The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1888, Image 5

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f fe gA hnd gltuff.
Republican County Convention.
- Proprietor.
ruMislied t:ery Friday luorninj; from the office
in tbe Moon ISlock, WA Cloud, Neb.
Geo. 31. Young is in the city.
John Fulton has returned from
Sweet Potatoes for sprouting at
Perkins & Mitchell's.
Agent Welch i having the waiting
rooms fitted up at the depot.
The new freight rate advances the
rate on lumber to 3 per 1000 feet.
0. AY. Lindsej- and wife Lave re
turned home after a visit in Illinois.
31is illia Taylor has accepted a
position as clerk in Pucker's dry
goods store.
Geo. Ball has returned to Akron
after ojurn f two weeks in th?
The street railway track that lias
been laid is being- ballasted .so that
teams can pass over.
II. E. Sanford. John and Charley
Keslcr have gone to Colby. Kansas,
by the overland route.
JJible Studio at the Baptist Church
Friday evening at Q o'clock subject
Matt 2 l-Jfi-32. All are invited.
The ease of Mr. Puffce. of Kansas,
again.-t M. II. Bently. to recover on
a trade resulted in a verdict for Mr.
Senator Van Vyck's speech Tues
day night at the opera house is quite
highly spoken of. A large crowd was
Curt Evan- i.- putting in a steam
laundry in h: building in the south
end. Thus Bed Cloud puts on met
ropolitan airs.
Joe Warner is iiio i:sir the Gardner
House barn to his lots near the M. E.
church, where he contemplates build
ing a resideni-c soon.
A creamen witl sin Ik- esta:.ihed
in this city. A irentleman ha? made
an offer to locate here, and the offer
has been accepted by the board of
Thore hould be .: effort made to
add the incadeseent electric light
vstem to our alreadv peifect -ystcm of
electric lights. It would be a big I
rhing lor Bed C'oud.
The Bed Cloud Mill? are building
up a spb-ndid rcput.iti"ii lor it.- flour
and the demand in Kansas City.
Denver and other cities i e;u:il to
that of thecebbrat.-d Wisconsin Mill
The company i a lic and enterpri-
mg one ami niai;e une jnwr.
We would suggest to the council
the feasibility "f moving the electric
litrht in Jaek-.-ns grove to the-brow
of the hill. P would certainly be
niiifli l.iore ati-factorv and would
throw Ii'ht to good advantage. As
it is it might jut as well be boxed.
Great excitement was created Tue.-
terday over a -little tar pot" of Bufu
Misck- which caught lire while he
was tarriuir the Mo.oi block roof. A
biir cloud -f -m : aro-e and people
thought tlis- ..- x i!:i-tri"lit:'i daily upi'i -soki' but -die .-till
lhes. tar pot or no t:u pot.
The republican electors of Webster
count-, Nebraska, arc requested to
send delegates to a county convention
to be held at the court house in Red
Cloud, on
atl o'clock p. iu., said convention
being called for the purpose of select
ing nine delegates to attend the state
convention at Omaha, May 15, and
also nine delegates to attend the con
gressional district convention.
Tt is recommended that the town
ship primaries for the election of
delegates to the county convention be
held Tuesday. 3Iay 1st.
The various townships arc entitled
to one delegate at large and one dele
gate for every fifty votes or major
fraction thereof cast for Samuel Max
well at the last general election, as
Bed Cloud, 1st ward 4
Bed Chud, '2d. ward 4
Bed Cloud, township 3
Guide Rock 4
Beaver Creek 2
t, V 1 I S 1 4.1 L l I m
Garfield 2
Pleasant Hill 2
Elm Creek.. .
Potsdam .
Walnut Creek . . .
B' order of committee
1. F. Timxkkv, A. J. Kex.xkv.
Secretary. Chairman
Bladen Xeb. April 12. Special
Correspbu lence. A new coal dealer
coming to town.
(reat excitement prevails over the
school house site.
V. S. Hall and H. McKelvey went
to Blue Hill last Saturday.
Geo. Keohler of Blue Hill was on
our streets a couple of days last week.
School reopened last Monday with
Miss Arnold as teacher.
Quite a number of our citizens
made a flying trip to Red Cloud last
C. E. Hicks ha received a nice
line of tinware.
A little knock down uccured last
Tuesday, all on account of the school
house fight.
C. 0. Duilield is the happiest man
in the town because it is a girl.
Our constable, Eli Cox arrested a
young man last Tuesday for stealing
a harness from a man living south of
this place.
Quite a number from here have
been attending court this week.
Last Sunday night we were visited
by a nice shower of rain which was
very acceptable. Saimk.
Tunis PAY
Absolutely Pure.
Thin ii.!.TWtcr van.-. Maru-1 of pure
siwnsilii ih1 wIio!.-s.,:!:em.--s, more
than tin- ordinary """ a """ besolil in
comt.oli..n itlith. MiiiUitK.1.. of t.nvtot liort
ueW.t alum or ,.1i..-.?b..- j.w,l,.r-. .s..W only
mean, KOYAI. J5.VI" ISii 1'OWIlhK to. .
c; Wall ,tnvt. . "V . ilv-
Uchominir Notice.
I can dehorn .''our cuttle as cheap as
any mar. on e-.rth. Sec me before you
make any contract.
S. B. LU'.IITKnoT.
w.t Bed Cloud Neb.
Chas. Cha-e is on the sick list.
.1. II. Baiiey is in Hastings to-day
B. !. .Jones is putting in city
G. W. Knight, of Inavale was in the
city to-day.
Mr.-. L. C.Mick, of Salem is visiting
in the city.
The dates for '-Pinafore" are April
2(5 and 27.
.1. A. Tulleys was in Grand Island
.Mr. Phillips, of Guide Bock was in
the city to-day.
Thos. Auld. banker of Guide Boi-k
was in the city to-Ja'.
G. B. Chaney lectures at Republi
can City to-morrow night.
Haines & Beckworth are building
a house for Dr. Shcrer on his farm.
The street grader has been doing
some efficient work on Webster street.
The creamery will be established in
this city no doubt and will be a bonanza.
The Xesbitt house has been moved
from near the water works to the
south end of the city.
Mr. Leopold Wyko. of Lawrence an
old and substantial patron of The
Ch'.kk was in the city to-day.
The city well at the junction of
Webster street and Fourth avenue
has been pulled up. A goed move.
M. Stern is in the city. He start
ed for Bed Cloud the other day and
on arriving at Amboy he received a
telegram that his lPtle babe was sick
and before he got home the child was
Cheat Parr Loans
1 can make y..u the cheapest Farm
Loan that you can get in the west.
No. delay. Money read- as soon is
title is perfect and security given.
lou can pay part on principal at ci.u
ofany year and stop interest if you
wish. Before making a loan compare
my rates with others and you will be
convinced that this statement is cor
rect. All kinds of well secured notes
boucht. C. F.Catiier.
Office over Post Office. Bed Cloud.
Judson, Kansas. April 12 Special
Correspondence Farmers are mak
ing the dirt flv. sowing small grain.
There is more oats being sown this
year than any previous year owing te
the shortness of feed, as feed of all
kind is short.
Mr. Billings and Mr. GafTnee took
a trip to the Hub this veek to sec
the eapitol of our county. They re
port things lively.
II. Steffen has gone back to Colo
The presiding elder of the M. E.
church has appointed -J. T. Stone
preacher iu charge of Mt. Hope circuit
Elder Stone is the right man for that
The literary at Mt. Hope is in full
blast discussing the tariff question.
Mr. Lile is going to Chicago to his
wife and fa mil v. We are sorrV lose
him as lie is a good citizen.
i'i:xy kbi:k.
Penny Creek. Neb. April 12 Spe
cial Correspondence Weather very
Fanners are very busy planting
potatoes and making garden.
Joe Norris is convalescent.
The party at Miss Nellie Saunders
was a grand affair.
I he tlanee at the school liouse last
Friday evening was a success. A large
number were present and all seemed
to have an enjoyable time.
31 r. and Mrs. Healey of Bed Cloud
were pleasant callers at Mr. Huffman's
last Friday. FoKTIOltl.
How a Wsililngtou Unman Ittfured Her
flf ami Her Friend.
A lady who is now dwelling in Washing
ton, as she has been for the last three or
four years, iu one of the finest houses of
the city, who lias no end of money, and all
that sort of thing, is in serious trouble,
says a Washington correspondent, and feels
that the social season for her has been a
failure. She was not blessed with the gift
of discretion, and the outre things she has
aid and done have been the town talk ever
since she made her appearance iu Wash
ington. The trouble this t inic came from an
attempt to separate the sheep from tho
goats, as it were, in a social way. This lady,
who always has entertained elegantly, and
desired to do so more than ever this winter,
issued invitations for three teas, which
were intended to introduce her lovclyyoung
daughter to society. To the first tea all the
creme dc la eremc were asked and went.
To the second tea another company, a de
gree lower in cast, as eastc is understood
in Washington, were invited, and to the
third all the rest were told to come like poor
It does not seem io have occurred to the
hostess that her friends might not like to
be classified in this way, but the discrimi
nation would not have been so conspicuous
if the ladv herself had not '-given it away."
To a particular friend who was not in town
when the first tea was given, she sent an
invitation to the second, and explained that
she was scrry because ho "could not meet
our best set.' The little remark was inno
cently repeated as characteristic of a lady
who often said foolish things, and then was
maliciously circulated, as such remarks
often are. It was over the whole town in a
week. Those who attended the second tea
didn't like it any to well, but the third lot
were howling mad, and not more than a
dozen came, although a hundred or inoro
were expected and provided for. Peoplo
then began to ask their acquaintances if
they belonged to Mrs. So-and-Sos first,
second or third set. Those who were asked
to the first set enjoyed it, but the others
didn't sec the joke.
Finally the lady learned the cause of tho
small attendance at her third entertainment,
and felt very bad about it. for she is too
gcod-humored to intentionally offend any
one. Then she set about to contrive some
way of retrieving the error, but instead of
getting out fell still deeper into the mire.
A charity ball was given with tickets at
two dollar. a bead. She purchased two
hundred of the.-c tickets and sent them, with
her compliments, to all who had received
invitations to the third tea. It was kindly
intended, but had an effect opposite to that
desired, for those who received the compli
ments felt morelike poor relations than ever.
Some threw the ticket- into the lire: others
returned them to the lady with indignant or
sarcastic notes, saying that while they were
not so rich as sho they were still able tog
pay their way to any entertainment mey-
wantcd to attenu, aim were not su-cepuas
charitv. And at the bait i- wa- : f naiuna
joke for tha gert i if
they came iu en ... --.. . ..y
A Wtuiains Iu iizntl.
An amusing story comes from Tralce in
Ireland. A wedding was about to be cele
brated, when, at the last moment, the
bride's parents refused to pay her dowry,
alleging as their reason that the groom had
been recontlv wounded by the Fenians, and
was still under the protection of the poacc.
According to them it was reasonable to sup
pose that the Fenians would not fail on tho
next occasion, and that, in consequence, tho
ilowrv would be sacrificed. After a long
discussion a compromise was agreed upon
and the marriage was celebrated, the hus rei-oivinir .V) ia hand aud a promis
sory note for 103 payable in twelve months
If he were not killed ia the interval.
'A V
List your property with us.
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block.
Stillwater, Neb. April 12 Special
Correspondence Farmers all busy
and items somewhat scarce.
Oat sowing about completed.
C. C. Blaine a fanner resident of
this part of the country but late of
Kansas has returned and will try
farming in Nebraska.
School commenced in district No.
U. last Monday with Miss Mary
Huicli as teacher. A new district has
been formed out of part of No. 2M and
7. 1. I). M.
Thsuranos of Collars.
are spent every year by the people o
this state for worthlessiiiediciiies for
th- cure 1" throat mid lung disease,
when we know that if they would only
mv.-st $1 in Santa Abie, the new Cali
forma discovery for consumption and
kindred complaints, they would in this
pleasant remedy, find relief. It is re
com:uende4 by ministers, physic-ins
am: public speakers of the Golden
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Do you
Pants ?
If so, call at the
Chicago Store this
week, Thev are xet-ting-
in a line of pants
that have "fits
Negotiate Loans,
Pay Taxes,
Insurance Written,
Call and examine our bargains. Correspond
ence solicited,
Opera House Block Red Cloud
Geo. O. Feiser & Co.,
Before you let your water contract
will tnv vnn tn will and sec me as
Mate, ftold and guaranteed by Henrv r i .t . i i r ..i. t n
Cook at $1 a bottte, :) for $2 Jo. Tn. . L T J010?, that k,nd ?f Wf '
:no-t -tubborn case of catarrh wij, j cash for all my goods and can give
speedily Miccumb to California Cat 11 you bedrock prices and warrant all
Cure. Six months treaament for $1
By mail $1,10.
Their Sarirers Scwnin.
z'robably no one thins has caused
such a general revival of trade at Hen
ry Cooks drugstore as their giving
away to their customers of so many
free trial bottles of Dr. King's new
discovery for consumption. Their
trade is simnly enormous in this valua
tie article from the fact that it always
cures and never disappoints. Coughs,
colds, croup and all other throat and
lung diseases quickly cured. You can
test it before buying by getting a trial
bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle
On April 2Cth the B. & M. will run
an excursion to Norton. Kansas, for
the benefit of the Odd Fellows anni
versary at that place, at one and a
third fare round trip.
Fleaso bear in mind, that
the water commissioner is
alone authorized. to make
water service contracts. Go di
rect to headquarters if you wish
to save trouble and get sour work
dona right. I will guarantee to do
flr3t class work and at fair prices.
Trees! Trees!! Trees!!!
Jf you want fruit, forest or ornamen
tal trees, or small fruit stock of all
kinds at bed rocK prices call at the
City Feed Store and leave orders for
what you want. Opposite P. O.
L. H. RcsT, Lock Box 152.
Part lea Wasting.
30 000 acres Land for Sale. Improved Farms, unimproved Lands.
Business Houses, Residences and Tow nLots
Van or strives will nln U .J
see the Quick Meal and Jewell, there I C"i"g; ,
is none mat equal tiieai and they ar
for sale at (128-tf) A. Morhart's.
Notice is hereby give that I will
examine all persons who may des ire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud, on the third
Saturday of each month.
Eva J. King.
County Sup't.
A nasal injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh'a catarah remedy.
Price 50cts, for sale by L. Cottiug.
Farm to Bent.
A farm with 135 acres under plow
frame house, granary and stable, wind
mill, etc. Enquire at elevator
Are you made miserable by indiges
tion, constipation, dizziness, loss of ap
petite, yellow skin? Shiloh's vitalizer
is a positive cure. i?or sale iy v. ij.
Shiloh's catarrh remedy a positiTe
cure for catarrh, diphtheria and can
ker mouth, for sale by C. L. Cotting.
Go to "NVinton's for Caskets and Cof
Wh y will you coufih when Shiloh's
cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts, ;"i0. cts $1, for sale by C. L. Cot
iinjj. "Hackmetack" a lasting and fra
grant perfume, at 25 cts, C. L. Cotting
If you would have a desirable head,
of hni. use Halls vegetable hair rene
er. the most wonderful discovery 0f
modem times for the hair and scr Jp.
Brace Up.
You are feeling depressed, "your ap
petite is poor, you are hothead with
headache, you are nervousst ATl& gener
ally out of sort3,antt want i,o brace up.
Brace up but not with, stimulants,
prine medicines, or jitters, which
have for their basis cb-eap whisky, and
which stimulant yo'a foranhour and
then leave you in a worse condition
than before. W!i)At vou want is an al
terative that wi'i purify your blood,
start healthy iction of liver and kid
neys, restore yi .talty, and give renewed
health and str jngth. Such a medicine
you will find in electric bitters, and
only 50cts a 'oottleat Henry Cooks.
Wc have customers for houes
costing from S00 to 2,000.
in your property .
Gump & Warner,
Opera house block
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavsn, Curb3, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles
Sprain ',Sore and Swollen Threat from
whatf jver cause, Coughs, ktc
SaO I .v hba nf nne DOlUe. H
Sold by Deyo & Dorr, Di
A DUtlapitalied Clergyman's Tm1
Rev It M. riekenj. President of tba
Methodist Trotertant Church ol South
Carolina, writes from GreenTille:
"About four years ago I was attach!
with what tlie physiciaaa pronounced
nenralgin rheumatism, accompanied witk
eryiripeliut. My appetite failed rae entirely,
and I had an intermitting puhw and Tery
irregnlar pulsation of the heart. A ter
rible pain toon came into my chest aad
Ahou-derK, and I became ao helpless that I
ymld attend to no basintts at alL Tha
pains were movable, sad would soactiaes
f 159 from una part of say body to another,
inally the erysipelas broke oat on my left
hand aad arm. aad produced such swell
ing. 1 wa for eighteen months aflicted
ia this way. and of course used a gnat
many kind of mediants, but nothing gava
me relief. Friends finally persuaded sm
to try Swift s Specific. I noticed a decided
improvement while taking the first bottle.
I continued its use until I had takes abeus
one dozen bottles, when I found myself
sound and well again, with no sign of dis
ease left except a stiffness in my hand, a
remit of the erysipelas. While tssiag
tbe mrdicine I gained en aa imtn twv
pound of flesh per week. I think 8.8.8.
a valuable medicine, aad I frequently
recommend it to my friends."
Write to the Swift Sracmc Go.
ta. Gs.. for a Treatise on Blood aad
Disease, mailed fiat te anyone."
rwsaWmaam asaV-. - - -
saaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaam ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak