The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1888, Image 4

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W$ n! J&velifond Hhhfl.
A. c . 3i:..2i:
ka f joriAi, i:r;rrRiscA' ticket.
For President.
of Indian:!,
ror Yiee-Prcsitlent.
i.i:vi i 33tTox,
oi' Xcw York .
For Congress, 2d j)i..tri-t.
ION. JA3:i-:s I.AIK9.
... s
... 4
. ..
... :
Kepuul trail County i'l'iivcntiiM-..
Tile rem!lieai. electors of Webster
county. Nebraska, are reti'iested to
send eel -rites from their .-evcral :c
cinc'S t silent i:i convention :it th
voort l.i.-e in the citv of lied Oloml.
Saiurda-. An".:?! lStli, 1SSS, at 11
o'clock . in., lor if e purnu.-.Rof Humi
liating o.r.tiitiatis lor tlit: following
offietR.;: ( hit re pre-t ntative, one coun
ty atton ev, a! to .-elect nine dele
gates to the cij :ton:u convention,
nine deleii.Ues tothe float rpiesenta
livc conyenti'in. : nil nine delegates to
the ttflto 'onvciuion and for the trans
action of such other business as may
cums before the convention.
The rntio of representation is one
delegate at large from each precinct
aud one delegate for every 15 votes or
major fraction thereof cast for Hon.
Samuel Tdaxivcli i:-: 1SS7. which will
entitle the varr.ns precincts to
following number of delegates::"
lied Cloud prechu't
.!:, it -ird
u ..- .....1 ..
Milt I
tiuide Rok
Vi " ltd.. - a a a aaa aa a a a a a a
M ltuta-alaU aa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
X'! a a 4
'Ivll UWl a a a a a a a
1 1 J4 III JIIj
1 Uui j
W&ISltXt C l!('i.... ....................
JmUL a a a a a a a
Jcj4Vir Cjcck...-............. .............
j.i i t tr.v .... .... .... .... .... ...... .... .
" MmmW I It-11 ... .... ........ ..... . . . a . . ........
Calberton 4
Pleasant J till .;
Jt i-? rocomtMvh'-i that the primaries
be held in the J-evfiral precincts on
Wednesday, Ancust 15tli, ISSft'.
Tin; ii lowing resolution was adopt
ed by the central committee and made
a part of this call:
Resolved, Tliat the central com
mitteemen ire instrucvj-l to submit
the question of a prohibitory amend
ment to the constitution, to the re
publican voters at the republican pri
maries and that the result of such vote
or expression be certified to by the
chairman and secretary of the pri
mary and returned to the county con
vention with the credentials of the
delegates elected at such primary, the
form of the ballot should be "for sub
miesion." or "against submission." By
order of the central committee.
D. F. Tkunkf.y A. J. Ken-net,
Secretary. Chairman.
Sorely AlUlt ted. I
lied Cloud issotely afiiiccd, not1
from plague or pestilence, nor drouth j
nor jrrass hoppers, but tht source of )
our afliiction comes from the j
presence in tin.- community ol a very,
small number of political bosses.
That their identity may be fully es
tablished the C-:iiJ:r h:sieus to in-
How Halibut, Haddock, Cod and
Ecrrins Aro Caught.
the public that thev are
same feliow.s who tought the defeat
of the republicancounty ticket last fall
some cf whom made their places of
business headquarters for democratic
politicians. Their leader, who i but
little more than a popphij.iy. has
been heaid to boa.-t that his little
crowd could control the politics of
Webster countv. I'oiitical bussisr.i
tara Vcsr!' T!:at Travrl Hurn'rctl of
Miles in Ortlur tn C;tlrh tli Scaly
Creatures TIio Inl rtl:o Col
onistsA :rat Ii;Iiitry.
Xotiieto l:;a:l:!ist!i Valley K. K. !.: Ilw..' j
.-.I .. V.. ...!.. t... f..ll..n hit' l:ml. !!! I
uor:li',cji.'u!!oJUj-ww.tJ ' tli liorlli-wu-M
I i f action 10 town ! rniiire :) et. frt.'r
aroiwiua.i jiiLrcititous .u to tue lat ot .. j-J fr n,,. ttwe of tlu Mar i:vs". :;:tuunt ot
their existence. Tlu observation of the j t.cH 7,i. tini" lr redcmi'thoi win oiiiie
XovtmlwffdLlT'Y. Mien aiii'imM1 niuc.ii.ii
fcr a ! r' :a - itec.l. F Itaua.
Sb Wh- H may Concern. j CALIFORNIA
A Serpent Tliat .iiiel Itelf Tocether
Afte:- iiuiuj; Cut ia Two.
Persons who never saw a joint snako
writer and trc J:iiiaj of four or livx; of tho
tters" iu fiis iifj lias reciovcJ all
than once defeated the re
iias more
this fall; what we want is a full and
fair expression of republican voters
at the primaries as to their choice for
legislative candidates, llecciitly in
this city these political bosses at
tempted to organize a Ilanison and
Morton club in opposition to the reg
ular republican club simply because
they were not consulted about the a
pointment of a committee, but as the
could not muster a half-dozen follow
ers we suppose the- will abandon that
scheme to disorganize the party. The
real j-ccret of their plotting at this
time is to defeat the nomination of
Hon. A. J. Kcimey. of this city, for
state senator. The fact that 31 r.
Keiiney has provoked the ire of this
small coterie of political bosses is the
strongest possible reason why he
Tor halibut, hatliJoc': and the toothsome
cod, the banks, hundreds of miles out to sea,
are sought by the ves.vsor from ninety to
twice that uaii v tons burden, which snentl
lucre as many
iloubt1. so far as ho is concerned, says tho
Corinth iSIiss.) lltrcd-1. The only open
question remain ir is: Do the disjointed
snakes unite t :u pieces and live ugaiu!
This is by many persons asserted, tad yet
by as many disputed. The unitmjr is just i winner. 1"b-", will
as reasonable :vi !li"i'is?.i!utinr. it. i tho : trsiniertadteil
' tail, VVIllUll IU..OI.UI.UJ UU'JUL LV. U-Lil.lUii Ul
Alliort ljl-t!lli!:
that 1 hate itir liavlat t;i .-ah- Not-ui"fr :..
IS;, lo-ttit- The north ea-.t Jt of the norM-CH.Ni
i of M-ftion ."1 low ii '', nince '.', Wcii-trr f.uity,
N:lr.i.-ka, forthe ta.-s of ilu e.:r !8n". :oi:n:r
Sa.t-, if notifiU'eiiiiiHiL'f'icthe::tI diy : iu-
iuakc aiijun' toa mr ,.
1 IE.mii:.
re liereiiy afiiucu ufciVArfK i i 1 V ' A M)S
JkJM I W 4AAVXJ - - ...--.v.. -wv mj
i f ifritw i n n i uui uttiiiir iii iii.t. i
i.i:iuL w uro necessary io ti,-i:.i .) o u, i,.i.. ,... u ......:.:';.".:.;.:;.:. ... :;.: . i
secure a load or fate, as it is technical!:.' , disjoints. An old dariev whom wc inter- t!iiiu.rt!i-v.isti-of.of!ion-wtvii :: nuip-
calleu. Ine sysmiioi an-on;; pumued by ( vietve 1 -aid " ' VtVttr mntv. Nt-hra-skr., for tin iacof
these pot-humers"' would i-.rcelvobfin . ti ' . . . .i - -r Hietear ISC amount ; ii not rcdfci.u-1
ilio -in-ii-ovil r 'n-"r"f . " e .,.- T-!i 1 kuows keysets together again, for I i.fon-il.".l .1 iyof x,,tw:ii)..r iv I will in:.k
llio apiiuHdl of aiocrso fcpor., mj., toe knicd tha tail of one, left in little short ai.pItaitIonfiir:itn;iiuT-siaxilcwl. !-....
Chicago .nw Liucsauisle or so m length, i pieces; the head got awav, and xviien I got ..,.,. , , ,., ,. . , ,
With hoohs att.icl.o.1 at -.tx.'cct intervals arc , i, ,,; ti. tl-i ; !.. hf.,l" 1-..1 .t!i--P.l "ill w- -r'"-r: Iwi!!::otify;..m tnat I l..-:"l t
anchored iu the shallows ovu-r the banks. ; ? tZ T ..TV l,f '.-"AYO.V.".'"".;-- i!:-"M ?"'?'. lA
i.... i.-i.o n.'c-i.i.-i n.m uii uii. uvuu til in.' i'llli!l-uv."-t !- '! Sv'Clloil ' Until . ..'.li '
Hoc that ur trab narL. Wf A AC
IE. is o". e"---v bo;t c i- - .n every
bottle ." ti t pka--:" ' ix x. rem
edy. S-iti-f:. -tti'it n r"' l or-ntun
ev refill- ltd y I ; . o-
the kcvii and body
aud hitches thorn
mm i.f.w, - i v.j,i o;- conr io raavi: t.'icrn.,.t-cnn i
nrmc. ..- , r. - .i - ....-- -i-rson, a
. i...,w- i.n ;,,, ivv ait: uc&I!,'- tostiliCi.4
HUU.U .ii-.- .vi in ;;;3nT. auti in uu morning,
cve:y hook freshly bJi. u with a terao of
iish, and ttr.'eo in twenty-four hours t her
.hi; uuuicu uif. ii.uiii oter nana, ov men m t .. i.i. ..,...;,. i r-: i, i
t...ii. . .. - .: i vii Aiiku Litiwiiii- u.ix. ;iuii i;ij3trv uuas
):irty; we want none ul it uores, .-i ueiai-n su.-a yict.m. as arc quesUcn, ho said: "The snake scarched
jj-uBai..iiMirciiewuioirec luncii oirercato , about in til0 pr;is,. ttll it fouml tho piecM
thescalvrounu rs ot the ocean. As fast as , theil tarnCtl itl tail cru, to lno pU? and
tney are taken, the end or halibut arc dnod , it :ti,...i i,-,-t-.,r,,i i,;.!,i i, ....
in tl-oeim m.,.1 -i.,..J -1. .,-., :.. .1., ! I -"-"'-"""" '" piv-uu",
... ...w UHU ...iv 0LV.t llUktll I. LllU U.13L1 LB
vory iatelligeat ccioral laan. !f. 'AV.rU-jr .-::., :M.-b-iI.:i, for thetavsr. -
more c!irctlv to the point. ITc ,",; l".V 'TTl-;"": V " -.1' -'t " 1 r,.''r '" ,l
1 tanv; they got, tcgiitner again. I sijiiiticatioa for :i 1 renirer la: ih-etl. 1 It una
I said
have watched them;
jnt back id to the pice
should receive the support of republi
can voters at the coming primaries
T'ncle Pave Featherly feels proud
of the fact that lie voted for the re
nowned William Henry Harrison for
president in 1840. and that he will
have the pleasure of voting for his
grandson in 1883, just 48 years later
for the same office.
Seal 1-Miatc Transfer for the Week
Kndiu Jul) till, 18X8, Hi Reported
by flic Port Abstract -!iipaiir.
The Helmet man says that it hasn't
made a statement in regard to the
"Great Chinese stuff." The facts
are, that the Helmet, like all other
democratic sheets, does not stop a
moment to see whether the articles
are true or not which it publishes,
hut just puts them in to fill space. No
one knows better than the Helmet
man that his report ou the Chinese
trai-h n reference to the republican
presidential nominee is all bosh and
the epithet '-you are a liar" comes
from the democratic ranks. Mr. Har
rison did his duty like all other good
c:tizcr.s in trying to live up to alltreaty
stipulations, and the harcfaccdness of
the Helmet s assertions in regard to
tho juhihmt Chinamen" over Harri
son's nomination is altogether to
visible for any sensible man to be
lieve i'oi one moment. Politics.-.
It does seem to us as a bad piece
of politic., on the part of a few well-
known men to
to organize a
sccona republican club to further
their own political aspirations. If a
few people have grievances to work,
let them do it in a manner where the
trick is not transparent on its face,
and not try to carry out their faction
alism in the party lines by diirupt
ingjhe present republican club in
this city, which is now healthy. "In
unity there is strength." and to di
vide the ranks means a failure of en
thusiasm to a large extent in that
body. I'copie may decline olhcial
positions before they arc thrust upon
tlim but if they should receive nom
inations we have no fear hut what
they would be accepted. Therefore,
lb'-- of condemnation will be plac
ed upon the man or set of men who
attrjipt to run the party for self ia
tercst, and thus keep open the politi
cal sores of the past.
Jefferson (J. and Douglass J.
Myers, to Eliza J Pitney
SJ; X.F4;S W 33-2-12,
w d $1000 00
Jefferson G. and Douglas J.
Myers to R.R.Pitney lots
14, 15 ani pt 16 blk 2 In-
avale w d
C. B. Nelson ct a1, to Lillian
31 Webster S A lots 12 13
and 14 blk 6 Ilohrers add
to Blue Hill deed
James 3IeHngh to Archibald
M. Kay swj 2G-4-12
Louisa Hill and husband to
Geo. O. Yciser lots C 7 S
blk 12, Bit add to Bed
Cloud, w d
C. B. & Q. B 11 Co. to D.
A. Brownell . w -J-1- 2-11
John G. Shelly to Jacob
Andrcst lots 13 and 14 bk
14 Kalcy & Jacksons add
to Bed Cloud w d
C B & Q B B Co to William
McDonald s c - 23-4-12
Wm. J. Vance to Douglas G
and Jefferson J Myers lots
14 and 15 blk 12 Inavalc
w d
Wm. B. Craw and wife to
John Blain, west pt lot 4
blk 5 Cowles. w d
B & Q K It to Neb Ileal
Kstate Live Stock Assn.
w -r s w J- 35-4-11, deed
C B ct Q It B to Neb. Bcal
Estate and Live Stock Co.
e h s w - 35-1-1 1 deed
-Marshall P. Hurd and wife
to Jacob M. Allen lots 13
and 14 blk 7 Inavalc w d
Marshall P. Hurd and wife
to Jacob M. Allen lots !,
10. 21. 12, and 13 blk 12
Inavalc, w d
United States to Isi'ali S Bcal
s c j, 12-3-11, patent
900 00
700 00
1S00 00
000 00
320 00
400 00
1280 00
50 00
10 00
400 00
320 00
200 CO
000 00
holds, whence the former are shoveled out
many weeks later, in the leather-like condi
tion one buys them in the corner grocery.
The fresh halibut and cod ono buys in the
market aro caught near tha shore by
smacks, which make two tripi a week
to the less distant grounds. In this
way are taken nearly all the haldoek, which
arc sow un.alted for the most pan, owing
to the comparatively small number found.
Halibut is by far the most proatablo garuo
for tho nSherniau. A fair-sicd one at 5
cents a pound is worth scverafdollars, and
it is not unusual to find them weighing three
hundred weight a piece. Such bijr fellowu.
at flu or 15 each, soon makeup a satisfacto
ry cargo. But, a3 has been said, tho ' vyj"
for catching thorn is more expensive. Lines
as big as your little finger arc required to
hold them, and other tackle of proportionate
strength and size. A simple cod rig costs
523 psr man for each of tho dozen or so of
stout sailor boys who mako up tho crew of
a first-class sea-gomg fishing boat The ar
rangement usnally made is, that the skip
per who employs tiiomen pays all tho ex
penses of a voyage from the sum he receives
for his cargo. One-fifth of what remains
"goes to the boat," or, in other words, is
the captain's snare. The balance is divided
equally among the crow, each of whom is
thus made :i partner in tho venture an
arrangement well calculated to stimulato
activity in the pursuit of edibles that swim.
And this is whore the swiftness of the ves
sel is useful, ;n chasing the schools and in
making trips out and home again as short as
may be. A great pest of the deep-sea lish-
crmen is tho ground-shark but now and
then one is caught as big as a dory say,
twelve feet long aud its liver will fill
twelve buckets, at Sl-TO a bueket, for oiL
Even tho cheeks and tongues of the cod,
which in old times wore thrown away, are
now turned into money. Many people like
to eat them fried, and one dealer told tho
writer that he himself had sold $30,000
worth of them ia the last eight vcara Tho
entrails of all the fish aro dbioscd of for
fertilizing purposes.
The harvesting of tho scaly crop each
year is an industry of gigantic proportions,
employing the services of many thousand
ablo seamen a-.d a multitude of vessels,
both big and sm ill. These vessels are the
finest of their kind to bo found anywhere,
notafewof t'.-"jivieing in tho expeusivc
noss of their construction and the elaborate
ness of their equipment with first-class
yachts. Speed, next to safety, is tho chief
disideratum in the modern fishing-boat, and
even Mr. Burgess, the celebrated designer
of pleasure craft that beat the world, has
not disdained to build sloops and schooners
which contend with frantic emulation from
season to season for the proud distinction
01 " mgh-tinc or the fleet."
The fishing-grounds off tho New England
shores arc tho most valuable known. To
tho interest felt by rival nations in secur
ing possession of them history mainly at
tributes tho colonization of North America.
Tho reports of early explorers touching tho
wealth of the AVestern seas coming at a
period when Roman Catholic Europe con
sumed an incalculable amount of fish in
times of religious fasting iravc riso to the
most intense excitement and set on foot
business speculations wbieh were destined,
in the course of years, to coajuro up tho
specter of grim-visaged war. For two cent
uries the French and English fought, over
the profitable waters, which oven at the
present day are a subject of international
dispute. Tho oarly colonists earned their
bread and butter chiefly with hook and line,
and ia those days the salary of tho minis
ter, the debt due tha merchant, and in fact
mosi pecuniary omigations, were paid in
the stuplo conuno-iity, lish. And in this
prejcut year of grace. LSiS, the population
along the orlii Atlantis shore subsist to a
great extent on .: lish dio', aud is supported
mainly by the Kilo of the great ocean's fin
ny inhabitants, fresh and saltcl.
Of l.VMXM.OOO pounds o;fi.$h captured annu
ally the bulk coasittA cf cod, haddock and
ha!ibi:t. On tho great -Iv.rki." or shallows,
which extend for liuedreus of i.iiles ia the
midst of the Octy v: su. far from land,
these orrj of the s.':i rr.'thrr by myriad in
the springtime, coming up f.-o:n f.i'.hoinless
wateiv. whithci- they have- lxtr stcd to es-
then gathered up the other piecas the same
The skin of these reptiles is somewhat of
the nature of scales running around in
rings. The joints aro on the dove-tail or
der, the flesh appearing to be spongy and
bloodless with a small bono running
through the middle. When molested tho
snake throws oflf its tail into several pieces,
and while the attention is directed to the
floundering pieces, the bead and main body
slips o.T and hides. This much we know,
and wc don't doubt its ability to " put itself
together again " if left alone to the task
IIow an Albany 'Lawyer Secured a Verdict
iu Ills Faror.
A recent incident, related by the Albany
(N. Y.) Journal, pretty well illustrates the
elasticity and resources of the law. A gen
tleman bought at auction an alleged brick
house for Sl.000, paying $500 down. Tho
same evening he was informed by friends
that it was not a genuine brick house, but a
" veneered" one that is, a frame house
with a singlo thickness of brick outside.
He consulted Lawyer A as soon as possi
ble, and the lawyer secured an injunction
restraining the auctioneer from paying
over the.$S0O to the seller anfl then brought
suit to recover the $300 and 1,000 damages.
Lawyer B, representing the seller of the
house, looked into the matter, consulted
one or two architects, and became satisfied
that he had no case; that Lawyer A was
right in claiming that the fcouso was not
brick, and that a fraud had been committed
m sclkng it for a brick house. He there
fore compromised with Lawyer A byre
turning the jyft). The auctioneer was un
able to collect his commission from the
eller, the latter claiming that he had in
structed the auctioneer to sell the house
for what it was, and had not authorized him
to scyit as a brick house. The auctioneer
then consulted Lawyer A to see if ho could
aid him. "But you advertised and sold the
houso as a bride housoi" Yes." Then,
if wo can prova it was. a brick house I
think we can recover." replied Lawyer A.
He looked around and found two or three
builders who were willing to testify that it
was a brick house. The foundation and
basement were brick. Ho then brought
suit to recover tho 573 commission, Lawyer
B again representing the sellor. At tho
trial Lawyer A was on hand with several
witnesses to prove that the house was a
brick one. Lawyer B was not prepared for
this lino ef attack by A, and had no wit
nesses on hand to rebut him, and A secured
judgment for tho 75 with costs.
11.15. S-rttt: I will imlif yi!t that I ha
hough: ;u ti:r tax sato Nt mtii-r, ." 1;, Co--. it:
Pan n:' i.'n ltuh-cst i-j of :iu-tii!:-et : - .jf
-ect:oiiCtv.ii 1 ranae tl. W Ktcr count. ' -bntska,
for tht nittSot ttir year 1S.n", ntiuvmit
$L'Si , Jt uiitict'i'Ciiitd it 'on lhi:M !:: ol Xc
teiuber, l-SS, I will t;.:ir ai.l!-a!:tn ir :.
treasurer':! tar dew!. l Itauni.
Albert I-ithfop: I nill notify vou Unit 1 !i:ti
bought at die tax ile ."o mif-cr, 3 I..';. t-v. i :
IMrtuf the ,ou!"i-cat i-l of the southeast 1-J
ectiom town 1 nmne'J went, Webster county,
Nebraska, for the tanu.s of t'.e jear l.vvJ, amount
Sl.i:;, if not redeemed before the nd day of Xo
vemtiwr isen, I wilt mnke application for a treas
urers tax deed. L. Itauin.
El oYs-ttT:
Albert I-Mhrop: I will notUv vou that I have
bought at the- tax sale November ::, ibnT. the
iiottli-we-rt 1- of the north-eat W of section ."I
tnn'iiniii;-e', Webster county. Nebraska, for
iueiaes or ineTeirivr., amount .jS.TU, if not
n'divm.Ml before the &I dav ot November. 1S.
I will make application lor a treasurer's tax
deed. L.Baum.
Albert Lnthroi-: I M notifv vou that T have
bought at the tax sale November :;, ;. Mlit
smith-wett 1-4 of the north-east 1-4 Nec'ion- :;i
town ranw , Wwbster coiuity. Nebraska, for
the taxes of the j'e-ir 1s3. amount ?.7;, if not
redeemed before the :id day of November. 1$S
I will make application for reasiirer's tax
deed. L. Baiim,
Albert I-ithrop: I win notifvyou that I have
bought at the tax sale November a, ish;. the
Nouui-enn 1-1 01 the nortu-e;t: 1-1 section si
town - rauiw 9, Webster county, Nebraska for
tlie taxes of tliyc;irlNN',aiiioimt.HJ4, if not
redeemed befon the 3d dry of Novemlter. iss.
win in.-tK amuieation ior a treasurer s tax
deed. L. Bamn.
Henry WaKciier: You are hereby noticed
that I have nurcJi.csetl attbe tax s:ile JIoember
3, l.sA, to-wlt : The north-west l- of the north
west 1-4 of section - town 1 ranfje 10, Web!cr
county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the vear las.-.,
amount iCM, if not redeemed before November
3. ise.;. 1 will m:iktaidiuatiou for a treasisrer's
tax deed. Lllaiim.
kvrfi m n cluf 1 srZtiK
"UirwX;; "7 TttA
O- L'UNC-5 "Sold aa Gftl
SericTfcr CtVcoZar.I 6trtcltft3fcr9 '
lleiirj' Usgener: You are hcrebv notitiei!
that I have jtiircliased at the tax sale November
3,I$$i;,to-wit: The south-vast l- of the uorth-
uesti-tMCH-iiona towu rane 10, Webster
county. Nebnwltik. for the taxes of the year liss.
amount 8."..:jo, If not retleemed before xoemler
3, 1, I will make application for atreastirer'.s
tax deed. JBauin.
By dispelling the symptoms so oftea
mistaken for cntiiimt)tion. SANTA
ABIE has lroui;.it gla'lns to many a
bouseliolil ami lv promptly breaking
up tna coutjh ami toM that too often
developed into that fatal disease wi
yet syve thousands from an ui'time y
crave. You make no misfake by
keeping a bottle cf this pleasant reme
dy always in the Iious.
f--. unr Hwai.
5S2G0 00
A mass meeting of the democratic
party will be held Saturday. July 2S,
to elect delegates to attcn congres
sional conwiition at Hastings, Aug.
Farm Loans.
Lots of money to Loan on farm.c at
fi 7, Ti-. S, SA-. 9 and 10 per cent in
terest, for 1, 2. 3, J, 5. C. or 7 years.
Interest payable annually orsemi-an-nually
and principal payable all or in
installments at any interest pay day.
These terms ought to suit most
anybody. Call on or address me at
lied Cloud. Neb, Office in north c::d
Moon block. G. W. Bakkek. '
No I merest Taken.
"Wc wish to demonstrate the super
iority of fall wheat, over spring wheat
flour, and have therefore placed some
on sale at3Ir. Emigh's market. Per
sons trying flour from our celebrated
mills, mutt return the sack when
empty, if they can't make good bread
and get their money returned.
cape the winter".; col. to feast upon the
countless shoals of smaller fry that aro
bred for tho sole purree, socminfrlv. of
providinj; food for their bij-yor cousins. As
the warn v.- i.ihci approach"'; the herring',
alowivcj .. ni o: !?! .ehfahi Usable fishes,
arrive from tl-.1 E.u!?m '.ra'ennpr placer.,
v.'hero tl-ty hjvo iKcn spoad-E'- the cold
month?, so incaCnrabl'. .v.i l;c.v. m this
tibomiuaI!o climalo. Tho--c aliporry cun
tomcr.s, the eels. too. como -.iriurydown
f roai the little creeks ..nd c siu.:riea where
they have found comfortable bods of nice
warm mud to hibernate in. In b.iof, it is
the joyous season in the hrinv dontb as well
aa oa the dry earth.
As a rule a vessel j;ocs or. a fishing expe
dition wiUi some particular cort of prey in
view. A "cod' rig wJ abo serve for tad
dock, but for halibut fclroL-gcr tackle and
bigger hooks are needed, while mackerel
and herring must be tIjea in r.ots. 7hU3 it
is that boats usually sail from port equipped
suitably lor cantttriu? a sin jie laud of lish,
to the netting or booking of which cachcralt
devotes its exclusive attention.
A uarber Who Brcaine 'Raid by TMag
His Own Hair Restorer.
"Do you sec that fellow!" said a well
known man about town to -a Philadelphia
yeica reporter, pointing to a short, stout,
florid-faced man, who was coins up Chest
nut street with a swing.
"Yes; whatcf h:m '
"He is a retired barber. He made lots
of money during the centennial with a line
of stages out at the grounds, and then en
deavored to attain tho height of his ambi
tion. What was thai?-'
" The same as aH barbers. He wanted to
invent a hair restorative, and he went to
work at it Ue fitted up a laboratory in his
house and tilled ii full of chemicals and oth
er stuffs, with which ho exparinicnted for a
couplo of years. Finally he thought ho had
struck it. He tried it on a dog that had had
the mange, and it, really seemed to brin
back the animal's hair. That settled it. Ho
ordered bottle:, by thousands, had Ins namo
blown on them, and prepared to furnish
consolation fo all bald-headed men at ono
dollar per bottle.
' Just before he got his stuff put, up hi3
wife suggested that ho try a little ofitoa
his own hair, which was becoming a triflo
scattered ou top. lie was enthusiastic
abr.ut tho prospective result, and he tried
it. He pus it on oac night as ho was going
to bed. When he arose in the morning ho
was as bald as a billiard-ball, aud his locks
were lying all about him. His hiiJr had
come oat, roots and all. liy f rimid wc.irs a
wig now II; didn't put. his conroutLa on
the ti:.r!iet, a:.d 1 believe ho has the bottlea
Max Members: You are hereby notified that
I have purchased at the tax sale. November 3.
lsw, the following deseribeit land: The nortli-eai-t
1-1 or the north-west IA of section 3 town ;
raiie 10. Web-rter eoimty. Xebnwka. for the
taxes of the year ishb, amount jj, !f not re
leciiiedleroreXoveiiil'er3. 1 will "m:ixe
apl'licatlon for a treasurer's tax deed. I- Jlaiim.
Max M elnliers: You are hereby notilied that
ili.ueiMiiclKHedat the tax Kile oember3,
1S.:. to-xvit: Thi la of the north.
wesi i- 01 secuon aiown 4 ranee
eo'intv. Nebraska, for the taxes hr
amoimt S..30. if not rrdeemeil lM-forp
3.1s, I will make appliration for a treasurer's
uuuecu. juwiB.
r. Mnr
.SEW TC ClClcAl.
THE o NLy-i
cure. rn:l
Henry Mjner: ouareheroby notified that
Ihavei'tircha-sedattlie tax sale Noemlcr ::.
lSNi, to-wit: The north-eatl-4 of the north-east
I- of section x. town 4 rail In, esr, Webster
county. Nebraska, for the taxes of the vear 155,
aillOIIIlt -V..30. if not redeeilleil befnri.
j, iw, 1 win iiuiKeaMHication for a treasurer's
tax ueeu. 1 luiim.
Henry You are herebv notiled
that I have purchased at the tax sain ivpnilr
3, lKft;, to-n-it: The south-west 1-4 of the north
east i-t of section ar. tow it 4 range to, west, Vel
ster county, Nebnuka, forthe taxes of the e:.r
las."., ai.onnt tr.M if not refioetned liefon tliV .tI make aiuilication
for a treasurer' tax deed. Ij. Ikium.
TJie only iuantutccd cure for cabrrh,'
cold in the hea, hay Sever, ItosSbid
cat.1r.1hal dcaf-iess and soar eyes, re
stores the sense of taste and smell
removed bad taste and unpleasant
breath, resulting l'mia catarrh. Follow
directions and a cur is warranted by
all flrusjrist. Send for circular to
In 1VaK.... I & - . "- Jix.tiii fi
tlH-yerrlP1 sent '-" .-V-SI-IO
re NVve,.,! f SANTA ABIE ANP (
saie oy
Henry Cook, Acent.
VhoIesaleAgtnts Lincoln. Xcb
Henry M:u:ener: You an herebv notil'.ed
that I have purchased at the tax .sale Xovembei
3,lsW,to-wit: The north-east 1-4 or the north
east 1-4 of section r. tow 11 4 ramce lowest, Web
ster county, Nebnc-ka, for the taxes or the vear
I.-,, amount S5 Jo. It not redeemed befttre the 1
day of Ntivemhcr.lss". I will make amrtieation
for a treasurer's tax df ed. I., liaiim.
lleiirj M'a-reiier: ou are hereby notilied
that I have purchased at the tax sale November
a 13;,tiMit: The north east 1-4 of the nurth
west 1-4 of section ! town 4 raime lo. west, V.'eb
ster county, Nebraska, for the taxes of the vear
1SS5, amount ?5.3, If not rcrteemeu Ivfore "xi
vember a. H-, 1 will nmke amilication for a
treasurers tax died. I.. Jaum.
Ilcnrv Wairener: You nre l:erlr notin-il Mint
I Have purchased at th- lax sale .Nov. :;, is.;, n-
.n; me somir.esi i-i 01 me noniiwet l-l ot
.ci-snani, range
lorine xaxes
if not nleceinc
aMiIicauoti lora treasur.r' tax ced. I., llaum
outii-.c'M i-i 01 me nonnwe! i-i ot
i4, range 10. Wvbicr countv. Neb..
s or the year 13, amount .?:l, aed
ined before r-t-.s, iy$s I uillm.iU
!5tv-;i).vT-scnoor. Tzicztcn ' Tommy, do
you know what the meaning of ' Amen'
is?" Tommy -Yes'm; it's what thopco
fta say when they thiak it's time for the mia
Itr to stc."
The Celebrated Stallion
wm a
-a- v.-. .ue fjj n-m.'-
Henry t.iRencr: onare hereby notified that
I :ae piirchavd at :t. tax sale ov. r lc. to
wn: 1 1; soutii.:wt : jortln' northeast 1-4 of see
:r.. town 4. ran:.' lowest. Webster nmutv. Neb.,
forthe taxes 01 l..f.i-:irf-i-. :iiii.i-iit -. -it ;e ...,r
red eiiMd beforr Nov. 2, x. t ,i:i make"ai"i;
catiOi: for a treasurer's iix deed. L. L'auai, '
John '.V.'u:t,yoiinre herebv notified, that I
hoM tax s:;h cert dated Nov 1. lsfnrt!u
tax of !.vr.,.ii thh north 'z of the lieniurter of
.see louit 1 ranw : w. ;nn.. In U'cbster coun-
j anil Man- 01 .-.erasKj. ami Hc3se(I 111 our
name, rtie tlm. Tor rt'iI?mitioii will cvpire
Niv isss, if not retliemMt previous to that
tuiitj I will apply to Omnty treasurer for 3 fix
deed. F. W. 'nuitou.
Whhmov I
If UHUllgUl
' "'i -
-Djui.inrs in-
O. . ."ASF. . A. McNnNv.
CASE !: ;.IcKN Y.
a rronxKYs and ('-.'nselors at i. vw
r Will pnictice in sH courts or this tale
Collection. as well .m litvstini business eafefttl-
y and rflicicntly attended to. Abstracts furnLs":
cd 0:1 arolieition.
clomrNobTTer K': XhlIopal I:anK'- '
Boots and Slioes
Just received a full line of
Roekfcrd Shoes
Finest ever irotiat t Red
Alio, heen the
How Can Handles Aro Curled.
Many people wonder how the handles ot
tho sticks made from hickory, raalacca,
hazel and a variety of other woods are
curled, this is effected by the application
of heat. Tho workman lixes one end of tha
cane tirmly in a vice and pours a continuous
stream of tiro from a gospipc on thpart
which is to bo bent. "When sufficicn heat
has been applied tho cano is pulled grad
ually around until the hook is formed; iti3
then firmly secured with string, and after
an additional application of heat in the form
of baking tho curl is permanently fixed.
The under part of the hook, which is much
charred by the action of the gas, 13 rubbed
down as much as possible and smoothed
1 .nun 111
V . 2kr
Property of W. J. Perry. n make the
.season of ISSrf, as follows: Friday and
Saturday at V'atson'r staLle, lied Cloud:
jlonday and Tuesday at Geo. Coon's
South of Tiiver: Wednesday and'Thnrsdav
fit Owner's Stable.
FlCANK. is a dapple bay, weighs 1100
pounds, aged 1 years, fine style and action
fie was sired by Success an Imported
Percheron-Normnn owned by the Dun
hams of Illinois, extensive Importers of
ftiestaliiou'. His dam wa3 a half blood
Normr.n. balance Bellefontaine and Mes
senger. TJJRMS: $7 to insure a colt to stand
and suck. Care will bo taken to prevent
residents but will not be responsible
for any that may occur. Parties dispos
ing of mares before thoy aro known to bo
jsiJt.tru.MJtw..-i;.f..?c.fccsri'-.o-lTn n.rn- , ,,,.
JOHNO. YiI.El.'.
A TTO'KV AT Uir AH l.tbin, bi.n
t 'd t.i his car will U piorm.flv atteii'i (
'.ni.-e coni..r.'th avenue a-ul MVlsU-r -trcet"
Kcd I0.1U. Nebrjisi.u
I. V. TL'I.LEYS. JI. 1)
Ll --iOJ:i)IIATIIf(
j n aniininMirirei
National liank. lr.-.l r
Clironic iH.astnatd by mail.
Of Boots aiul Shoe in the vallev.
Trices cheaper than t:n ehcajies:. "
3 I
6:j5iS nil
Otllct- ojniaiite First
CW.Kai.kv. j i v.rvv
KAT.T.Y lll?n J' l- "Ar"-
VYJ.HS'- :i-.- "
-- -.-.-. .- i--. vuLi'Uii fc:i-.r-i-?s-.
lUd Cloud. Nebraska.
Chattel Jlurtsac Sale.
Notice is hereby given that bv virtue nf'uvr
tain etottel in..rt-51-re siven to'.fo ,,, MerVi I bv
Frank C-.ntield bearui" iLte oXJuH-rti, viw- 1
wiIlonth('S.ldayor A?i,wt nv atiKr,'' I
!: -.1 Cloud. Neb-as!c,. 9tU t , thVi.M.b R'-r
for cash, one bay horse colt 2 caw old" n-,n .V
Charley, a tl e coi.y or srdd Wort'-a'i N r nw
ou file in conniy clerk'K cfltee o? v.?i. -ti
t Nebraska, mid thtre is d1:e thennn Vt w,un'
nTiii i......... . rw :.
... i.... 1. ..::.- ."" '""'eh io.ik.
nnvioims- irs:iri .-,i.Vl l?C: hf-i i-rei-soi or
Viatel ti5u.W.l-.t
A general banldng business trans
acted in all its branches.
iNRSEsr PAffllnras ibosib
rhree or five years s-tr-uuli: S pe
cent, single niurtga-:e. No aela-
tn securing money.
Silas Garber, Geo. i:. JroIJ-iiid.
i- B. ismith. J. t. 5. -Ler,
W. S. Garber.
ajnn . flu . Jl i.
-t - .....nnHirvn'R.l
0llMt -SW- s-t- -