I d ?' f" "'-''.'" ' " ' -r-''-"" yW 7 " "" 1- , r EKSBrEpSS3SBrjK ' " "M M3FFB' ? SBeESsJS-BB-J' --'. '' " . - . , .'.,, : . - -'f VOL xv. trj..:,;- .atu .mum That ots and Shoes II M J!. BvBvBvK. BBSBBBBm -Hbbbbbb I u I k House in the country. I f Onr ctock .f other --nods such as Furnishing Goods, Hats, &c, we will give you U-ttri valiu-.- at less prices than ever before. Kemeniber I buy all .'mis FOU CASH, PAY NO KENT, and can afford to Soil j ou goods at BOTTOM PRICES. Please to in vc-tiiratc for yourself, loot us over and if we can not convince vou. you will only be out a little time. Re4 1 Cloud and Wymore. J f?:-ty-' DENTIST. V-s -- RD CLCfD rEBHASft.'-.. Fine office work a Specialty Laul-my faF always ou hand ..:.. - ' .r- .-. c. Will rampmiBri your pcr.-oriptiona raid receipts accurately iinrt Vvith the purest (Iriigs. C L CUTTING Will show v.j.l ilio iiufst-aml latest patterns of wall paper and vrindow shaft's int.lie siiarket and guarantee prices C L C0TT1NG Will $eU" on r.sixi'd paints tinted leads oils brushes etc and warrant them C L C0TT1NG as a complete slo-k of books stationery and fancy goods. C L COTTING 1 ill treat all alike and be glad V That arts in -want of macliiner of any kind this spring -. ' ARE invited io call and exanine our goods before buying GOOD "Hiiro v,?. Plows. cultivaioi-A Planters, and chocro vrs, niaxe good' MEN hatwnii a-lrsi das? ir.achine . . . rlteir advaniage to cail on us. . , f Qar '.onr- c-r-' all n4?'". n si.ee: I hand rr carried out goods. Palme" ' Fisher :fC5Sort IIn.4 1 (jj i I o.Lrt RED CLOUD, re Deli Gin i ! WILL Sell you the best $3 3Ian's Suit, in all sizes .New goods j.isc received. WiU Sell You Tl e be.-t $5 Man'? Suit in all size, ever offer ed in this market. "Will sell you Men's Suits ! For $7.50 that takes the shine out of every thing For Style and Quality. Will sell you a better suit at $10 than you cam buy elsewhere at $12. Our $12 suits are claimed by all that have bought them to be the best value has ever been Offered Them. We are selling as Cheap as any C. WIENER, Proprietor. S EHIGH JOTTING te show you goods at an times FARMERS . coiii of any kind will find it to coor west ci .-simcriiros warcnouse s WEBSTER COUNTY. NEB. FRIDAY. She '. J (? n It '-. V. XIO'ttXKXt. r:.t;r- Mrs R V Shireyis visiting in Dcu vct What is being don about Decora tion Day? d. Messer, of Clinton, Illinois, was in the city Sunday. Seed corn and potatoes at the city feed store oposite P. O. 36 w-tf Children's suits from flOcts and. up wards at the Golden Eagle. For the mother's friend, boy's shirt waists go to the Golden Eagle. Arc wc going to celebrate the 4th of July? Now is the time to act. P. A. Wells and Col. Hoover, of Blue Hill, are in the city Saturday. The Red Cloud Tank Line will fur nish you with coal oil or gasoline. A fine line of men's and youths suits at astonibhing low prices atthc Golden Eagle. The copious rainfalls of the last few days are worth hundreds of dollars to Nebraska farmers. Boots and Shoes were never sold at such remarkable low prices as at pres ent at the Qolden Eagle. It. V. Shirey, president of the First National Bank, left Friday night for Albany, N. Y. on business. When the road is graded between the depot and the bridge it will make a fine drive to Riverside Park. The Golden Eagle carries more hats than several other stores combined at prices that will gladen your heart Married, at Red Cloud, May 9th, by Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Walter II . Megary and Miss Alice E. Sharp. The Knight Templars have been increasing their membership in the last two evenings. They have been engaged in '-putting through" several gentlemen from neighboring ttmns. Aid. Van Wert, of Guide Rock and S. Croxton of that place, had a legal s'ct-to before Justice Barker an Satur day evening. Croxton charged Van Woi-rt with c.-sati!t. The -:se was cohtiuued. Aid. Outlier's hat is about the aver' aire size, vet it seems that lie can carry several hundred yams of ribbon panel besides- a big duck, at least that is what the showman found on the in'de Satuiday evening. Vi:: J-Ti.urs h.'.s received word that his lUT.si'iu f"i- MUiictithig like $2.5(10 ha been aliov.id. It iagnod pile and we ate triad to hear of it. He will get $12 per month from this date on. If anyone descrvi-s :: pen sion Mr. Flhors docs. Miss Pearl Skeen was presented with a handsome set of silver spoons, knives, fork, teaspoons and napkin rings, by the manager of the Hindoo Oil company, as the handsomest young lady in the hall, that cvoninc. It was a deser'vrd compliment to Miss Pearl. John Tomlinson and J. L. Miner came near haviim ;: bad accident :m Sunday. John's white horse ran of the dump at the bridge. Fortun ately John".-; prc-onee of wind ::ved an accident. Tin- wmnty should put U'j substantial r.tiiia: at e;ieh end of t'iie bridge. It ; ll shame tu:: disgrace to r.v.y i. fA-rfi. tu .t..ir i ??: fnr : iM:iiit? ii''-. . i . ... .a hellgointoti:,. sterj and de-lif they rt-nW bund a ,-.U; .team.r aU. .. j c ZQ , tsa , c;f.al ,,yable all or in fare ard dosrcn.te the graves and ami . 'a m? the place, i.wit-.ui. vc ;';-1 ( V.W- thr mi- ilmen:i it any interest pay day. , t. ,;:.. w5 Tf ;r tf i, n. -t;. . from ail wr the st:.te would eiingotea too ba.i. .Vt-oo... u. . aut 0 suit most monum.ntsoithede.ur. It -to be p..t In a . t,)VVfoSs ,. though ,0uT. CM t u or address me at k,rdt!n; the mar.agc-s vr:h fence cine here. It i dt.ua. .. 1 c. .ii.... . j ' - ljmo day iko Vcd Sn 2 Neb, Office in north end tbewy d make it t penalty i ice-on for a j.lcasme r,sor, the LiV.. "o . .; . G. W. Barkh,-. - v Another good rain last night. F. R. IIoi:e was in Hastings Fri day. Mi.-s Eva J. King has returned home. John M. Young vrns in Hastings Friday. Mrs. Dr. Deuney left Saturday for Denver. Will Worthman was in the city Friday Horning. Fred Peterson doe.-n't like whisky seasoned with guiena pig. 31 r. Harmon, train master at Mc Cook, was in the eity Saturday. M. R. Bcntley went to Minnesota the first of the week on business. The report of the First National Bank will be found in another col umn, i E. L. Austin drew the gold watch Friday night at the Hindoo Oil Co'?, entertainment The concert at the Baptist church Friday evening was a grand affair and largely attended. Charley Garber's old horse "Billy," an old pioneer turned up its toes to the daisies Friday. J. S. Dew, of-Tecumseh, is prom inent candidate for commissioner of public lands and buildings. Bible studies at the Baptist church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock, sub ject Matt 20:17.30. All invited. The city street commissioner should commence at once and grade up the (streets along the line of street railway. Owing to the difference in eleva tion the electric light will be put on North Cedar Street at the corner of tenth avenue. The Knights of Labor will give a grand ball at the opera house on the ISth. Mycr Bios, of Inavale will furnish the music. The Ladies Aid Society will give an ice cream sociable in the Moon block Friday cveninji May 11: All arc cordially invited, $101.00 is the Muouut of tickers purchased by the business men of Major Flaisig. lor transportation oyer the street railway line. There is not a vacant house in the citv that wo know of. R?d Cloud i row;r.r ranidiv. new families are moving into the city every day. Mr. Hoyt, sister of Mr.-. Geo. Lindscy, started for Idaho Thursday in"- where she. expects t remain. Her many friends re? ret htrr departure. Our next fraternal organization will be the Modem Woodman. This so ciety has an excellcut record and will commend itself upon investigation. Let the board of trade make ar rair'-rnicnts at once to celebrate the Fourth of July ou a big scale in this pity. Riverside Park woxi'd be just tiie'plHce. Fishing. ikin; lie; aail a il a central jrood time could be ha 1 there. Mis. A. . A. Welch. o5 K:"isas. is in the' soliciting ,'-seiiptioK5 to i .-.; popular work of tire late Hen P. rley L'oon. It should be in every h'U5"huuu as a wurk of true merit and one thai is i-f general hueicst to the public generally. Some of our cnterpiisingmen cotild u-.al.i i mint cf money and a tine (ir.t or luvewae ::i-:; f., , ..r MAY H. 1888 Pwight Jones is on the sick list. I Mrs. D. M. Piatt left Monday for Chieapo. J. N. Ilickards was inQBloomington Tuesday. Supt. Calvert, of the B. & M. was in the city Monday. O. II. Maryatthas sold his residence property to Sill & Stowe. W. B. Thorne and wife, of Bladen, were in the ity Saturday. Mrs. Dr. Bon drew the gold watch at the show Saturday night. The Tiver is bank full this morning caused by a heavy freshet west. A $25,000 post office building for Red Cloud will make things boom. County Treasurer McNitt is build ing an upper story to his residence. G. W. Lindsey lost a valuable Knight Templar churm on Saturday. Gro. B. Gates left this morning for St. Louis, where he goes ou busi ness. Extensive arrangements should be made to celebrate Decoration Day in this city. Rev. Geo. Yeiser will preach next Sunday morning and evening at the Baptist church. F. E. Goble was authorized to pui chase for the use of the city, 2 wheel scrapers, 2 drat: fcrapers and 1 road plow at the price of $100. Webter street from (ith avenue to 2nd avenue should be paved. Stone suitable for paving could be procured near the city and The Chief thinks that it should be doue soon. Wymore has about fifteen hundred feet pav cd with stone and.it is said to make a fin street Editor Plumb of the Cowles Herald is daddy of a little girl. Daily Chief. Hi! hi there! Bro. Hosmer! Phil opena! It's a boy! It's a boy! Might know it's a boy a young pro hibition editor don't forget it. At present it""5 a little devil, and dos chore.-: about the establishment. KePort of school in district 7G. fur the month ending. May 4th. .No. enrolled -'.'. Average attendance 12. Those who arc HO and above in thr-''r studies are, Alice McCartney. May. Alice and Winnie Pope, Cora Street. Charlie SchultK and Lulu Honch'n. Those who havy not been absent dur ing tiie month are Cora and Iienry Street. Leigh and Alice Pope. The cvmeii i.o--d ne ttef'i" lijrh:.- m io'.'.r.ws. tn-on tnc corner .r (d.ir und 10th avue. and one at ' corner of Seward and Avimuip B.? on. nt point on high ground opposite south Seward nd ii'rjh of f'ivision street ir. the alley, nun at the onser oi 2nd and south S-"wnrd street and om; i the corner or Web-t r and 3rd street on Webster street st n noirit bt tween avenue A and Division Street. Riverside Park, just over the big U idjre. is the place for sonic entcr irisisiir man to make u'nty. Let some of our people lease it and give us a place to hold picnics, 4th of July celebrations, &c For a pleas uie resort it can't be beat and to an cisiernrVng man t line's money in it. Excursions! and pleasure parties could be secured all over the state. Who will t-.ke hold of it? ' Red Cloud city built on a hill, u -Tier works and street e:ns at will, ,.1.-bI U FiKhts ht spark!- at night. NO 41 tTKisij; 'HOCftAY.5 The Street Car Track Com plated to the Depot. LEf H.srBOlV. By the time that this Great Even ing Metropolitan sheet reaches its numerous readers tonight the street railroad track will be completed to the depot and by Saturday will be ballasted and ready for the cars. This if an enterprise that TnK Chief feels proud of as it will be a big thing for the city. The cars will be shipped the 12th and will he on the track by the 20th. then we shall lay off a day to ride in the new street cars and glorifying generally. Perley's Reminiscences .or '-Sixty years in the National Metropolis," il lustrating the wit, humor, genius eccentricities, jealousies, ambitions and intrigeus of the brilliant states man, ladies, officers, diplomats, lob byists and other noted celebrities of the world that gather at the center of the nation, describing impressing in auguration ceremonies, galadajfes tivities, army reviews, .etc., by Ben. Perlcy Poore, the Veteran Journalist, clerk of the senate printing records, editor of the congressional directory ami author of various works, in two volumes, oetavo, about 550 pages each, picturesquely illustrated. Mrs. A. A. Welch, of Cedarville, Kansas, the authorized agent of the firm of Hubbard Bros., Kansas City, Mo., is soliciting orders for the work, and wre recomaicnd ''Perley" as a book of true merits and one that is of great inter est to the people generally. The fire department at its annual nicetin elected the following officers: Chief A. S. Maish; Assistant Chief E. M. Perkins; Tr.'ausurer And v Warner; Sec-rotary J. L. Miller; hose ro;:i.iyv officers. No I. Forem.Mi Andy Warner; Firs Assistant J. O. lt;tier; S.Tosid As;st.in Harry Sowter; No. 2. F.'.'-imn M. H. Wnrner; Fir.-r Assistant M. S. Marsh; Second Assistant. F. J). Hummel!; Tnt-Jte.is V. J), rlummoll, John Tiialii:)n. L. II. Wallace and J. O. Butler. IJoporr of school in district GO, for t.!n mo"tri Cfrting April 23. Number if pupils on roll 25. Avenge attend ance 2!. Names of those who have not missed ". day durinir the month viz: Nellie. Thilda and Julia Wai st ;d. Ciara. Jennie and Chas. Holt, Bertha Oberg. Thina Johnson. Ada Filda and Grace Skjelver. MAItrMrKiNME. ;r Teacher. Notice. James A. Garfield Post No SO will hold an open meeting at Masonic hall Mav 14S nui, for the pvrpn-" making propari'titiiis for ufaionV) .crvices to wh'-h ::11 persons inteie.-td pre cor-I'-'Py Mivited Come ail wIo an wi'l "L' to aid in making :bc . rvsers ot tisis dry a success. D.tedMayS, 1SSS. 1 ilAUKV'K. 7'O.N'D. Post Commander. "Parja Lcr.is. ' Lrts of money t' Loan on farms at I'.. 7. 7i. S. B-'.. 0 pnd 10 prr cent in ;. .." fijv f. 2. . -i. 5. 1), ov 7 years. :iT JL- for ti-e.s.-.i:.sr :ng. aterti