t t i - T i li vr i f - V - 1 " T Re- raiK i ne jp for i ami kJOliuiu 2ii ' superiority over S i The Merchant Tailoring1 Depc ardiieni is onlv xpenen- mn & 4. A & - . . von me pi- - ooo t select fron. t A great advantage to bnyeis at our hcue of ready made clothing is vre have the tailors in the building -? and can make any necessary alterations ;. at once. If a large stock, and LOW PRICES Are of any object to you. and rant to buy goods on their merit it riil certainly pay you to look u? over. Our assortment of Clothine, Mens Furnishing roods, Hats. Caps, CT( - Trunks, etc., will be unusually large this season, and are bought at prices that will sell them. C. WEINER, Prop. Red Cloud and Wyr-oiv. Berg & Galusha, Hstc their fall -od n:-"Jv all in. 'ev;r was there shown vs. Red Clond A Better Selected Stock of Suits f We don't clai :o show jon the largest stock, bet we not on 2 - pared to demonstrated the fact that we have Best Goods! Nicest patterns, and more than all the only Patent Shoulders in the city. , .,. ... -,ihr. Thte "? the CHEAPEST TRUCK in the 'is onlv tmck bnt the people c Children and Boys Clothing' ! TVe will s ycu a dollar a suit from My other clothin? outfit in town. Come and see for yourselves ! -Tc- knew ai we hw been dcing all sunnier in regard to prices, ic- cv. - VKe& to do still more this fall. At the ces. ana aa tne tarncrs conn;t.! vrith ; o-.. I KS UdB?i!e f t ?ce; Why' l '- Pils.and in debt to a number of oagbt to cave nearly one hundred and tea bookmakers. Mr?. Oswald received a letter UHB&u rkoaaufir hat Biar Tnf.,1 nn T i r l . . . - - - . . . -:kd cloud ;hin ever uffTeu at; i ir (cis wen: sptrc- i - lis an! have many .. VVr ... l:v j Gil Ell Clothing. .v running; in full fore :, using f:: rs. and tc s and siot samples Boers and Shoes, Bides this fine line of eoodi", we city, for when you get. a fall suit for 3 cry for them, ?o va keep them. We are pre- Chicago Store. r?..:..- when Robert was left ut- t nu a utrtt jnuprrr I J7 vs CO U (The ihd (Tunid nosTirn. "rspricto; J tico. iJail is in tne cit th Iinai crajoas at Co;tint:s A. T. Urmsbv i in the city today. Dr DaajereM aad wife have return ed from HI: no;-. The lars;et I Oct. Uiblt in the worM a: L'ottines. 315 Ho-o Euiih - home from her vi.-it to v'olby. Kansas. Prof. Lurrsn has our school? in good rann:nc ordpf now. 31 j Partner." at the Open House j Monday uisrht. Sept. 10th W. 0. Robinson of Bloomington-wa- in the metropolis Tuesday. F. V. Taylor and wife leave for Clinton. Mo . on Friday evening. The democratic senatorial convolu tion meets in Red Cloud on the S:h. A. J. Kecney and wife left last Sun day for a pleasure trip through Iowa. If you want to see nice Nebraska corn, home grown, call on Dad" Rust. Mr. L. H. Rust leaves in a day or two for Chamute, Kansas, to visit hei sister. The street cars will cairy school children to and from school for $2 per month. 31. R. Bentley has moved his office iato his own building lately occupied by H'urhton. 3Irs C. Wiener 3nd 3Iiss Nellie Adelshiezij left this morning for Sioux City, Iowa, and Chicago. A J. Strftcr, presidential candi date on th4 Union Labor ticket, is expected in Ked Cloud on the 11th Our exchanges speak well of the Ail Star Th-:.tre Co. They will ap pear at the Opera House all next week. Uncle Tommy Leed is another one of t' .-e 1S40 rer 'lblicans and will vote for B-n and Levi if he lives unt:l November. Iloward Caber C parts for the east on the bth. Will Smith, Wrirht Thornbursr, Dave Kaley and Frank Gump will go ith uim. There is no place like nome. II. I E. Sanford wh recently sold out here and moved to Del Norte. Col., is about to return to Red Cloud, and has rent ed 31. R. Berkley's dwelling, opposite his residence. Mr. Adam Saladen, of Pleasant Hill township, who has been, sick for several week-, died Friday nigut at his late residence. He was well known in this city and county. His many friends will b pained to leara of his death. His funeral took place this afternoon. At the democratic convention held in Lincoln the other day, Congress man 3IcShane was nominated for governor. This will be an empty honor, as he stands no more show of being elected than does the man in the mooa. It will take a very strong magnifying glass to discover his po litical remains after the November election. The rogues who so nearly fleeced two of our farmers yesterday were, finally discharged without a bearing on giving up all of their ill-goten drafts it being very doubtful if a technical crime could be proved against them. County Attorney Gil ham aid Messrs. McXeny and Wilcox Reserve credit for the successful con duct of the affair whereby not only 3Ir. Hefflebower's drafts hut so far as caa be discovered all the paper they had secured -ss surrendered. pcrsuti -aj srvc it ui sx. to ruu re- dare ray that Mr. Heath wonld pladlv in -iJ ; N'T " A V i iimr tij. T A III. ; :d.. . V1.itl ' harlv TSh. lit 3ev- aCr. I:uo : ;-r. bj Vtre Ex. X c'A anu Jx Suf- j p. A Vad Etui" iuzoC Hrl-iJiiar.rt ITonorrl Voan: On Stsrtiav .ft.-rrii.- v. -.boat five o-'clork ;rd was ir- u i.t to i..:. city that Chifrlt. Titi- haW f-iier into a rell on 'phu Wiiinrlni'f.- Sa-e -nd h,d bre f-it&U iajiirl. Io a short -.aee of time a la'e . uaibcr of our citizea" hurr i& t .t'je -cent the ace'dm prr:,ar -d t aid in his res cue. bt help ca. uf m avail a5 he had b-en suf-'csfd by Sr' damp. Mr. L'itus had been cleaning out wc-ils. iid h.id jut r.i.-ei il-e tieiriek ovt-r the fatal wrll fr thf purpose of clean it out nerer 'U-:)f;tii.g tha dt-att s t iiir-i wa? lurking near at hand, wait ing to quet.ch ih ii-ht and life that w.f- so bouvantly burning in his bos om with fund hpcf :u bright an ticipation, and with (ju ckeiied step he moved toward the weli. grasped the rope and let himself don into the vawning gulf that awaited him .tnd with a nasp he let go the rope, and that v.as th- last of life. He was hnall brought to the surface and everwhius done that as possi ble to restore him but the damp had m.ide it: work rffectu.il and all ef forts to rest-ue were futile. After his body had'-beeu taken out of the well a test was . m ide to see if the cause of d'-ath "as fire damp. A bundle of hay was lighted and lower ed. At a depth of ab--ut teu feet the tire would jio out. showing the pres ence of the deadly poison. The well wa 2S feet deep. His death is to be aepl'Ted as he was an exemplarv voun man and will be misled by his friends and asociat: s, and oy his aed paient'1, who have the sympathy of the entire community in their hour of trouble and sore affliction. The funeral services occuired this morninn and was attended by a large coucour-e of our people. The Chief extetids its condolence to the sorrow ing parents and irieuds in their sad bereavement. A Oanrroun Runaway. D C. 31 ers and familv took drive into the country on Sundiy and when fairlv over the line into sunny Kausas, while driving down a draw the harness gave way on the horse, which become so frightened that it turned the buggy over, spil' ing out 3Ir. 3Ivers and familv. twist ing off the top of the buggy and otherwise demoralizing it. Fortun ately Mr. 3Iycrs presence of mind saved what might have been a fright ful wreck. The horse was frantic. but while the folks were entangled in the buggy he held on to the herse for dear life or there would have been a sad accident. As it was they came out unscathed. C ha aed Haads. About one year ago the Red Cloud National Bank was purchase by L. P. Aibright, J. W. Sherwood and others. Today it has changed hands again, L. P. Albright. J. AT., H., andW. H. Sherwood, and Mr. Norris who own the controlling interest, havitg sold to a syndicate headed by our fel low townsman 31. B. Edlcman, who will be the cashier, under the new regime. The Chief extends congratu lations to Mr. E. and are sure that under his management that the bank will flourish, and we wish him and the Red Cloud National bank success and prosperity. School Books at Cottlnc; A fnct not very well known L thn theaters lighted by electricity th SEPT i TAKEN 2N By Straiior, I :Iic War Dave HelGe Siotver N --aitl i he I'ted. Late Thur?da-. afternoon, two well dre-sed. slee'-c-lookine men who have' been making their headquarters here ; ti.u mor:,in, t;; ,r a man had beea for P7-ral days tryinir to w..rk vS on j fnn,j jeaj t-ar, P mi2i. norch of (iaid an unsuspectinr public one or smn i0. jan; ruRjrs er2 ,ec a:joat. alleged patent ri-ht in the shape of J eonn-eting the death of the man with anoiistov and a hou-e anchor fr' Thoe of the iynchei of Gcide Hock ho'.cin- down houses in case a eyclone for knowing too mu-h in re-ard to -hoiiLi come tins way. created q'-.ite a' (joles nummary shortness on this breez- on -ur streets in making ;-n terre-tial sphere. i.Tit upon investiga efforr to di-:ose of an ac -epted dr. ft tnn h seem- that Cumsev wa- an oli un David fieSebower for $300. There bachelor and lived alone, and it is seem, d to be some question as to 5a;,j at t;me3 icifc;ned freely of the whether .Mr. H. gave the in-trumeat. ardent, and it i- thousht that he had and one of our citizens quietly o:it become despondent and wlule in that out to hi- farm to see if it wa- the condition concluded to end this Stfol case wh-n he wa promptly informed dream by taking his own life. Coro that he had not. but had signed w'at i.er Schtnck is now holding an in he supposed to be a bond to be held , qUat over te b0(y Thebullet is until there had been sold a certa-n g l0 fcave pa5Se,j through Cumsey a number of the cables, when the docu- necfc making death sureliad certain, ment woul be returned o him It eem however, that he had sign-c anoti er kind of a document than that: whicli nu ira. The men seemed; to be n a hurry to dispose of the pi-j paper which created a suspicion that i all was not r.eht. and 3Ir. Hefillebow-' er was hrouaht to the city as soon as Warner, real estate agents,- leavea possible to g-t out warrants for their tomorrow night for Obio where he arrest. hen they were confronted goes for the purpose of iaikiBg up the with the facts th sharpers bristled west, and if possible induce the peo ud ani said thev would see if he i Pe 'kt country ta. make invest- wouid ueo- hi own paper, and started oten-ibs t hunt up Heffi ebower. but an repi rted to have meandered towards the hotel where thev t con cludea to tak- a buggy ride. By this time the w.irrtnt was out and placed in the hatids of Officers Grice and Potter who- went after them. This was ten minutes later but they over-, whereby they could double it in a hauled and arrested them near Amboy. ew raonths. Nebraska is stepping It is reported that a large number of J t th- front t aad now is he gold people h-7 be-n tricked in a like (en oopurtunity for eastern capitalists, manner to H fflebower. but at this ; and fanners to ecis wfcere the lilly time we are unable to say as to the blcwns. 3Ir. G. goes in the interest truth of the matter. It is certainly J -he firin- and r;iil no doubt induce strange that people will be taken in ' a sumber of people to invest in the by strangets at this age and stage of . rapidly growing west. He goes sup th world. Thev will have a trial this PIied wit& QiapK photographs, plats. afternoon before .Tudsre West. The- Foolkiller sat in the shade of a tree after a hard dav of toil in killing ; a the men who do nothing but grumble- j and uselessly encumber the soil. "I j there -nv one else?" the Foolkilhr cried an then he cut a big caper as he thought of the man who never sub scribed, but always borrows the paper. The Foolkiller wiped his trusty old blade on the skirt of his garment gory, and started after the infernal fiend who says "that reminds me of a story.' The Foolkiller paused in his hird day's work and sought rest from his ar duous labor; but his joy bubbled up as he thought of the morn, when he'd murder our borrowing neighbor. Oh the Foolkiller' s work is a righteous task, and if pursued until his task was done, very few would see to-morrow's morn fewer still its settisg sun. Walt 3Iason. The Signal has always had great confidence in the ultimate building of the Nebraska Southern through Guide Rock, and every day the prospects grow brighter for work commencing on it at an early day. On Thursday a giading outfit consisting of eight teams that had been at work on the Santa Fe, near Superior, passed thro' town, and informed some of our citi zens that it was their intention to camp a few miles west of town where, they would await work on the Nebras ka Southern, which they were assured by the contractors on the Santa Fe with whom they had been working would be commenced in a very short time, probably by the 10th of the present month. Signal. uj-irr :rt vat-ant unui xn ceicr; planted there a.t its proper season." 13 lmue o EVTXXK; Bri.I.KT UOITK. PatCunie. ofsinio'e Knek. Shuttle oir Tar ;rjrt.-ii .n Br hon:in :31i;i-e.fT3ircG:i th- eck. Word wa- recei-: M in this v. itv Jlr. rievMaaa to the Coi iHtr. "here's mysio.w, nt If yuu thin1 till be-Peral-5ou anU offensive. Flense nam! it tuck to me." W.i-hincxon Critic. CalajttoOMo.. F- R. Gamp, of the firm of Gump. ments inJUd Cloud. This is a laud able pafpaaa and wie&uae Uoks-.OTe the breid prairies of Nebraska, and especially Webster tountj, ha won ders why it is that some one has not done so ere this. There ara many and numerous changes here far east ern parties to infest thehs money e:e., showing ihe advanages of the Shrifty growiag city o Red Cloud. and Webster aountv. A CJIanse or Saae. R. 31. 3Iariin. Sr.. who has been ia our city for about two years, Las pur chased the stock of dry goods lately owned by Athow & Young, and will henceforth.be found behind ;he coun ters of ths Chicago Store ready to sell the people goods. 3Ir. 3Iartia is an old hand at the business and thor oughly understands the necessities of the trai.-. He will be ably assisted by his son Robert. The Chief wishes- the new firm prosperity and a liberal patronage. m m Fr "SaclETUla.' i;How dear to my heart is the school I attended, and how.I remes be? so distant and dia, that red-head: ed Bill and the pin that I bended, and carefully put on the bench under him. And how I recall the sururisfi of the master, when Bill gave a yell and sprang up from the pin, so high that his bullet head smashed up the plaster abore, and the scholars all set up a din. That active boy Billy, that high-leaping Billy, that loud shouting Billy, that sat on a pin.' Aaataer 1 840 Vetera. Henry Fulton is now 77 years of age. In 1S31 he became of age and Toted at the next election for a demo crat and continued to do so until 1340 when he concluded to join force with the Harrison party and yotei for him fcince which time he has vaft ed with the republicans and will do j next Novemb NO Johnny, much surorked .and not- uisnearteneti. minded ove" th I l