The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1888, Image 7

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    - , f ' y ,
. --i-ttr T, y -E: ,:
Terrible Effect of a Boiler Erplosioe
Allegheny City, Fa.
Pittsburgh, Pa., July 7. A battery ot
h.-i!ers at the taancrr of A Jfc J. drne-X.
" , w.. ...: IT, h". V-T - I
T j u- ,. ", ,J " James Bowles, members of the Brother
exploded shortly after four o clock jester, , hood oI Locomotive Engineers, and anX
a"'.retanB"l uialer man named Wil,on. were arreted on a
r-"T,.-V.:jM-"..l7!r vu-w .ol !
vrncm vnn cue. me lollowine are tho
names of the injured and their condition:
William Wetzel, engineer, aged 30 years,
les blown off and terribly burned will
die. Christ Neidt, aged 27 years, bruised
and scalded; injuries believed to be fatal.
L. L. Faibye. aged 43 years, burned,
bruised aDd scalded; death probable. Ottc
Berghaeadler, aged 2S rs, bruised and
scalded; will recover. John Staab, about
5 years of age, arms, lace and kody badly
b-rned; not fatally "hurt. Annie Mvcrs,
aged 12 years, crushed and bruised "very
seriously. A large number of others,
mostly employes, were slightly bruised
and cut by being struck by fiying debris.
The cause or the explosion" is believed to
have been high pressure, as a few minutes
after four o'clock Engineer Wetsel noticed
tnat the pressure was higher than usual
and started lor the furnace to tarn down
the natural gas. Before he had time to dc
. however, there was a terrible explo
sion and be was blown up through the root
oi the tannery and landed in the yard out
side. One side of the main buildtnjr, a
oau iramt structure. lOJ Ieet lonsr. was
blown out and a portion or the Tront badly
wrecked. The boiler houc, fifty feet long
by fonr-two wide, built of brick, wa
totally demolished, and the office, situated
across the treet, was completely shat
tered. A heavy double wasoa was
blown against Wetzel's residence, sixty
feet away, and the side of the bouse
crusesd in. Pieces of the boiler flew in
every direction. One section uor earned
acress the Allegheny river, a distance ol
over one thousand feet. Another aiccE
struck theTbird Ward school jouse.trelve
hundred feet away, and tore out one end
of the building. A third piece struck
berse and killed it, and a fourth piece al
nest, cut a Grand Rapids dfc Indiana rail
road freight car in two.
Fully sixty men were at work, and ail
vrho were able to do ?o rushed panic strick
en from the building. Tfce build mg caught
lire, but before the flames got much head--way
they were extinguished. The injured
were then taken from the wreck and re
tnoved to their homes. They are still br
ing but very slight hopes are eatertained
Inr the recovery of at least throe of them..
aelgtreef Weekly Keriew of Trade Ex-
Veal or theOreat fetrike.
2Cew Tore, July 7. Uradntiretu, m its
review of the week, says: The effect on
penerul trade of the Fourth of July holi
day, of the customary divcrstoa of atten
tion to stock inventories, hts been to re
strict buMness in many lines. Special tel
egrams to Jirad' ret.?- note these features
particularly at Boston, New York, Philt
delphia. Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Kansas
City. St. Joseph, Omaha and Chicago.
Louisville and Denver are exceptions,
with reports of improvements and ac
tivity in the distribution of merchandise.
The crop prospects, as reported at
Omaha, Si. Joseph, I.ouUrille and St.
Louis, are all favorable. Like reports
come from Galveston and Xetv Orleans,
with the exception of cotton in Louisiana,
where there has -been too much rara. The
If ew York stock market U more active and
hisher, and on crop reports,
though the influence of the July disburse
ments and a feelinr of reaction from the
long continued depression bave a share in
the movement. Bonds are strong and :n
pooi demand. Money is easy.
Our investigation the Amalgamated j
Iron and Steel Association strike indicate j
that the number of niea on striko and j
rendered idle has been overestimated The
statement telegraphed from ruisDurgn
that 200,030 men had been rendeied idle is
exaggerated. To date seventeen mills have
sigued the scale and agreed to pay the old
rate of wages. Four or five o! her mills are
expected to sign the scale in ten days. The
number of men on strike is about jO.OOJL
Ttie reports or business failures number
149 in the United S'ates this week against
tiu4 last week, and 141 the same week last
year. Canada has 10 tcis week against
5 last week. The total number of fail
ures in the United States from January 1
to date is 5,4'Jl against 5.24; in 1SS7.
Mohler Iwun Another Favor
able Iteport.
Topeka, Kan.. July 7. Hon. M. Mohler,
secretary of the Kansas State Board of
Agriculture, issues the following official
circular to-day:
Reports now in from about COO correspondent-.
r-presentinr; nearly eteryioucty in the
?tat clearly indicate that the expectations ot
the early pnnr, based upon the laiorablc con
dition then, are about to be realized in our
State, the wheat crop beinz already secured:
fcUo a fair oat crop and corn has nver been iu
i. more promi'm; condition at this date.
Wheat The acreage of wheat as shown by
the a'se-or' return already rcccned at this
oSlce. has been overestimated atxiut l5).OW
acres for the Slate nd ten ier cent, of th
acreif s0n in the fill of JSS7 is reported not
haieted. leaving still the acreage uhfch u as
not ban ested about ino.ukj acres Of th acre
ape hanested the aicrae yield per acre or the
State i estimatfd at ecnlfpn and one half
bushels, being two and one-half bushels hi;her
than we estimated it a month asro. indicating
total wheat product for the istateor i..jw,w
Com Siace the weather has become warm
and ram abundant corn ha made an unusuallv
riipid growth, and. with tne exception of some
damave by bus entering from adjacent wheat
r.elds. the crop is Iree from insect depredation.
Oat The oat crop in a good many countiei
was cut short by chtnch bu. but generally
tnrouchout the State it is reported good. .
Summary Condition as compared with a full
a erae crop: Cora, full aieraerc. 93.1: oats
axerae, :C', rye, average, U): barley. S"i: poUi
toes, sir.: broom corn, full aera?e. W: flaxseed.
lull averape. &i: orphum, 97 per cent.: millet.
'J0: tame ;rra. full averape, W: pratne grass,
full cerate, S5; apple, full average, ft).
Rainfall and chinch bus Throughout the
month of June, especially the last half of the
month. ram have been abundant in every
-ection of the State, with the exception of a
fw counties in the western portion. Fifty
counties renprt no bugs to hurt." The balance
report some damage to corn crops. Rains con
tinuing plentiful will remove all apprehensions
of lots to thi- crop from these destructive in
trcts A Bit Blase.
New Yokk, July 7. Shortly before oae
O'clock this morning flames broke out on
the top floor of the building extending
from 3S to 4s East Eighteenth street and
running through to Seventeenth street
The flames started in the bookbinding es
tablishment of Georga W. Alexander on
that lioor. and extended through the upper
part of the buildiair. The Century .V7-i-i
Company occupied that pan of the build
ing on Seventeenth street. The Everett
House adjoins the building, and great
alarm ensued cmnir the cuets. After do
ing a damage of about $15-J,9J0 the fire was
trnaer control. i ue wuoie upper noorcx
tendin? from street to street was burned i
tut. The Evci ett House was not burned, .
.-. -. I. - .... .
BarlinrVAB OOWrs Claim to nave Ua
r.Bed m Mot to Wreck Train Seraral
--o, jaiya-Tl
Chicago, July C. Thomas Broderick mad
- . Burlington & Quincy train, yes
terday afternoon, brought to Chicago and
loctcea in the county jail, under oond of
15.000 each, charged with conspiring to de- mc railroad company's pronertv.
They had a considerable quantity of dyna-
tnite in their possession w hen arrested.
It is stated that the Burlington Company
has had a large force of detectives engaged
tor a long time in watching the movements
oi tne strikers. Several so-called "agita-
tors," whose movements corresponded
with some of the past attempts upon the
company's property were put under special
surveillance. It was discovered that
dynamite was used in several nnsuc-
cessful attempts to wreck trains within
the past few months. The principal sus
pects were not allowed to make a move,
day or night, jrithout being under the
watchrul eye of the officers. It was im
possible at first to locate the dynamite, but
the officials of the 'Q' assert that positive
arm-matin.. ,. Mll --.. I .1 .
miormation was finally received that
yesterday was the day chosen for a
grand attack upon the company's property.
Superintendent of Motive Power C. VT.
I Rhodes swore out a warrant yesterday and
Deputy Marshal Burchard proceeded with
it to Aurora, in company with detectives.
Their men were located and shadowed to
the 2:15 afternoon tram for Chicago.
Thomas Broderick and James Bowles, two
...... - . r
Brotherhood ex-engineers of the " were
seen to board the train in company with a
man not known to the officers. A fourth
man they were looking for was not identi
fied. The strange man, who proved to be
John Q. Wilson, took a double seat beside
Broderick, while Bowles sat jast acrosn
the aisle. The traia had barely starred
whea the officers tapped the men on the
shoulders and made them prisoners. The
men had taken off their coats and under the
two ccits lying between Broderick and
Wilson upon the seat was ac innocent-
looting package wrapped in a newspaper.
Wheu he had captured this Detective Mo- t appreciated, than the connection must follow
' Ginty'slook of triumph quickly faded as ' tht the tribute exacted from the people t-hould
" he realized ihe possible danger of its con- ' be diminished. The theories which cloud the
.teats. While thpv were putting the brace- '-object, misleading honest men. sik! the ap
. Lrt nn th.. RrnHrm-fc nmrklv peals to selG-h interest which ccceue ibe un-
snatched a letter from his pocket and threw
K out or the window.
McGinty spraug to the bell rope and
J stopped the train. Kunniug back aloag
' the track he found the letter. It is now la
j the possession of District Attorney Ewing.
He refuses to reveal its contents. Out Gen
eral Manager Stone intimated that itscon
, tents gave important information regard
ing the plot.
The cCiccrs reached the city wth their
prisoner without incident. Brodenck and , 1
Wilson being stoiCHlly indifferent to every i ompen,e to laber .which prevent the opportun
thing. while Bowles was profuse in his ex- . ixy work sujucg proration an
planations cf -mistake.' , limiting the area of -our markets, and
A valise was taken from Bowies and sex ,; which enhance the cost at living beyond the
eral letters And papers. These were taken , laborers" hard earned wares. The attempt i
to the district attorney's office with theiade to divert the attention of the people from
newspaperpackage and the latterwas then, 'the evils of such a scheme of taxation by
for the first time, examined and found to branding .e who seek to correct these eviU
contain four dvnamite cartridges, each ten s free traders nd cnemie, of cur workinzmen
.--u. oJ.4 o ;-s ?, - ,.arfr and indutnai-(SQten)risefi.
:r"'..:',.T,u "r. ;::
square. uot1u.iu.s.?
to each,and Mr.llhodes estimated that each
contained about a pound of dynamite. In
Brodenck's pock-it, in a purse, were f ounc
several small dvnamite fulminating caps,
The prisoters were taken before United
States Commissioner 2iayes on their ar-
rival here. Bowles a-ked for Chairman
Hoze. or trie old Burlington grievance
committee, and also for Attorney Sullivan. 1
These gentltmen were ent for aad while i
waiting Bowles talked -quite freely. He
I claimed that be knew nothing about the
dynamite. He worked oa the Atchison
road until March, when ke was discharged
for putting a fireman off his cab. During
the striae he went to work on the Burling
ton and remained thirteen days, when his
-1 ni I Ck tin aSAj4 -t tlm ll1
brother, a Brotherhood ensineer, induced
him to leave the company's employ. Sineo
that time the Brotherhood has paid his
wages and be has been traveling about.
He went to Creston a few days ago, as he
savs, to brace the strikers up as they were
becoming weak, but he clams he never
counseled them to do any thtcg wrong. He
claimed not to know the men who were ar
rested with him.
On"s person was found a
Brotherhood membership card, declaring
him a member of the Pottsville division No.
W, "gocd nntil August C, 1SSS," and signed
J. H. Ward Dolts. Broderick has bezn in
the Burlington employ as recently as April
last, but the officials know very little of his
past record. Both he and Wilson have
just come on from Creston. Iowa, where he
was closely identified with the strikers.
Wilson is supposed to be a striking lire
man. m m
Telegraphs Demoralized and Fears of 8e
rinu Destruction.
Chicago, Julv 5. Tne almost total pa
ralysis of the telegraph service wes of
Chicago to-day indicates apparently that
the storms of the past few days cu!mtuatiug
last night were ihe most widespread and
severest in a number of years. The winds
and rains that began sweeping over the
West Saturday had until las nisjht the
worst effects apparently confined to the
territory close to this city. Yesterday the
Western Union had virtually remedies
I trouble, wl.ea last
seem to have broke
evenine the storms
en out with redoubled
furv and plaved havoc over the entire
ispatch from Youngstown, O., says:
A storm last mgat washed out culverts
and d amazed streets, entaiiine a los of
f5,000. Tr e tracks oi the "ew York, Penn
sy.vania & Ohio and the Ashtabula and
Pittsburgh roads wcra washed out in many
places and trains were bad'.y delayed.
James Daver and family were overtaken
by the storin a few miles from Youngs
town, and he attempted to ford a stream
with a four-year-old son in his arms, but
the current was too strong and the child
was swept away and drowned.
At Mason CitVj Iowa, a severe storm
swept over the nor hern part of the county
yesterday-. Corn fields were leveled, a
number of nouses unroofed and small grain
was badly damaged. The rain and wind
were accompanied by the heaviest electric
storm known thete for years. Many hdrses
and cattle in pastures, standing near wire
fences, were killed.
The Iowa Kallroad Case.
LEAVEXwoETn, Kan., July C Judge
Brewer, of the United States Circuit Court,
yesterday heard arguments on why a per
manent injunction should be granted
against the Raihoad Commissioners of
Iowa to restra n them from fixing tne rate
for transportation over roads in that State.
The injunction was asked by the Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy and Burlingtor,
Cedar Kap.ds & Northern reads, upon the
ground that the Legislature of Icwa htd
no right to delegate legislative power to
another body. Counsel on both sides were
numerous and the case was fought bv the
With rreat pampstns Jinlt-a
tj --- v ....,.
metver will probablj render a decision U j
-"iT .
Letter From the I-)ueiit oo the Tam
Baaoj Celebration.
Sew York, inly a The Tammany Boci
oty yesterdr.y celebrated for the one
hundredth, time the anniversary of the
Declaration of Independence. Usually the talrsta, nlar in th TVifra-nm
but the receut fire there compelled the
traves to assemble in the Academy of 3J
1 sic. In addition to the well-known Tai
! ? CZirJ::rU'
i Vent, of Missouri; Uepreeutaine Roger
Q. Mills, of Texas; Patrick A. Celuna, of
- Massachusetts; James B. McCreary. of
Kentucky; Charles E. Hooker, of Missis-
Rppi; Benjamin F. Shively, of Ind'ana;
i Melbourne IL Ford, of Michigan; William
j McAdoo, of New Jersey; Governor Bigs,
of Delaware; S. S. Cox, F. B. Spiaola
' lieneral John Jfe ivton. Assistant Secretary
' of tho Treasurv MaynarJ and General Fita
i John Porter. Manv letters of regret were i
read from distinguished Democrats, includ
ing the following from the President:
Ho. Jawfg A. Flack, Grand Sacfom:
Dear 5m: I regret that I am obliged to de
cline th courteous invitation which I have re
ceived to attend tne celebration by the Tam
many Society of the birthday of our Republic
i .....,, ..v-u.-' . .t.v... .
. j . .
this day afford proof of its steadfast patriotism
as wei: as its care for all that pertains to the
dvanue and prosperity of the people. I can
t.ot doubt that the renewal of a "love and e
totionto a pure JefTersonian Democratic form
ot government which you contemplate, will
suggest the inquiry, whether the people are re
! reirinu-all th henf-fits whii h :ir due them tin-
i d su 1onn?f Kovernm-nt. These benefits
.are not fnllr rmnrr1 wh.r. nnr eitiiprn. ape lin-
-.,,' ', ' P(, ttnrt thpir ,. and
incomes are uselessly di&untshed under the
pretext of Government support.
Our Government belongs to the people. They
have decreed its purposes, and it is their clear
right to demand that its cost stall be limited by
frugality, and that its burden of expense shall
be carefully limited by its actual needs. And
yet a needless and dangerous surplus m the
National treasury tells no other tale but extor
tion on the part of the Government and a per
version of the people's intention.
In the midst of our impetuous enterprise and
blind confidence in our destiny it is time to
rause and studv oar condition. It is so sooner
derstaadm?, make the reform, which should be
easy, a difficult tas.
Although those who propose a remedy for
preseii tfiLs have always been the friends of
Amencanlabor. and rhosgh th-y declare their
purposes to f urtter its interests in all their ef
forts, yet thoe who oppoe reform attempt to
disturb cur workintnec by the cry that their
wurds and their employment are threatened.
They advocate jtem which besefit certain
classes of our citizen at the expense of every
householder in the land a system iK,h breeds
..n.nn wA. .... . : a.n -... ":....
- frfrom the tmh thai
to sue-
should be no chance for suei deceirjoa
i lt behoove tie Americas people, while thy
' rejoice in the anniversary of the day when their
t tree Government was declared, tv alo reason
together and determine that they wi.l not be i
aepriicaortte nessinfsanLtncoeaeuti,inicn
their Government should afford
Yours very trufo G Roriut Cletklan d.
Spetches were made bv Senator Vest
and Congressmen Mills, Co. Collins, Mc
creary, Hooker, Shively and others.
Catherine at Baltimore, Hd, M Delegates
of Over FiHir llulrel CIuIml.
Baltimore, Md., July 5. Delegates from
at least 4X1 Democratic clubs arrived yes
terday morning and presented their cre
dentials at the headquarter", Xc West
Fayette wheie they received the official
badge and tickets cf admission to the con
vention. The sub-committee of the le-igue
appointed by the genereral committee were
in conference all morning with the mem
bers of the National and Congressional
committees of the party.
The Academy of Mukic, where the con
vention was being hold, presented an insp.r
ing appearance. The exterior of the ouild
ing was tastefully decorated with dags
and streamers, and in the center, over toe
arch, was bung a large canvas, pictures of
Cleveland and Thurman, and the United
States coat of arms. The interior was dec
orated in a simple manner. Orer the stag.:
and hanging from the bottom of the hoisted
curtain in graceful loops, were two im
mense United Slates flags, separating
which, as a porteire, was a bandana about
ix feet square, looped in the middle. In
the center of the stage, hanging from the
Hies, was a portrait of President Cleveland
in a frame of blue set with white stars.
The delegations were assembled in State
groups and their positions in the audi
torium designated by State markers. The
back or the stage was occupied by the del
egations from Maryland and the District
f Columbia delegations.
Oa the stage w ere such prominent men
6S Senator Gorman, Kenna, Wilson, or
Maryland, Faulkner, Phillips, Thompson,
Cortuuid B. Matson, Democratic candidate
for Governor of Indiana; Congressmen
l'ownshend. of Illinois; Goodanl Wise, of
Virginia; Tracy, of New York; Rusk,
Rayncr. Compton, Gib-ion aud Shaw, of
Muryland: Third Assistant Postmastsr
Gcncral Knott, Hon. W. L. Scott, of Pena
ylvania; Hon. W. H. Craln, cf Texas:
General Clark, clerk of the House of Repre
sent atives.
Half an hour was spent in giving cheers,
3s they were proposed, for President
Cleveland, Thurman, Henry Watterson.
Carlisle, Gorman, Governor Lee, Senator
Daniels. Tammany Hall. Caauncey F.
Black, "The Goddess of Reform," Mrs.
Cleveland, Senator Blackburn and others,
and the bands alternated with "My Mary
land,"' "Yankee Doodle," "Dixie," etc
Not MauUy Uut Emln Bey.
Alexandria, July 5. Zobehr Pasha
thinks that the "White Pasha" seen in the
region of Barghazeili is not Stanley but
Emin Bey. He, Emin Pasha, told Zobehr'
mesensers that if pressed hard be would
strike for Barghazeili, where the people
are hostile to the Mahdi.
Hers Tiller Killed.
Bexklexax, Neb., July a This section
had been troubled for some past with
horse tnieves and it is estimated that a !
hnmired animals had been taken ia two j
countietriurine the past year. Last Mori-j
day Sher.fT Buckwald, while in tho vicinity I
of Idalia, camo upon two of the most noto- j
rious members of the pan?, John Banhcld
ana JktiKo iu'inun. isotn men were
armed with Winchesters while the only
weapon the sheriff bad was his revolver
but he sot "lie drop on Laughhn and or
dered him to throw up his hands. II
showed ri?ht and the sheriff shot h m
dead. Bantield then surrendered and was
orougu to town and placed ia jail,
Berfl th bero of the hour.
Tas Half aad Half Training Recently la
trodueed Into Eagliah Schools.
The Wiseacres of society were a long
timo in discovering that a child's brain
is capable of only a limited and mod
erate amount of fixed attention daily.
I They have, however, arrived at that
conclusion at last. Brain slavery nas
' fioon nAarlv nhnlisherl in schools
i especially in public school,. To whom
j principally, belongs the credit of first
establishing the fact that children may
be overtaught, we do not know; but he
deserves that a votive statue, sculp
tured by childish hands, should be
erected in his honor in every great
city in Christendom.
It is amazing that our great-grandfathers
should not have rellected that
little heads had s-omething else to do
than pore over books, viz. : to grow.
Physiologists must have known, cen
turies ago, that a young brain, like a
young back, might be crippled, de
formed, crushed, by the imposition of
burdens unsuited to its comparatively
feeble power of endurance. But the
doctors did not interfere with the
schoolmasters. It was not in "their
way,"1 and so the cramming system
flourished unchecked until within the
last half century.
What is called half and half training
has recently been introduced into the
industrial schools of England with
great success. The forenoons are de
voted to book-learning, the afternoon's
to active employments; andit is found
that pupils acquire twice as much
knowledge within a given number of
days under this system as they
acquired in the same time when they
"studied" all day long. A". Y. Ledger
From the Ex-President of the New
York State Senate.
State op Xew York, Senate chamber, J
Albany, March II, 1886.
I have used Allcock's Porous Plasteks
in my family for the past five years, and
can truthfully say they are a valuable
remedy and effect great cures. I would not
be without them. I have in several in
stances given some to friends suffering
with weak and lame backs, and they have
invariably afforded certain and speedy re
relief. They can not be too highly com
mended. Edmcnd lT Pitts.
To cut off -a dog's ailwill not interfere
with his arriage, but it will effectually
stop his waggin'.
The Last Man on Earth
To recklessly experiment upon himself with
hope of rehe'f is the dyspeptic. Yet the nos
trums for this malady are as the sands of
the sea, and, presumably, about as effica
cious. Indigestion, that' obstinate malady,
even if of Jong perpetuity, is eventually
overcome with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,
an appetizinr tonic and alterative, which
cures constipation, fever and ague, bilious
remittent, rteumatism, kidney complaint
1 and feebleness.
CrmiSTOPJTER Columbus was no painter,
but all the same he was the first landseer
of America. Roehuter Pott-Eiyrc-
A complete Toilet Service always in
cludes Glenn's Sulphur Soap.
Hill's Hair arc! Whisker Dye, Bhick, 30c
Is leap year it is nothing strange to read
at female lawyers going courting. Rochts
itr I'ost-Exprai.
An engagement rine the theatrical bu
reau. Commercial Bulletin.
ka:c.vs err v. July i .
3ATTCC Shipping t-teers ... J C ,j, :,:,t
Butchers' stocr-j ... .;."' ft
HOGS Good to choice he.:
WHEAT So.-l re.l
soft ..
cons so. -j ... .
OATS So. -'
RYE-NO.-' ....
i i'
HAY UaJttl
per -aek.
i st
31 01
BUTTEU-Ciiuice creamer...
CHi:t:SK roll cream
EGGS Choice
3ATTL.E Shippny -teen.
Butchers steers ...
HOGS Parlciti
S!Ii:i:P-Fairto choice
ri.GCit O'to!c
V!II:a"' No. red
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CATTf.i: Slilpplrs steers. ...
HOGS l'ac!:ii!aiJsnipi):nii.
3lli".t.P r.itrto choice. .."... ..
FLOUU Winter wheat
i X 9 v )
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:o "
LVU-i'Ot -'
OATS WeUcrn ml-scd to
BUTTHU-Creamery :"
PORK 11 (vi
Ms Pills
will save the drsnentic
from man
days of misery, and enabl
enable him tn Mt
whatever he wishes. They nreTent
Sick Headache,
caase the food to assimilate and noar
isti the body, give keen appetite, and
Develop Flesh
and solid mascle. Elegantly sagar
coated. Price, SScts. per box.
ILa-a, BILIOUS .aattaj
ForLirer. Bile. Indirection, etc Fnc from ifercnrr:
eontalna only lure Ve?etb!e IncTeJienU. Atrrnti-
BHOS. . tu ST. WIS. .
acres bet ajrrirnlt-
aaiwiw fcnawntai
antl imazinir land fnf !
Addres CODLEY A POETEK, Dallas, Tea.'
w.iuu rata n.-ir. .rTt.r.-t.
nillC n Ohio. Cheap- Good. Send lor description
ftnaia and pnee. H. N. KaCBorr, JeCenon, O.
mTMtMM SU9 fiwa oar tlaajn ataa,
Cincinnati 4gM
GRAND IIIBII FF nMrating the Settlement if tilt Ntrthwtsttra Temttry.
Excursion rates
Silk aid Sain
Tnjhot Ibo Uillf.. Sit
nn iDtiaer &ni ?cui
-1b bt! Lt.ry UJy
th tralrcv ofbc-
Insa rH rct.nnit or
ribbon, hsn.. for 1 3
thoa.uul Ba4 as
Cvrjajid BSrfal
pari fytrn IaJm
achpuoil r
tttrtl, and whua
tb'r, tb !&-
ce to n h adTaa
tare. It i-a fa
vrtiic lsw.ise4 at
tbc unul prieea
nth a-oorfa at
alt far, weald
crra:e a lar? bill
of cipcn and
tfcwtor crtaw a.
(rrit irauyaoia
Lilulpna' tbelr
taatr Ib tbl
ir?tt'on. Bral!
loc that tber
war raoi.aan!
apen tboasanila f
remoauta f rib
bona amw; ab
I arc lP"rtTig;
bou.of Awcilca
aihirbta. WW.U
tellBmif ? efbi bnJfc,-aamaTI fHrtna oftbr!r
ouit aawpaMa of parcbaui;Urrlr. ' Inaututcd h
aantaa- ' oar obtalaiaa; tar eutire Mock or Mlk awl
Mattla KlblMaai Rrmnoataiif ar.ralortSkrr.tcf
tkasboaaa,bo import llarduct roxda. Tbrar a ta?
bif iliaailart Dponaaa;morinTtliinr to te fuawl.srpt
a arr tat atom of Atactica. Tet tby are rlrat away
afrt cottili'it fr knoan. A crand ln.t (XU tbo
In! a lirarfir-- -'- r--1-- -.-!- Wa
kaa-raprnOml ilwun.1. of doemlatbladirrrtlucaud w
eTanlamvia.l,TarWl.imrairrlUa. rtrairfrlo
"baam. te araar iirrirabl..L.lo.l wUlh.and all of'ir-U-i.t
ipmlttf, iaid fiT imk.nrar,Min't atrlara.bat triaucara.
Vmm. earta, dreaa tnmmiars ai Luiltwork.rf-,tc boats
f taaae wmaaatartBee time jatl.aad apwanl ia !nnS
Taeh raouaBra.alltha amrT&arrcrwanlatrar.:ra.aM
aay J-oadoii aahutiri.l.T-fial. Bi'u,uab: si-la-raac
JIowlOT t n hot cosrtalnlnK C.mplef e
AawrtaMat m tkeaje clraaat ribUoaia Frfn
Tbc SraarUeal Ilotaaa-tea-eprr ntl l.a.llr.
Tlraailalr AVaaaiiaatallaMa. ralilned moothlr by aa. la ac
biiiibaaiT. lit Itimn mmj t-rl be ibe tt lo
odlra! f the k!n in the world. e? lare and S
laatrUaJ: rrru!a pnea 73 rta.per fn-z aeud ltd ceata aad w
wUlaaatittoyo. fur a Mai tot, aud wtllaNoiend frre-a
boxoftbe nbL-rw; E anbwrfjiticnaanrt 2 bos.a.alS eta.: a
abarrlBiMoa and4boxea.r. Ooa-atBoataatamramaj
teaent tar J-ea tbaa fl. C-t 3 frt.twl.lo in you (berrby ret
li t laaai it n na i 11 bnieataririy41:eado'c,;,snfT
Biaotaa. 1a aboee Srr a bated oa thai tut : iboae ho ml
the peoooVal rrtVirrd to. for cna year, want It tbr-aftT, aad
aav oa the AaS price fr it : it la la after eart. and not now.
that we laala nwvn-y. M e make t!a fasat offer in orO-r to
at oaee aware TtLflK aw aobu-rlbart, arba. ooi row, bat next
year, and an year tbnlrr, fball reward aa atiih a
caaaa the nutlarlry of tbem will wbh toeeae tbrtt akbarrip
twua,aod wfli Iao. The anaoey required ta bt a amall frwtioa
of thr nrir to aucU aare to dot at atnr fur a zuKh
auMlleraaaoiimiat of lar tafrrlor nnbuca. i-u bargaia eeer
&8cwa: yoaw-lll mMUMjmrntimfnunm aceryoareean.
dell vary cuaraateea. avoeyrciuaaratoaarourDoi sr
Jaetly aatkaed. ater est aradat atf,ruraroi.
.a.f t. ,nM .fHMaAarau
B. aaiiirrtctt, rrat-nHin, PDnxijo. kazxe.
aaT XaJtaT taia riatK aaaj aa j w-
ReBTtfgia, Headache, Sera Threat, Sprains.
raises, tans, Waawds, lane Bach, .
Aa. AR Pains Of An hrftanmalory Haiora.
wM y Wraaalils COe.aaaai.00.
this is the Best Shee
made (or boys or girls.
Warranted no Shoddy
and sold as follows:
SIZES P to 10s.' S1.SS
" it to i:;i
1 to 2 1.T3
Onr name is on the bnttoni
ji every r-nte: tAk
ypnr iloaler for Kareo.
box up noc. if be
not eep them
tn 11. nmf .
Will furr.!h yon x
irorir'pirit of
arSAaTI TUU rtPM nnr uatraaviik.
plendid itady for Checker
aaaaaawaa a w riayer?. Tne same conlst tn
ftCIfTPCln'insianien change fide by
VH aaa17 1 lumping; each other withoot dot
SHI TSIt?inconefrtimtheboanlorniovinft
JII.I JjimiMbjkward.. a;wnf PrUe
those aendintr SO correct anawera out of a jxuiOib
a. The inline complete, with Ker "How to do it."
mailed for S cent- by PBtaiCf -( OR EUOBY,
wilwx, SEW atK. IT l MOKK
Alf Tl
XAMt TBU tmtS. mt tia vri-ai
SIOO IS aaaaOO A -0STH " heraadeworkiBr
sr tvr iMs Acms Kimerma wag
ean roniish their own horse and riTe their whole time
tothebosineu. Spare moments may be profitably em
ployed ajao. A few Tacancies in towns and cities.
B.F. JH.MX0, MltBaJafttMSt, tlafaia, Ta.
a-SAME tali ram. r ta. j m.
lnr it in their drink or 1
KNXESS i a Ulaeaa). and
caa be cored by onr remedy.
ii can ne given wiuifuii me
knowledire nf natlenr hr nlaf
lnr it la their drink or food. a it Is tastelesa. Cure.
guaranteed. Price, fiia Addres DirvmaNu Ua-
xot co 3UQ tast Utti St- Kana City. Mo.
A, DAT NO W.-l'se or sell Seamlcu
Tire etter. Price ti and auu Can
set your own tire for Hi cent. Wheel lacta
twfceaslnnir. Xo.tlllrntiapnraell ftntkrwt
can not tie decritied. Firat remittance t-ecurea ei-
clutlve territory. He cjcick. Keferenee, any bank.
St. Joe MAsrrCTrri".G Co M.Joe, Mo.
AU-l7,tf AilUdU-ablcd: par. etc: De
,T"weesrelieTed: Laws free.
iirauin a BOSS, natlaaail. 0., ft rTaaUactaa,a&
A. THIS FATEK aaT faaa,rav
' j jk ' RHEUwiATISa,
aaaW'aac?ej!ij?SB. LlL I I 5
BBJ aaai vniVNUVi .aaaBTaBl
v aw w
W-aaaaVT J
W3t W. .aa. 1 "9
W, iar-a
B7 mW W aTla. VV w"
aw B aflaVX c3ak send
ai? IW k.-"av P
OCT. 27S
from all poimt.
The tmtioent of many thousands of ?
J J arTaatr aaaT' ' a M VaW-w
:of tboee hronic weaknesses and distressmor
ailments 7?cnJiar to feraales. ac the Inaiils
Hotel aac Susvical Institute, Buffalo. N. -iha)
affortll a vast experience in mis-lv n!n..
f ingr and liorotighly teatin,? remwUea'for th
ura? oi wazuarrB peculiar DiaiaftlC-S.
Oar. Jflerce's Favorite lr ear, on
a t.te outtfTowth. or result, of this vreat anti
valimble experience. Thoasands of tctluio
Txalsa,receivcd from patients and from iihvei-CaanB-wha
have tested it inho more ajrirra
Ttted and aietinate cases which bad baffl-d
their rtkill. prove it to be the most wonderful
renedy ever devised fortherehef and cureot
eutXeruur women. It is not recommindt'd r.s a
care-il." but as a most perfect scecitie tor
woman'? peculiar ailments.
Aa a powerfal. luTieoratins; tonic.
It UBpar. otrecirth to the whole ststem.
and to tne womb and its appendacrt-s in
particular. For overworked. Iwol-ot.
'run-down.' debilitated teachers, milliner".
drceniakers.rVamBtre8se9. -shop-girls," fcousI
keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble wnmea
generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcscrij.tioa
t the greatest earthly boon, being uneiiui.Nd
Man appetizing cordial and n-storativc tonic.
aa a aoothluK and atrejithcnlusr
taararlna. "Fnvririto Vrunnrxi. w .- . ."
3ualed and is invaluable in allawcir and sub
uins nen-ous excitability, irritahilitv. ci
haustion. prostration, hysteria, spasms and
other distressing, nervous symptoms com
monly attendant upon functional and orptnic
disease of the womb. It induces refit slang
sleep and relieves mental anxiety end de-
physician, anil adapted to woman's dcJicutw
unsouuauuu. n a purely vegetable in it
composition ana perfectly harmless in iu
effects in any condition of the System. Tor
morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever
cauee arising, weak stomach, indigestion, dyo.
Sepsia and kindred 6ymptoms. its uie, ia small
qseg, will prove very beneficial.
FaorIte Prescription la a post.
tlT care for the tncmt eomniimrfv) n,i nK.
Stinate cases of leucorrhca. eaceasivc tloTv-ingv
painful menstruation, unnatural surrressious.
prolapsus, or falling of the womb, weak liacit.
femalo weakness.'' entevereion. retroversion!
pearing-aown sensations, chronic congestion,
inflammation and ulceration of the womb, ra
luunmaUon. pain and tenderness m oanes
accompanied with " internal heat."
... regulator and promoter of funa
tional actton. at that critical period of chang
from girlhood to womanhood. "Favorite Pre
scription " is a perfectly safe remedial agent.
and can produce only frood results. It is
equally efficacious and valuable in its effects
when taken for those disorders and derange
ments incident to that later and mot critical
period, known as The Change of Life."
"Favorite Prescription," when taken
In connection with the use of Dr. Pierce'a
Golden Medical Discovery, and small lasaUvo
doses of Dr. Pierce's Purpitive Pellets (Little
Liver Pills), cures Liver. Kidney and Bladder
diseases. Their combined use also removes
blood taints, and sbolisbes cancerous and.
Scrofulous humors from the system.
Favorite Prescription is tbf ortlr
medianc for women, sold by druggi-sts. nil tier
a positive craarantee, from th manu
facturcrs, that it will give satisfaction in every
case. or monev will bo r-rfnn?n.i T.ii rmn
tee has been printed on the bottle-wrappe'r.
and faithfully carried out for many vears.
bottles for $5.00. '
For large, illustrated Treatise on Disease of
women (160 pages, paper-covered), send tea
cents in stamps. Address,
WorM's Oispfisiry Miilea! Association, '
3 Main St, BUFFA1X. X.Y
WELLS, &c.
Fend for oar catalogue. &&. on "Well Bat, ae
md Coal PrasaaeetlBar Machine, Ac.
LOOMIS it. NY MAN, tiffix. onto.
mr-SAXt THIS riFXS. net; ta. J., vnta.
(MS Uraatkonaadiiuk:mcraBiear7arcrUs;fcrc,tuta
WIlUl at asytkinrala, into world Uthrt a.x CoatIa!Jlfe
-jaiaaarKaa. iiai . . v m..m.m,
S AaU IU13 rim aaarj ca,oa ant.
Kndowed hr f Inr.mnp
aa Hardin.
lUaallea Cslleart? la the Wt.
13 Teachers, 4 Professors. Atl.OUU prize Piano for
oesi music pupil nexi session, f. u. mcaicu. JSO.
La wreace Basfaeaa College ana Academy
Lanreat, cheapest and best. A TO-paue Mum. cata
logue free. E.L. SfcIlraTy. Sap't. Lawrence. Kansas.
cat. lVtav.
t.lMk. Klrst-clsvs In all its
lather Education. No traveling
appolntatents for
nta. ri
AiAiuur.?. kuj:kx
X. IHAKLES, 3f av.
HUll I IllVaCw I aallll Eranatnn. III. RtT
JOSEPH CDMMING3. D. D L.L. II.. President. 1Q0
rroieaaorsa id intracurs. ana over HWhtuclents.
Tbe Unrrersity offers Professional. Coileiriate antt
t-rertarauiry svivaiiuften compieu: at a mixierat
ror caiaJoKues addresitho I'ucsios.vr.
U5I0S COLU'CEof I.XW.C!iicaeo. Fall Term be
Eins!ept.K. For circular add. li. Booth. ChiuKO.
YOUBBMEMa3r,,'?s;raphr and Cailrcad
IIMHl wl Agents Businexhcre. and ecure
pond situations. Wnte J. 1. BROWS, s-eilalia. Mo.
A. X. K. D.
Xo. 1195.
pleaae say je saw tk AslvsrUsCBssat Ltv
this saoer.