PICTURES OF SAINTS. The Veaerailoa With Which They Are K garded la Kassia, Toward their icons, as tlio picture! of the Saviour and the saints are called, the people show tho greatest veneration, and one or more hangs in every honse in Russia, even in the bus iness offices. Whoever enters a store or a house in which one of those pict ures is hanging, must remove his hat, or he is liable to be asked to do so. The icons are always covered with screens of metal, with the exception ol the face and the hands of tho saint. This is because no nian can conceive of the apparel of tho inhabitants in .Heaven. In the report which was made to Queen Elizabeth, of England, by George Tuberville. who was sent with an embassy to Ivan the Terrible, tho manners of the Russians are described in quaint verse. He says: Thcir idoto have their hearts, oa God they never caU. XJnlcss it be Nlcaola Baugb that hangs against the waU. The house that hath bo God. or painted saint within. Is not to be resorted to that roof Is filled with 6in." The numerous icons, covered usual ly with sheaths of gold, are studdod -with precious stones, as they often aro, give a wondrous richness to the inte rior of a Russian church, heightened by the lights that are continually burn ing before them. Every worshiper Tmysi a candle, lights it, and places it in a rack made for the purpose, before the iron of his 'favorite saint The prayers are supposed to ascend to Heaven on the flames. Not only are icons to be found in all the houses and business places of Rus sia, but they are frequently to bo seen in little chapels or kiosks in the streets. On the opjKsito aide of the Nevski Prospect from the hotel in which wo lived was one of the most famous icons in Petersburg, tho picture of a saint which is supposed to watch over the interests of commerce t!io patron of trade. During the business hours of the day, from sunrise to sunset, in fact, the little chapel in which it stands was crowded with people merchants, clerks, artisans, laborers, and all classes of the communitv who bought -and lighted candle first, and then bowed to pray for prosperous results in the day's trade, each leaving susio contribution for the benefit of the church as a peace offering. It is a curious and interesting sight -to see the devoutness with which the sanctuary is approached. Not a drosky driver would pass it, no matter at what speed, without crossing himself with three fingers and taking off his hat. The same forms arc practiced by all foot passengers. The street was usu ally crowded during the business hours of the day, but every hat went off and .every right hand made the sign of the cross when the little chapel was reached. All the passengers in the street car, and tho conductor and driver as well, did the sanio olc:sance. The morning after wo arrived wo witnessed from tho balcony of tho ho 'tel what in any other country would .have seemed a remarkable spectacle. but in Russia it was common, as we afterward discovered. It happened to be the anniversary of the saint that ync-ides over commerce tho of the little chapel 1 have bce.i speaking About. There was a great stir early iu the morning, a commotion such as wo see at home on a holiday; men wero standing about in their best clothes, women with little ones tugging at their skirts, and the crowd around the chap el, which was always great, seemed xciratcr than ever. Soon a carriage drovo up and a priest with long white hair and beard for tho Russian priests never cut their hair or beards alighted. Then a band of music and a battalion of soldiers ar rived, followed by a large company of priests and monks. About ten o'clock crowd hail increased to such num bers that traffic was suspended, and finally a procession was formed at tho hc'l of which were a lot of white-robed snonk.s chanting, then a company of acolytes swinging incense urns, then tho white-haired priest, or metropol itan, as he proved to be, came, bear ing in his hands the sacred icon of tho chapel, being sheltered by a 'canopy of golden cloth carried by four other priests--. Behind him came other priests and monks, then tho military band and the battalion of soldiers and finally a procession of people reaching several blocks, not march ing iu column, but huddlod together, and tilling the entire street from wall to wail. During the time the icon was being brought out from tho chapel till the procession began to move, every one but the priests and soldiers wero on their knees in tho street When it had reached its place in the procession all rose and followed The same ceremony was repeated about four in the afternoon, when the icon was brought back and deposited in its usual place. UKn inquiry I learned that, it being the day of this iaint, the icon had boon taken to tho cat lied nil and several other churches so that the srvico could bo attended by more peopre than the little chapel could accommodate. IK . Curtis, in Chicago 2'ctcs. m m Representatives of nearly all na tionalities arc to be seen in the streets of San Francisco, and all of them can iiud good reading in the public library of that city. The library has a book containing tie Lord's prayer in 814 different dialects. The work was com--piled by A. Amor, and published in Vienna in 1844, and is one of the queer est books in existence. Portland boasts of a sileatwhisl clb composed wholly of yoHag ladies. AU bat one oi tkus art doak w- CAKE AND PICKLES. reralcloits Habits of KaUag- Fraetlea y Aiaericaa Chlldrea. "My Jennie has such a dainty appe tite I don't know what to do with her! She just won't eat any thing but sweet meats and the like!" Thus cxclaimod a foolish mother in my hearing the other day. Yes, la mentably foolish is she for allowing such a condition of things to exist We are told by the matchless bard that de sire grows upon what it is fed. The child desires dainties, and the mother oft gratifies that desire. Soon the mis chief is done, for the dainty appetite is quickly formed. Apropos of this: A ruddy German girl of seven summers was adopted by childless people of means. The indulging process was early begun by them, for it was a pleasure to give the child all the goodies that she could well eat Ere long a scorn for substantial food possessed her, and the mere thought of the plain but healthful fare of her Gorman home ex cited great disgust Dainties formed her daily living, but think you that her robust German parentage preserved her from paying outraged Mother Na ture's penalty? No indeed! She fell a victim to consumption while yet in her teens. Tho poor abused digestive ap paratus could not manufacture good blood; the great waste was not sup plied, and "galloping consumption" claimed another victim. While on the cars, en route to one of Minnesota's beautf ul lake resorts. I was attracted by an anxious mother and her unfortunate invalid daughter who oc cupied seats near mine. The wan checks, the hollow eyes and the languid air all told their own sad story of disease and deatlu The weary one oft had access to tho stimulating flask to sustain her to the.journcy's end. At length the mother and child partook of a morning meal. A large lunch hamper indicated a long journey. I did not observe the mother's choice of fare, but the delicate girl who had so aroused my sympathies made a hearty (?) meal of rich cake and pickles. 1 cs, she devoured three whole pickles and a piece of cake. Think of it mothers of supplying the enormous waste that was apparently going on with only cake and pick'es! Could one drop of good blood emanate therefrom? Would dis ease have attacked the poor child had the mother prevented such unnatural appetite? She seeme I a woman of cul ture an.l refinement not always ac companied with common sense, it seems and I would fain remind her that she could take her loved one to tin; most healthful clime of earth, but she would not keep her long if her diet consisted of cake and pickles. Indeed, in this instance I fear that nothing could avail, for the blood which, you know, is the life had already become impov erbhed. See to it, mothers, that your children are not forming pernicious habits of eating what will perchance take them to early graves or render them dys peptics for life. Laflies" Home Journal. m FASHIONABLE SILKS. Varieties Salted for Klesaat Doaal-SeasoB Toilette. Silks are being very largely U3ed for making np dressy toilettes to bo worn at afternoon receptions and when pay ing formal visits. For the deiui-scason the entire dress will be of any of the repped silks, llungalinc, faille fran caise, gros grain or moire, whether of a plain color, or shaded in two or three tones, or glaee, or in stripes partly plain, partly twilled or watered, or else iu the plain brocades of the last cen tury, with small woven tlowers, or the more modern designs with velvet vines, balls, or bars. As the season advances to summer, the simple taffetas of a generation ago will bo revived, with their plain lustrous surface showing stripes, or else glace, or in large plaids of the gayest colors together.or a single color with white. The silk surahs aro also to be worn again in plain colors, in crossbars, in stripes, and with blocks or balls trewn over thorn. Sometimes a striped silk will be combined with plain repped silk of the color iu the stiipe, white or Suede tints being most often alternated with the colored stripes. The plain silk will be used for the front and hack of the skirt, while the stripes appear on tho sides; the basque of the plain color will have bias side forms of stripes in front, or a girdle giving that effect, with a vest, rovers and collar. This is prettily illustrated in myrtle green faille com bined with greea and Suede-colored striped faille. The skirt has four plaits down the front (two each side meeting in the middle) of plain green faille, while the back has three straight breadths of the same, with their sides faced with the striped silk turned over in jabot shells. Two striped breadths of silk form drapery on each side next the plain front; these are plaited in fine plaits at top to the belt, falling straight to the foot and the side is then rounded up high on the tournurc, and caught in a cluster of plaits next the plain green back breadths. The space left uncov ered below the curved part in the sides of the skirt has two gathered breadths falling to the foot from under the curved part and these are cut in sharp points at the edges and faced. This design may also be prettily carried out in moire and plain silk, using tho moire in front and back, and the plain repped silk on the sides. Sometimes the lower part oa the sides of the skirt is drawn on cords and slightly puffed at the top, with perhaps tbe standing .ruffle of doubled silk. For summer taffetas and checked silks skirls made in this way will have pinked edges oa the sides, or there may be a series of pinked flounces set there, farjr' Smsmr. v THE WHITE PELICAN. Beantlfat Bird nf Florida M ach Admire fir Naturalists. The white pelicans were remarkably abundant on the Gulf coast about Cedar Keys, but did not occur in any numbers much south of this point When feeding, tnese fine pelicans swim along the wa'er and capture their prey by thrusting their long bill, and occa sionally the entire head, beneath the sur face of the water; then the bill is raised, the pouch contracted, forcing the water from among the fishes, which aro swallowed at once. During calm weather they feed in tho open water of tbe Gulf, but when high winds occur they visit the more quiet lagoons ami bayous among the flats. After satisfy ing their hunger they will sit for a time on the outer sand bars or reefs, often gathering by thousands, hut will shor:Iy rise in small companies, flying in wedge-shaped flocks or ranks like geese or swans, but move with alternate flapping and sailing, and thus rise to a great height, when they will circlo about an hour or more on motionless wings, not however, in regular order, but crossing and recrossingone another in eccentric gyrations. Later in the day they return to roost passing tho night on tho reefs. They are very shy at all times, equally so at night, for they can see during the hours of dark ness nearly or quite as well as owls, and when approached will rise and fly to tho nearest reef. Tho only way in which I was successful in obtaining a shot at them was by sailing, when, as they always rise into the wind. I would sometimes manage to secure one. These birds, iu spite of their large size, are exceedingly gentle in disposition and easily tamed, and one that I brought North, he having been slightly wounded in the wing, remained with me three years, when he died. This bird never attempted to injure any thing, even permitting young chickens to run about him, and as they walked over his huge feet he merely gl an ceil down at them to see what they were doing. Johnny, ns he was called, was very intelligent, and always knew those who were kmu to l:im, recogniz ing them with a grunt, his only note, while lie would frequently take their hands in his long bill and gently squeeze them. He allowed every one who came to see him to caress him, and was always ready to receive com pany. Johnny ate not only fish but meat, and the quantity which he de voured was surprising, for lie ofteu consumed six or eight pounds at a meal. Not that he was a glutton, for when satisfied no temptation would in duce him to take another morsel. His favorite method of eating was to have his food thrown to him. when he would catch it in his beak, slip it into his pouch, then he would wait until I grasped him by the bill, when I would rake it and shake his head until the food passed downward into his stom ach. No confinement whatever was necessary for Johnny, as he never showed the slightest propensity to wan der, excepting" in autumn, when, hav ing some idea of migrating, he would waddle awav from the house a few hundred yards. Birds of Eastern NorUi America. SHREWD WAITERS. How Restaurant Men Tirkle the Vanity of The r (.neat. The proprietor of an Italian restau rant cordially greeted a customer a few evenings ago and anxiously inquired after the health of another gentleman. "You don't know me," said the cus tomer. "The only time you ever saw me was a year ago, when I dined here with a friend. "O yes. I remember you perfectly." said the proprietor, "You are Mr. , and your friend, whom I have not seen since, was Mr. . How is his health?" The customer was pleased, and men tally resolved that he was a person of much consequence, and that he would dine in that restaurant every night Many men have been similarly sur prised. A reporter was called by name the second time he visited a busy res taurant and asked tho waiter how ho learned it. . j "You came in here." the waiter said.! "with four other gentlemen, none ofi whom I had ever seen before. During your conversation you mentioned tlnj names of each other, and I rememb'jreij them because that is part of my business. It always pleases a man to think thac he is remembered, and it is a waiter's business to please the patrons of thfc place where he works. If a man dinei alone, it is frequently difficult for us tj learn his name. We generally learn ift though, in one way or another. On entering, ha may nod to an acquaint ance. If the latter is a steady patrc n and has a favorite waiter, as he s likely to have, we get that waiter o procure the information for us. "There is a man who dines alone he -o every night. He sits at a certain tablo and I always wait upon him. It waj a month before I learned his name, aid then I saw it on an envelope whichtie laid on tho table while he read the in closure. I called him by name immeJli ately. and he was tickled to death. I "No. 1 don't know that my membry is unusually good or that I deserve jny especial praise for carrying the naie of a hundred or more customers inmy head. Names are easier to remember, 1 think, than other things. As I said before, it is part of our business. If a person thinks he b known in a cc tat restaurant he is apt to go the e in preference to other places, and it puts him and the waiter on a friendly foot ing. If a waiter has learned your name shortly after be has first see yon he is a good waiter, and you c rest assnred that lie is attending to your wants in a manner proportion: te to I the size of the tip." if. J. Sun. LUCERNE OR ALFALFA. A. Tractlcal Farmer ExpMlas Dow II Beaeflta the .Noil. IIow can plants increase the fertility of the soil? In two ways. One by adding to it that part of themselves which they obtain from the air. and the other by searching many feet into the ground with their roots and bringing to tho surface the chemicals and fertil izing materials stored there. This is lucerne's method of benefiting the soil. This letter from a practical farmer com pletely explains every point: Lucerne will grow on any land that will produce wheat, corn or potatoes, and will thrive on many lands that none of these will grow on, especially very light sand or gravel, though it -does well on clay. But it will not grow on land where the water stands within one foot of the surface, and there is no use sowing it in an alkali that is strong enough to keep wheat from growing. Though particular about wet land, it will stand any amount of wet in summer, as long as there is plenty of drainage. It will also stand all of the water of winter that may fall in the shape of rain, or snow that may melt It is a quick grower, anil will mature the first crop in about two months from the time that tho growth commences. The second crop will ma ture in about six weeks from the cut ting, and the third in about five weeks from cutting of the second. The sec ond crop is the heaviest but the first is a little the best feed. It will yield about an average of six tons per acre. It is a perennial of the clover tribe. The best method is to sow broadcast about fifteen pounds per acre where the land is in good condition, but on very weedy land or clear gravel or sand that is very jioor. put about three pounds more. You can not get any crop from it the first year, but do not gt dis couraged if the plants aro on an aver age of ten inches apart, little, slim. -ingle stems about four or six inches high. It is best to sow with grain. Oats are the best; thus you will lo-e no time, but can have a crop from your land every year. In fact it does better to have it shaded when young. Sow at the same time that you do spring grain. Where there is plenty of rain, no cultivation is needed; but in a few years it will make clear ?and a rich land, owing to the tlecay of the root. The roofs will sink themselves for a distance of ten to twenty feet straight down, and fully one-halt decays every year from the outside, and keeps growing larger from the center ever" vear. It should be cut when in full bloom. A little old is better than too young; when the bloom is ready to fall off is not too late. D. not cut too much at once, for if you allow a rain to come on your hay after it is cut it will not be worth more that one-half for feed and will be entirely worthless for mar ket Heavy dews are not good, either. Let me warn you against condemning it as a worthless lot of sticks until you try your horses and cows and see them clean up the sticks before they do the leaves. There are not many animals that take to it when dry without hav ing it in their manger a few days with other hay; but in a few days you will see the grass,'hay left, while the lucerne is cleaned tip. A ton of lucerne will not go quite ts far as a ton of timothy. Do not let hungry cattle get on it while green, especially when wet for it will bloat them. If you wish to pasture it first feed your stock all they can and will eat and then turn them on the green lucerne, and no harm will come to them. It is the best thing to renew old, worn out land that I ever saw. .V. E. Farmer. THE GYPSY'S CURSE. Why It Was Uttered anil How It Ilaa lieeu Keallxed. In 1S78 a band of roving Gypsies vis ited Pioehe and pitched their tents near the town. Among their number was a weird and venerable fortune-telling ilame. Though the woman was a wild looking hag, she claimed to bo a sort of queen among her people. In Pioehe, whenever she appeared on the streets, this red-mantied old witch was mocked at and derided. She endured this for a time, but one day became enraged, and in a towering passion she raised her staff iu her withered hands and cursed the people and the town. She cursed them in the product of their mines, in their business of traffic, and in their houses and lands for ten years. For ten years she said they would wither and decay until houses were abandoned and streets deserted, then would come a new people and a new era. when the old prosperity of the place would return. When she had thus cursed the town and the people the old witch turned on her heel and strode away. The camp of her people at once struck their tents and ait departed, never again toretnrn. Evet since that time the blasting influ ence of the old woman's curse has been :ipon the town, as is supposed, until this yeai (18S8). when the ten years expired. Now the old prosperity is returning. The deserted mines are being reopened, people who were starved out of the place are returning to claim and repossess their property, merchants and tradesmen are again opening stores and shops, and Pioehe is at last to have long-delayed railroad and transportation facilities. At last the curse of the Gypsy woman is off the town, and again the people are ani mated by their old-time spirit and enter prise. Nevada Enterprise. An artificial limb maker said recently that "after the war it was thought that the woodea arm and leg hnsincss was at an end, bnt the locomo tive and labor-saving machinery have continued to create augmented de-umds" A GENTLE CREATURE. Bow m Colored Lady Showed Her Pra faaad Love for ller Ilathaad. Two negroes stood in the street One of them w;is lecturing the other. "Now, ole man." said the younger one. "I want tor tell yer dis, an' tell yer o'intedly, dat you's got tcr stop gittin' drunk ur I won't feed you no mo'. I toll vou dat now an' I tell yer p'int cdly." The old man went away, and somo one who heard the "lecture" asked tho younger negro why he had considered it his duty to look "after the wants of the old fellow. "He is no kin to you. is he?" "No. sah, no blood kin. We'se brud ders in dc church an pertakos o do sackrament, but in de flesh we ain' no kin ertall." "He must have done you a great fa vor in the past" "No, sah, never done me no favor in his life." "Why, then, do you feed him?" "Wall, sah. I tell you. I maird do lady dat uster be his wife. I did. an' it looked sorter wraung ter take her lub erway from him. an' I 'gunter feel sorry fur him. I did. His un'er lip drapped down like he didn' hab er frien' in de worl', an' I tole him dat I would gin him suthin' ter cat till he got some work, but bless you. he didn try ter fine no work, but sot right down an' 'gunter eV. Den he 'gunter go ronn wid dese yere can'erdates an drunk pizen licker an' git drunk, an I's gittin' mighty tired o' hit I tell you dat piiitJly." "What does yer wife think of it?" 'O, she's sich er saft an' gcn'Ie crit ter dat she doan 'spress no 'pinion. She neber interferes wid nuthin'. dat lady doan, 'caze she so awful saft an' gcn'Ie." Good tempered, is she?" "Monst'us tine tempered, sah. an' it 'pear like she wunter sing fum mawii- A change of expression came over the negro's fac "Yere come my wife now," he sfth!. "Cindy, I's jes been tellin' dis geiicrman whut er lino lady you is, nesa'd, wlien lus wile urcvv near. i: "You better tcil fcim what a lazy, good-fiir-nuthin wretch you air. Go an homo now an' split me up somo wood, or I'll getiier up suthin' an w'ar you out Doan look at me that way." "Whut way I loekin' at you, honey?' "Like you didn' wautur mine whut I tells yoii." "Ef I look dater way I didn' go ter do hit, caze I doan feel dater way." "Wall, mosey on, now, ur I'll gether up suthin'." "Yessum. jest ez soon ez I transaek er little bizuess wid dis yere gener man." The woman, after many threatening shakes of the head, passed on. and her meek-looking husband turned to th man with whom he had been talking and said: "Dat lady is so much in lnb wid mo dat she's erfeerd dat I'll s:ay 'ronn yere summers an' git hurt. She's sich er saft an' geu'le critter dat she kain't hardly b'ar ter hab me outeu her sight" Did she ever strike you?" Hit me wid en axe-handle wuiist an fazed me er right smart, but den it wuz becaze she thought so much o' inc. Didn' want me to go down town an' 'sociate wid dem rough men. I tell you suthin' ef you woan say nuthin crbout it It's dis: Wen I fust maird mer wife I felt sorter sorry fur dat olo man dat uster be mer wife's husban', but now. sah. I sorter feels sorry fur merse'f." Arkansiic Traveler. m m - VALUABLE RELICS. A Tounp Woman Who 1st Making Money ly Searrlii He for Them. A clever young woman is building up a business of; a somewhat novel character in New York and Brooklyn. Traveling agents have long made a good tiling out hf antique furniture picked up on excursions- in the wilds of rural New Hampshire and Connecticut, inducing farmers wives to ransack their attics and bring1 out mirrors that only wanted regihljhg. or brass-handled chests of drawers in want of nothing but polish ami varnish to fetch round sums from modern worshipers of bric- a-brac gone ground for enough, has entirely. Ne iv. The best hunting lueh thin curinuslv .-?- ieen oTerlookeU almost York and Brooklyn, as things go in his country, are ancient cities. Then are Jow-urowed Dutch ithin the limits of the homesteads former citv. ml old hones on Seconc avenue, in i me t :wungton square region nnd ion Fifth avenue itself, in New York, which only need to yield up their treasures to delight all tho lovers of list century carved oak, mirrow-froBc wardrobes, rare spindle legged monstrosities and choice bits of buhl. This young woman has begun a scries of tours among tho stately old mansions sunk to second-class boarding houses, or gone yet further on the road of neglect and decay, and when she finds a relic of past grandeur, she re habilitates it and in t induces it to an art lover or a curio lorer. or a person ambitions of the repute of an art or curio lover with moner. An old ebony cabinet inlaid with mother of pearl, an old dressing table with a tray of Sevres let into the top. an old chair covered with French flowered satins of the earlv years of fee ceatury, theso are grand dukes ia banishment to be re stored to their list estate. It is pleas ant business fot a young woman trita some knowledge a goal eye aad better judgment, and Mie makes it profitable. X. T. Hail aid Express. j m In leap jear the Toaaf naid's fancy lightly tiras to thought ol love. Mnuka .JeumrnL. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. The picking and drying of black berries forms an important industry i:i North Carolina. The avcrag3 daily wages paid to New York sewing women is fifty cents for fifteen hours work. The curious fact that the usual hat produced by friction is absent when the articles are magnetized is just now l--iug discussed by scientists, who are seeking an explanation. A physician recommends that all the wood used in the interior constric tion of houses, and all the plain sur faces of plaster, should be thonmghlv oiled or varnished, so that the power if absorption of foul air and gases shit.ild be destroyed. It is estimated that about 50.0W.00-3 gounds of cotton-seed oil were use I in the United States during last vear iu tho adulteration of lard, and thar it was mixed with about twice :i.s inuen of I other material, most of which w:is pure lard with the leaf left out Recent researches by Prof. Brown Sequard demonstrate that a' liquid o! tained from the vapor of air from tho lungs is so poisonous that a dos, of twenty centigrammes (less than four grains) sufficed to kill a dog in about seven hours. A writer in Scienci comes to the conclusion that as a result of ids in. vestigations "it seems idle to discus further the influence of forests upon rainfall from the economic point f riew. as it is evidently too slight to b. of the least practical importance. Mm has not yet Invented a method of con trolling rainfall." Berlin has gradually become the headquarters of the carved-wood in dustry, supplanting Switzerland. Six hundred artists in wood-carving, the same number of turners, and seven hundred carpenters are engaged in tho production of such articles as cigar cases, newspaper and picture frames, napkin-rings, etc. The value of the annual export of these trifles is put at Sl.250.000. It is found that living creatures brought up from sea depths tf four miles or more, suffer greatly from the changed conditions of pressure and temperature. At those vast depths the pressure is tremendous, and the tem perature is comparatively low. On being brought to the surface, the deep sea creatures are sometimes torn in pieces by the powerful expansion of their organisms occasioned by decrea-e I in pressure, and "sometim!S they abso lutely melt away before the eyes of the beholder." The secondary nature of the gravel deposits in which placer mines occur implies that they are found at an average lower altitude than the quartz veins, from which they are derived bv erosiou. The average height of placer mines is about 8.000 feet, the highest being 10,000 feet above the sea level. Owing to their mode of formation. placer mines are usually more accessi ble than the quartz, and do not require so great an amount of material for their workings. M. P. Ledeboer said before the Academy of Sciences in Paris that al though it had long been known that a magnet wised to a red heat loses its magnetic properties, it had only lately been determined by direct measure ment at what actual degree of tempera ture iron ceases to be a magnetic body. By his experiments he showed that irn remains magnetic up to G50 degrees C. after which a rapid variation is noticed in its magnetic condition. At 7JJ de grees the magnetic properties are scarcely perceptible, while at 770 de grees they disappear altogether. m m ONE DAY'S GRACE. Aa I'ltlmatum WIioho Liberality U dimply Antonlsh'inz. "I'd like to report, sih. dac my wile ar' missiu'," said an old colored man who came to the Gratriot Avenue Sta tion the other day. "Well, since how long?" "'Bout nine days, sah." "Under what circumstances?" enc ngnt ou an' ditiiit back." "What's her description?" "Black, sah. She's black all an got a wart under de left eye. come o!kt. Dat's as fur as I remember. "Have you any idea of her where abouts?" "Not 'zactly. sah. She might hev gone to Canada, an' she might be in de ribber. She was a very onsartiu wo man." "Well, if auy let you know." thing tarns tip we'll "Thanks, sah; but to-morrer is de last day, you know. If ! doan' come back by dat time. I'ze free of her." "Bosh! Wb told you that?" "Lots o' folks. Hain't 'er true?" Of course nor." "Hu! but I guess it is. Mu' be so or dey wouldn't er tole me. Howcber. to make sartin 'bout it. I'll wait 'leben days 'fore I marry agin, and den she can't jump on me fur alimony. Much obleegcd. sah. It's de fust time any of my wives cber run'd off dis way." Detroit Free Frets. Cleansing Ladies' H!r. We object to the use of carbonate of potash by hairdressers for cleansing the hair of their customers. The cleansing action of this powerfnlly alkaliae substance is very effective, bat it is prejudicial to the hair at the same time. A teasuuonful of pulverized borax in a cup of lwiling water, or cleansing the hair with the yelk of a fresh egg, and following this vith a warm solution of borax or salt and water, especially sea-water, i much preferable, and has the effect of cleans ing andsoftening tbe skin of the scalp. Eastern ladies, ren-.arkable for beauty of their hair, adopt Uu latter mode of cleaning iu Herald f Health.