The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 03, 1888, Image 5

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    4hWbM S.
' ' r. u i C 1 r ir i i fi
-jr -.
' i ?I (f h hit (Tllief,
- - -TI 1
t. . 7oij.;!.
- '
0 ?J. C
K f - T
1- 1 H
.it.-- -.:.
Vxrw t5 ihu I
: tit
iirir-tfir -inimi ,
thai. :i
I I'
1. ' j '.. . r..-.nt ,- nhi ia 1
(!:'''' t- ::? - '- --hori v
i-..;iv 2 -.' 'v : vi:::f. "
1 -
K -r-
r-'-tf vt?-
I!..'.rT7.:.: ?tlli ,h. In hi. -.c-js",,f s. ThUte probRb!ytheire:ervu.-Io:;s ,nT r..0jr0 1V ,;,sth,.r:10f e'"7 offered ItelesrntA.
, , js- , - 1 rr NtiBWfUrVr Cj.tinfcv, or :ertirs :n " i
t-f th ofiee i hai: ;.t an an:b- of lortv ! , . , - , f -
- t ; iV.r.-si nf the eantrv. Atn.;s 1
S.'Jcr-. irt im kiarr wtse. vl
'.fe. fre" w!.?k'- aud
.f th I-j:y. ieai tbe f.4iow:s
iriu a vaicr:
Be reported 4 v.4rd for ant;.
("hliifc-e leUtl-n as fuwi a.- treat;,
contracts dnl;tte it. an.-? h- ad
pleiled upa a platf-'rai clar .-nd
rratif elary pc the jue?tin d:.--eu-sed.
He i- tiiielt-.'! in -trough"
faiorble eatr-c t bis ojponent.
h' bat a fv -I:.rt tr-.-eL- a;'0 was
anxioti-lv iuju:r:t:r .".f
it it was not- ps-ibl -to Cbri-Hanize
tb. Chinese a.d bt:ni them into har
' ainv wiifcr nr -y-teai o: civilization
tb- di5jiaytnj: a -urjTi-Jiii: decree
.f iinora!H:v upon the subject."' Sai-rdSi-nto
Ilectrd l"nkM.
TIj Ilckuet of cyt:r-e ute; : cart
; ircat fit this -ubjeet jfttarcly.
knttoriiiz that Gea. Harr;-on - idea
l lite Chines t'ie.-tii ra. be ur
1 -tt r frr rh" f-o-in'ry taa tht e-1-i)u-t-d
btbe irrea: m.ierrilitu. -Vs
t,. frf whil." aH tbt tb- democrat c
tii.rf. r CesM.-iit T biit-'.'iiU:. cau
a -ii th:.t iies: wiil have but f
l.tti" ft.-t on tbe ;cfctrl public, a
tl.t de-. "r-t:r ftT bav "pulled
: ir t ti'1 irtlt." m ha . much
Hifu-tie ',ii:i "l"b- deiniH-ntti-T.-rtj
- a fr- v t. KLj ?) u? a l'-z'
. . ai'. tb- ni'U4ea T1 " en
ti. rev-rst -itrc i&, ar.u
u ei:hiksfe f twt kiai tda.
Aaj. aitb yor nor. -eat lis-. Mr.
Y'..rl, u2 trivt- us tFaoud rivaes.:.
rtiii'.roci: a-i..
,-q-ir J.urnl jjeral tli-. .t ti- Nthn-.-k-t
-t!-m R Ira; "onii::t which nro
! t-i! : A-t.u in this cin
..H-rta:. -wimaJwthpj.earaiiee. The
o.k .. irciiarinr - tr nmn-r
n it -i.i i.mti c .t fwi flit-rent loo-
. .liritbtiN iif.l i i.d. one y
;;'.'t-iii ji Holtircf tt th"
. ., -
r i' -: r.iMl . iotl:er : ..Ii.t:i
. v. - U in cMnvd. d hIoiiu -
. 111 : f..rc f Piu
.1 ill : -h- -uintrvi-ou ..;
viiki :.m.t?-r . u,e
f.i i.ii'trr i.t
u - -titwi trt- 'ne com-
. i
!. - ily. oa-'tncr.;on of tin ;.!, w t
" "
I t. lb rl'J ! i:m" t'!" .t to
i..ii t 's i'vft tief'. :,..S 01 c
1. u,s i- mm; in rkT4iio. f.itt.;
.!-. .-it x S Kec.Jirv i.,,,,! e"
: . t .-' -
Ik- ouil at . inoportKiii to -::.c cnv ot
1 .
htiin im-v 'mas vrmtfr nnmmlii.
1 -.i- i-. .f ,nMi j. ,in imtiortant one
: ... .. . 3 .
X1 Mlirf-n..r ittMl ivii in
4bi ...nicrini
, . .- ....... .
- -1 t -. Tin i
reat 1 . - - -i . is
-' oi nf ev a d
1 'Ivr o. Ali.Cii art
tV -: m 1 1 ti : 1 j
r- r'I 1 :- LII ..!, . .11.-... . ,
v 1. . - ... ... v.. .-j -.-.. r-1. M-ii.-. utt-a iHr.i-i. a: any o; our . eorasa, .vr .-as.' ir excaanp: xor . AVay, ,-.. ds laeu... u. .n-p. -ite ' T.a contestant was bv two cdv.-:. ana ,m;. i-mnt given to me
this-1 iV." aul r' at i as fir .-his'.untv t3ir-. A cretin of twelve i;ofrtv in -outliers r-art of -tate and u ..---':.. and c-abhngn - tistr ad ; -ov.-! .who strai-htcned h-S word, stayaa ' ivahd. ia the va.i boo.' c- awalnm? an
., ... , . . . ' "" the t.i t -jt: -r u-v-,. Oi v.n.r it I , ?n.-vi r'i. ti' -i f-1-1 hi; apnsuta liUiaUr-.i- . .anibeire
iKUB..iil 1- .:rttLiitowdi3? lue 1 im.i.ta will I l?n. pun-.s?er -iviac Aim 75 head of xountr .-tock, a.- :. . 6 "a b vci-- ron,-of body a- d easy of P " " - . l-W acorf -r " v Ct- " ' P- - --- And now
fact tb.t b'.th dt mr.c-.rie end repao weib jnAH;.er ce:-!ier-j whole rr in ,arl to Suit purchaser. Al iin C. E V.t.-i,a., ffy. 3J St. ' book of the cuts icceived. Two other, -od , ei the i.nt ott 07. . j-itmn toi
1 . 1.. i' C.i;f.n.U iui -t.. e-i fr.rn usUt. A ltteb wi:i Jeced 1 , :-. , -. - Ferrv. .Vev; "or, wr.tes: -I v.eiched bv to give the signals for begmnmg or ci.s- ua..-ac. uuuca L, '--.h.j rci.'.ett,
'"''P1: fl L" u,- !., , I'fTEJ: Mai'-dkn inu!C opporfuaitT lor uae one , no p.unds ',-n I began ta ting your xc tne ra53es. which were aitvavs brought wri.ten in the tremia- hand of the mill-
1. ..-.. '..-,.,, .. . ,-,- fTnii ...t. . r. . t t ' n.i-Hii. .-.r.ii u.n? i i.ii?i'.. I r.-.ic'ii . ... .,... r. ..;.. t- i.iv, icr.:r wr.o uzi sent tne meat. r. oiu m cue
f - j- .'wvrir.iiM - i. -.-.. ! WHO Silts i" "U tlltlt -in' K IMI-illes-. . '.7 . L- i i . H) iiu (a-l v.ucuii.ui uk -w " ' . .
1 - - ,1 , - uot bo with -it h i5.s. Tor s-voral times ... n ,j nr hit nf mr tf-ii ton- ii-rm. sh wine that tne estate of the de-
:uc:'aM(lfW?n. Mwrus.,.. --to an e,teniv, r,n,e In a i .?tPt lj "SSSdSt" eea- wf lasted, no-r. - - -.
!? ?.t- M t-.- fc-tttr fur that $eriua viV v.i I c tie: jt tmbh- -al-at Mmr- iri.od i,e::rhbrimud. ?eh-ol and' called free. T.tESwirxS"-- r . 5ci cach'.vercpiv-.ecied. - --"" -!-1 - --,- , -
--:--"--- 11 - qnc-iioc ..; n j.,. ...... ... .-...-....- iots oi moiiev to Loan on tar:n at F. A. H.XKN. Fr .pri.-tor. ! - - -
;.. . 1. i-t,t,-. .." ..e!-.-. .-.1.C- -l - aie-t to the coiirll.-toHoii. f ' to r- , 5 c, ; . ' - . - - ;. T j A f T-? X'- ! r ''""-' 1 -'' A I i? Mf P
... ....,-. ....i.t. .. .,,. r. ....I,!..-,!., r.n- ' t it". &? at'd IU MT Cent III- T ,.,:. ........,a I .. :,- :.. .K.. ..... 'V. .i; I i -i V J PL. (T. x. V.:0. At-.'All Oin - ' C
i -- f1t!l!H ! 1 r .. . -. t..t.. .... u... .... ' - t - - - . . . -- -
-..;,-:t..t Win.-. Our ,-,.tC -n-rit-..nd that tl'-:-'il.ot -mh v.-t- terest. for 1. 2. .'!. 4. o. G. or 7 year.-. , pIe Gf ri..nv and vicinhv that IW- '
.-.. :..! ; . 1 .. . m rnni niii.tiin -. 1. 1.. .. I: t. i- ill l.i. r.I-. ..I i.. ,i.ani ,t! ,.-i.. li.:. I . j t'fl-- : iv ' J . t. I ;" i O.
: ii.c.i' . ucina J' "' c ' '! n- 1. :
Adxrrfi-ed Letter.
Letter- remaining uncalled fjr at
tue F'r"lr'See at lied Cloud. Nebraska,
'Aeb-ter county, for the week, endiac.
John Clark. Alva Aubbard
Kuixa Hunt.-.
John 31 c Carta v.
oiffeison Ogj.
Tu ?ux.
r. A Smith.
Anna jdcCartnev.
Pit jioore.
: 2-!rs. J. F. Iteed.
Tuese It tiers .ill be sent to lead
1 r.,.i u'm..i.ipsri rtquGiteu to :sjtr-t
-t tht I'tfwiat HjIJ scboo' ioi:?e
V t.i.f-!sj An;.nt loth 51 3 o'cictk
. u.n . ? .
P. :-i. I.t the Furi?se &t clect'ni: 5
(..u u in miriKte tiwrnn:n officer?. .
; . . l
u. ?ft. : tue Rchbl-on .
1 t . ,. ,
. vi- o :? renctatec aa a. .ute u he,
. Uiviioj, fhf Qtift-t:on of uba:i-ticn
Jota ?i oil utter 7 to the
F Iku-cxy I'l.'m 1
t'abHr Sxlr.
-':i VednRcd4V, Autr. th. At ten '
- . - . - io' fc, I ha'i offer at iKibhc h at J
Ah .ne t(X"k :r:a. 3 miles south and
j 3 j:u! wet of i!eJ C"-ud, ray lii.e j
jli--d f thcrouirhbred and hijrh j;r.irio ,
i pr.z- winner-, cf-n-i-tinp of r.wout 75
t'f r.sntber ar five tiiorts:uhrr-4 1
be.-'?, s-' is weil k'iMvru. '
& Gnrdnrs ranch, one and oa iiAii
mile-aimi .: Cowits. at 10 oVbx-k.
"l" I"- ,J" Tuetday Aug. Ttli. 1.-5-. !3n
!.--.' .. i rt i . i e '
urn u i-Hi'if, i-iHi-i-iiis oj iu r.tau ui
! co--. ."0 r.!:b"'n cwsand 14 f.. 3 bill.-.
tv.ii thnn.uzhiuid n! one b'cb r:id'.
.")4 bad of cdve.-. One tboroacbbrrd
tni'I v!t. Tiiis bantb i- probably !-
tint u and btj-vlest bt of calves in the)
couM'y. Ti li'ineb of cattt'e ir1 )
: olubh t!i" finest that has ever bp'-n '
o"r d for -ale ia Webster county. Aj
credit of eiirht nuinth- v ill b ivon '.
t iUfciM.-er- jrivm r.ote v.itn ap
pro-ed scuritv'4 tMi ter''.nt
c-ii. Mounn cUvrdvk?.
Low Hates of Incerett.
By a !a?e aT.tnirenirn'S I en make
ytfti :i ratio Loan u. toe -aort.'- no
li v, bnv i n:t-r--t. Mid 'w-t tTf:- o
jiaj. me.-.t that c-in lie had in toe e-t.
A"! rind- t ell-ecured r..t- lin-.cj::!.
i. n ..:i:nre rif-.
p t- f ...
I. i . v i t X..
i:i:ib!irau ("oani; Tivcnlion.
To- r-psto-,:c:iit electors of Wb-it-r
county. Vtra-ka. are reqne-td :o
-t mi ce.ates from t!.ei -eera! :.
A.&..ft -. oj. tJl lUtriVttttHi.; f Ilt ,
C.Mirt :iii.i- in ;'rc cip- t lu.v. 0'od.
?i..n ir :.' is
ittiie doit-sales to tae ii'Mit ru. t-.-cota-
tive convention, and nine delegate-to
the -tt- sooventifn :md ! r the tri: -
action of .-neb other boin-v s m!:;
, ..,,,. t.efor tbt- t:.niveiiiiiu.
1 'i";,- r-n-o tt repr.-ciitittinn i .nf
.it.;t-:t:e at .irte from etu'b precinct
j:l,J ,fiio dcifjatc for.vcrj- I. vot-.- or
, Rlaj..r fraefon theri. f cst for Hon.
J -.,1,, 1 M.ixwe!! i- I. wl
deli wil!
.-mul.. ;!n- varioti- nreeinct.-
f.-'ltoving mi in tier of d 'tz-.m-
j.,jolouil prewtiet
- - itv. i-t uttid..
"mnl "
:.?iLtl.':,rk " lVi
o.k. reek
t.T-lt-?Ill . -.-- u. ..
' l.littiUlHal . - - -
,IUI, '."v"v
1 U::luut Cree. -
line t
iKiwr ' recJv
Klltt Creek
!,st.r,'.:tl .,"
.. ...... ..o. 1
. .I.... . .r.
' - tuconi.-..dc.I that the. T.nmiri.s
'- to'd in the -cve'.sl 10". ineL- n
.,- , " 1 ... .,., t l-.ri, iy;
(ito-o.i'v. August loin, i--vn.
i'h i!oing r-olu;ion- wa" adoi-t-
t-1 1" tin; ccitLru; co'nniittce and nrtoV
n in-t ef ihi- '-':
. .....
,..jt. ,.,,,. arc m-;.-ft-? t- "inno-r
r t
. jr.n t' i o cr "1 tic
. . .. -.- , - .
.. - ..' ..a -t--' ,..-o.' F
. r,-ot -ia
o. rt . Parker C H;d lie:d R lea,a lin,ic a. lhia , no. thT vrtrx- not a.-tua. routed Cd , MuSet
31. 31. KcLseaters ,.,, l,.t Fnu.v; al i(,nt -eport a i -r -.-J 'J- , "S? r4 SJS SSS t"?82 a ? wta? SU?-J,C:i
.lames !. Siaith. verv -nj.nal.V tip?. JA.txs UillD. -Kr,chiKe' a: bi-ai o'efct-k and aJl for I la?,rf F.!?1". rTi,1":
? ff.s v.erkin on tlv m Jron. . I ' xve -boot-ha:.i. ad nar-el vr-bhedLr-E-. and that the aLogod -stone'
" -.".." , . ! A5isn-ron:iX-.HSj.laj b.M.:imi:Kfs::,.ui x,y :' ' r , ifj . rtm t ' ivas onlv a niece of class. The whole th,n-
3Ixv xMorric. ft bna,es tnat tfe.-n out Jylwi:I,i; :t..:a,.,.,Jt.r ,,. ,a!...r note l" Sf &- ne 'r"-.1 i r, no vr.h fifteen cents. He TO, a
OSce.A'CS. 30th. if not died, J ' J:,:, SStl,. iss.. (,5-:o- J) ' .,, ,TU, .re ifu.the 'Perhaps vou boys thinh 1 d;: undersU-r .i
before. A. a. MAKSIL, P. iu. ,liKU,;,tr,ffrfWvfrbwt:Bthi5i v. . , x . . T ... . icmed the lde The Hirhsasse.- and maw- a clean tohr oa j. -.uui tj
..... . ... . ; oti.c :- .fiebv iruen fut I -.v.ll ; 1, oLi '.-hion ' u'-in two-storied v.-bcta ad .ro soJ 1.." tiKj a.;ed .0
.. . 5r: corn i" l.iOi-)Siie ami it th-re - , . --.-'- -- oa p m, i, I3T aidtc -
1- lit nLhn .I..-T.,r nf PUr i.!'L.i.t r,; n.t'.M .! .., Usatif t ail per-Ai. who miv uesire I bUi.uinzr.:haa:nnercour:auda neer gar- ;- another -I wa;
. . . , ,. . F 'l-5"' ivuu-n- L ..-.raK:i juiiiw.iy. . , 7 . Jt & J f S J- ? TyZ." - look Thev -e,--.. i iieaevj m Bishop But- steel: frost en it wai f. :;d ito b
iL l-laK.l A&tm l v- av - nc ail -- T. " - ( -1 z -1
ocm..,. ii-um.j, '""- -Iifx-k Island Ilont." ' . ZZfr-:T?.L;lJ,r''i ; Icr'-phuo.oph-tiuf-thinv-will beas thev cad Lair F"'i"arl;f : ...i!ul,-
Rrtt'iij; rawinwtt- i'n toe I'lu-iuim' i h:-thoron'-hfare j--iie peop'e-'ivo-- -V 5fc-sv-VttvvJ - "' r " ui a-o. -.1 . fivtiuei wa- at lastt.ver ana i tuii r. . 1.. . ia. -.v..-1. ;ac ncra- ue-
orli-es: Oi--repre-'-ut--t;w,!.-fl,rcria.-is -eliiblJ -rfennu r.'Jas-nJ iW5? '--." ' ' n0;,t of tU' U"MT l"l0G- lnselves to t came pret y , 1.1 - a.-oztrr-.rV of'
. , . .. I'et-v-- ---euauie. ..teana p.eas-nt . : .Ja'tfi.' -c -?: -V the tae-. :.. v.xrt t w..n4 in the little removel tuu, we lay it cur
ly nt:nrm-J . a.-o to -ei'i:. nine ,)e!e- R:id vrith it- limited five- to Chicago, and - SfJ curp bo wr bi'ibs u r brcaaju I j selves.
"ate t 'be -eoatnrinl cut vi-tbsn. ' cinnscion -aith all tl.r- 1.1-t traiii.- to S- . ' """ "" - --- . v.-as rbd io-icii to tae a irla-s of wiae. Vi:h the erccr, I-noT vjr ;... '.ts. which
.. ;.:... ...- .'... i i -- jzijriz-.fc2-ii- . -i ....... ... . t .- .1 , ... ... .. ....
I-. Tut
A J Kssstr.
-VIIK'Ol ,
'M -; iaS
cor re .
po-ob ee to the Cutiir , IIurr..h f r j
J"-l"'oi.' Han ting toe order of j
ttie (lay !
Mi-s Flora Wlllum- ha- returned j
from an .-;. nif-d visit at Broken:
,..-il., r- .1. - 1 .-i? 1 1 ..n
L-.t- ifcii t'erMtrt ciutuiu ne fjiiaftiii j
iU'tru-du.tH;Tut'" r-i- ar in t,.,,. 1
AT!innsUMivj(rrii. Cun-aso.
JJrery afternoon a: :i 5.") o'clocL, .
-j- t. , -, o
a magnificent Pulhuaa .lee:uis Car
, ' . . P .... ." , :
ie-ives Jopcr..i ir ( Ln-ao v:.i the
. T . .
jurekJ locs l-iari ututf. UKikini:
clott eoaneeti?:' with the fa.-aous '
uw"c f"'"-'-"..' '" --- ""-!
nln id iintiiiinrirtn . ai -!-.'
i .. . . .. .. ...
"t:nr.tei tirer running thronira with-
, ,. . .
ortt cn-iuc. arr.r at v. !t!c:i!r tne
IfoIIuwias; liui.aiim. This i certain! v
il .t..t. .- , I .. "-.!
tae atve.-. i,u ant eon.euieiii
Jueans o: UT.j:port ition betr.te:.
lat.- in Ivan--- n:ij tne city o: Lh"-
zjl-zu. F. r ac-niautmbuioii? inthia,
car, plea.-s ittitrfr y - Ioc-l wceat.
aIltl , wni ? vlad u, mak. such
i"r..iii,.- Trail-. ;
'-10 acre- of Innd i-i Loua ecantv.
nortofnue one ha:f mii. Count;, seat ;
i -evuii uile-. I(id iniprvnio::t-. t
?nii. ,0.J, riu VdUfTj c:.-e to Hue '
f ,;. .-I -.. u .., i .,:.
31 ill -ite
t Jl A(IAAUV !- Ifl (41.. MliHa
on the nlacR. !." Za
.) aerfi ;n cuitiva-
tioi: Call on or audr.-s
F. Kr.LLouo,
Bon i-i''.
Kd Cioud,
Dei-j: JL llultisha. m addition to
ri...;r r..nv m.,A,. ..b.tlut,.. i,i!ut.f
. -- r- -
carrv an unu-Uuliy tine line of sample-.
They made an off irt in this
! ,1C' l'? summer and can furni-h "on
the testtniuny of over fort customers
,'as to the stvle of fit thev L-;u"e. As
to pric
the -imnle fact th it the.
have no money invested in th:-ti
jiarrtaeat. i. ia it.- self a gain ..t.-o
of low price-." ?ample are fur- -.ed
t iree atiC m expensive Y.'urniueii i.seai
; . , - ., . ,
iivks u- the oisi-eos: pnee. ueai"ni-t
I w I
i .-... f. ... ,i. .. ..
::t :-) uar.m-
1 tt'd to fit or no tie.
Tfi-ir i ,vv
! 'When traveling north. . -r. ocrh cr !
I - - . . . .. .... i
i oi.iz-.n - a -tndlv nr-t eia. line, ihe,
J I..M, Wl. !
TW ;-,..;.- c... v..i ,.r t.. '' -MU 1,,r,k- rr,".",u-"'r. .' "rr: wSs 'eeskop. and u-arned,ocr7u week. When
. . U rri".;Tinc v . u..iikHMi. t --,., tn t .r.M hn,U.. c.-.r tmh i'0 r- -- "-- . -, - rr
.,-w - .- - .-- . , .- .. ., &M ... . v -.'..! - - . (ion in rr.r iv:- ""r.ti iiv :iti hit' v-ijok- 1 "
-?:.. . .
Ltmis make it univenallv nopniar. and
t".:-; route wliieh all wetl-po-tej traveler-
j Ic pHs.-oiiucr Ha'.i.s ut-re built et-
, ;res-h" f-r thi- imr or z Fiitiiuan
iatv (?;tr '.'n.. wiih-h i. 1 Miur:'iiTor -
,!""" v'-v """" '." irt.'t .! co-npletc.
iti verv st-tai
fie '! t-t- iici
,' niO-t th irough --X'lt-rie ( ,- K ,., -uggf-ir
' .',. ,j coi.vemK.rc i .r tbei. .Tr.-f
':ioti-erv:cef thi tr.'vcliiig pouiic lm-
l '"'O -criook'd
lo :n5ti' 1. 01 to It-
1 ci:!.ir i.a-se--r euoinmeni. tn-r- :-
.it' -ervicf a line of supern rectiuing
Hat' c.r-: no palm- or ex;oiiv n ivtngt
i . :e-o .-?! t-o to make ti c-o enr- th
010-t r-rsttnj .uiu oniforr-atiriug '-
.:,,...- l(1 .u-ij 1-1:1 -is .vincnai.
et 15 !!!- ! fii-jf c t;-kei-
n 0cet1.1v .
... . .. .1 . - ....
, vrt'-i i-i ;in .njs-ou.l v lien Villi
, rrvvl to ! .'o-..lii:..:. comfon.ib,
' mL-.. tj;e C-dctri JC-n-a- & "vbi-i-fca
ph., .. . 1. i 1 1 . ,. ,
lluil'.rav, ilork iitid rfmiTf. Foil-
10.0 - " i'..:.n-c C"tr- -n a I '
oc:.r :i-n-. J
arm Loans.
iiitcre-t 'i;i dac.
lbe.-o tont.-. .. got to -i;:t most
ati-ib.uv. ('al! ,. , r addres me at
I'oil n-ini' V-l. ffT... s rtMT t
- - - -- .- ' '' IJUiiu IliU
i.x.ii. ;ii rhi-ifc i-.-i Ircu A ,...!.. -...I 'DCI.IC. Denver & SiO Granoe . .' I second duci'i -l. . Sl:..ij;i. mv inand
'.'"." 4 1 jr or t'-coriu.auie- o-cb t -n'mio-' ",'' ,Vscr pritJCipa! railways, p.. 1 told an-, th-v ...v a.-p ua.v u-i four o'clock , place, two yards &Tfay. But aor ia the
!,....'- f. the '.mi': ortbf. t'-rti- uiril "" 3- sson the Buriincto. in the afteriuo-i The j v .ten ts a :.itkiag same attitude. It was upon iu side.
,.,fc, t...Itl e,Utr''iiM"iU-irin for' -lm' ( P'cceof sii.k.i . :... -ervL--.. far is I can The knee-, were drawn up ncar'. ta the
""'4 ..1 . .,.,1" .l. .i,. '' '.. .T '.'.' .' '"-'" f:'rtr information, cpp!y v-: ee. iu iz i -u. aia-ra a ...u .euu ... o breast, bo'h hands thrust to thevawbe-
..... :;.t..n. '.;'- i p'-vi: -.,r 011 yasoV.orta devout. . .. . . r -g d a a3 tween the buttons of the jacket, the collar
; '" " -, ''' I. : " lv--)--i' s. EUSTIS.2i'1T'V:a'-, I courage ... 11 .'.r . It is. inu.u-d. a of wmch was turned up. concealing the
. ti-i-it rri'c l'ctli:ii ' .or (.r Lute ..., .r-. .- ntn,.i.-r -.... r t.. t-. .- . ?. liir... -. ".-.l ears- Thf shnnltlers wnrr rlcvr.tri? th
.vnaA!.::'i ;::.ica tukkt
For Previa nt.
nf.-..: 4:ji iinin'.
of I ndin 1. a.
Pur Yiee-'r-ideul
i.zivi v. .touto"..
of y,uT
-..1 ..- . 1 .... .
ithi pwi ik .m hsku onenor
s-.ei-- --" --"-im .
t.ut:e. tl.eui-eivd? a.- eanoicate- or .
...i.- ,f l... .,w.-.. " t?,;i
, ' . ,. . 1
emit . V I.e.i v iua. en tit-, thirc (
Satur.: .
f!' w mouth.
r.v.v .1 . iv!..
Ci.uutv -si?-':
Purify Your Biootl.
0.4-l wt.'f wflitrt' VtrtoltK rrt?r' "rtt
-L JU11 ililU Utit bttaVM UV. I ia4 fc '
t harhv condition cf the blood. The
. r- - . . .
b.cod particularly in tne spnnr anu
tumtner inon.ns, ccom-J- cioggeu
W llfil
pr.t-n it and ceaeratc
disease. A Larmlei- L tod p 1 t
S-1 7ib timicerv . a of my aKiction c.i t-' s'.-i."
Mr L 1. Hiu.m. T.'isi a, 2. C,
an.l Vt-rv- vjn I entireiv r 1 eved of
writ. 1 "i t--' it e.erv spr.:. ital-
Iiruw i
i We ha i iilee line i -c. .
whch w wi'i -'Ii fcr $1 iuh. Cab
land examine, i'iatt & F'.::"E- '"o
HlT""i-i'V.-; EIKJEL!. P-t-
Firt cw nor'! nt C"'- b""krv r--fitted
uti.l tbrnoO'jIilv eq'sif-oed W.
rfDectrii:iv - iic!-' vnur tuitrona-ji
rtuir i:'t.Mt 'z - 'tifa'io'i i' every ea-
( (Ji;i!. .VoiT. :..v,UK. to r.lca- ;i
.j,,, .,,,.,. .( t..;, j,,1(e - v-,-i
j M(,nt. tl. ;, i;..t ,.. n,-,... .-.ii.! :. : t
:t:p;: frl
H' tci'i::-n -v
.i .;l
-4ri -ll-V. A
t .r
tp .;
ir. -r? .c- -'-r-s.1 .r-'
' V.v '" ;1" JC ,.' .s Vt .".
F.- r. ' . . . t
-2 .VDr tC O .Z."
iTj5T.Or 13
i' . -. .
I banter I'D OlT
Qrr.z.r.zi to ChscztT'i
' ' anS?:". CltV tZ C.1C250,
i Omiria MO -t .Ot?tC
t5 S V u W fL ii
Th.-ough tickets over t'.io Burlinr
cop 9uta are for -z'.e h- tito Ur.i.
rt 1 -r -m
TfliQ 111 I ,J3 11 11 i"l"""
- " " -.'....-.'..
bti-tuej- i .. inr 1 wi 1 . n y n
lu'n 1 ' '" ' '" l ' ' ' ' -
'"2 r "! uo:' V ork '
Call ati.l mj old .-find j'i-
recessar;. 10 re-tore a u--a l. iae. . jcq a rct h:ch hall tv.-in? as lrge as the
Tneceo" r'J-aor ana ton.c i-n-wn is . . , . ,,-usreas. At
dtu-f-1 pu-ifr. z aadtoiic powara we I whcleitot o catr t. s.rtv.ui- out to ..-.. .-..,-- c--i- -I tho- - - -
give a few tes iuo. als- 1 the wudow. were lour or U"c table- with r;.- B- "',".- E"a" L iao ' '
?.Ir. V.'ni. A. eb-d. w.ta G-crTe P. beaches, at wnieh r. lew student.-, 0 . i -. s- .. ,. .
Row.'U A: C-. 10 Spruce t?Lree.. 1-jv: , their different cap-, were seated drinking ! il JCansecrs tm. ic rccaea te
York, wr:-..- -I f cut my du'v, ftr 1:hlue v-m, or bouillon, or eating sand- I lohowiur- A F :.t-mi wni known u.
the be : ff eta is who rr.y Lea,- vneheSm Onoar riht half a hui-dred fet Boton ia h time war u.. sisap-.T Ux- j
i -; I'Tjy fv--f'fli ! were huadled about the narrow circle ' - .1 j .-", w,r 1 ocd
choose. : "l -Ve.-a -real ba'-n"' 'fem of which, over the heads of all. I could ee r.'puls.v? t. bn :- h v. . . y
bcK nU otj!- u-v a ci; I ioa.d not , thesword blades fiash and de-cend. rise. 1 ;"'n - - y:- e.
turnmvh ai wuuta.-utop-.u After tlash and descend i-T-:n. and hear their I Afnesd. a ua-j r.. i.:c-- we;- 1. r
trying all tae u-u d ivaed u -. and nnd- , 00115 cIahm--. I wa3 La! up uloser. and, , lho'e ' -"- TO '- -i'l to : 01 a
mc 110 relief. I i,-od ou. b y t. . S. b.. , wurteoU3 . cembjrs of mv fricnd"s corps, I 'nd'rfal pjv c: u. uon tsat he naJ aad
sotttn of :V: l5-o-.
a 'ol te '. laaaai.-. lil'etl v.-uh bncht-
cabled stum. down the nr.o-.;
m" ..nesc..a . itI:. tt nv card utr-tai-b.
Soonavoufire friend aT)eart.-J. A duel
ra already ia progress.
;r passed freni the .-tair into ahica
, spacious ch: ibor. in which at oar right wa-
wmi a ia ail real, w.ucu uau anouier ui;ie
ta-le covered with sct-i-orb. knives, pow-
tier.,. IwtUfs and nr.-tenous surgical m-
struaeutsin s-nenil m fn.niofi--. The
.... -. , 1 .
wuhs were ba:"t ave a f'w pu
ictures and
p.rtr.s. Through thi r-m we went up i
, -horn, with the amo ceremony 1 have
1 a-xvay3 noticed. 1 was tiiere introduceu. feU
bajk. giVtng inj a chance to see every
. thiau Zo tae best lulvnta?'
'ihe while w.- streaked and stift ...a
ciottca human blood aud incxpresiuly dis-
ffUstiA- It looked as if it hl been wora
for vC:.- In a Luichter-hix:-e When firs?
hreastnaite worn bv one was tlowinc with
blood, which dripied. dripped, dripped as it .
was iinmneil up by the vig )rous out
i f-om gaping wvaads in hi chct.1: and head.
dov.m over liL- body, upon his boots and into
Tli- Wax Tit.- Fis'it "Hie. it. tlw J'sf try J Som luterr-tin- Sample-, or Thrift ia tu
T.' I . Old Bay statr.
.., tw ,-, ..i,-,,, They were sitting at tae club the other
Ac-orr.ndentof the 'JrT' ' cram. tcILa stones of mean" xaea, the manner u ' f , savs the Boston ra:.. "Tho c.ose-t mar.
students '-oaduct their duels, writes a.-. io.- .-.,, ., c.,,i . , ..;. r, ,;.,.-r1,-
I"- -y-raaaer the " : eS: Sof SS
u:!rJS"n ' -boesko?. and earnedcrSTu week. When
?tw IITI i . u '.'i vi;ii-v ii uiv
1 a 1 -hit. ila.n ta e. eovered with sreat cot-
l ton paddings, meant for the protection of I pagne.aud Jwa-smv; od aim to j)..i l ..1
i al' in.rts of the bodr. and a -word or two. drmli: it. a inv.tal.on ! -
witn c:iuatlet3 as large as bo-inc store. deelincJ. Finally en ; day he orce-ed a -.
I Os the left were two saalr tables roa- S- aatcaA of ofT.-nn- me any. t-aid 1.0
i u'nc the optr-bite- wav. eaur-wJ bv a chur thoa--ht 1: a jnty that th--y d.d.. t p. ..
a creat p.wl upon the lioor. Every little ! Cn Iri tlie Colli,
while sand wa.- sprinkled under his feet. l"he n'ght cf December :tl, 1-tJJ. wa- aa
His opp men: faring niU'h bet-r He exceeding';.- vuld no in the vicmity of ilur
ha.l simpy a .slit in lus ear. r.u owrytiaie. f-eoh -o. Tom Th urj day"s battle at
atuiegiu signal, the pr f .1! w whom I , Stone i.ver had boon forgl rev.'Itin'rm
arnt saw ro-e ut. tnon plmkily from th j da-'er to the rcdcral army, wliich had
arm.-, of the :n -a wuj -appor-ed him. been driven f-oni ns ongia' croind at
and advanced stui-dity to the contest. It , every point trcopt its etreir. left,
was no child's play at lighting Eve blow J Th v.ery tr-x-p- a this ; ).at Ly behind
was meant tot 1L Ttie v'znroas d'-alcam- j a railway e baakmn. wa.eli h 1 -erred
estness of the hrust- of f " :ari)ened ' them darinc the lost hoars of too iicht as a
blades was .I'roabiac At r y -itle. sadden- ' broasttvork to reoi rcpouted charges of
ly. a student, who. I wa.. tuii! afterward. the car my.
had seen several du- -. i-l!apv? m a faint Behind the line the ground was open and
at the horror of the v .-a-. In an ui-taathe rocky, says the Sn Francisco Kram.i.-.
was niised upon t!c .hoi.ld'T- of four su Crea bowld" lay aiiout everywhere, and
dents and earned ba -k into :'.v o:er room, am-ntr thm lay many of the Federal dead,
Nov.-and then th.'do to-.i -rale, pulchi-al- I whn thy had been carrlea out oftae way.
lookhig ligur" ia -"li'-y bl vk broadcioth. Bef jre the embankment the dead of l.oth
would step up and tin- -.round's to armies lay nreatly thicker, but they were
see if there was aty da. r in letting tho I not molested. Il w. ot a vry dark night,
duel iirccejd. I w i.t'.er .i why tue batter i being c.ear
l man Imd no pity It would .-win that now
he had done m.sciuei cr.ontrn. iiutnewent whom noho-y kvw. a t.o ' -c-reant.
en slashinc away at his u.-matched fee ia i shot directly in the center cf the fn-enead.
aa ugly, brutal nu-.nuer 1 would have One of our-. trgert.. frani iuie-curiosity, or,
cried. "Itah. rah. rah!" if I could have . pos-iVy. v.. a a vn-wto the amusement of
seen his cheek -.ashed to the bone. And! ar-oupof ojut- during a lull in .heen
did show unpardonable enthusiasm when, , catT'-crn 'w rr-d scmcalag to d"ert
just before the fifteen minutes were up. he oar min-1 ). la.i troppI hi pmV c "aa
received an ucly cut on the t.p f his head, through the hca.1.
For the iao-t part the -tuuents do not be- Tee body lay on .to rjeck. its cam in the
trav tneaiseiV--3 bv tae suulitest woru or
ion tiaa ai:.i. i-uti .1 in.ti ueaioi nervous
-1 1 1 T r
; energj .a..l fj.t ii..-. I tr.etl to tret away
tn-u liut tae Vvo-tptaoaas were eager
for tne it stay and ;a- t-ac of their men
light. A-r-mst ia.- -! . fn- their sake. I
waited, tue .. An-., m -ani.-nile. 1 was
tiikcnouti.. the i..j. where the
V.'estphaliau iio.-. pix-on. 1 fr bis battle.
tcctor of that rgan. kot the old wuand
should lie oi-Tieil. Overoa iluopoosite sale.
ia the chair I have before meift.oned. the
I pirticipaiit ia the f-oriner dm-i -.was receiv
lag the docUir s atten.i 1. He was a pi-if -
lcolaas obj.-ct. near.v r.i -i..:igui the pom.
which he Iwie wi-hou i am -aiur. and a fel
low student wiii h j-il .-... , uaad. Bat a.
last he wa- patch- l p. . i dK'tor was free,
the new eo.i .- .1.11- .. m.' ret., and the
i sword and .: to'.-1 u.f w.thmiif teen minutes
j you will ! d ai - ourgeoii chair with
I wounds wuu u ycu ntusi biar tih dcith.
j But it i-pi 4"... .-: no -.-u:! end. I-rothing.
1 uerliap. in the vitahty
01 nnuni
01 niiuillt .." ;..! 1 .1 w... custom as teas
system. It 1- . ua:vai03is as picture-qua
1 K ,.,l,..
1 b.ivf jut 'f.i ed in IJcit f n" I. ti
lo.,i h J ri I Itc g.-l lo f- .
wt on- repair nl. C"''-"' " a' - 1
Ile was sfipiitd ui hj. trausers and then, lacsc v.v..m if.'' ch. 1 irvvca'cd frota
the paudiag b.-can. In :i previous duel this sleepin ; aev rth lees reclined .: - they shiv
maii had ujlJL hi.- nose seriously cut. and the cred or s,.-.,. w. a their head- ci . ..c r arms,
doctor thuii'Mt i.b ,Lfor him to -.vein-a nr.- uTcring. but makmgno sicrm Hvcrvoao
P'jkl dcI tros;faLa. but aill :iotuur
Tae nert moi-mg ho turned u? m.aui tj oa tao s;i-an:er to i.irerp-
years ago. at.d found mr-clf seated n"-J '
i gcatl'man who has been prominent in
Haasaehuietts pch'u-j and is some:::n-j
pol:eu cf a , a sta-em-a. Oa tLreo cr four
tuuVrent days I op aed a nnart of d-m-
.! cd . ..r?:.'. --ii
-1- - -- - - - --
ore ' -p-"1 -": p-. ref-I-v "'-- -
'l 1-2 a id Vdrm : tt ad :- ;--
s.nci th; eoris w-r- r-3 .-it' f-or
I coniua i cc put tae w ...ut yo 1 z: . i
ll-r-z r. j ta-t man s ntrme ;n can '"E.c
ashel tie u.cmbcr who h-i to'xiuicriLg
sorr "Ijt at all.'" was tao answer. The n
on L.3 o" u 1. -: ;. .re. "t. m?
scadyoaar v-V 'i zsLl Tae -n
sniiieland t..a-'J him. and the next 1. .y
r. 2iTiu nt 1 if? c: mufon wa- rece v i'.
.-.-" w t-1 :"c zlt
and is still pre .-rveubyc-.. o..
associates oi ta.- c-ceasci. was uu-
y"1? -- the estate caojid ?ir tne oi!L
n'-- e "c s;i!U " 3a l
' non-y ) cm as an so he paid
it himself.
Hf Aitr n;:iiiic3llT Tint :? ncad
Amonc th" dud in the L -vlJers iay c ne
air. ane. w:tu s'i-aig.-.t ja.'. .mj. ao r-j.u as
- red
l-.l l.wn ,-. 1 " . . -
iau u--a i-c. :av, . in . .us ti
baakinnt. '-rcr.--:-i. ! y-.ilc-it
to -. i.i-n . ., .-ot.ucj: -c iiavo
made a ...v or c-.v a tt - ti:am. . -h tc liht
a pipe vn-.'A latvc .:: r.,--:. 1 nse.
thmu taut :-a'- .1:0 . had hen . rn' to
, the rea: th.' wa-? r.ope!--
tad lost tricndi and .ill espcetcd feath on
, tk morrow. These m'ttr-. are mcntlcned
to show the improbab.-ity of anyonegoiajf
about dnnng ti.ose soiLmn houra to commit
guaotiy praca.-ai jo-c
' When the dawn broke the -ky wa stiil
clear. -"Xc shall have a warm day." tho
, writer's companion whispered as we rose in
thfl pray litht: '-let's give b-k the pjor
fievu his blanket."
Lead was retracted, the chin re-.eJ a the
collar-bone. The posrure was that of oae
suflering from iiten-" ctld.
Uut lor what had been prrv.r 'y ob-
served bat tbv the gliastiv evtd-nv of tho
uuuei-noi''-onc-.viai cav- .-w.j.11 t-Jtaa
had frozen to d.ti
?. 'r.nn st 3? c,uir-?'- 1 T.ilh
i' t I.t- ti"tr g ' s r
T: r r, r I" , . .
i .an- w. t -"ti- 1 ' riT-ir - n.t i""ivv