The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 27, 1888, Image 1

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    . wl XV.
Square Dealin
Summer Underwear at a 'lug CUT.
C. WIE1VER, Prop.
Red Cloud and Wvmore.
Geo. O.
30 OOO acreB L.ani for Sale. Improved Farms, unimprovec
BusinesB Houses. Besidences :
BBMc " " HjjBIlnKlBsi nnnrrnnnTnw ' - lnnnnnnnl ' 1:cr "-
Willclose oat th-
followiiiir "Oil.-
it a
Rather than carry overmea's
URimer uoat?
Men's seer sucker coats
;md vsts at 81.
Boy's seer sucker coats
and vests at 75 cts
A big lot of Straw
Hats at 25 cents a
piece worth from 40
to 75 cents.
Feiser & Co.,
For the next
You can buy
jp" ?rf ga (.
G. B. Cianey has gone to Denver
J Prof. Curran and wife are in the
I city-
I Uncle Bennv Heed has returned
! from v'olorado.
Wm. Arbuckle has received an in
crease of pension.
j L. C. Oimstead has cur thanks for
i some elegant green corn.
j Hew Ueo. U. x eiser will preach at
jthe Baptist church on Sunday.
The late rain? have been worth
i.i . r. r :.ii -.- i r-
mousanas ui uunarh io mc larmers.
Mr. Knsiel. a candidate for state
treasurer, was in the city Wednesday.
Mr. Hall, of Chicago, is in the cuy
trying to raise a fund to start a cream
ery. J. A. Tulleys left Mon. morning for
a trip west to be gone a few days on
If we get the woolen mills Bed
Cloud will have to haye about 40 new
houses to reut.
The street commissioner is putting
in numerous crossings and doing other
good work on the streets.
These hot days a fello feels like
shedding his paletot and seeking a
place that is cooler than this.
Hutchinson & Edgell hare refitted
the interior of their barber shop by
putting in new chairs and mirrors.
Sheriff Scott is haying more than
his eh are of affliction. His family has
been sick more or less for three or
four weeks.
The ladies who had the Catholic
festival in charge wish to kindly
thank the ladies who generously aid
ed them with eatable, &c.
Mr. Thos. Knight, of PhUlipsburg,
Karissas, an uld time frh-ud of Mr. K.
Skeen, and Mr. Boss, an- in the city.
It has been IS years since the two
K's have met.
A gentleman, or coninin-, living
in Pennsylvania, are anxious, to come
to Bed Cloud and start a two-set
woolen mill, eniploj ing not less than
40 hands. The gentleman thinks
Bed Cloud just the place for such an
The little daughter of Judge 31c
Keighaa died Wednesday and was
burried Tburs. afternoon. The little
sufferer has been afflicted with diph
theria and measles. The family have
the sympathy of our people in their
hour of sorrow.
T.-.L It -?. n .1 ..t
reier .uw in was one oi those Js-iUj
men who voted for Wm. Henry liar-
rison and reform, and remember the,
loo- oalnn ratnnaiVri wll It I,, i;, '
until nest November he will proudly
cast his vote for the illustrious
nephew, Benj. Harrison. And still
there's more to follow.
Married, Thursday at the resi
dence of the bride's parents, Bev. M.
C. Butler, officiating. Mr. Edward A.
Enright superintendent of public in
struction in Boone county, Neb., and
Miss Myra B. Brewer, of this city.
The Chief extends hearty congratu
lations to the newly wedded couple.
J. M. Young, who has been in bus
ness for two or more years in this
city under the firm name of Athow 4b
Young, is a well-known business man
and The Ceief will be sorry to have
him out of bnsiness as he is an enter
prising merchant and a liberal adver
tiser. We hope he will enter the
business circles again in the near future.
Geu. Whitson wa appointed c.p
tan:. I'rnf. W. C. Picking has returned
from hi? trip through the west.
Coi. Hoover has Lcen announced as
a candidate forcount representative.
Tt;e Catholic fe-tival Saturday eve
ning in Jackson grove was a grind
The institute folks "rave
an inter-
estint; entertainment Wtd. evening at
the M. E. church.
County Attorney
B. Letton. of
city en leal
, Fairbury. wa is the
business yesterday.
lr. .Taeob Nustein,
of St. Luuis
. .
j0., is in the city ana will st
rt hi-
ci:ar factory at once.
The Union Labor Tarty will nice
every Friday evening at the Odd Fel
lows hall until further notice.
Mr. J. L. Lee, of Shniedewend,
Lee Sc Co.. Chicago type fouuders,
was in the city Wednesday evening.
The city council will now invest in
amain from the creek to the city
well as the safest plan to secure a sure
and plentiful supply of water.
Earnest Muncey. who for several
mouths has occupied the position of
ageat for the Wells, Fargo Express
Co., baa hemm promoted to a passenger
run between McCook and Hastings.
The number of the cluD was limit
ed tu 52. It will be a very fine affair
when the boys become well drilled.
There is no citv in the state that can
get up a finer club than they can in
this city.
"Work has been commenced on the
Farmers' & Merchants new brick bank
building. Things are beginning to
boom up lively in Bed Cloud. With
railroads, factories, Ac, things will
boom pretty Hyely this fall.
There was an error inadvertantly
made in Peter Marsden's sale by which
we stated he would sell 25 head ol
cattle whea it should have ben 75.
Uncle Peter will have the biggest sale
eyer held in the county.
By reference to a dissolution no
tice m today's paper it will be seen
that the well known nrm of Athow &
Young has beon dissolved, John
Young retiring from the business and
W. H. Athow continuing the same at
the old stand.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Bed Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva J. Kixg.
County Sup't.
The Republican voters of Garfield
township are respectfully requested to
ass-emnle in the sciuiol house in dis-
trict No. 7, oil Wednesday, Aug. 15tb.
lSS, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for thspur
poee ot electine delegates to the regu
lar county convention to be held at
Ked Cloud. Aug. IS. A general attend
ance i solicited. There is to be sub
mitted to the meeting, the question of
a prohibition amendment to the con
stitution. Also other matter of im-Dort-tnce.
X. L. D. Smith,
Wm. Wolf, living in Garfield
township, while enroute to the city
with a horse that had been bitten by
a dog some time since, had to shsot
the animal before coming into the
city. The horse was very viicious.
He was bringing it over to have it
treated by aliorse doctor. This morn
ing Mr. Wolf had two more horses
die with the rabie and qpe steer. The
people of the neighborhood are killing
their dogs and many fear that a-great
deal of stosk h been bitten.
JULY 27 1888
Or:ru:ii.fl mid Eii-or;tora:-d. Red Cloud' Candidate for Attorn y
Articles incorporatinir the lied rnsrai.
Cloud street railway company were We havo jut learned that the rln.
received and tiled today by the t;cre- G K. Chaney. of this cit. i a prom
tary of the state. The articles recite , inent candidate throughout the stcte
that the principle place of business f ' for Attorney Genon! . It -.vnis that
the company shall be at lied Cloud. ' Mr. Chaney ha- beeii a candidate for
and the purpose and object ic be the several months. ami has been quietly
purchase of all rights and privileges i working up h;s interest through per-
granted, or to be srranted by the soia! friends in various parr of the
mayor and council of said cit. to
maintain, support and operate ahorse
street railway. To dc this a capital
... j. r f
stock of $15,000 is authorized, diyid- Mr.
ed into share of $100 each. The.l-jov
company was organized on the 15th
day of December. 1857. aid continues
until the 15th day of December, 1912.
tThe company is governed bv the fol
lowing board of trustees, viz: W. 0.
Taylor. W. Flaisiz and J. T. Mut
A Throash Slwper to Clilraso
Every afternoon at 3:55 o'clock,
upon arrival of trains from the west,
a magnificent Pullman Sleeping Car
leaves Topeka for Chicago via the
Great Bock Island Boute. making
close connection with the famous
"limited flyer" running through with
out change, arriving at, Chicago the
following morniag. This is certainly
the quickest 'and most convenient
means of transportation between
points in Kansas and tpe city of Chi
cago. ror accommodations in this
car, please notify your local agent,
and he will be glad to make such
reservations as you may require by
A Problrm Hard to Solve.
Take a strip of tin fire inches wide
by 13 inches long, draw a line diag
onally from corner opposite to each
other, then measure fr m wide end of
each triangular piece five inches
lengthwise and cut square at right
angles, you will then find that the tin
covers 65 inches. Take the same
pieces and place them together mak
ing a piece 8 inches square and by
actual measurement you will find that
the same identical pieces will only
covr 64 inches whep formed into a
square, the tin loosing one inch in
! thc s1uare ana aininS one m oDlong
j s"aPe-
I -
The Flambraa Clnb.
Tuesday eve about 50 enthusiastic
members of the republican club met
at republican headquarters in Cot
ting's hall for the purpose of forming
a flambeau club. The meeting was
called to order by B. B. Fulton, and
the objects of the meeting stated.
On moticn L. II. Wallace was made
permanent chairman and E M. Per
kins, secretary.
A motion prevailed that E. F. High
land. W. Thornburg and D. H. Kaley
be a committee on constitution,
torches, &c.
AdTrtld Letter.
Letters remaining uncalled for at
the postoffice at Bed Cloud, Neb., for
the week ending July 23d, 1S33.
A. B. Adams, 2 H. C. Knight,
Frank Lovell, M. H. Sammis,
Lillie Howe, Ida Byan,
These letters will be sent to the
dead letter office Aug. 20th, 1SSS, if
not called for before.
A. S. Marsh, p. si.
Cemrmde Atteatlea.
There will be a special meeting of
James A. Garfield Post No. SO, on
Tuesday, July 31st, 1888, at 8 o'clock
p.m. for Post inspection by Depart
ment Inspector Geo. TV'. Stultz. Com
rades come out in force and give
Comrade Stultz a harry welcome.
B. . P ost Com.
NO 52
state, but. had not mentioned it here
f except to one or two confidential
friends, until it !caktd out through
Yot. the 'thcr day. who ha
own it since the Chicago conveu-
t tion, and perhaps before. Mr. Chsn-
i ey is certainly well qualified for th
I m
position. He is the author of three
different law books, two of which re
late to Nebraska law?. One a digest
io the Nebraska reports, and the other
a book called "Nebraska Citations."
They both seem to have given entire"
satisfaction io the profession, and
made quite a reputation for MY. Chan
ey as a lawyer over the state. His1
numerous works have been highly
spoken of by prominent lawyers and
judges and especially so by Jutrge
Aniosa Cobb, of the Supreme Court,
and Judges Brewer and Dundy, of the
U. S. Circuit and District Court, Wm.
Leese, Attorney General, and Hon.
J. M. Thurston and G. W. Lambert
sor., and Thb CfilEP hopes that he
will be nominated and elected. We
have known Mr. Chaney for about
: five years, aa a quiet respectable citi
t en. As a lawyer he stands in the
front ranks of his profession. Bed
j Cloud has furnished s governor for
I the state bow let her furnish an at-
torney general.
Per stale or Trade.
640 acre? of land io Logan county,
Nebraska, for sale or exchange for
property in southern part of state.
Also 75 head of younir stock, as a
whole or in part to suit purchaser. A
splendid opportunity for some one
who wants to go into stock business.
Near to an extensive range. In a
good neighborhood. School and
postoffice one half mile. County seat
seven miles. Good improvements,
good soil, living water, close to line
of railroad now being built. 31 ill site
on the place. 95 acres in cultiva
tion. Call on or address,
W. F. Kellogg,
Bed Cloud,
Bos 156. Nebraska.
Farm Loans.
Lots of money to Loan on farms at
6 7, 7i, 8, 8, 9 and 10 per cent in
terest, for 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, or 7 years.
Interest payable annually or semi-annually
and principal payable all or in
installments at any interest pay day.
These terms ought to suit most
anybody. Call on or address me at
Bed Cloud, Neh, Office in north end
Moon block. G. W. Bap.ker.
Inavale, Neb. Special correspon
dence to the hief J Nice rcia
which makes the aimers feel jubi
lant. Born. o the house of Vandyke a
presidential candidate which is sup
posed to be called Harrison and will
you telegraph Grover and have this
thing vetoed
The father doing well.
Lox Fellow.
To Brfcool Mrectoi.
All directors of school districts
having outstanding school bonds upon
which interest is dne and unpaid and
for the payment of whieh no tax was
voted at the last meeting, are reques
ted to notify me of such fact at ence
together with sinonnt of bond and
r " of inters
J. H. Bah