The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1888, Image 1

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    .ft 5, .
I jj
. V
r -
The balance of
Summer Clothing,
. V . J Straw Hats, - -
And other seasonable "OccIn at very low
figure?. Call and iet our figures"
7"7,-rt r' . " : ; -.- ,'?-, Win. Parkrs has the rheumatism.
i -- L. II. Fort was in Hastings Mon
. i'."?i.v5:i'::L. - Vrctsrii-tc: day.
" " . " Kvervbodv and his bat airl danced
Mrs. A. S. Marh has in rived home.
J. II. Smith has returned to Nor
ton. A. L. Funk and 31 . B. Edlemau
were in Crete.
Mis Laura Smith is the guest of
Mrs. Wm. Parkes.
Fred Sleeper and I'cte Jeffer have
returned iroiu Mexico.
Joe Hcrberger dialed out 70 gal
lons of ice cream the 4lh.
Carrie, Beile and Kate Spanoglc
arc attending the Crete Chautauqua.
Mr. Meyer, ot Chicago, a brother of
Mrs. L. Baum. is visiting in the city.
Henry Scott purchased a fine organ
for his daughter on Monday from
Mm. Bailey.
The street cars carried COO people
en the 4th. Wc are pleased to note
their prosperity.
Frank Khoton, of Sioux City. Iowa,
has taken a position with C. Wiener,
our popular clothier.
It is now stated that a reward of
$2,200 is offered for the escaped safe
crackers by Missouri parties.
Seward street has what is known as
a row of bachelors: They are A. O.
Berg, Frank Smith and A. S. Marsh.
Eight companies of V. S. Cavalry
are now enroute for Fort Riley and
-will probably come through Red
L. H. Fort is "the custodian of two
-wicked revolvers, a gold watch, a drill,
a razor and a bunch of keys, belonging
to the escaped safe crackers.
W. H. Ludlow & Son have their
brick yard running in good shape and
have a full supply of brick on hand.
Any one in need of brick give them a
L. II. Fort has been appointed water
, commissioner at a salary of 18 per
month. This is a good appointment
and one that will be appreciated by
the public.
Smith & Turner, who put up a for
feit of $500 a year rgo when they bid
on constructing our water works, have
asked the city to refund the amount.
The council have rejected the claim
aad'it is understood that they will sue
the City.
s& - i?v
Walt Sheiwood and J. O. Yeker
were in Crete.
Mr.-. Abel and daughter. Xellie, of
Denver, was in the City.
Seed corn and potatoes at the city
feed t-tore opusdtc 1. O. 3G w-tf
A. It, Funk k headquarters for
twine binders, mowers and hay rakes.
G. W . Lindsey's mewl wagon broke
down the other da but not much
Will Mitchell and wife have gone to
Crete for a visit. They will take in
the Chautauqua while there.
G. W. Cline. the hackman. and
wife, have returned from Lincoln.
They contemplate going to California.
Volume 1, number 2, of the Nor
ton, Kansas, Daily New Era, is be
fore us. It is very neaa and we wish
it success.
Qn stable h'chenck brought in two
Kansas gentlewen(?) last Wednesday
charged" with stealing Charley Ar
nold's horses. TKey are in the cool
er. Friday while somo paper was
being burned in the rear of Wiener's
store the sparks set fire to Mr. Wie
ncr's.barn, but fortunately it was ex
tinguished by Judson Marsh before
any damage was done.
Hon. E. E. Ainsworth of Albany,
N. Y., an old time Wend of Henry
Cook's, who made one of the most
eloquent 4th of July orations in this
city Wednesday that it has been our
pleasure to hear, left for the west
Thursday nioming.
The new road to the bridge has been
cut up badly by the rain of Monday
night. The B. & M. should he com-i
pelled to fix some kind of an arrange
ment to carry off thtCBjrpUs of water
from the shops and then th mad
would be in good shape.
It seems to us that the ordinance
in relation to barb wire fences should
be enforced. Every day some one
has a horse cut to pieces by the
wire, and Mond ay raemtlg THi Chirp
buggy horse was badly est by coming
in contact with barb wire fences.
They arc very dangerous and should
be taken down.
Harry Markellhas gone to Crete.
Mrs. A. 0. Berg and G. W. Dow
ivere in Crete.
A fin vlii r of fi uiili Unci: r:is ill
the city Saturday
Emery Davidson, of McCook, was
in the city Wednesday.
Mrs. C. L. Cottinir and children j
left for AViscousin Saturday morning.
The Mill company are making
tri'iicrous efforts to get the dam in
Mrs. K. Skeen and daughter, Miss
Ilettie, arrived home from Crete
Miss Yashti Gardner and Misa
Thompson weie in the rity the first
of the week, the guests of Mrs. M. R,
Mr. Atkins and family, of Michi
gan, arc in the city. They have a
daughter who is an invalid and came
here tfxnccting to improving her
It co.-t the delegates and visitors to
the convention the round sum of
$3,500,000. And now Chicago talks
of shutting up shop and going off bo
the sea shore to enjoy the rest of the
summer on the profits. Bee.
It is rumored that th. B. &. 31.,
will put in several pieces of machin
ery in the shops here for repairing
purposes. This will knock the bot
tom out of McCook's -shops "boom"
which has already been knocked out.
Repoit of Amboy school for the
month ending Jnoe 30th, 18SS. Num
ber enrolled IS. Average attendance
10. Thoso not absent only one day
when the creek was high and there
was no school: Libbie Williams,
May Trankcy, Charlie Trunkey. Not
Urdy. Yiola Rasser, Mary Rasscr.
Clara M. Wilsos, Teacher.
Through the kindness of Will
Cromwell wc were permitted to look
the Portland Oregonian over. That
paper had a splendid write up of To
c;ma, W. T. one of t!is the most en
terprising seaport cities on Puget
Sound. The real estate firm of Crom
well & Pritchaid, of which Will is a
seuior member, is getting to the front.
The Chief will always be glad to
hear of the success of .auy of the Red
Cloud boys.
rude Sam and the Eagcl.
Dear old Uncle Sam
Is hatiDv as a claiu.
And he wantn us all to- "whoop m tip galore.-'
For the grand old r oartn is nitre.
The dav n e hold .so dear.
Screams the eagle as it never did before.
Now the jubilee is lost.
For the Fourth rant always last.
And out uncle aud the eagle both are sore.
But, uucle, don x oe sad.
Although your're feeling lad
For you've done the same every year before.
Farm Loan&
Lots of money to Loan on farms at
G 7, 7 , 8, 8, 9 and 10 per cent in
terest, for 1, 2. 3, 4, 5. C, or 7 years.
Iuterest payable annually or semi-an
nually and principal payable all or in
installments at any interest pay day.
These terms ought to suit most
anybody. Call on or address me at
Red Cloud, Neb, Office in north end
Moon block. G. W. Barker.
Correct Yea Are
Word was received here this morn
ing from Red Cloud that two prisoners
had escaped from the jail there last
nieht and were liable to come through
Superior. The prisoners Monday night
went through Garbcr's store at Guide
Rock, taking some money and olher
valuables, but owing to hevj rains
were unable to escape and were cap
tured and taken to Red Cloud. As
several prisoners have escaped from
the Red Cloud jail heretofore it is about
rime for Webster county to invest in a
new criminal cace. Superior Journal.
F. E. Goble was in Crete la.-t week.
Mrs. G. B. Gates is on the sick list.
Wm. Flohrs is bnildina nice harp.
Hammocks and croquet sets at
ii.ii:. ..i.
23S-:ix 4S-:;xw
Miss Sylvia Cook has been visiting
in Blue Hill.
Robt. Service and
4th in Bloouiinirton.
wife spent the
If you want the best mower on
earth go to A. L. Funk.
The Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will
preach at the Baptist chuich on Sun
day next.
Hurrah for the Walter A. Wood
mower! Have you seen it? Oh. but
its a daisy.
The Walter A. Wood and the Tro
gan mowers take the cake. See them
before buying.
The new electric lamps are up with
one exception. Now then, won't wc
shine when the dam is in again.
The Red Cloud Milling company
talk of putting in an engine tc obviate
the necessity cf stopping operations
when the dam gees out. They
The damage to bridge property in
Webster county by the late freshet
will be immense. Hardly a bridge has
been left over any of the smaller
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva J. Kino.
County Sup't.
Sada J. Bailey wishes to call the
attention to the faet that she is sell
ing the Steinway, Checkering, Knabe
and other excellent pianos of lesser
noteriety in prices ranging from $250
to $1,000. She also sells the best
parlor and chapel organs that art in
the market. 3Irs. Bailey has a per
manent residence among us, and kind
ly solicits the patronage of Red Cloud
and the surrounding country and
towns. Prompt attention gives to
calls made at her residence or by let
ters addressed to post office box 190,
Red Cload, Neb. dwtf
Plcasaat Prairie, July 3rd. Spee
ial correspondence to the Chief.
Where are the croakers of "a dry sea
son." Plenty of rain, enough to stop
cultivating corn but how the weeds
grow. Corn is growing fast where it
came up good, a good many had to
replact their earlv planted corn, es
pecially that which was listed. Mr.
Jcffcry is said to have the finest
stand of corn in this part of the
county. Small grain looks well, and
many are mousing because they sewed
none. Potatoes are coming on well,
some having them large enough t
eat. Cattle look well as pastures are
extra good, but the general complaint j
is "my horses look hard.
But little news now days. Nearly
every one is making preparations to
attend the farmers picnic in Peter
son's grove on the 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery hurried their
infant child not long siuce after a
little life here of only six hours.
Jaeob Bochleiter spent a few days
at home last week. He is working
at his trade in Superior.
R. K. Orchard had a young horse
badly cut on a wire fence the other
day. Maik.
Jf V ,
JULY 6. 1888-
It wa- M!c'CHru(!y Obcred In Red
(loud. A Larse Crowd in tlict'ity
From Kveryw here. The American
Itasle Screamed and Everybody Wan
Kie, nation, let the e.islv soar,
From l'lyiuouth to the golden shore;
Unfurl jour banner to the Dreoe.
From southern .!inie to Artie mm-.
Let everyone in joy proclaim.
CohnnbiaS greatness and her f.une.
(live freiloin's thought triumphant iway
On thb our natal holiday.
Let naming rockets rise and shine,, for our country, all entwine.
The senti'uent expressed in the
line above were fully realized in our
city on the 4th. The eagle soared,
the flags unfurled lazily in the breez
es, joy was ia the ascendency, free
dom at its fullness, the flaming rock
ets sailed through the air, and love
for our country was depicted on every
countenance, the ears rattled over the
stony street and everything passed off
as serenely as could have been antici
pated by the most fastidious. Early
in the morning the booming of J. C.
Kennedy's piece of artillery, notified
the sleeping citizens that our natal
day had been ushered in, and thirty
minutes later the do"s of war seemed
j to tave Dcen ',et 003e f one might
juage from. the fnailade of firearms
and the innocent little fire cracker.
At about 8 o'clock the highways lead
ing the city were being traversed by
hnndreds of vehicles coming to Red
Cloud to celebrate, until several
thousand people were present by the
time the fireworks took place in the
evening. The program was carried
out in full: At nine o'clock, a. m.
the procession formed on Webster
street between 3rd and 4th ave., head
ed by Mayor Holland and speaker of
the day Hon. D. E. Ainsworth, of
Albany, N. Y., followed by the band
and representation of states and tcrri
torities, trades display and Charley
Chase's calithumpians, a most sable
band evidently just from the "rural
deestricks." The column moved to
9th avenue, thence to Seward street
and back to place of starting. The
representation of states was a most
novel and interesting feature and en
tirely new from the routine 4th of
July displays. After the procession
come the oration of Hon. D. E. Ains
worth, at the court house, and right
here we must say, aside from all flat
tery that it was one of the most
brilliant orations that our people have
had the pleasure of listening to for
many years. He is a forcible, logical
and interesting orator, with that mus
ical voice that closely rivets the at
tention of his hearers. Our people
were fortunate in securing Mr. Ains
worth for this occasion. The greas
ed pole, the pig race and numerous
other amusements were indulged in
to make the day pleasant and produc
tive. Almost every building in the
city was decorated with stars and
stripes. The flag was awarded to
Highland township. Smith county,
In the evening the fire
works drew a large crowd and to say
that they were fine is putting the
matter lightly. To wind up without
making special mention of the sing
ing and the Y. 31. C. A. double male
quartette would be manifestly unjust
to the best feature of the day's pro
gram. The singing was fine and en
joyed by everyono and the quartette
did themselves great credit. Upon
the whole, the 4th was a grand suc
cess and every one felt that Red
Cloud had entertained them royally.
This closes another 4th of July.
"rr"r "i 5 V-.
NO 49
of Indiana.
E.KVI P. rtlOKTO'..
of New York
ItlccSIns: of Keptihlit-an tii:siiii9fr.
The member? of the republican
central committee for Webster t ,.:u
ty arc ieiu?sted to meet at the Curfc
House in Red Cloud, on Wcdne;.diy,
July lSth. 1SSS. at 1 o'clock p. m.
to make provision for holding a repub
lican county convention.
A. J. Kexxev, Ch:..
D. F. Truxkev, Sec'y.
- m ....
Piatt & Frees Co. have for sale
one small hou-e with one lot for $ I0lT
to be paid for in installments of !:
per month bearing 10 per cent inter
est. A good chance for some one
who is throwing away money by pay
ing rent to secure a home.
One good large house, nicely locat
ed, 2,000 to be paid $300 down, bal
ance in payments of $23 per mo::th,
10 per cent interest.
Ono good farm 160 acres under
wire fence, about 100 acres under
cultivation, about 23 acres in hog
pasture fenced with boards. A lino
farm house, etc.. and only 34- miles
from Red Cloud. Will allow air.ic.-t
any time a purchaser could want.
Also one perfectly new self-binder,
either Buckeye or Peering, on long
time.' Might take a good young
hoise a part pay.. m., -.
An ordinance fixing the salary of
the water commissioner of the city of
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Be it ordained by the mayor and
council of' the city of Red Cloud.
Nebraska, that the salary of the water
commissioner of said city be and the
same is hereby fixed at the sum of
eighteen dollars por month payable
monthly in warrants drawn on the
water fund. This ordinance shall be
in full force and effect from and after
its passage and publication as by law
re(uired. Done this 2Sth day of
June, 1888. Geo. B. Holland.
L. H. Fort, Mayor
( s , Clerk.
If you wish to buy or sell property
call on us.
Gump 6c Warner,
Opera house block .
A runaway buggy horse on the 4th
took a shoot across the walk between
the Red Cloud National bank and the
hydrant throwing a lady out into the
mud in the gutter. No oce hurt.
List your property with us.
Gump 6s Warner,
Opera house block.
In our 4th of July articls yester
day we omitted making mention of
the test of speed between No. 1 and 2
hose team. It was a very interesting
feature and No. 1 came out first best.
I was a grand affair.
Don't forget that the iVebster
county agricultural society will give
one of the best fair s ever held in
Webster county. Make your ar
rangements to exhibit something.
We have customers for house
costing from $800 to $2,000. Bring
in your property.
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block.
Low Bate of Interest.
By a late arrangements, I can make
yoc a Farm Loan en the shortest no
tice, lowest interest, and best terms of
payment that can be had in the west.
All kinds of well secured notes bought.
Call and compare rates.
C. F. Catheb.