The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1888, Image 1

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Owinff to the lateness of the season and having- an
unusual large
The One Price square
On May 25, to give a discount of 20 per cent, on
of over $5 iu value.
SunvTier-u now mark a in plain figures at$ 5.00 will seil at$ 4.0G
6 00 " 4,75
. V"
m tcniinue
COTS and
j" --fcyHaaj0Pawiaw.Ki.SSESZMSSSJaaaaaaaaaaaaMSS5SS -p- m4i j ytFwtyjgw
our Chanc
SvacISaH bbbbY
stock f Summer Clothing
oh hand.
Eagle Clothing store,
7 as
until jislv 41 . :nic only for cash. Willi sell
SHOES, Mm's Furnishing Goods, Hats
Caps, at Lowest Cash Values.
''f'.'Srm "SSSCsSSaBBBBBBm
7 00
8 00
9 00
10 00
12 00
3 00
14 00
15 00
16 00
17 00
18 00
5 20
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6 40
7 20
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10 40
12 00
12 8C
13 60
wfrir .
hit zli i
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i inn. i
Z505:e:?:. ii-.;...
i)i. France has moved to Omaha.
Nice style punts only $1 at Berg &
E. 0. Parker, of Guide Hock, is in
the city to-la;,'.
Working shirts for 25 cents at
Berg & Galusha's.
Good heavy overalls for -10 cents
at Berg & Galusha's.
Seed corn and potatoes at the citj
feed store op...-itc I O. '; w-tf
G. R. Chaney is going to Chicago
to attend the convention.
N. J. Ilcngen was down from Blue
Hiil Wednesday evening.
Children suits from HGcts and up
wards at the Golden Kagle.
Lou Vance made a business trip
to Guide Rock Wednesday.
I)r. Douglas, of Hastings, was in
the city Wednesday evening.
For the mother's friend, hoy's shirt
waists go to the Golden Eagle.
Pants! Pwitb!! Pants!!! Pants!!!!
New one? at Berg & Galusha's.
There ought to Le some arrange
ments to settle the dust question.
Children's day festivities at the
Congregational church were very suc
A fine line of men's and youths nits
at astonishing low prices atthcGoldei
Boots and Shoes woro never sold at
such remarkable low prices as at pres
ent at the Golden Faiilc.
,The Golden Kagle carries more hats
than several other stoics combined at
prices that will gladen your heart.
On account of the Iatness of the
ica.-on we received a large invoice of
clothing. Bkrh & G-alusiia.
Mrs. tlobt. Hamilton and daughter,
of Greenwich, X. Y., old time friends
of Mayor Holland and wife, arc in the
About one doeii teams come over
from Salem on Sunday and spent-a
I few hours at Riverside Park picnic-
On pair boy's knee pants and one
boys shirt waist iu sizes from 4 to 10
years ::t SO cents for the two at the
Golden Eagle.
The Red Cloud Daily Chief in a red
ink edition announces that their
street cars arc in actual operation.
Misses Emma and Carrie Brown re
turned from York Saturday accom
panied by their friends Hiss King, of
Culbertson. and Miss Bulkner, of Yu
ma, Col.
Punch brothers, punch, punch with
caire, punch in the presence of the
puscnjaire, a ten ccut slip for a ten
cent faire. to ride in the Red Cloud
street cairc.
The Square Dealing Golaen Eagle
' ' i'5 !,r""'',i'u- reat interest to say
: buver.- : eb.;hin. Read the
bi'ire ad. T r:i- the large stock
IiiKinicT cJHth'nsr. C W'iener has
Q.eoacludcd to give a dircouut of 20
per eent, on an Mimmcr suiib oi over
$i in v.Iuh frum marked prices.
To one cent per mile via of the
Great Rock Island Route to Chicago
and return for the National Republi
can Convention. This is the cheap
est excursion to Chicago that has yet
been offered the publie and everyone
should take advantage of this glor
ious opportunity to see the great wes
tern metropolis in its gain day attire.
See that your tickets read over the
"cnvk Xl"w' "oi".'"
- m- t"m,
JUNE '5. 1888-
Fin-: annual pkuie of young men's
Bible class nest week.
oerg oc uaiusna received anntn?r
T. n " 1 .1
shipment of clothing last Friday.
Elegant line of square cut suits
just received at Berg & Galusha's.
S. V. Coon a nil wife, of Rcnuhl"-
- ---- j
can City, are visiting in the city
Preaching next Sabbath at the
Baptist church by Rev. G. O. Yciser.
1. S. Real is patriotic, he has :: Hue
flag painted on the roof of his house.
Mrs. .7. II. Remsberg left. Wcdues-
itay evening lor nattonn, .ew .Mexi
co. For campaign hats go to Berg &
Galusha's. 5 dozen already sold and
more coming.
Three pair ladies hose for 2."i cent
at the Western and Southern Mercan
tile Association.
We are indebted to Mr. Holsworth
for some very flue fctrr.wberries and
cream. Tliov were excellent.
James Blair, an old time resident
of this city, was married at Almcna. j
Kansas, last Tuesd.iv evening.
l c5 VI f
A street electric light has been put are fixing up and reuovating the m
up at Conover's corner. It helps terior of the old Gardner Hou-va until
wonderfully to light that section. ' it presents a handsome view. "New
S. T. Reed, who has been visiting faniiture. new carpets and fresh paint,
here, has returned to 3Iichigan: ac- works ponderous changes. B,b is
companied by his old friend K. B. bound to make a first-class ho-is-- and
Warner. is experience as a lardlord for the
5.000 vards best print at 5 cents.
per yard worth 7 and Scents.
yards linen crash at S cents per yard
at the Western and Southern Mercan
tile Association.
Hon. C. W. Kalev left .Monday
evening, for Peru, Xeb., where he
goes to attend the State Normal
board, from there he will take a pleas
ure jauat into Ohio.
Republican and democratic plug
hats are all the race now. and if vou
haven't one you are not up to snuff.
A white hat is democratic and a
brown one republican.
New photograph gallery now open
ready for business. The citizens of
Red Cloud and vicinity are respect
fully solicited for . snare of their
patrouagc. Gallery on north Web
ster struct. J. Bulkley, Artist.
Runaways, have become quite fre
quent of late. The latest occurred
Wednesday when one of Ed. Smith's
teams ran away with a cultivator
shaking things up lively. It was a
narrow escape for the driver.
Our people should all take pride in
our street car line and help make it a
success by a liberal patronage. There
is not an enterprise in the city tbat
will advertise it as much as the street
car line. Let everyone take hold of
The city council commenced oper
ations Wednesday towards digging
a new city well. Aid. Peterson wi'l
hav the supervision of the digging
and from what we know of John we
believe if there it- water there he ill
get it.
Next Wednesday evening, June
20th. L. W. Rogers will give s dram
atic reading. Music, mirth and
pathos. Among other selections the
following will be rendered. Rcvere's
Ride, Creed of the Bells, Bow -'Ruby-'
Played, Marco Bozzaris, Mr. Spoopen
kyke plays Poker, The Vagabonds,
Shamus O'Brien.
Miss Charlotte C. Webber, sister
of the Webber Brothers living east of
the city, died last Monday evening
aged 29 years and 2S days. She was
hurried Wednesday. Rev. Butler of
ficiating. Miss Webber had been an
invalid for many years, but she
stood the trials and .afflict'ais with
womealy fortitude and passed to the
Tnv( !"""n:l Vt -rr"vp r-;
no 4e;
Red Englo Jamboree.
Saturday night the t line.?? of the
city was lrokn by cveral oxplo.-"na
of firearm.- ov.-r in the vicinity oi" the
Red Kagle bagnio. Upon inrcst Ra
tion it seems that a number of toul's
visited that place, some time r.iro ml
one of the party had had u ".-T U
nipped thereabouts, by that unfcr ily
outfit, and it is further leported. ti.nt
o:j this occasion tin: party or parties
returned with bottle and brickbats
which they proceed t-ti to fire iri shc
windows of the nine!:, ail which 'u
destestiblc inmates re-ented by L -.t-ing
at them. Now, according In our
opinion, this business should be :-;op
ped, and stopped short never t? o
It is a disgrace
Telephone Exchange.
There is a prospect that Red i.jud
I will soon be in possession of - tele
phone exchange. It is something
that is sadly needed here and will be
a great convenience. We hope it
will be pushed through.
Furnt Hoiitte.
Furst and his estimable v.-.i'e
Past aoze ,,r more years will Just
i .
good patronage.
Children's Day at the m. ?T. phtiixli.
Last Sunday was Children's Day
and wa duly observed by that de
nomination the world over. At the
31. E. church an entensire prograu
wa3 arranged, and to say that it was
a grand success," would be putt: a g it
quite light. The recitations, sons,
I &c of the little folks wer v.rv at--
tractive and created grac apu:ause.
Thoe who had the matter in ch-e
des'-rve great credit for the w- -or -ful
ending of the day.
Report of Aiuboy school, i'l-r-'ct
No. o0, for the m''ntii ending ';
1st, 1SSS. Number ejivnile-.. x.
Average attendance 1-j. Tbo-v ..t.i,
ab.-cnt during the mouth: vT...
Bakir, George Reed. Charley .i -A.
Ycrnie Emick. Those absent one
day: Libbie Williams, Gula T d
Absent one anc a half days: Kl; .
Williams. Claka M. Wilsjjm.
Icae n .-
The appearance of a l'erociou- ?:. ::.i
tain lion in the suburbs of Red Cloud
startled a pair of travien; ;n tb ? vicin
ity recently. The .'ancrou.- .'i:i;nr.l
showed his teeth and hsb-w" his tail
in quite an angry fashi-m. f-auingthc
travelers to flee from th mt in pi-cat
precipitation and terror. Judge. Ce.-sna
relates tho Etory as a thriliint: adven
ture in one of his latest traveling
experiences. Red Cloud might fence
up a convenient tract of land and run
in wild animals enough to make an
attractive and good sized zoological
collection. No other city in the state
possesses such great natural advan
tages ser such a fine scheme. Gazette-Journal.
When money is plenty and c!:ert is
is the proper time to make yonr loans.
Call on D. B. 8pano;le.
If you wish to buy erell property
call on us.
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block.
We have, cwstomejrs for hou?e
costing from $800 to $2,000. .Cring
in vow. property. : ; ",
Gump 4 Warier,;' &
Open houe Woes.
Money fc X&&kj&ti
- .-
,4 S'