The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 31, 1888, Image 1

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    If 5
Have arrived
The finest Made Up clothing ever offered at
Red Cioud. The e goods were spec
ially made up for us and have many
The Merchant Tailoring
Department is now running "hi full force, using
only experienced men tailors, and giving
r you the piece goods and not samples
to select from.
A great advantage to buyers at our house of ready made
Clothing is we have the tailors in the building
and can make any necessary alterations
at. once. If a large stock, and
Are of any object to you, "and vantto buy
goods on their merit it will certainly
pay you to look us over.
Our assortment of Clothing, Mens Furnishing
goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Trunks, etc., will be unusually large
this season, and are bought at
prices that will sell them.
C. WEIKER, Prop.
Red Cloud and Wymore.
Berg & Galusha
H:ie their f:i!l goods nearly all in. Never was there shown in Red Cloud
A Better Selected Stock of Suits
We don't claim to shov.- you the larc.-t stock, Lnt we not onl y CLAIJ; .
pared to demonstrated the fact that we have
Best Goods!
Nicest patterns, and more than
all the oidy Patent Shoulders
in the city.
These goods are all rande for us remember. Besides this fine line of goods,
carry the CHEVPEST TRUCK in the city, for when you get a full suit for f S
r , 'tis onlv truck but the people cry for them, so we keep them.
Children and
We will save ycu n dollar a Miit from
Come and see
You know what we have been doing all simmer in regard to price?. We are pre
pared to do still more this fall.
At tlie
f v wire imiHi
this week at the
o superiority over
Boys' Clothing !
any other clothing outfit in town.
for yourselves !
Chicago Store.
ZS?1TZSL"22 1 i- vairreel a teTter TtSSSJJ
c. j3n.t?:?:.
I-'l Vint: Sp:ir!:.
The melon folic iayV have ei'iirj
.JiM usthcytiiil of j ore.
With :qi; hs Ii:inl :iinl full of gripe
Ami green clear to the erne.
The boys :iw -.t'tin-lilu-i through the corn.
For melon') faraml wide;
They'll soon lie ilouUkil up in heil
With a oun" cyelnac iiitiile.
Schoal crayons at Cotting's
Rev. Goo 0. Yeiscr is home from
the west.
A. Morhart and wife are home from
Mrs. M. It. Bcntley is home from
J. E. Perkins and wife have re
turned home.
Mr. Gooding of Itiverton was in the
city Wednesday.
The largest lOct, tablet in the
world at Cottings.
G. It. Chancy returned from Lin
Saturday morning.
E. H. Smith, of Norton. Kansas, is
visiting in the city.
Charley Wiener, the clothier, is
home again, ltead his new ad.
Mrs. L. P. Albright has returned
home from a two weeks visit cast.
A sister of Mrs. E. McFarlaud ar
rived in the city Monday morning.
Mrs. J. C. Warner gave her daugh
ter Lulu a surprise party Saturday
J. C. Warner is building a new
residence on Seward street. The
frame is up.
The Furst House has been closed
ur. Mr. Furst having decided to quit
the business.
Win. McDonald has entered the
shaving business, having started a
barber shop at the depot.
Mis.- Carrie Miner left Sunday eve
ning for .Notre Dame, Indiana, where
she will attend college.
The German Lutheran church is
bei g refitted and repainted and will
loo!: nice when completed.
. Our assistant editor, Henry Lud
low, is rusticating in Denver, having
taken in the editorial excursion.
L. II. ltust has had his buggy
newly painted. It looks uice and
now -daddy" is above reproach.
31 is. C. L. Cotting and children
returned Friday evening from a two
months visit in Wisconsin and Illi
nois. A. II. Kaley has gone to Columbus,
Ohio, to attend the reunion. A num
ber of our people are going the com
ing week.
Chas. Winfrey is getting to be a
very popular auctioneer. He is
crying nearly all of the sales that are
made in this section.
Hubbard, the counterfeiter, tells a
very fine story to Omaha people. He
says he passed ten dollars in counter
feit money while drunk and that was
all. The facts are that he passed it
on five or six houses in the city.
Mr. Wra. Richardson, of Red Cloud,
was in town Tuesday with a view to
locating in Dundy county. Mr. Rich
ardson is a farmer of large experience
and will bring quite a drove of cattle
ifhe succeeds in getting a suitable lo
cation. Dundy County Pioneer.
A coroner's inquest was held on the
body of W. K. Whitney, the man
murdered in Kansas between midnight
and 6 a. m. of the 23d insL, and body
buried. Last night it was by direction of
his mother, disinterred and brought to
Superior where it will be embalmed
and forwarded to Columbus, Xcb
Superior Journal.
l N 1 f
t:ii-: ni:jtci-'ti:rH imj.
An tiifrrttiuNnIt I'Ili't in the ?io
IiruMka Supreme "tirt.
At tlio f-M :c-nii .lu'derier i'oiiii
in Webster eoiwty, .W-r k i, in 18'G
Henrietta IJ.Mjzliel.i. in ne '.-n r-uht
and as nr;; ' friowt f r r s'ven
minor ehiit'ic:!. Iii'l Wr Petition
alh'jzini.' Jo.oOi duiii ; a.'mst .Ioh:i
S Uoihr-ck ;im! hi ! ndsnien. The
i ctitinn s-el f-rth t .at the ai'ilioritios
ot lied Co-.i! h.-et. l rt tVock to sell
malt, vino i? "ami M-ir ion- mj lors
:is a brve aye in tint citv frnm May 1.
1SSG. t May 1, 1SK7. Mihjeet to the requirement-and
t'o ilitions of the laws
ol the .-tate: that ii' did so under a
wind with uoi.d an', approved mi relies;
that he violated the laws of the state
:i:id Mihjeitcd him-If and his ln.Is-
ineu t action in lu'Vint; sum liquor
;o the huslnind and fin her nitlie plain
tills, causing his n ixh'ntioii on ihe
31st day ofDeceinh' r, 1850. and cm
linued to sell him liquor on that day
:ter he was intoxicated, and that his
intoxication by re.i-on of the liquors
he hac. drank cau-iu his leih near
Amboy on eaid 31 -t d iy of December,
Bergfield having be.jn unable to keep
the traveled road while on his way
home, having attempted to cross the
railroad track at :i pin- where there
whs no crossing, upsetting Ids waon
and falling under its box and Mu-tain-iiiysnch
injuries tli.itauedhi- death.
For this reason suit was commenced
t procure damages nt the full trm
of the district court then'a er. Berjj
h' Id is said to havi' been indu-trious,
earning about $1,C00 per yenr, and
that his death leit his funuly without
visible means of htipport. At the
March term of the district cn.irt the
cause was decided against the pl.iintiflV
and is brought to the stipr-m eourt
on the following interesting alleged
propositions of error:
First The court erred in MiMaiuin.;
the motion to strike from plaiutiuV
petition the words "and make a part
ott'uis petition."
Second The coart erred in refn-ina !
to appoint a smrdia-n ad litum ir next
bet friend to prosesute the action for
the benefit of the infant plaintiffs.
Third The court erred in dismiss
ing the action of the infant plaintillV
The infant plaintiffs therein pr:i
that said judgment, or tinal order,
mav be reversed and a new trial
granted in said cause and for such
other relief as justice may require.
Richard A. Hubburd Arretted For
Paslns SpurlotiKUold.
Deputy United States Marshal Allen
returned Saturday from Red Cloud
with Richard A. Hubbard, who was
.wrested in that town for passing bogus
gold coins. Hubbard was formely a
railroad employe, and has a brother
who is a conductor at the present time
on the Union Pacific. He abandoned
the road eome time ago, however, and
took up a land claim in Kansas, near
the Nebraska line. He is a man about
thirty-fiye years old and is cross-eyed.
He passed the money on a shoe store
keeper in payment for a pair of shoes.
He stated that he did use the money
and pass it, but did not know it was
counterfeit until he was arrested and
charged with the crime. He says he
had been drinking at the 'time and was
under the intluence of liquor.
He will probably enter a plea of
guilty when arraigned in court. He
stated that he only passed a $10-piece,
while the officials eay he has shoved
other bogus coins on unsuspecting
parties. Bee.
On September 11th, the Union
Labor party of Webster county will
hold a grand picnic, and barbecue in
this city, at which tfme the celebrated
Col. Jesse Harper, of Illinois, will
address the people on the political
issues of the day. Everybody invit
ed. ..u tiisinriC
Of ciccincu v ins
-.- -
UG. 3-i 1888
fi.j:3:-;-:i individhls
Several I'V.riilcrH Taken in fiy Meeli
Just as we go to press this rooming j
we learn that '.wo well dre.--ed strang
ers wno have been making their lietd
quartcrs in this city for sevei-1 days,
have been arrested for delVaudinu; a
number of people by the usual meth
ods of getting them to siqu their
names to a paper that afterwards
turns out to be a note or an accepted
draft. Dave Hefllehowcr of this city
and several others are said to be vic
tims of m'splaced confidence- to the
tune of o()0 eaeh.J
School Books at Cottings.
Chas. Beal. was in the city Sunday.
Chal. Evans Sundayed in the city.
Tom Ferris was in the city Sunday.
Geo. Young has returned to the
Frank Cowdan spent Sunday in the
Frank Quigley Sundayed in the
O. C. Brubaker was in the city
J. M. Pickciing was visiting in
the city Sunday.
John Keslcr has taken a position
on the '-Big 8."
Numerous strangers are in the city
now looking up locations.
There was a social party at Mrs.
Letson's Saturday evening.
L. C. Oliustead has received a re
issue of his pension from the govern
ment. Mrs. Stocker, of Almcna. Kansas,
is in the city, the guest of Mrs. G. N
McDanncls, an old time friend of
R. K. Orchard, of Inavale, has the
distinguished honor of having fought
in the Crimean war, and for hravcr
at Sebastapool was presented b
Queen Victoria with a silver badge
which he has retained for all these
years. He was a gunner on Her
Majesty's ship Agamemnon.
M. R. Bently has one of the finest
rncirlmiM nrnnrrliic in tlio citv I he i
. . .- , tit'
lawn is a beautiful green :nid the;
... . , . . , . . , ,
shrubbery is kept nicely tnmed uiak-
ingitthe handsomest place in the city, j
)J,. Bentley has accomplished this
i by close attention and hard workT and
ihat is what it takes to make a uice
The B. & M. will sell tickets to
Omaha account Omaha fair and exposi
tion at one fare for round trip plus
5 cents. September 3d to 7th. Same
rates are given to Lincoln September
7th to 14th on account of State Fair.
Special trains for Lincoln will leave
Hastings Scplember 12, 13, and 14th
at 7 o'clock a m. arriving at Lincoln
11, o'clock a. ni.
Another enterprise for the city
of Red Cloud in the State of Nebraska.
We arc creditably infonueu that
another newspaper in the interests of
Labor and Temperance, will start
about the 20th of September; to be
named the "Little Owl" We have
not learned who the projectors arc,
but it is thought that it is only inten
ded for the a campaign sheet.
Thursday Kearney voted on bond
ing the city for the Nebraska South
ern, and carried them" by a big ma
jority. As by the terms of the bonds
voted at Red Cloud aud Guide Rock,
the road is to be constructed to these
points by January 1st and as Super
ior is the starting point, you may ex
pect to see ground broken here for
this new road to the northwest witlf-
inthe next twenty daye. Superior
NO 5
tiee 'OV.vrEzs2-:sTS-:i:
Ilubhari! Vaiws i: vst mi tiat2:n ircfone
V. S. OmjmissioiuT Vl'illeov and 1m
a.nisiil flver to rnitcd staler CoiirC
Last Thursday Richard A. Ilubbani
was brought before U. S. Commission
er Willcox, at his oilicc in the Mo OB
block on a charge of passing counter
feit money on Mr. M. AHshuler. and
plead net guilty to the charges pra
ferred. The Commissioner thereupon
fixed his bond at $2500, and dolivcreli
him into the hands of Deputy TJ. 3.
Marshal Alleu, of Omaha. II. S.
Attorney Fritchett, of Omaha, con
ducted tlw case for the government
Mr. Allen, the U. S. Marshal Mi
Hubbard under arrest one year ago
for the same offense. Tuis time, Mr.
Hubbard wili be sent over the roibl
for about fifteen years or thereabout.
It is thought that he belongs to u
gang that has been operating in toe
west quite reeently, the head of which
vas arrested in Denver a day or two
ago. Our citizens heie deserve tic
credit for the arrest of Hubbard.
A 3Ian Liviai; In the South Eitd Bo
bed of $40.00 1 Cheek and -Honey
LMt Nfsht.
Friday night a man living near the
depot while quietly wrapped in the
arms of Morpheas, had taken from
under his pillow, by sneak thieves, n
pocket-book containing $10 and
checks, amounting to about $40.
No clue can be obtained as to wco
the guilty parties were.
Tub Cuiek hasn't much to growl
about these days, except it uiay be in
reference to the way o r 6treets arc
graded. Now then, Seward street
has so far,
Webnter ariTl
received all the
one or two avenues,
grading. What we want is. that
Cedar street be gradad a little, as the
residents on that street pay their poll
tax aud ought at least receive a por
tion of the public improvements. It
, is a fact that although the street is
crowded with good residence proper-
. .... ,
ties that city authorities have so iar
. , ,
151 veu tuc Mxeeia me gu uy as iar uo
public improvements arc conccrnci,
with but one exception of an electric
water works no
grading and no nothing
There'll bo
a howl soon from the tax payers if
something isn't done.
Monday was the 27th day of Au
gust. There would not have be on
anything queer about that fact ba3
it not been the date and occasion
twenty years ago of a pleasant mar
riage feast, the contracting parties
thereto being our esteemed frienis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Skeen. In
order to commemorate the event m
Lumber of their intimate friends con
ceived the idea of surprising them by
making the 20th mile stone of their
marriage relations one of the bright
est in their history The plot was
well arranged and about nine o'clock
the .conspirators stealthily movcH
upon and captured the residence ami
occupants, and after cordial greetings
and well wishes a magnificent feast of
cake, ice cream, etc., was spread he
fore the guests and all went as menj
as a marriage bell. At a proper time
Mr. A. L. Funk, aa spokesman, pre
sented Mr. and Mrs. Skeen with
handsome China tea set. It was one
of the most pleasant social events gf
the season. Tbb Cuikf hopes they
will have many more happy years ef
married life.
little disheartened, handed