The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1888, Image 5

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he cd gland gjuefi
lullifch;il rwry Friday niniinK from ti:c otllce
hi me Momi j;iocK, Ktil rioml. Neb.
,,Kii!n 1'WI tlally aiil weekly.
TireRvfi.v Ciiikf is is-,n.-.l ovwrv v-ninK
pwi;l Miiiilar. luring tli var, at i mils ir
Thk Wj:kki.v" Chi kit is issil c.vt.r- Fri.lav
niiiriiuv. at , per year. jKi ,.., s a.ivai,,,. ft
has flu- Lir'i-.-t . circiiLitiiin .t anv iiai:r in the
ivunty. fip-ulatitis lanrelv in the state
KiiterM at t!i.- KedC'lnu'd root-Office us .UL-on.t
ClHVi III llttfr.
All r.uimiuiiu-utioiis sJuuM he. nddrt-vtcd to
A. C. HosMKR, 1'iojirietor.
TbeC.A. R. laklas ArraaseeHt.
to ObMrve the Bay la a FlUlas
Absolutely Pure.
TJi: "t iT 'lever taili Mar-1 of irc
irtuj;lii;i!iI w'ioVmhiscii , liion v-i'ii"iiiii"il
thau ill urdmary kiiil ainl c:mi he iMm
L-n:ii'tii!l with th." lii'iltituiie-. of ;cv te-: oiiorl
wclsht alum or jh(ihate julo:s. SoM only
in van-. UdYAJ. l'ASISi: I'n'.vnKIIOi
l': v a"l n -'t. N. V. iiy
At an open meeting of Garfield
Poet No. 80, G. A. II. on Monday
evening for the purpose of determin
ing on a plan of action for the proper
I observance of Decoration Day.
On motion it was ordered that in
vitations be extended to the W. 11. C.
S. of V., all secret societies, Y. 31. C.
A. and the public schools.
On motion D. B. Spanoglo was
chosen president of the day.
A motion prevailed that J. W.
Warren be marshal of the day.
M. B. McNitt was chosen a com
mittee of one on speakers.
The following committies on ar
rangements and music were appoint
ed: Committee on arrangements. Sam
West, L. P. Albright and Floyd J.
Committee on music. A. J. elch,
A. L. Funk and G. W. Barker.
Evry effort should be made to
make the day a success. Those brave
men who laid down their lives for the
preservation of the Union in the hour
of trouble should be kindly remeai
bered. Let every true American be
present on Decoration Day. The
people in all part? of the county
should co:nc to lied Cloud on the
Rmln Trrfs n C'orlMv with a Grin. Eut
Itetlrei in Discomfiture.
A co'.vfooy tells the Fargo correspondent
of the Minneapolis Tribune this hear story:
' I haven't time to tell you a lonsj 'yarn' to
night, hut v.-ill give you ray lirst cxpcricnca
mh a bear, away bad: in the early mining
days, when Helena was a acre mining
camp, and not large at that. I had struck a
prospect pocket away up near the head of
Lonesome pulch. and was working it alone.
I had to go down the gulch for my regular
grubstake one line day in the fall of 1SG2.
My prospect was about seven miles from
Helena, and I had made a little over half
the distance on my way back, little dream
ing of bears or any thing else but my gold
locket, which hadn't panned out as well as
I expected.
5ly hore was pretty well loaded, with
flour, bacon and other stuff, and I had my
rille lying across the Hour sack in front of
me. My horse seemed to be dreaming, as
I was. when out of the brush into our path
walked a grca big bear. My hore gave a
snort and wheeled like a Hash, tin-owing
me into the brush as he departed down the
trail as if all the bears m the country were
at his heels. 1 had no revolver and my
r:lle was traveling down th mountain.
My knowledge of bears was limited.and
that particular time I was not anxious for
any new a-'jualnUinces in that lit!" . but net
so tho bar. lie e-med to reirard me with
a friendly eye. for he boldly
I made for : tree with all the mkhmI that my
lgs . rpnubl" of. The b"; r wanted to
Leep me company. !"" lie got to lhs foot of
the tree by the time I had gained a limb
about six fel from the ground. The tree
was just a'.vijt ma:! enough for the fellow
to climb. ar-1 he tried Ids claws on the bark
.is high as he could reach. I was in a bad lix
and no way to help my self.
'1 couldn't use a. knife for I had none, but
crod luck and a happy thought elped me. I
had a canteen of kerosene oil suspended
around my neck, which I thought would
make his eyes mart and drive him away.
The oil hail no effect on the eyes if it man
aged to get into them, for the miserable
brute continued to look up at me and
seemed to irrin. Then another idea got into
mv head. 1 had a fresh box of matches,
and if I could set lire to the oil that 1 poured
aver the bear's head the battle was won. I
made several attempts to drop burning
matches on the oily hair of the bear, but
the lucifers either went out or missed the
I had no paper, but I managed to tear a
piece of lining out of my vest, and getting
a limb almost three feet long fastened the
rag to it. set lire to the rag; and with more
satisfaction than I ever did any thing since,
lowered the burning" rag at the end of the
stick until within about three feet of tho
bear's oil-soaked head and let it drop. In
about one second I was enjoying all the fun
to myself, and the other fellow was in
"The oil instantly took lire, and the blaze
from the burning hair was something good
for one in my place to gaze at. The animal
ivas surprised beyond the limit of any
bear'b imagination. One howl of pain, then
up went the paws to rub the burning head
to get burnt for their trouble, followed by
another howl: then down wentthe nose into
the dirt, but no relief, whsn, with a terriblo
howl, the bear made a rush through the
brush up the mountain out of sight-
Vcl!. boys." said Sullivan, "you may
laugh allyi.u're a-mind to. but it will be
many a long day before you can enjoy any
thing as 1 did to sec that bear cut up so soon
after he tLoupht that 1 was his meat. I
didn't v..i:t long after the bear left, for his
howl jr. jlit liave called some of his friends
around tis'e what was up. I found most
of my pr visions scattered down the gulch
and my horse in the Prickly Tear valley. I
never met any hunter or miner that found
my bear m hi"- travels, and I think the poor
cu-s must have died. I'll ee you all to-morrow
night." and the old man had gone up
the bhuTio his cabin.
Iir Ainstt-iir i:illi;mlits.
The on g-eat mistake all beginners make
m biHsards is to study angles and curves
and then enter into a profound geometrical
calculation of results. You can never suc
ceitl that way. as there is not a man in tho
busiiws who knows the law of angles. Tho
lirst lesson should be to study force, and as
MXn as you have that under jwrfect control
it is time enough to watch the way c:qcrts
make the more difficult shots. Theory is
worse than useless, and the science of
curves, masses, draw and banks all de
pend on practice. Until a novice has his
wrist under irfect control and knows to a
nicety what fcrcc to apply he only wastes
his lime and money in trying to master the
game. It is like a fellow trying algebraic
equations before he knows multiplication,
and the onlj- thing that will do a man good
is to take a siii"le ball and prartlee long
enough to acquire a knot It a;rc of force.
Bladen. 3Iav 15th. rSpecial cor
respondence to the Ciiiek. Itobcrt
Thorn is once more a resident of
C. C. Duffield made a flying trip to
McCook last Mondav".
3Irs. James Burden spent last
week with friends at the Hill.
Thos. Cavanaugh. of Brooklyn, X.
Y., is visiting his uncle Patrick Hor
ton. W. C. Wicks is at Holstiue putting
down several wells.
Mrd. Hall, mother of Y. S. and J.
of this place, arrived Frida' evening
from New York.
Mr. Person, our banker, received
the capital prize last Sunday. It was
a nine pound boy.
i Messrs. Burden. Hoffman and Sail
or took a vacation last week and spent
. several days at lloldiedge and Blue
! IH1I. W SaHIK.
There were seven can-
llcv. T. F.
hidson. Kansas. May 17th. Spcc-
: ial eoxre.-pondence to the Ciiikf.
On Sunday. May K'tli. quite a large
number of people turned out to tltc
' baptizing on White Itoek, on Wm.
Frait":? farm
. didate? for baptism
Stone officiated.
J. (I raves has cone to Chicago with
31 r. Judcs cattle.
The M. Y. quarterly meeting will
be held at Fairview School house on
the 2nd and Ilrd of June. J. Boi
court, presiding elder.
Corn is nearly aM planted. Small
grain is looking well. The rain that
fell last week was a groat boom to the
Mi. Jim Butler, of Bed Clould. was
out last Sunday to see his best girl.
Onsen But:.
Guide Bock. May 17th. Special
correspondence to the Chief. The
rain has already given our people new
energy, and, as more is coming soon,
it is but reasonable to hope for a
heavy crop of oats, corn and potatoes
at least.
Guide Bock has never taken a back
seat yet among her sister towns and,
with her full quoto of enterprising
people, is destined to become the
cleanest and best regulated village in
the valley. A few years ago we had
to contend with a certain rule-or-ruin
class of fellows. But now that their
star has gone down and they have be
come more the objects of pity than
otherwise, everything moves along
harmoniously, svstematically and
prosperously. Shakespeare says:
'Some are born great, some achieve
and some have greatness thrust upon
them." . Xow, if our little place ever
becomes great it must eomo of our
having achieved greatness. We have
no booms; we simply do it all our
selves. liOCICET.
Seed wheat,
Seed oats, t
Seed flax,
German millet, w tf
I'or sale at the Grain Elevator
List your property with us.
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block.
DUoltulen Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that L. H
Deya and F. W. Dorr, doing businen
under the firm name of Deyo & Dorr,
is this day dissolved by mutual cobJ
lent, F. W. Dorr withdrawing from
the firm, L. H. Deyo continuing tht
business, collecting all accounts and debts of the old firm.
L. H. Deto,
3w F. W. Dorr.
Bed Cloud, May 14th, 188S.
Real Estate Transfers for the week
Ending May 12th, 1888, by th
Fort Abstract Company.
Albert Kuelin and wife to School Dist.
No :m, part n e U Jl-i-11 w d S 10 00
F. A, Swee.y ami wife to Jay E. Adams
1.1k 8. Sueezy's add to Illue If til w d 100 oo
Edwin C. Webster ami wife toL.M.
Campbell u w 'J4-4-1I i c il 1 00
Henry C. Sanford and wife toAdaline
Mosher, lots 4, 5 ami C blk 2, Smith
Moore's add to lied Cloud, w d 800 00
Alfred White to Kolert T. White nc
31-3-0 w d 1 00
C. C. .Johnson to Oliver 1'. Johnson n v
! i n ; j s w '4 lots a and 4 section 10 and
c'Jne i lots J, .-and:!, see 11 all In
1-11 v a NXiO 00
Carl F. Ensstnun and wife to John F.
lltlin u w i ao-2-11 loou 00
Am AbMolBt Care
The original Abietine ointment in
only put up in large two ounce tid,
boxes, and is an absolute cure tor osl
sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands
and all skin eruptions. Will positively
cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
original Abietine ointment. Sold by
Henry cook at 25 centa per box by
mail 30 cents. tf
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spa van, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Threat from
whatever cause, Coughs, Etc: Save
50 by use of one bottle. Warranted.
Sold by Deyo & Dorr, Druggist.
Sleepless nights, made miserable by
that terrible cough. Sbiloh's cure is
the remedy for you. For sale by C. L.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath eecured by Shiloh's catarrh
remedy. Price 50 cents. Xastfl inject
or free. For sale by C L, Cotting.
Will you suffer with dyspepsia and
liver complaint? Shi lob's vitalizer
is guaranteed to cure yon. For sale by
C L. Cotting.
S12,ft 00
Low Bates of Interest.
By a late arrangements, I can make
you a Farm Loan oti the shortest no
tice, lowest interest, and best term of
payment that can he had in the west
All kinds of well secured notes bought.
Call and compare rates.
C F. Cather.
Office over postoffice, lied Cloud.
One new corn lister for sale cheap.
41-2tv Joseph Graves.
Several Span of young work mules
for sale also some seed corn warrant
ed to grow bv J. D. Post.
Cowles, Neb.
If you wish toDbuy er sell property
call on us. r131
Gump & Warner,"1
Opera house'block.
To the Public.
We have purchased and laid out as
an addition to Bed Cloud the property
formerly 'owned by G. W. Casebeer.
These' lots are by far the finest in the
city. We will sell this property at
reasonable prices and at the purchasers
own terms.
Highland & Welch.
Notice is hereby give that I will
examine all person? who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teacher? of the public schools of this
county, at Bed Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva J. King.
County Snp't.
By Mrs. M. L. Beadle, up stairs,
Moon block. Cutting and and fitting
of ladies and children's garments a
specialty. Ladies desiring switches
woven on shor notice will please
call. d-2t&w-tf
We have customers for
costing from $800 to $2,000.
in your property.
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block.
U. S. Land Office, Kloomingtnii, Neb. May 5th,
Complaint having heen entered at this office
ly Alttert Ciiiiiiniiiizs against Mattiew It. Uentley
fur failure to comply with law- astotiinher-enl-tnr
entry No. 481-', dated May 26th, 188S, uion
tht w-1 i s w ?4 section 5, town.ihip l n, range U
w. in Webster eountv, Nebraska, with a view to
the cancellation of said ntry: contestant alleg
I117 that there was at the time said entry w;w
ma.le. iirowin upon said see 5-1-11 at least forty
acres of natural limber composed principally of
Ash trees, and at the present time, to make a
safe cttinrite, there Is growing thereon at least
111,1 CX treed of natural growth, the said parties
are Mimmnned to appear at this office
on tho lytli d y of June, lsss, at ten o'clock. a.m.
to rcsiond and fumi-li testimony concerning
said allegations. T. F. Asimv, Kegbter.
'Core of Cancerand Ulcers.
Judge T. C. McLondon writes to th
Bwitt Specific Co. : "About tbrco years
ago, Jerry Bradley, had a cancerous
sore on fals face, near the right eye. It
, caused him a great deal of pain, and bs
. lost the sight of tho eye, but was finally
cured by tho use of Swift's Specific.
This case is well known in "Wilkes Co..
Ga., where he lived."
Mr. L. Cox, of Arkabutla, Tato Co.,
Miss., writes: "I suffered a great deal
Irom old ulcers for years. Your medi
cine was recommended, and after using
alx bottles I was completely cured.
Your medicine docs even more than yoa
claim for it. I havo known it to cure
cases which wore thought hopsless."
Mrs. A. M. Goldsmith, No. 674 Warren
St, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "I com
menced using a & 8. about three years
ago. I had suffered with a sore throat
. for over a year. I used a great many
' hev.5Bmod.ies. wittt no Rood results.
My little girl, also, had sore fingers; it
commenced from the quick, and then
the nails would come off. We doctored
nor for over two years, and when Icon
ia..nced using S. S. 8. 1 thougbtl would
see what it would do for i. riT -
wSV0.??7 181 lt nWrely cured
hor. Ii is the best remedy I know
of for the blooo. I really toZ
U was tho means of savin my lift?
The doctor told me I had a throat diT-
r.nn imirn. .. .... I m
1 '",""" l" vrcaerai urant'i
That hacking cough can be so quick
ly cured by Shiloh's cure. Wa
guarantee it For sale by C. L. Cotting.
Fr lame back, side or chest, use
Shiloh's porous plaster. Price 25 cenif.
For sale by C. L. Cotting.
Shiloh's vitalizer is what you need
for conftipsUion, loss of appetite, dizzi
ness, and all symptoms of dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 -cents per bottle. For
sale by C. L Cottinj:.
Croup, whooping cough and bron
chitis immediately relieved by hhilohs
cure. For sale by C. L. Cotting.
Shiloh's cough and coimimpsion
cure is sold by us on r. guarantee. It
cures consumption. For sale by C. L.
Persons prematuiely eray can have
their hair restored t its youthful
beauty, by using Hall's Vegetable Sic
ilian Hntr Kenewer. the best article in
the market.
The use of a single bottle of Hall's
Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer will
show its efficacy in restoiing the nat
ural color of the haii and cleansing the
Dropping out of the hair, with iteh
ing of the scalp, prevented, and the
scalp made cool and healthy by the
use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair
Renew 3r.
It is the intrinsic merit alone of
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renew
er, that has gained for it great popular
ity for restoring the natural color of
the hair.
A faded or grizzly beard is unbecom
ing to any man. and may be colored a
natural brown ar black by using Buck
ingham's Dve for the Whikers.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ren
ower is the most reliable article in use
for mdoring gray hair to its original
color and promoting the growth o. hair.
Success results fnvu merit. Kail's
Vegetable Sicilian Hair JJtnewtr is
placed before the public solely on its
merits. Its s'iccess i? indisputable.
The whitest, worst looking hair, ie
snmes its youthful beauty and softness
by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair
Kenewer. Try it.
"Did nrt Know 't was
?Iay do :V r v. .staoi I u?'z f-xeiiso ; but
what can In: ; l tn: tin- parent who
sees hisrhiitt Id'AZ isis'.-ing daily ami fa:!s
to rreo;iil7.'1 lis.! v.-a-it of a foniu and
liTeoiI-piiriiierV, a course of
bisters, or sulphur auw 1: otaus, was the
rule in well-regulated families ; but Haw
aii intelligent households tccep Aycr's
Sursaparilia, which is at once pleasant
to the laste, and tin; most searching and
effective 'iloinl medirine ever discovered.
Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton St..
Host Dii. writes : " My daughter, now Ul
years old, was in perfect health until a
tear ago when she. began to complain of
fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness,
indirection, and loss of apjietitc. I con
cluded that all her complaints originated
in impure blood, and induced her to Take
."er"s Sarsaparilla. This medicincM-mi
stored her blood-making organs to
healthy action, and in due time recstnl
lished her former health. I liud .ye-"
Sarsapnriila a most valuable remedy lor
the lassitude and debility incident to
spring time."
.7. Cast right, Uroofclyn IVv.ver Co..
liroolilyn, X. Y say : "'As :i Sprint:
Medicine, I tind a splendid subti:uu
for the old-time compounds in ..vcr'j
Sarsaparilla. with a few doses of Aycj-'s
i'ills. Alter their use, I feel fresher atn.
stronger to go through the suintn.-."
Ayer's Sarsapar!&,
Dr. C. Ayer & Co., Lcwell, Mss.
Erie $1 ; six bottlce, S5. Worth $5 a bottle.
Store !
You will find a
Stock Neckwear
Better selected than any
thing ever shown in
the city, made especi
ally for us.
Something entirely new in
In fancy shirts we have the
" Clarendon Shirt "
Best fitting shirt in the world.
"White Shirts, we handled the Gold
Silver, known the world over as
the best
best fitting garment
Don't forget this little item, that we
only ask you for
Child s Knee Pants -3c
and give you a waist free.
Berg & Galusha
Yt&i"u "iif1 gm -ta ggg' rm
Addition to the city of Red Cloud
ni i i i v
7-,; 1 L
- -
- ' 2 I
- a
Thods oi Jcllarc.
are spent every - mt by the people o
this tate for -yihi moi;dt,M for
the cure.fW9tlinj lung di?scs, (
when we - now that , y they wouW j, T
f .innfams oie, tne new vrai
!rn ' - discovery for consumption nnd
fl.fr4 1nr. ..Mlll Si tbll
p"Icas:nt remedy, find rcliet. It is re
coirju,;nded by ministers, phyaicans
an' j !ptiblic speakers of the Golden
,5'' tn, Sold and guaranteed by Henrv
Cok at $i a bottle, a for 2,50. Tne
oiost stubborn case ol catarrn win
This addition is the most choice and desirable
locality in or around Red Cloud-giving;
a fine view of the city.
Now is the time to hny lots.
Geo. O. Yeiser & Co., Red Cloud, Neb.
W I - - J- -.
cheerfully recommend it to an rTr:i . iSpeedilv succumb to UaUlornia Lat Jt
lfllll- A 111 - -
irom arsoraored blood.
Geo. O. Yeiser & Co.,
n-rv Ml l- L Pp!!
m tA r &y t&s-'m -f sw
DrawcS.AUanta.Ga. GotoWintoS
Cure. Six months treaament for $1.
i's for Caskets and Cof
mwii i
HJa ) i.
SO OOO acres Land for Sale. Improved Farms, unimproved Lands.
ow www Eusir.ess Houses, Residences and Tow nl
.. i
z - rv-uTitfeb