The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1888, Image 1

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1 Spii Del
Ml 0&$M
Boots and Shoes as Cheap as
House in the country.
r stock of other goods such as Furnishing Goods, Hats. &c, wo will give
you bct..r ..'.-(' ! t less prices than cvei I,t,Jore liemcniber 1 buy
::S! r'Oll CASH, PA IT NO BENT, and q.u afford to
SLll.y.ou.gaodiLt,BOITG3I PBICES.-
tyse to h c: ilgi
: for yourself, look
you. you will only
C. WliiNER, Proprietor
Red Cloud Mfid Wvmore.
: -J
1-.-. -, .
f: 2 T. '
Laugliing Gbs always onliand
Will compound your perscriptions and receipts accurately
and "with the purest drugs.
Will show you the finest and
and ivinGOw shades in tne
Will sell on mixed paints tinted leads oils brushes etc and
warrant them
has a complete stook of books
will treat all alike and be glad
That" are hi want of niacliiner of any kind tiri3 spring
invited to call andexanineour goods lxjforebuviiir
fy Harrows, FJowe, cuitivaiors,
.. c go
' XlIBti-W alii :t iiit ujl j iUlX Wiii- IilYi II vO
their aiivantage to call on us'. !
K Oar gooes ar all new. no
' -.
Successorstoalmcr Cravford &
i- 'V
. ?ri& -.-,.
ail Gil Eagle !
Fell you the Lest $3 3Iau's Suit, in all sizes
Now goods jjs recehed Will
Sell You
The best $5 3i:;uV Suit in all sizes, ever offer
ed in this unuket. "Will tell you
Men's Suits !
For $?."": that tr.kes the shine out of everything
For Stvie and Oualitv.
Vill sell you a bettor suit at 10 than you can
buy elsewhere at 12. Our $12 suits are
claimed by all that- have bought them
to be the best value
That has ever been Offered
Them. "We are selling
us over and if we can not convince
be out a little time.
"rT:- "r "7.-"" i13!
F ivi Lt
res cloud :if:Esrfl.sKA.
f " 1 - I - 1 .
ornce work a brecialt
latest patterns of wail paper
market and guarantee puces
stationery and fancy gtods.
to show you goods at an time s
Planicrs, and chet
:ovb, maxe
ocr corn
i -
second Iia:uLcrxcorr:ed over 'oodl.
TBFSfc7 -,
CojJrfc.iVorVe&t of Miner Bros wirehousff
. - k
fb ei bnd Itkf
L. . no.sR,
J. A . Lopeman went west Tuesday
Bert Brewer was in Hastings Mon
day. Building for sale, inquire of Mrs. 1.
J. Curtis.
Prof. Dprstein was in IListings
A military company is being or
ganized in this city.
Peru corn and potatoes at the city
feed store mo.ite i (). 15(5 w-tf
Children's .-nits from JlOets and up
wards at the Ooldcn Eagle.
J. L. Miner leturned home la.-t
Tuesday from a journey iu the ca.-t.
A fine Hue of men's and youths suits
at astonishing low prices atthe Golden
The Iicv. 3Iis. G-. & Davis is con
templating a tiip to Michigan in a
few weeks.
Frank lltcl got his leg hurt while
handling ice tho other day. lie
walks lame.
The supcrvir-ors should put in
waler works iu the court house and
an electric light.
Boots and Shoes were never sold at
ueh remarkable low prices as at pres
ent at the Golden Eagle.
Max Baum's joiing friends sur
prised him last Saturday afternoon,
it beinir his eighth birthday.
Bible studies at Baptist church on
Friday eyening at S o'clock. Sibject
'wise iusd foolish virgins.' All are
invited. i
A ten thousand dollar incadescent
electric system is one of the coiling
enterprises for lied Cloud. My,
won't we shine then.
Sireet :
talk of extending the
aiiway to the fair ground.
That, would be about the thing. It
would also help the Holland additioa
to boom.
A street sprinkler should be put
on at once, or the street commission
er should keep the streets wet down
by a generous application of water
from the hydrants.
A flowing hydrant should be locat
ed in some convenient by-way or
street for the benefit of a thirsty pub
lie. This matter wc refer to our city
dads for future action.
What are the managers doing about
the county fair. It seems to us that
it is high time to wake up about it
and commence preparations for mak
inir it the best one ever held.
If you want to sec a fine display of
clothing and furnishing goods step in
to the Golden Eagle you will find the
larirest stock in Southern Nebraska.
The -roods beinir bouirht for cash C.
Wiener is aide to sc.l at bottom prices
Let our board of trade make an
effort to secure some manufacturing
establishments. Don't lot this ad
vice go in one oar and out the other.
It is the kind of advice that is offered
freely and the kind that makes eitic?
out of towns.
li.d Cloud is going to be a mighty
live town thin year, and is already
putting jjiisigns.of great activity.
Two new railroads, a ?tveefc railway,
a creamery and several manufacturing
institutions will go far to make Ler
the beau ideal city of -the valley r.nd
j 'don't you forget it. No other city or
town in the valley can loast of :t
street i ail way. electric lights and
nuinerau.5bther enterprises "as Bed'
Cloud. -'
Straw hats at Berg & Galusha's.
Childrcns suits at Berg & Galu
sha's. The street railway will now soon be
Tor the mother's friend, boy's shirt
waists go to the Golden Eagle.
Berg & Galusha can give you the
best fit on a suit of clothes you ever
John B. Shirey and wife went to
York. Neb., Saturday morning, on a
The salcoas did not all open 3Ion
day, but are making ready as fast as
Everybody is putting in city water
these days, and the plumber is ex
tremely happy.
Mis Emma Hart, of Abilinc, Kan
sas, sister of 3irs. F. V. Taylor arrived
in the city Saturday.
r Henderson Bros., have purchased
the celebrated Missouri Jack from
parlies at Burr Oak.
Bev. M. C. Butler returned Fri
day morning from an official viit to
Franklin Acadenry.
The regular meeting of the whist
club held forth at B. V. Shirey's
residence Monday evening.
The Golden Eagle carries more hats
than several other stores combined at
prices that will gladen your heart.
A sidewalk has been ordered laid on
the west side of North iVebster street
..w. ...., auuiufosi corner oi tJie
school house to Ed. Smith's.
Fred Petersen says it's all a mis-t-ike
about him resigning the city
wafer works engineers!) ip. Ho W;H
continue business at the old stand, he
Prof. Eppstein hr.s made arrange
ments to produce Pinafore in Hast
ings on the completion of his con
tract here, for the benefifcof tho i . M.
C. A. of that place.
The following ladies of Superior
are the guests of Mrs. D. M. Piatt
todoy: Modamcs Bloom, Brio's
.Johnston, McNaughton, Baddcn,
Guthrie and Bradshaw.
Ill-solutions ol Kcpcct.
At, the instigation of quite a num
ber of our citizens a committee was
appointed to draft rssolntions of res
pect for Eld. Williams and wife, the
I resultlas below given was voted upon
on buriday evening, the loth inst. by
a packjd audience atthe 31, E. church
of thistplacc and was adopted unani
mously Rose ved, that wc the eitizens and
Christ! tn people of Bed Cloud, and
present in this audience, regardless
of dei aminational differences, do
keenly tcel the prospective loss to our
community, in the event as anticipat
ed of Blv. Williams and hfs estimable
wife moling from among us.
"Besoljed, that we have always
found tlbin readyand willing to give
their md-al and Christian support to
every nm-ument in the direction of
moralitylmd Christianity.
Besohlu. that in the person of
Bev. Wiiir.iM we have fur.nd an able
iiihsif "er,i a Christian .'rMitlcinan. a
ki:' ncilhbor and a most worthy
citiken. Knd in his wife a most es
timable' Christian lad-.
liesoivci, that our .best wishes for
their fulil-o welfare shall attend
them. Ai
1 wherever their lot may
be east, li
wcver near, or faraway'
they shall
etam kindly, a place in
fhc memoi
of the people .of, this
M."B. Edli:5ia. 1 -,
R. 1). Tones: " f m-
APRIL 20. l88.
Mrs. II. C Scott is quite sick.
Jake Kaley has gone to Omaha.
A small smash-up at the depot last
Spring hats of all kinds at Berg &
Gents summer underwear at Berg &
Geo. Smelser has tone to CaUfor
nia to live.
Oscar Potter, of Akron, Colorado,
is in the city
Ellis Shirey has returned home
from the west
Bead Warner & WalfangerV new
ad in another column.
Fo" Chi'drtiH suits, hat?, shoes, etc..
call on Bera & Galusha.
T. C. Hacker, city treaasurer. has
gone to Nemaha county.
Berg & Galusha have the stock
tif straw hats in the city.
Mrs. J. I). MacRae. of Omaha. i
the guet of Mrs. Geo. B. Holland.
Tho dance at the K P hall last
Tuesday was a very pleasant affair.
An enjoyable euchre party too:
place at the K. P. hall 3Ionday night.
Derg & Galusha have just received
a full line of gents s;rii)ir goods of ail
Hon. James McNcny was appointed
city attorney by the council Saturday
New scenery and costumes will ho.
used at the production of Pinaforo on
April 2fi and 27th . Ticket only 50c.
Teachers Association.
The Webster County Teachers As
sociation convened at Bed Cloud,
April I4t:i. Teachers Iron: Guide
Iioi-k and vicinity were enterprising
en" ugh to arrive in tinio for the moru
i:ig session. The parties who were on
the. nrognsm, being absent, the asso
ciation adjourned until afternoon at
3:30. Toe uu cting was called to order
by tho. president. After the usual
opening exercises Mr. Treninor Cone
read ai interesting essay relative to
tbc various qualities that enter into
the makeup of a good teacher. An
anniaiated discussion followed the
age at which one may with advan
tage begin teaching, the evil and the
good resulting from the granting ot
third grade certificate? was ably dis
cussed by Messrs. Hunter, Smith,
Bennett and others. Miss Gertrude
Sherer followed with a thoughtful
essay entitled, "Some Educational
Opinions." She succeeded in awaken
ing a general interest. Tho members
of the association spent the succeeding
half hour in an "experience meeting,"
every member present having an
"educational opinion." Next in order
was an essay by Miss Carrie Bra! field.
She spoke of the many things neglec
ted in the ordinary school room, ot the
time wasted upon unimportant things.
Messrs. Pcolcs. Cone and Smith and
Misses Sherer and Remsburg expressed
themselves as heartily endorsing the
views ndvanced in essay and Messrs.
Cone andSColcs gave in detail some of
their methods employed inteiching
At the close 6f this di?c'isirn Mr
Bennett RJive the first of hi3 series of
talks upon school government. M-.
Picking, ttho w:is to aid Mr. Cenn t?
in this discission, w:s abent and the
pn -id :itc.dicd upon Mr. Uus.5 to sup
ply his phice: "-M. Duia e."pr."sod his
yicv.-s-y.'itli'yjrnnci precision. Tijese
talks en. sch'ool p(;, rnni,ot:t
to benefit, all t'ase who
tliLai. It id :'- matter of rcjrrf-t. t'-.ut so
few of th''leicners-of the county were
Aucr a short -Tefcefe the executive
ef.mmittee fepNvyeuV the for
next nicctiug.""' " , '
Association ".djosixneU .to. mefit'al
Guide Beck" the sjc ij'I Saturday in
t .f..-- . ,
NO 38
If ou young men wa:;t ttgtta gotd
fitting suit of clothes g'i :n:d seeBc
& Galusha.
W. Uolstrorth prrh.uted us with
tw monstrositich in the Miape oi hen
eggs today.
Go and see that large stock Of
clothing at Berg & Galusha's, the
Chicago Store clothiers.
3h If..comb and .Mrs A White,
ofAmboy, were pleas.:nt callers at
these headqua-.tera Tuesday.
!Iei'!i::i:i .au is visiting in ftlue
John J. Pucker. E.-q., has return
ed from a nip to Biverton.
.7. I. Post, of the city of Cowles,
was in the metropolis to-day.
:f:s.s II:.rt. sister of 3Irs. F. V.
Taylor has gone west to viit relatives
--ssmeui' - strangers are coming to
tisv city t very day and many are lo
cating J.ero.
M. F. Pradluock is visiting in T3!e
Jdi. jr:ni dan't know what to-do
ith hitti.-fif'iow
ILirry E. Pond hiis been commis
ioned as a notary public, by his
Excellency. Gov. Thayer.
J. ii. Johns, the genial agent of
the Jilitscis 3Iasons Benevolent So
ciety is in the city for a few days.
Tiie ladiof B 31 II society will
meet at the residence of3IrsAJj
3Iitcht,-ll. Tuesday afternoon. April
There will be preaching at jthe
Dq.tist church next Sabbath morn
ing and evening by the Rev. Geo. O.
Y. iser.
.at evening 3Irs, B. 31. Piatt eri
tortaine.l liar" many friends at Jier
lesidence. It va-, a very pleasant
T so :'t?iuiion lor Pi::afoie is ,13c to
a i p:.rt- of the houc. No extra
chisel- for reserved seats. Children
hail price.
Parties wishing to purchase liht.
n.eJium or heavy horses will call and
look at those at the Pioneer Stables
before buying. A. J. Tomlixsox.
Chancellor JIanatte, cf the State
University was in the city to-day.
lie is a very pleasant gentleman and
his vi?its to Bed Cloud are highly
Jos Norris, one of the early settlers
of this county, coaling here years ago
with his brothers. Daniel and Wil
liam, died Wednesday after a linger
ing illness of many months duration,
and was hurried to-day, the funeral
taking place at his late residence in
Line township. During his .lifetime
Mr. Norris had made many friends
who mingle their sorrow and tears at
his premature death, having died at
the age of about 33. lie leaves a
v, ife to mourn his death, aiong with
many near relatives.
Republican Caucus.
The rer.ublican electors of Pleasant
Hill fw.:-hi an? requestel. to meet
:tt t'.ta PjOj sart Hiil school house, on
Tueaciay..ray,lstlv 1S3S, at 4 o'clock,
p. m.t tuXsefcetA-tsiio delegates to the
evui.ty conventiou.-i T. F.'CEVj. .'
tfyou wish to buy or sell property
call ou us.
- Gump & -Varncr,
- Opera, iouse block.'
Pleaso Osoar in mind, thac
tho water cmirilssioaer 19 ,
clone artici-ized to inako
vrrAQi' service ocatracts. Go Ii- 1
roctto,ii6cdqucrtor3 if ycu Trieli
to sevb trouble ciu. sot 5 our -vrork
tionoriffht. Irill jruarantco todo - j
flrst 6laES xfcrlz and ut fair "prices;
-i .. ' S. 21: PERKINS.'
'i '
- ;
- -&
ilwt 4
u. i a -. j ' t. .
viuiaiaieBionar. .1
..3 '
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