The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1888, Image 8

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It's a f uany place that they've put me in
A peculiar place. Why. I ra't besia
To tell all ths cur ou- ihings 1 sec
Things that arc ceriuisly uuiv to rue.
I think if Td been consulted. I'd
Have arranged things more from a ba'by's side;
frieu.:'. feelings; but it was manifest she
couldu t, so she look it.
Just then the General put a letter in his
, vrifo'. bar-.!.
, ,:II v: p-woking!' the latter exclaimed
I when she hail read it.
, "What! ravlifci''
"Why, thai Funny Fitz Blodsitt should.
For as th-.i-Ss arc now no wonder wc squall-
Babies uoa't have a ay show at all.
I kcow tint I'd little and fat s-nd red,
With toothless cums and a bare, round head;
Mut what's the icubun they talk as thoush
I hadn't ths bra:ub of .1 lump of dough?
"Cute 'lttlc singl" "S e is eyes so b'oo!"
"Docs Jt "ovo ltt. n::tnm:i? Tum.iicwc'o'J 'oof
"Just look at its Coar 'U'!c, p'uk'ittietoc?:"
Da they think that 1 1 U such remarks as thout
Do they think I ec'oy the rubber ring
They have to my b b w.thaaold red string.
When ray older t-istrr plays "most all day
With a doll that iva-t the very worst way?
rm trundled aboul in a baby cart;
It's enough to trcak any baby's heart,
When other people have lots of fun
Oa velocipedes. Wby can't have one?
My Brother Tom and my Cousin Ted
Go out and slide, with a big b'.ue sled;
I wish to ask, and I wan to know
If there's auy reason why can't go?
Tm fed on milk, while the others well.
They're really delicious, the things I smell I
Tm rocked to sleep when the sun is high.
But nobody else is I wonder why?
rm kissed and rm bounced, and rmtonseled
I've a rattle cf tin and a silver cup;
I'm fussed oyer daytimes and walked with
But it counts for notlrng: I w.nt my r.'jW.'
Emmi .1. Opiitr, in Oolite Dayi.
just at this tunc, tako it into her head to
I get married, and insist on ray being present.
in fullillmcnt of :i promise wo ukuIo each.
ctiicr at bchool.'
"It is a little inconvenient," said tha
i General, gravely.
"There's no help for it. I must give it
I tip!" &ighed Mrs. Wydcswarth. " I couldn't
j think of appearing on such an occasion.
without jewels."
I " Of course rot," the General assented.
1 "My dear Asp.iia," interrupted Mrs.
Crumpiehorn she had grown very familiar
with her friend by this time "mi jewels
arc at your service. They arc very plain,
no doubt, in comparison with those voa
( have been accustomed to wear; but such
t as they are. you arc welcome to their use."
Where and How Wo Formed
Their Acquaintance.
Wc were very plain peop'e, Mrs, Crumpie
horn and I I'm Jfr. Crumplehern when
the death of a distant relative mado us un
expectedly rich.
Now I'm not going to be mean enough to
put tho blame of what follows on Mrs.
Crumpiehorn. The dodge of husbands lay
ine their sms at their wives' doors began at
a very early stage of tho world's history,
and small good it did the man that tried it
first aild served him right, too if hotra
our " federal head and representative." I'll
just tell my story, if yoa please, leaving the
question of who's toblamo to take care of
We hardly camo into possession tl our
fortune certainly hadn't begun to feet at
home in it when the season at Saratoga
opened, and Mrs. Crumpiehorn said wo must
go there, as every body tiiap was any oooy
did; that it was expected of us by irhom, I
don't remember that she stated; in short,
that there was "no getting out of it." I
really didn't sec that there was, and so wo
We found a crowd of people there, none of
whom wc knew. You can't think how unso
ciable they were. Why, when Mrs. Crum
plehorn, just to be civil, asked a lady where
she had bought the stuff ia her dress, and
how much it bad cost a yard, she received
for an answer such a stare as made the
cold chills run over her, and, to ue bar
own expression, "came near giving her
"Hops" to people that don't dance,
games to people that can't play them and
jostling people one doesn't know, are very
tiresome modes of killing time. In two
days I had had enough of it. and Mrs. Crum
piehorn expressed herself satisfied in three.
We had jost eonouTSed to set fashionable
opinion at defiance, and go home and take
things comfortable, when, aa lack would
have it, we made the acquaintance of Gen
era! and Mrs. Wydeawarth; and so agreea
ble did it prove that our purpose of speedy
departure was at once reconsidered, and
promptly dismissed
During our stay, which was prolonged
several weeks, the General and myself,
similarly his lady and Mm. Crumpiehorn,
were inseparably. They were a very enter
taining and agreeable couple, quite up to
the highest notch of fashion, but not ia ths
least proud. Why, bless you! the General
thought no more of walking statin arm
with me, and thought it no more a liberty
to be invited to drink champagne at my ex
pense, than his aristocratic wife did to be
offered and to accept, too Mrs. Crumpte
bom's finest diamond ring as a marriage
anniversary present, of the advent of which
happy occasion she took care to give Mrs.
C private and confidential notice.
When the time came for going, we had
become so attached to our new friends that
we gave them a cordial invitation to pay us
aa early visit, which they promised to do.
While the two ladies were taking an af
fectionate 'leave, crying and kissing one
another by turns, the General took me
aside, and disclosed the fact that, owing to
the miscarriage of an expected remittance,
he found himself a Uttlo short of funds. If
I could accommodate him with say five
hundred dollars it would relieve him from
present embarrassment, and he would re
tarn it the following week, when ho and
Mrs. W. came to pay their promised visit
I was deeply affected at this mark of
confidence, and at once handed over the
amount, and after another pathetic scene
between Mrs. W. and Mrs. C, wo tore our
selves away.
- Punctual to the day our distinguished
guests arrived, and right glad wc were to
see them. Our country homo had seemed
dull since our return, mainly owing, no
doubt, to the absence of the dear friends to
whose society wc had grown accustomed.
The General was captivated with our
rural abode. He thought of building just
such a house ihimself; and nothing would
do but I must show bun over the premises
which I did pointing out every nookcorner
and apartment, withaconscious pride which
my friend's praises served in noway to
The first flurry over, we were just getting
cleverly settled down, and beginning to en
joy ourselves in earnest, when an event
occurred to mar our pleasure.
The boose was entered by burglars one
night, and ransacked from top to bottom.
Our own loss, though by no means trifling
eonsistinjg of all the plate, and over a
thousand dollars in money we could have
grinned and borne; but Mrs. Wydcswarth's
diamonds wo had never seen them, but
they mutt have been splendid and the Gon
eral's pocketbook, fat with untold green
backs, that was what crushed us.
"Nevermind, my dear fellow," said tha
General, with the fortitude of a hero;"
my chief regret is on your account It
will compel me to defer payment of that
little loan a few days longer. On the whole,
Tm rather glad I didn't think of returning
it sooner, though, as tho loss would then
have been your-"
I begeed him not to think of such a trifle;
and when I offered to replenish his purse
tm another remnance came, be slapped m
! e hack and called me a 4rump."
larrcrumptehonrt birthday. wW
followed dose upon the burglary, Mrs.
wrfSartitorited on her acceptance of
rss3et '-
fz-m-a the vigilance of tho robbers.
K. c1 K IdeSned the gHt, couM
vTdoSe so without wounding he
" My tlar "' but 2Irs. W.'s feelings were
too many for her.
The hitui.tiou was extremely delicate. I
scarcely knew how to net I managed, how
ever, to tip the General a wink, and he fol
lowed me out.
I'm afraid I did it very awkwardly; but
I somehow succeeded in making him com
prehend that if his wife could make out with
Mrs. C.'s diamonds-they had cast seven
thousand dollars the want of ready money
for traveling expenses needn't stand in the
He grasped my hand and pocketed the
Mrs. Wydcswarth packed her things,
Polly's diamonds included, commended her
husband to our care, promised to be back in
a week, and was waiting for our carriage in
which wc were all to ride to tho station to
gether, when her husband came in, looking
a eood deal concerned.
He, too, had received a letter, summoning
himawavon important business. It was
necessary he should leave at once by the
same.trahi with his wife, in fact
Loath as we were to part with both our
friends at once, it was, after all, gratifying
to think that Mrs. W. would be saved tho
annoyance of traveling unattended.
At the station I succeeded in pressing a
couple of lumdred more on tho General, to
meet his otcu expenses. As he was only to
be gone a couple of days, that sum, he said,
would be ample.
The kissing of the ladies, and the hand
shaking of the General and myself, were
interrupted by the cry of "All aboard !" and
in another moment tho train was lumbering
off, Mrs. Wydeswarth waving her handker
chief from tho window at Mrs. Crumpiehorn
standing weeping on the platform.
Wo were just getting back into the car
riage, when another train stopped, out of
which three men rushed, in one of whom wo
recognized the husband of the unsociable
lady that had given Mrs. Crumpiehorn the
"Here's a couple of them!' shouted the
latter gentleman, making adash toward us;
"and, by Jove! that's my wife's breastpin'
that woman has on now !"
"What do you mean, you vraamsf" I
roared, aiming a blow atone of the men,
who had laid his hands somewhat rudely on
Mrs. Crumplehorn's shoulder.
"Como, none of that, my corerl" ex
claimed another of the men; and before I
knew it, a pair of handcuffs were snapped
on my wrists.
We were about being hustled off, and
Heaven knows what would have come of it,
if some of our neighbors hadn't interfered
and demanded an explanation.
Every thing was soon made plain enough.
The General and his wife ss called were
a couple ef notorious thieves, in league with
goodness knows how many others. They
had been plying their vocation at Saratoga,
under the guise of a pair of fashionables.
Among their victims had been the un
sociable lady. And Mrs. Crumpiehorn and
myself, whom nobody knew, having con
stantly been seen in the Wyueswarths'
company, were, naturally enough, suspected
as accomplices a suspicion materially
strengthened, I may add, by one of tha
stolen articles being found m Mrs. Cs pos
session. My own statement, however, and the tes
timony of our neighbors, completely satis
fled the strange gentleman and the two de
tectives, and Mrs. C. and myself were at
once released.
I was willing to say no mare about it, but
Mrs. C. being a woman of spirit, ss she
banded back the breastpin, couldn't refrain
from sending her compliments to the gen
tleman's wife.
" And tell her," she said, " if ererlahouU
think of steallnr, it'll not be a trumpery
piece of pinchbeck like that I"
Bbe had called it a "love of a thing,
that very morning; but circumstances alter
R. V.Suirev, Pres. IIexby CLARKE,Yice-Pres. Jxo. R. Shirey, Cashier
IIoward B. CatheRj AssistantJCashicr
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
CAPITAL, .$75,000
Transact a jreneral iMnkini: business, buy and sell count- warrant?, alio
count-, precinct and school district bonds. Buy and sell foreign exchange
Jas. McXcnv. J. A.Tulleys, G. "". Lindscy. il. V. Shirey.
John 11. Shirey. E. F. Highland.
Henry Chrke, A. J. Kcnuey.
Folly and I are not goingte8aratoga next
season. To say nothing ofwe water, we've
bad quite enough of fashionable society for
one while. X Y. Ledger.
A Cuban Vaqueru and His Singular
Knowledge of the Forest.
The woodcraft of our vaquero, Jose, says
Edgar L. Wakcman, in his Cuban letter to
the Washington Star, had many extaor
dinary illustrations. Striking his machete
Into a beautiful tree he brought it forth
ejaculating most dramatically: "Mira! la
sangrc dc la doncella!" ("Sea the Mood of
the virgin !") The blade was dripping with
a blood-red sap of a red wood known as
came do doncella, or virgin-flesh. Again,
when wc had become thirsty and could find
co water, Jose knew a back door out of his
dilemma. " Here is Aaron's rod !" said he,
"I will give you water." With this ho
struck a large vine twice, severing a piece
as big as one's arm from the parra cimar
ona, or wild grape, and from the mouth of
tho hanging tube we drank our fill of winey,
refreshing sap. So, too, his seductive calls
of tho wild pigeons, of which we found four
varieties, were astonishing. He would first
with his hands make sharp, loud clappings,
grading these down to sounds as low as the
soft flapping of wings. This would be fol
lowed by a vseal call so liko that of the wild
pigeon that one seemed nestling there above
our heads. To these would come low, half
doubting answers from all about us, and,
finally, the scurrying sad rustling of the
deluded birds above.
Mere Forcible Than Polite.
When Dr. John McLean was president of
Princeton College tho students were re
quired to attend a Bible class under his in-
-struction. One of the students once re
lieved the tedium of tho hour by bringing
in with him a small dog which he kept con
cealed under his desk. When tho exercises
had well begun he pinched the dog's tail,
and tho dog yelped. The good president
looked about, took in the situation, but said
netting. Shortly after tha tail was again
pinched, and again tho dog yelped. There
upon Dr. M"Ta looked around once more,
and then slowly said : " If that other pup
would only let that pup alone, then that
pup would behave itself."
Surprising ConoBorattoa.
Amy "I like Charley; his kisses are so
nice!" Bella (with enthusiasm) "Areat
Its central position and close connection with Eastern lanes at Chicago and
continuous lines at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwest, make it the
true mid-link in that transcontinental chain of steel whiab. unites the Atlantic
end Pacific It3 main line and branches include Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle,
Peoria, Gensseo, Koline and Bock Island, in Illinois; Ifevenport, Xascafinc,
Washington, Fairfield, Ottumwa,Oskaloo8a,WestIdberty,lDwaCity,I)esMoiiies,
gaianola, Winterset, Atlantic, XnoxvHle, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrie Centra
ana council .Biuns, in aowa; Qaiiaun, Trenton, Cameron,
St. Joseph end Kansas City, in Missouri: Iieavenworth
and Atchison, in Kansas; Minneapolis and St. Paul, ia
Minnesota; Watertown and Sioux falls, in Dakota, and
many other prosperous towns and cities. It also offers a
CHOICE OF BOOTES to. and from the Pacific Coast and Intermediate places,
making all transfers in TJaion Depots. Fast Trains of fine DAY COACHES,
and (between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City) restful BSCUN
ING CHAIR CABS, seats FBSE to holders of through first class tickets.
Furniture, Furniture
New stock and almost at your own figure.
Come and get bargains.
Opposite First National bank and Post Office.
Special attention given to undertaking.
Extends west and southwest from Kansas City and tit. Joseph to Fairbmry,
Nelson, Horton, Topeka. BsusjBHEVEflEJEJEJ Herington, Hutchinson,
Wichita, Caldwell, and all Tl aid tlTl points in southern, Xebraska,
interior Kansas and beyond. BsTl JJ3 1 M Bntire passenger equipment
of the celebrated Pullman s"J Mil M manufacture. Solidly bal
lasted track of heavy steel uVBflRasWuVBsWB rsiL Iron and atone bridges.
All safety appliances and modern Improvements. Commodious, well buile
stations. Celerity, certainty, comfort and luxury assured.
Is the ftvorite between Chicago, Rock Island. Atchison, Kansas City, and Min
neapolis and St. Paul. The tourist route to all Northern Summer assorts. Its
Watertown Branch traverses themost productive lands ef the great "wheat and
dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota and Fst-Ceneral Dakota.
TH.hnitHiiB i wjww Mil Tir- nnmrmmnnmnar
facilities to travel between Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Lafa-
J. W. Sherwood. President.
W. E. Jackson, Vice-President.
u v. Aiunsnr, casnier.
1, A. UvMCiiy, Atsisuit CiViier.
Capital $50,000
Special Attention Given
J.W.Sucwood. II. Sherwood
L. 1. Altrtglit. Levi Moore.
W. E. Jackson.
- TVm. Ducker and S. Xorrl.
Buy and sell Exchange
Make collections and dc a
3eneral BankingBusiness.
Interest allowed on
xnre deposits
it. t9 rrytBk
SHflsWHLUsiVftSuVfCiJ ' vsp fli.nltfi'y
HsnReHHBBBnEfiluVB' aKI tela! PinH
worth. Kansas Citr.Ninneanolis and St. PauL
Far Tickata. Kane. Folder, or uv denized infarmatioB. I
apply to any Coupon Ticket Office ia the United States or Canada, or address,
E. ST. JOHN, . ... E. A. M0LBR00K,
Genual Xfeaaser. vnivw,ii.i- sl Xtakvt Paafr t
CIiARKE, President, Albany, N. 7. J. A. TULLBYS, Vies President
, Kobt. V.8U1BBY. Treasurer.
Red Cloud, Neb. Albany, New York.
H. Clarke, Albanv. New York Geo R. Beach, BalstonSpa N.Y.
W. H. Robeson, Albany, N. Y. E. 3. Francis, Fittclijeld. Bfas
R.V. Shirey D.M.Piatt E. K. Highland. J. A. Tulleys M.B.McKft
Onjimproved larms in Nebra'.icaaiid Ktnfw. Money furnished as goon as tte
security is approyed Princioa! and interest payable in Red Cloud
Y 11 11
Lower man anv vara in me wnrn. T. -
Addition to the city of Red Gloud
By far the most desirable property in lledCloud
S3 1 - I 1
,- - i i a
21 2 21 2
a 3 ao a
10 ; ' S
K J5 g
l 0 14 9
12. 10 13 19
Lots reasonable, location easy of access
Beautifully situated. Buy
Fine office work a Specialt
laughing Gas always on hand .
keep on hand a fall line of
Farm Implements
of all kinds, which they sell at the
Lowest Living Rates
and on the Best of Teinis
Negotiate Loans,
Pay Taxes,
Insurance v ntten,
examine our bargains. Correspond
ence solicited,
Opera House Block Red Cloud
Call and
Among their goods we call attention to the following: A
Brown Planters. Checkrowere and Cultivator,
Manufactured by Geo. W. Brown & Co., Oalesburg; Illinois.
Eagle Listers and Golden Eagle Cultivators,
Manufactured by Eagle Manufacturing Co.-'
Standard Planters, Checkrowers, Cultivators'and Mowers, .
Manufactured by E&erson, Talcott 4b Co., of Rockford, Illinois.
Hoosier Rakes,
Manufactured by Hoosier Drill Co
Barnes Combined Cultivators, Tsngue Walking Cultivators, Hay Bakes and
Toaguelcss Cultivators,
Manufactured by the Barnes Manufacturing Co., Freeport. 111.
The well known New Departure Cultivators,
Manufactured be the Pattee Plow Co.
Studebaker Wagons, y
Bugsies and Phaetons, the Best Goods on Eartu Manufactured by
Studebaker Bros., Maauf g Co., of South Bend, Indiana.
The wel1 known and reliable Peering Steel Binders and Mowers,
Manufactured by William Deering & Co., Chicago, III.
And Last but not Least, the World Renowned
and the Light Runniag
r v
Mannfactured Aultsjan, MU'er & Co., Akion. Ohio.
They have sold these goods for twelve years sad time has demonstrated
that they are unexcelled.
StarWind Mill.,
.Manufactured by Flint & Walling Manufacturing Cos
Also MoaitorWind Mills and Waupun Vanaless Wiad Mills.
You will observe that all their goods are first-class and manufactured bj.
inns who have an established reputation. A full line of repairs for aboi'
The motto of the firm is "No Penitentiary Goods handled and aa (
ments made with new etwta ...- :
-, -'&m&
r IS
& .JtSSi
, v-ter-'.-i: