The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 31, 1888, Image 5

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    V . jbrm --j.-
t I
i&k&i1 gland ghuf.
.. HOK.M"
Tub' ishd every Friday morain? from the office
ia tbe Moon Block, ld Cloud, eb.
Absolutely Pure
Tliii powder n-r varies Marvel of pure
.trtrnsth and wholesomecess, more economical
f..aa the ordiaarj kind and cannot be sold m
comreuon witbtharau'titudes of lo test short
weht alum or phosphate powdor-.. Sold only
106 Wall street. N". Y. -jity.
"The TJaterriael
The members of the faith of Grorer
met on Friday at Blue Hill for the
purpose of patting in nomination a
county ticket. Seventy tickets were
sold for Blue Hill, but the number
must not be construed as being all
democratic tickets, as several republi
cans went to Blue Hill on business
and to sec how much tanglefoot could
be used in a county convention where
demociats had tbe sole control. The
boys in their anxiety to taste of the
sweets of Blue Hill forty ro forgot
to take along their fireworks and they
had to be sent overland in order to
have them there to excite a dying
democracy to another feeble effort.
However, laving all jokes aside the
boys made a nice display and had
quite a crowd, but of course we'ean't
admit that they can elect any one.
The ticket nominated is as follows:
For County Attorney O. C. Case:
For Representative A. McCall;
Both are good m-n and will poll
their party's strenth in the county.
Thorn- Who Will T ai the Ynu-;
1J i tlow shoot :tt lln r.nn-
InsToraof r!iel.
City Water.
The city dads have at last solved
the problem of securing a sufficient
6upply of water by following our aug-;
gestion of tapping the creek. They Pr-'f. Curan, princ'pil at-1 -uper
cannwthrov into the city well a,i-i:.-rdeiit
twelve inch stream of water, that wi 1 Mi Hulbart. of Alma.
be sufficient to cope with any kind or priticr i.
size of conflagration. Water wM, Miss Thomas, ot Nuckoll- County,
hereafter bj plenty. A small dam graniin t: r-iom.
ha- been put in at the bridge which M.?-Ktla Rem&borg, it-t-r mediate
will fill the pipes and still leav-.ij departs' nt.
good sized stream running down th
A 'hip come- sailing' round the btnd.
ijood bve. o'd Grover, ;ood. bye;
It'-rtoad-Ai dowu with Harrison inn.
(Joodbe. ol: Grover. 5oolbe:
From east and t and north and -outa.
Jood bve. old Grover. Good bje.
Harri-ctfand Morton from every mouth,
c;ood bye, old Grover, jwod bye.
Voider Who It I.
Last week wi stated that Rlue Nos
ed Pete, the hoe maker on Apache
avenue, wa- ab'ut to wed Aunt Sal
Jackson, th" -ok in the lied Cloud
restaurant. We gave Pete away as
m escaped convict from the Ohio
r-enitentiar. and also threw ia a hint
that Aunt S il had done time in .fol
ic:, for shoplifting.
U afford 'is great pleasure this
week to annmce that 1'eter was for
janv years a banker in Boston, and
wa- al?rav- noted fnr hi general
vrcitli. lie l.i-only subscribed for
the Kieker. but presented u- with a
ew pair of U-yts. As to Aunt Sally.
we are tleas-d to know that she came
west as a mi. ionary. and is cooking'
-imply for recreation. She graduated
at a famous seminary, has been mar
ried twice a-d lias a' ways had the
reputation f being a lady. She his
also subscrsb. d for the Kicker, and
we take irre.' pleasure i:i -etting her
richt before the puslif. e shall
probably retract .-cine more next
iTee!-: in c.-i-v the subscription- come
in. Kx.
Public .Sale.
Of stock. Tuesday. Sept. 4th, 'S3,
at ten o'clock, a. m., the undersigned
will sell at public auction at his resi
dence, J A- miles north of Inavale, the
following property to-wit: About
100 head of stock described as fol
lows: 2 Norman mares, weighing
3,000 pounds. 1 five-year old mare. 1
eight-year old horse, 2 two-year old
matched fillers. 5 yearling mare co.ts.
1 yearling gelding, 4 spring colts, 5
head fresh cows, 1 Durham bull,
pedigreed and registered, 30 year
lings past, 40 calves. 1 sulky plow. 1
lister, farm wagon. 2 stirring plows. 3
cultivator.-, 1 d"ag, etc.
Ter."S. A credit of 3 months
will be given, purchaser giving bank
able note with ten per cent interest
from date. $3 and under cx-h. A
free lunch will be served to all who
The kraMka Soathera.
The follnwiog letter was received
by F. J. Switz, of Kearney, and will
be of iuterest to onr citizens:
Superior, Nbb., Aug. 21t, 'S3.
F.J. Switz, Esq., Kearney. Neb.
DkarSir: Youra of the 16th r-ceiv-d.
Allow me to congratulate
vou and your friends upon the bond
election in Kearney city. I do not
think you or th people generally at.
Kearney will ever have cause to re
gret the step t iken. We shall at
once, in fact are now getting to work
arranging for the construction of the
line and shall without a doubt finish
it entirely and have it in operation to
Red Cloud this fall. Whether we
can do much west of Red Cloud be
fore cold weather or not will depend
altogether upon the atate of the
weather, if we have fair open wict-r
we can do considerable work. Th
Nortnwestern track layers will be at
work in our city tomorrow afternoon.
The Santa Fe from present prospects
will be here by the first of October at
the latest.
I shall at once prepare the papers
.M Liilie Letson, 2nd primary.
Mi t'trrie Brakefield. 1st prmary.
Mr. L. C. Mers, kiuder;;-irden.
Mi-- El.a. Dorr, principal.
Mi-- l. He Spauople. 2ri primary.
Mi-- Knima Brown. 1st jnuiary.
ORTJI school.
M:b Cora Garber.
Western A Southern
sot A California Br.'r.
An v fan c-t-1' i Hi"' - - kind
In- nmWf i- . -' co.
to -a ho fa'icl ' ' I'ear
i:r readers t dum r..i-e of
V - :utti'' 't .-ant i A ii. the
Kiiic f ("i.t.-:. jiiion,
urchin- Cui:t:.- -r.-' roup
!inr- ' .
C-i-: i
-tsn..i. r
-ii:ai.kiw ix-
! k-ep it hnr.dy 1 n plea?-
ti-:o and d"itli to f aoove
o!'! at $1 h bottle
.." 0 t aiitrsrii'-t ' -. !-Cure
C-iix, i
i-.' t'
ir 3 i
gtv. .
virn- i- - on di-u'if-
and pu- -ti'ig ':i:ii!t.
trial- "'.x uonui-
in.iii 1.10.
w r
( ' tarhal
.'- '"filling
tt i it a
t ?1.C0 by
Tlie -s 55-
Red ('loud i- b os-ed(?) with three
Republi -an j-ur: il-. Th- L-t comer
is said t be backed by two of the
banks .tnd ile ii .i i- t- br- tk down
thf Ariiu- and Chief. Tin P'publi
cans of ti e cou'itv mav Lave a wo.d
Dry Goods and Notions,
and Leaders of Low Prices !
Call and ?ee our immon-e stock of Dry Goods, black and colored Cashmeres
from 2.r to H!f per yard.
All-Wool Henrietta 50c pr yd. Dress Flannels from 25c to
75c pr yd. English and French Suitings from 10 to 25c
per yd. GOO yds fine new Satteens 12 l-2cpryard.
WOO Tib Best Ms 1 St
Best CirtWaip. white. 5U";.v:or'.i'ii.u.-.. se our lOr Neckties. Get a dozea paift
GoOilUo? for goc. (.;:: Uneii CtUr- t'.v Table linen a to 53c per yard
K.: xi. ais-i it. "siiink rit.
Hither rnn a tows with vim or just sel
ont and leaM it. One of two thin?.- must
be done rcn the town for all it i- worth
or :si: the hole thinir- -lidL- oat and let
nature take i- course. Do voc want
trade to cume to your to-cn . Encourage
those who do come. Do you -srant a pros
perous town, where people who are dis
poned to make .1 homer Thtu bury from
icht all spitr work work no more for a
few indviduaK bat work for common
prosperity and mutual beneiit- Ex.
Letters reimuniair in the potomcc
at Had Cloud. Webrter count-. Xe
bracks, for tbe week ondinir. Aug.
JTth, 1.-S5.
A. K. Iiuck. I. A. Karman. -James
Xealy. J. M. Treinor. Handall Hart,
-lobn JohnM'n. George 5illman.
da M. Chxdister. Ida M. Lewis.
I.eda Wiirums. 3r . P. Howrc
bralta Crop.
The reports Irom all trie st'ite
are of one kind in regard to tbe corn
crop in Nebraska that it is magnificent.
Every puUi-h-d report shows that tti
standard crop f thi- stne will eiei-d
all former ied. As lar west in the
st'te as CheviMine county report-
come of corn that will yield forty bush
els to tbe cre. while tbe commom
reprt from all the atem counties i
the state are that the yield will be fifty
bu?Siel- to th- acre. It matters ver
little if whe.'t rye and oats in this ?tate
show si shortiijje. so lonj as King Com
climbs skvward :n iu vield. Corn i
the great cron m Vebraska and it will
be a crop the present j ear to be record
ed in history, the government sta'istie.-.
the tele;:r.ipi.:c reports to all the i:re:it
papars. and the i ulividual report ol
mon from all sections of tbe state, a'.l
established mi- fad. It will as natur
ally follow as t ie nisbt the d;y that
the coming year for the state will be
one of unexampled prosperity. Daily
a a
Another IS JO Veteran.
Uncle Peter Man-den, ona of our
heaviest stock raisers, and wealthiest
farmers, is another one of tbe 1S40
veterans, and recollects those days of
Tippacanoe and Tlcr too.' At
that time be was living in Joe Dav
ie county. Illinois. fie also recol
lects of a big barbecue at which tbey
roasted an ox and drew cider from a
canoe. Uncle Peter is an old voter
having cast his first vote for presi
dent sixty yearn zo. He will vote
for Harrison and Morton next Xo-
i -t i .1. - .j:
jvemner. liucie reter uas nit uis-
tin-'uished tonor of having voted
fifteen times for president of the
United States.
Krrimn Wheath i Xotlce.
These letters will be sent to the i Tickets to the National G. A. R.
deal letter office Sept. 27th, if not Encampment at Columbus, Ohio, will
eall.'d for before. A. S. Mak.-ii. ' be on sale from
Post Master, i elusive.
for the use of the council in th
ontion of the result and as so-.n as to say 0.1 ti.e SHhject.-Guard.
possible send them to you for their
action. I wish you would so sta e to
them so that no record will be made
until they receive tbe papers from
me. My kind regards to St. John,
Downing, Roe and other friends.
Yours Truly,
F. P. Bunnell. Prest.
Qaartrrly Tfeetln;.
Rev. U . R. Jones. B. D.? Presiding
Elder, will preach in the M. E. church
on Friday evenim:. at S o'clock, quar
terly conference to follow. He will
hold communion service and preach
on Sabbath morning. Lovefeast com
mencinii at 9:J0. o'clock.
ir Mile or Triido.
7th to 0th in
Fare for round trip from
i Red Cloud is ISJO. Tickets for go-
' - i:... ? -,.. 111,
,.!- ... i inir nassaire are uimtcu iu in. i.u.
r40 acre ot lana in iogan county. ' ?" u
..r .r.n-o fori ana return to cept. i.-u-i-.-
" I . . t . I. .... ...l.k .. ti avrnn. '
of -tate. . "en UK oeeu uiauu i- " "-" i
-ion of time for return upon applsca-'
When traveling north, east, .-niithor
west, make yourself comfoi table by
rmmnizing a --trimly tirst cla-s I'M
The Chicago, Kans is & Nebraska i"
way, " Island Route"
Tids thoroimllare i- tl. peopb - fa
vorite, beo'.u-e iti- reliable, site a-'d
p easnt and with its liinii-d fiver to
Chicago, and connection with all the
fa-t trams to St. Louis maUr it univer
sally popular, and the route whici all
well posted travelers lake.
Its passenger train? were built e
pressly for this line by the Pullman
Palace Car Co.. which is :i tinramee
that they are as perfect -rd foiiiplete
in everv detail as the hest tat and
mtst thorough -xperience can suggest,
and no convenience for the comfort
and service of the traveling public hits
been overlooked, in addition toit
regular passenger equipment. th-r ia
in service a line of superh reciiidnc
chair cns; no pains or exuen.-e hiving
been spared to make these cars the
most restful ana comfort-as-uring ve
hicles of their class in America.
Holders Ststclars tickets can occupy
seats in these cars fre- A coItred
porter accompanies each car t" admin
ister to the wants of the patrons, which
makes them especially desirable for
ladies and children traveling -a ithout
e-cort. In fact, the C. K. & N. is the
Great Free Rerlinini: Ctair Car Line
west of the Missouri river. When you
travel, to be ibsolutely comfortable,
take the C-ic Kna- & Nebraska
Railway, "Rock IsUnd R-ute." Pull
nian'rf Palace Slp.epin-r C'-rs on all
nhiht train-.
'Care of Cancer and Ulcers.
Judge T. C. aicLoadon writes to Utl
BwiXt Specific Co.: "Acoui ttareoyer
fo, Jrry Bradley, bad a cancerous
or on hl face, near the nat eye. It
caused him a trrcat. deal of p-nn, aad he
lost tbe aizhr. of the eye, but was finally
eared by the uso of Swift's Specific
This eate U well knowa ia Wi&es Co.,
Qa., where ho lived."
Mr. L. Cox, of Arkabutla, Tate Ca,
Hiss., writes: "I aalTereda srreat deal
xroa old ulctars for years. Your medi
cine was recommended, and after csinr
six bottles I was completely cured.
Yoar mediclno does even more than you
claim for ic I havo known it to curse
cases which were thought horelesa."
Mrs. A. M. Goldsmith, No. CT4 Warrea
Bt, Brooklyn, . Y., writes: "I com
meaoed osin? S. S. S. about three years
ajo. 1 had suffered with a sore throat
for over a year. I used a g-eat many
other remedies witn no frcort results!.
MyUttloffirLalso, had sore fingers; it
commenced from the quick, and them
the aalU would come cS. We doctored
ber for over two vsars, and whenlcom
Beaced using S. S.S. I thought I would
sea what it would da for her. I am
thankful to say that it entirely eared
her. It is the best remedy "I know
of for the b'ood. I really beLva
It was the means of saving my life.
The doctor told me I had a throat dis
ease similar to General Grant's. I
cheerfully recommend it to ail suffericjc
Xrom disordered blood. i
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
nailed free. The Swlst SrEcinc Co. '
Drawer 3, . tlaata, Ga
See our 20c suspenders. Working l-n"s shirts, lanre stock and sood assortment. 2. '
Get a nico Ladies Miawl for k see our stock of Mu-lin. bleached and unbleached.
A Splendid .Teun for av. anii a better one fr 2f worth a) anil V the world over. Jersejs)
:iud iara!nU at half pnee. i-iic-i au.i Kiu'iroideries that you can't rest. Velvet and eirea
-ns at our low Tricei.
500 Bolts
Ribbon at COST
Low Rates of Interest.
By a late arr-wmemnt. I c n make
yot; :t Farm I.o.m uri the -horte.-t no-Ul-c,
1owt-s. i: tere-t. and hes: r.rnis of
payment that cti l h:ul in the we-t.
All kinds o .ell secured notts boimht.
LV-i and omuure rate.
C F. Catmkr.
stt-tiitr Iwlie-' Kid(lIovtH in allrolor- I. Now N the time to 1 1 ur Wankoi-. t o-
fort-, "Jo-ik-. and Sluiwl. rh.-ap. (.ur ..u T--ciret. nieyw:'' . i you satNfj !'a.
Couie and sec and examine o d". Hishe-t prices paid tor produee. It p.iys t
tr.ide at
The Western and Southern Mercantile Association
Chas. Schaffnit, Manao'er.
fho led Cloud Street Railway Co.
Xebra-ka. ior sale
projrerty in o:ither::
.'iunir .-tock. a.- a
Al-'f T.r) i:ead of
wble or ir. jnirt to suit purchaser. A
ior some one
tion to the joint atrent in Coiiimbns Judson, Kan., Amr. -.")th. Spec-
of the terminal lines until Oct. 19th, ' ial correspondence to Tun Chief.
1 1
"V ' ..,!.:,.:,- apnlication t. be made before Sept. The oio settlers reunion
I inh ticket- are then oniv aood for F. Uraham s triday was t
ear to an extensive ranjte in a .-'- "- - . ". w , I , T. .L. c .
tmi aeii'hborlnjod. School and
w .... . . i iiiitt
uOstoSe one halt mil . Loutity .-eat :-" . - . j
seven miie-. Good improvements.
trood soil, living water, close to line
- ? r?- ..-V ,. t.ntl AT ill iti
T'SliriTflU. iiUH jT:i .. - .i.-w - . .. ,.
,- Son Sth runnm-through to Colum- cellaneous audress. .i lavnana AnAit-ointeinre.
" f-V'...?;far bu.viaChica-iocarrvinJ the depart- Miss WiUiamsr', rende'red some very' The Origin:! Abu tine Ointment is
IH.M. . .. ". - . . I . ..,,.,. , nn r nnl n. ',,. .,..... -,! ... ,ty
' ceif commander and staff, delegates nice music witn the violin ana organ. ,"-' f"- "' -- "" -'
" .1 ",oAe of C. A. II. and W. U. The marshal band was in attendance. I box' ;lnti?i :, -oluw ir for old
F. Kr.LLooa.
ilea Cloud.
leld in
1 - . " J T. . 4 U C t.
continuous pas-age to original start, granu success. it was iu: uisu eur
Choice of routes i.- given hela in iiOgan township. Address of
from Chicago, reona anc t. i.ouis. wel-ome by Lhairman l-air. Song by
.f--ii tri'ii will leave Lincoln at irlee club. Praver bv Kev. J. T.
."):::0 n. ui. anu Omaha at 5 p. m.. ' Stone. Kev. Williamson gave a mis-j
M Pavn and
Time Table.
Cars run ever- twentj minutes leav
ing the Holland House at 7:90 a.ra.
and making regular trips until 10:00
p. m., aftr that time leave the Hol
land House at 11:30 p.m. and make
.niil night train. Cars make all trains.
at the Red Cloud National Bank
J. J. : acker.
Having' purchased the
stock of Dry Goods, No
tions, Boots, Shoes, &c,
of the
For sale. A first class family
horse and earring", very cheap for
cash. Address or apply to
UbvG. S. Davis.
Chicago Store,
Notice i- hereby given that I will
examine ail persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva J. King.
County Sup't.
For stele.
I have 32i ac es of fine farm land,
near the city, for s-ile, cheap. It's a
bargai" to the riht party.
Geo. Winton.
ctr acres
. fcy-4.
C. A cordial invitation to
Ux 13(.
... . - :, ....t.I
1'rof Curran and wife moved . lieartimaricrs iraiu is Kw.u.u.
. . , r, e . ,. .., . ,, ..sores, burn-, wounds, chipped hands,
j-jin the Some of the old settlers told us uf . .. . . ....'l '
,,,,. , . e . "d all skin eruptions- ill Dositivelv
d to all. ' the hardships and privations of pio- cure aH kud (, . for
-. .!:. ...- ,-A n-ill n.-,.-nv the John ; Pullmar. fare from .Missouri river to neer me wnicti win long De remem- Qrisina! Alnetia- Ointxaen:. Sold by!
W." :.i"i- Ths Cm.s:" s 'comes Columbia wi'I be SU0. beied by the young a well as the Henry Cook at 23 cent per bo.x-ly
Red Cloud, we have this
day reduced prices on all
Goods, to make room for
earlv and secure bargains.
H. N. Johnston.
hi! taformi
r iT
V. '. rjl.".Ilj iillvIJl. V. tv. ..-. ii.n. .li .l-.