The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1888, Image 3

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A pint, to imlncc a ' EcUtar sport nuch3nc. Dellskted the
PJiocp to own her l:i::it is to pri:tkle Hearts or Many Huntera.
salt upon its back. On rushed the herd, now thoroughly
Cream Cake: One cup street cream, frightened, and as we hurried on after
one cup sug:ir. two egg, two cups flour, them we fairly shouted in triumph, as
two teaspoons baking powder.and flavor we saw that right in front of them ran
to taste. a ravine which we could see at a point
Teaspoons vary in size, and the beyond, was at least forty feet deep,
new ones hold about twice as much as , The ravines in this light subsoil, torn
an old-fa-hioned spoou of thirtv years out bv the deluging rains that occa
ago. A niedmm-Mzed teaspoon con- sionally fall on the plains, were com
taiiis about a dram. Four teaspoons monly broken off" at the edges just as
are equal to on tablespoon. steep as soil could hang, ami as the
When dusting the fowls with incct buffalo were sweeping on like a torna
powder put a newspaper under them, do, with little time to look before they
One can in this way gather up some of leaped, I felt sure that our hunt was
the powder for use again, and will be ended, the meat supply assured, and
able to sec also its destructive effect J only regretted the unnecessary slaugh
unon the inects. I icr sure tn follow, as thi fated herd
It is a wasteful practice to haul j
.L miuiiiic in wiuier aim leave it hi ,
Mnall heaps till spring. The manure '
often heats and throws off th-ammonia.
which is lost. If spread at once it will '
not heat.
.-v u-n pretty ornament ior a room
is maile ov covering a piece ot bnanl
a j
nth plti-Ii. then fasten a pair of gilt
sliopi.TS on the center ffir matches and (
on each nle put some hooks for key.-,
etc. Hang by a cord.
It has been found that one part of
paris green or Loudon purple suffices
for 150 parts of plaster, when well ,
mixed together, to kill the potato
beetle. One-half pound of either poi
son suffices for live gallons of water.
Potato Custard: f irate six large
potatoe-. add to them om quart of boil
ing milk: -ttr in three beaten eggs and
one-quat-er of a pound of sugar, boil J der my observation. Many times af
even minutes, taking caiv not, to let forward we saw buffalo tracks on the
it buns, then add one-half cup of but- slight projections of the wails of these
tor. This will make three good sized ' deep gullies, in places where wc could
ustards. J ony st(m ami stare. The shape of the
If the land requires drainage it limbs, too, seemed utterly to forbid it.
means an outlay of Sil to S.j't per acre
heiorc :iie larm can be made tillable
and productive. To test this matter
the soil should be dtiginto witha -pade
three feet deep, and if writer rises in
the hole at any time of the year the
land need- thorough draining.
In pulling out onion sets have the
ground very tine and impi place them
on the row. -lightly jre&ing then:
down, leaving tise greater portion of
the tops above the surface. When-
onions are cultivated in large ouanti-
ties the ets are thinly scattered in the
rvws without regard to regularity and
thinly covered.
itor to in.tir.' iinprcn.-iiwi.t in the Yield '
:o..i ju..i.ty .r tne cr,i. tjie iJUflaIo can safely make. Forest
Would it not be a good plan for each ami Siream.
farmer to -eject from the eed corn to!
be grown the coming ?cas..n the very 1 Drug Stores in Germany.
be-t and prepare in the best manner a j The dr store7ha a curious way
sufficient por:ion ot the best ground to hcre of 5i,utting up jst a!)OUt the time
grow seed for the Miwedmg -eason's vo waut thenu Aml as soon fts it be.
crop? Plow this portion e.tra deep. ins to grow dark, down go the shut
making narrow furrows 0 :,s to break Krs and if vou neeil anv ,.,:,, vou n
up the oil and make it tin-: harrow to a Hule i,. 1!lluHe out.sjde of one of
sufficiently to put it in the oe-t possible tJie iroll shutters and ring it. Then
condition, then plane 111 row- of the vou hear some one at a crank inside,
usual distance apiri. making the hills -,ie ,na-,ve franie ,.ll? up aIul a i,eaj
three tothree and a half feet apart, and looks out the wi,iotv. Finally the
allow but one stalk to grow in a piae.
Thi will give s;;ffieient room to each
?::ilk to make the best growth: the eats
on i-uch stalks will attain the greatest
amount of vitality for seed purposes.
In this way the corn plant may be
greatlv improved from year to vear.
and tne-eeu win prouueean increa-eii
yield of crop eaen ea-on.
These wide spaces between the stalks
will admit the sun s heat and light and
will afford licst fae.iiti.s for the deposit
of plant food by the air the "great
reservoir of fertility." If the ground
has been plowed deep and well pre-
pared before planting, and the cultiva-
tion is begun as soon as the plant can
be seen, and continued at least once
aeh week until the grains of the ears
begin to harden, the greatest possible
amount of plant food will be -ccurcd
for the use of the crop both from the
gurrouuiMUg atniopiier ami inun
great depths in the earth, while the
needed moisture will in this way be
kept up so that in either a wet season
rr during protracted droughts, the
most favorable conditions are supplied
for the most perfect growth and devel
opment of the plants and the seeds
borne by them.
For large growing varieties four feet
apart !oth way? would most likely givi
the be?t results fr seed purposes.
Varieties that grow a small stalk may
be grown three or four feet apart. The
main thing is to give ample room to
each -talk to make the best growth and
vet be close enough to each other to
favor fertilization. The greatest dis
tance between -talks, and not interfere
w ith perfect fertilization, is desirable.
Certainly no objection can be offered
against growing seed in such a way as
to afford the be,t facilities for making
the be-t growth. Uy giving wide spaces
the tendency to make a heavy low .-tab:
will be much favorwd. and .-ni-h stalks
are much to be preferred to those that
grow tall and spiudiing.
Farmeiswoulddowelito give greater
. . - '
care to the production of good M-cd for 1 uungawiui wamnuip--j.
all crops. The influence of seed over jhe locomotive is a hird-working. use
the "ciicra" vieM and quality of crops fulmemberof the community, even though
has "very much to do in d.-ei.ling wheth- ! " is always putting itseL-Tvronto Globi.
er the cnp shall be a failure in part or How to prevent seasickness stay ashore.
whether i
-hall be such as to compen-
sate for all the labor and e.vpen-e in its
production and leave a. margin for
profit. The ordinary manner of sav- j
in" sevil for small grain crops is not j
uch as to -ecure the be-t. the practice
being t take sei-d from the bin where
a. large amount i- stored, and which is
li.tbl'- to lco:iie overheated, or mu-tv.
re.-'.:it in a continued improvement earn
sea-ou both in yield and qttaHtj-. E.
. Ttigardtn, in Ohte I'urinsr.
ilii: imp-nniiir us vitality for seed pur-,; J seto COVCI?-x jtt., jr-p-j-e--..
IX'tra and attention in t,,.er
growing seeds of -mail grain crops! ' mn faithfal!y a tecp, a diary
woa:d insure Letter vic.'os am. would ',, ,nro rii.rioaslv she wants to keep it
plunged down the steep. I would not
uarc thanked any man to insure us
fifty head of dead or crippled buffalo.
Over they went, three hundred 3-ards
ahead of" us, and we slackened our
pace to a walk and began planning
now to get tne nieatof the slaughtered
,,..-.1 ii ..-.-i,- n.,rnn.,.i;A.i..l- vriiu
r "-' 'vUtl 1I.IWV.UMItjWiUI vea,aa7
of ti,e r:irinc. When within two hun-
yards of the brink, to our
amazement a buffalo appeared
clambering up the face of the
other wall of the ravine at a point
that we afterward found taxed the
climbing powers of a footman. Another
came hobbling up, and we drew up the
horses, utterly dumbfounded, to see
that every one, even the calves, had
made the plunge in safety.
This, to me, was one of the most
noteworthy things that ever came un-
; As the bulls at this season of the year
j were fatter than the cows, we very
naturally chose them for beef, and a,
like all tenderfeet. wc were ambitious
to kill the largest specimen to be found,
it followed that nearly all we killed
were large bulls. Yet when standing
over the body of 1113' first buffalo, and
noticing the extreme slendcrnessof the
legs just above the hoof, 1 then and
there began to measure each and every
one we killed for meat, besides large
ones found dead when thev did not
t smell too badly. I found only one
whose foreleg I failed to span with the
middle linger and thumb of one hand.
The size and weight of the animal
would seem to necessitate a leg as
strong as steel for the downhill plunges
man or boy inside opens part of the
wiudow and yon talk through a pane of
glass.and you make known your wants.
Instead of showing anger at being
aroused, the man begs your pardon for
"keeping you outside and says: "I
thank vou lor vonr oruer. 11 vou
have not the exact cnangef an,i tne
man jnjde is not in the same predica-
nient. he will beg vou most politely
aml thank TOU to Mov- him to change
iu Having done so he will thank you
for caJiis (evidently taking the visit
as a social onc) 1 clo?e uis mte
pcCp noie, iiOW again. ad then smile
( swc.etlv as ,e gri,ls dOWn his iron
shutter and his smiling face is lost to
vicw How differentfrom the druggists
' in Americaf I remember I once woke
one up in ti,e StattfS nnJ he came down
stairs witll a shotgun after me. But, as
i j remarked before, they have a curious
way of doing things in Dresden.
Dresden Correspondence.
m m
An Iowa geniu holds the offices
of United States Signal Observer, city
clerk, township clerk. United States
Claim Agent, township treasurer and
Adjutant of a G. A. 1L post.
The man who drinks is always thirsty.
That' 8 why he driuWs. Chicago Mai'..
Malt drinks were cheap in the old days
they had farthing-ales. Ttxa. Sifting.
A brief engagement retaining a lawyer.
A EAix-DEor storm scene on a stage car
tain. The cross-cut saw gets dull in spite of its
teeth. ruck.
It is a theatrical maxim that the Terb
" act " sboul.i not be used in the Pass-ive
voice. Merchant TravtW.
!?ome temperance men are so punctilions
that they will never permit themselves to
appear in good spirit. livtton J'ost.
. .-
Wht has a chambermaid more lives than
a cat? Itecause 6he returns to dust every
The will power ot a surrogate Is tome-
, , .....,; i.. ;.v.
Stkikino a balance is not a breach of the
Geeat Tomp at funerals began when great
Tompey was buried. Ttzu Sitiny.
A good many dough heads arc still found
among the upper crust Duhtih 1'ara
gravhtr. Dm von ever notice that a man goes to a
out of the way of every holy else ia the
. -
A h.'.vj to hand contest poker. ti.'V.
, X .,. A ll.rirtioTI frtf nTtf'KIlV flip
Which are Justified by a World-Wide
To the rublic:
Having branch houses and laboratories in
seven different quarters, and therefore
having a world-wide experience, we, H. H.
Warner & Co., justify ourselves in making
the following statement:
First. For the past decade we have held
that 9ft per cent, of diseases originate in the
kidneys, which introduce uric acid into
the system, a poison that is injurious to
every organ, attacking and destroying first
the organs which are the weakest. We
have also held that if the kidneys are kept in
perfect health tnott of the ordinary ailments
vill be prevented, or, if contracted, cured.
Other practitioners have held that extreme
kidney disease is incurable. We have proof
to the contrary, however, in hundreds of
thousands of cases in every section of the
Second. The kidneys being the sewers of
the human system, it is impossible to keep
the entire system ia good working order
unlet these organs are doing their full duty.
Most people do not believe their kidneys
are out of order because they never give
them any pain. It u a jxculiarily of kidney
disease that it viay long exist without the
knowledge of the patient or of the practitioner.
It may be suspected if there is any gradual
departure from ordinary health, which de
parture increases as age comes on.
Third. We do not cure every known dis
ease from one bottle. This is an. impossi
bility. Fourth. Warner's Safe Remedies have
been recognized by the doctors and the peo
ple all over the globe as standards of the
highest excellence.
Fifth. We make the following unqualified
Guarantees 1. That Warner's Safe
Remedies are pure and harmless.
Guarantee 2. That the testimonials used
by us are genuine, and so far as we know,
absolutely true. We will forfeit 5,0(X for
proof to the contrary.
Guarantee 3. Warner's Safe Remedies
have permanently cured many millions of
people whom the doctors have pronounced
incurable. Permanent cures are always
convincing proofs of merit.
Sixth. Ask your friends and neighbors
what they think of Warner's Safe Cure.
Rev. J. P. Arnold, CamiJen. Tenn.. had fear
ful abscesses caused by Kidney disease. Ia
1STS and 1SS1, other running abscesses ap
peared. Ha was fully cured in li&i by
Warner's Safe Care and ia ISsS reported
iimself sound and well, and he is over 70
years old.
Mas. Annie Jenness-Milleh. editress of
Drctt, 2j3 F:fth avenue, Jfew York, eight
years ago was cured of nervous prostration,
when the best Xew England physicians could
do her no good. She cured herself with
Warner Safe Cure, and writes in 1SST: "To
day I am a perfectly well woman. It is the
only medicine I ever take."'
E. U. Price, M. D., agemlemaa and physician
of the highcat standing of Hano er C. IL, Va.,
four years ago, after tryin every other reme
dy for blight's disease, including famous min
eral waters, cured himself by Warner's Safe
Cure, and March St, 1SSS. wrote: "I have nev
er had the slightest symptoms of my old and
fearful trouble."
Heksian Urban, of MacXeale & Urban, safe
makers, Cincinnati, O., was broken down by
excessive business cares. He was fully re
stored to health four years ago by Warner's
Safe Cure and has since been in robust
Dr. Dio. Lewis wrote: "If I found myself af
flicted with a serious kidney disorder I would
use Warner's Safe Cure."
Mrs. E. J. Wolf, Gettysburg, Pa., S. C. Far
rington, Gotha, Flu.. J. M. Long, 43 East id
street, C-ncinnati, O., and the sister of J. W.
WestlaUe, Mt. Vemon, O.. were cured of con
sumption, (caused by kidney acid in the blood,
as over half the cases are,) by Warner's Safe
We could give many thousands of simi
lar testimonials. Warners Safe Cure does
exactly as represented.
Seventh. Warner's Safe Remedies were
put on the market in obedience to a vow
made by II. H. Warner that, if the remedy
now known as Warner's safe cure, restored
him to health, he would spread its merits
before the entire world. In ten years the
demand has grown so that laboratories have
been established in seven quarters of the
globe. Warner's Safe Cure is a scientific
specific Sf cures u-he t all the doctors fail, thou
sands of the best physicians prescribe it
regularly, its power over disease is rma
nent and its reputation is of the most ex
alted character. Can you afford longer to
ignore its extraordinary power! Now, in
the spring of the year, a few bottles will
tone you up and cure all those ill feelings
which, unknown to you, are caused by the
fatal kidney poison in the blood, which will
surely cud .fatally, if not a tour removed.
For this no other specific is known.
"Dunn has good ears for music,
hasn't he?" asked one member of a
choir of another. "Well," was the
reply, "he has good ears, but I didn't
know they were for music: I thought
they were to brush the flies off the top
of his head with."
Tfce hest aad nmt Reaear fcr Cere af
all diseases caased by aay denageaeatef
the Liver, Kidneys, Stoaach aad Bewek.
Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, CoMtipattoa,
Billoas Onapuiats aad Malariaef all kiada
yield readily to the beaeleeat ialaeaee of,
It fa pttasaet to the taste, toaes vp the
eystesa, restores and preserves health.
It is purely Vegetable, aad cannot fail to
prove beneficial, both to old and yoaag.
As a Blood Parifler it is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere at (1.00 a bottle.
Stomach. Liver
and Bowels
Er?jacmY veobtath.s.
Cms Constipation. iNMocsnoN. Dyspepsia.
PiLts. Sick hkadaciic. Complaint?. L.s3
tier. Etc. PRM'E, S eenti.
An Historic Weapon.
A carious and historic Indian toma
hawk has been unearthed on the banks
of Richland Creek, Green County, Ga.
Its historic interest consists in the fact
that it has been identified by old
settlers as the axe wielded by Cuss
tugge, one of the most dreaded Indian
braves who resisted the advances of
pale-face into that part of the country,
In size the tomahawk is as large as an
ordinary axe, but is much thicker aud
heavier, yet Cusstugge is said to have
wielded it as though it were a mere toy.
It has still a keen edge. As a piece of
workmanship it is perfect. It is of
block quartz rock, and is cut smooth in
every respect. The axe weighs three
pounds, and there would be no trouble
in cleaving a man's head in two with
it. It was found on the bank of Rich
land creek sunk deep in the earth,
where it has lain certainly for fifty
years. Quincy III.) Journal.
TwelTO Good Mea and True
Constitute a petit jury. Were a tithe of the
grateful testimony in favor of Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters presented to such a jury,
they would render a verdict in its favor
without leaving their seats. That very
grand jury, the American people, pro
nounced favorably upon it years ago, ex
perience having taught them its value in
fever and ague, dyspepsia, debility, liver
complaint, constipation, rheumatism, neu
ralgia and weakness of the nerves.
Mint a man gets a reputation for being a
knowing man on account of his skill in be
coming an owing man. Styling.
The success of some of the agents em
ployed by B. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond.
Va., is truly marvellous. It is not an unusual
thing for their agents to make as high as K0
and 30 a day, and sometimes their profits
run up as high as f40 and $.V) even more.
But we hesitate to tell you the whole truth,
or you will scarcely believe we are in
earnest. Write them and see for yourself
what they will do for you.
With some publishers a copy-right simp
ly implies a right to copy without credit.
In another column of this issue will be
found an entirely new and novel specimen
of attractive advertising. It is one of the '
neatest ever placed in our paper and we
think our readers will be well repaid for .
CAUuiiiniii; uiu r-Li-n'Miu ui-iua ic.icrs iu
the advertisement of Pricklv Ash Bitters.
Wno was Cain's wife? Adam's daughter-in-law,
of course.
Cure your couph with liale's Honey of
Horehound and Tar.
dike's Toothaehe Drops Cure in one minute.
The jrirl who won't be won usually re
mains one. Wathington Critic.
0 cvv dowiiyour
Jimbs eam
01 KINDRED ILLS. Cuius ar
- - '-rar va..-w
-fj Ham sra H
For Liver. Bite. Iniliiretion.eto. Free from Mercurr;
contain only Pure Vt:;talil- Inirrvilirntr. JLinnli
MEYER Bites. CO.. 8T. LUL'IS. MO.
Ely's Cream Balm
Price 50 cents.
will no moue ix crniNG
Than 50O In any
other way.
Apply Balm into each nostril.
If U disabled: pay. etc: De
AULUIEIlBl'fMdUablcd; PF'tc:De-
w v 1
serters relieved; Laws free.
A. W. eOtUKK WIS, Qriitl. ., A Wsaklagua,B.C
evs Aiut this papce tm tn mm.
sWaWswaaBa Bsllisv at
To Jourl;rrperand
y'nrmmt. It is impor
tant that the Soda you
ne should be White and
Iurc same as all similar
rabsUnccs need for
food. To insure ob
taining only the "Ann Jfc
Hammer" brand Soda,
liu it in "pound or
half pound" cartoons,
which bear onr name
and trade-mark, ss in
ferior coods are somc
timeifubstitulrd forthe
"Am k Hanimi r ' brand
when bought in bulk.
Parties uins; Baking
Towder should rcmcEi
1er that it sole rising
pro;erty conaista oTM-
5 ri mmjrW- il
At no other season does the human rstein so
much nerd the aid of a reliable medicine like
Ilood'a Sarsaparilta. as now. The impoverished
condition of the blood, the weakening effects of the
long cold winter, the lot appcUie. and that tired
feellnfr. all make a good spring medicine absolutely
necessary. Hood's Sarsaparllla la peculiarly
adapted for this purpose, aud Increases in popu
larity every year.
Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparllla, Dande
lion. Mandrake. Dock, Pipsisaewa. J sniper Berries,
and other well-known vegetable remedies. In such a
peculiar manner as to derive the full medicinal
value of each. It will cure, when in the power of
medicine, scrofula, salt rhenm, sores, bolls, pim
ples, all humors, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head
ache, indigestion, general debility, catarrh, rheu
matism, kidney and llvrr complaints.
the Blood
We all like Hood's Sarsaparllla. It is so strength
ening." Lizzie Balfour, Auburn. IL I.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
80M by all druggist, ft; six for & Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD A CO, Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Is prepared solely for the
enre of complaints which
afflict all womankind. It
gUes tone and strength to
"r IIIO UlCriUU uiKua, ui
corrects dangerous displacements ann irregniari
tln. ltlsofjrreatvalnelnchanKf nflife. Tneuseof
nancy greatly relieves the pains of motherhood an.
promotes speedy recovery. It asslsu nature to
safely make the critical chance from girlhood to
womanhood, ltlsplrasanttotlietasteaiidmayl.e
taken atall times with perfect safety. Trice, 91.
rnn paw nv all niirccii8T.
Heurtfia, Heifeefce, Sara Threat, Spraias,
Braises, Bunts, Wounds, U Back,
Aa AH Pains Of An Ifrgannalsry Nature.
sM ww Brwcstata. SOe.sua4Sl.00.
Highest Honorsat alio reat World Eihlbitions since
IT. lOOstTlri.SSitot'AM. ForCali. Er fVBienU,
or KenU-O. Catalogue. 40 pp., f to, free.
Maon & Hamlin do nut hesitate to make the eitra
onlinary claim that tnrir if la no i are superior to all
other? . This they attribute solely to the remarkable
improvement introduced b ttirm in lRftr. now known
as the" MASON HAMLIN 11 AM) bTIUNUEK." Full
particulars by mail.
Mfsras. Ii4 T'lllil tH. IHUAtse. 1 Wakuh Aw.
StW TOag, 4 Iss 1M 8c (Falsa tssasn.)
rvxuu THIS FArn mj cm jk sum.
Send for onr catalogue. Ac on "Well Bast g
and Cast 11 am til t Maeklaea, .
mrxsMt this nm mtj tn. j. ,.
carbonale of soda. One
teaspoon fulof the "Arm
k Hammer" brand of
Sola mixed with sour
milk equal four tca
spoonfula of the best
Baking Powder, saving
twenty time its cost,
besides being much
healthier, because it
docs cot contain any
injurious substance,
such as alnm. terra allia
etc., of which manylk
ins: Towden are made.
liirymcn and Farmers
should use only tho" m
t Hammer " oranu for
cleaning an.l keeping
Jlilk 1'ans Sweet and
TajCHICACO. g-sSfffmj
Silk and Satin Ribbons FRCP
aift farth- 1ai. 8anv
Stack muney aaJ SM-crv
IB i,:. t.rrr uar
kaowa anaapt r,li:c
lit pnviia or car
tna riwrmn4nta et
ribbD. bini! v for t a
tnouaca ana oas
tutvaml tis.fal
jniTu for tuc!a
suchguoJa ar
Bard, and Wbi'h
tbrj, tb. UJ.f,
T fur-hi
wlut !ajctj aC
tb otual prlc.s
sah cooJa ar
soli for. would
create larce btlt
of eape9. a n J
tbercioro leMr a
great maxijftona
taitf. la til
dirviion. KaCz-
tne tnat tbrrs
wtr tboMaais
open ihcQo!. tt
rrainani, f rib
bwa. mnuttr th
larg. imponrnx;
boufof Amcl a
hl,"h thr wtKiil
bwtaslofPosoflabaJa;,fcsasmIlfr;'il.n of their cot.
MM, ornt Bass, wsasmaiirM'tun ot iamn .
kef parelwshaglargalrtW' ututcd aaaaich,
abulnlag tka antira stock of Nllk and
aMBgeanaaalaltaef sevtrrnlof tbelarvrttar
tasaiiiag ra ear ooi
., - akn lr.nnrU.1 lh Bnrit axwilf. Thr yii mir
baorwadad apoaaaaapencrta aBUla ta
lata vary beat atacaa af Aaaarka. let ihyar.1nawy
freet BotainRKaeM aver knowa. A cranJ brsrf.t fur all inn
nagnw,niaBi,iwK,r'"wsvlv,H"1; '
kavaovaaaad Ikooau-ta caa
ctawftBaaanMly,aits,sn4aMeteoiripltaM rtiurntutrn
bona, la myeiMcrivablaaba4aa4aMib.anil all of etcrllrnc
aaalUr. adaUml laraack-ar,baart atrlnc,ual trmninr..
aaws, rain), drcas trirambfa, sil-ittworV..ft-,tf .-ra
of tbraa liaiaanta range taree janlaaad sgoarda la IraKia-
Taaat- laaiinan.illltia
ji Hi aabUaaad KMOthlr b oa. la :-
kaewleateg, by tkoas ceaapetcnt to jadfje. t j be tte Ut irl
eefeaIerihareatelaewot1elVcfylaicBnJWndum.lT u
aaamrtad: rrgmawprleaet.peryer;eMiJajcataaJ-T
waVsaad-Kaayoa fatatialyer,aBdiUaloand free-a
bneflee ribaoast SaabarrlptRnaao.12 botea.. eta.:
stlaulsllnae aad 4 aesta,S)l. One (tat poaUfK .tamtx may
taaaat'toltaatbsatLCHSiHradataJMnyou tbertby p
bw 4saaaritptlaas aad 4 beses 6 oaly fl ; can do It In a f-w
mwaataa. Tba above eeVr Is baaadoa ttaiict:-tlivMa.n-. J
tae periaaVal Rfrrred le. fcr oa yaw, went It tb. rraCr. an!
aar at tba fun price far It; tt le Ctefiar year., and at now.
St we aaaka aiaery. We aaaae tbie grvat otter In orvir t
et ear secure 230H new aabaciinara, wao. not now. but n it
yasr.aad kn yeere therNMVr, eaeil reward oa with a
caaaa the majortty ef terra will wM lorecew tbIr Ml rp
Uoaa.aad will do ao. Tae moaey raqaired tm but a .mall fret tlua
ef tba price yoa wooM have I ear at any .tort, f. a mac
awallirirt-r of ar iawvlor ribboas. U-t barrain err
kaewa; yea will act ftiUy appeadataitanm after yunereaJ.
BsJa dalfnii laataalacd W.iaay raraadadtoanv one not pat.
sactly aatlafled. Better cat tbieoet, or sead at uacr.for pr!
ably Itwoalapeaarafala. Addreae,
H. HALL-n co, Pcausaxas, ftrruss, sUist.
Sr.ltlit TUW rAHK awf aaaaaaan-.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
The ctily preparation of COD I.IVEU 01 fj that
ean bo taken reaUily and tolerated for a lung time.
j delicate atoamarlia.
yECTl6.a aad all WAIXO PIMrKPr.KS Or'
CU1LDKEX tt le MarreHoea ! IU reelta.
Prescribed and endorsed by U beat thjaicians
in the countries of tho world.
Wmr nU Sty etll Bewancl'vaaw
WSand for Pamphlet on Watintli"- Ad
dreao. SCOTT aaS JOW.E. Sew York.
This is the Best Shoe
made fer boys or girls.
Warranted no Shoddy
and sold as follows:
SIZES StolOU S1.2.
" 11 to 13.4 l.."
I to 2 1.75
Oar name is on the hot
of every shoe.
r.ttMX THIS rPia nerj tkaa f area.
Wholly Mwllke SartlSatel ersCeaaa.
teire 4 aalwal waaeVrlag.
Jsur s lestraeel la ese reading,
qasseaof iSMY at Baltimore. 1S0S at Detroit..
1SSS at Hhllartelphla. 1 ISat Washington. tCl
at Boston. large classe-t of Columbia Law student,
at Yale. Wellesler. Oberlin University of renn..
Miehigan UniversIty.Cnaaunqnaeftc. Knt1orset
by RICHARD PHOCTun.Ute!4eientl-t. Hon-. W. V.
Artor. Jpdah P. Benjamin. Judee Um.ooN.Dr.
Brown. B. II. Cook. Principal N. Y.SUte Normal
College. Ac. TaDaThtbyeorreapondenee. lroDectu
POSTrKEE from Pitor. 1ahsette.Z!7 rirtti Av.. N.V
aW-MaMC THIS Part awry M. mu.
An lilastrated copy of the
of the Years ISO, KS, r ami
t6. Mailed FREK. Of Interest
to all Hog ralaers. Atrtrei
I'ostal to H. W. Hlt.1. A
1S4 West Main Street.
DObatTtb. asthma?
gives preaiptaaapoaiurereiieriaevrrycaar
eadCl'lUMellCtrgABLECaaca. p!rat:i
aadaarceaMetaaaa. Eaubllaba-t TWENTT
TEAft.en4aoabyelU)reiirl.t. TKIAL
PAfJKAUK aai raamblat FKF.R kv
JUU. SeadrarrTeeraakafsaatTilVlf.
inf) f $3flfl A MO!rrH eanbem.adeworfcin
JaMlf W eJaJHW fOP ns Aints preftrred who
can furnifh their own horse-t and Kivo their whole tirua
to the business. Spire momenta may be profitably em
ployed also. A few vacancies- In towns and cities.
U. F. JflnXMON OOX, IBIS Ssia Bttest, Sicbweod, la.
aTMAXB TIIU FAPEX nay ta, fm mm.
As Cut ft tWy Urt lri r-T ti
rfc-i. Pssi.nM st-I til b r m '-
2r 1vm m ttv tun U Mwr uKt'j
LASwl tM tW B SLKM W At II ?i rev-
mam. WtaUtwtteVSosjsl Wkftfsr OmI'mtiP W-vrretLw-sl-a-V-tre-twwt
Ct taMim, h tfell m Pm ssferaBwS-vi t!Vri Itw-ss r CarwtBtit in a'lhtA:t
SAti rwTTtSMr-m 94. l CmU m- r-rwie few VsubfUI ntTltinrt, I 'arte r
ssursMnMf mrtA. . itrcst T1I8 WOTE1UI KOiUJr,CasAlal
Bnslncas, Shorthanil aad English Training
School, St. Louis. SIo. Send for circular.
B1BM TCI CfiBBVAR-R-Ai:,nt'''t-,I,n'"v-
a.mntl I CaaCWHIirn I QqcI altu.-itIon. mst
chanecevcrorrerel. Ail. J. D. Bkow v. Mt., StxUUaIOk
" aw'AXXniISFArAB,avwjbcjMBnu.
TCYAQ SinS.O0O.OO9arre3btagnr:I
I CAItW LMtlU tural and ffraiwiir land foral.
Adilre.:;ODI.RV ; PUKTR,DalUs.Tcx
a- aAaW THIS rim awry aua jaa enw.
RMS tjTeatbamanlnuaeioreBioncyw(Tk:&;rirnjA-a.
liySaWataaythinitclaeinlHflWorM Either acx Owtly
vixa. Tcnnaaasr. AdJrcaa, TbueA Co.. Aapua, M e tae.
aarSABUC THIS PATUl awry taxyoa amu.
d-" TO ' $8 A DAY, Samples worth JI.r.0-
eTssI FREE. Lines rtotunder tba Vorse'.-t feet. Wri:e
ar 3 AVE TBI PATER may an m anu.
AWtT9uaviUlfnl K,nwditu'l.(,,nn 5vr-
riDUC in Ohlo.Cheap.;ooI. Send for description
rnnlHO and price, il- N. Bancuupt, JelTtraju. O
Ca3AX TULi rAfaR awry Uem yo vtiM.
A. -V. K. It.
So. 118.-1.
pleano .ty you saw t lie Advertisement iu.
this paper.
saav as aaaaaoaa aaaaniBi, mora, u-m.. u..t .
eat. HW togW-alaazeaaCaaalagsaC'oinjaleto
SkaaailMft orgweee elegausc nbuons Fre-e-rr
p.iu.l alaBaMBiraBaa and l-udlea
And Hwophosphlfes of Lme & Soda
al?A LTC?n4f
IWA to
H " NeKX