The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 17, 1888, Image 1

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' j-
- - I,.,.
Square Dealin
Golden Eagle.
Is now ready to take your measure for a
Tailor Hade Suit!
And can offer you the selection of
OVER two hundred PIECES
Of Cassimere, Worsted, Meltons, Etc.
Carry The Piece Goods in Stock
It is my aim to build up a first class
Merchant Tailoring Establishment
: jf good Goods, fine trimmings
and first-class workmanship
, and low prices can ac
complish it.
Mr . W. Houghton will have
this deoartment
be pleased to show you our styles
C. WIENER, Prop.
Red Cloud and Wymore.
Geo. O. Reiser & Co.,
St OOO am-ar for Sale. Imnroved Farms. unimuiWed Lands.
For the next
60 DAYo
in charge, will
Houses. Besidencaa and Tow nLot
can buy
f As ijcd gland 0iti.
Geo. BjII. of Akron, Col., is in the
P. A Wells of Blue Hill w-sin the
city today.
Orauge Taylor left Tuesday even
ing for the west.
Ed Parkes Jr., is in Council Bluffs
on an extended visit.
Miss Ilattie Rice, of Franklin, is
the guest, of Miss Lulu Warner.
Miss Pearl Skeen has returned Mon
day from a week's visit in Orleans.
Joe Warner is going to have a big
stock sale on the 29th of this month.
The festival at the German Luthern
church Saturday evening was a grand
C. Wiener left Wednesday for Chi
cago to buy his fall and winter stock
for his two stores.
Are we ever going to get a rail
road, is the great question that agi
tates the public mind.
W. H. Ludlow was one of the voters
for Harrison in 1840, and is ready
to rote for Harrison this fall.
The republican county convention
will be held next Saturday at which
time and place county officers will be
The street commissioner has been
filling in and around the street cross
ings mjch to the delight of people
who drive around the city.
There will be a reunion of the old
soldiers and sailors of the Veteran
Association of Northwestern Kansas,
in Colby, September 11, 12 and 13.'
"We would suggest to the Board of
Education that they put a fence
around the north ward school house.
It vould help protect the trees and
A trip over Webster county will at
once convince the most ardent skep
tic that the corn .crop will be abun
dant tbis season. The drouth affect
ed few fields but the majority of
them are looking fine.
The marshal should enforce the
ordinance in relation to throwing rub
bish in the streets. There ie not
anything that makes the city look so
bad as to have a lot of rubbish in the
streets. Have them cleaned up by
all means.
The city council should see to it
that the hill near the depot be widen
ed out It is in bad shape for team
ing or driving. The street should
be widened at least six feet to make
it safe and in shape to travel over
with any degree of comfort.
L. H. Bast says that he was one
of the eight hoys that pulled the log
cabin with a keg of hard cider tied to
the flag siaff and a gourd dipper to
drink ont of at the great Harrison
barbecue at Batavio, Ohio, in 1840,
and will east his vote for Harrison in
Let the the great Republican Val
ley this year unite upon, at least, one
candidate and he can be nominated.
The first time it was ever united G. L.
Laws was nominated without trouble.
This year, Mr. Laws will be re-nominated
by acclamation, and the valley
should unite upon Hob. G. R. Chan
cy, of Red Cloud, and demand his
nomination. Let the valley counties
stand together and they can dictate,
for at least, one ofice. By all means
stay together. If yon seperate, you
are gone, and there will he no repre
sentation on the state ticket this fall
from this section.
DoM That Arc Dos.
Some dogs in this city are getting
too mucli.of the children's bread. They
don't stay under the table content
with th e crumbs, but jump rijiht up
upon the family board and seize upon
the childrens laf. They need their
nozzles rapped, with the sharp com
mand, ''Get down, you brute." I
don't know anything about the bank
loaf. Mic political loaf, the loaf of this
business cabal or that social junto,
but the loaf of morialty and decency,
public and private I have a large and
life interest in. one that reaches away
on "Ovc the River," and I'm going
to shoot, bve and bve. right where
seme of these dogs are gnawing away
upon the childred's loaf with their
nasty, harpy touch, and if they don't
"git from thar" they'll get hit. Per
haps some nasty fellows can work out
this riddle. M. C. Butler.
Ulladea nets A New Read.
Hon. L. A. Kent, of Minden, Kear
ney county, was in the city to-day.
Be informed The Bee representative
that his county carried the bond vote
for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
railroad company, Saturday by a vote
of 1,469 to 540. The road will now
be Euilt from Concordia, Kan., to
Minden via Red Cloud, and thence on
to Kearney. Work on the road will
commence actively, at once, and will
be completed to Kearney by Septem
ber 1st, 1889. This must be done, or
the bon Is will be forfeited, as they
are not to be delivered until tha road
is completed. Omaha Bee.
Advertliied List.
Letters remaining in the postoffice
at Red Cloud, Webster county, Ne
braska, for the week ending, Aug.
13th, 1888.
Fernando Cover, C. S. Devour,
C. H. Daolittle, Dan Grubb.
James McGinnis, Samuel McHinn,
Richard Wood.
Mi6S Minnie Comlar.
These letters will be sent to the
deal letter office Sept 13th, if not
called for before. A. S. Marsh,
Post Master.
NotPread Any Leaser.
The Buffalo News says that "unless
an almost miraculous change comes
over public sentiment between now
and November there will not be the
slightest chance of Cleveland's carry
ing the state."
In 1884 the News claimed to have
discovered Cleveland, and was very
proud of it Now it gets angry if
anybody mentions the fact.
Low Bates of Interest.
By a late arrangements, I can make
you a. Farm Loan on the shortest no
tice, lowest interest, and best terms of
payment that can be had in the west
All kinds of well secured notes bought.
Call and compare rates.
' C. F. Cather.
The directors of the -'Red Cloud
Homestead, Buidiog and Loan Asso
ciation" are requested to meet at G
O. Yeiser's office, Friday evening.'
Aug. 17th, at 8 p. m.
M. B. McNitt. Pres.
J. P. Bayha, of the Bayha news
and stationery emporium, was present
ed by his good wife with a lovely pair
of twin daughters on Saturday evening
July 28th. All parties doing nicely.
Colby, (Kansas.) Cat
Wv tale.
I have 320 acres of fine farm land,
ear the city, for sale, cheap. It's a
bargain to the right party.
Geo. Winton".
f -. -
--1 ,.
AUG. 7 i888-
Prof Curran is in the city to-day.
W. H. Athow's nephew is in the
Dr. Mitchell, of Superior was in the
city Wedneday.
M. W. Dickereon returned Tuesday
morning from Lincoln.
The ladies aid society meets at Mrs.
G. W. Dow's on Friday.
Peter Hummel), of Corniig, Iowa,
is visiting with relatives in the city.
Mrs. Harvey Hutton left Wednes
day for Chicago on an extended visit.
Miss Myrtle Dale, of York, is in
the city visiting with Mrs. A. J.
Mrs. Wm. McDaniels and son Jim
mie, left Thursday for Bellcwood,
Pat McGuire, of Guide Rock, was
in the city a short time Sunday
Next Saturday will be circus day
and we anticipate a large crowd in
the city.
The railroad bonds for the Santa Fe
carried at Minden on the 12th. This
makes us happy.
LeRoy Miller was inthecity Tuesday
enroutefor Oberlin Ohio, where he
goes to attend college.
Mrs. F. R. Gamp and children left
for Columbus, Ohio, Wednesday
for an extended visit
Mother is the battle over? No my
child it will take until Saturday even
ing to finish the strife.
Every school child in this city
ought to buy their school supplies of
Deyo, for he has the finest stock.
Excursion tickets will be sold in the
east on August 21et to September 11th
:andSentembe r25th toO ctob er9th and
i - -
Mrs. F. A. Sweezy is in the city
visiting her many friends and will re
main for several days. Times-Winner.
Our old friend, J. P. Bayha, form
erly of this city, is engaged in the
book and stationery business at Colby
A'antcd. A young man to learn
the photograph business. Call on
Bradbrook, the moon block photogra-
pher. ltd&W.
People shoud beware of pick.pock;
ets on show day. There are always a
lot of those chaps with every show
tnat travels.
The street car line is again in mo
tion, J. L. Miner, trustee for the
gentlemen who own the cars, having
replevied them from the sheriff.
Rev, Geo. E. Taylor, of Indianola
will preach at the Congregational
churh next Sabbath, both morning
and evening. Everybody invited.
Mr. Nustein. onr new cigar maker,
is getting down to business. He is
making up a large number of cigars,
and from what we know is a fine
The primary election were vigor
ously fought Wednesday, in the city
and county. The city weft for Mr.
Kenney, and as far as heard from
onty in tne county convention Satur
day. U. N. Johnston, for 16 years in
the wholesale department of Marshal,
Field dc Co., of Chicago, has purchas
ed the well-known dry goods house
lately run by Athow & Young. Mr.
Johnston comes to the city highly
recommended as a gentleman and a
business man and under his mauage
aeat the Chicago Store will be kept
up to a first elate standard. We wish
Mr. Johnston success and are sure
that he will receive it if strict busi
ness integrity will bring it.
J - -
NO 3
The railroad bonds in Kearney
county were carried by XU votes over
an I above the required two-thirds
necessary to make legil. Hastings
on the east and Iloldregc on the west
did their best to defeat the bonus,
coming over into Keatncy county and
poisoning the minds of the foreign
element especially against them.
Such comsummate cheek we never
befoie heard of one county manifest
ing toward another. On Thursday
this city will carry bonds to the
amount of 55,000, after which it
will be understood that work will im
mediately begin upon the road, and
thus Kearney will have a southern
outlet. Kearney Journal.
The dedication of Asbury Chapel
took place Sunday. The usual cere
monies were gone through with. This
Chapel was planned, erected and paid
for through the efforts of Rev. G. S.
Davis, pastor of the M. E church of
this city. It is a beautiful piece of
architecture and the south end of our
prosperous city should place the
honor of its erection where it belongs.
If the M. E. church had a few more
such workers as Rev. Davis we would
look forward to the erection of a fine
brick edifice up town.
G. R. Chaney, the valley's candi
date for Attorney General, is not the
candidate oi any clique, railroad or
other corporation, neither is he a
demagogue, seeking to hoodwink the
peop.e. He is a lawyer of the first
rank, and, if nominated and elected,
vill see to it that, so far as he is
concerned, all persons, whether natur
al or artificial, will be protected in
the full enjoyment of all their rights
under the law. Orleans Press.
A pleasant surprise was given on
Saturday evening by Misses Nellie
West, Raj Letson, Dell Norris, Leone
and Lenore Fowler, who generally
surprised their teacher on one of her
birthdays. A valuable present was
given. Refreshments were brought
and served. Old hearts were gladen
ed by young and merry voices Al
together it was an enjoyable and un
expected pleasure.
There is considerable speculation
as to the future editor of the project
ed newspaper at Red Cloud. The
Bee announces that it is to be one M,
A. Mctzger, now of Beatrice, while
some ef the people in the metropolis
assert that it is to be Prof. Picking.
The probabilities seem to be in favor
of the former. Times-Winner.
John Ducker struts up and down
the streets in big style. All because
he is uncle twice. This time Mrs.
Dr. Beck, of Riverton, makes him
uncle by the arrival of a little girl,
and over in Illinois comes the news
that George Ducker is papa again.'
We hope the city dads will bear in
mind that the people want that city
fountain in the streets. As s on as
the creek is tapped there will be
plenty of water and the flowing foun
tain should he arranged for.
The "Estey Organ" is the one to
buy. It costs less, is tasteful, sub-.
stantial, well built, is superior in tone
to any other. Call and see Che Estey
at the residence of Sada J. Bailey
It is rumored that numerous pick
pockets and thieves accompany Gren
ier Bros, circus. It would be well
for the people to bear this in mind
and keep their houses locked.
We are authorized, to announce the
name of Col. John S. Hoover as a
candidate for the off ce of state sena
tor, subject to the decision of the
Republican convention.
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