The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1888, Image 5

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    . n, .,..
Jftw. Ji &
.-' V
'" -
glit e& tend gjticfl
a. c uosxErt,
fcWisbf J cverj Friday nioniiup: from the office
in tbe 3Io.m Block, Bed Cloud. Nob.
Absolutely Pure
j. " r 'i -tr vu! Maru-J or pure
.' ..: "! 'n '.i n ins.. iiiiii'.-on)inic:iI
t -. T
iT' k'nil :j1 c.tti::ot I.ool.l in
, ' "i JIiilM!'. .lir.iSio if lutvTfti .,nrt
. ; u.i:m or I hj li-.i. poi:ir. SoW only
i- KO'j AI. 1.KIN(; l'OWDHilCO.
lit; U;-lIs: rwt. . v. oity
osiit::!-io::ir Iroi-oe!iiiz
11,-d Cloud. Jane ."ith. 1SSSS.
I) ard iin-t in rejrular ?:-ion. 17
tuiLWrs ii.-o.-tat and G. V. Huinmel
in the chair.
Minutes of List uicctinir read and
The flloving road petitions came
1-f ? tin boan! and were granted
ssd roads ordered opened.
lt:tiun ned by John A. Coon
aul viiitrs fur load ca-: and ;ve.-t
. lT"?s section 11 and 111. town 1. 11. east of bridire.
1'etition siirncd by W. M. Crabill
and others for road between sections
17) and 10. town '1, range 11.
ltition sitrned by G. V. Hum
? 1 and others lor a mad on s w of
section 27. town 1. ranire 11.
Petition signed by C. Gust and
ethers for road across section 1G.
t iwn 1. ranire 11.
i'-ciitio:: for a road between section
line ! and 10. tr.rn -. range 1 I , or
dered returned for consent of owners
cf land- adjoining proposed toad.
Board adjourned to meet June th.
at U o'clock. a.m.
Seventeen members present. G. .
I I urn in ell in tli: chair.
Oa motion County Treasurer or
dered to refund to W. K Thorne,
$C tases firl-ST. paid on double
personal ases?:nent.
Petition of Louis Shuman for a
license to sell liquors in the town of
Dbdpn rciected bv the board. Vote'
Gn mctimi to reject said petition
standing as follows: Yea?. Hamp
to5. Rilev. Thomas. Cox. Coon. Hum
mel. Garber.
licrg, Iv-ilcy. 1-rame,
father and ble
Reports f J. IT. Bailey, county
clerk, aiid "Eva .7 . ICiriir. cuntv sup
erintendent, of rrcciptsf and disburse-
moms for the mtarter eiidinc March
lGxlQ acr..-? the Blue river near
Bladen accepted and committee in
itructed to let the contract for said
bridee, to the We.-t bidder.
1 The following official bonds ap
proved bribe board.
A. . K-iit,.lus;;rM-I the K-i.e. O.ik Creek Tp. 1
JHK-Aniacfc. " " Carlk-ldTp. ,
.M McMHIer. " " mihwmct '
I- E. Spaur, O. II. K. I- ' 15. II. IL I.No.2T..
Joseph C. Ta: lor, )- II. U. 1. N- 32.
D.ivid t'lrey, O. II. K. 1. Nu. -'
J. W. Kobinsou. O. U.K. D. No. IS-
John Holerson. t). II. it. D: No. at.
II. F. Iludxin, O. H. K. 1. No. li.
II. A. Stef, Treasurer Oak Creek Tp.
Bond of E. Herrick ordered return
ed for additional security.
Bonds of C. H. Rust, justice of tlia
peace, Batin townhip, rejected.
On motion C. II. Kut appointed
justice of the peace for -Batin town
ship. On motion clerk of District court
instructed to furnish a list of all for
feited criminal bonds since the organ
ization of the eounty nd report the
same to th's board.
Claim of HoR-H Brn... for $240.76
material furnished for county clerk's
office, allowed by the following rote:;
Kaley, Berg. Garber, Frame. Coon,
Mandelbauni. Hampton, Xoble. Wells'
and Humuiell.
Nay?. Vasalcr, Cox, T(rtma,
Groves-. Uiley. Iron and Ca'tlr.
The following claims aP.Owed:
r. 0tdick,si:pplSe.s for poor . 5. i. J
A. C. Hosiner, printing for courty 33 10
Cnarlw Guniey. material for bridge 9 00
11att& Frees, material lorbridse 33
M. B. McNitt, stationery.
21 st
31 t. 1SSS, approved by the board. I. B. Hampton, G. fc. toon and
Report of bridge committee recom-(;. c. Cox appointed by the chairman
luemlins the buildins of a bridge 30x 0f the Board to appraise lot G in s w
I"k C? r .-m
ii. r ronu, " o tt
i. H. Bailey, " 8
II. O. Scott, dis. court attendance 83 76
A. Morliart, nails for county 2 m
Traders Lumber Co., mat. for bridges..." 2y 00
W. E. Tliorne, sun eyiiiK roads.. 21 00
0."Viekw ire, chairman 4 go
U II. Fort, jiastape and express 11 $3
Eva J. King, salary and stationery 202 05
w. 15. Cramer, Juryman 13 50
Jacob Kindscber, " 13 70
L. c. Olmstead " 12 80
J. 1. liikok, is -jo
II. I rinkinbinder " 10 20
A. Arciisou " 1300
John Coon 12 10
. W. Hummel! ' u 70
E. J. Solomon " 12 00
C. C. Co.v 12 CO
C. L.Fuuk 12 CO
S. W. Fulton ' 10 -:o
Thomas Bunion 16 00
S, J. Foster " 13 SO
Johns. Hooter " H 30
T. J. Ward " 13 (O
J. C- Iirookr " 13 CO
Jarob Silmnck " 14 So
W. E.Buker ' 17 20
W.;HoMorth ' 12 40
J. L.Fnme ' 13 0)
-M. C. Fu to 1 " 13 30
II. II Sanford " 2 no
Saimivl West " 2 CO
LeC.nsud Thome " 2 00
Pat id liesler, labor Tor counOy 123
Andrew Nordlins, clcantnj: e. h, jard 13 00
Stale Jourjial Co., tuiilies for county.... CO 20
State Journal Co., supplies for county 22 53
J I Frame, committee 9 70
T.J. Ileal, load appraisal 2 40
31. -. 1-Mier, 2 40
J. IC. Aultz. " 2 40
(5.AV. Hummel!, chahman C 00
J. 11. 1'.ailey, postage and express 23 40
I". M. l'eikius, supplies for county 3 33
(Iw. ?.lay, :issessor services SZi
It. S. I'roadfit, bridge material 5S 57
C. 1- Cottini:, supplies for county 7 25
F. A. iweezy, iKtstage, &c 2S rf)
Oeo. J. Wan en, supplies for county to 00 SO 09
S. 1). Newineyer, printing for co. 45 (X)
Eva J. Kinjr. salary and stamps 23S SO J
S. F. Spokesrield. supplies for poor SI W
h. D. Denny, medical. Delancy CO M
G. E. McKeeb, " ' 10 00
1 E. Goble, supplies for joor 12 .".0
i. V.Taylor, "; " 11 00
A. C. Hcsraer. " county lit 00
G. V". Knight, muse jor poor 00
Geo. J. Warren, docket for judge - 00
The following claims laid over to next
Geo. F. Pope, assessors services ."(! 00
V.'hitten Bros., supplies for co. l'" 00
F. V. Taylor, coffin for Garlick 40 00
Claim of A. Mchart referred back for
Claim of S. F. SpokesSeld referred
back to city.
Rejected claim of II. D. Kaunev for $4
cae of Graves.
Rejected claim of "VV. A. McKeighan for
sOS for rent for office.
Board adjourned until S a. m. June 7th.
lied Cloud. June 7th. 1SSS.
Hoard met pursuant to adjourn
ment. 17 :nembers present.
On motion it is ordered by the
board that the county clerk issue a
warrant for a sufficient sum of uioney
to redeem from tax sale the ene j
and e A s e 4- of section 22, town 2.
range 12 we?t. said redemption to be
made by II. II. Pitney, said warrant
to be drawn to II. R. Pitncw, guard
ian for Wm. II. DeLacey (insane.)
Said Pitney to give bond to Webster
county for twice the amount of said
' ir-irrint
! Claim of Luther Kauinisky for
I $230. Keeping pauper DeLancey
1 Claim of eb. .LumDer 1,0. ior -tio
Claim of Geo. Plumb, $39,15 print-
ing election notice referred to the
Board of Trade of Red Cloud.
J of s e -j and lot 7 in the seofse
J- of M 9, also lots 4 and 5 in the
south inw, lot G in s xr $ of n e
also lot 7 in n c of n e and s e $
of n c i of 13-l-i.
On motion Allen Sheets appointed
constable for Potsdam township.
Report of County Judge of fees re
ceived during January, February and
March, 1SS8, approved by the board.
Petition signed by C Jasperson
and others for a road in town 2, rang
11, rejected by the board.
Tbe following claims allowed:
Geo. J. Warren, supplies for co.
E. House, road survey
S. S. Wells, supervisors ssrricss
Austin Riley
f 136 45
4 00
8 GO
a so
6 60
C. C. Cox
S. Mandelbaum
Mark Noble
J. L. Frame
L B. Hampton
James Groves
Win. Irons
Jos. Garber
A. O. Berg
G. P. Gather
Av A. Kaley
C FAssler
8 30
14 60
7 60
13 00
g 00
fi 70
8 10
7 70
13 40
8 80
C 40
0 E. Coon
li D. Thomas
G. W. Huinmell
10 J
Ordered br the board that here-!
after no appropriation shall be grant
ed to any township to bir "bridges,
costing $100 or less, eteept on the
petition of at least teB voters of said
.. - -J: m amrm nA
lownsmp accuBnu,.5
when so granted tbs towsship board
". a. v.tnios, can v. election returns col
Shall have charge of the same. And
for all bridges costing over $100 the
county bridge committee shall visit
said location and if necessary shall
report to the Board of Supervisors
and if said board shall think it best
to build such bridge they shall adver
tise for bids and the contiact be let
to the lowest responsible bidder, pro
vided that all bridges herein contem
plated shall be over streams.
County cleik ordered to draw war
rants for claims allowed at this meet
ing of the board on the county gen-
eral surplus fund until said fund is
exhausted and for remaining claims
on the county general fund.
History of and canvass of the vote
of special election held March 31st,
in Guide Rock and Red Cloud town
ships for the purpose of voting bonds
to aid in the construction of the Ne
braska Southern Railway approved by
the board and count clerk ordered to
make the same a part of the rcctrds
of Webster county.
Claim of J. L. Patten fr $2."i laid
over until the next meeting of the
Claim cf Gazette Journal Co. laid
over until the next meeting of the
Poard adjourned to meet the first
day after the adjournment of the
Eoard of Equalization.
J. II. Bailev. Co. Clk.
Seed wheat,
Seed oats.
Seed Hax,
German millet, w tf
r'or sale at the Grain Elevator
List our property with us.
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block.
Iln! fur tbe Fourth.
At Smith's Park, There will be a
general 4th of July celebration at
Smith's grove, 7 miles southeast of
Red Cloud. You will find ample
room, beautiful groves, splendid boat
ing and other amouiements. Basket
diniier. There will be able speakers
and good music. Dinner, lunch, ice
cream and other refreshments will be
provided on the grounds for those
who wish it. All refreshments will
be provided by the Ash Creek 31. E.
church, proceeds to go to ths pastor.
We cordially invite everybody to
come and will make every effort to
make the day enjoyable.
Br order of Com.
This park is now open for amuse
ment every day except Sunday.
Judson, Kan., June 11th. Spec
correspondence to the CuiEr.J
Little Joseph, son of 3Ir. and Mrs.
Loadabrand, died June 4th and was
hurried on the 5th, at 3It. Hope cem
etery, the Rev. J. T. Stone preached
the services at the house. The re
mains were followed to the cemetery
by a large procession. He died with
spinal fever. ;'The Lord gaTeth and
the Lord taketh away. Blessed be
the name of the Lord." The berear-
I ed parents have the sympathy of the
entire community.
Cultivating corn is the order of the
There is some old chintz bugs in
the small srain but we have uot seen
any young ones.
Indian Creek, June 11th. Spec
ial correspondence to the Ciiief.
Mrs. A. J. Means is very sick.
Anna Topiuan. of Guide Rock, is
visiting her aunt Mrs. Bradshaw.
A number of the farmers have their
j corn to replant, from the effects of the
heavy rain.
Bliss Belle Mela tosh spent the 30th
in Rivcrton.
Mist Sadie Me teal f quite recently
risited Mrs. Philips, of Cathertoo.
Mr. Stanier is shearing sheep for
A. Melntosh.
Bonds did not carry for a school
house. What is to be the next acre
towards getting a school souse?
After the 20th of July Ben Reed
takes the old stone school house. Has
Ben a bird for the cage?
Mr. Dona Stofer and bride, of
Womer, Kan., risked with A. J.
Means last Sunday.
Pete Hansen drives by this way to
Red Cloud occasionally. Pete thinks
the longest road the shortest some
times. Van Benson went to Red Cloud
Saturday and returned early Sunday
morning. Vas business kept him j
over night.
John Breozen has a new spring
Iwtima. Xa .Trttlll Cftn take tbe bOTfl.
"-D -
List or Lettrra.
Brown, Amos Carper, X. V.
Carleton, Harry Kaminsky, L.
Smith, Emery 2 A'llscn, Carleton
Lyon, Harriet Smith, E. S. Mrs.
Strager, Mrs. C.
These letters will be sent to the
dead letter office July 11th, if not
called for before. A. S. Maush.
Farm Loans.
Lots of money to Loan on farms at
G 7, 7-, S, Si, i and 10 per cent in
terest, for 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. 0. or 7 years.
Interest payable annually or semi-annually
and principal payable all or in
installments at any interest pay day.
These terms ought to suit most
anybody. Call on or address me at
Red Cloud. Neb, Office in north end
3Ioon block. G. W. Barker.
Inherited Diseases.
Ko fact of nature is more pregnant
vrith awful meaning than tho fact of tho
inheritance of disease.
Modern science, which has illuminated
10 many dark corners of nature,has shed
a new light on tho ominous words of tho
Scriptures, "Tho sins of the fathers,
shall bo visited upon tho children
onto tho third and fourth generation."
Fifty per cent, of cases of consumption,
cancer and scrofula, run in families
through inheritance. Insanity is hered
itary in a marked decree, but, fortu
nately, like many other hereditary
diseases, tends to wear itself out, tho
stock becoming extinct. A distin
guished scientist truly says: 4-No organ
or texture of tho body is exempt from
tho chance of being the subject of
hereditary disease." Probably more
chronic diseases, which permanently
modify tho structure and functions of
the body, arc more or less liable to bo in
herited! The important and far-reaching
practical deductions from such facts
are obvious to reflecting minds, and tho
best means for preventing or curing
these diseases is a subject of intense in
terest to all. Fortunately nature has
Erovideda remedy, which experience
as attested as infallible, and the reme
dy is the world-famous Swift's Specific,
a pure vogct&blo compound nature's
antidote for all blocd poisons. To tho
afflicted it is a blessing of inestimable
value. An interesting treatise on
'Blood and Skin Diseases," will b
mailed free by addressing
The Swift Specific Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ua.
Low Rates of Interest.
By a late arrangement. I cm make
you a Farm Loan ou the shortest no
tice, lowt-t i 'terest. rui bes' tr-n of can be had in the west.
All Wnda ! v. ell secured iH.tes bought.
Call :'.nd compare rates.
Denver to Chicago,
Denver to Kansas C try
Denver to Omaha,
Omaha to Chicago,
Kansas City to Chicago,
Omaha to St. Lou:s(
Throueh tickets over the Qurlins
ton Route are fer oale by tho Union
Pacific, Denver St Rio Crando crti
ail other principal railways, ar.:;
by ah agents of the "Buriinctcn
For further Information, apply tc
ny agent, or to
P. S. EUSriS.GanlT'i'tAg:.
O. C. Cask. Jas. McNicxr,
F. Will nrartic In all courts Of this State
Collection! as well as litigated business careul-
y and efficiently attended to. Abstracts lunusa
ed on application. ....
Omen Over First National Bask, bed
cloud. Neb
A TTORNEYATLAW. All business instnnt
A ed to his caw will be iiromiitiy attended,
office, corner sth avenue and 'Webster street.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
aBtining Surgeon. Offlce opposite First
no, ioual Bank, KedCUwl. Nebraska
Chronic Ueae3 treated by mall.
C. W. KAI.ET. J. L. KA1.KT.
A TTORNETS AT LAW. Agents for tile B.
A &M.B. K lands. QOeeoa Webster street.
Red CToud. Nebraska.
Farmers ail Merchants
AffonersAtJtokintbuBines trana.
otudinaU itsbrmnohea.
Three or e years ftraigbt pe
oent. sincle ranrtsace. No delay
1:1 securing tnonev.
wn nrtior Geo. R. Holland.
E.B. Smith. G.O. Yelsr,
W. S. Garber.
. KnnulZ iros..
?.--r Xartonal lunk.
Ostaha. Nei
Ftrt National Ban h
Liaoola. Neb :
Eg Mill I 111 I H raJ
Received last Friday their third bill of
This season.
There that v?ill surprise you. They also received the best
You ever saw. Remember they carry the best
They do not .-ell these goods 20 per cent off from the
marked price (on account of the season.) but you will find their
Then those that cry 20 per cent off. They will please
you every way possible, sell you more gooJs for the money than anyone
Come and See
Addition to the city of Red Cloud
By far the most desirable property in Red Cloud
'M 3 I
1 7
tr. k
w 10
. 12 11
Lots reasonable, location easy of access,
Beautifully situated. Buy
H The Western
w Mercantile
Successors to
M. B. Mason & co.
Leaders in low prices, fair and square dealers.
Carpet warp, white $1.00, colored 1,10
Get a dozen pair good hose for $1 .00
Table linen 25 to 35 cents per yard
J5p See our 25 cent suspenders
Get a good necktie for 15
Gents linen collars 10 cents
Working men's shirts, large stock and good assortment
25, 40 and 50 cents
5000 Yards Best Prints 5c per yd.
S See our 5c Gingham, nice small check
Z See our 25c hose, it is worth your time to examine them.
Get a 50c corset, it will give you satisfaction
S See our 10c India linens, you cannot buy for less than.
W 15c like them anywhere else
?3 Albatross cloth 5c per yard
30c Buys a Pair Silk Mitts r
i-l See our white poods, lawns, laces, white and colored embroideries
'' ribbons, hand satchels silk linen and cotton hemstitched handkerchiefs.
t""1 We have umbrellas from 26, 23 and 32 inch, silk or alpaca good qual
P3 itv guaranteed. See our jerseys, shawls and gossamers. Come and see
and examine goods. Highest price paid for produce. It pays to
Jj trade at
yi The Western & Southern Mercantile
yy Ass'n Mason's Old Stand,
Chas Schaffnit, Manager,, -, "
You will fin 1 an
s I
21) ! 3 '
; vi ! 4 :
, ,
S S- I 6 I
k ia 2 :: !
n .
:4 j p
is I 1 10
ij i 1 11
and Southern
a&fcfe, ga,