The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1888, Image 1
?' sm 4i" 1 'f '- If VOL XV. The Snoare Deli ell you That Boots aiul Shoes as Cheap as House in the country. Our stock of other goods such as Furnishing Hoods, Hats, &c. we will give vou better valiR- :it les price- than ever before. Remember I buy nli "ood- FOR CASH, PAi NO KENT, and can afford to Sell vou goods at BOTTOM PRICES. Please to'ir.vestiirate for your.-elf. look us over and if we can not convince vou. you will only be out a little time. C. WIENER, Proprietor. Jited Cloud and Wymore. j . J gm-?mm lTlXL- msm !Mp Fine office work a Specialty Laughing Gas always onliaiid C. L. COTTING " Will compound your perscriptions and receipts accurately ana witn C L Will show you the finest and latest patterns of "wall paper and window shades m the i C L COTTING lYillssU on mixed p am ts tinted leads oils brushes etc and warrant them C L COTTING as a complete stock of books stationery and fancy goods. C L COTTING -hi treat all alike and be glad FARMERS iThatare in "want of machiner of any kind this spring ; ARE invited to call and exanine our goods before buying 1 GOOD "S. ' Brows, Plows, cultivaiors, Planters, and checrows, maxe good corn MEN if m,;,nn4- -firsif flnftfl-mnliinft nf anv "kind "will fin"! if t r .Bm 41i?t o1-rroTkf - ? . t MW;iX . lv- ua nra nil nsir nn r 1UHI gww - --- Stcotrf to PIr Crawford & RED CLOUD, mm WILL the best $. Man's Suit, in all "sizes .New goods jast received. ill Sell You Tbc best S" Man's Suit in all sizes, ever ofier"; td in this niajkct. "Will sell you Mens Suits ! For $7.."0 that takes the shine out of every thing For Style and Quality. "Will sell j'ou a better suit at $10 than jou can buy elsewhere at SI 2. Our $12 suits are -claimed by all that have bought them to be the best value has ever been Offered Them. We are selling any S EMIGH DENTIST. RED CLOUD i NEBRASKA. tne purest drugs. COTTING market and guarantee prices to show you goods at an times orro s ia11 run no w. - c cfnnd Tinnd or MTTipd nvtT trnnAc -- c-w-o. Palmer & Fisher Co,firt door west of Miner Bros warehouse h ' ":rE,i-!-'lj;' . &'. WEBSTER COUNTY, NEB. FkLOAY, 1 he td hiut Mi$. . C. nOSXER, Proprictei RED CLOUD. Her Street Railway, Electric Lights i Her "Water Wous and Enterprises Generally m Red Cloud, though scarcely over a dozen years old is one of the bright and shining lights anions Western Nebraska cities. Her enterprise is wonderful. Four years ago there wa not a foot of sidewalk in the city, tc-day there are many miles four 3e.:rs ago there was not a sign of a street lamp in the the city, to-day she has one of the finest systems of I electric lights in the west, four years ago if ynu had said that in the year -'SS there would be a costly system of vwatcr works in operation people would have laughed at you, but to day the stand pipe, engine house and four miles of mains arc living wit noshes of the fact that we have a fine system, four years a so nothing but an old wooden bridge spanned the great Republican river south of tile city, to-dav one of the fiuest iron bridges in the west stretches across its placid waters, a monument to the enterprise of our city and county. Four years ago if a person had talked about Red Cloud having a street rail way he would certainly have been dub bed a fit subject for the insane asylum, yet the track is graced, the iron be ing laid and the cars en route for the city, the whole line to be completed by Maj 1. a first class line in every particular and a credit to the growing and enterprising city of the valley. Of all of the above enterprises there are none that the people take more pride in than the street railway. It shows that foreign capitalists have their eyes on our grow ing city and purpose to invest their cap ital where it will do them the most good i e in Red Cloud, As to manu facturing capacity Red Cloud has in the Republican river, thousands of horse power easily obtained and as for location for manufacturing there is not a city in Nebraska that has better advantages, and as to inducements, our people arc always ready to assist in all that come this way of what so ever character. The city is located on the famous B. & M. railway and in about 90 days more will have the second line of toad, the Missouri Pacific, and then wc shall be prepared to compete with many of the laiger cities. Other railroads are heading this way and our people arc willing to aid them liberally and will give them money to come. Red Cloud has only about four thousand inhabitants yet she has all of the advantages of a city ten times as large, besides being located in one of the healthiest por tions of the west, naturally drained beautifully situated, taxes compara tively light, fine streets, substantial brick storerooms, and a host of other advantages that tell ef an enterprising people. The population will be near ly doubled this year and people who are desirous of locating in the west stould come to Bed Cloud as she, is hound to he the coming city of Western Nebraska, If you want to see a foe display of clothing and furnishing goods step in to the Golden Eagle you will find the largest stock in Southern Nebraska. The goods being bought for cash C. .Wiener is able to sell at bottom prices t Seed corn and potatoes at the citj feed store opositc P. O. 36 w-tf K On Monday, at about foui o'clock Contractor Bailey, in tho presence of President Flaisig&n& Secretary Ben son,' and a larnuiabfer- of our citi zens, laid the first rail and 'drove the first spike on our street railway amid much enthusiasm. This street' rail way when completed, which will be in about 30 days, will bs one of the greatest booms ever given to this city. The material is all first-class, fine oak ties, steel rails, fine teams, and ele gant cars, together with a solid road bed will make the franchise a valu able one to the stockholders and a suurce of great pride to our people. The projectors deserve great credit for tlii- valuable addition to the num erous enterprises of Red Cloud, The first rails were laid in front of the Holland House. Let the city boon:. W. G. Smith is in the city. Peter McNitt has moved on to the farm. A brother of Joseph Graves' is in the city. A street peddler entertained our people Saturday. A. T. Ornisbj, of Denver is in tbc city on business. Children's uit from OOcts and up wards at the Golden Eagle. For the mother's friend, boy's shirt waists go to the Golden Eagle. Thiccmore electric lights will be put up in the street this spring. A fine line of men's and youths suits at astonishing low prices at the Golden Eagle. A. J. Welch the handsome B. &M. agent in this city was in Superior the other day. . Boots and Shoes were never sold at such remarkable low prices as at pres ent at the Golden Eagle. Mr. Steam of Hastings is in the city. He will probablyj petition the council for saloon license. The Golden Eagle carries more hats fhau several other stores combined at prices that will gladcn your heart. Mr. Leo Morris of Chicago has taken a position with C. Wiener as salesman. A lady's equestrienne club has been organized in this city. A number of our prominent ladies have joined the club. L. M. Gates district grand com mander of the Legion of Honor for Iowa, an old friend of our fellow towns man. Mr. Titus was in the city this week with a view of lcoating here. Our new city dads including the mayor, will assumed charge of the city on last Saturday evening. The present year will be a thrifty one and we have a good council to help us out The city marshal and a crew of men lariated the stand pipe Mnoday with the new cables. Now let the winds blow and the rains descend, it will not hurt or move it from its solid foundation. Tea, verily. Geo. Lindsey Jr., of Bed Cloud, Nebraska, surprised our citizens by dropping in on them last Saturday evening. This is the first time he has visited Paw Paw since his depar ture three years ago. He is the same old time Geerge and told many very interesting stories of the west to the interest of our people. He is doing a lucrative business at Red Cloud aad thinks there is no place on earth like that section of country. His wife came with him as far as Sterling to vist the home of her childhood. Paw Paw, (HL)TiiHes. " - APRIL 43- 1888- Kenyon Skeen is in Hastings. D. C. Myers i owner of a very fine colt. . B. F. Boyuton, of Illinois is in the city. ft L. P. Albright and wife were in Hastings Sunday. Miss Hettie Skeen has returned to Crete to resume her musical studies. J The city iij,'just alive with people now and strangers are con-tantly coming here for the purpose of locating. The streetcars which are to run on our strcefrawway have been named respectively! "George Holland"' a:;d L. P. Albnjht." It is rumored in Superior that the Northwestern will have control of the new railroad to be built from Superior to this city. That will suit us. It is rumored that the Nebraska .Southern inlands to commence work soon on thIr-Iinc to Red Cloud as all the precincts have voted bonds. Superior Journal. The assessor noeth tin round-', among the people of out town, l"t how wonderful 'tis said of tin pco K who aie sifiaid. nf this a-M - staid, in the city aforesiid. Ri'd Cloud had only nine votes against high licence in the u lyorally contest, and will have s-ilooiis tliis vai. One ve-ir uitliut !:" fur"'' Red Cloud completely of l'.na!ic:m. Orleans Pros. Our friend, Wm. Irons, of Inavale. recently purchased of Sigmaster & Sons of Kcota. Iowa, a very fine thoroughbred Norman horse, that bus a pedigree as long as the moral law. It is a fine speciman of horse flesh Hugh Reed, Fred Reed's little boy, while playing with matches the other day, set fire to tho rick of hay and burned a hundred dollars worth that Fred had just purchased. The little fellow said the match got so hot he could'ut hold it and had to let it drop. Report of school in district 66 for the month begining March 5 and end March 30 No. of pupils on roll 24. Average attendence 19 No. of days taught 18. names of those that have not missed a day. Ada Skjelver. Grace Skjelver. Tilda Skjelver. Mary McKinnie, Teacher. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President Mrs, A. II. Brown: First Vice-Pres. Mrs. D. B. Span ogle; 2d Vice-Pres. 3Irs. A. 0. Berg; 3rd ! Mrs. Wm. Parkes; Secretary Mrs. G. W. Dow; Treasurer Mrs. A. M. Wallace; The bonds of Victor precinct in fa vor of the Missouri Pacific andrecently issued by the county commissioners ot Nuckolls county have been attached by garnisheenient in favor of F. P. Bonnell to recover his interest in the same. The case is docketed for the next term of the District Court, and promises to be an interesting one in case it is allowed to come to trial. Lawrence Locomotive. The Webster County Teacher's, As aviation will meet at Red Cloud, Saturday, April 14th. The program is as follows: How to Teach Geography in un graded schools,-Mis3 Genie MoMillen. Teachers. MnTrenmor Cone. Some of the Essentials of an Educa. tion. Miss Carrie Brakefield. School Goverment Prof. W. C. Picking and Mr. L. C. Bennett Essay by Miss Gertrude Sherer. I), M. Htnter, See. w I r NO 37 Mr. C. F. Cathcr i in Omaha .. The express company have a new horse. A. J. Means v.i- - Hasting to- night. Beulah Stmiim v-nt t Pennsyl vania this wei-k. The new pittcitit in wal! paper are finer than ever before at Cuttings. Will yuu paint. Cutting can supply ynu with any kind you want and of the hcM. 2W-W 'CJie Y. M. C. A. is flourishing fine ly ami is a source of much good in this community. The republican central committee met Monday and called Tthe county convention, for May 3. James Emigh has moved his meat market to the old stand two door north of his pte.-ent location. High Bedient started for Orleans Mondav afternoon ith the Gardner 1)U. a buggy and throe horse. The Uariie's Lumber Co.. of Little Roc":. Aik .received judgment against cite Nebraska Lumber Co.. formerly of this city, for li7" on Monday. ThoG. A. II. b. s held a public meet ii. ; Monday t wh -h time and p'ace several of our prominent citizens made speeches it was' a crv pleasent affair. ' v ha- ii gJ' niil eagerly v- 't- to ' vi..isk. rout hern in i i- -ti i re.nh n :ii!" to give more o ! r i 'road tii -wn.M to come here and don't you forurt it. She has plen ty to u'veantl wri give 5i- Thc excitement about coal near Orleans continues. Mr. Louis Cramer is working hard to get the vein open ed on his place and the newcompay ju-t organized is making arrange ments to push work on the several places leased by it. Let the good work go on and let us have coal and plenty of it at a living price. Orleans Press. Where Tascott is Hiding. Detective Eureka! I've struck it at last. Wife Stuck what? "The reason Tascott has so com pletely disappeared for public view. I know where to search for him now. I'll find him." "Mercy me! Are you going to the north pole."' "No indeed. I think he must have get a job as clerk in some store that don't advertise.'' Seed wheat, Seed oats, ' Seed flax, German millet, w tf For sale at the Grain Elevator FARM LOANS ! The old reliable Smith Bros., Loan and Trust Co., are making farm loans at the lowest attainable rates. We require no appraisers on our applications. Loans completed quietly and quickly. Call on heir agent O. W. Barker Several Span of young work mules for sale also some seed corn warrant ed to grow by J. D. Post. w-tf Cowles, Neb. If yon wish to buy or sell property call on ms. Gump & Warner, Opera house block;. j - BrsflMkln1.' ' . .. . By Mrs. 31. L. Beadle, ( up stain, Mpon block . Cutting and and fitting of ladies aad children's gaments, specialty. Ladies desiring switches , woven on short nt.tice will please call d-2tw-tf (( M .&- , " ,, ' S2i &aS Zti tfe 5f