The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 24, 1888, Image 1

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j jt QEEmWuTWamTJwsaB?S?," "" " riBdlia" ' - J-jtammmmmmmmmmnsssmmt " " ' ' ' " 3. janaaF ". '''' ' 7 "" - -,Hr . IL
lMtaSllKSP'F3H rfil?V0vB r.j7 1 ( LlV- A FmJPjssZ-t.. - jEauMsamammmmmmmmmmmmm' 1 BvPKZlKHHdHV J sammgaawam&wfe SssSslBSSmmatt"" yy
Square Dealin
Is now ready to talre
Tailor Made Suit!
And can offer you the selection of
Of Cassimere, Worsted, Meltons, Etc.
Carry The Piece Goods in Stock
It is my aim to build up a first class
Merchant Tailoring Establishment
if orood Goods, fine trimmings
& and first-class workmanship
and low prices can ac
complish it.
Mr. W. Houghton will have
this department in charge, will
be pleased to show you our styles
C. WIENER, Prop.
Red Cloud and Wymore.
will find at C.
A complete line of School Books, Slate
Pencils, Crayons, &c, also the largest line of
WRITING TABLETS in the city. Call
and see me. -
For the
60 DAYo
You can buy
your measure for a
L. Cottings Dru &
. -
iW,' v
ghe ?r d &bni &hf.
Schoal crayons at Cotting's
Mrs. Letson is building a new barn.
J. T. Clark, of Alma, is in the city..
E. H. Oakes, of Omaha
the city.
is doing
Postmaster Shelley, of Kansas-City
is in the city.
The largest lOct, tablet is the
world at Cottings.
L. C. Huff, of Council Bluffs, was on
our streets Tuesday.
A! Galusha left Saturday night
for Seward, Xehcaska.
C. L. Eaton, of Bostwick, ZSfeb.,
is doing business-in the city.
The horse dealers on the streets
Saturday reported, having two horses
R. L. Alyea has a curiosity in the
shape of a calf that-was born without
any hair.
The sheriff having possession of
the Chicago Store, commenced invoic
ing Tuesday msraing.
C. F. Miller, who hsa-been ckrtat
the Furst House, has resigned and
taken a position as-clerk in Bather j
Parker's socery store.
The democratio flambeau club- cov
ered itself with glory Friday sight.
The boys looked nice and the fire
works part of it were- certainly mice.
The water works-will soon-, be in
possession of crooked creek water.
The tiling is being, rapidly laid ano
the filter will be finished in a-few
We are inf orated 5 that there wi!) be
an important meeting of the republi
can club next Saturday evening at
headquarters. It is absolutely neces
sary that every member be present-
Frank Dickesaen,. tl restaurant
man, has made arrangements sell
Calmos' birad, pies,-etc. He "mill at
all times keep a fresh supply orphans.
Frank has done well to get tbe sale
of this celebrated lread.
There will amice cream anii cake
festival at the Methodist parseaage
Friday evening. The gentlencaa will
furnish the ice aream and cake aad
wait upon the ladies, and all visitors.
All are invited.
Now that ths- battle is overy.wbat's
the matter witb trying to hoikl up
Red Cloud? Ued Cloud is fall of en
terprise but the love of political gore
supersedes alii other enterprises about
once a year.
Don't f org at. the county fair. Every
body should lay out to b present
It takes place on. September! 25th and
continues until and througiithe 28th.
The fair will be run this year on
strictly business principle..
Our"dexl" not being, acquainted
with "Lords Day" made aa error in
the item ia reference to the announc
ement of church services of the
Christia&church. It should have
been Lords Day instead of Satur
day. Garfield Post No. S, G. A. R. hare
made arrangements and will bold a
reunian of old soldiers in this city on
the 28th and 27th of September.
Evetv old soldier in the county and
adjacent territory snouia mace ar
rangements to be here.
On Saturday X. W. Flaisig had a
bole fess with tome circus men over
-! their fares. The fellows claimed to
have paid and the Major claimed they
didn't, and when be went to eject
them the circus man let go bis left
School Books at Ccttings.
J. F. Pugsley, of Rivertany is in
the city.
G. W. Barker is in Lincoln on
R. V. SHrey and L. H. Wallace
are in Liocsln.
A. Morhart and wife are spending
a few days in Omaha.
The state republican delegation
left for Lincoln Wednesday morning.
Mr. D. M. Piatt and wife have re
turned homo from their eastern visit.
J. M. Griffiths, National Bank ex
aminer, is in the eity today looking
through ourb'anks.-
Mrs. Henderson and family, who
have been- visiting atK. Sheets',-have
returned to Womer, Kansas:.
The Union-Labor party will hold a
barbecue and basket pienic on the
11th of September in this aity.
There is-talk, that work- will soon
commence on the Nebraska Southern.
We hope so.. Red Cloud most be up
and doing: at once if she expects to
do anything.
The Emporia, Kan., JKepablicsB
puts it in shas -style:
Blaine mas the engine..
Mortiu rings the bell.
Harnsoa goes to tae Wkhe 'House,
And Cleveland goes t Buffalo.
Tuesday afternoon Chaeley Gur
ney's barn- caught fire in sea man
ner and before help co Id he secured
it burned t0"the ground, along with
sheds, etc., making, quite- a serious
loss to Mr. .9.' The smoae could be
seen from. Ae city very pluoly.
The cirsaa Saturdav wa without a
doubt one -of the best oer i keld in j
this city. The whole aSair was or
derly and not one word, said that
would o3id the most ftasiidious
The actiag was above Ae average,
. h miTaom were srsnaleiien m
every resaeet.
, .. . ni,-!
The residence Charley
Cather came aear being A. scene of
a fire las Saturday aftseaoon The
r-i a v. MCiino
servant sari turned on . the gasoline
-xl ..v v: t ..AM- nA
without Itghnng the gaerator ana
the coosaence was that the gasoline
ignited and a lare blaur was the re -
mu w ;t . finllv ched.
jlr. ioctwooa, we presume
brotheK?) to the samewbat nota
"BelvDear" made a. huge democrat-
ic speseh from the balcony of be
Furst. House last Friday evenihg.
The speaker am not caic jna
enongb to be heard far, and
consequently we coald not catch hi
driftv bat what we did hear was the
old story o how "we ducks do swim"
to tie otter disregard of, the tenth as.
regards the two great parties.
The great B.4M., in replying to
a petition, lately sent into, them ta pat
cm 5 and 6 between this ity and
Hastings, said that they coald not do
.so, as it wouldt not pay, but on the
:15th of September they wauld put on
a throusb train from St. Louis te
Denver via Red Cloud, at which time
Red Cloud will be made one of the
most important cities on the Use.
Does this mean that they contemplate
puoting their ihops here? There is
room for a boom here now.
Wed41ac Bell.
Mr. J. E. Perkins and Miss Ida
Kidd were united in marriage at the
residence of the bride's parents on
Monday evening, at 7 o'clock, p. m.,
Rev. 6. S. Davis, oSciatiag. A
number of friends witnessed the hap
nv scene. Both parties are we
known ia this city. They left for the
AUG. 24 1S88
The Culprit Who Shot Grant at Galdel
Hork ntiac o the at. Si JK. Railroad
Bridge Thin JforalBshr CKteaof
That Place. .
GrniE Rock. Neb., Aog. 20th.
Wm. Gole, alias Billy"' Bowlegs, a
sort of would be cowboy;' on Saturday
mornrng, at the hour of 1:30, fired
into a crowd of men who had just
came out of the hall at Guide Rock
where a danse was being held, wound
ing Charles E.' Grant, mortally as
thea supposed, but who may yet re
cover,. and Wm. Montgomery slightly.
Cole- was captured a few hours -later,
and talk-of hanging him was indulg
ed, He was Ioeked up. however, and
suffered a. miserable existence until
Sunday night, when a few persons
wheee names are unknown tok him
to tie railroad bridge near town and
owsag him off into the ether state -of
existence, at least presumably so.
At nay -rate Billy Bowlegs is no mere,
and Coroner Schenck is sitting upon
all Aat remains of the 9nce reckless
and4 perhaps neglected-boy .Of course
the world is better off withwafc-such
characters as Cole, and yet the means
employed to rid the ctxnaraaity of
sucb people is questionable at least
Revi Barbank spent an. heur. with
Cole-in prayer, and Cole felt deeply
concerned fo his spiritxal. welfare,
asked the minister to see that he
showed have a decent burial, .aud ex
pressed a hope of a bettar and hap
pi 3 existence. What Cale'e motives
W2e for firing the five siets from his
rcvalver. two of which, took effect,
will perhaps remain foreTer a mystery,
th parties wounded having had no
dtftealty with him in any way. Cole's-j
fstaer is working near town, .but as4
yet has not appeared coi the scene
3btk father and son came here re-
scatly from Kansas, and but little
?- i !. j ni
it Kiowa ui lueir auiccsaenu) uuca
h k Cole fron the calaboose
V Jed the gnarcfc- within, ad
fiberated them after the hanging,
From what can be laaraed from. toe
g the hangmen We disguised,
d Cole, while being hustled oat
h00 the occasi! to., express
I a. hope for a better life be-
charged his present sad sitna-
tion the Use of stron-drink, .and
gaid that - fatfe Qvh ta gg,. m
wtrnin-10 tlie y3um, men oar
cmntt- Guide r hasnevanbeeh
so perfectly quiea during the same
period of time sinae its organisation,
as from the shoaling up toob;e time
of the: hanging. There seams to be
quite a diversity; of opinioii as tp the
advisability of ridding tLs earth of
Colo's presence, at least under ths
present circumstances, as Grant is
still alive and Kable to le. People
here do not believe in mob. law, gen
erally, and think that it would have
been just as well to have waited long
er to have seen whether death would
ensme from the wonad. There prom
ises to be quite a commotion ver the
matter in the futare, as the lynchers
have laid themselves liable to be
prosecuted for murder if they shomld
be found oat The following is the
verdict ot the Coioner s jury.
The State ot xebraska, Webster count). At
an inqalsititionboMea at Guide Sock, ia Web-
itercoaaty.oatbeSKhdayot August, UBS, be
ton woe, Sebeack, coroner ot said county upoa
tkebedy of Wullaai Cole, lylag dead, by the
Jurors whaw.aames are bereuato subscribed.
the Id jurors upon their oath do say taat the
SsMWunaatcoIecaawtohis death by aaagias
hrparties totals jury uBkaowa, Iatestteaoay
wnereof the saM ietors bate nemmtesettaeir
bands the ear aad jear aforeaud.
no w. "Haaan. L. C Com;,
Tl io Republican County
The re pubKean eounty convention
met in th e ccurt house to is ufternoow
and selected A. M. Walters chairman
aad D. F. Thaikey secretary.
' On motion I: BL Hampton wa
nominated couaty.representittiv.
John R. Wilcox-was- nominated for
county attorney:.
John S. Hoover, of due Hill, was
indorsed for staSa senator and allowed
io select the delegates.
A.J. KenneTT was- endorsed far
&at representative- anal allowed te
select delegsites.
G.!R.: Chaney was- endorsed t fot
attorney general arid-allowed to select
The most -excitrig-tbinej that took
plate in the convention was the un
gating of no Waiinnt Crtek delega
tion and seating another. It seems
that a portion of the caneas withdrew
from the place of election and nomina
ted another delegation, wBala a num
bes stayed inside tiarscheei house and
went through the regular Son. How
ever the outside delegation seemed to
be tainted with democracy and had!
! xM.lmrrmtJn1 Kfthu- iMtin Ark-
waeever Col. Hoover se&ceted his
delegates to the senatorial district
convention, the namsa-of whieh are:
G. E. McKeeby, J. MoNeay,G. Men
dlebaaai, Isaac Fish,1- .W. A. Arnold,
C: F. Cather, W. 3 Gaeber, S. a
Wells, F. A, Sweesy..
G. R. Chaney tbea. se-ireted dele
gates favorable to him fer the state
cohveation as folfaws: J. McNeny,
JJM. Cbapin, J). P. Sewaemer, L O.
Martin, R. V. Shirsy ..L F. Albright,
W. S. Garber, A. L. ftmk. G. J. .
The convention aadosscd the sub
mlssion question and after the ap
pointment of the oeatoal committee -adjoarned.
.The convention was harmoaiowa.
and will give ths- ticktt unanimous
support. The Cciip gracefully fallaj
iateline, and will give the tickstt.
hearty, snpport. Hmrrah for thr .
tielet. We witt give fall report iav
onr next, issue.
Edwin W. MHler was born at Whita
Pigeon, Michigan, November 24tk.
1836. His mother died while he was
ac infant, white his father departed
this life leaving him an orphaat
the tender agf of six years. Mr-
Miller grew to manhood in Colunbws
county, Pa. Iliccd some time in ffsv
York, Indiios end Missouri. JaW
married Miss Mary A. Gunj. of
Litchfield, HL, Jan. 17th, 1862 He
lived, iq. Logaasport, Kokoma. and
Peru, Ipdiaoa. abeat 12 years, tihsnee
moving to. Maalato, Kansas, coming
to Red Gbnd fanr years ago Bfc,
Miller-has salered for yeas witk
Brights disease, and has coneianed
his busiaese and no doubt lengthened
outhiadhys through the strsngtb of
will that possessed him. He was
forced at last through weakesss to bis
bed where far eight weeks h endured
the safering that terminated bis life,
the death angel costing foe bis spirit
at 4 o'clock, a. m., Ang. 5th, 1888.
Mr. Miller was reared in the faith of
the Episcopal church: Some weeks
before he died he prefessed savins;
faih ia Christ, aad testiled that hav
ing his business affairs settled fer
tbis world, he awaited the transitioa.
to the world above witk happiest ex
pectation. Services were conducted
at bis late residence, a large con
course of friends and aeigabors pies
eat. Rev. G. S. Davis, of the Meth
odist Episcopal church, condactiag
the ceremony, A very lengthy pre
cession followed the hearse, eentaia
ing the body of the former swaer of
this sacred carriage of ths dead, to
the Red Cloud cemetery. Mrs. M3
ler. aad soa Shemeld. ared sevesi
years, mourn the departure of a kavl
husband and father, vat
meet again on the Etercal Hills.
5 a
-314 fc
iipd xisted one on Mr. Flaisig's li
at. nit Uiot TTfdrtr!r tQOP. 1
t . -rit';: Aion70 P. Karrsji