandy, what else can 1 do :or you; TV"1 i.'flri ir Tntr Ir-rrt-nr whir T ! have come abrut. Yo' nave i. -"V l.aT?i- -. j ....... Wh.:- the u of a-kmg such a q: estion'" was the impatient rejoinder. "Yes. I have had your letter, but I don't like the business. I tell you frankly. I don't ILre to -e- a young man ruining h.mself as you are doing " "O. cure it all ' I have not come here to , bo lectured." interrupted Oswald, angrily, j "Wid yon do tae thing or not! This is Thuraav. I must have the monev bv fa;urdav night.' i "I would have to giv notice to the tru- tee of this f re-h charge and there is barely time to get the thing through. I would rather you took the matter somewhere ' else." replied He3tb, dubiouslv. , "But is impossible, and I mas; meet my , I encagenients on Monday." was the answer. j The result of some further conversation ' i was that Mr Heath, with a erpat siow of relurtance, suffered him-elf to be persuaded to have evcrv thing ready to make this further and final advance on Saturday. "Ycu will have twenty pounds ia gold, eight ten-pound notes, and the remaining nine hundred ;ounds -short.' " said Oswald I as he wa leaving the room. "Yes. I hpe you will take care of it," re plied neatn. "I shall win twenty thousand over the Guineas. Good evening." was the answer, and Mr Oswald took his departure. Oa Saturday Oswald duly received the 15.0 after he had executed a deed, by which he assigned the policy of assurance and his life interest in the I5.0) consols to Mr Heath. According to the will of the late Mr Oswaid. the 15.000 was, if Robert Oswald died without issue, to pe paid to a distant relative who lived in America. Mrs. 0-wa.d. I may add, derived her in come from certain investments in Ameri can railway sto ;k. She was supposed to be very we.i off. but it was a curious thing that, though she went a good deal into society, nobody seemed to know much about either her or her late ha-band. They had come from America about live years before and taken a hou-e in Porcaester Ter raco. Bayswater. Tie late Mr. Oswald brought very satis factory references from Chicago, kept vert' good balance at his banrC and enter tained, a.- did Mr-. Oswaid. in a very ho pitao.e manner. This, however, was really ad tnat was known about them. As to their t son. Ruber;, he had unluckily taken to bet ting, and got into the clutches of Mr. Heath, with what result, so far, we have seen above. It is not necessary to say more than that Robert Oswald lost his money, and brought himself to his deatn-oed daring the next two montns. .is oir. tieatn Knew, ne was in coavumntion when be sold his annnnity. and the effect of his losses and cont:int ' dissipation precipitated the collapse cf his , sy-tem. "When sorrows come, they come I not sing'e spies b-t in batta .Dns " Oa the j morning after the race for the "Two Thou ' sand Guineas." when Robert was left ut terly peanuess. and in debt to a number of bookmakers. Mrs. Oswald received a letter realffacs. ArtX-rJinslT shs went at onee to tne City. wbr3Jie learned that the tw.- American raiiwi in trhich nearly all h3r money jtis invented had ccsised to pay dividends That, in short, the share. xere alaost unsalable, a-j it was hisrhly probable that the concerns tvould be sold under fore closure of ntortxrartfs. Mrs. Oswald did all she could under the circumstances. Sne rave up her house in Portchester Terrace, and took lodrinzs in Sr Paul's road. Cxa deaToira. -xhere she devoted herself t the task of nursing her son, who vra now fat ainln'ng in consumption. paet ir. la the second week of the follovrins June. Mr. Heath, who had a small houe in Not tin? HS1, was sittinr in his parlor at a little after eicht o'cloci m the evecisr. wnen the servant came in to say that a Hr. Bailey wished to see him. Show him in at once.' said Heath, who rose from his seat and went to the door to meet him. A shabbily-dressed little man, who looked something like a lawyer's clerk out of em ployment, came into the room. Well." said Heath, in his usual rru2 way. when he tad closed the door, which he did very carefully as if he were afraid that somebody misht be listening outside. "Mr. Oswald's dead. sir. Died at five o'clock this evening. I only heard of it within the lart hour, and I came on at once to tell you." For a moment there was silence, durin? which the little man stood twir his ha: in his hands. At last Heath said: ''Are you quite cer tain of thi-!'' "Quite certain, sir." was the answer. "I have it from the -ervant in the house. I hadb-ea expecting' the news all day and directly Mrs. Wilmot told me I thought I'd make assurance doubly sure by seeing ej servant myself. As I told you. I knew her before she went to live in s 1 aul's road. I toW you how I heard from Mrs. TVilmot every thine that wen; on in the house.' "WelL we'd, that will do. Here is a sov ereign for your trouble ia cominz here. Look into my oiice next week, aad I shall pay you what we have arranged, when I nave the formal proofs of his death. Good- aiRht." "Good-nicht, sir. thank ycu," said Bailey, as he left the room Bailey was a nondescript character who was occasionally employed by Heath, some times as a broker, sometimes as a private detective. In the present instance, by vir tue of his bavin? some relatives livinsr in St. Paul's road, he had been encased to brins Jlr Heath the earliest intelligence of Rob ert Oswald's death. When he had gone Heath walked up and cown the room for some minutes in silence. At length he mut tered ia him-ielf "One hundred and two thousand pounds in hard cash made at last' I shall sell every thing I own within a fortnight's lime furniture, bills, pictures. alL Tnev will f rh n.nnrh.r ?t rh,-iiiani?- hm T-hir..-. rhhrHn- rhcr -hn'l r anl,-! fit nnro T nm J - - determined to enjoy mv wealth while I have time, and to do that I must cat the life I have been leadinz a; once. Yt. my pue" is made. I have at lat what, years aco. I said I wiuld make, and I shall be out of Enzlaad this di.y forriht. What mav I not do yet with over a hundred thousand ! pounds and the brains and knowledge which t nosses' Good heavenA. how. sc-.ld-n!v i .,! last ten tho'-sand has come What a !luriry chance it was that threw the young f0oj jn:o mv clutches : I managed him prop eriv. there's no dcubt. But yet it wis a j iucw chance that brought him to me. Still js --range the presentiment I have aiwavs had about him. O bother such non -en se! ; -,rhat have I to do with presentiments! I shall be believing ia ghosts aad hobgoblins next! Yet I seem to be sorry instead of glad, aad there is that fear of some impend ing evil which I seemed to have every time I aw him. What on earth can this be!' Tne last question was caused by a sharp knock aad ring a; the hall door. Ia a few seconds the servant came in with a tele gram. Mr. Heath looked at the envelope nervously before he opened it. At last he took out the telegram, which he read two or three times over as if he doubted the evidence of his evesigh' 1 teiejrram in his "pocke! Then he put the wnispenng to nim- seif in a trembling voice as he did so: "What can it be I What can it be " The telegram which evidently caused him so much uneasiness was as follows Mrs. Oswald. To James Heath. Esi . St. Paul's Road. Stanhope Terrac. Camden Town. Nottmg Hiu. "It is of great importance that I should -ee yon t-vuight. Eobert Oswald died at nve o'clock th's evening. Please come hers a; once on Te ceiviag this telegram.' "Could it be some conspiracy to ret me ' into the house and murder me" thought I Mr. Heath, as he walked about the room j with the telegram in his pocket. "O, non- sen-e! I need not be afraid of that. They are very respectable people in the house. i No. depend upon ir, it i either that the j mother wants to beg or borrow from me. or that there is some screw loose about the policy of assurance. Cur-e '. Like mv Usual luck. But I had better beoff there at once. What a curious authoritative way she telegraphs in. though." He left the house, and. hailing the first hansom he met, was driven radidly to St. Paul's road. A servant opened the hall doer before he could knock, and. having asked if he was Mr. Heath, conducted him up stairs to the drawing room. Though it was just 0-10 o'clocs. and getting rather dark, no lamp or candle was lighted ia the room, and as Mr Heath entered he could just discern through the deep twilight the figure of a tall woman who was sitting by one of the windows, dressed in black. She rose as he entered and asked him to take a chair which was a few yards from where she was sitting. From the position in which she sat. and the da kaess of the room. Mr. Heath could not cicern her features very clearly, aad to toll the truth he felt exceed ingly uncomfortable. He was pretty well case-hardened of course: few men had had more curious experiences, and some of the scenes he had witnessed in the pursuit of his vocation were not a little appalling. But just as one of the firt things that is taught to every medical student is that he must disregard the pain which he has to indict on his patients, so, from the very outet of his career. Mr. Heath had trained himself to be nerfectly caLous about the teelings and in?ere-t3 of the people with whom he was bro .ght in contact. Sti.L all the teach ing in the v-orid cm not make a surgeon in sensible to pain which is indicted on himself and it wa jnstbeeausebewasapprehensive that some c;tliti,;v wos about to fall uj-on him that Mr. Heath felt oa the present oc casion a sense of fear which almsst amounted to terror. "You have been prompt in responding to my telegram,' said the lady in a hard, de fiant voice. "My soc as I told you. is dead. You have stripped him of his little prop erty. He died a pauper. You make 10.000 by bis death. I have lately lost nearly all that I was wortn. I have spant pretty nearly the rest ia narsing him through his last ill ness. I want twenty pounds ia ready money topayhU funeral expenses. You are tho proper person to give it to me. Do vou re fuser' I dare say that 3r. Heath would gladly i aa after alL "Thank htvs,' he mattered to himself, and for the first time ?ince he heard of Robert Oswald's death ha felt reaUy easy in his mind. ' My ?ood madam." he said, in hi3 usual I tone of zrz" determination, -your son soirriit me voluntar.ly. He had ample value for wnat he sold me. I have nothinr more tosay on the matter, aad I must vrUa you gpoo-niat. "But I have something more to say to you," said the lady, who rose from her chair at the same time that he did. "Had you sivea me the twenty pounds I would have been content to let ynu tro in pea-je. As it is you must hear why you are the proper person to pay for the funeral of my son. Come here; I have something to toll you which you will remember to the last day of your life. See ' She threw open the foldinsr doors that separated tha drawing-room from a bed room waica was brilliantly lighted with candles. On the bed lay the body of Robert O-wald. His mother went round and stood at the far side of the 'x. facimr Heath, who advanced a little way into the inner rr.nn a. if he werv drawn bv a snell. -Now. sir. she exclaimed. ""do "you reeo?- nizeme!'' T T J 1 ? 1 TT L i isu mj x uu, . iit..ti... miu iiTtu, whose eyes were fixed on the face of the corpsr. and who hardly looked at her. Twenty-two years make a difference, no i can .. sa., i uo, inaoaat. miu xieatu, Twenty doubt, she saio, as she removed a car: rf which was tied round her head and let her long auburn hair fall about her shoulders. "Now. Philip Araott. loos at me again and see if you recognize the face of the wife whom you forced to leave you. Look on that bed and see if you recogaii your own features in tae face cf yur dead son." My son!"' exclaimed Heath or Araott. as he really was. "Yes." said his wife, "it is not many days since, by an accident. I found out tnat you. whom I knew to have mined him and from whom I tried to save him. were also his father. When you forced me to rly from you twenty-two years ago I found a protec tor for myelf and child. We went to America, where we lived for years as man and wife. In an evil hour we came back to England. God or fate brought your son aad you togetaer the little darling child whom vou used to nurse on your lap the little child who wed to pull your whiskers and throw his arms around your neck. You loved him. though you aid not love me: but, oh. see there is the result"' For a moment Aruott. who was deadly pale, looked ia her face and uttered one word, Alice." Then he looked at the corp-e again, and said mechanically, a3 his eyes were riveted on it: "Bob." "Yes. Bob and Alice." cried his wife. "You recosnue us now; but what & the matter '." Philip Araott was swaying from side to side. Suddenly he fell senseless on the fioor. It was many hour- before he showed any signs of returning consciousness, but when he did so he was in a state of idiocy, in which condition he remained until he died, about three months afterward. As he had made no will his property was divided under the statute of distributions. I have only to add th.it Alice Aruott -ucceeded. as his widow, to her -hare of the oroperty. and re turned to America shortly after his ceath. Be'griivi'Z. SMALL-FRUIT CULTURE. Following Naturr' Method of .Vanurinx and Mulching. To preserve moisture and coolness in the soil is a prime necessity in small fruit culture. In my experience I find manure and soil-stirring of decidedly seconaarr imDOrtaace. inese fruits do not draw hard on those manurial elements which are necessary for full crops of cereals, and they don't require and doa't like to be pushed into rapid, succulent, tender growth, like most vegetables. I have, for several years, ' looked rather to Natures own process of culture than to any theories of man's device: for these are continually trip- , ping while Nature's growths ar-4 every where healthful and strong where noj interfered with by man or his domestic animals. Nature does not plow except by means of the frost, nor manure ex cept with the leaves and other wastes of growth, and with the slow weather- j lags of the rocks. ', I have been imitating this simple course. The raspberry rows that have been kept mulched for five or six years, mostly with their own prunnings. sheared off in lengths straight enough to lie close and fiat, have dene admira ab'.y well without any tillage, more , than now and then here :iad there to scuffle out incipieat weeds, of which there are almost none, and redundant suckers which are rubbed out as soon as they show their noses. Quite a layer of black mold has already accu mulated on the surface, and. without ' any digging or soil-stirring at all. the growth is so strong that Cathberta become top-heavy, and many canes grow too large to mature well, and I am giving precedence to the trim, erect, clean, well-ripening Marlboro. I treat strawberry beds quite simi larly. Using no raw stable manure, I introduce no weed seeds and I take care to grow none of my own. I mulch well before Christmas with taa or saw-dust which, remaining on the top. does not sour but in one year be comes so carbonized as to do no ap- nifiitit Tinwrp ? -ii- - V.n 'rTT f Ld'ofCumberlandhasnotb-k-ndugor replanted for eight years, and is now as well set with strong, healthy-looking plants as most others. As soon as practicable after picking is over, the old exhausted plants are chopped out and their runners thinned to eighteen or twenty inehes apart. This is heroic work, and seems to leave nothing but devastationbut it is rapidly done, and when the autumn rains come strong, new growth sets in. and I take care that there is no competing growth. The soil is mostly clay, some of it heavy, "but this, compact as it gets under this system of little tillage yields quite as well as any of the mel lower loam. This method of culture : well suited for female fruit growers, aa ' triors ;s rrv little h.arx- Trth'i- !if.nii. . - . .. ------ - -- - -- -fcT -- - .- . winter. Cr. Lural Xtw Yorker. . A fMr. nnt T"a- vaII ImrkTrr, ".z T-.i in theaters lighted by electricity th4 ! ini? it. but there is never any lack al no more than a little commercial fer- I ? T -J XT' ... nVUiZ Dees con something to do. except just in the hot- t'Jizer strewn aloag th rows. Where . f. , ,., e tarJrt' ""tor 'ud to th test of the summer and the dead of th nm.- An r n, ..-'- ..or.,, - U:t-'J ovr: Johnny, you ve played LOVELY COSTUMES. dtirant outfit ri iy -tou-ui -ii-sr" at th A,-ot r..-,M. i whi: nvop nink-. with rtmbroi(l?rv run- t aias down the back of the bodice in a t)oint. and ;i!?( trimrninir tht front. Her h. w JlL?0 Infc wixh whitebow3 . shade wujh lined with pink. A irirl. with a very picturesque hat all covered with fonret-nie-nots. wore a black rkin; and a dainty little black jacket faced ' with blue. Very cool-looking' was a creen dress in two shades one ideally pale, with a Directoire jacket in a darker tone and faced with a iinht one. The hat wa alao entirely composed of poppies in two shades of creen. A simple and extremely pretty dreas wad in grass-oloth. trimmed with rlne Ma deira embroidery, and worn with a sash of old Dink silk. On another dav the same lady wore an equally simple and equally effective dre-s of srray al- . i .. ... paca. trimmed witn silic. ana worn paca, trimmeci witn ' vi a colIar ,. . , . wmttf moire -asn. A of laj'e. and a very t:i-teful li- rectoire toilet was ia striped rnene moire-antique, with cream colored crepe fulled into the front of the bodice, and at the waist a little blue sash. Another irood Directoire dress wa.- ia striped reseda silk, overshot poplin ette in reseda and orange, a lovely com bination. This dress was mnde -hov.--ins'the selvege a fashion that L? much adopted this year. Two sifters wore blue and white Directoire polonaises, with red .sashes and old silver buttons, over skirts of blue and white shot ben jraline. A tall and handsome blonde, with a line Rjrure. aaa a short reseda and terra-cotta silk trimmed with bands of wonderful Indian embroidery, in which the bright reds, blues, greens and mauves were so subtly and exquisitely intermingled that a subdued and very soft e5eet was attained. Oa the other day that we were there this lady wore a dress of Gobelin blue silk, also trimmed with Indian embroideries, ia which much gold had been introduced. The vest was composed of the em broidery. A striped cream-colored and white dress, gracefully draped, was worn with a vest of cream moire silk. A ' perfect Directoire coat was ia black and white striped silk, over a vest and skirt of lace, and a tiny sash of irold , Liberty silk. Gold-colored roses were in the bonnet. A black-and-white- striped silk redincrote was worn over a softly draped dress of delicately j transparent white muslin, tied with moire ribbons. A well-known Ameri- , can lady wore black trimmed with . stitute for cod liver oil and that if. dur troid galloons, in panels, with very insr the cold weather, those who have hand-ome gold-and-black tassels. The delicate constitutions which need coa galloon had jet stars on it. A hand- j eentrated nutrition but who can not some black aoire. striped with white, i overcome the nausea associated with was worn over a white dress. Two ' cod-liver oil. will take this description sisters wore white China silk, with of cream they will find in most cases, trimmings varied artistically. One had , immense and lasting benefit. In sev- P blue wIlh blue ind -old pamen- terie round the eue ot the ssirt. 1 ne other had pink passementerie and pink silk. In each case the passementerie came from the right shoulder. Their hats were in some diaerent coffee- colored transparent material, one being trimmed with silk, the other with ble. Both were tall and fair, and in their graeeim gowns attracteu mucn atten tion. Their mother, in gray velvet and silver, with bonnet to match, formed a harmonious item in the agree able trio. London Truth. BARBED-WIRE FENCES. How to IluIM Them So as to Preheat Injury to Liv Slock. Many valuable hor-es and colts are ruined every summer when running ia pastures feaced with barbed wire. This may be prevented in two ways. First. A'hen horses only are to occupy the pasture, set the po-ts from eighteen to ' tweaty-four feet apart. For the top wire ii-i the best barbed, plaeiag It four feet from the ground and on the i outside of the post. Then on the in i(l n- three smooth wires hnvin"- rh upner space not more than eight inches , wide. Horses will not nut their heads 1 through below the upper space, and if they paw or kick over the wires they are not cut. This will not work where horses and (. cattle run together, and I build a fence for such purposes as follows: Place three barbed wires on the outside of the costs, puttiag the highest four feet from the ground, the others at eighteen iaches apart. Then on the inside of the posts I put two smooth wires, the lowest one three inches above the low- est barbed wire, the second four iaches above the middle barbed wire. If a horse Daws over the bottom wire as he P'-lLs back his leg rides on the smooth wire, aaa u ne rua- agant tne ieace ' ""-- auu wm ucuau his bre.ist strikes the upper smooth dred years ago. wire, and if ho kicks again -t or over i Sir Walter Scott truly says that sav the wires he is shielded from harm. ; iag, not getting, is the mother of The barbed wires prevent cattle from ' riches. This truth is wonderfully il reaching through, and the combina- t lustrated in the history of some families tion works well. The e.vpeases of the I once poor but now noted for their smooth wires does not exceed five cents per rod for both. For sheep add ano'her smooth wire at the bottom. and they will not pulloil their wool oa the barbed wire. H" U. Rice, Faul Pioncrr-Pres.. in ii i r i i . . Omons and celerv make a most ex-I ,. . . - .- ,- . . ceilent cron combination. The rica , i r. , ., j ., , ' and abu.idantlv-maaured soil of tne ! iimnn nn.ti'h - in-r. in thf m mt. rvn I cition to nroducs a fine crop of celery I i w't'-..t? rJ;.i.r...l r... ,,.: .. ,,-;... ..wsifc. i.avithiwut. u.uuAiu uv lbX be followed by celery, every fifth row may be left vacant until thi celcrv u pIailted there at PPe" eaQG- SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Thc !;ir-nit marble quurrv :a the nTLg" ir... ; Company in Pickens County. A cegTo farmer in Dougherty coun ty. Ga.. has succeeded ia making ex cellent sirup from wat..ine!ons. and thus a new use is devised for the sur plus crop. Hard wood eut in June. July or August- and left untrimmed until the leaves have drawn the sap from th trees, makes the most solid and laatin-f timber. Among the recent mechanical in ventions is a nail machine which cut either a wire or a cut nail with eq'ial facility. The construction of this ap paratus is quite simple, as compared with ordinary wire nail machines. With it. cut nails of s quare section, with either a diamond ora chisel point, may be produced as easily as the com mon nail, and the change from wire to cut nails may be accomplished in a few minutes. Extended observations Paris and at Munich indicate that the sani tary condition of a locality depends on the amount of water contained in the ground. The-years ia which there ha.- been a large quantity of ground-water present have invariably been the healthiest years, while those in which there has been smaller quantity havn invariably been the unheal thiet pe riods. The Lancet defines the disease which is known as "The Sightseer's Headache" as "nature's tax levied on the comfort of that great body of busy idlers to whieh we all at some time or other belong. It is endemic aaoB? the frequenters of museum.-. picture galleries, and exhibitions, vary ing somewhat perhap ia different cases in its precise causation, but asso ciated always in a manner significant of its origin with the habits of the ob servant loiterer."' It is claimed to be proven, beyond all doubt, that waters which circulate l orstand in leaden pipes or vessels, not only take up particles of lead through mechanical action dv. to friction, but attack the mental, the result of this being ceneraily lead carbonate. Ac cording to the most eminent authorities in this line, minute quantities of lead thus introduced into and accumulating in the system. mut rank among' the causes of aniemia and defective nutri tion in larire towns. "It can not be too widely known. writes a medical man. "that cream separated by machinery from pure new milk, before it has cooled, is a full sub- , era! hospitals it has already quite superseded the nauseous oil. Some remarkable changes have recently been noted bv il. Perrotin on j the planet Mars. In a letter to th j Academie des Sciences, he reports that i tne tract 0f ian OQ fco sides of the ' equator, which has been named Lvbia. ! erris to have been submerged by the sea. it was uistinctty seen by him two 1 years airo. when it was bounded on two sides by a sea. and on the others by one i of the streaks to which M. Sehiapareili ; gave the name of canals, but now doer I not exist. A drawing made by him in ' 1M'sTinn:s tK s'imp'innd'ittnnjtfi rr-TriVi i --'---- . - .rt-.-...N.. "......J leads him to the conclusion that the in undation, if it be such. is periodic. DOES WEALTH CORRUPT? Walter Scott'4 Theory That .Navlm. Not Getting, I the Mother or Kiciies. Wealth is said to co-rupt our species. We do not believe it. Wealth is one of the great civillzers of man. Wealth corrupts when it is suddealy got. or unjustly distributed: when, owing to monoroolies or entails, or some other ! -parous system, it is prevented from U"-'? --ell naturally and justly. But where all have aa equal chaace: 1 where all start aearlv evea: where all have a certain degree of instruction to begin with; where superior skill and virtue alone give one man an advaa- j Wife over anouner. tnere weaitn is aa i '-amix-ed blessiag. j We ought to rejoice that the desire of wealth is so universal and so strong. i It keeps the vast machinery of the ' world going. It has suggested the J most beaeficeat enterprises and the most useful improvements. We owe to -e fac- -bat a man who can earn one dollar a day can be better lodged, bet- ter fed. Letter clothed, better taught. wealth. John Jacob Astor had a brother, not so well known as himself, but who possessed ia an eminent degree the pc culiar characteristic of the family the art oi saving money. It is told of him ovan olu New orker. taat inteadia"- . , t to operate upon the feelings of an a'- .' . . T - , " - quamtanee oi wnoia he wa3 about to , . 7 "-wuu w - " "-' - S?a e la"-2r Trno vas Pia-T- 'itui.ii r mi --f-irt anrninn. .l a "" -" .wt tuuauLc. a. urin tait the pemy toag enough; give it back to me. Johnny, much surprised and net a little disheartened, handed over tha ! -TM . J t - 3 2d